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Old 01-13-2005, 06:02 PM
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I drove down the road at a rapid speed as we approached the bank. I stepped on the brake and jumped out of the car. Taking my gun off the holster on my belt I looked over at her."Guess not. But do you want to enter first or do you want me to?" I asked her."Either option is fine with me." I said to her with a small smile as I looked around the bank making sure that none of the suspects were making an attempt to flee from the scene.

I finished checking out the dog and gave him a light ruffle under his ears."Now you be a good dog and try to stay away from the skunks." I said with a smile as I patted the dog and spritzed a little bit more body spray on the animal. I watched as he jumped down from the counter and over to the door."Ready to see Mom?" I asked him as I attached the leash to him and walked him out to his owner."Rocky is fine just make sure to spritz this every so often because the smell may overcome him at times. Make sure to give him that bath three times a day. He seems as though he is good with water." I said handing her over the instruction sheet and the bath supplies."Have a good afternoon." I said to her as I watched her leave. I smiled and went behind the desk."Make sure to mark that we saw Rocky today for attack of skunk." I said with a slight giggle as i tossed my head back slightly.

OOC: She's open
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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