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Old 04-25-2020, 10:15 PM
Graphics Team Manager

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Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 185,032
Harry is now Jimmy from before being split, interesting...

What is going on with Maggie?

Macy's spell working on herself, interesting. There is a different side we have never seen of the character before

Dizzy spells it looks like to me from my experience but could be panic attacks too since that is a symptom & Ray seems to be a trigger

Trust Jimmy to steal & run off. Glad the photos seem to be getting to him

Ah makes sense why Maggie would be freaking out

Macy met her mother, sort of pity she couldn't remember it before

Poor Maggie & secrets She does well in her yelling scene. Interesting power expansion

Harry took the memories, I expected it to be Marisol

Glad Jimmy agreed to Jordan, even though it sounded a bit crazy

That is a lot of tanks

Guess Julian now knows the magical secret

Ray talking with Maggie
seems so long i've been waiting, still don't know what for, there's no point in escaping, i'm taking off my
armor, already cut to the bone, burn the maps to this place, i don't need one anyway, we're told to say
that it's better, but i know that there's little black or white, there's little wrong or right, and mostly it's both

Chelle » join GTmy art
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