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Old 02-18-2009, 08:29 AM
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Joined: Feb 2009
Posts: 82
Thank you Andie, yes, that's the game in question. Luckily for them, nobody seems to have a problem like me (probably most of them have the Playstation- instead of the PC-version).

If it's ok, I'll put my question here, too. Maybe someone finds it here, who didn't see it in the other thread.

I got the PC game "Alias" (from 2004). With my quite new PC there are a few problems. The most important is that the videos (with the mission briefings for example) don't work: I hear the audio, but the screen stays black. When I play the wmv-video files with Windows Media Player or Zoom Player it works fine!
Did someone have that problem and knows a solution?

My system is:
Core Quad 6600
Geforce 8800 GTS
Windows XP SP3
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