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Old 05-15-2009, 11:48 PM
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Originally Posted by eragon194 (View Post)
Agree with all points except the Locke's death part. No, I'm not a big Locke fan, but I do recognize how bitter the Locke fans must be after his less-than-happy ending.
Bitter doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. They had us fooled with that Faux!Locke all this time. Though I knew something strange was going on there because he was creeping me out in a way our Locke never has before. Ugh! I just HATE this.

Jack and Sawyer.*sigh* I don't even know what the fck those two are fighting about. Why do they have to be pissed at each other all the time, I have yet to understand. It's like the writers have this mandatory clause going that since they are part of a romance triangle, they can't get along at all. What's more annoying is that the original triangle was practically non-existent this year and yet Sawyer and Jack are squabbling about something. Sometimes there are things that you don't want the characters to ever progress from. Then there are things you want to see definite growth and progress in. Jack/Sawyer growing up is what I want to happen on the show. It's been 5 seasons and they are still doing the same routine. It is utterly annoying. Almost as much as Locke's have faith-lose faith-cry a lot-come close to suicide-regain faith routine.

As for Miles, yeah, what's his use exactly? I'm sure he won't be conversing with dead Jacob.
Agreed. And Miles just needs to die already.
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