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Old 05-13-2022, 05:29 AM
Jerry D
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Joined: Jan 1999
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
It really is weird how dependent we've all become on those three services. I remember the days when phones were not meant to go with you places and certainly zero Internet capability. I love watching Stranger Things which is everything 80s. It is so much fun how it takes you right back there, I love it so much. Bikes were everything, life was so different and good different back then minus Regan.
That's so true! Even as recently as 1999, in my first year of Fan Forum, I can remember going on vacation and saying that I was going to miss being able to post here, because I just a had a Desktop Computer then with a dial-up modem, and of course I had no smart phone or laptop or anything like that, because either they weren't invented yet or they were in their infancy.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Awe, thanks!
You're welcome! I really did want to text you to see if you and your family were okay, but I was dead in the water. We drove to our local T-Mobile office that night because we thought that there was something wrong with our phones but when we got there, they said the tower was down.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
We had another minor round of severe weather this evening too, but nothing like Wednesday night. It is just so strange because we never get this kind of weather this time of the year. What's your weather like right now?
It's miserably hot and humid here. We're having Summer-like weather and it's only early May.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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