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Old 04-04-2022, 10:51 AM
Jerry D
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
This episode represented words that were finally exchanged. In every storyline, everyone communicated things to each other that were simmering inside for a long while... go down the list with all the storylines/pairings and "words unspoken" were finally communicated.
I completely agree.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Andy/Amanda: Disgusting. I cannot believe how they freely spend time at the Brown's not caring who sees them. They say the most ridiculous things to each other. Amanda has absolutely zero guilt and feels like the world owes her for the way her life has played out. It is perplexing. I don't know if it is the writing or how Heche has decided to play the character but from the moment Amanda decided she wanted Andy she has been persistent and snake-like, without guilt, total manipulation and loving every minute of it. She gets mad when Andy becomes confused and pauses, leading to more passive aggressive manipulation. Otherwise, she does not care she is married or Andy has two children, the town would absolutely rip them in two if they found out; she only wants Andy. Nina tells Andy he constantly goes for unavailable women and gives him a perfect speech filled with precise advice he really should follow. Nina gives Andy a roadmap to peace, calm and clarity! What does he do? Andy does the exact opposite of what Nina tells him to do. What makes it even worse is Andy makes it completely obvious that he's jealous over Nina and Jake. He was severely jealous and still didn't understand why he was so bothered, even after talking to Nina too and finding out Jake was over there in a chronic way. Andy didn't wonder why he didn't care about Amanda briefly while fuming with jealousy and confusion over the Nina and Jake reality? Nope. Even Amanda was too stupid to understand why Andy was so bothered. Instead they proceed with the vile affair. I also remember in S1 when Colin told him not to revive if it was bad and Andy was so strict about honoring his patient's wishes. What about John's wishes who cannot express them? Can you believe S1 Andy and now S3 Andy are even the same person? Unreal. Vile. I have never been so revolted by any relationship as I am with Andy and Amanda in history of watching television.
What gets me is that they weren't even trying to hide their illicit relationship, and it's also surprising that no one seemed to know about their affair except Harold and now Nina. That goes against what we saw in the past, like with everyone finding out about Linda's HIV to the point where she was forced to leave town, so I find it hard to believe that no one has found out what's going on.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Andy/Nina: Nina was a spiritual goddess for ripping Andy about his affair. This was not just about jealousy, although that was definitely intertwined; but what Nina told Andy was the absolute truth. As mentioned, I am completely shocked that Andy took Nina's brilliant words and twisted them into trying to justify that he, indeed, wanted to continue on with the hurl-inducing affair with Amanda! Leave it up to Andy to hear the ultimate truth and then somehow find a way to still go against that truth.
I loved what Nina said to Andy both the first and second time around and I hate that he ignored her advice and continued to pursue a relationship with Amanda.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Regarding Andy/Nina, and their reactions to Amanda and Jake on a romantic level... yes, there was jealousy circling everywhere like a pack of wolves. They are both very bothered over seeing the other with someone else. Berlanti, once again, makes it very obvious that Andy and Nina are his second main pairing of the series, but right now it is so frustrating to watch what Andy is doing. He is circling the drain, all because he feels he needs punished for covering up the Madison pregnancy, something he tried like hell to prevent in the first place by keeping them apart but they wouldn't listen. A bleeding ulcer couldn't make him see the light so he proceeds to go all in with Amanda and make the entire audience feel like we lost the real Andy Brown forever.
I completely agree.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Jake/Nina: I just don't like them but anything is better than Andy and Amanda. I take that back... I like that Nina has a boyfriend before ultimately ending up with Andy and after her failed marriage but at the same time, knowing what is to come and how long Jake stays is tough. But I can understand why Nina wants to be with Jake right now. Even lame Amanda understands why. I did find Jake's reaction to finding out Andy is the guy Nina is in love with very interesting. He is not happy, you can tell. Jake finding out was deliberately inserted in there as a future storyline in the series finale... Jake being the one to spell it out to Nina. One thing specifically I noticed in this one... Jake left work a little before 3 and then shows up at Nina's at almost 4:30. Where did he go in small town Everwood for that hour and a half? LOL. Yes, my mind wonders about the little details that could end up being profound, both in fiction-land and in the real world.
That's a good point, and I love how you pick up on details like that. At this point, I did feel glad that Jake valued and appreciated Nina, but I didn't like seeing them in a romance, but Andy was still blinded by his obsession with Amanda to see who he had standing right in front of him.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Harold/Edna: Beautiful. This is my very favorite episode for these two even if S1 had a few good ones as well. Wow, was this episode just perfect for mother/son. I loved hearing about how Harold Jr was just getting started at the clinic while Harold Sr was very intellectually passionate and Edna was helping both her husband and son run the clinic as the head nurse. What a great little trio they must have been. I loved how they had "a drink" together and where the alcohol came from which made it seem like spiritually the trio was back together again (with Harold Sr in Spirit) sharing a moment. The mother/son quick-witted bantering is so fun to watch. Edna even recalled moments when Harold was younger. It is more than obvious how much these two really love each other underneath all of that bantering. What was so outstanding about this episode is the fact that they didn't constantly cover up their true feelings underneath the bantering. They actually opened up to each other and allowed some of their "realness" to show up and make it known they care about each other sincerely which is priceless.
I loved all the Harold/Edna scenes and I loved seeing how much they loved and respected each other.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Bright/Hannah: They are really cute in this episode. I love Hannah going into Bright's work and coming up with that song and dance about a fake tragedy. Bright hugging Hannah was melt-worthy. I got goosebumps. It was an amazingly emotionally charged moment. Both of them racing each other to the top of the hill was adorable. That horrible idiot Bright is dating right now is nauseating. I know Bright and Hannah aren't perfectly matched now and in the future, but Bright with the other idiot is not a good match either. LOL. I love how Bright was focused on Hannah from the moment she told him about her father until the very end. You just knew Bright's mind is in a different place after this episode concluded.
I really liked Bright and Hannah in this episode and I loved seeing the concern he had for her. He showed a lot more depth in this episode than we usually saw him have.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Amy/Hannah: Adorable friendship. I love the healthy balance they have going on. They really connect and instinctively read each other. I adored the bathroom scene as Amy crushes Hannah into a stall. Hannah: "I'm uncomfortable." Being the overly attentive student that I was in high school, I found myself bothered by Hannah missing her American History quiz! I hope she makes it up. LOL. I also loved the scene when Hannah and Amy are talking after Hannah tells Ephram and Bright about her father and Hannah turning the tables on Amy about Amy's jealousy as Hannah tells Amy she has NO REASON to be jealous of Madison since Ephram is totally in love with HER. Hannah has Ephram and Amy perfectly analyzed... she told Amy she is 50% of the problem as to why Ephram and Amy were fighting/bickering all day long. You can tell even in the car with just Ephram and Amy before they got Bright that Hannah understood Amy was being passive aggressive with Ephram. I loved how Hannah pointedly told Amy that she needs to forgive Ephram, drop the passive aggressive deal or else she is going to lose her relationship with Ephram, which Hannah, instinctively knew Amy didn't want to have happen. What perfect advice. Hannah has supported and believed in Ephram and Amy from day 1 which I will always appreciate. The way that Amy and Hannah can read each other is simply amazing. How they can have a conversation and integrate back and forth between each other's issues and problems is outstanding. This is a special friendship between two teenage girls. Dawson's Creek had nothing close to this (Joey hated everyone but boys) and One Tree Hill didn't even have this kind of friendship, not like this. Amy and Hannah both needed each other at this precise time as well... universal magic making it happen.
I loved seeing Hannah and Amy's friendship, not only in this episode but in general, and I've come to appreciate their friendship a lot more this time around.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Ephram/Bright: The best scene of the entire episode was between these two. Wise and beautiful, Bright, telling Ephram about the silver lining... I love how Bright told Ephram that he was instantly all wiggy in love with Amy the moment he met her. How lucky they are to have each other. Bright was talking in spiritual terms and didn't even know it either... he mentioned how they all found each other, even Hannah right next door and what it means. Absolutely. It was all meant to be. You get the sense that Hannah will get through her situation with her father not just due to Amy but Bright (and Ephram) as well. I also love how Bright told Ephram that he IS young. Bright is wise, very spiritually wise. He gets it. He might not have the perfect grades or test scores but Bright understands what really counts, the big picture, love and kindness, strength of spirit, bonds, universal power and persuasion bringing people together with similar life themes that are meant to share important moments side by side as a whole.
I loved how they showcased how completely opposite Bright and Ephram were in this scene, with Bright being the total optimist seeing a silver lining in all the tragedy that they had to endure, and Ephram being the total dour pessimist who only focused on how they all only had tragedy in common. I loved how Bright encouraged Ephram to see that silver lining and acknowledge that he was still young and thay he had his whole life ahead of him.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Hannah: Calling Jillian "Barbie" was priceless. Sure, it was out of line, but I still loved the raw jealousy. Hannah finally coming out and telling Ephram and Bright about her dad was heartbreaking. Ephram and Bright looked so devastated. Hannah getting so upset with herself for admitting the slight manipulative reasoning behind her telling the truth made me love her even more. Her balance of confidence and insecurity is beautiful. Growing up Catholic, I loved her comment about wanting to go to Church and "throw down some Hail Mary's."
I loved Hannah in this episode and I also laughed at the "throw down some Hail Mary's" line as I also grew up Catholic.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
I also love that Berlanti has Hannah and her family from Lakeville, Minnesota. Lakeville borders the city we live in. Hannah talking about all the lakes and beauty of Minnesota... oh yes, indeed, Berlanti and Rina understand the gorgeous beauty that exists in the state of Minnesota.
That's great, and what a treat for you to have your home state mentioned in this episode!

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Ephram/Amy/Bright/Hannah: How cute were the four of them sledding together? It doesn't matter what your age, sledding is so much fun with those you love and care about. The four of them looked so cute together, having a blast. I also love how initially they didn't really do much but that was the "emotional bonding" part of the ditch day. Then leave it to Bright to get them into a "sporty activity" of sledding together followed by Ephram and Amy and Bright and Hannah sharing moments alone together in pairs. Perfect.
I loved to go sleigh riding as a kid, and I even went sleigh riding as an adult once.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Ephram/Amy: I loved how Ephram teased Amy by driving the car forward so she kept missing the door to get in. Their adorable bantering was "on" as usual. I love Ephram saying... "Tic, tock, Abbott.. the light's going to change any second." I loved how Amy bought Ephram the hat. The little things... how they both sat on the same side of the booth in the restaurant. Amy's jabs of jealousy at Ephram regarding Madison whenever the four of them were on the walk only showed how much she was not over the band lie. Amy to Ephram: "I thought you just went to a bar to see 'Madison' play?" I loved Hannah... "Guys, you are giving me a migraine." Amy telling Ephram she loves him was nice. Amy mentioning she was disappointed that they didn't have any alone time together... so then they went off together at the end and make no mistake about it... they were not just going off for a few kisses in the car. They were both glowing, hurried to drive away, in search of the safest, most secure place so they could have physical intimacy together.
I loved their scenes in this episode, but like Hannah and Bright, I was also tired of Amy bringing up Ephram going to see Madison. I was glad that Hannah called her on it and it seemed to provide her the impetus to finally put those feelings behind her.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
In addition, the emotional intimacy between these two is the best I have ever seen between any television couple... the longing looks, bantering, flirting, inflections, gazing at each other, eye contact. Seriously, it is PERFECTION. And so, so natural. That eye contact going on in the last scene before they go off to get intimate was amazing. Amy's change of voice into a "girly, flirty" type of tone as you could sense her excitement about going off to be alone and intimate with Ephram, was pure gold. As usual, all the credit goes to Greg and Emily for producing the Ephram and Amy masterpiece. I love how Ephram and Amy eternally conclude that they love each other and are meant to be together. It really is as simple as that.
They really were the most perfectly realized couple ever presented on television.

Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Outstanding episode which really felt like S1 in quality and tone. Amazing episode. Perfect, truly a perfect day. It had a S1 tone. The episode was paced beautifully, as so many words were exchanged between characters with important moments that, at times, brought us back to the very beginning. I loved every minute of it minus Delia not showing up (maybe thankfully due to the Andy and Amanda vile mess) and Andy losing his mind even if a big general theme is HOPE... we all have hope for Andy Brown to find his way again even if this particular time frame is not a good one for him.
I completely agree.
The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. - John F. Kennedy

There are those who look at things the way they are and ask why - I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert F. Kennedy
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