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Old 09-27-2004, 05:18 PM
Elite Fan

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Boston Public-A Myoc Rp

Boston Public

There Is Only One True Way To Know Who Is A Survivor And Who Is A Failure. And That Is..He Who Survives High School Can Survive Anything.

Welcome to Boston Public High School. With a unusual large drop out rate, daily acts of violence, fights, guns, knives...pretty much any act of violence is a daily occurance in this large high school. The school is a place where most parents usually try everything they can to make sure their child does not have to deal with the activities that happen at Boston Public. But of course, not everyone can afford private school, so some students are forced to spend four years of their lives in this school.

A high school in a small town, some consider hell...imagine attending a school as dangerous as Boston Public, a school that now has medal detectors, police officers searching students daily, the students being forced to wear their school ID around their necks, and if your ID is not around your neck the teacher that spots you has the choice of either suspending you, giving you detention or sending you to the principal where he will decide what to do.

Benevolence alone will not make a teacher, nor will learning alone do it. The gift of teaching is a peculiar talent, and implies a need and a craving in the teacher himself.
-John Jay Chapman, Memories and Milestones

Of course, as many people usually pay attention to the students, they fail to think about the teachers in this situation. Yes, some of them well many of them seem rough around the edges. Mean, Bossy, Hard, Cold, Cruel...but the only reason they seem this way is because they feel so passionate about their job that they do not want to send uneducated students out into the real world to only fail misrably. They want to do whatever they can to mold these naieve children into succesful people who will hopefully make something of themselves.

Of course, in a school like Boston Public (BPHS) if the teacher does not have a rough exterior, then chances of survival are slim. Students do manage to sneak their weapons into school, the rules do not stop them from fighting, teachers have been known to on occassion get attacked, hurt..but then again if there were no pain, both physical and mental..then really it is worth nothing.


Imagine attending a high school as dangerous as this. This roleplay takes place in Boston Mass. A city that is getting even more dangerous then ever before. With parts like Mattapan (which has a very high murder rate), you must be able to handle yourself in any situation to survive in this school. This roleplay is about the students and teachers of this high school. And what they will protect themselves. The lengths they will keep themselves and each other safe from everyday violence.


[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] yes. I know. Rules were made to be broken. But not in this case. You break these rules I break you. That is rule number one.
[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] rule number two: Boy/Girl rule. Student/Teacher. You can take as little as two to as many as six characters. Even amounts. For example: if you take six you have to have three teachers and three students. Simple.
[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] NO ONE LINE POSTS. You do a one line posts...the consequences will be so bad I have yet to think of it. But I will. Oh I will.
[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] Profiles in ASAP. I mean it. ASAP. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you can do it right when you join then yay!
[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] Rule number whatever number this is...make sure when you do your profiles the subject is BOLDED for example NAME see? subject. BOLDED. Simple.
[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] yes one more. when you post your spots type in the word frog. that way i will know that you read the rules.



Otep:Guy Pearce(music), Milo Ventigmila, Alex Vartkavazs, Adrianne Leon, two others



Name:first. middle in ** or (), last.
Age:for students: 15-19, for teachers-25-70
Year:for students only. clearly. Freshman-Senior
Subject:for teachers only. there can be as many as two teachers teaching the same subject.
Personality:please make a few lines. 5 to eight lines. More would be lovely. I want to be able to understand your characters.
History:see above. Make as interesting as possible.
Relationships:friends. enemies. lovers. whatever your little heart desires. TBA till all profiles are in of course.
Taken By: your FF name.
Played By:and a pic. PLEASE make them LOOK their age. Angelina Jolie or Vin Diesel as a high school student? no no no no no.

I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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