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Old 07-28-2004, 08:46 PM
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Joined: Jul 2003
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Name: Dr. David Hastan
Age: 60
Where they're From: Originally CA but went to England for some time because of his job.
Personality/History: David was always the quiet and reserved one. He always did what he was told and took care of his younger siblings. His mother, even though she had the time, she would leave David in charge of giving them food and making sure they brushed their teeth. He didnt mind it for some time since he cared about his brothers and especially his sisters, but he grew sick of it and rebelled against his mother for the way she treated him. She made him miss school sometimes to take care of them while she went out shopping. When he found out what happened to his sister Lorraine, he felt sorry for her but still found it hard to imagine that she did such a thing. He had an idea on why things got bad though. He cares deeply about his family but for him, its hard to show it. He married and had 2 kids which he also loves very much, but also has trouble showing it. He is always busy with his work and was hardly there for them, thats why his wife got a divorce. Now his sone, Doug, never listens to him and always seems angry with him. He wishes he would go to college but he has no way to change his mind.
Why they pulled away from the family: David pulled away before anything happened with Lorraine, since theres a huge age difference so he wasnt there physically when she left. He left because he wanted to study medicine and because he was tired of the situation in the house with his mother.
Marital Status: Divorced
TB: Shempy
PB: Harrison Ford
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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