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Old 01-29-2008, 07:54 PM
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LiL (Z♥V) #162: b/c she's not just someone for him, she's THE ONE for him

Live in Love - Zac ♥ Vanessa - 161st Thread

"Not being able to hold you has got to be the
hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I get to look
forward to the next time you are in my arms;
your smile only inches away from mine getting closer
and closer until at last... our smiles meet. Something
that beautiful... that's what keeps me going."

"They had something that no one else had.
We were actually trying to find it in other pairings.
And we couldn't find anything stronger.
It is a bit of a fairytale"

-Kenny Ortega

The world is going to throw us a million reasons why
this isn’t going to work out between us, but I’m armed with
one reason why it will. I love you.

It's not just a physical attraction,
I love him for every single thing he is. Every word
he says, every step he takes. This is something that
will never die. I have tried to stay reasonable with this,
but I just can't anymore. I just can't.

The test of love is not when we are together. It comes when
we are not together and realize that despite the distance,
love is still there.

Happiness is looking into the eyes of someone you love and realizing
that the look in their eyes is the same one you have in yours

You kids be happy. One of these days you'll make the rest of us believe in true love.

You're the definition of the absolute best.
You're the reason i get through life when it's a total mess.

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing
an imperfect person perfectly. - Sam Keen

Login: Pass: zanessa

Some things are meant to happen. Some things
are bound to be. Love has a way of making
doubting hearts believe. Sometimes in spite of difference,
sometimes against all odds, some things are meant to
happen. It's written in the stars.

I’ve looked around enough to know that you’re
the one I want to go through time with.

All I want to be is a girl falling asleep
in a boy’s arms and not caring about anything
else in the world except how I feel right there with him

If love is music in its purest form, then you are
the notes on the page and the melody in my heart.

Yes, we have our own website now! We've moved all our reasons, supporters
and even the soundtrack over there. To be added
to the Shipper List, PM either Jill-Renay, Holden or Jule

Live in Love Picture of the Moment

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