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Old 06-27-2009, 03:50 PM
Master Fan

emesoohci's Avatar
Joined: Mar 2008
Posts: 15,412
Swingers {Dylan McKay♥Kelly Taylor +1} #129: Because She Needs A Serious Dose Of Dr. McKay's Bedside Manner.

The S w i n g e r s
Dylan Kelly

Jaime Bee
cliffy spuffy dreamer
Suzanne Evans
unapologetic mocker
Blackened Sky
California here I come
No Regrets
Chris Mckay
Majora's Mask
soul junkie
Ellie Cameron
Dk_ Undeniable
romance novel
bickering love
Kelly McKay
Burning Up A Sun
mint chip

Luke Perry (his idea!)
Jennie Garth
Steve Sanders
Donna Martin
David Silver
Jack McKay
Jackie Taylor
Steve Wasserman, writer
Brenda 2.0
Erin Silver
Lori Loughlin
Kristin Dos Santos

If you'd like to be added to the fan list, simply let us know on the thread or PM the thread-starter.
There's really no reason to be shy because "the only person you need permission from ... is yourself."

Nose Wiggles
Pep Talks
Old Friends
Meeting Spots
Storage Rooms
Late-Night Phone Calls
Starting Over
Absentee Parents
Fear Of Intimacy
Shooting Stars
Casablanca/Old Films
Santa Anna Winds
Cold Cream Kisses
Plane Tickets
Lost Earrings
Sponge Painting
Joshua Tree
Mineral Water
Tug Of War
Swimming Pools

A passionate, sweet, and weathered soul, Dylan McKay presents the ultimate pallete
of thunderous emotion and paradox. He's a man who's both completely given up and is
astonishingly hopeful at all times. A cynical romantic, if you will. Nothing quite stamps out
his spirit or the tragedy which follows him. What keeps our boy grounded is a wonderfully
wry sense of humor, piercing sentimentality, and a firm belief in visceral, unchecked
self-expression. This can make him a bit of a hedonist at times and/or showcase a
destructive side but, more sensitive and open than most give credit for, he loves easily and
he loves hard. At the forefront is a desire to be part of a family and judged as separate from
his father’s legacy of corruption. Loyal and encouraging to friends, this natural loner is
always there to reiterate the importance of knowing who you are, staying true to it, and going
for what you want. Nothing makes Dylan happier than watching those around him grow, and
Kelly is certainly no exception. Ideally, all he needs is some sand, a good book, and his best girl.
Maybe some peach pie.

Interests include: poetry, environmentalism, classic film, writing, water sports.
Special honor as: The primary teacher and brother figure to the gang.
Famous for: Waiting on Kelly to come back to him.
Lesson he represents: Be true to yourself at all costs.
Main influence with this pairing: [Freedom, identity, courage, self-respect,
vulnerability]. The first man to meaningfully appreciate her beyond sex or status, challenging
the belief that she's unlovable.

Kelly Taylor is the perfect combination of strength, vulnerability, snark, and sweetness.
She breaks your heart and makes you laugh, depending on the season and mood. Her story rests
on the theme of self-awareness, as she’s often thrust into an identity crisis, needing to separate
who she is from what other people want her to be. A troubled past notwithstanding, our girl learns
to love herself, overcome insecurities, and live with less fear. It's okay for her to shine. Kelly
carries an air of flirtatious mischief right from the start, though never with the intent for harm.
She's alternately vivacious, melancholy, sensitive, and harsh. Basically, a tart of a woman. No
stranger to putting up walls, we see that she's also a natural care-taker whenever they are down,
firm about keeping others on the right track. She is, at once, the mother of the group, the mopey/
sarcastic teenager, the ultimate sex siren, and the lost little girl, delivering both extreme angst
and lightheartedness. Much of this angst revolves around romance and the surrender to love,
but what she really wants is a clear sense of peace while so much around her seems to fade.
Fortunately, Dylan needs her as the steady force in his life and shows up to be the same.

Interests include: public relations, female empowerment, child psychology.
Special honor as: Arguably the most developed character of the series.
Famous for: Not admitting how she feels.
Lesson she represents: Never hide your heart.
Main influence with this pairing: [Faith, family, purpose, relatability, pride].
She sustains his belief in people's capacity for positive, unexpected change,
reinforcing his faith in himself and others.


01. They both struggle with the desire to be free of their reputations and, at other times,live up to them.
02. They’re frequently misjudged and mistreated by others, allowing them to keep an open mind about each other in later episodes.
03. Their secrets reveal a private life of isolation that’s reflective of one another.
04. They share the responsibility of mentoring our twin protagonists.
05. When he laments over the result of Sarah’s low self-worth, he might as well have been talking about Kelly two years ago. We know he’ll be sympathetic and responsive.
06. The first time we hear her speak of Dylan, it’s about how much she’d like to go out with him.
07. He’s a total flirt with her while single.
08. The audience relies on Kelly for the lowdown on Dylan.
09. She was excited about Brenda dating him, in part, due to her own curiousity.
10. She calls him “cute”.
11. They had been socializing in school since at least a year ago and she’s always liked him.
12. She agrees with Donna that he’s a wonderful guy, the type with whom Brenda should have no fears about losing her virginity.
13. She follows his relationship gestures, be it that they’re adorable or disappointing, and reacts to them.
14. There are group scenes where he has to form a positive impression of her (i.e., fun, loving, and generous), like when she dances with Brenda and Donna at the Peach Pit, hugs Brenda after the breast cancer results are in, and offers to take her friend in for the summer.
15. He can crack jokes with her.
16. She’s making jokes about him.
17. Brenda’s dream reveals her anxiety over Kelly’s desire to be with Dylan if given the chance.
18. They exchange small comments and smiles while walking and talking with mutual friends.
19. They are the primary surrogate children of the Walsh family and they know it.

1.06, Higher Education;

K: “What I would do to go out with Dylan McKay ...”
B: “I don’t know. Everyone says he’s trouble.”
K: “Well, he can trouble me all he wants. (they giggle, then approach) ... Hey, Dylan.”
Dy: (smiles) “Hey, Kelly.”
K: “Brenda and I were just talking. Which do you think guys like best on girls, long or short hair?”
Dy: “Hm, that’s a deep question. Personally, I prefer blondes.”
K: (smiles) “Really?”
Dy: “Really. Truly. [...]”

K: (to B, about Dy) “He’s so weird.”

1.10, Isn’t It Romantic;

K: (to B) “Dylan McKay doesn’t waste his time on just anybody. He’s known as a man of ... action.”

1.11, B.Y.O.B.;

K: (about Dy) “Brenda, bring him. There’s always room for one more cute guy.”

K: (sing-song-like, excited, about Dy) “Oh, Brenda. There he iiiis!”

1.13, Slumber Party;

K: “After you started going out with Dylan, I tried to get a date with him.”
B: “What?”
K: “Brenda, I have always like him, and he was flirting with me all last year before you moved here.”

1.15, A Fling In Palm Springs;

K: “Listen, who would you rather be with: Dylan McKay or David Silver?”
D: “Look, Brenda, Dylan’s a wonderful guy and you’re gonna have a great time.”
K: “And you brought protection, right? So there is nothing to be worried about.”

D: (mocking) “’Oh, Dylan, what beautiful eyes you have’...”
K: “Wretch ...”

1.18, It’s Only A Test;

[B’s nightmare]

B: (reading off K’s SAT exam) “The thing I most want Brenda to leave me in her Will is a) her red pumps, b) her porcelain doll collection, c) her torquoise earrings, or d) her boyfriend. (Kel smirks and circles her answer, implying it’s ‘D’) Kelly!”

1.19, April Is The Cruelest Month;

K: “God, I hate essay questions.”
Dy: “Oh, I like ‘em cause there’s really no right answer. Huh?” (she smiles)


01. She asked if he was alright following his break-up, be it out of real concern or the result of her own romantic feelings.
02. As with Sarah, he understood how Sandy could get herself wrapped up in a life she couldn’t control, which has implications for his ability to understand Kelly.
03. They’re both haunted by a past they’d rather forget, and acting out accordingly.
04. They react off of each other’s comments during the group camping trip, particularly when she claims that life is all about love.
05. She immediately rejects the theory that he went out with Emily because Brenda wouldn’t sleep with him. It didn’t ring true to her.
06. She offers him advice on how to handle his mother.
07. She cares enough to get upset when he shows up to school drunk.
08. She acknowledges that he’s loved by others and is worth loving, just as her mom was when she fell off the wagon.
09. A group game of charades reveals his physical attraction to her, as well as the humor he sometimes finds in her interactions with others.
10. We didn’t hear him question whether she could have genuine feelings for Bobby.
11. He agrees that she doesn’t belong in the category of ‘bimbos’ that Steve’s dated.
12. By witnessing the relationship she has with Steve, he learns that bickering is not a sign that she doesn’t care. In fact, he assumes they could get back together.
13. He found her bonding with Andrea to be very sweet.
14. When she showed up at the Halloween party in a sexy costume, he was noticeably turned on. But, more importantly, he sent Brenda over to warn her of the sleazy guy who was hitting on her.
15. He helped throw her attacker out, expressing disgust for those who try to take advantage of how she’s falsely perceived.
16. When he overheard a shaken-up Kelly blaming herself for the attempted rape, he felt the need to speak up and offer her the reassurance, from a guy, that it was in no way her fault.
17. They interact comfortably in a group context and know that they’re part of a permanent social unit where everyone looks out for each other (and seems to take on a new collective activity in every episode). Thus, they are often in the same company and consider one another to be friends.
18. They value honesty at all costs.
19. He was sensitive to hearing Emily’s ‘****’ reference outside the float and her speech about other people’s judgments which, again, implies an ability to sympathize with Kelly.
20. They playfully tease Donna together about her dating David, a younger man, sharing small laughs and disagreements, a far cry from some of their earlier shyness.
21. He watched her reject the socially elitist Chuck Wilson, stand up for Steve, and get rather emotional over his trip out to New Mexico, all of which displayed a sense of modesty, loyalty, and love.
22. Beginning in 2.19, they have private conversations about others in the group.
23. They have at least one moment of playful physical contact, suggestive of more unseen.
24. She really appreciates her platonic friendship with Kyle, someone who feels she’s trustworthy, sweet, and worth getting to know without sex being a possibility. Kelly can now be confident in her ability to sustain similar relationships with the boys in the group, whom she likely imagines value her the same way.
25. The smirkage starts here, in S2.
26. Each are described as being a “wild child” back in the day.
27. They value privacy at all costs. Neither are one to ‘kiss and tell’.
28. She looks out for Dylan’s interest when Tim flirts with Brenda.
29. She believes that he has a good explanation for why he didn’t reveal Sarah as the friend he’s looking out for.
30. In Jake’s estimation, she wants people to believe she’s a “tough cookie” when, really, she’s a soft and loving girl. Sound familiar?
31. She’s ready for and wants a serious relationship with a guy she can “totally be herself” around.
32. He warns his friend Jake not to hurt Kelly or mislead her in any way. He doesn’t want her feelings to be “messed with”, her sense of trust broken like his has been.

2.01, Beach Blanket Brandon;

Dy: “I don’t get it. What’d I do?”
K: “You’re just being a total guy.”

K: “How did he take it [the break-up]?”
B: “Not so well.”
K: “Well, guys never do. Doesn’t matter how cute they are.”

K: “Did you hear? Brenda broke up with Dylan last night.”
S: “You’re kidding.”
K: “Have you seen him? I mean, is he okay?”

2.05, Play It Again, David;

K: (to B) “They have a surf burger. Wonder who they named that after.”

2.08, Wildfire;

B: “I mean, don’t you guys see? I wouldn’t sleep with him, so he found somebody that would.”
K: “Brenda, calm down. You’re jumping to conclusions.”

2.10, Necessity Is A Mother;

K: “Dylan, honesty is the key. You just have to tell your mom how you feel. I mean, get it out on the table. [...] It’s not like we all come from what you’d call your normal, stable family background. I mean, look what I’ve been through with mine. Booze and – and drugs ...”

K: “Oh, you decided to come to school. To what do we owe the honor?”
Bn: “You smell like a brewery, pal. I better get you outta here.”
Dy: “Man – hey, I’m fine. Besides, I got a, um, trig test.”
K: “Oh, I’m sure you’ll ace that one.”
Dy: “Oh, shut up, Kelly.”
K: “You know, Dylan, there’s one thing worse than a drunk. That’s a mean drunk.”
Dy: “You know, I suddenly have the urge to just get the hell outta here, so why don’t you give my regards to trig?” (he leaves)
K: [...] “Dylan is gonna do what he’s gonna do.”
B: “But I can’t stand by and let him do it.”
K: “Bren, he’s an alcoholic.”
B: “I know that, Kelly.”
K: “Do you know what that means?”
B: “Look, I love him so much that I can’t stand to see him get hurt.”
K: “I know. It’s hard. Just trust me. You have to let him hit bottom.”
B: “What does that mean, ‘hit bottom’? I mean, that sounds so final.”
K: “Brenda, you just have to have some faith. It wasn’t easy watching my mom degrade herself night after night. When she was drunk, I wanted to kill her. She was sick. It tore my heart out. And I learned that I just had to let her go through it by herself, because the more I tried to help, the worse it got. You know why? Cause I was there. And as long as I was there, she knew she could keep on drinking and I would be there to pick up the pieces. Bren, you can love him but you can’t save him.”

2.11, Leading From The Heart;

K starts to shoulder-strip during charades to illustrate the movie title, “Naked Gun”.

Dy: (jaw open, gesturing with hands) “I need a better hint! C’mon.”

2.13, Halloween;

B: (to K) “You know, I was just coming over to tell you that Dylan said that guy is the biggest sleazebucket of the the western world, but I guess you’ve already figured that one out.”

Dy: “What?”
B: “He tried to attack Kelly.” (Dy turns to the guy, along with S, angry)
Dy: “Hey, Steve – it’s alright, man. Let’s just take ‘Dale Evans’, here, and show him the trail.”
Attempted Rapist: (to Dy/S, who took him out back) “Guys, you’ve got this all wrong.”
Dy: “I can live with that.”

[Dy officially present to overhear]
K: (to B/D) “I was trying to act all cool and everything. Talking sexy ... I was leading him on.”
D: “Well then he should go take a cold shower ... or whatever they do.”
Dy: “Can I say something? I mean, I know the last thing you need right now is another guy telling you what to do or what to think ...”
K: “Go ahead. Please.”
Dy: “You’re blaming yourself for leading that guy on. But I want you to know, as a guy, ... it doesn’t matter how much of a magnet a girl turns on. A guy always has a choice of not making her do something she doesn’t want to do.”
K: “I didn’t make that choice very easy, now did I?”
Dy: “Yeah, you did. You said ‘no’.”
B: “And after that, what happened isn’t your fault.”
K: “... I guess you’re right.” (Dy puts his hat on and exits. His job here is done.)

2.18, A Walsh Family Christmas;

Jim: “Well, you guys just couldn’t wait to get those stockings up, huh?”
Dy: (to K) “Busted!”

2.28, Wedding Bell Blues;

Dy: “Got Kelly fooled. Be careful, Jake. She’s a young girl. Emotional. If she feels something, it’s permanent record. Trust me, it doesn’t feel good to have that messed with.”
Jake: “Kelly knows what’s up.”
Dy: “Oh, you told her your life history.”
Jake: “Hey, don’t worry about Kelly. Okay, Dylan?”

Because ...

01. The warning that he not fall in love over the summer is a reference to him and an as-yet-unknown Kelly.
02. It took all of 25 seconds (literally) for them to start flirting in Brenda’s absence.
03. She appreciates him looking out for her.
04. She’s comfortable enough with him to admit throwing herself at a guy with regret.
05. He confided in her about his father.
06. They couldn’t just brush off Steve’s “Lovebirds” remark.
07. He wants to share his interests with her, starting with classic film.
08. He refers to their time together as ‘catching up with an old friend’. And, technically, he’s right, as they’ve known each other in variable degrees since kindergarten.
09. She found his interactions with baby Erin to be endearing ... and his comment about not trusting others to be saddening, particularly in light of their developing friendship.
010. They used a volleyball game to dish out playfully sarcastic remarks to one another.
011. Their physical attraction has its own guitar riff.
012. He thought their first kiss was meaningful and shouldn’t be written off as a mistake.
013. Feeling bad that she might have hurt him, Kelly comes over to admit that she only denied the significance of what’s happening between them to protect her relationship with her friend.
014. By saying that he considers everything, including their affair, as part of his “real life”, Dylan indicates that his intentions were never to discard her as a ‘summer fling’.
015. After confessing to a lifelong crush, she tries to chalk her actions up to a bout of loneliness, but he’ll have none of it. He calls her out on her bluff. And, evidently, that’s exactly what she wants.
016. He kisses her every chance he’s got and she never pulls away, despite the protests that follow.
017. He cares that they have a night alone to talk about their relationship and where it’s going. It deserves that respect.
018. She can fall asleep in his arms.
019. He thought sex was unecessary to make the night special.
020. He got frustrated with her that she’d still hold on to reasons why they could never be together.
021. He’s frustrated that she’d still see herself as a bimbo if they slept together.
022. He doesn’t want to pretend/play it out with her. He offers to tell B about them so they can be together.
023. He’s deeply pained by K’s refusal to allow their romance to continue and her downplaying comments (snidely, “whatever gets you through the night”)
024. She asks Brenda whether being away has changed her relationship with Dylan, in the hopes that it has, so that she might entertain the possibilty of being with him in the future with less guilt.
025. Even though she rejected him, it hurt her to see him kiss his girlfriend.
026. He makes sure to tell Kelly “good night” in a special way that let’s her know he hasn’t forgotten her. She’s still in his heart.
027. Seeing her on the beach again with baby Erin put him in a longing daze.
028. He reminds her that the only reason they’re in the position they’re in (not together) is because she decided it should be that way, implying that he still feels differently.
029. She can’t stop watching him, especially in romantic contexts.
030. Amazed that she insist they move on for good, he cites the relevance of her feelings and is clearly worried over her abillity to discredit the value of her needs.
031. She’s in no mood to debate the likelihood of Dylan marrying someone else, and even her quip about astrology being the cause effectively divorces this notion from its emotional elements.
032. He’s calling her in secret.
033. She was excited, initially, to see him in her Spanish class.
034. David wonders if she might be in love with Dylan after hearing her complain about him and Brenda.
035. Her feelings are so strong that she switches her entire class schedule around just to avoid him.
036. He could have thrown out her lost earring, but instead uses it as an excuse to see her.
037. She’s anticipating the accidental discovery of their romance with shades of dread and hopefulness. A part of her wanted him to say that it leaked out.
038. A sense of loyalty is acknowledged when he remarks that she’d tell him something if others refuse.
039. He flirts with her at the Peach Pit, exclaiming that he can’t really blame David for staring at her during the shower run-in cause, lord knows, he’d do the same.
040. In the time she’s known Kelly, Brenda has never seen her friend so down for so long. The reason: missing Dylan.
041. They stand united in the desire to plan their futures on their own terms, ready to defend each other against critics.
042. That “Highwire” ‘I love you’ was at least partially directed at her.
043. She proposes the question of whether an excuse should be necessary for her to see him as a means of gaining confirmation that it isn’t.
044. He thinks they have a similar line of values where certain issues are concerned, and draws this distinction in front of her, putting them in their own ‘you and I’ category.
045. She lets him know how much she misses their friendship.
046. Him saying that he thinks she’ll get to ride his bike someday suggests a belief that they will be together eventually.
047. He accurately predicted that her father would stand her up, meaning he either knew
of their relationship long beforehand, can identify with her mix of neediness and
expectation, or is just that good at recognizing when she builds up a sense of false hope.
048. When she needs him, there are no defenses; no hiding a sense of foolishness to believe, or her distraught emotional state, or the fact that she knows how self-destructive her previous means of dealing with grief were. She can start mid-story and lay out the whole truth, only for him, without fear.
049. He knows just what to say to make her smile through her tears.
050. He proudly acknowledges her growth from the girl he knew pre-S1, citing her as
someone who upholds his belief that people do have the ability to change.
051. Reiterating Steve’s line about her from earlier proves that he pays attention to her
in group settings even when you least expect it.
052. She’s welcome to invade a slow dance with him and his girlfriend. “Oh, yeah!”
053. They’ll even use his cold as an excuse to lightly express concern for one another.
054. Sad that her and Dylan can never be together, she paints her room black.
055. She makes it clear to her mom that not having a boyfriend isn’t the problem. It’s not being with the one guy she fell for.
056. Once a single man, he’s committed to and kissing her in his very next scene.
057. All he had to do was show up and she’s his.
058. She is suggested to be part of the reason he broke up with his girlfriend.
059. He wants her to stop waiting on other people’s permission to follow her heart, and is excited to follow his own now that they can openly date.
060. Even in junior high, he was watching her interactions with other boys.
061. They can easily slip into role-plays, goofing around like little kids.
062. With her casting her neck back in anticipation of a kiss and him stating that he was just waiting for permission, their first official date is already characterized by signs of safe, sweet vulnerability.
063. They bond over a common understanding for what it’s like to be labeled by others, misjudged, and expected to fail developmentally. And, with that, he finally feels heard regarding the SAT allegations.
064. When they make out, things quickly escalate and he gets lost in his desire for sexual intimacy with her.
065. She cares about taking their relationship slow in order to nurture its stability.
066. If his last glare is any indication, he didn’t appreciate Kelly being insulted during the restaurant run-in with Rick and Brenda.
067. Despite all the drama that ensued as a result of their date being discovered, he’s glad the night happened. It was still worth it.
068. Thinking he’s already lost her to an unmerited fear that he’s on the rebound, Dylan is frustrated enough to take off for a while, as he feels his sobriety is threatened.
069. She was worried about him when he left town.
070. She’s one of the “strings” he’s glad to be tied to when he concludes that life is about embracing relationships with all their complications and having people around you.
071. He’s not afraid to grab her unexpectedly and kiss her.
072. They were too playful and flirtatious to be ‘just friends’ again for long. They tried.
073. He agrees with Wayne/Adam that she’s “a goddess” (or simply, a really awesome girl).
074. He saw her as his most reliable and supportive friend when she showed up for his father’s homecoming party.
075. She’s all about second chances lately, and so is he.
076. It was natural for her to tell him about Mel and Jackie’s divorce, and even moreso for him to take her in his arms.
077. She wants to do whatever’s necessary for them to “make it” long-term, and he consents. The sooner, the better.
078. He’s always wanted her, and says this with a tone that suggests it was silly and futile to think he could ever fight it.
079. She likes that money doesn’t matter to him next to a renewed relationship with his father.
080. She’s hurt by the assumption that they already slept together, seeing as this relationship is about far more than that.
081. She wants to make a good impression on his mother.
082. Iris picks up on his new sense of happiness, more mellow and “centered” than before, and he attributes it partly to his relationship with Kelly falling into place.
083. They know how to make comedic gestures in unison without pre-meditation.
084. His father greatly approves of their union, naming her as part of the family for making his son the happiest he’s ever seen.
085. When Christine accepts Jack’s marriage proposal, Dylan looks straight to Kelly and smiles on as if contemplating their own future.
086. Mocking his reputation is part of their foreplay. It’s like they have their own coded way of expressing things.
087. After considering her in the context of exploitation across S1-S2, it was nice to see Kelly take physical control with a guy while making out, as it illustrates a healthy comfort level.
088. He literally sings/hums to himself in post-coital bliss, and news of the moment serves as a bonding mark between him and his dad.
089. Jack knew she was someone Dylan really cared about, whether he told his dad this much or not.
090. Her phone call saved his life.
091. She wants him to lean on her in his time of grief, and is saddened when he appears unreachable.
092. Fearing emotional estrangement and the dissolution of their relationship, she isolates herself and grows depressed, much like earlier that year when she was full of heartache.
093. Similarly, he withdraws a bit out of fear that she’ll leave him some day just like, in a sense, the father he loved, which suggests his high level of emotional attachment.
094. He unleashes his anger over the obituary on Jack only with her. On some level, he knew she’d understand his need to be authentic and just listen, even if it came with a misguided insult.
095. The fact that she asks him to come with her after suggesting she leave the funeral reception tells us that all she wants is time alone with him to work out their tension and be assured that they’ll survive this turn of events.
096. His hug in the middle of their quarrel is an indication that he still cares about protecting their relationship and, should his meeting with “Uncle Frank” cost him his life, at least she’ll know he loved her.
097. At the end of the day, he’s secure about their bond and calls out for it ... literally.
098. Their relationship is thrown into doubt after his father dies for the purpose of reinforcing it with greater strength by the time their late-S3 arc is complete.
099. She’s a teary-eyed, pale, self-starving, emotional wreck while still convinced that they’ve lost their footing, which shows, for one, that he’s anything but meaningless to her.
100. She offers her body to him in a last-ditch effort to substitute emotional intimacy so that he won’t leave her, but it doesn’t work. He’s with her for other reasons.
101. She’s keenly interested in his writing, as it reflects his private world.
102. He expresses concern over the diet pills she takes.
103. He can weather her extreme mood swings with grace and humor while she feels her life is out of control.
104. He gets along very well with her mom.
105. She fondly remembers anecdotes about him from second grade.
106. He stays overnight with her in the hospital, watching her sleep.
107. The fact that he doesn’t take the Senior Poll seriously shows that when he names her the sexiest, most beautiful girl at West Beverly, it’s just about them. He never saw her as a prize.
108. She’s his “best lover”.
109. When her social position is thrust back into the spotlight to include Dylan, we find that the sincerity of his affection provokes fear and the desire to ask for more in a relationship than she ever had before, making it mandatory that the guy respect and love her instead of just using her for sex.
110. He never wants her to walk away mad and will go to great lengths during a fight to prevent it.
111. He’s willing to represent his social title in all its inauthenticity and sillyness if it’s what she needs.
112. He knew exactly where she ran off to in private, and she chose the playground so that he might follow the right clues to find her.
113. He used to play with her during recess when they were very little and, failing that, observe her interactions from afar. His attention is tuned and memories vivid enough to relate her present psychology to that of her past, effectively understanding her motivation better than she does herself.
114. The first few lines of their dialogue on the playground re-establishes that her accusations towards him have been based on displaced anger, as she’s coming to terms with her past and growing as a person.
115. He knows she sometimes sacrifices dealing with her own pain in order to keep up appearances.
116. She can fall victim to believing the reputation others give her, but he doesn’t see her that way. He sees who she really is, and to him she’s worth knowing.
117. His voice is pained when she talks about her unfulfilling past relations with men.
118. He always knew she was striving to be seen beyond her role at school, and so is he.
119. She thinks he’s “so much more” than what a a senior poll can ever reflect; a more complicated and real mix of lovable qualities.
120. As he sees it, there’s nobody in his life to nurture his growth and sense of value as a person. But, he believes they compliment each other’s lives in that respect and occupy this role for each other. This is what makes them soulmates.
121. She’s part of why he’s still happy to be alive, despite missing his father.
122. He can be honest about not feeling his life was worth it until recent times, and she listens.
123. Her opinion matters to him.
124. She can be in an eating disorder group and it doesn’t affect how he feels about her. His love is unconditional and he wants no secrets between them.
125. He’d still be with her if they never slept together again. He’s not in this relationship for sex.
126. He won’t just give up on her. He believes what they have is worth saving.
127. She gets sudden inclinations to hear his voice, and she tells him this in a moment of remarkable vulnerability.
128. Around every corner of her attempts to break them up, there’s a tearful admission that she still wants to be together.
129. Now that they’ve reached a new place of honesty, she wants to commemorate their relationship in the yearbook – but with a picture that’s reflective of their true selves.
130. He trusted her enough to read the unedited version of his manuscript, and offers so that she’ll know how special she was to him all along.
131. He’s visibly shy while watching her read his words about her.
132. He’s watched her grow and it’s been beautiful.
133. She was the only inspiration left in his life after the death of his father.
134. They’re still making in-jokes about the duality of public reputation vs. private truth.
135. They hold each other’s hands.
136. She comes over to his house every day before school to hang out.
137. Her hang-ups about sex in their relationship are obviously resolved if she’s suggesting days spent in bed together.
138. Jackie predicts her daughter will have a wonderful time in San Fransisco with him.
139. They literally scurry to the dance floor together at Prom and have a blast.
140. They can’t stop kissing long enough to have their picture taken.
141. She tells Steve that her and Dylan are really happy together, and he imagines a hypothetical future in which they have a son between them. Wise man.
142. She’s afraid of how much she’ll miss him if he goes away to college.
143. Sometimes an apology is all that’s necessary for a riff to be dropped.
144. She can tell instictively if he’s holding back on telling her something, even via the phone.
145. When she spots her dad in the crowd at graduation, she remembers Dylan’s insistence that she have faith this moment would come.
146. They can communicate their pride in each other without saying a word.
147. When good things happen to her, she can’t wait to tell him.
148. He wants her to spend the summer with him, traveling around Europe.
"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 03:52 PM
Master Fan

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3.02, The Twins, The Trustee, and The Very Big Trip;

Dy: “Go on. Just, uh, don’t fall in love over there, okay?”
B: “That goes for you too.”

S: “I bet Jake’s glad you’re staying in town.”
K: “I don’t know. We might get together some time.”
Dy: “Aww, Kelly ...”
K: “Hey ... I might even get together with you.”
Dy: “Really? I might just hold you to that.”

3.03, Too Little, Too Late/Paris;

K: “Things with Jake and I didn’t go so well.”
Dy: (heavy sigh) “You know, and I told him not to mess with you.”
K: “You talked to him about me?”
Dy: “Yeah.”
K: “I really got sucked in. I ended up throwing myself at him.”
Dy: “Yeah, well some people have that kind of power.”

K: (to Dy) “Well, I guess I’m done with guys for a while. But ... thanks for trying to look out for me.”

Dy: “Uh, I’m going to jail. It’s for my father’s parole hearing.”
K: “Well, good luck.”
Dy: “Thanks.”

K: (to Dy) “Well, I guess we both know what it’s like to have fathers who only care about themeselves.”

K: “They’re off in Paris having the time of their lives, and we’re stuck here ... miserable.”
Dy: “To tell you the truth, I’m not that miserable.”
K: “To tell you the truth, neither am I.”

S: (to Dy and K) “Hey, come on, Lovebirds. Get off the rope!”

3.04, Sex, Lies And Volleyball/Photo Fini;

Dy: (to K) “Well, then as a friend, it is my duty to introduce you to one of the greatest films ever made.”

Dy: “Kel, I don’t know anything about babies.”
K: “Oh, relax. She won’t bite. She doesn’t have any teeth.”

Dy: (to baby Erin) “What a sweet girl. Shh, shh, shh ... It’s okay. It’s okay. (K overhears and smiles) Aw, yeah, you’re a sweet girl. You got a nice set up here, you know that? Can you tell? Yeah ... You got a mom and a dad. You got a brother, David, and sister, Kelly. You like that? Let me tell you something, though. You take it from me. Don’t let any of them get too close. You just get burned. Rule number one: the only person you can trust in this world is yourself.” (K looks pensive, a bit sad, and turns off intercom)

K: “I just wanted to tell you thanks for keeping me company last night.”
Dy: “... Anytime, schweetheart.”

K: “That’s a nice move. Can I use that?”
Dy: “You’re funny. You’re funny. You know that?”

K: “You are smooooth.”
Dy: “Oh, you. You’re good. You’re gifted. Tremendously.”

Dy: “You keep shoppin’. Alright? You’re good at it.”
K: “Shut up!”

K: (to Dy) “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

3.05, Shooting Star/American In Paris;

Dy: “How long’re you gonna plan on avoiding me?”
K: “I’m not avoiding you.”
Dy: “Yes, you are. You don’t return my phone calls. You haven’t been here in a week. (pulls her back by the arm) Kelly ... something happened between us.”
K: “We - we kissed, okay? No big deal. Let’s just forget about it.”
Dy: “No, it’s not it. I was there. It was more than that and you know it.”

K: “When I said that nothing happened between us, that it didn’t mean anything ... it’s just that I don’t want what we did to get in the way of real life.”
Dy: “Kelly, everything is real to me.”

K: “There is no ‘us’.”
Dy: “So why did you have to come here and tell me this in person?”
K: “... Because I wanted to see you.”

K: “I can’t just kiss a guy I’ve had a major crush on my whole life and pretend that it doesn’t mean anything. ... I just don’t know what.”
Dy: “How bout, that we like each other?”
K: “How bout, we were both feeling lonely and we went a little too far?”
Dy: “I don’t think you mean that.” (he kisses her)

K: (to Dy) “Aren’t you forgetting we’re gonna turn into a pumpkin in a couple of days?”

K: “So far, we kissed each other in your living room, in my cabana, and we got in the water today.”
Dy: “So, what? You’re makin’ a list? (kisses her) There’s another one.”
K: “You’re crazy.”
Dy: “Eh, I’ve been accused of worse.”

Dy: “Two sleeping bags. No fooling around, I promise.”
K: (joking) “Then why bother?”
Dy: (smiles) “I mean it. Have you ever camped under the stars?” [...] We can get away, we can talk ... Kel, we might be able to figure out what we’ve been doing the last couple of weeks.”

Dy: (to K) “In all the beaches in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”

Dy: “You know what they say about shooting stars? You can’t share them with a friend.”
K: “Well, I guess they weren’t talking about us.”

3.06, Castles In The Sand;

K: “I’m glad we didn’t cross that line.”
Dy: “What’re you saying? Because we didn’t have sex, nothing happened? Who fell asleep in MY arms last night?”
K: “I admit it. We did connect.” [...]

Dy: “Okay, fine. But can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that we have not become more than just ‘good friends’ this summer?”
K: “What do you want to do, Dylan? Do you want to make love so we can prove that I have become, once again, the class bimbo?”
Dy: “How can you use the words ‘make love’ and ‘bimbo’ in the same sentence?!”

K: “I have worked too hard to change my reputation to start sneaking around now.”
Dy: “What do you want me to do, Kelly? Huh? (with sincerity) Do you want me to tell Brenda about us?”
K: “There’s nothing to tell her, okay? We watched ‘Casablanca’. We saw some stars. That’s it.”
Dy: (angry) “... Whatever gets you through the night.”
K: “If things were different, Dylan, maybe we could’ve had something. [...]
Dy: “What are you telling me? ‘We’ll always have Paris?’”
K: (smiles) “Thanks for not doing a Bogart imitation.”

Dy: “... Goodnight, Kel.”

K: “Dylan, you don’t have to keep going out of your way to break the ice with me. I’m fine. In fact, this is exactly what I predicted would happen, now isn’t it?”
Dy: “No, you didn’t predict it. You made it happen.”

K: “Just leave it alone, okay?”
Dy: “But where does that leave you, Kel?”
K: “We can’t have it both ways.”
Dy: “So you’re tellng me just go back to Brenda and forget everything that happened?”
K: “We’ll always have Paris.”
Dy: “That is not funny anymore.”

3.07, A Song Of Myself;

Dy: “Kelly, I tried to call you last night.”
K: “I was home all night, Dylan.”
Dy: “I hung up when David answered.”
K: “Ohh, so that was you. (small laugh) Yeah, he said he got a heavy breather.”

K: “Every time I turn around, I see him hugging her or kissing her. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it through a whole year of this.”
Dd: “Kelly, can I ask you something? And I really don’t mean to be getting too personal.”
K: “What?”
Dd: “Are you in love with Dylan or something?”

Dy: “I didn’t see you in class yesterday. What happened? You skip?”
K: “No, actually I changed my schedule around. I wanted to take Art with Donna.
Dy: “No offense, Kel. I’ve known you since kindergarten. You couldn’t draw a straight line if you had a ruler.”
K: “Well maybe it’s time I learn.”

K: (to Dy) “You and Brenda have each other. And I don’t begrudge you that. But I don’t have to sit and watch it with a perpetual lump in my throat.”

3.09, Highwire;

Dy: “Kelly, I hear you’ve been giving David a pretty rough time.”
K: “Word gets around ...”
Dy: “Well, I mean, can you blame him the kid? God knows I’d be staring if I saw you there all ... wet and naked.”
K: “Dylan.”

B: “Kelly, I know you. You haven’t been yourself lately. Something’s wrong. Something more than David walking in on you in the shower.”
K: “What gave it away?”
B: “Kelly, I’m your best friend. I’ve never seen you so down for so long.”

B: (over phone) “And Dylan ... I love you.”
Dy: (turning receiver, looking to K) “ ... I love you.”

K: “The truth is, I miss our friendship. I mean, I keep avoiding you. But why should I? If I want to talk to you, why do I need an excuse like a set of wrenches?”

K: “It’s like you and I are the only two people in the whole school who haven’t gone completely manic about this whole college thing.”
Dy: “Well, I think that’s because you and I have a pretty good idea of what we don’t want, and in my book that’s just as important as knowing what you do want.”

K: (re: his motorcycle) “So ... am I ever gonna get to ride this thing?”
Dy: “I think so.”

3.10, Home and Away;

K: “Last time this happened, I called Cliff Berman and we got high in his parent’s poolhouse for 3 days. My mom didn’t even know I was gone, she was so coked up.”
Dy: “Well, I hear Cliff’s in town. We can call him right now if you want to.”
K: “What are you saying?”
Dy: “I’m sayng that that was then. And some people do change, Kelly.”

Dy: “You know, Steve was right.”
K: “Steve? What did Steve have to say about me?”
Dy: “He said that a dance without Kelly Taylor isn’t really a dance at all. It’s just a bunch of people, in a big room, kinda waving their limbs around to very loud music.”
K: (smiles) “Very loud David Silver music.”

K: “... Dylan? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”
Dy: “Nobody does.”

3.11, A Presumption Of Innocence;

Dy: “You worried about me, Kelly?”
K: “Hey, what are friends for?”

3.12, Destiny Rides Again;

Jackie: (to K) “Honey ... happy teenagers do not paint their rooms black.”

K: “Meeting someone isn’t my problem. I meet people everyday. I just fall in love with the wrong ones.”
Jackie: “Well, take it from someone who’s been married five times: You can’t always control who you fall in love with.”
K: “What do you do if it’s somebody you can’t have?”

B: (to Dy) “Do you realize that we both told each other that our little flings don’t mean anything? Well, they do mean something. And it’s about time we both faced up to that.”

K: “What are you doing here?”
Dy: “Helping you paint?”
K: (smiles) “Yeah, right. Try again.”

Dy: “Brenda thinks that we should start seeing other people.”
K: “So she says. What do you think?”
Dy: “I think it’s time I started seeing you.”

3.13, Rebel With A Cause;

Bn: “Are you telling me you and Brenda broke up over this S.A.T. business?”
(Dy spots K spotting Dy across campus)
Dy: “It’s a little more complicated than that.”

K: “I’m just feeling a little paranoid this morning.”
Dy: “Don’t be. Kel, we don’t have to hide anymore!”

K: “I just feel like I need her permission to go out with you.”
Dy: “The only person you need permission from is yourself.”

B: (to K) “You’ve known Dylan forever. You know what he’s like.”

K: “I cannot believe you remember that.”
Dy: “Oh, yeah. Are you kidding me? Kelly, I sat there watching him, seeing if he had the guts to make a move on you in front of the whole class.”
K: “No way. He was so shy.”
K: “I think the lecturer said the same exact thing the last time we were here.”
Dy: “You know what? I think you’re right. I think ... we’re in a time warp. We’re trapped in the seventh grade. ‘Scott, can you get me out of here? Well, no, no, captain. I’ve gotta get power to the –‘ “
K: “Shh! Mrs. Simpkus’ll hear. You’re gonna get us in trouble.”
Dy: “So what? If I can stand to get sent to the Principal’s Office, so can you.”
Announcer: “ ... Explorations are in place for new launches into unexplored territories up until now thought of as the outer limits ... ”
K: “Okay. ... Do you have guts enough to make a move in front of the whole class?”
Dy: “... I was just waiting for permission.”

K: “You screw up a few times, and everybody thinks that’s who you are. All you’ll ever be. Even when you try to do the right thing. It just makes you wonder if it’s worth it, you know?”
Dy: “It’s all worth it. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

Dy: “Well ... I’m thinking about how beautiful you are. And I’m thinking about how I wish all these people weren’t here.”
K: “Why? What would you do?”
Dy: “I’d do this.” (he kisses her) “And ... I’d do this.” (he kisses her again) “And maybe ... even this.” (another kiss, this one deeper) “Spend the night with me, Kelly.”
K: “Let’s get out of here.”

Dy: (to K) “I’m glad to be here with you.”

K: “I just feel like maybe I’m here because she’s not.”
Dy: “You know that’s not true.”
K: “No, I don’t. Maybe you’re with me on the rebound.”
Dy: “What about this summer, huh? What about up at Paradise Cove. The first time I ever kissed you. Was that on the rebound?!”

K: “... Somehow I end up being the bitch.”
Dd: “Well I don’t think that’s how Dylan feels about you at all.”

K’s voicemail message: “Dylan, it’s Kelly. Look, I don’t know what’s going on with you. ... I don’t even know what’s going on with me. But, let’s talk

about it, okay? Call me. Anytime. I’ll be there.”

3.14, Wild Horses;

K: “I know it’s probably not a good time, but have you heard from Dylan?”
Bn: “No, not since he split.”
K: “I’m worried about him.”

3.16, It’s A Totally Happening Life;

B: “I’m sure you’re wondering why we wanted to meet with you.”
Dy: “I thought you wanted to buy me some pie.”
K: “Yeah. Humble Pie.”
Dy: “My favorite kind.” ; )

B: (about her and K) “Dylan, we both love you.”

Dy: (about B and K) “I think I love you both.”

K: “Well, the language is so dated.”
Dy: “How can you say that? I mean, okay, let’s say, uh, you’re at your local mall, somebody’s hassling you. You say to them: ‘A pox on your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog’.” (she laughs)

K: “Does anyone else want a soda?”
Dy: “Yes, wench. Bring forth.”
K: “Coming right up, my lord.”

Dy: “I never believed in Santa Claus.”
K: “Well ... that explains everything.”

3.17, The Game Is Chicken;

Adam: “Oh, yeah. And Kelly - Kelly’s a goddess.”
Dy: “... Yep. I know what you mean.”

3.18, Midlife … now what?;

Dy: (to Nat) “I try to picture myself with Brenda, I see Kelly.”

3.19, Back In The Highlife Again;

Dy: “Hey, it’s not important. You’re here.”
K: “So, when are you gonna introduce me to your father?”
Dy: “Come on. He’s gonna love you.”

Dy: “You okay? You don’t sound so good.”
K: “Stuff’s going down at home. Looks like my mom’s gonna be single again.”
Dy: “You’re kidding me. I mean, I really thought those two would make it.”
K: “Unfortunately, so did my mother.”
Dy: “Are you okay?”
K: “I guess so. You’d think I’d be used to it by now. I’ve been through it enough. I just wish they’d stop fighting and get on with the divorce.” (Dy looks down, grabs her arms, and pulls her into him for a hug)

K: “It’s too cold.”
Dy: “Kelly, the pool is heated and I’ll keep you warm.”

K: “This was a good idea.”
Dy: “I’m full of good ideas.”
K: “Oh, I bet you are ...” (she splashes him)
Dy: “Don’t do it unless you mean it.”
K: “I mean it.”
Dy: “You’re in trouble, then.” (he pushes her underwater, they come up kissing)
K: “Don’t do that if you don’t mean it.”
Dy: “I mean it.”
K: “Well you’re in trouble now ...” (she kisses him again)
Dy: “Look, it was you two that gave me that dumb ultimatum. You said choose. I chose. I chose you. I want you. ... I’ve always wanted you.”

Dy: “I mean, you’re just beautiful all around, you know?”
K: “Would you stop? We’re at school.”

K: (to B) “Well, he wants to give his dad a chance. And I think that’s great.”

Dy: “My dad, he hears what he wants to hear. It’s all up to my mom.”
K: “You don’t sound very enthusiastic about the whole thing.”
Dy: “I just care more about my old man than I do the money. If this’ll bring us closer, I’ll go for the ride.”

K: “I had a very good time tonight.”
Dy: “I told you so. Although I would like to try it without my dad and Christine around some time. I’d kind of like to get you all alone to myself.”

Dy: (to K) “What do you want? I mean, you want to pretend that there’s nothing going on between us just so that Brenda will keep ‘talking’ to us?”

K: “I can’t believe Dylan and I are finally together.”
Jackie: “Well, at least one of us is lucky in love.”
K: “Yeah, I guess so.”

3.20, Parental Guidance Recommended;

Iris: “You seem happy, Dylan. Centered.”
Dy: “Well, a lot of things have fallen into place for me.”
Iris: “Kelly?”
Dy: “Yeah, she’s part of it.”

B: (to Iris, about Dy and K) "Great. And he thanks me by falling in love with my best friend."

3.21, Dead End;

Jack: “To the future greatness of the new and improved McKay clan. To Kelly.”
K: “What’d I do?”
Jack: “I don’t know, but whatever you’re doing, you keep right on doing it because I have never seen Dylan happier.”

K: “Okay, but I have to warn you. I don’t know my aft from my elbow.”
Dy: “Oh, it’s okay. Maybe we’ll get swept away on some deserted island ... and you can be my sex slave.”
K: (smiles) “In your dreams.”
Dy: “Every night.”

Dy: “Kelly, I hate to break it to you but, um, guys are gonna look at you. It’s the price you pay for being so beautiful.”

Dy: “... Stay here?”
K: “I don’t think my mom would appreciate that very much.”
Dy: “It’s okay. I’ll write you a note. I will. You know, ‘Mrs. Taylor, um, please excuse Kelly for not being at home tonight, as she needs a very serious dose of Dr. McKay’s bedside manner.”

Jack: “Where’s Kelly?”
Dy: “Oh, I took her home. We were both, uh, you know, (wink) ‘tired’.”

Dy: “I could have called her back.”
Jack: “Hey, take it from me: don’t ever keep a girl you care about waiting.”

Dy: “Hey, how’re you doing?”
K: “I just wanted to say good morning.”
Dy: “Good morning.”
K: “How’d you sleep?”
Dy: “Not as good as if you’d been here.”

3.22, The Child Is The Father To The Man;

K: “Dylan, are you okay?”

K: “Dylan, I just ... I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.”
Dy: “So do I, Kel.”

K: “I just felt so useless. I mean, I kept trying to reassure Dylan that everything’s gonna be okay, but I just don’t think I was getting through to him.”
D: “He’s probably still in shock.”
K: “Or maybe he knows that I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.”
D: “No. Kel, you’ve never been in a situation like this before. I mean, you can’t expect to know how to take care of him right now.”

K: (to D) “I just feel like being alone.”

K: (to D, about Dy) “I mean, it’s like I’m paralyzed. I don’t even know what to say to him.”

K: “It’s kind of weird being here, don’t you think?”
Dy: “I think it’s all relative. It was weird being in that limo with Jack. It was weird at the hotel. It was weird on that boat. ... My whole life’s been weird.”
K: “Well, I really – I really liked Jack even though I didn’t know him that well.”
Dy: “Kel, you knew him nearly as well as I did.”

Dy: “Did I wake you?”
K: “No, it’s okay. How are you?”
Dy: “Okay. How are you?”
K: “I’m better now.”
Dy: “Go back to sleep. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

3.23, Dukes Bad Boy;

Dy: “How can you ask me that? You know what’s the matter.”
K: “Then let me help you. Don’t keep pushing me away.”

A: “This isn’t a competition, you know. This is Dylan’s feelings you’re talking about.”
K: (glassy-eyed) “I know. Ever since the funeral, it’s like I can’t even talk to him. Nothing I say cheers him up.”

Dy: (to K) “Hey, it’s not personal, okay? It’s just, you know, I’m writing about my dad and feelings and stuff, and I just don’t want to share it until it’s done.”

Dy: “I’ll call you later.”
K: “You don’t have to.”
Dy: “I want to. Don’t be mad.”

3.24, Perfectly Perfect;

Dy: (to K) “I just don’t like to see you starving yourself.”

Dy: “Do you remember in the second grade Mrs. Doveetch made me ‘king for a day’ on my birthday?”
K: “Yeah, you looked very cute in your little crown.”
Dy: “Yeah, but it was also Kathy Collen’s birthday. So she got the wand, I got the crown, and we had to agree on what all of our royal commands were gonna to be. It was awful.”

Dy: (to K) “You want to dance?”

K: “Dylan?”
Dy: “Hmm?”
K: “Thanks for staying.”
Dy: “Where else would I want to be?”

3.25, Senior Poll;

Dy: “It’s just that, well, I’ve been grappling with some pretty heavy things, you know? I’ve been writing about my dad and ...”
K: “I know. How’s it going?”
Dy: “I don’t know. I mean, I’m too close to it. I just – I gotta make some last minute revisions.”
K: “So you’re almost done?”
Dy: “Almost.”
K: “When do I get to read it?”
Dy: “When it’s finished, just like everybody else.”
K: “I understand.”
Dy: (smirking) “I knew you would.”

Dy: “You always do that to me.”
K: “Oh, do I?”
Dy: “Mm-hm. Ever since kindergarten. Remember? You gave me half your cookie?”
K: “I cannot believe you remember that stuff.”
Dy: “Oh, yeah. I remember all kinds of things. I’ve been flashing back to my memories a lot lately. And you know? I did a pilgrimage down to the old playground. You should do it sometime. It gets you back to your roots in a hurry.”
K: “Oh, yeah. That’s just what I need.”
Dy: “The prettiest girl in Beverly Hills? That’s just what I need.”

K: “What are you trying to say?”
Dy: “That I think this Senior Poll thing is a big joke. That’s it. Over and out. It has nothing to do with you.”

Dy: (to K) “You should have won the Sexiest. Best Lover ...”

Dy: (to K) “You’re a goddess.”

D: “You’re being ridiculous.”
K: “Am I? I just said that nobody takes me seriously and you didn’t take me seriously, did you?”
A: “Well, from what Dylan has been writing, I would say he takes you very seriously.”

Dy: “Kel! Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I do value your opinion!”

Dd: “Look, man, I thought about going after her. But I thought that if I were that worked up, I’d just want to be left alone. My guess is she went down to the beach.”
Dy: “No ... I don’t think that’s where she went.”

Dy: “I knew you’d be here. I used to push you on this same swing.”
K: “So you could look up my dress ...”
Dy: “That wasn’t me.
.... Kel, I remember the time you jumped off this thing. Skinned your knee. But you didn’t want anyone to see you cry, so you just stood there, bleeding, and trying to smile.”
K: “... It’s not that easy anymore, Dylan. So why don't you just do me and everybody a big favor ... and go back to Brenda?"
Dy: (angrily) "Is that really what you want?"
K: "What's it matter what I really want? I am just a ... stupid blond bitch who's not really worth it."
Dy: "I disagree."
K: "Why don't you talk to my father? Never bothers to call me anymore. ... Or my mom, who probably hates me right now. Or all the guys I put out for in the 10th grade and never heard from again!"
Dy: (soft and hurt) "Kelly ... "
K: "Or why don't you talk to Brenda and find out how it really feels to have somebody you trust go behind your back and steal your boyfriend from you?"
Dy: "That's not how it happened! I mean, it's not even close, Kel. That - That's part of what I've been writing about."
K: "Yes ... Thank you ... for reminding me about that."
Dy: "Kelly, do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to share that with anybody? You're not the only one who wants to end up as more than just 'best looking' in a stupid poll!" (Kelly quickly turns)
K: "You are already so much more than that and you know it!"
Dy: "How do I know it? Who ever tells me that I'm smart? Or even worth knowing? (Kelly looks) We are ... two little kids who had to walk home from school by ourselves because our parents forgot to pick us up."
K: (sits back on swing) "I guess we're both basketcases, then.”
Dy: "No ... we're soulmates. If you hadn't called me that day at the marina, I would have fried in that car. ... And I miss Jack, I miss him - I miss him more than I can tell you, but I'm not ... I'm not unhappy to be alive! And most of my life, I couldn't say that. ... I care what you think. I don't care that you're in an eating disorder group. Kel, if you said that you never wanted to sleep with me again, I could live with that!"
K: (a surrendered look) "That morning when I called you on the boat ... all I really wanted to do was hear your voice."
Dy: (seeing his opening, he gets up) "Do you still want to?"
K: (tears down her face, she nods) "... Yes."

Dylan walks up to her, stops, and puts his head down. After a moment, she buries her face on his chest.
He cups her head in his hand, then leans down to kiss her on top.

Dy: “Your photographer awaits.”
K: “Let’s do it.”
Dy: “You sure? Cause we don’t have to. Zuckerman says we could eliminate the whole category and the world would be a better place for it.”
K: “No, I want to. No tuxedos, though. Just us.”

Dy: “Kelly, there’s something I want you to read.”
K: “You don’t have to.”
Dy: “I know. I want to, though.”

Dy VO: “Even before he noticed her, he noticed her boat. A sleek two-footer she had been given for her fifth birthday a few days before. She was sailing it, upside down in a large pool that had formed during a winter rain. The rain, again. In a marina this time. The boats, like the girl, had grown. Beautiful. Inspirational. After the explosion that killed his father, she was the only beauty, the only inspiration, left in his life.”

K: “Dylan, did you mean what you said yesterday?”
Dy: “We said a lot of things, Kel.”
K: “The part about how if we never slept together again, you could live with that?”
Dy: “Are you sure I said that? I mean, it just doesn’t sound like me.” (they both smile)

3.26, She Came In Through The Bathroom Window;

S: (to Dy, about him and K) “You’re like two peas in a pod.”

3.27, A Night To Remember;

Dy: (to K) “You know, I don’t know what tastes better, these strawberries or you?”

Photographer: (to Dy and K) “Do you two think you can unlock your lips long enough to get this picture taken?”

S: “Well, you and Dylan, are you happy?”
K: “Yeah, we are.”

3.28, Something In The Air;

K: “You really want to go to Berkeley, don’t you?”
Dy: “I don’t know. I mean, I like it there.”
K: “... I’d miss you.”
Dy: “Come on, Kel. There are planes leaving for the Bay area every half an hour. Besides, no one’s going anywhere yet. I’ve got to get in first.”

3.29, Commencement (1);

Dy: “Hey ...”
K: “Hi, Smush.” (kiss)
Dy: “Kel, if you tell anybody that I let you call me that ... I’ll kill ya.”
K: “Well, my lips are sealed.”

Iris: (to K, about Dy) “No, don’t apologize, dear. Just be careful. Money changes people.”

3.29, Commencement (2);

K: “Just think, if I hadn’t stayed here this summer to help you with the baby, then Dylan and I may have never gotten together.”
Jackie: “See, sometimes things do work out.”
K: “Yep. Although, that ‘living together’ idea, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s not in the cards.”
Jackie: “What did he say?”
K: “I didn’t even bring it up. I mean, I know he cares about me, but ... he really is a loner.”

[Flashback re-edit]
K: “’Your father’s very sorry, but he’ll make it up to you next time.”
Dy: “Kel, you gotta believe, there’ll be a next time.”

K: “Guess where I’m going.”
Dy: “Dinner with your mom.”
K: “And my dad.”
Dy: “Your dad? (looks over) So, that’s your dad.”
K: “Yep, that’s him. Now I know how I’m gonna remember this day. It’s the day I saw my mom and my dad together, in the same place.” (they look at each other for a long time, smile, and hug)

Dy: “I don’t know ... I figure I’ll start in Norway, work my way South. You know, maybe go to Paris, jump over to London, see some Shakespeare country ... and just keep going south until I find the nicest beach in Greece. ... You got a passport?”
K: “Why, do you want me to go?”
Dy: “No, I want to borrow it. Of course I want you to go.”
K: “Oh, I’d love to.” (they hug)

Because ...

01. Even just after a break-up, she refers to their relationship as a good one. But good relationships aren’t easy.
02. Donna can imagine him agreeing to live with Kelly.
03. He doesn’t let her shoulder the blame for why they’re on the outs, telling the guys that maybe it was his fault. She ultimately does the same.
04. She still wants and waits for him to call ... even if he doesn’t have her new number.
05. Until he found out he was rejected by UC Berkeley, they were having a great time in France.
06. Anecdotal flashbacks to the period when they split are partially played up for comedy.
07. They incite passionate reactions in the other and, quite frankly, he doesn’t mind a lover’s slap. There’s a battle between them. A glorious, fiery battle.
08. He’s turned on by both the surrender of her guard and the point at which it’s raised, always responding with tenderness for the former.
09. Within seconds of seeing one another they make up, make out, and admit they missed each other.
010. None of their friends are surprised they got back together before they even saw them apart.
011. He still wants her as his long-term traveling companion.
012. She cares that he doesn’t give up on college.
013. They’d rather apologize and move on than stay mad.
014. He wants to respect his desire not to participate in the freshmen party scene, but not at the cost of alienating her.
015. She’s the only “sorority-type” girl he can see himself with.
016. She defends his affection for her when it’s questioned by John.
017. His house represents “home” for her, and this makes them smile.
018. They share quiet moments of intimate reflection.
019. He knows she appreciates what sets him apart from most people and wouldn’t want him to be anyone but himself.
020. When he has news, he can’t wait to share it with her.
021. His position on how they should spend their time is both involving and non-possesive, him being of the mind that they can follow their own interests and
meet up afterwards.
022. He comes to the pool party as a show of good faith for the attention he pays to their needs as a couple.
023. She finds his mopeyness somewhat endearing, regardless of her request that he be more sociable.
024. They can temporarily release their anxiety about real issues through playful flirtation. [Or: If she’s gonna push him in the pool, he’s gonna take her down with him. : P]
025. He asks about her day.
026. When he needs to gain perspective on what his actions mean, he comes to her.
027. She’ll go on late-night drives with him to help clear his head.
028. He knows when she’s holding back on telling him something, and is pained by her sudden emotional distance.
029. We see how easily she can and does turn down sex with him. And it seems she did so out of the need to avoid feeling that close to him when her intention was to break up.
030. She couldn’t break things off without tearing up and kissing him ... and didn’t actually want their relationship to end.
031. Pursuing a relationship with John takes pause while she’s distracted by her concern for Dylan and the fight to remain a steady part of his life.
032. His reaction to losing her comes right at the time when being held at gunpoint is meant to further heighten his sense that events around him are unpredictable and there’s reason to feel unprotected. Therefore, when he vents to her that “none of this has been easy” on him, he’s talking about the carjacking as well as their
breakup, and his obsession with arming himself is twofold.
033. He can only last a few hours claiming he doesn’t want to hang out with her.
034. She’s willing to spend time at a gun range if it means she might be able to reach him in his dark state, worried that he could hurt himself or others while growing cold, wary, and emotionally hardened.
035. She’s the second person in line, after himself, that he’s seeking to protect. And if he can’t occupy that role as her boyfriend, he wants to empower her to do so herself.
036. She won’t let his friends dismiss his actions as benign or outside of their control, and recruits their help in looking out for him.
037. Against the suspicion of others, she was correct that he was in the market for a gun of his own.
038. His immediate guess that she voiced concern to their friends about him suggests that he anticipated as much all along and enjoys the fact that she’ll do so even when they aren’t together.
039. She doesn’t want him to see her with another man at something as substantial as the Walshes anniversary party.
040. They like running into each other and do so often.
041. Neither of them mind if people mistakenly think they’re together.
042. In front of him, she speculates about their future in light of Jim and Cindy making it through 20 years of marriage.
043. She thinks they have “all the sparks in the world”.
044. He believes their relationship was never “broken” to begin with and accepts no insults for it.
045. Without a specific motive or prompting, she’s still constantly around him.
046. As he tells Nat, he loves her and wishes she weren’t dating a “total dirtbag”.
047. She rejects John, citing his inability to develop sincere feelings for a person, and runs straight to Dylan – representative of the other end of the spectrum.
048. He was ready to punch out John for insulting her character and seeking to use her for sex.
049. She credits him for all the inner strength and self-respect she’s gained which allowed her to walk away from an unhealthy relationship.
050. He understood the deeper motivations for her being drawn to John Sears and the necessity of her coming to terms with them on her own.
051. He can’t concentrate on anything while he still wants her back, knows she wants him back, is afraid of taking her back, and fears she might take John back. (Lol)
052. He effectively relates the skittishness of the girl in Andrew Marvell’s poem, “To My Coy Mistress”, to Kelly (and himself, in the context of his relationship with
her), speaking of the vulnerability involved with opening your heart up to another, particularly since they might leave you.
053. Brenda has a favorable enough impression of their relationship to encourage him to fight for Kelly if that’s what he wants.
054. By listening to her speak at the rally on date rape, he gets to hear how far she’s come in accepting responsibility and forgiving herself, respectively, for her
past. And he thinks she did great.
055. The question of whether she’s worth the risk of him getting his heart broken again is resolved when he throws that pie in John’s face for her. She is! The kiss he steals qualifies this sentiment.
056. Donna thinks the only thing preventing a reunion is Kelly’s unfounded self-doubt.
057. Their Thanksgiving squabble presents a deft mix of comedy, drama, avoidance, and confrontation, but he uses it to forward a dialogue about the real issue between them: her fear of holding onto someone who really cares about her.
058. His statement about how much it hurt that she pursued John regardless of them not sleeping together is a testament to the fact that he cares where her heart goes over who she sleeps with. He knows her heart is more valuable.
059. Speaking of him under the assumption that things won’t work out, she looks down a lot and quickly changes the subject.
060. He finds her defense mechanisms adorable – especially when the truth requires nothing to be self-protective about. He wants her, he’s not upset ... and he knows she isn’t either, but he’ll play along until disarming her with a kiss.
061. She casts a shy glance when his romantic influence over women is acknowledged, no doubt recalling what it was like to be intimately affected by him.
062. Their friends look straight to Dylan when asking if Kelly will be needing a ride home. The gang already assumes they’re as good as back together again, or at least have unfinished business to address.
063. He jumps at the chance for some alone time with her following David and Donna’s anniversary celebration.
064. They’re mutually amused by their reputation for being volatile and possibly disruptive if left alone together.
065. He’s pleased by her ability to admit that she’s nervous to be around him again in a romantic context. ... And a little humored by the fact that she still preambled her statement with an excuse.
066. His statement about the Scirrocos winds serves as a metaphor for him to express that he has no intention of holding her dalliance with John Sears against her, and for her to liken the last few weeks to a lapse in perspective.
067. Making love to her brings out his urge for nose nuzzles, forehead kisses, and extended cuddling.
068. It’s no coincidence that he pictures them at Joshua Tree, an ecologically rich and complex desert park characterized by its harsh, unpredictable climatic extremes, innate fragility, and overall beauty and wonder. In other words, a place known for as much dualism and passionate sensibility as themselves.
069. He shows up at the car wash anyway, as a second show of good faith for the value he places on doing what she wants together, but this time Kelly’s secure enough to tell him it wasn’t necessary.
070. They read together and share their thoughts.
071. She bravely admits that she’s still working on trusting that a person’s love will still be there even if they’re not with her at every moment, a statement pointed at him.
072. She enjoys hearing about his day and striking a balance between time spent together and time spent alone.
073. Smiling, they both agree that there’s ample hope for them as a couple.
074. Their mid-season reunion lasted for over a month of airtime, giving us back-to-back episodic climaxes in which they affirm their feelings and are ultimately rebuilt as a stronger pairing.
075. Their relationship is so secure that he can playfully kiss Donna in front of her.
076. He bought a Christmas present for her little sister.
077. The renewal of Dylan and Kelly’s relationship is credited for his upbeat, celebratory spirit, and Donna’s never seen him so happy.
078. She had the intuition to know that he’d spend part of the holidays reflecting over his dad, and worried about a deeper sense of loneliness getting the best of him.
079. They call to check in on each other, ‘I love you’s and all.
080. She fit in just fine with his new family at first, engaging in sing-a-longs and comforting Erica about her mom’s new boyfriend.
081. We see them build a relationship with their respective little sisters at the same time and they’re equally loving and protective.
082. He was more than willing to let her stay with him when she moved out of the beach apartment.
083. He loves listening to her tell stories about the past, especially when she recounts a childlike sense of wishful thinking, such as the desire to make everyone’s problems vanish with the wiggle of her nose. It’s a good contrast to their shared cynicism.
084. The Peach Pit heard it first: their sex life is very satisfying.
085. When there’s tension in the room, he puts an arm of comfort around her.
086. They formed a united front of tough love and confrontation to get David off drugs.
087. The first thing he does upon waking up is reach out for her.
088. She knew he’d be interested in a film about the value of women across different cultures, and had been involving him in her pro-feminist coursework regardless.
089. Sometimes he’s so excited to see her that he springs from his seat, corners her at the door, and kisses her. No particular reason.
090. They tease each other mercilessly (in a good way) and she finds him funny.
091. He can imagine himself taken as the sexual partner of her youth, the father of her children, and the companion for when she grows old just the same.
092. He reminds Lucinda that Kelly is his girlfriend when she starts to hit on him, doesn’t kiss her back, and is offended by the whole scenario.
093. She resigns from being a future escort for Brandon, as their kiss can’t happen again while she’s still seeing Dylan.
094. After only one night of separation, they kiss like it’s a full-on reunion.
095. She can tell when there’s truth behind his joking and he’s actually hurt.
096. Although she fervently rejects his theory that Lucinda was trying to sleep with him (whether to finance her documentary or not), a part of Kelly trusted his word, thus the tense confrontation she stages with her professor during class.
097. She was visibly hurt when it became clear that Lucinda had, in fact, pursued Dylan. And her impression of him took priority over maintaining the illusion that her role model was qualified for such a title.
098. It took some major prompting for him to expose Lucinda’s actions, as she’s someone who means a lot to Kelly and he didn’t want to see her crushed.
099. When the Dylan/Kelly/Brandon/Lucinda quadrangle gets too complicated, it’s her relationship with Dylan that she seeks to save by coming clean about the retreat kiss.
100. He’s enraged at the (albeit, misguided) notion that Brandon would make a move on her and purposely send Lucinda his way, as if they could swap women for a time. He’s not remotely into it.
101. He uses humor to skirt the issue of her kiss with another, but she, with great physical and emotional tenderness, introduces a somewhat serious vibe, as she feels it’s necessary in order to resolidify them.
102. He can acknowledge when she says something out of line, but ultimately let it go.
103. At the root of her “Cuffs and Links” jealousy spat is her desire to be remembered as the great love of his life. And, better yet, be with him “forever”.
104. In the hippie version of the gang, Peter and Michelle bond over a commonly held spirit of revolution and advocacy of personal rights, similar to their 1990’s
105. Peter and Michelle are the peace-loving flower children of the group, a casual nod to Dylan and Kelly’s sense of liberalism, innate sweetness, and specifically her sensitivity to conflict, as the Be-In freak-out illustrates. She can fall apart in front
of him, he understands, knows how to handle her, and she relies on his comfort.
106. Even the ‘live fast, die hard’ angle to Michelle and her turn to drug use for escapism touches off the recollection of how Dylan saw Kelly as a tragic figure/fallen character for the time before she got her life together.
107. Repeatedly, when she looks over to him, he senses it within seconds and looks back.
108. He agreed to pose for the calendar shoot to help her out against all prior wishes.
109. Him making a fun-loving mockery of himself during the calendar shoot sent her jumping up and down with laughter.
110. He thinks she can do anything she sets her mind to, and supports her decision to try out for the part of Mae in “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof”.
111. It’s important to him that she meet Kevin, the newest member of his family.
112. Privately, there have been times when his alcoholism came into focus enough in their relationship for a play involving this theme to touch off memories/emotions for her.
113. She wants him to be the one she describes her daily experiences to, and he’s all for listening as long as the subject isn’t a catfight.
114. Even if they were last argung, he’s always glad to see her.
115. He felt bad when he thought she quit the play over something he said.
116. He loves a person who stays true to what they want and don’t want in the face of opposing expectations. This was her when she decided not to pursue acting.
117. They can use flirtatious humor to dilute the potential for argument and resolve former disputes.
118. He apologizes for not listening earlier. He’s always willing to apologize in the end.
119. She’s none too thrilled that capitalistic pursuits may be changing him as a person.
120. At the peak of their discontent, they still make love and reference it that way.
121. Once their sexual connection overshadows their ability to communicate and function as a couple, she points this out as an oddity and a reason to break up if unfixable. This means that what held them together could never have been just physical attraction, and she cares about the strength of their relationship.
122. When faced with the possiblity of breaking up, they first opt to let their conflicts go and start over. They seal this resolution with a soft, passionate, rather lengthy kiss.
123. Their break-up was mutual, along with the momentary consideration that they just become non-exclusive.
124. To paraphrase Dylan, of course they’re still on speaking terms and will remain friends.

4.01, So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye;

K: (to D) “So we stumbled on this little town about 200 miles south of Paris and we stayed at this old castle. It had a great restaurant and a tavern where everyone in town was hanging out. And we tried to speak French. (laugh) We ate, and we danced. Dylan played a lot of chess.”

K: (to D) “Everything was actually tres jolie until Dylan found out he didn’t get into Berkeley.”

K: (to D, about her and Dy) “Anybody who says that being in a good relationship is easy has never been in a good relationship.”

4.02, The Girl From New York City;

K: (about Dy) “He didn’t even call.”
D: “Well, he doesn’t have our number. And to come to think of it, he doesn’t even know where we live!”

K: (to D) “Well, we were having a great time. France was beautiful. Just like the paintings. Everything was perfect. But then Dylan found out he didn’t get into Berkeley. [...]”

D: “Go ahead. Call him. You know you want to.”
K: “I do not.”
D: “Yes, you do.”

D: “You hit Dylan?”
K: “Yep.”
D: “And you slept with Gaston?”
K: “Of course not!”

K: “So, were you ever gonna call?”
Dy: “We’re you ever gonna give me your number?”
K: “Okay, we’re even.”
Dy: “On all counts.”

K: “I missed you so much.”
Dy: “I missed you, too.”

D: (to Dd) “Dylan and Kelly are all over each other!”

4.03, The Little Fish;

K: (about college) “Dylan, you’ve gotta give it a chance.”

K: “What are you planning on doing if you don’t go to school?”
Dy: “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll travel.”
K: “Alone?”
Dy: “You can go with me.”

D: “What’s wrong?”
K: “I just keep hoping Dylan woke up on the right side of the bed and decided not to drop out.”
D: “Well, he’s probably sleeping in, keeping that bed warm for you.”

B: (to Dy, about him and K) “Well, I loved Paris. And it must be incredible when you’re there with someone you love.”

Dy: “Having a bubble bath?”
K: (laughs) “I’m glad to see you.”
Dy: “You’re not too hard on the eyes either.”

Dy: “What do you call the dumbest fish in school?”
K: (tapping his nose) “You.” (they kiss)

4.04, Greek To Me;

Dy: “Do you hate me?”
K: (smiles) “Yes, I hate you. But I love you more.”
Dy: “Good.”

K: “Well, Dylan’s not that big on parties.”
John: “Maybe Dylan’s not that big on you.”
K: “He is. You don’t know anything about him.”

K: (sitting outside Dylan’s door) “Surprise, surprise.”
Dy: “Is something wrong?”
K: “The party was over and I didn’t have anybody to go home with.”
Dy: (sitting down next to her) “Well ... you’re home now.”
K: (smiles) “... I missed you.”
Dy: “I missed you, too.”
K: “Dylan, I was wondering something.”
Dy: “What?”
K: “Why can’t you be more like everybody else?”
Dy: (knowingly) “Is that really what you want?”
K: (smirks) “No. Not really.”
Dy: (smiles) “I didn’t think so.” (she kisses his cheek and falls onto him)

4.05, Radio Daze;

Dy: “The only reason I’m here is to be with you.”
K: “Well, I’m glad you’re here.”
Dy: “I’m glad too.”

K: “Admit it. You had a great time.”
Dy: (smiles) “Yeah, don’t ever make me do this again.” (he kisses her, pulls her under water)

4.06, Strangers In The Night;

Dy: “Do you think I’m showing off?”
K: “No, I love that car.”
Dy: “I do, too! It’s a great car. You know? I mean, it is my life. If I want to go out and buy a brand new car, what’s the big deal?”
K: “Where is all this coming from?”
Dy: (sigh) “Jim Walsh.”
K: “Would you please stop letting him bother you? It is your money.”
Dy: “That’s what I said.”
K: “Then what is the problem?”
Dy: “I don’t know ... I know it’s late, but do you want to take a drive with me?”

K: “So, you feel better now?”
Dy: “Yeah. Thanks.”
Dy: “Jim’s right. I don’t need this car. This car is for picking up girls and I already got a girl.”
K: “Yeah.”
Dy: “... Are you okay, Kel? You’ve been kind of quiet.”
Dy: “Well, you know the best place to get a good night’s sleep is my house.”
K: “I don’t think so.”
Dy: “Okay, maybe not so much for the sleep, but ... the night’ll be good.”

K: (to Dy) “I guess it seems like we both just want different things right now.”

K: “It’s not like I want to break up with you or anything. ... I’m sorry.”
Dy: “Yeah, I’m sorry too. I mean, this can be dangerous, this ‘seeing other people’. That’s how we started.”

4.07, Moving Targets;

[K watches an aimless Dy from afar.]
John: “I thought you broke up with McKay.”
K: “I did, but right now I need to talk to him.”

K: “ ... Don’t do this, Dylan. I still want to be part of your life.”
Dy: “Kel, what do you want to go and do something like that for? My life sucks and you know it.”
K: “Dylan ...”
Dy: “What do you want me to say? Huh? None of this has been easy on me, I’ll tell you that. But I’m not gonna get myself in another situation where some little punk with a big gun can do a number on me.”

K: “Dylan’s on his way over, too.”
Jackie: “You’re kidding. You guys are back on?”
K: “Well, I said to him, ‘I still want to be part of your life’. And today he called me up and he asked me to go out on a date. ... To the gun range.”
Jackie: “Oh. How romantic.”
K: “What was I suppose to say? According to chapter four of my psych book, he’s going through post traumatic stress syndrome.”

Dy: “You got about as much chance of taking a bullet as being in a car accident! Or am I not supposed to worry about that? Huh? It’s not ‘my problem’? I should let other people worry about you?”
K: “I’m worried about YOU!”

K: “I’m just scared.”
Dy: “I’m scared. That’s why I’m learning to protect myself.”

K: “Dylan. He’s acting very scary.”
Bn: “I’m sure he’s gonna be fine, Kel.”
K: “Not if he’s spending all his time at a target range shooting guns.”
K: “[...] It’s like ever since the car-jacking, he’s gone gun-crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already gone out and bought one.”
K: “Brandon, you’ve seen him. He is not in a good way.”
Bn: “I’ll admit, he’s had some bad moments.”
K: “Bad moments?! I haven’t seen him this angry, including when his father died! I mean, I’m just afraid that he’s gonna hurt himself or somebody else.”
Bn: “Alright, assuming you’re right, what do want us to do about it?”
K: “Just go over there. Talk to him. See for yourself, because he sure will not listen to me.”

Dy: “Let me guess – Kelly asked you guys to come over here and talk to me, right?”
Bn: “She’s just concerned, that’s all.”

4.08, Twenty Years Ago Today;

K: “Oh, I’d love to go, but I have plans already.”
John: “Oh, let me guess. Dylan’s having another crisis.”

K: “I can’t take you to the Walsh’s party. [...] Dylan’s gonna be there.”
John: “So? I’m not planning to dance with Dylan.”
K: “You know what I’m saying.”

Dy: “Hey, Red.”
K: “Well, fancy meeting you here.”
Dy: “Mm-hm. Why do you always look so good?”
K: “To torture you.”
Dy: “Consider me tortured.”

K: (looking at a wedding pic of Jim and Cindy Walsh, to Dy) “I wonder where we’ll be in twenty years.”

4.09, Otherwise Engaged;

Dy: “Hey. Kel ...”
K: “Dylan, we should really stop meeting like this. How are you?”

K: (to Dy, pointedly) “You know, you can’t always choose who you fall in love wth, now can you? Adios ...”

4.10, And I Did It My Way;

John: “I guess you’re one of those guys that can’t handle change too well.”
Dy: “Or maybe I just don’t try to fix something that isn’t broken.”
John: “Or maybe you just can’t face what’s already breaking up.”
Dy: “Ooh, you’re so subtle, John.”
K: “You know, Kelly tells me she doesn’t want to see you anymore.”
Dy: “Mm.”
John: “But every time I turn around, she’s still with you.”
Dy: (smiles) “Yeah.”
John: “So I figure you must have some kind of hold on her.”
Dy: “Nah, Kelly can see whoever she wants. She knows that. But why she’d want to see you, that’s just beyond me.” (he glares at him)

Dy: (about B and K) “Let me ask you something, Nat. I’ve been with a lot of girls. Why is it the only two I ever loved are running around with total dirtbags?”

4.11, Take Back The Night;

K: “No, John. It’s not a conspiracy that I don’t want to sleep with you.”
John: “Well, something’s going on. I’m a Senior, I’m in KEG House, and you make me feel like I’ve got The Plague!”
K: “What do you want me to do? It just doesn’t feel right, okay?”
John: “Feel right?! Jesus, what’s with the Snow White act? Come on, I was there. I know what you’re really about. What, you think I’m hanging around you for your brilliant Freshman reparte?”
K: “You do not know the first thing about what it’s like to care for somebody. I can’t believe I was actually falling for you.”
John: “If this is how you fall for someone, you’ve got a lot to learn.”
K: “Why don’t you find someone else to teach it to?”
K: “Dylan, I did not tell you this so you would run over there and punch him out.”
Dy: “Oh, come on. Somebody’s got to.”
K: “But not by you, okay?”
Dy: “Whatever. As long as you’re okay. You are okay.”
K: “Yes, I’m okay. I’m better than okay. That’s what I came to tell you. You know, if this had happened 3 years ago, I probably would have stayed with him even after what he said.”
Dy: “Well, I’m glad it’s not 3 years ago. You’re getting it together.”
K: “I hope so. And if I am starting to get more inner strength or whatever, I think ... maybe it’s because you were the first guy who ever took me seriously.”
Dy: “Kel ...”
K: “No, you were. I just can’t believe I got so caught up with him. ... What happened to us, Dylan?”
Dy: “I don’t know. Must have gotten lost somewhere. ... You sure you don’t want me to whack him? Cause – I will.”
K: “No. I think that for Sears, having a girl tell him to get lost is cruel and unusual punishment enough. No macho guy stuff, okay?”
Dy: “Okay. No guy stuff. I will walk you to your car. (wink) That’s guy stuff.”

Dy: (to a girl John’s sweet-talking in French) “Has he gotten to the point where he’ll wait, uh, ‘fifty years’ yet? That’s the good stuff.”
John: “What’s your problem, McKay?”
Dy: “No problem. Just my way of saying enough’s enough.”
John: “Yeah, well maybe I haven’t decided when enough is enough. And Kelly can make her own decisions, don’t you think?”
Dy: “Yeah. She decided you make her sick.”
John: “Well, she’ll change her mind. They always do.”
Dy: “Not this time.”
John: “Well, then you don’t have anything to worry about, do you, partner?”
Dy: “Leave her alone. I mean it.”

[Re: “To His Coy Mistress”, By Andrew Marvell]
Dy: (K on his mind) “The girl in the poem, I mean, she obviously knows how difficult it is to open your heart to another human being. That’s why she’s skittish. How do you know that, one day, your girlfriend, she’s not gonna tell you that she looooves you and then you turn around the next day and she’s running around with some geek from the KEG House?”

Dy: “Well, I don’t know, Bren. Maybe it’s all a bad joke, you know? Like Kelly and John Sears - that’s a joke.”

B: “Well, I don’t believe that I’m about to encourage you to give Kelly a second chance but, if that’s what you want ... Dylan, don’t let stupid stuff get in the way.”

B: (after K’s public speech on date rape) “So, what do you think of Kelly now?”
Dy: “I think she was great.”

John: “I’m reaching out to you here, Kelly. Come on.”
(Dy throws a custard pie in his face)
Dy: “You want some?”
John: “You’re a dead man.” (they brawl, before others pull John off him)
Dy: “Yeah. Hey, you want some?!”
John: “I’m gonna hunt you down!”
Dy: “Right here!”
John: “Keep your back to the wall, McKay! You’re dead!”
K: (shocked and amused, she puts a hand on Dy’s face) You are crazy. ... But thank you.”
Dy: (kisses her hard) “My pleasure.”

4.12, Radar Love;

K: “Uh, no, I don’t think Dylan wants to spend that much time with me anymore.”
D: “Kel, he smashed a pie in John Sears’ face for you!”

Dy: (to K) “I cared about you. You said ... you said you wanted to see other people. Fine. I just want to have Thanksgiving dinner with my friends, and I like Cindy Walsh’s turkey better than I like Jackie’s.”

4.13, Emily;

[Kel approaches him on campus in a bathrobe, shower cap, and mud mask.]
Dy: “Lookin’ real good, Kel.”
K: “Look, I know that you are probably still mad at me, and I am definitely still mad at you. But I have to kiss you right now, in front of all of these people ...”
Dy: (half-audible, amused) “Ooooh ...”
K: “And I would really appreciate it if you would please just go along with it.”
Dy: “Did you say ‘please’?”
K: (begrudgingly) “Yes. I said - I said ‘please’.”
Dy: “Well, in that case, I, uh ... I never could resist a sorority girl in a shower cap.”
(he kisses her briefly, she thinks they’re done, then he kisses her again for a good long minute, grabbing her by her robe and pulling her towards him while students on campus cheer them on)
K: (finally released, she laughs a lttle) “W-what was that for?”
Dy: “Cold cream. It turns me on.”

He gently throws her back into the Hell Week march, her looking all giddy and him, transfixed and smiling playfully ... with cold cream all over his face.

4.14, Windstruck;

Dy: (reading his fortune) “You have the power to influence many people.”
Gang: “In bed.”
Bn: “Whoa, Dylwig!” (Dylan and Kelly glance at each other shyly)

B: “So, uh, Kel, are you gonna be needing a ride home?”
Dy: “No, I’ll take her. You guys go ahead.”
Bn: “You sure it’s okay to leave you two here alone together?”
Dy: (to K) “Think you can handle it?”
K: (smirks) “I’m fine.”
K: “I don’t know what it is about the Santa Anas, but I haven’t been myself all day. Maybe it’s not the Santa Anas. Maybe I’m just nervous about being with you.”
Dy: (small smirk) “You know, in the Middle East, they have winds, they’re called the sciroccos. They blow across the northern desert of Africa and while these winds are blowing, if you kill somebody, they don’t even try and punish you.”
K: “Sort of like a temporary insanity?”
Dy: “Kinda like the heat of passion. Sort of like a full moon. Our bodies are full of so much water that gravity starts pulling on us in ways we don’t even realize. It’s like a tide rising.” (they kiss)

Dy: (to K, washing a car) “When you’re done there, my back could use a good scrubbing.”

Dy: “I thought I’d come down and get the grime off the old speedster.”
K: “I’d love to.” (they make-out)

K: “Oh, it’s this article I’m reading. They did a study on children of divorce. In one group, the parents had shared custody. In the other group, only one parent had custody.”
Dy: “Kinda like Erin.”
K: “Yeah, Erin, and me, too. The thing is that the kids who went back and forth actually learned that their parents’ love would be there even when they weren’t.”
Dy: “Hm.”
K: “Guess I’m still working on that.”
Dy: “Yeah, aren’t we all?”
K: “You know, if you hadn’t come to the car wash, that would have been okay.”
Dy: “Well ...”
K: “You know, last night when we were together, I really liked hearing about the rest of your day, too. I guess what I’m getting at is .... we don’t have to spend every waking hour together to be a couple.”
Dy: “Eloquently put.”
K: “So, there is hope for us, huh?” (she smiles)
Dy: (smiles) “Yeah.”

4.15, Somewhere In The World It’s Christmas;

Dy: “Hey, Little Lady, don’t you worry about it. I got a sack full of gifts for you right here, and one for your little sister.”
K: “Oh, that’s so sweet. [...]”

Dy: “Well, ladies, I hate to do it, but I’m gonna have to be saying ‘adios’ for now, however ... I’m under the mistletoe again (smiles), so ... (K giggles, throws him a kiss, he catches it emphatically) Ooh. What a shot, Kel.”

D: “Wow. Since you two have gotten back together, he has been a completely different person. I mean, I’ve never seen him so upbeat and Christmasy.”
K: “Yeah, I don’t know. Professor Wagner says a lot of people use the holidays to hide how lonely they really are. God knows Dylan already has enough bad

memories of this time of year.”
D: “You know, Kel – and I don’t mean this as criticism – those psychology classes you’ve been taking? I think you’ve been ‘taking’ them a little too seriously.”
K: (sighs) “I hope you’re right.”

4.16, Crunch Time;

Dy: “Anyway, I just called to wish you luck.”
K: “Thanks. I love you.”
Dy: “Alright. You too.”

K: (phone) “Hello? Hi, Dylan. That’s very sweet.”

4.19, The Labours Of Love;

K: (phone) “Dylan, hi, it’s me. Uh, look, do me a favor and leave a key under the mat. I’m going to have to stay at your house tonight. For a while, actually. Hope that’s okay. Love you. Bye.”

K: (sitting down with him) “I’m sorry to dump all this on you.”
Dy: “It’s alright. You can stay as long as you like.”

K: “Reruns of ‘Bewitched’ were my favorite.”
Dy: “Yeah.”
K: “I’d pretend I was Samantha, and I would wiggle my nose and everybody’s problems would just disappear.”
Dy: “Wiggle your nose for me. (she wiggles, he smiles big) It’s a sweet nose. It’s a cute nose. I don’t think it has any magical powers, though. (she kisses him)

S: “Oh, right, and if Kelly’s craving a megaburger at 2:30 in the morning, you’re not gonna come down and cook it for her?”
Dy: “Well, Steve, this may come as a shock to you but when Kelly’s with me ... she doesn’t crave anything.”

4.20, Scared Very Straight;

S: (to K) “Come on, ya nasty little fun tart. Let’s dance.”
Dy: (joking) “That’s my fun tart. Alright?”

4.21, Addicted To Love;

Dy: “Hey! There’s my number one customer. Could I possibly interest you in the house special?” (kisses her by the PPit doors)
K: “I’ll take one to go.”

Dy: (to Bn and K) “Wow. My girlfriend, I think I’ll keep her.”

4.22, Change Partners;

Lucinda: “Instead, people tended towards the idea that Margaret Mead called ‘serial monogamy’. Which is what? Anyone?”
K: “It’s the idea that we take different partners for different phases of our lives. One for sex when we’re young, one to father our children, and one for companionship as we grow older.”
Dy: “So, which one of those partners am I?”

4.23, A Pig Is A Boy Is A Dog;

K: (to Bn, about Dy) “He saw the picture in The Condor and, even though he says he’s joking, obviously it’s bothering him.”

K: (to Bn) “If I’m going to have an honest relationship with Dylan, I’m gonna have to tell him what happened between you and me at the retreat.”

K: “I guess when it comes down to it, I’m just an old-fashioned girl.”
Dy: “Well, it’s a good thing, because I am certainly an old-fashioned guy. You know, posssessive, vindictive, yet tender.”
K: (small laugh, then she puts her hands on his lips) “Tender?” (they kiss)

4.27, Divas;

K: “Hey, guess what. I’m thinking of maybe trying out for the play too. There’s a small part and Brenda thinks maybe I should try for it.”
Dy: “What, you?”
K: “You don’t think I could do it?”
Dy: “Oh, quite the contrary. I think you can do anything you set your mind to.”

4.28, Acting Out;

Roy: “The scene isn’t just Maggie angry that Brick’s living at the bottom of a whiskey bottle. It’s not just ... ‘this’ (he pounds his fists together) On the contrary, she’s trying to hold things together. And what else can you do when you find yourself wading through the seamy underworld of an alcoholic. (Kel looks down) I take it you’re acquainted with the subject.”
K: “Yeah, both my boyfriend and my mom are recovering now. Thank god.”
Roy: “So, you tell us. What’s going through Maggie’s head?”
K: “If she could reach Brick for just one honest second, she could save them both. At least, that’s what she thinks.”

K: “... I hope you’re glad to see me.”
Dy: “Of course I’m glad to see you.” (kiss)

K: “I know it’s every little girl’s dream to grow up and become a star, but it’s not mine. I hate acting. And that is what I was trying to tell you yesterday.”
Dy: “Well, if I had known that that is what you were trying to tell me, I would’ve listened.”
K: “Unfortunately, the way that it works is that you have to listen first.”
Dy: “I know that. I will.”

4.30, Vital Signs;

K: (to Dy) “She [Erica] could have just as easily walked in while we were making love.”

K: “So this is it?”
Dy: “That’s what it looks like.”

4.31, Mr Walsh Goes To Washington (1);

[Post break-up]
K: “Does this mean we’re still talking?”
Dy: “Of course we’re still talking.”

4.31, Mr Walsh Goes To Washington (2);

Bn: “... And I found myself getting misty-eyed like in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”.”
K: “I love that movie.”
Bn: “You’ve seen it?”
K: “Yeah. Dylan used to make me watch a lot of old movies.”
Bn: “I knew that name would come up sooner or later.”

Because ...

01. Donna thought it was feasible that Kelly got back together with him over the summer.
02. She was worried how he’d react to the news of her and Brandon being together, concerned that he’d feel ganged up on.
03. As she tells Donna about David, he was her first real boyfriend. Of course she’s still going to have strong feelings for him.
04. She could literally ‘sense’ him staring out at her from a far off light tower.
05. He regrets the break-up.
06. They used to go camping every weekend.
07. He’s been missing her.
08. Nat implies that the only reason she’s not with him is cause he skipped town and didn’t keep in touch.
09. He refers to her as his “best girl”.
10. Despite verbal insult, she came over to talk things through and express concern over his drinking.
11. She thought there was reason for her to apologize for him seeing her with another guy.
12. After some provokation, she affirms that it’s over between them. Wasn’t it already supposed to be?
13. He gets teary-eyed hearing that she only stopped by because she cares about him.
14. He’s not above an apology.
15. Back when his father died, he opened up to her about his guilt.
16. They spot each other, everything stops, the music swells.
17. She inquires about his life, still throwing a snarky comment in there to wake him up.
18. She all but apologized for her skepticism regarding Kevin, Suzanne, and the bioremediation company.
19. She bought a present for his little sister.
20. She’s upset by Valerie’s suggestion that she doesn’t care enough to help him ... and by the fact that he made out with her.
21. Her comments at the intervention cut him deep and, finally, he was reached.
22. She’s angry at him for abusing/degrading himself like this.
23. Valerie thinks Kelly is still in love with him.
24. Cindy knows how tough it will be for Kelly to see him in the hospital on life support.
25. His coma dreams reveal his wish for her as his bride-to-be and the hurt/surprise he felt losing her to Brandon.
26. His flashback to them at the Bel Age pool in S3 was of her holding him in her arms, not anything lustful.
27. Still, in the fantasy of all the women he had slept with, she was named as his best lover.
28. All it took was a little sobriety for her to have daydreams about a make-out session where he disarms her and they reunite.
29. She visited him in rehab.
30. He reminds her that his love for her is unconditional. Always was, always will be.
31. She finds it funny that she ever doubted the sincerity of his love, even if due to her own issues.
32. He admits that it’s hard to see her with someone else, but he respects it.
33. He suggests that his life wouldn’t have unraveled so much if they were still together.
34. She gestures her support when he tells her that he’s terrified about the future.
35. She can always call him. No exceptions.
36. Only they can make suicide jokes and talk seriously at the same time.
37. She’s able to confide in her ex-boyfriend about trust issues with her current boyfriend on a genuinely constructive basis.
38. He’s the one person people turn to for advice on how to deal with her self-image problems.
39. Their longing stare at the Walsh house was intense enough to move plot points.
40. He’s even being teased by her nemesis about how hung up he is on her.
41. She’s sympathetic to his lack of direction and wants to help him.
42. He likens a break-up with her to something you don’t think you’re going to survive, but you do, meaning he had recovered some when asked to re-enter her life.
43. Brandon knows Dylan cares about her.
44. He was willing to humiliate himself in front of Donna and Clare in order to gain her trust.
45. He defended her quest for spiritual growth.
46. Her desire to work towards opening him up was not the result of any brainwashing, despite the context of the cult.
47. He thinks she has limitless possibilities and shouldn’t be afraid to shine.
48. She poured her heart out to him about her fears, and none of it was news to him.
49. She thinks he truly understands her and her life, based on that which he’s said and been genuine about.
50. It was easy for Brandon to imagine they slept together once Dylan told him they got “caught up in the moment” while talking.
51. She knows he loves her.
52. It was their lingering, mutual feelings for each other that served as the effective catalyst in the plan to break her free of Finley’s influence, and led Dylan to nearly fall for The New Evolution himself.
53. She was concerned about how he was feeling in light of being so close with her again and having to walk away to let her be with Brandon.
54. He did the honorable thing, loving her enough to let her go instead of capitalizing on the fact that she carries a torch for him too.
55. He came to her ‘Welcome Back’ gathering even though it hurt to even see her.
56. Now sober, he’s too downtrodden about losing her to have sex with Val.
57. His heartache almost drove him to light up a joint.
58. Charlie has been hearing of his Kelly-woes for nearly half a season.
59. In her own words, she’d still be ‘evolving’ with Finley if he hadn’t exposed him for the fraud that he is.
60. She thanks him for being such a great friend and makes him promise that they’ll always be in each other’s lives as such.
61. He’s into psychology now too.
62. Brandon thinks it’s possible that she still loves Dylan and, according to Clare’s dumper/dumpee theory, he still loves her.
63. He’s still thinking about the scent of her perfume.
64. His first vision under hypnosis, regarded merely as a message from his subconscious, like in dreams, involved a woman who could very possibly represent her.
65. He could get some work done on this screenplay if only he’d stop staring at her magazine photo.
66. Valerie’s reference to the film, “Jules and Jim”, about a woman who’s in love with two men equally but for different reasons, foreshadows the decision Kelly must make between Brandon and Dylan.
67. Charlie encourages him to go out and fight for his relationship with her.
68. His visions of her in a past life reveal his desire for her to save him from a wasted existence. Love, hope, faith, and stability are what she represents to him.
69. For whatever reason, New York City reminds her of him.
70. He believes that they are soulmates – literally. And, by extention, that she already had two sons with him.
71. All it takes is him showing up at her door and they’re kissing. Kissing like tomorrow might never come.
72. He wants her to leave L.A. and travel the world with him.
73. According to him, they argue because he makes her feel alive enough to do so.
74. He believes that they’re connected in a way that only they understand, and it’s more powerful than any common love.
75. She still has feelings for him.
76. He is the reason she had to think about Brandon’s proposal.
77. She knows that, in his own proposal, he’s talking about more than a fling.
78. She feels that he will always have a piece of her soul.
79. Even with her engagement ring on, she’s kissing him (for 1:40 min plus).
80. She loves him despite his bouts of selfishness, and speaks of the matter with endearment.
81. Although she rejects the prospect of a new relationship with him, she tells him that she’ll love him until the day she dies.

5.01, What I Did on My Summer Vacation and Other Stories;

K: “Every time Steve gets dumped, he gets sentimental about me. […] Well, I know how to handle Steve. It’s Dylan I’m worried about.”

D: “I had it together all summer long. I really did. I mean, I didn’t even shed one tear over David. I didn’t even think of him at all! And now I see him for 15 seconds and I totally go to pieces. How can he still do this to me?”
K: “Because he was your first real boyfriend, that’s why. I mean, of course you’re gonna have strong feelings for him. It’s totally natural.”
D: “Well … does he still have strong feelings for me?”
K: “Donna, I don’t know.” [...]

K gets up, then stops, feeling an intense breeze behind her. We cut to Dylan, from a boat, staring at the beach apartment intently from afar. He flashes back to their break-up scene in S4, clearly ruminating on the matter and not over his ex.

5.02, Under the Influence;

K: “I know what this is about. This is about David. She [Donna] wants to move out of L.A. so she doesn’t have to deal with seeing him.”
Bn: “Kel, don’t take this the wrong way but, ever since the Dylan sighting, you’ve been a little ... high-strung.”
K: “I know. I’m sorry. When are we going to tell him about us?”
Bn: “I don’t know. We’ll figure something out.”
K: “Looks like we’re back in the triangle all over again.”
Bn: “Except I’m not Brenda and we’re not in high school.”
K: “Yeah, but it – when it’s two against one, you’re always ganging up on someone.”
Bn: “Alright, then I’ll tell Dylan by myself if that’s what you want.”

Dy: “I’m fine. (sits down) … Although I have been missing Kelly a little bit lately.”

Dy: (to Bn) “Everybody does, man [feel like ‘so long ago’], it’s just … like, ‘people I knew in high school’. Except you. Kel … Know what I mean?”

Dy: “L – I’m – I’m having a rough spot right now.”
N: “Is it Kelly?”
Dy: “I don’t know, maybe.”

Dy spots Bn and K kissing at Felice’s fundraiser.
Dy: “Achem. (they see him) You two are like a bad movie. My best friend, my best girl” […]

V: “That’s Brenda’s Dylan?”
D: “Kelly’s Dylan.”

Dy: “Technically, I think they call it a relapse. But it’s expected, so I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.”
K: “You know what that stuff does to you.”
Dy: “At the risk of sounding glib, Kel, that’s why I drink.”
K: “I hate to see you like this. Put some clothes on, and we’ll go get some coffee and talk.”

Bn: “Look, if you have a problem with me, that’s fine. But Kelly only came over here because she cares about you. You owe her an apology.”

Dylan looks a little glassy-eyed. Brandon leaves.

Dy: “I, uh … came to talk to Kel. Since she’s not here, I guess I’ll start with you.”
D: “Look, you don’t owe me any apologies. I know what it’s like to see someone you care about with someone else. Actually, I felt pretty bad for you.”
D: “Dylan, it’s so, so hard to see David. You know, I thought it would stop, but it hasn’t. And I just … I feel like I have no place else to go. (Dy looks sympathetic) I’m sorry …”
D: “Will you come to registration with me? (Dy looks pained) I mean, maybe if we face them together …”

5.04, Life After Death;

Bn: “It could’ve been me in that car.”
K: “But it wasn’t.”
Bn: “But it could’ve been.”
K: “You know, that’s the exact same thing that Dylan said when his father died.”

5.05, Rave On;

K: “Nice to see you back among the living.”
Dy: “If this is living, it’s way overrated.”

5.06, Homecoming;

V: “Got burned down on the real thing, huh?”
V: “I just want to know who you loved more. The blonde or the brunette?”
Dy: “Why, you’re thinking of dying your hair?”
V: “Maybe.”
Dy: “Look, don’t go falling in love here, okay?”

5.09, Intervention;

K: “Look, Dylan. I know we didn’t have the easiest time together, but at least when you were sober you had more dignity than the guy I found licking salt off the neck of a glorified hooker. What, did you do that to humiliate me? To pay me back for falling in love with someone else? Because, if you did, it worked. I was humiliated.”

Dylan, unable to look her in the eye, looks hurt. He asks to be excused. In the bathroom, he nearly does a line of cocaine before deciding against it and agreeing to enter rehab.

5.10, The Dreams of Dylan McKay;

A: “Dylan totaled his car. He’s in the hospital on life support.”
K: (low) “Oh my god.”

K: “As long as Dylan is in there fighting for his life, I don’t think we should be burying him just yet.”

K: “Wait just a second, Valerie. That Dylan is lying in there in a coma is nobody’s fault but his own. I mean, it’s like Brandon said on the way over here. We did everything we could to try and help him. We did the intervention. We found a great place for him to dry out. Then two minutes into his rehab, he’s back out on the street? Whose fault is that? I mean, it’s not like you knew he was out there on the street getting wasted and you didn’t do anything to try and stop him.”
V: “…Right.”
K: “So don’t let yourself feel guilty. Sad, yes. But not guilty.”

V: “Can I ask you a question?”
K: “Sure.”
V: “A personal question.”
K: “Okay …”
V: “… You still love him, don’t you?”

Cindy: “This has got to be VERY tough on her.”

K (holding his hand): “You bastard.”

Dealer: “She, uh ... must’ve been a good lover.”
Dy: (laughs giddily) “I’ve been with everyone in this room? (dealer laughs) Yeah ...”
K: “But I was your favorite, wasn’t I?”
Dy: “Well, I don’t know.” (they kiss)
K: “I was the best.” (more kissing)

5.11, Hate Is Just a Four-Letter Word;

D: “[...] And poor Dylan, he’s really out of it, so ...”
K: “Yeah, I tried to call him today. Iris says he’s still pretty low.”

5.13, Up in Flames;

Bn: “Did I wake you up?”
K: “No. … The Santa Anas get to me too.” [Cue romantic flashback to Dylan]

K: “Well, it sounds like you’re on the road back.”

Dy: “I was thinking of coming a long way from the girl who thought the only reason I fell in love with her was because she was voted … ‘Most Beautiful’.”
K: (smirks) “Yeah, I guess somehow I got past that.”
Dy: “… Most beautiful or not, I’d have fallen in love with you either way, Kel.”

Dy: “You seeing him?”
K: “Yeah …”
Dy: “Yeah, that’s real good. … I’m not gonna pretend it’s easy. It’s not. I’ve got a lot of time here to think about it. I realize a lot of my problems started right … when I lost you.”
K: “I’m sorry.”

K: “Are you miserable?”
Dy: “I was. Now I’m just terrified.”

5.14, Injustice for All;

Dy: “Alright, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Now you know you can always call me.”
K: “I’m lucky you finally got phone priveliges. Otherwise, I might have jumped out a window by now.”
Dy: “Let’s see, second story, you’re on the sand … Yeah, it’d be alright.”
K: “That’s true. Guess I would’ve had to find a much taller building.”
Dy: “Nope, nope. Don’t want to do buildings. It’s way too messy.”
K: “Dylan, what am I gonna do?”
Dy: “Kel, you don’t gotta do anything. Just relax! Just let it happen. And it’ll change. Trust me, I know.”
Dy: “Speak of the devil, it’s your good friend Brandon.”
K: “Look, don’t tell him what we talked about, okay?”

Bn: “First of all, you know, she got caught in this fire.”
Dy: “Yeah, I talked to her a little while ago. Sounds like she’s having a rough time.”
Bn: “Yeah, she is. And I don’t quite know how to handle it. I mean, she’s having some kind of self-image problem and … I mean, her face isn’t that bad.”
Dy: “Her face? … How bad is it?”
Bn: “I don’t know. She won’t show me all the damage. It’s like she doesn’t trust me.”
Dy: “Maybe she doesn’t.”

5.18, Hazardous to Your Health;

Dy: "Look, man, the last person I wanna hear about is Lucinda Nicholson.”
Bn: "This is a funny story."
Dy: "It's not a funny story. Every time I hear her name, I get reminded how she tried to hussle me into financing that stupid documentary while you were off for the weekend hussling Kelly." (Dylan rips his napkin)

Dy: “You didn’t have to wait till I got in the shower to call her, you know.”
Bn: (sarcastic) “Oh, thanks for telling me that. I can call her back if you want to say goodnight too.”
Dy: “Hey, you got a problem?”
Bn: “No, I don’t have a problem. But any question I had about our friendship was answered by the way you looked after seeing Kelly at my house.”
Dy: “Look, don’t talk to me about Kelly, alright? I don’t want to hear about Kelly anymore. Let’s just […]”

5.20, You Gotta Have Heart;

V: “Oh, goodie. Kelly’s here.”
Dy: “What’s the shocker?”
V: “I thought she’d be too busy ‘evolving’.”
Dy: “You really got a thing for her, don’t ya?”
V: “No … but you do.”

K: “Poor Dylan. He still doesn’t know what to do with his life. The New Evolution could work wonders for him.”

Bn: (to Dy) “Look, I know you care about her. She needs your help.”

5.21, Stormy Weather;

Dy: “You know, I think she’s just trying to find a little meaning in her life. Maybe instead of giving her a problem, you guys ought to try to understand it a little bit.”
Cl: “What, have you joined The New Evolution too?”
Dy: “No, I’m just trying to keep an open mind, you know? I think it’s pretty obvious she’s dealing with some serious issues here. Human nature, personal growth. Something like that. Instead of giving her a tough time about it, you two ought to try and respect it.”
K: “Thank you.”

K: “His father is probably his Achille’s Heel. His father was Jack McKay.”
Finley: “The financier? Well, no wonder Dylan puts up so much armor. He has a lot to protect. [...] He’s going to be quite a challenge but I think that, working together, we can bring him out.”

K: (about Jackie) “She thinks I’m going through a phase. But it’s more than that. It really is.”
Dy: “Hey, you don’t gotta sell me. I’m on your side, remember?”
K: “I’m really glad to hear somebody understands.”

Finley: “Just as we must cast off those things that impede our growth, so must we also preserve those things that are at its foundation.” (K looks at Dy)

K: “I used to have so many fears inside, Dylan, I couldn’t possibly be happy.”
Dy: “What do you mean?”
K: “… You know how I was always afraid that people wouldn’t like me if I wasn’t pretty?”
Dy: “Yeah.”
K: “Well, I was also afraid that they wouldn’t like me because I was. That’s why I had so many mixed feelings about doing that Seventeen shoot. I’ve always been afraid to be too smart, or too funny, or to enjoy the things I have because people might think I already have too much. … I was lost. And Finley has given me direction. He’s taught me that it’s okay for me to shine. Because everyone has limitless possibilities.”
Dy: “Don’t you know that nothing could ever stop you from shining, Kel?”

Bn: “Is there something going on between the two of you that I don’t know about?”
Dy: “After the, uh, Meleding … we were outside, we were talking – she got to pouring her heart out to me – and we got a little caught up in the moment.”
Bn: “Did ya sleep with her?”
Dy: “I kissed her. I kissed her a couple of times.”
Bn: “You kissed her.”
Dy: “Just being honest.”
Bn: “Well, I appreciate your honesty.”
Dy: “Stop it, alright? Just stop it. Cause that’s not what it was like at all. Okay? If you want to save her from herself, Brandon, you better hurry up because she is not the same person anymore. Frankly, neither am I.”

Finley: “Well, obviously she’s extremely appealing. She’s the kind of woman a person could imagine spending his future with, but we haven’t become intimate yet. At least, not physically. (Dy looks him up and down in disdain, lol) What did you have in mind, Dylan?”
Dy: “About a year ago, Kelly and I, we uh … we had a thing going. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to get that back.”

Finley: “I sense a chemistry between the two of you that defies real time and space. And the truth is, I believe Dylan McKay is your soulmate.”
K: “Well, in lots of ways, he probably is.”
Finley: “He loves you, Kelly.”
K: “I know.”

Dy: “Well, I guess we’ve both come a long way.”
K: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” (she grabs his face and kisses him) “Ever since that day you stood up for me at the Peach Pit, I’ve wanted to hold you, and love you, and let our paths evolve.”

Dy: “Eh, man, booze doesn’t tempt me anymore. Ideas do.”
Bn: “You and Kelly, both.”
Bn: “I just don’t understand how two intelligent people like you and Kelly would give up your identity to be in a cult.”
Dy: “I don’t know. People need assurances. They want to know that they’re part of something bigger than just themselves. … Tyeah. Alright, you can roll your eyes now. You wait till you have some kind of near-death experience. You’ll see.”

K: “You tried to get me to sleep with Dylan so you could get his money.”
F: “I tried to put you and McKay together because you belong together.”
K: “So you’re not denying it.”
F: “It wasn’t as though I had to twist your arm, Kelly.”

K: “When you told me that The New Evolution could help Dylan open up, I thought you were talking about his soul, not his checkbook!”

Dy: “You okay?”
K: “Better than okay.”
Bn: “Good. Let’s get outta here.”
Dy: “Hey, you two go on. I’m gonna walk.”
K: “Dylan …”
Dy: “I’m fine, Kel. I’m gonna walk.” (as he leaves, she motions for Bn to talk to him)
Dy: “What do you want to do – you want to cut her in half? You got any better ideas? Cause I don’t. I’m trying to do the honorable thing here, man. It ain’t my style, so just let me do it, alright?” (Dy and K look out across at one another. He’s letting her go. They part ways.)

5.22, Alone at the Top;

(Kel’s ‘Welcome Back’ moment on campus)
K: “Well, I’m glad you’re here.”
Dy: “Me too.”

V: “Come on, Dylan. Let’s smoke ourselves silly and make love all night.”
Dy: “You’re already silly. I’ll pass.”
V: “On me or the pot?”
Dy: “Both.”
V: “What’s gotten into you? … Oh, that’s right. You’re stuck on Kelly.”

Dy: “If it hadn’t been for a big wind today, I probably would’ve, uh, got one lit up, you know?”
Charlie: “Can’t fool Mother Nature, huh? So, what got to you?”
Dy: “Take a guess.”
Charlie: “Ahh ... a woman.”
Dy: “Yeah.”
Charlie: “Kelly? Valerie?”
Dy: “They ganged up on me. Val supplied the smoke, but Kelly, she supplied the motivation.”
Charlie: “Let her go, man. You got to let-her-go.”
Dy: “I’m trying, but ...”

K: “You know, I never got a chance to tell you how much it meant to me that you came to see me on campus the other day.”
Dy: “Eh, it’s no big deal.”
K: “Well, it was to me. You’re a good friend.” (she kisses him on cheek) “Brandon and I were just talking about it the other day. I’d probably still be evolving with Finley if you hadn’t exposed him for the fraud that he is.”
Dy: “What do you want me to say?”
K: “ … That you’ll always be my friend.” (they stare at each other longingly)
Dy: “… I’ll always be your friend.”

5.24, Unreal World;

Bn: “[...] Until that time, I didn’t know it was possible to love two people at the same time.”
Cl: “Sure. When you go from relationship to relationship, there’s overlap time.”
Bn: “Guess that means Kelly still loves Dylan, huh?”
Dd: “Well, according to Clare’s theory, he probably still loves her.”

5.26, A Song for My Mother;

Molly: “Dreams and imaginings and regressions – they’re all connected.”
Dy: “Yeah, that’s comforting.”
Molly: “But it is. Can I tell you a secret? I’m not absolutely sure that we have lived before. I mean, there’s the slight possibility that reincarnation’s just a crock.”
Dy: “Huh. Now you tell me.”
Molly: “But what I am absolutely sure of is that what we’re doing here – soul-searching, self-discovery – it is a powerful, powerful tool. And if you can regress, you can get that understanding. You can grow, you can learn, you can change.”

5.27, Squash It;

Dy: “It smells like Kelly’s perfume.”
Molly: “It’s Wisteria. It’s supposed to help open the door between the conscious and the subconscious.”

[After Dy’s early 1900’s vision of him and a girl on a train car. He won’t show her his writing. Later, she’s taken away from him by another man and raped. He can’t stop it.]

Molly: “Dylan, just because you saw it, it doesn’t mean that it happened. I mean, sometimes it can just be a message from the subconscious. You know, like a dream.”
Dy: “Yeah, like a nightmare.”
Molly: “Well, we look to our past to heal our future.”
Molly: “What you just experienced could be just one link in the chain. Maybe the answer lies further back.”
Dy: “You think I knew this girl in a different lifetime.”
Molly: “It’s possible that you were betrayed by another woman. That your heart shut down in order to survive. Anway, what you did isn’t as important as what you’re gonna do.”

5.28, Girls on the Side;

Charlie: (taking a magazine with K’s picture on it away from Dy) “Look, would you put this damn thing down? I thought we were gonna try and get some work done here today.”
Dy: “Yeah, I just can’t get over it – I mean, Kelly Taylor on a magazine cover.”

V: (to Dy/Charlie, about “Jules and Jim”, a French film they’re paying homage to in their screenplay) “And it’s not about a menage a trois. It’s about a woman who’s in love with two men equally – one spiritually and one physically.”

Charlie: “Hey, I see you mooning around after that Kelly. I know Valerie’s in second position.”
Dy: “So what?”
Charlie: “So if the bug that you’ve got for Kelly is so profound, why don’t you just go off somewhere and fight for it?!”
Dylan: (small laugh) “Why don’t you just go home?”

5.29, The Real McCoy;

V: “Well, don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your guy while you’re gone.”
K: “Is that your way of telling me you’re going to make a move on Brandon?”
V: “I’m talking about Dylan. He’s the one you dream about. Isn’t he?”

Billy McCoy: “You’ve got nothing to worry about, Sugar. I would never harm a hair on the head of anything as fetching and sweet-smelling as yourself.”

Dy: “There’s been enough killing.”
K: “A sentiment I hold dear, but wouldn’t have expected to hear from an outlaw.”
Dy: “You think a person can change?”
K: “With all my heart.”
Dy: “You think I can change?”
K: “I pray that you can. Otherwise, it would be a tragic waste of a life to spend your time on this earth in a haze of alcohol and gunpowder.”

Dy VO: “And as he looked in her soft, blue eyes, he knew right then and there that his days as an outlaw were over. And that the next phase of his life was about to begin. There were lots of lazy picnics by the pond that summer … where she would read to him, from the scriptures, and fill his heart with hope. And eventually, love.”

Dy: “Look, you want to know what happened?! You really want to know what happened?! I found out that I was going straight to hell until Kelly Taylor came into the picture, okay?”
Charlie: “So you and Kelly have, like, a seminal link?”
Dy: “Molly says it’s as strong as anything she’s ever channeled.”
Charlie: “Oh, far out!”
V: “What does this ‘seminal link’ mean?”
Charlie: “It means that Dylan and Kelly are soulmates. For life.”

Dy: “Hello, is this New York City?”
K: “Yes, it is. I knew I was gonna hear from you today.”
Dy: “What are you, psychic?”
K: “You’ve been on my mind all day.”
Dy: “Well that’s encouraging, since I haven’t been able to get you out of my thoughts either.”

Dy: “Look, I don’t care what time it is. When you get back in, you gotta call me, okay?”
K: “I will. I promise.”
Dy: “Kel – “

S: (to K, about Dy) “You have something going on with that guy again?”

Dy: “Molly, you gotta help me, here. I know you have a life. I know you have people and everything, but listen – I gotta get back to that moment, that exact moment when Kelly and I rode off into the sunset .” […] You told me the woman is my soulmate! That we have some kind of seminal link. And I gotta tell you, the final images I had of my life – it doesn’t jive with the way I feel about myself, or Kelly, or anything.”

K: “I don’t begrudge you for doing what you can to right a wrong. But these people from your past, they never met the man I love. They never seen you with your sons. (he takes off hat and buries his head in her chest) Promise me this isn’t the last time you’ll hold me.”
Dy: “It won’t be the last time. I promise.”
Dy VO: “And as he rode away that day, both of them were keenly aware that this could be the last time they would ever see each other.”

K: “Dylan! Hi.”
Dy: “Hello, Kel.”
K: “... Is everything okay?”
Dy: “Yeah, I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and …” (they kiss)

5.30, Hello Life, Goodbye Beverly Hills;

K: “Hey, how’m I doin’?”
Dy: “Poetry in motion.”
K: “I have a little control problem.” (crashes into him, they both fall)
Dy: “So do I ...” (kissing)
K: (jokingly) “I think I’ve been swept off my feet.”

Dy: (to K) “You get better looking every day.”

Dy: “Come on, Kel. When you’re with me, you fight with me because that’s when you’re alive.”

Dy: (to K) “We were together in another life. If we’re gonna be together in this one, the opportunity’s now. Right now.”

Dy: (to K) “I wouldn’t be here unless I was absolutely sure that where you belong is with me. Together, wherever it is.”

Dy: (to K) “And don’t break anything out here rollerblading. Because traveling on crutches? It’s a bitch.”

Dy: “I’m just doing what I gotta do.”
Bn: “Fine, then I’ll do what I gotta do.”
Dy: “I know you love her, Brandon. But me and Kelly, we’re connected in a way that you will never understand. ... Ever.”

Bn: (about Dy) “Are you in love with him?”
K: (in acknowledgement) “I still have feelings for him ... ”

D: “So, if you’re engaged, why are you keeping the ring in the box?”
K: “I haven’t said ‘yes’ yet.”
D: “Why not?”
K: “Cause someone else gave me something to think about. Dylan asked me to go around the world with him.”
K: “Dylan’s not talking about a fling.”
D: “Dylan didn’t give you a ring.”
K: “Don’t think I’m crazy, cause I know this sounds nuts. I love Brandon, with all my heart, but with Dylan ... I don’t know. It’s like he’ll always have a piece of my soul.”

Dy: (to K) “Wow, you look great.”

K: “Whatever happened to the cool, calm Dylan McKay?”
Dy: “Well, the cool, calm Dylan McKay just knows what he needs for the first time in his life. I need you.”

Dy: “What’s that thing on your finger?”
K: “ ... I forgot I had it on. Brandon gave it to me this afternoon.”
Dy: “You know what? I don’t even need to know about that. I just need to know whether or not you said ‘yes’.” (she shakes her head ‘no’, and kisses him)

V: (to Bn) “I hope that Kelly chooses Dylan ... because I think you deserve better.”

D: “Why does it always have to be so hard?”
K: “Because we don’t fall in love with fantasies. We fall in love with real people.”

D: “And Dylan?”
K: (laughs) Donna, Dylan is one of the most self-centered people on the planet earth. (smiles) And according to him, he’s been that way for several lifetimes.”
D: “But you love them anyway.”
K: “Yeah.”
K: “Well, if you love him, then I guess you should probably follow your heart.”
D: “Is that what you’re gonna do?”
K: “I’m gonna try.”

K: (to Bn and Dy) “You guys have made my life very difficult the past few days. Cause I love you both. You may not believe that, but it’s true.”

K: (to Bn and Dy) “I’ll love you both till the day I die.”

5.32, P.S. I Love You;

Bn: (to Dy about K) “How’d she manage to get us both so turned around?”


01. He has a favorite picture of her (and wants a copy).
02. She helped him look through his father’s documents.
03. She fears for his safety and tried to put an end to his pursuit for revenge.
04. He’s still trying to kiss her.
05. He’ll always need her.
06. He doesn’t think Colin treats her right and he’s not afraid to say it.
07. She doesn’t know what she’d do without him.
08. She wore that red dress to catch his eye, and his kiss for Antonia caught hers.
09. Her most memorable kiss was with Dylan, on the beach 3 years ago.
10. It was hard for her to hear that he was engaged.
11. As he puts it, he asked her first.
12. His hands pressed up against the Peach Pit door after she leaves tell us that, despite his engagement, he still loves her.
13. His characteristic loneliness has always worried her.
14. She understands his need for privacy, both during the ceremony and afterwards.
15. She considers herself a permanent part of his surrogate family, and welcomes his fiance into the fold with open arms.
16. She stops by his house in his absence.
17. She got upset when her nostalgia for Dylan was overlooked. She misses him.
18. She’s his friend and she loves him, and that will never change.
19. Even by season’s end, Donna thought that the news of him reuniting with an ex would upset her ... and she was right.
20. He cares enough to inform her of his whereabouts.
21. Mention his name or recite a letter from him and watch her look down at her feet.
22. She still remembers his favorite authors.
23. He’s listed as one of the only two guys she’s ever loved. Short list.
24. She regrets her ‘I choose me’ decision. And, again, she misses him.
25. If she thinks he needs her to meet him, she’s there. No questions asked.
26. The notion that she could still be in love with Dylan was believable to Valerie and Brandon.
27. She still keeps his love letters.

6.01, Home Is Where The Tart Is;

Dy: “You were there. You knew him [Jack]. I can’t do it alone. I need a friend.”
K: “Friends. You sure that’s all you want?”

K: “You still miss him [Jack], don’t you?”
Dy: “Every day. … Whoever took him away from me’s gonna pay for it.”
K: “You’re serious?”
Dy: “I’m dead serious.”
K: (she takes his face in her hand) “Please be careful. No matter what is between us, I couldn’t bear if anything were to happen to you.”
K: (pulling away from a near-kiss) “Don’t. … I told you there’s someone else.”
Dy: “There’s always someone else.”
K: “Dylan … we’re over. You don’t need me anymore.”
Dy: “I’ll always need you.”

K: “I’m worried about you.”
Dy: “Don’t be.”

6.02, Buffalo Girls;

Dy: “Going to the party?” [K’s birthday celebration]
Bn: “Of course. I’m a glutton for punishment.”
Dy: “So am I …”

Dy: “So, it’s the woman of the hour …”
K: “Dylan, I’m so glad you came. It really means a lot to me.”
Dy: “I wouldn’t miss it.”

Bn: “So, where is the artist [Colin]?”
K: “He had something to finish up.”
Dy: What, the Sistine Chapel?”

Dy: (to Bn/S, about Colin/K) “So, what kind of schmoe stands up a girl on her birthday?”

6.06, Speechless;

K: (to D/Cl/V) “Oh, that [Paradise Cove] is the best beach. I had my best kiss there. […] It was Dylan.”

K: (to D/Cl/V) “Well, Brandon wins for consistency and Colin wins for intensity, but nothing will beat that night on the beach with Dylan.”

6.09, Earthquake Weather;

Colin: “So Dylan’s getting married.”
K: “Yeah …”
Colin: “That wasn’t easy for you, was it?”
K: “No.”

Dy: “Yeah, you sound thrilled, Kel.”
K: “Wha - how am I supposed to sound?!”
Dy: “I don’t know. But I asked you first. ... Remember? You said ‘no’. You said you had other plans. Let me see, you ... you chose ‘you’.”
K: “ … I want to hate her [Antonia] so bad, but I can’t. She seems really nice. I’m sorry. I hope you’ll both be very happy.”
Dy: “I hope so too. Maybe we each have more than one soulmate.”
K: “Yeah, maybe we do.”

6.10, One Wedding And A Funeral;

D: “This must be weird for you. I mean, watching Dylan go through this [marriage] with someone else.”
K: “Actually, it’s kind of a relief. Now I know he’s going to be okay. I don’t have to worry anymore, because he has somebody.”
D: “You think they’re gonna make it.”
K: “I hope so. For both of them. She seems as lonely as he is.”

Antonia: “I hope you guys don’t mind not coming to the wedding, but Dylan wanted it to be private.”
K: “That’s Dylan.”

Antonia: “I know that Dylan doesn’t have many connections in his life. Barely any family to speak of, which, unfortunately, is something that we have in common. I don’t have very much family either.”
K: “Well, you do now. We’re all Dylan’s family. Now we’re yours.”
K: “Can I give you some sisterly advice? Get as far away from here as you can. […] Everything will be okay. Just go … don’t look back.”

K: “How’s Dylan holding up?”
Bn: “He’s putting up a good front but I think he’s about to crack.”

Cl: “Well, one thing’s for sure. Life is fragile.”
K: “And bad things do happen to good people.”

6.11, Offensive Interference;

K: (about Dy) “Brandon, you’re not the only one who misses him.”
Bn: “Sorry. It’s just that I’ve been coming here all week, checking his messages and getting his mail … I don’t think he’s ever coming back. … So why do I bother?”
K: “Because you’re his friend and you love him. And that’s not ever going to change for you or for me.”

6.12, Breast Side Up;

Bn: (about Dy) “Maybe he’ll send us a postcard someday.”
K: “He will. When he’s ready.”

6.31, You Say It’s Your Birthday (1);

Dd: “Dylan being with Brenda’s gonna upset her?”
D: “Knowing Kel, yeah. Yeah, I think it would.”

6.32, You Say It’s Your Birthday (2);

K: (to Bn) “I got a letter from Dylan. Wanted me to know he was in London.”

7.07, Fearless;

K: “That’s amazing. I used to go out with a guy who loved Bukowski.”
Mark: “Brandon’s a Bukowski fan?”
K: “No. No, someone else.”

K: (to D/Cl) “I’ve only loved two guys in my life – Brandon and Dylan – and this guy seems to be a nice blend of both of them.”

7.20, With This Ring;

K: (VO) “What do they say? ‘Be careful what you wish for. It might come true. When Brandon proposed to me and Dylan wanted to take me around the world, I chose to be on my own. Well, that’s what I got. Dylan’s in London with Brenda, and Brandon … I know he cares for me, but Brandon’s in love with Tracy.”

7.26, The Long Goodbye;

Val: (re: the fake telegram) “It was the only way to make you see that Kelly’s not over Dylan!”
Bn: “Val, Kelly going to the airport to pick up an old friend doesn’t mean anything.”
V: “You know Dylan’s more than that.”

Bn: (to Nat) “You know, Dylan once told me that he and Kelly had a connection that I would never understand. Maybe he was right.”

V: “Well, at least now you know. Kelly still loves Dylan.”

K: “You think I’m still in love with Dylan?”
Bn: “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

K: (to Bn, about Dy) “I went to meet him because he’s a friend and he asked me to.”

8.01, Aloha Beverly Hills;

D: “Okay, truthfully? You don’t have letters, pictures of old boyfriends?”
K: “I don’t know. Maybe. Somewhere … “
D: “Yeah, right, ‘somewhere’. Dylan?!”
K: “Now that is different. We were special.”

"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 03:54 PM
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01. Their staredown upon his return told us it’s so not over.
02. When her grandfather was dying, she called Dylan.
03. He came back to L.A. for her. He missed her.
04. They still go to the playground to talk.
05. She admits – to him, no less – that she lies to herself about them being just friends and nothing more.
06. They might just end up in Mexico on a whim.
07. He was arrested for trespassing while armed and dangerous, and she still defended him.
08. She understands the grief he has over his late wife.
09. She helped set up a detox program for him.
10. When he ran away, she knew just where to find him.
11. They have a sacred pact and a special place on the beach.
12. He made his way to her doorstep, though near-death from a heroin overdose.
13. She watched over him in the hospital.
14. Matt thinks she’s still in love with him.
15. He tells her, in essence, that she’s enough to make a grieving man want to live.
16. He gives her selfless advice about her love life and can open up about his, even admitting to the use of sex as a distraction.
17. She bought him a vintage car just to lift his spirits.
18. It’s coffee talk by sunrise and board games at night.
19. She praises his ability to survive, trusting that he will find focus and a sense of peace.
20. She’s the only living person he still feels connected to.
21. In his mind, there are still things left unsaid between them. Meaningful things.
22. He’s sure that she’ll come back to him someday.
23. She thinks that he knows her very well.
24. The more he hangs around Matt and Kelly, the more he describes himself as a man who doesn’t care about anything.
25. He fixed a raffle drawing for her.
26. They’re noticeably uncomfortable seeing each other kissed by others.
27. If she had to be stuck on a deserted island, she’d like it to be with him.
28. Her vow to stop pining for him is going to be harder than she thought.
29. He misses their alone-time, as friends, and tells her this.
30. Steve wants them to just get together already. Why prolong the inevitable?
31. He makes it clear that he wants to be with her.
32. She’s willing to damage her current relationship for the sake of remaining friends with him.
33. He was distraught that her sex tape revealed a loving relationship with someone else ... and he couldn’t stop watching it.
34. When he feared he might use drugs again, he called her to talk him down.
35. He’s the only one she was willing to confide in about her rape.
36. He took care of her, let her hide out at his place, and went to the police station with her following the attack.
37. She agrees that they are best friends.
38. He knew better than anyone that being at the Peach Pit AfterDark was not what Kelly needed. And then she freaked out.
39. He befriended Matt out of concern for her well-being.
40. Hearing objectifying comments about her sent him into a rage.
41. When the rapist returned, it was the gun he gave her that saved her life.

9.08, You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello;

K: “How long are you staying?”
Dy: “I don’t know. But I’m still waiting for my hug.”

M: (about Dy) “Who’s that guy?”
K: “He’s, um, an old friend.”

9.09, Life Support;

S: (about Dy and K) “They once thought they were soulmates.”
M: “Before Brandon?”
S: “Before Brandon. During Brandon. After Brandon … ”

Dy: “A lot of people can help Kelly with her problems. I can just help her forget them.”

K: (to D) “Okay, there is nothing going on between me and Dylan …”

Dy: “You and I have been a lot of things to each other over the years, Kel.” […] “Now, as far as ‘chandeliers’ go …”
K: (smirks) “I have a vague recollection.”

Dy: (taunting K) “You missed what we had.”

K: “Your being here scares me.”
Dy: “Why?”
K: “I hadn’t planned on it.”

Dd: (about M) “He seems pretty smart. Kelly thinks so.”
Dy: “Do tell.”
Dd: “Sure. As soon as you admit she’s why you came back.”

M: “About Dylan, I’m not in the middle there either.”
K: “There’s nothing to be in the middle of.”
M: “Well, you seem to be the only one who thinks so.”
K: “Okay. I admit, his showing up did take me a little by surprise.
M: “Kelly, before you say anything you don’t believe, listen to me. Whatever you and Dylan need to work through, it’s fine by me.”

K: “My grandfather saw some of the worst fighting in WWII. Yet most of his memories are of how beautiful Europe is.
Dy: “Yeah, it is. Sometimes unimaginably so.
K: “He went there to fight a war. When it was over, he came home. Why did you?”
Dy: “Nice try.”
K: “I thought so.”

Dy: “I came back because this is my home. I missed my friends.”
K: “That’s a good answer.”
Dy: “You want a better answer? I came back because I missed you.”

9.10, The Following Options;

K: “Get me out of here, Dylan.”

K: “You gonna stay?”
Dy: “You want me to push ya?”

K: “I keep telling myself we’re just old friends.”
Dy: “Does it work for you?”
K: “Not always.”

M: (to K, about Dy and himself) “Spare me the details. It’s not that complicated. On the one hand there’s this guy you once had something great with. And on the other hand, there’s this really great guy you could miss out on.”

9.11, Marathon Man;

Dy: “Still can’t believe you’re in Mexico, huh?”
K: “Why, did I say that already?”
Dy: “Yes, you have. About 5 times. Which on anyone else would be strange, but on you it’s charming.”

9.13, Trials and Tribulations;

K: “But Mr. Marchette is dead.”
G: “You knew that and you didn’t tell Dylan?”
K: “I thought he knew.”
G: “You didn’t ask him about it?”
K: “The subject was off-limits. People close to him respected that, okay?”

M: (about Dy) “So you’re telling me when he holds a couple at gunpoint his heart is in the right place.”
K: “He left town the day after his wife was buried. He’s had zero closure. When can I talk to him?” […] “I’m just worried. I don’t know what’s going on.”

K: (to M) “I’ll say it one more time. There’s nothing going on between me and Dylan.”

9.14, Withdrawal;

K: “You knew Dylan had a habit.”
M: “Yeah, and I tried getting him to stop.”
K: “I’m sure you did. But it didn’t work. And if you had told me or David – “
M: “Nothing would have happened, Kelly!”
K: “How do you know that?!”
M: “What he told me was privileged. He was my client.”
K: “Oh. He was ‘privileged’. I’m sorry. He’s my friend! And he needs help, okay?”

G: “I think I should be with Dylan.”
K: “So do I.”

G: “Uh, if Dylan needs anything, I’ll call you guys.”
K: “He’s needed plenty. You haven’t called.”

K: “If either one of us ever freaked and ran off, we had this pact. This is where we would run to.”
M: “That happen a lot?”
K: “Our share.”
M: “You found each other here?”
K: “Yeah. Yeah, we did.”

M: (to K, about her and Dy) “I’m beginning to feel like I wandered into an episode of ‘Joanie Loves Chachie’.”

K: “I’ve had two very significant others: Brandon and Dylan.”
M: “Each of whom I’m all too familiar with.”
K: “You may not be able to see it, but they’re both really great guys. And if they ever need me, they’ve got me.”

K: “Oh my god. Dylan, are you alright?”
Dy: “Help me.”

K: (to G) “Dylan is my friend. He has been for over 9 years.”

M: “Where’s Kelly?”
G: “Take a wild guess.”
[K watching over Dy in hospital]

M: “Not surprising. Someone always seems to pay for Dylan’s mistakes.”
K: “Maybe you should go.”
M: “Maybe we both should. Kelly, let someone else watch over him. Like, say, his girlfriend?”
K: “I am not going anywhere.”

K: (waiting for news on Dy in hospital) “It’s only been 20 minutes. It feels like a year.”

M: (about K waiting for Dy to wake up) “You know, I just want you to think about whether you’re doing this as a friend or something more.”
K: “Matt.”
M: “Please, just … just think about it.”

9.16, Beheading St. Valentine;

K: “This isn’t required. You know that.”
Dy: “What, I’m supposed to just note that you’re okay?”

Dy: (about M) “Kel, the guy loses his wife … and keeps going. Puts himself through Law School, thinking about her. Every day. Meets you. Lives.” […] “Do you know how many deals this guy has made with god? He hit the jackpot.”

9.17, Survival Skills;

Dy: “Talked to Matt?”
K: “Briefly. Enough to let him know I’m here if he needs me.”
Dy: “He’s a lucky man.”

Dy: “Look, I’ve only ever connected with two things in this life. One of them is dead.”
K: “How about the other one?”
Dy: “She’s sitting right across from me.”

9.18, Slipping Away;

K: “Are you gonna help me or not?”
Dy: “Sure. As soon as you admit it’s gonna be fun.”

K: “Thank you for coming down here with me. It means a lot.”
Dy: “Well, when I get my miracle second chance, you’d do the same for me.”
K: “So you would want Antonia back even if you knew you’d have to give her up again?”
Dy: “Make no mistakes, Kel. I would do anything to get Antonia back. When you know that there’s an end, you, uh … it allows you to orchestrate and say the things you always wanted to say. Wouldn’t you want that?”
K: “With who?”
Dy: “With somebody that you once loved. Who meant a lot to you and then, for whatever reason, just wasn’t there anymore.”
[Next Dy/K scene, they make love]

Dy: “Last night was pretty great, Kel.”

Dy: “You want to know why she’s nervous? Well, look, we used to date, right? Me and her. And we came down here last night and … you know, things happen. Apparently, some of the old magic came back. We both got in touch with feelings that we thought were behind us.”
K: “That is not true.”
Dy: “Especially her, cause that girl’s gonna need a lot of therapy.”
K: “What are you talking about?”
Dy: “But ultimately what happened is … she seduces me. Okay?”
K: “I seduced you?! You were all over me!”
K: “So you didn’t mean any of that stuff ... about us, you know ... feelings?”
Dy: (studies her, lies) “No. ... Not a word.”
K: “Good. Good, neither did I.”

9.19, Bobbi Dearest;

Dy: (about cheating) “It’s what we do, you and me. With Brenda, with Brandon …”
K: “And now Matt.”
Dy: “It’s who we are.”
K: “This is different. He’s different. I love him.”
Dy: “I’m sure that you do. I’m also sure that, some day, you’re gonna want to be with me again.”

M: “You know, I used to have a hard time with you two spending so much time together.”
Dy: “Well, that’s because Kelly follows her heart.”

G: “How are Matt and Kelly?”
Dy: “Annoying.”

9.21, Fortune Cookie;

G: (to M) “Dylan fixed the drawing. He could have chosen anyone. He chose your girlfriend.”

Dy: “Kel, it’s just a gift, okay? From one friend to another friend.”

G: (seeing Dy/K hug) “Ah, the happy couple …”

M: “Please. This is not about Cole Younger. It’s about who it’s always about.”
K: “Dylan …”

Dy: “You ever wonder what would have happened if we had never done that [had an affair in the Summer of ‘92]?”
K: “I guess we’d just be friends.”
Dy: “Mm. Kinda like we are right now.” (awkward silence)
K: “… Gina inside?”
Dy: “Yeah. Matt?”
K: “He lives here.”

9.22, I Want To Reach Right Out And Grab Ya;

K: “Still, it’s like worlds colliding.” [the prospect of a Dy/M/K/G road trip]
Dy: “I’ll race ya to the fallout shelter.”

Magician: “You’re a very beautiful woman, Kelly, and I bet you have a lot of suitors. If you had to be stuck on a desert island with one of them, who would that be?”
K: “Dylan McKay.”

D: “Were you really hypnotized? This is me you’re talking to.”
K: “Yes. I mean, I think so. I don’t remember choosing Dylan over Matt and I have no idea why I would do that.”
D: “Maybe because that’s how you really feel?”

K: “I’m here to apologize, okay? For last night. For the [...]”
G: “For not being able to shake my boyfriend?”

G: “Can you do that? Can you promise me you’ll let Dylan go?”
K: “I promise.”

9.23, Local Hero;

Dy: “I’m servicing a bowl of cereal. It’s in dire need of some milk.”
K: “Oh, a tragic tale …”

K: “Okay, so what did you want to talk about?”
Dy: “Nothing. I lied. See, I, you know, figure running into you is the best thing that’s gonna happen to me today, so I don’t want you to slip away.”
K: “I’m not avoiding you, if that’s what you think.”
Dy: “We never see each other anymore, Kel.”
K: “No, no. Matt and I were at the AfterDark last night.”
Dy: “It’s not what I mean. I mean you and me, alone.”
K: “That’s not a good idea.”
Dy: “Why is that, because friends aren’t supposed to want to sleep together?”
K: “And we don’t.”
Dy: “We don’t want to? Or we just … don’t?”

K: “No, we were just having coffee.”
Dy: “Yeah. Decaf!”
K: “ It wasn’t like some clandestine meeting or anything.”
S: “Well it is now. It’s not like you to lie, Kelly. So what really happened?”
K: “Nothing.” / Dy: “Talking.”
Dy: “… Nothing.”/ K: “Talking.”
S: “Oh, boy.”

S: “A cup of coffee? Please! You two may as well sleep together. You know, you two don’t really fit. And yet, in some kind of weird way, you do fit. We see it. We all see it.” […] “So, for our sake, get it over with already. Thank you. Goodnight.”
Dy: “I should go.”
K: “You think? How come?”
Dy: “Cause of some of the things he said. Because he’s right.”

Dy: “Think about what’s right for us, Kel. […] Maybe it’s time for a change.”
K: “Well, don’t change for me.”

M: “Why do you hang onto him? Do you enjoy it?”
K: “He is my friend!”

9.24, The End Of This World As We Know It;

[re: M/K sex tape]
Dy: “Show’s over.”
G: “No, are you kidding? We are definitely watching this. Come on.”
Dy: “I said no.”

Dy: “I do not want to drag Kelly and Matt into this.”
G: “Of course you don’t, cause you want to protect Kelly, right?”

Dy: “He loves you and you love him. It was difficult for me to see that. A connection.”
K: “I’m sure if the roles were reversed, I wouldn’t have been able to push ‘play’.”
Dy: “[...] You found someone that makes you happy. I wish it was me.”

9.25, Dog’s Best Friend;

Dd: “Yeah, whatever. Come on. We both know how long you hung out around Kelly after you guys broke up.”
Dy: “That was different. I’ve known her all my life.”

Dd: (to Dy) “We were talking about Gina and then we started talking about Kelly and you got all, like, you know, paranoid and your eyebrows were going. It was ridiculous.”
Dy: “Great girls. […]”

Dy: (to K) “Look, I - I need to talk to a friend.”

Dy: “This is about me wanting to get high right now and I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
K: “Dylan, okay, stop. Where are you? I’ll come to you.”

9.26, Agony;

Dy: “I’m looking for Kelly.”
G: “What a surprise.”

Dy: (to G, about K) “Look, here’s the deal. We were supposed to meet and she didn’t show up. And she did not call me, so I am worried about her.”

Dy: “What happened last night? You didn’t show. I was worried.”
K: “I’m fine.”
Dy: “I can see that you’re not.”
Dy: “Kel, you’re my best friend. Okay? I mean, I called you. I said I was thinking about using heroin. And when you guys have these little interventions, you say you’d do anything – that you’d walk through fire to be there for me.”
K: “I would.”

K: “… I was raped.” (tentatively, he holds her)
Dy: “You’re gonna get through this. You’re gonna be fine.”
K: “I don’t know.”
Dy: “Whatever it takes, that’s what we’re gonna do. I promise you. You’ll be fine.”

Dy: “You know, Kel, at some point you’re gonna have to tell your friends what happened.”
K: “I’m just not ready. Police, yes. But everybody else, no.”

G: (to Dy and K) “You two deserve each other.”

Dy: “I was getting ready to do heroin again.”
M: “Kelly talked you out of it.”
Dy: “She’s a good friend.”

G: (to Dy, about K) “She hasn’t been home for the last three nights so I just figured that you two were, you know, hanging out. Naming the kids.”

9.27, That’s The Guy;

Dy: (to M, about K) “She’s the victim of a sex crime. It’s easier, maybe, to talk about that with someone who you’re not having sex with.”

Dy: “How could you do that?”
M: “Do what?”
Dy: “That! All of this. Look, she doesn’t need a scene like this right now.”
M: “Dylan, she wanted to come here, so I brought her. Don’t even pretend to know what she needs because neither of us do.” [Cue K freaking out at the AfterDark]

Bar Guy: “The guy said she was hot.”
Dy: “Don’t say anything else about the girl who was attacked or you’ll be picking pieces of this beer bottle out of your face.”


01. He will not let her believe that it wasn’t justifiable homicide/self-defense.
02. He volunteered to look for her when she didn’t show up at the beach.
03. She wrote his college recommendation letter, and was up all night describing who he is and arguing his potential.
04. She defended him against David’s insults when he called him a “screw-up”.
05. Steve and Janet think they’d make excellent godparents.
06. The idea of being linked for life had them smiling and blushing.
07. She cares if he’s depressed.
08. Pastor Neil thought she was someone he could open his heart back up to following Antonia’s death and be with truly.
09. He came to her S8 wedding. ... Dun dun dun.
10. They can’t even stuff turkeys without feeling each other up.
11. Dylan suspects she only laughs this hard with him.
12. She thinks he’s doing great with his life. And she told him.
13. He sang to her.
14. He diminished himself in her eyes to save her relationship.
15. They can confess their aimlessness to each other.
16. He has faith that she’ll find what she’s looking for, and he wants to be an inspiration.
17. Matt thinks she’s still in love with Dylan.
18. She ‘proposed’ to him. And if he’d said ‘yes’, she doesn’t know what she would have done.
19. She’s still finding excuses to see him.
20. His answer was ‘yes’, if he thought she had meant it. And he’d regret it the rest of his life if she did and he turned her down.
21. He wants them to try again and get things right.
22. Despite her engagement, there are still times that she believes he could be The One.
23. He can’t stand that she’s engaged to someone else.
24. He warned her when her boyfriend was being secretive.
25. Protecting their friendship is important to her, and she was saddened by the notion that he was pulling away.
26. When she thought he was using drugs again, she confronted him.
27. Even while on bad terms, she made a point of telling him that she’d miss him if he left town.
28. He decided to stay in L.A. to get out of their “weird place” and find love, faith, and family.
29. She showed up at the storage facility without being asked, to help him sort through his father’s artifacts.
30. He poured his heart out to her and she responded with a giant hug.
31. She is the reason he was able to make contact with his father again and find closure.
32. She will gladly go on spy duty for him (even against his wishes, for his own good).
33. She wanted to stay in Arizona and support him through the process of meeting his dad and little brother.
34. He knows she understands the emotional crutches he clings to and his need to be free of them.
35. He wanted to kiss her on the lips, not the cheek, in 10x20.
36. He has no problem admitting to others that he’s still in love with her.
37. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night to talk with her about her boyfriend issues over coffee.
38. He wanted Matt to confess his infidelity so that she wouldn’t be more hurt by discovering this on her own, with no motive to win her back.
39. She can still playfully tease him about his sex life.
40. He’s welcome to drop by unannounced and hang out at her place.
41. He looked teary-eyed and shell-shocked spotting her in a wedding gown.
42. She wants him at her wedding.
43. David and Donna’s path to a reunion was custom-tailored to forward this one as well.
44. Donna thinks that ‘straightening things out’ with Dylan is the only way either of them will ever be truly happy.
45. Those plane tickets were only disguised as a wedding gift. He wanted her to make a choice, like in S5, and be with him.
46. She almost left because of him and she couldn’t leave ... because of him.
47. He’s ready for a full commitment.
48. She considers herself to be his next of kin.
49. The only way she can imagine him not in her life is if he’s dead.
50. Yes, okay, alright; she still loves him!
51. He’s through pretending that he’s happy she’s engaged to someone else. He wants it to be them.
52. She’s been afraid of getting back together with him for fear of losing him again, the only prospect graver than denial.
53. She won’t let him downplay his college graduation. She’s too proud.
54. They stayed up all night talking about their relationship.
55. She broke up with Matt for Dylan without knowing of his affair.
56. Even after 10 years, he will be patient with her and take their new relationship slow.
57. The poems they read at David and Donna’s wedding were privately directed at each other.
58. Their connection isn’t unhealthy after all.
59. She caught the bouquet in the wake of reuniting with him and they both took note of it with pleasure. Suggestive much?
60. The last words ever spoken on the show were between them.

10.03, You Better Work;

K: (to Dd) “I just pulled my fourth all-nighter this week. It started from writing Dylan’s college recommendation and just went downhill from there.”

Dd: (about Dy’s college app) “Let me guess: He did a half-ass job, then made them feel like they owed him a spot.”
K: “David!”

10.07, Laying Pipe;

[Re: Godparents for Maddie]
S: (to Dy and K) “We want two people who embody integrity. Honesty, loyalty … (joking) We don’t know anyone like that.”
J: “We think you guys would be great!”

G: (about S and J) “Well, I think they made a very intelligent choice.”
Dy: “Yeah, they did. They asked Kelly to be godmother.”

G: (to Dy) “Let me ask you something. Why is it that every single road leads back to you and Kelly? What’re you guys gonna do? You’re gonna play mommy and daddy now?”

Pastor Neal: (to K, about Maddie) “In their child’s eyes, you and Dylan will be linked for life.”

Dy: “I like what he said about us, though.”
K: “What did he say?”
Dy: “That we’d be linked for life.”
K: “Oh, that.” (looks shy)
Dy: “Yeah, that.” (looks shy)

K: “You know what? Maybe you’re not cynical. Maybe you’re just unhappy.”
Dy: “Yeah, maybe both.”
K: “… Are you alright?”

Pastor Neal: “Now you’re here again, to see the sunset with Kelly, who obviously loves you very much.”
Dy: “Is it obvious? I mean, you seem to think that Kelly and I are a couple.”
Pastor Neal: “Are you worried that your [deceased] wife wouldn’t want it to be more?”
Dy: “We’re just friends. It’s just the way it’s always been. Although I have been with other women since Antonia died, I, uh …”
Pastor Neal: “Truly? With all your heart? (Dy looks to the ground) You know, Dylan, maybe you shut down after Antonia died. Maybe it’s time to start watching the sunset with the right person again.”

10.08, Baby You Can Drive My Car;

K: (to Dy) “I’m sorry. Your flap was open.”

K: “She’s a beautiful bride, isn’t she?”
Dy: “Doesn’t hold a candle to you on your wedding day.”

K: (to Dy) “I can’t believe you were there …”
Dy: (to K) “I flew in from Europe at the last minute. I was coming up the path in the back of the church, and I saw you. […] Then it hit me. I realized that you were gonna marry someone else and, uh … I didn’t want to see that.”

10.10, What's In A Name?;

Dy: (to K) “Do you and Matt laugh like this?”

K: (to Dy) “Oh, come on. You’re getting your college degree, you’re helping out at the community center, you’re stuffing turkeys in a completely repulsive yet selfless way … I think you’re doing great.”

Dy: “Your point being?”
M: “That you’re finally showing signs you’re serious. … About Kelly.”

Jackie: (to K) “Forgive me for seeing a pattern, but I watched you clean up Dylan McKay’s messes all through high school. Well, it seems like you’re doing it again and he’s not even your boyfriend.”

10.11, Sibling Revelery;

K: (about M) “He barely makes ends meet, but at least he knows what he wants to do.”
Dy: “He’s a lawyer.”
K: “He’s something. What are we?”

Dy: “Close your eyes.”
K: “What?”
Dy: “Come on. As pretty as they are, close ‘em.”

K: “Okay, first, you don’t even know what color your walls are.”
Dy: “Blue.”
K: “Yellow. Nice try.”

Dy: (to K, re: the painting) “You know, you said this was inspiring. Who knows? Look at it for a while and become inspired. “

M: (to K, about Dy’s gift) “The more you say that a 16,000 dollar painting is just a gift, the more I think you’re protesting just a little too much.”

K: “[If ] you think there’s something between us, something unfinished, something that’s gonna keep us from being with other people, well, then I say we finish it!”
Dy: “We finish it.”
K: “Commit to it. To each other. Really commit, Dylan. House, dog, 2.2 kids …”
Dy: “All or nothing.”
K: “All or nothing. (beat) So we’re clear?”

K: “Last night, I kind of … sort of … proposed to Dylan.”
D: “WHAT? Proposed, like ‘Will you marry me?’ proposal?”
K: “No, no one got down on one knee or anything, but I did mention picket fences and a dog and our future together.”
D: “But what if Dylan had said ‘Yes’?”
K: “But he didn’t.”
D: “But if he had?”
K: “ … I don’t know what I would have done. … I don’t know.”

10.12, Nine Yolks Whipped Lightly;

Dy: “Uh, proposing marriage to me, was that Donna’s idea too?”
K: “Okay, I did not propose anything. I merely suggested that you take things more seriously. (he smiles, humored by her denial) Is this fun for you?”
Dy: “I am just flattered (fake clearing of throat) by your concern.”

Dd: (about K’s proposal) “What if she meant it?”
Dy: “Not a chance.”
Dd: “Dylan, work with me here, alright? What if she said, ‘This is it. Me and you, forever.’ What would you say?”
Dy: “I’d run. I’d run like hell and regret it the rest of my life.”

Dy: (to K) “It’s not all about me. It’s about us. About how, um, well things seem to go wrong for us. You know, maybe it’s time that we got it right.”

D: “Okay, what about Dylan? Last week, you were talking about commiting to him.”
K: “Okay, stop.”
D: “You know he loves you.”

D: (about Dy) “How do you feel about him?”
K: “There are times when I think that he could be the one. … If things were different. [...]”

10.13, Tainted Love;

K: “Do you think he’s really happy for me?”
D: “You mean do I think he loves you enough to let you go? I hope so.”

Dy: (to K) “You’re awfully peppy ... ”

Dy: (to K) “Yeah, you and me linked for life? You bet. Nice rock.”

K: “Before Matt and I announced our engagement, you said that you wanted to tell me something. About how things could be different for us. Do you want to tell me now?”
Dy: “I think that would make us late.”

S: (about K) “It’s just that ever sice she got engaged, you’ve been a little … “
Dy: “I’ve been what? I’ve been fine.”

Dy: (to M) “You gotta admit, though, either way, it’s pretty rich. I mean, me buying your engagement ring for Kelly.”

Dy: (to K) “In some passive-aggressive way, I’m trying to help you. Haven’t you noticed Matt’s acting kind of weird lately?”

10.14, I'm Using You 'Cause I Like You;

K: “Will we always be friends?”
D: “Of course!”
K: “I mean all of us. I ran into Dylan today and he made it very clear that he wants nothing to do with me. [,,,] It just makes me sad.”
D: “We’ve all been friends for so long.”
K: “Too long to just let go.”

K: (to Dy) “I’m just here because I care about what happens to you.”

K: (to M, about Dy) “I’m kind of having a hard time right now. All of a sudden, this group that I’ve known for so long is growing up. Friends are pulling away … I just want to yank them back in and keep everything the way it was, you know?”

10.17, Doc Martin;

K: (to Dy) “If you are gonna leave, I don’t want our bitching and moaning or the ridiculous amount of pain we inflict on each other to obscure the fact that you’re one of my best friends. And I’m gonna miss you. … There, I said it.”

G: “Yeah, I wanted closure. And now I’ve got it. (G looks at Dy looking at K) Maybe you don’t.”
Dy: “You heard the man. Life’s about love, faith, family … I don’t have any of those. […] I gotta stay.”

K: “About us being in this really weird place, I don’t want that.”
Dy: “Neither do I.”
K: “Think we can get out of it?”
Dy: “I hope so. It’s one of the reasons I stayed.”

10.18, Eddie Waitkus;

K: “Alright, how ‘bout reflection? Sizing up what’s been going on in your life for the past 7 years.”
Dy: “Nothing.”
K: “I know.”
Dy: “The older I get, the worse I feel. So when I reflect on it and I size it up, the more miserable and twisted it becomes. … I miss my dad.” (she hugs him, hard)

10.19, I Will Be Your Father Figure;

K: (to M) “I was with Dylan. All my mental energy is zapped.”

K: (to M) “Dylan’s life derailed when he lost his father. You weren’t there. You have no idea what this means to him.”

K: “It’s now or never.”
Dy: (re: Jack) “From what I saw, his new life looks a lot better than his old one.”
K: “Why, because he has a wife and a little boy?”
Dy: “A son.”
K: “He has two.”

K: “Dylan, listen to me. If your dad doesn’t want you in his life, then it is his loss.”
Dy: “Kelly, why do you think I go on binges? ‘My dad died’. I push people away from me who try to get close. I never, ever finish anything I start. Why? Because ‘My dad died’? I don’t know who I am without using that as a crutch. I don’t know if I’m ready to find out.”
K: “That excuse doesn’t work anymore because your dad is alive.”

10.20, Ever Hear The One About The Exploding Father?;

Jack: “Kelly called me and I’m glad she did because it gives me the chance to tell you how sorry I am, Dylan.”

K: “You got scared of something you want too much. Dylan, he’s your father. He’s risking his life to see you again.”
Dy: “Yeah, after 7 years.”
K: “Well, I’ve seen what those years have done to you.”
K: “Your life can change in a second. Just go to him, Dylan. Tell him everything you’ve ever wanted to tell him, even if it’s just goodbye.”

K: “Look, I know that it was difficult and awkward …”
Dy: “No, ‘awkward’ is hearing your own father deny that you exist. That’s awkward.”

Dy: (to K, re: Jack reunion) “You did this for me. I walked away, but you made it happen.”

K: “I’m so happy for you.”
Dy: “Yeah. And I’m just happy for the first time in a long time.”

Dy: “Thank you.”
K: “I didn’t do anything.”
Dy: “You did everything.”

Dy: (to K) “I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it lately but, um … Matt’s a lucky guy.”

Dd: (watching Dy watch K) “You just can’t shake some people, can you? You know, it’s funny. You think you can. You think you have. Then […]”

10.21, Spring Fever;

Dy: “Hey! You look busy.”
K: “Yeah. Crazed is more like it.”
Dy: “Kel, good luck with the Crazy.”

Girl: (about him and M) “So, are you two like best friends?”
Dy: “No, we’re in love with the same woman.”
Girl: “Oh. Cozy.”

10.22, The Easter Bunny;

K: (about her and M) “We were just talking about where we’re gonna get married. I think it should be in a church.”
Dy: “Oh, yeah. Definitely. Definitely in a church. I mean, you got all that religious stuff, and there’s a confessional halfway down the aisle. It’s a good idea.”
K: “You would think of that.”

K: “Hi. Did I wake you?”
Dy: “... No. (rubs eyes) What time is it?”

Dy: (to M, about his affair) “Feeling guilty is one thing. Looking guilty is something entirely different. Now if Kelly sees you sweatin’ it, she’s gonna figure it out. That’s the only thing worse than you telling her. Don’t let that happen.”

M: “Tell me, when Kelly and I break up, will there be a grace period or will you offer the Caribbean vacation right away?”
Dy: “I don’t want that to happen.”
M: “Because we’re pals ...”
Dy: “No. Not cause we’re pals. Cause I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

10.23, And Don't Forget To Give Me Back My Black T-Shirt;

Dy: “... I was just realizing that’s the second time I’ve seen you wearing a wedding dress to marry someone else.”
K: “Maybe this time you’ll stay for the wedding.”
Dy: “Maybe not. Matt’s the lucky guy.” [...] (glassy-eyed) “You look beautiful.”

10.24, Love Is Blind;

K: “We’ve set a date for our wedding.”
Dy: “Glad to hear it.”
M: “August 12th. Telling everyone now so you can set aside the day.”
Dy: “Yeah, well, I have a dentist’s appointment that afternoon.”
K: “Dylan, I want you to be there.”

Dy: “It’s a wedding gift.”
M: “Thanks.”
Dy: (pointedly, to K) “Well, I know it’s something that you’ve always wanted to do.”

D: “I already told David how I feel this morning.”
K: “And?”
D: “And he feels the same way.”
K: “Oh my god, Donna,. That’s great. So, you guys are back together?”
D: “No. I mean, it’s great, but we’re not together.”
K: “Why not?”
D: “Because we’re friends. And we just want to keep it that way.”
K: “Okay, that is messed up.” (enter Dylan)

K: (re: plane tickets) “If it was meant as some sort of reminder of the good old days, they weren’t so good.”
Dy: “Oh, I think we both know better than that. But it was meant as a gift, and if you’re reading more into it, that should be telling you something.”

K: “... If you don’t get together with David, I’m gonna have to hurt you.”
D: “I told you, our friendship is too important for me to risk.”
K: “On what? Being happy? Honestly, I do not understand your thinking.”
D: “What was that today with you and Dylan?”
K: “Oh. We were talking about you and David.”
D: “Oh. That’s great. Now we’re talking about you and Dylan. So, did you guys straighten things out?”
K: “As much as we ever do.”
D: “Which is not at all.”
K: “That is not my fault. I am very clear with him about what I want.”
D: “Were you being clear with him when you proposed 3 months ago?”
K: “I did that to push him away.”
D: “Oh, so to push him away, you asked him to marry you?”
K: “Is there a point here?”
D: “Yes. Yes. My point is that I like Matt. I love Matt. I want Matt to be your husband ...”
K: “But?”
D: “But ... I just think if you and Dylan don’t completely straighten things out, neither of you are ever going to be truly happy.”

M: (about Dy) “Well, I’m not sure I want you being offered trips around the world every 5 years.”
K: “It won’t be like that.”
M: “Not if we move.”

M: (to Dy) “Here’s how I figure it. You didn’t tell Kelly about what happened because you care about her and you don’t want to see her hurt. [...]”

M: (to Dy) “Look, I know this is probably hard for you. It hurts a little bit, you having to see Kelly and me around all the time. [...]”

M: “C’mon, you said you were ready to go.”
K: “Yeah, to something. For something. Now it would just feel like we’re running away.”
M: “From Dylan?”
K: “Did I miss something? When did this become about Dylan?”
M: “Oh, let’s see ... since the day I met him?”
K: “You have this idea of him. This idea of him and me. This ridiculous idea!”

Dy: “It won’t work.”
K: “What?”
Dy: “Leaving.”
K: “Is that why you wanted me to meet you here? So you could tell me not to leave?”
Dy: “Yes. That, and to see if you wanted to go bowling.”
K: “I haven’t decided to go anywhere.”
Dy: “I tried. It doesn’t help you forget.”
K: “You can’t do this, Dylan.”
Dy: “Because ... it’s confusing? ... You’re leaving because of me?”
K: “I didn’t say I was leaving.”
Dy: “If you do ...”
K: “It won’t have anything to do with you.”
Dy: “I’m glad you’re clear on that. Cause a couple of months ago, you were saying something to me about commitment. Something about me commiting to you, and not just a little bit. All or nothing.”
K: “You chose nothing.”
Dy: “Let me choose again.”
Dy: (he grabs her back) “... Why is it too late?”
K: “... Because ... it is ... “

10.25, I'm Happy For You ... Really;

K: “Dylan decided, on his own, out of the blue, that he wants to be with me.”
M: “He told you this.”
K: “In his own way.”

D: (to K) “Well, even when I knew how I felt about David, I guess I was just really scared to take that leap, you know? Speaking of which, how is Dylan?”

K: “I should have never let him narrow down the categories. There is a lot between all and nothing.”

K: “I just don’t understand what goes on in Dylan’s head, you know?”
D: “Uh – he doesn’t want you to marry someone else?”

K: (after hearing the radio report that a surfer drowned, thinking it’s Dy, to M) “I feel sick.”

K: (to M) “Dylan’s father is in Witness Protection. His mother communes with nature. We are his next of kin.”

M: “Kelly, it’s not Dylan. You’re gonna see him again. Believe me, he’s gonna be that same old mope he always was.”

K: (to morgue assistant) “Look, his name is Dylan McKay, okay? He has no family to speak of, so if he’s lying in there dead somewhere and you’re trying to contact them ... Please, if it’s not him, will you just tell me?”

K: “I thought I lost you.”
Dy: “What are you talking about?”
K: “Where are you? I’ve been calling you all day!”
K: “Thank god you’re okay.”
Dy: “You’re keeping tabs now?”
K: “No. That’s not it.”
Dy: “Well, what is it? ... Kelly?”
K: “... Yeah.”
Dy: “Anything else?”
K: “I was wrong about something.”

Dy: (to K) “Listen, I’m around today if you need to get a hold of me.”
M: “You know why she called.”

K: “Just the thought that that could have been you.”
Dy: “Made you call all over town looking for me?”
K: “We ended up in the morgue.”
Dy: “What are you doing, Kelly?”
K: “I was worried, and ... irrational.”
Dy: “What are you doing with your life?”

D: (re: the move) “Why are you even thinking about this?”
K: “Too much history here.”

K: “Dylan gives me one ultimatum, and he ignores me once. And the only way I can think of him not in my life is if he’s dead.”
K: “I was so scared, I couldn’t breathe. I just kept hearing his name over and over, like, screaming in my head.”
D: “That doesn’t sound like fear. It sounds like love.”
K: “Yeah. I know that now.”

K: “You’re not gonna let me back in, are you?”
Dy: “What’s the point? You’re engaged to marry someone else. You want me to say I’m happy for you? I’m not.”
K: “I’m glad. ... I’m glad that you’re being straight with me. That you’re saying things that need to be said. Before ...”
Dy: “What? Before what?”
K: “The truth is, I can never imagine having you without imagining losing you ... to another woman, or an addiction, or your inevitable lack of interest.”
Dy: “You already said ‘no’ to me once. I don’t need to hear it again.”
K: “Maybe I am not repeating myself!”

10.26, The Penultimate;

S: “You know what? Janet cut me down the first time I asked her [to marry him].”
Dy: “Ugh, women suck. [...] Come on. They want you to commit and, when you finally do, it’s not enough?”
S: “Eventually, they come around.”

Dy: (to K) “That’s very important to you, isn’t it? Believing in what you do.”

Dy: (to K) “You follow your heart. What could be wrong with that?”

Dy: “You know, I talked to David about Donna.”
K: “Oh. How’s he doing?”
Dy: “He can’t figure out how two people so obviously meant for each other can’t seem to get together. (pointedly) To tell you the truth ... neither can I.”

K: (to Dy) “I’m proud of you.”

Dy: “Kelly ... I will never let you down.”

Dy: (to K) “We didn’t do anything wrong. We just stayed up talking all night. It’s not a crime.”

K: “You know what I want more than anything? ... Peace.”
Dy: “Yeah.”
K: “I just want a little peace.”

K: “I can’t marry you.”
M: “Dylan put you up to this, didn’t he?”
K: “No, he didn’t. But he does have something to do with it.”

M: (to K, about her and Dy) “Can you honestly say that you haven’t been even more unfaithful in your own way?”

Dy: “But if I had told you?”
K: “I would have broken off the engagement a lot sooner than I did.”
Dy: “And come to me? ... Probably? And been with me because you were mad at him. I didn’t want that.”
K: “I thought we were friends.”
Dy: “Yeah. When you get some distance on this, you’ll see I acted like one.”

10.27, Ode To Joy;

Dy: (to K) “So ... wanna dance? It’s not a one-time offer. It can wait.”

K: “Breaking off my engagement is gonna hurt for a while. Being okay with it might even take longer.”
Dy: “I know that.”
K: “I’m gonna need you to be patient with me about it.”
Dy: “And I will be.”

S: (looking at J) “Is she beautiful or what?”
Dy: (looking at K) “Yes, she is.”

M: “I saw you … and Dylan. Heard your readings. I’m glad I did. Cause now I realize that the connection you guys have, it isn’t unhealthy after all. I don’t know how I could have missed it, although I was probably just too scared to look. Standing there in back of the church listening to you talk about loving with – what was it – the breath, smiles, and tears of life? Even I couldn’t miss that.“
K: “I’m sorry.”
M: “Don’t be. It’s why I came here today … to tell you I think you made the right choice.”

Dy: “I like the flowers.”
K: (pointed smirking) “Hm. So do I.”
Dy: “Dance with me? It’s not a one-time offer. It can wait.”
K: “I don’t want to wait.”
[They kiss.]

S1 DVD Interviews w/ Luke Perry and Jennie Garth;
LP on Dylan: “He has a very strong sense of himself. […] Everyone thinks that when you’re a senior in high school, ‘That’s it, man. This is your last chance. You gotta …’ Everything that happens to you your senior year defines you as a person. That’s not true, and I think that my boy’s real aware of that. And I think that’s important. I think that allows him to look deeper into people, right away, and see them for WHO they are, not WHAT they are and what status symbol they represent in school. And thusly, that’s one of the things that separates him from people. He sees how people are separated from each other … whether they do or not.”

JG on Kelly: “She’s very complex. She has a lot of insecurities that deal with if people like her and whether or not she’s strong enough to handle everything that’s going on in her life. […] She tries to keep herself looking cool and looking together for everyone else’s benefit. But when she goes home, it’s her quiet time and she really tries to deal with her feelings.”

LP: “A lot of people tune in and they look at the title – it’s ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’. They think it’s all glamour and flash, you know? Cause we have beautiful girls like Jennie on the show. They think that. And that’s true – to some extent. But also, we get down and we look and we see what’s going on, and we try to address it. We want to raise the questions.”
S3 DVD Commentary w/ Charles and Karen Rosin;
CR: “It wasn’t the reason to go forward with this [making Dy/K a couple], of course. The reason was, though, um … Luke Perry came into my office. I always made it at the end of the season that the actors could come and tell me what they like or didn’t like, and he said, ‘Can’t I start doing stuff with [Jennie]?’ […] So I remember calling in Steve [Wasserman] and Jessica [Klein] and said, ‘Can we make this work? Can we change it up?’ And Steve Wasserman, who unfortunately has passed away, had, you know, great enthusiasm and just went, ‘YES! Let’s do it!’”

(Re: Dy/K talking at the Peach Pit in “Home and Away”)

CR: “And this is a beautiful – the theme of the abandoned father. And this was – this was also a third year episode called ‘Senior Poll’, written by Chip Johannessen, who has gone on to do some really terrific shows.”
KR: “He was a very good writer.”
CR: “He did the ‘Princeton Boys to Men’, he did the dance with the High School violence, and of course that wonderful scene.”

(Re: Dy/K in the pool, “Back In the High Life”)

CR: “Maybe the most – the sexiest scene we ever did.”

(Re: Dy/K hugging at Graduation, right after she sees her father, “Commencement”)

KR: “You always appreciated it when we could, um, sort of illuminate the underlying psychological make-up of a character without …”
CR: “Hitting it on the head.”
KR: “Yeah.”
TV Guide, “Cheers and Jeers”, 10/04/92.

“Cheers to the zip returning to one of TV’s better known zip codes, Beverly Hills, 90210. While the new season has spawned a haphazard host of 90210 knockoffs, none can compare to the original, now in its third year. Sure, the Fox hour went through some tepid times last season (the terrible twos), but now the tempest is back in the teen-pot, thanks mostly to the stormy romance between Dylan (Luke Perry) and Kelly (Jennie Garth).”

"Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Scrapbook", by Gio di Tazza, 1992.

Her co-star, Luke Perry, describes Jennie with one word: "sweetness." "I am from Ohio and she's from Illinois," says Luke. "We are both farm people."
“Busy Bodies: With Plots Full Of Swapping Bedfellows And Steamy Flirtations, FOX's Beverly Hills, 90210 And Melrose Place Have Blossomed This Spring Into Addictive Nighttime Soaps”, Entertainment Weekly, Ken Tucker, May 28, 1993.
“[...] the revitalized Beverly Hills, 90210 and the surging Melrose Place [...] both are going out winners. 90210 had been coasting along during this, its third season, with standard, seen-'em-before plots about high school tensions and low-key heavy petting. Then came the cataclysmic flirtation between Dylan and Kelly [...]”

“Its video hormones freshly atingle, 90210 has been an energetic evening soap for months now, as these aging teen idols swaggered through their senior year in high school. The May 5 prom-night episode was particularly choice [...] There were undoubtedly adolescent shrieks in living rooms all over America when Kelly fed Dylan strawberries and murmured, ''Why don't we skip school altogether and stay in bed all day?''
Bad Subjects: “Recombinant Realism/Caliutopian Re-Dreaming: Beverly Hills 90210 as Nostalgia Television”, Crystal Kile, 10/93.

“In a juicy little intertextual bit from the third season's Brenda-Dylan-Kelly love triangle, Kelly-n-Dylan frolic like James Dean and Natalie Wood (or is it like Keanu Reeves and Paula Abdul!?) outside Griffith Observatory.”
Official 90210 Magazine, German Edition.
“Exclusive Interview with Jennie – The New Leading Lady”, 1994.

Interviewer: “Meanwhile, Kelly was with every 90210 boy. Who’s the best kisser?”
JG: “Luke. If Luke is kissing you, you forget anything around. [...]”
TV Guide, “Jennie Garth: From the Heart”, Mary Murphy, 4/8/95.

That old love-hate thing has cropped up behind the scenes with series heartthrob Luke Perry. "We have a dynamic relationship. Either we get along famously or we hate each other's guts," says Garth [...]. "Today it was up and down: 'I hate you.' 'I love you.' 'I hate you.'"

Off-camera, Garth says that Perry is possessive of her attention. "Our relationship is stormy, to say the least," she says. "Luke doesn't like it when I do scenes with Jason [Priestley]. It's that ego thing."

“In many ways the actors and the characters on Beverly Hills, 90210 are interchangeable - they live life on the edge, searching for their true selves (this season Kelly joined a cult), occasionally stumbling along the way (Dylan McKay recently fell off the wagon).”

"He's wonderful. Once you are kissing Luke (Perry, character Dylan), it is all you can think about."
Sassy Magazine, “Jennie Garth Rebuffed My Rice Krispies Advances”, 4/95.

JG: “Luke's a cowboy - he rides bulls. He's very smart. He has a girlfriend he's very in love with, which hardly anyone knows.”

But I told her she and Luke seem to have really good chemistry. "And we know it. And his girlfriend knows it and my boyfriend knows it. But we work together, you know..."
Translation from a French webpage at: [x] (unknown date/orig ref).

-Ils sont tres proche et tjrs de tres grd amis aujourd'hui
They are very close and will always be very good friends.

-Luke a dit un jr qu'il y avain une certain attirance entre eux.
Luke said one day that there has always been a certain attraction between the two of them.

-ET qu'il amais les scenes physique avec Jennie.
And he loves the physical scenes with Jennie.
[[Humorous quote retreived from an early-mid 90’s article on, now defunct. Unknown ref. Possibly YM or Teen Magazine, since they haven’t been cited yet.]]

Q: “What's it like working with Luke Perry?”
JG: “Luke's a very nice guy. He likes guns; he's always cleaning his guns at work. We have a lot of fun together.”
Our Favorite Moments (Special), 1998.
JG: “I love working with Luke. He and I are like buddies."

LP: "It was 40 degrees, and the crew was all wearing heavy winter coats and gloves. She was in a bikini and I was in swimming trunks, and we were trying to kiss. My lips were chattering so bad, they were blue. She bit my lip and I was bleeding. I think I bit her on the tongue. It was, you know, I mean, it was difficult."

Entertainment Weekly’s “100 Greatest Moments of Television” issue, 2/19/99.

Dylan and Kelly confessing their summer romance (“Back In the High Life Again”) is ranked #61.
Daily News, Keith Marder, Fall 1998.

LP: “There hasn't been a day since I left that at least one person hasn’t said to me, ‘When are you coming back?’”
Soap Opera News, “Dylan’s New Life Without Brenda … and Brandon:
Luke Perry Discusses His Return to 90210”, 9/8/98.

“Perry, whose character will return during November sweeps, said he definitely missed everyone on the show; he was particularly moved to see his co-stars Jennie Garth (Kelly) and Brian Austin Green (David) on the set.”
Soap Opera Update, “Casting Extra: Why They Came Back”, 11/10/98.

There was a time when you could have bet the farm that Perry was not going to return to the show that made him famous. In fact, shortly after leaving his five-season role on 90210 in 1995, he swore as much.
Soap Opera Magazine, “Luke Perry’s Back In Beverly Hills”, 11/24/98.

SOM: “Did you think that the show would be around for you to come back to? Not to put the show down, but the obituary has been written for it every season since year four.”
LP: “It’s been written every year since year one!”
[reference to the show losing its footing well before S9]
Soap Opera Weekly, “Meet The Press: Hills And Valleys for 90210’s Dylan”, 11/24/98.
LP: “We don’t know when it is going to end. I left before because I didn’t like what I was doing. If it gets like that again, I will leave. I don’t foresee that happening now.”
[implies that he liked what he was doing in S9-S10]
Soap Opera Magazine, “Luke Who’s Back”, 11/98.

LP: “The 90210 producers had made overtures toward me about returning a few times over the last three or four years. It just so happened that this year the timing was very fortuitous for me to come back.”

SOM: “Do you hope that Dylan will get back together with Kelly?”
LP: “Yes, in the sense that it will make for dramatic conflict. When last we saw Dylan (his wife had just been killed), he was not having a good time in terms of romance, to say the least. It would be a disservice to the character and audience if Dylan didn’t find it difficult to have a relationship.”
MTV’s FANatic, 7/99.

JG: “Kelly/Dylan is a little more torrid and, like, ‘bad’, somehow. (smiles) It’s bad, yeah.” [as in, risky/volatile/unpredictable/edgy/Michael Jackson ‘bad’; Dylan was on heroin that year]
“The View” talk show, April 2000.
Lisa Ling: “So, I have to ask you – are Kelly and Dylan going to be reunited for the final episode?”
JG: “Yeah. It’s good. It’s kind of like a ‘full circle’ sort of thing where they come all this way and finally find their way back to each other.”
Lisa Ling: “Yay!”
Star, “90210 Over and Out”, Stephen Viens, 4/18/00.

“But even that is nothing compared to the last scene. Dylan and Kelly resolve their love triangle and commit to each other as they dance together at the wedding party. The last words ever spoken on the show will be when he asks her to dance, adding that if she wanted to wait she could wait. “I don’t want to. Not anymore”, Kelly replies as the couple slowly dance around the floor to their song, leaving no doubt that they’ve finally gotten together forever.”
"The Final Goodbye", FOX Special, 2000.

JG: (about Luke) “I was really happy that he was coming back, actually. I was excited. It felt right, you know? It felt like, ‘Where’d you go? Why’d you leave in the first place? Here you are.’ And we were very happy to have him back. And I’m, you know, he’s one of us. He’s like family.”
Variety, “`90210' by the season”, Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, 5/17/00.
- Season Three, 1992-1993: Brenda and Donna go to Paris. Dylan and Kelly fall in love. Dylan's father is supposedly killed by a car bomb. Donna is busted at the prom for being drunk. ...
“Thank You, Zip Code of My Dreams, for An Emotion-Packed Decade”, by Eleni N. Gage, New York Times, May 2000.

“The 90210 writers seem to cherish their characters’ pasts as much as we viewers do. Despite occasional lapses, like switching the actors who played Kelly’s dad, the show respected its history and used it to add emotional weight to certain moments. For instance, when Dylan gave Kelly and Matt two plane tickets around the world as a wedding present, we instantly recalled that he had offered her the same gift before (when asking her to choose between himself and Brandon). And we understood that he was asking her to choose again.”

“Dylan didn’t choose Kelly over Brenda because she had fancier clothes or a cabana closer to the beach club, but because they had sympatico psyches, both having been the kids left alone on the playground when their moms forgot to pick them up.”
TV Guide, “Beverly Hills 9021-Over”, Shawna Malcom, week of series finale, May 2000.

LP: “Bunch of sentimental bastards, ain’t we?”

“‘It’s a sweet send-off’, says executive producer Aaron Spelling. ‘It’s not a cliff-hanger. After all these years, you want to see everybody together.’
E! True Hollywood Story: Beverly Hills 90210, 2001.
Narrator (52:00): “As in the previous year, FOX execs programmed new episodes of 90210 during the Summer of 1992. The plan kept viewers hooked on the kid’s vacation misadventures, including Brenda and Donna’s trip to Paris. But the juiciest news was that while Brenda had a fling in Europe, her on-again off-again sweetheart, Dylan, and best friend, Kelly, finally gave into temptation.”
Reunion Special, 2003.

LP: “Jennie and I have sent each other to the hospital on a fairly regular basis. And this is off-camera. Um … (Jennie laughs) I wanted to mention that. I ran her over with a jet-ski once. I hit her in the head, knocked her unconscious. Out, in the water, a bodyguard dove in, fished around … pulled Jennie up like a drowned cat. Paramedics came, the whole deal. She sprayed Binaca in my eye one time (Jennie laughs). … There were some bumps and bruises. I knocked her down. Again, someone had to go to the emergency room … “

LP: “And Jennie and I were in the swimming pool on top of the Bel Age Hotel, and we were supposed to be swimming and talking and kissing. I remember us being in the swimming pool and all the crew had on winter coats. So what I was doing was trying to hold her close to me, and stay, ya know, really warm (Jennie playfully smacks his arm), and … and, um …

JG: “What are you saying?!”

LP: “I’m just saying, it - that I’m warmer when you’re close to me than I am when you’re not (he playfully hugs her) [...]."

LP: “We were getting invited to the White House. Um, you know, crazy stuff. Fidel Castro got a satellite dish cause he had a crush on Jen …” (she playfully hits him).
“Ellen” talk show interview, 2005.

JG: “We were making out.”
LP: (points behind him) “Yeah ... before we came out.”
JG: “No, on the show!”

JG: (about Luke’s WILAY guest spot) “They actually wrote the part for him and asked him. He was so fun. He jumped in with both feet.”

LP: “I couldn't tell the difference, sometimes, between the fighting and the making out.”

Ellen: “And Luke, your [character’s] sister became a prostitute, your father ... ah, blew up! ...” (Jennie starts laughing hysterically)

JG: (forgetting that David crushed on Kelly) “Oh, right! (laughs) I haven't watched the show in a while.”
LP: (laughs) “She wasn't reading them when we were making them.” (Jennie laughs hard) (accessed via LubbockOnline, "TV Briefs"), 2/25/05.
"We have a very good time in this episode to the sort of Dylan-Kelly callback," Garth says.

For Garth, working with Perry again meant reteaming with an old friend; the two have stayed in touch since ‘90210’ ended in 2000, and she made the first call to Perry to see if he'd be interested in the guest spot.

"He was a little nervous, but he actually came in and jumped in with both feet -- he was awesome.” [...] “It also”, Garth says with a laugh, "made me remember all the things I love and hate about him. After working with him for 10 years, we're very close, and we'll both say publicly that there are things we love and hate about each other.", “Flirting with Luke Perry: The Former Bad Boy's Take On Playboy, the Lottery and His Tush”, by Lindsey Unterberger, ~8/14/06.

Q: “So, I have to ask, do you ever talk to the old 90210 gang?”
LP: “[...] I talk to Jason and Brian and Ian and Jen.”
USA Today, “Where Are They Now? Stars of ‘Melrose’, ‘90210’ Dish On Their Characters”, 11/6/06.

JG: “I see Kelly on a tropical island, sitting on a beach in a bikini. She’s with Brandon, but Dylan’s lurking around in the tropical bush.”

Renee Zellweger With Luke Perry? What Will Kelly Taylor Say?
Headline: NY Post, 1/16/07
“Summer Lovin': The Hottest On-Screen Couples: From Sandy and Danny (''Grease'') to Baby and Johnny (''Dirty Dancing'') and Lloyd and Diane (''Say Anything''), here are the pairs who really made us sweat”, By Bethonie Butler, Entertainment Weekly, 8/7/07.

Kelly & Dylan, 90210 (1993, #5 of 12): In the type of dramatic twist that defined 90210, Dylan (Luke Perry) ignites a passionate summer fling with Kelly [...]”
OK! Magazine Blog for 'Dancing With The Stars', 10/23/07.
JG: “I would do anything for Tori and she would do anything for me in a heartbeat. You don’t have that bond with people very often. I have that with Tori and Luke Perry and Ian Ziering. Those are the people that I grew up with – they’re my soul siblings.”
Jennie “Puff the Magic Dragon” Garth and Derek “Imagining Len in His Tighty Whiteys” Hough dancing the mambo,, around 10-30-07.

“Bruno thought Jennie had steam heat and engaged in some "dirty dancing". Carrie Anne thinks Kelly Taylor has finally proven herself worthy of Dylan McKay.”
“My DWTS Makeover”, US Weekly, week of 11/13/07.

JG: “Luke [Perry] calls a lot to check in, too. He says he doesn't watch, but I think he's lying!"
People Magazine, week of 11/16/07, on Jennie’s DWTS stint.
LP: "I vote for her 11 times a week! She's incredible."
VH1’s 100 Greatest Teen Stars (Jennie Garth #41), 2007.

Narrator: “Hunky Dylan might have started out as Brenda’s boyfriend but he couldn’t resist bombshell Kelly.”

Ryan Cabrera (singer): “Dylan, you gotta go with Kelly. No question.”
SOAPnet Hot List, 2008:

#17: Dy chooses K (“Back In the High Life”).
#13: Dy is upset over M and K’s engagement.
Michael Aussielo, TV Guide, interviewing Jennie at the CW Upfronts, 5/08.

MA: "So, refresh my memory. Kelly was married when the show ended, correct?"
MA: "I think she married Dylan, didn't she?"
“The Dish On 90210”, US Weekly, 6/08.

Sachs says veteran 90210 fans will be “satisfied” by Garth’s romance storyline.
Watch With Kristin, E! Online, Spoiler Chat, 7/28/08.

“It looks like there is a twist at the end of the pilot for Jennie Garth’s character that leads us to believe she may be dating or possibly married to one of the boys. Here’s hoping it’s Luke Perry!”
“Kelly and Dylan 90210 (2.0) Reunion?!”, Perez, 8/27/08.

“OMG, you guys!!!!!! There's a good chance that Luke "Dylan McKay" Perry will appear on 90210 (2.0). So, push aside those reports (for now) that Perry won't be coming back! (2.0) insiders have revealed that Jennie Garth's character, Kelly Taylor, will have a 4-year old son in the spinoff. And the dad is none other than Dylan! In true Dylan style, he's disappeared for awhile but will probs come back in a late season one show to try to win a place back in his son's and Kelly's life. What do y'all think? We loves it!”
8/27/08 headline on “Dylan McKay Kelly Taylor 90210 BABY!”

8/28/08 headline on “Jennie: I’d want Dylan for father.”
Time Magazine, about Kelly 2.0, “Updating Beverly Hills, 90210”, by Rebecca Keegan, 8/28/08.

Despite a series finale kiss with Dylan McKay that seemed to bring romantic closure to the first show's two most beleaguered characters, "she's still looking for her happily ever after," Garth says.

[In other words, had it not been for the spinoff, Dylan and Kelly’s last scene would signify romantic closure for the two.]
“90210's Jennie Garth & Shannen Doherty Unite -- & Luke Perry May Return!”,, 8/28/08.
“If Aaron Spelling was alive I would kiss him. Then again, I'm so ridiculously stoked about this 90210 news, that I would probably plant a big, wet one on the old guy, coffin and all. First things first. Multiple sources are reporting that Kelly Taylor has a four-year-old son -- by the one-and-only Dylan Mckay! And even though Luke Perry has said that he's not going to make an appearance on the remake, we thinks someone's fibbing! And we've never been happier about a liar in our lives!!!”
TV Guide, “Jennie from The Block”, 9/1/08, on the undecided paternity of Kelly’s son Sammy.

JG: “If I had to choose between Brandon and Dylan, which I’ve had to do so many times, I think it’d be more interesting if it were Dylan’s baby because he carries a lot more baggage.”
EW.COM, Fall TV Preview, 9/4/08, “‘90210’: The Next Generation”, By Jessica Shaw.

Sachs sent word to Luke Perry that he's free to bring Dylan on set anytime [...]
Entertainment Weekly, “After School Special”, Jessica Shaw, 9/5/08.
JG: “I thought ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’ had a beginning, middle, and an end. It was very neatly in its coffin and it was done. When they told me they were doing it [the spinoff], I thought: No! Like something sort of sacred was being disrupted. Some part of who I was and a piece of my history was being messed with.”
“'90210': The next episode and beyond ... Kelly's baby daddy revealed! And is Shannen Doherty extending her guest spot?”, L.A. Times, Shawna Malcom, 9/9/08.

As for the paternity of Kelly's 4-year-old son Sammy, executive producer Gabe Sachs claims he and fellow show runner Jeff Judah "decided who the dad was a long time ago" and that the burning question will be answered within the next handful of episodes. My heart's set on Dylan, as he and Kelly rightfully reconnected at Donna's and David's wedding at the close of the original "Beverly Hills, 90210" in 2000.
Pratt Historic Preservation Organization, 9/10/08. About the Griffith Observatory in L.A.

This Art Deco gem is a pop culture icon, best known for its feature role as back drop in Rebel Without a Cause [and subsequent ripoffs like Paula Abdul’s Rush Rush video and Dylan & Kelly’s touching first date on 90210].

'90210' Lures Fans With Brandon/Dylan Fatherhood Mystery”, by Kim Stolz, MTV Newsblog, 9/10/08.
“Let’s be honest, he and Kelly are more likely to have had a kid together, thus further linking them in their inextricably connected lifelong relationship.”
Perez Hilton, “Who’s The Daddy????”, 9/12/08.

Also, Sachs and fellow exec producer, Jeff Judah, already know who they want the daddy to be. They've also discussed the decision with Jennie Garth and Doherty. He adds, "The two of them love being in on secrets," mentioning that they were all happy with the choice.
TV Guide, “90210: Who's the Daddy?”, Mickey O'Connor, 9/12?/08.

Shockingly, the show's producers have announced that they'll reveal the identity of Sammy's father on Tuesday's episode (Sept. 16, 8 pm/ET, CW). Why give it up so early? "It worked with the stories we wanted to tell," says executive producer Gabe Sachs. "There are plenty of things we can still milk surrounding this story, believe me!"

Everyone has their own theories, of course, most falling into one of two camps: Team Brandon or Team Dylan, echoing the series' push-pull love triangle that appeared to end in Dylan's favor when he and Kelly reconnected at Donna and David's wedding in 2000.


FOR HIM Dylan has nostalgia working in his favor, as fans always found him to be a hotter match for Kelly than Brandon. If we are to believe the finale of Beverly Hills, 90210, they were back together as recently as 2000. Also, Dylan does have a reputation for taking off when things get complicated with the ladies.
AGAINST HIM Not a whole lot, frankly. Perry has said he wouldn't be interested in appearing on the new series, but come on, he returned to the old series, like, eight times. He'd totally do it.
LIKELIHOOD Very likely.
“Ellen” talk show interview, 9/12/08.
JG: “I hope that my purpose with the new show is to sort of, like, service the original fans and try to keep them happy. Keep them liking the show.”
“Kelly's Babydaddy Revealed on 90210!”, dailyblabber,, 9/12/08.

I'm so happy! I thought we were going to have to wait a lot longer to get confirmation on who the father of Kelly's baby is on the new 90210, but is reporting that we will find out next week! [...] Of course, I'm hoping and praying that it's Dylan. I could live with it being Brandon, but it wouldn't make as much sense [...] Want more great news? The show’s executive producer Gabe Sachs told People that there’s a “possibility” Kelly's former flame will be returning in an upcoming episode. Oh, BEV. You make my life worth living.
“For longtime fans, it’s easy to develop a crush on new ‘90210’”, By Amy Amatangelo, Boston Herald, 9/15/08.

When “Beverly Hills, 90210” went off the air in May 2000, I wrote an article here declaring that my relationship to the show had been one of the longest, most enjoyable connections in my life.

As someone who makes a living writing about TV, I know, of course, there were and are much better shows. But there is no series for which I have more deep-rooted affection.

Viewers have learned that the father of Kelly’s 4-year-old son is a high school flame. Just the thought that Dylan McKay (Luke Perry) could bring his sideburns back to the zip code is enough to keep me watching. In one classic episode, Dylan learned through regression therapy that he and Kelly were soulmates in a former life. They could be soulmates in this one, too.
“'90210' take three -- Brenda's back, Dylan's name dropped, love triangles”, Jennifer Thomas,, 9/16/08.
“Just as I was beginning to wonder how long they could go on referring to him as ‘him’, Brenda said it -- the father is Dylan. The news wasn't a huge shock, but still fun to hear. Dylan seemed the natural choice [...]”
“Dylan’s The Daddy!!!!”,, 9/17/08.

Wasn’t it so obvious that Dylan was the father of Kelly’s child on 90210? [...] Last night, Brenda revealed that Kelly was still in love with Sammy’s dad Dylan. And, at least for the moment, Kelly’s torch for Dylan is preventing her from dating hottie teacher Ryan.
“90210 'The Bubble' Episode Four”,, 9/17/08.

Last night we finally found out who fathered Kelly's son. Kelly bounced between Dylan and Brandon for the entire original Beverly Hills, 90210 run. [...] Dylan is the father of Kelly's son.
“’90210': And Kelly's baby daddy is ...”, L.A. Times, 9/17/08.
“There had already been weeks of vague clues and speculation about the 4-year-old's paternity. It was time to get on with it already. And then -- finally, thankfully -- there was a freakin' name and it was ... Dylan. Of all the guys Kelly had history with in high school [... ] [he] was really the only satisfying option. [...] Even more rewarding than the big reveal was how it unfolded: in the West Beverly High parking lot. In the black of night.”
“90210 Dish: Kelly's Baby Daddy Is...”,, 9/17/08.

Delighting Beverly Hills, 90210 fans around the globe, last night in the 90210 spin-off, Jennie Garth's character Kelly announced her baby daddy is none other than Dylan, who was played by Luke Perry in the original series.
“Dylan is Kelly's baby daddy”,, by Jennifer Jordan, 9/17/08.

“Like it or not, 90210, and Kelly, and Dylan, are a part of our cultural upbringing.”
“Kelly’s baby-daddy revealed on ‘90210’: Dylan McKay is the father, but will Luke Perry appear on the show?” Access Hollywood, 9/17/08.
“Jennie Garth, who plays Kelly, told People that Dylan and Kelly were destined to end up together.”

“Though Garth always thought they belonged together, the actress said the decision was a surprise — even to her.”
“Luke Perry – Perry Set for TV Return After 90210 Shocker?”,, 9/17/08.

“Luke Perry is under pressure to return to Beverly Hills after his beloved TV character Dylan McKay was named the father of Kelly Taylor's son on the Beverly Hills, 90210 spin-off. [...] Now Garth is hoping the bombshell, which aired on Tuesday, will bring Perry back.”
People Magazine, “Jennie Garth on the Big 90210 Reveal and More”, Elaine Aradillas, 9/17/08.

Q: “What did you think when they told you Dylan was going to be the father?”
JG: “It was very confusing for me because initially the idea of having a son was my idea. I thought it would bring a great amount of depth to my character. Then the question came up, ‘Well, who’s the father?’ [...] I think they settled on Dylan because Kelly and Dylan had such a passionate relationship in the past. Their relationship was so heated. It was kind of undeniable.”

Q: “Since you started the new 90210, who did the fans want the father to be?”
JG: “It’s funny because everyone who was a fan of the original show has an opinion about who Kelly ended up with. I’d have to say it’s 50/50–it’s either Brandon or Dylan.”

JG: “I didn’t even know for the first three or four episodes who the father was. And then I read it in the script, and I was like, ‘Oh, okay. I guess Dylan’s the dad. Great.’ And it made sense to me because, like I said, Kelly and Dylan ultimately do belong together. They have a fiery thing.”

Q: “How do you think the fans will react to the news?”
JG: “Either way, whether the son was Brandon’s or Dylan’s, the fans will be excited. [...] And they’re going to analyze everything that little kid does. He has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.”

Q: “Any chance Dylan will show up in a cameo?”
JG: “I would love to work with Luke again. I love him dearly.”
TV Guide Online, “90210 Cast Secrets” vid, 9/19/08.
“Does this mean Luke Perry will make an appearance on upcoming episodes? We can only hope.”
“The Hot 5: What We’re Into This Week”,, 9/19/08.

"90210." This week, the anticipation came to an end when Brenda announced Dylan was the father of Kelly's son on the new version of the '90s teen fave. Although it was nice to finally end the wondering, for true 90210 fans this did cause a little heartache, putting an end to everyone's hopes that Dylan and Kelly did end up happily ever after.
Top 10 TV Relationships, Yahoo!TV Fall TV Preview, 10/3/08:

Kelly Taylor & Dylan McKay on "90210" (#7):

Says Shine Entertainment editor Joanna Douglas: "Although actor Luke Perry claims he won't be revisiting his old zip code [...] I will wait patiently with my fingers crossed all season long for their reunion."

“90210: How Bad Do They Want Dylan Back?”,, 10/6/08.
“And, if he does make an out-of-nowhere return to the holy zip code, you know that nostalgic 90210 fans would flip out with joy.”
TV Guide, Anna Dimond, 10/11/08.

Garth couldn't confirm a return for other former castmates, like Tori Spelling, who has equivocated on the subject, or Kelly's babydaddy, Dylan (Luke Perry), with whom she chatted by phone en route to the awards event. "He didn't mention coming back at all”, she grinned. "I don't know if that's going to happen, but I would love it."
Entertainment Weekly, Michael Ausiello, “The Ausiello Files: ‘90210’ lures another alumnus back to West Beverly Hills High”, 10/17/08.

“Sachs hasn’t given up on Luke Perry, despite the fact that the actor has publically nixed a return as Kelly’s babby-daddy. ‘We go after Luke whenever we have the "opportunity", he says with a laugh. ‘But I haven’t tried recently, so maybe I’ll try him again.’”
OK! Magazine, “Lori Loughlin: Bring Back Luke Perry!”, 10/27/08.
LL: “If I could choose one person to come back, it would be Luke Perry. Dylan belongs with Kelly!”
“When Three's A Crowd”, by Tracy Pepey,, 11/6/08.

“Could there have been a better love triangle than Brenda, Dylan and Kelly on the original Beverly Hills, 90210? We don't think so [...]”
“Jennie Garth Hopes For Luke Perry Reunion”,, 11/07/08.
Garth, 36, also addressed rumors of Luke Perry joining the CW spinoff: “I know that I would love it more than anything and I know that he’s the father of Kelly’s baby. I was like, ‘Really? Okay, wow!’”
“Jennie Returns to The Block”, NY Post, Jarett Wieselman, 11/10/08.

JG: (re: reveal of Dylan being Sammy’s dad) “That's what the fans wanted and I think it's how things should be."

“[...] fan outcry to see Kelly and Dylan reunited is more deafening than cheers of ‘Donna Martin graduates’ [...]”
Jennie Garth: "This Is For The Fans!", NY Post, Jarett Wieselman, 11/11/08.

JG: “[...] Everyone's first response to me was, ‘I love seeing you on the show’.

Q: “How long are you open to playing Kelly Taylor?”
JG: “I always say that as long as the show stays good, my storylines appeal to me and to the fans - you know, as long as the show works on every level.”

Q: “How much of a say do you have a say in Kelly's path?”
JG: “I have a lot of say. Just the other day, a writer asked me what I wanted to do with Kelly [...]”

Q: “Did you think Dylan would turn out to be the father?”
JG: “I was just as surprised as the viewers - and I don't even know if Luke knows. We've talked, but we don't talk about business, but I'm sure he was surprised too. I think it's right, I think that's what the fans wanted the writers to do.”

Q: “But Luke has been vocal about not wanting to return, right?”
JG: “There are some people from the cast that don't want to go back to the characters that made them famous - and that's totally fine. But the writers wanted Kelly to go [visit Dylan] and wrap it all up with a pretty red bow, off camera. I didn't want to do that. I thought that the fans, who were so excited to have her go visit Dylan, would be so disappointed that it ended like that. I said, if the time comes when Luke's schedule opens up, it needs to be resolved on camera. Let that play out so people can see it, because they have been waiting for it.”

Q: “So Kelly's trip to see Dylan didn't go well?”
JG: [...] “The trip went okay but it didn't answer any questions for Kelly. [...] She comes back with an openness to other men and is trying to put Dylan behind her - but he's not completely history for her.”

JG: “I'm lucky - 100 percent of the time, fans thank me for coming back. I've never gotten a negative comment like, ‘You suck! Why are you back?’ People feel like there's a connection - they have a Kelly, Brenda, Dylan jonesing and need their fix.”
Movin’ 99.7fm podcast, San Fransisco Radio, 11/11/08.
Radio Host 1: “When are we gonna get Mr. Luke Perry on board here and reunite you two? Bring back Dylan?”
JG: “I don’t know. I mean, I’m sure Kelly would want that but I'm not sure what ... if it's in the cards for him. I haven’t talked to him about it, but [...] we don’t talk about work, so ...”
Radio Host 2: “Because when I watched the show and then it was revealed that, you know, that he was your son’s father and I’m like, ‘Well, maybe, maybe he’s gonna make an appearance.”
JG: “Yeah, well I think the fans would love that.”
TV Guide, “Jason Priestley Gets Busy on Earl, Secret Life, 90210”, by Tim Molloy, 11/11/08.

JP: "I think that ultimately [Dylan being the dad] made more sense given Kelly and Dylan, given their relationship [...]”
“Neverlasting love”, The Vicious Circle (official spinoff blog of Erin Silver), 11/11/08.

“Kelly was away on a love pilgrimage. A trip to Wyoming to see Dylan.”

“It’s this weird push and pull. They’re like two magnets that repel each other –- you’d think that they should be able to make things work, but there are crazy polar forces that keep it from happening.”

“I’ve seen them together, and what they’ve got going is this storybook, telenovela kind of love.”

“Even when they think it’s over, it’s never really over.”
TV Guide Channel, "TV's Biggest Moments of 2008", 12/14/08.

“Finally, after weeks of anticipation, Dylan was revealed to be the father of Kelly's child, bringing a bit of the past ino the present and making original 90210 fans everywhere ecstatic.”

“It was an awesome moment for us ‘9ers’ that loved the original series.” - Korbi Ghosh, TV Correspondent,
Access Hollywood, “Dish of Salt: Top Ten TV Moments of 2008”, Laura Saltman, 12/18/08.

# 8 – Dylan is Kelly’s Baby Daddy
“[90210] did produce one major water cooler moment this year. When old cast member Kelly Taylor — who is now West Beverly High’s guidance counselor — finally clued us in via best bud Brenda Walsh that her four-year-old son, Sammy, is the offspring of Dylan McKay and not Brandon Walsh (her two famous past loves).”
T-Mobile Season Recap (ad within show), aired 1/6/09.

“Mr. Matthews was the fave teacher who tried to fave Kelly, but she still wanted to fave Dylan.”


He had liked Kelly since they'd met way back when, but by the time he had worked up enough nerve to ask her for a date, Steve Sanders was on the scene. About the time she and Steve were history, Dylan was already going with Brenda. Timing was everything. He sighed.
"So," he asked her, "which of these fine domestic fizz waters would you care to imbibe?"


Brandon noticed that Dylan and Kelly were still on the ground, tangled together in the rope. They seemed to be in no hurry to free themselves or to get up. Brandon sensed trouble ahead. Of course, Dylan and Kelly had been tight for many years; maybe they just enjoyed being tied up on the sand.


She drove to the beach club and sat in her car for a long time before going up to the Taylor-Silver cabana. She entered without knocking and found Dylan nervously waiting for her.
He stood up. "Scrabble?" he asked.
"Sure," Kelly said.
The space between them was nothing. In a second, they crossed it and were in each other's arms, kissing passionately.


"How about it means that we like each other?" Dylan suggested.
The sound of that made Kelly uncomfortable. It was too close to the truth, and therefore left them open for other lapses. "How about it means that we went too far because we were both lonely?"
"I don't believe that and neither do you," Dylan said.
He leaned forward slowly, obviously intending to kiss her. The front door was right behind her. She had plenty of time to push him away, to escape, but she didn't. She stood there and took it and enjoyed it.
When the kiss ended, they stood there breathing hard and touching foreheads. They were both weak.


"Go away, David", Kelly called. "I'm on the phone."
She looked up and saw that Dylan was staring at her around the edge of the door. She was so astonished that she didn't hear what Brenda said next.
"Bren, I have to go. David just walked in and I can't talk." She hung up gently, never taking her eyes off Dylan. Things were moving very quickly, and she needed a moment to catch up. But given what Brenda had just said, Dylan's arrival here at this moment had to be meaningful.


"You know what really stinks?" Kelly said.
"No, Kel. What really stinks?"
"You screw up a few times and everyone thinks they know who you are, and who you'll always be, no matter what you do later. It all seems so hopeless. You wonder if you should even bother trying to change, bother trying to do better, you know?"
Dylan knew. In the eyes of some, Kelly would always be the bimbo, and he would always be the mysterious bad boy. It was all garbage, but you couldn't change the universe. You could change only yourself. He took Kelly in his arms. He wasn't thinking about sex; he was thinking about comforting a fellow human being.


F A N S T A T S ;

Dylan and Kelly never did get to go on their trip around the world but, if they did, they'd find fans in ... [click above]

Main Reasons to Be Happy About the Spinoff;

1. Kelly, whether she can work things out with Dylan or not, is still in love with him, and he wants to be with her. And they'll always be in each other's lives because they have a son together.
2. They're on cordial, if emotional, terms, still talking on the phone late at night and willing to meet up for extended periods.
3. She continues to hold out for him and have faith. He's the only guy she's been seriously involved with since Sammy's birth (4.5+ yrs), and they were together as a family at one time. Just ask Kelly's photo albums.
4. We get awesome nods to our couple. As far as we can tell, it's implied that they're the original "bubble couple" (1x04), and a Dy/K-style playground scene while the Santa Anna winds are blowing (1x13) is just too coincidental.
5. In light of being babysat by them 16 years ago as a catalyst for their summer romance, it's downright poetic that Erin grew up to be their biggest fan, and so similar to Dylan, especially as the true link between the original series and the spinoff.
6. Until shown otherwise, we can imagine that Sammy was named after Samantha, Steve's mother, and they (almost) kept their promise to him at Prom.
7. Sammy will indeed grow up to know his father. As of this April, he has visits with Dylan!

1.04, The Bubble;

Ryan: (to K) “Look, I don’t know what the story is with you and Sammy’s dad. It just feels like there’s unfinished business."

B: (to K) "You are never gonna be happy with somebody else because you’re still in love with Dylan. And you know it!”

1.06, Model Behavior;

K: (to Ryan) "[...] With things the way they are with Dylan, I don’t know when or if I’ll be able to ‘go there’ with somebody else [...] (a bit glassy-eyed) ... I don’t want you to wait."

K: (to B, about Dy) “It’s just ... hearing his voice today, in that place ...”

B: “Kelly, you deserve to be happy, and so does Sammy. And if that means ‘Ever After’ on a ranch with Dylan, then I am all for it.”

B: (to Ryan, re: being in the middle of Dy/K) “[...] ... You just dodged an epic bullet.”
"My heart is broken"

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The Childhood Connection. It’s not the bare fact of them having known each other since age five, even if just from afar, that matters. Time does not by itself create anything meaningful. It’s who they are now that makes it important, in their own minds, for someone to have seen them through those different incarnations of development. Dylan and Kelly are two people who feel having such continuity allows them to trust the unconditional nature of the other’s love even more. They can believe that someone has watched them grow, fall, and get back up again, able to recognize their most primal instincts/patterns and authentic self in the face of any false projection. This is paramount because their entire individual stories rely on the fact that they have duplicitous images to resolve, both for themselves and other people. Their union mandates accountability for being who they are, as they have the support and freedom to change self-perceptions long-morphed by public reputation. And, for emphasis, Dylan is virtually defined by his desire and ability to call up sincerity around him. He’s the only one who can see Kelly, immediately, for everything she was, is, and might be. It’s no coincidence that he would usher in her coming-of-age story, and very fitting that this occurs at a time when he needs some element of his past to protect.

I just want to go away, to someplace new,
where nobody knows me ... but you.
"A Fatal Secret" // "Hearts Don't Lie. Fortunes Do!" // "A Fleeting Moment" // "Don't Be Afraid"
"Blindsided" // "Love Breaks Your Heart" // "Beyond the Horizon" // "I Didn't Choose Me"
"Stuck In the Middle With You" // "Over You"

Caps/Art/Icons: Enter the DKLoveVault, but don't get lost. This mutual PB is continuously being updated with new pics of our own and those we find. Guest Password: ladyinred

Clips Channel 1: YouTube - littlebrat3's Channel
Clips Channel 2: YouTube - JaimeBeesDotCom's Channel
Clips Channel 3: Bella's Top 50 Dy/K Moments

Graph 1 / Graph 2 / Graph 3 / Data 1 / Data 2
Episodic 'Reasons' List: X
Seasonal Support Quotes: X
Spinoff Quotes/Info: X
Media Quotes: X
Music Track List: X
Novel Excerpts: X
Instrumentals: X
Love References: X
Casablanca Connection: X
S1 Scene Notes: X
S2 Scene Notes: X
Past Thread Notes: X / X / X / X
Caps/Pic Sets: X / X / X
All: X

^Extra Credit. Take the thread home!^

[For the Super Swinger FanGeek Within]

Even before he noticed her,
he noticed her boat.
A sleek, two-footer she had been given
for her fifth birthday a few days before.
She was sailing it
upside down in a large pool that had formed
during a winter rain.
The rain, again. In a marina this time.
The boats, like the girl, had grown.
Beautiful ... inspirational.
After the explosion that killed his father
she was the only beauty, the only inspiration ...
left in his life.


I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
my soul can reach
when feeling out of sight.
For ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee freely
as men strive for right.
I love thee purely
as they turn from praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use,
in my old griefs,
and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with the
breath, smiles, tears ... of all my life.

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Past Titles: [x]

He taught her that it’s okay to love.
She compelled him to love again.

End Notes/Disclaimer/Thank You:
First of all, thanks for waiting this out, everybody, LOL. We surely didn’t expect to deliver the 100th in nine months time (since initial planning) but, well, I guess it really is our baby. ; ) It’s also very likely that everything you believe took months actually took days and what looks like it could be done in a few days actually took months. There have been many revisions, to say the least. This is just a first step towards truly clarifying what the Dylan/Kelly story represents, in simple terms. // Corrections (general): the S6 write-up includes the mention of Charlie Rose (should be Tom Rose!), a character for which there was no room to discuss in S5. Several plotlines were omitted here and there for this very reason, esp. unrelated near-death experiences. The chronological ‘reasons’ lists may give a more thorough impression of each season. // Songs: we included tracks that play during group scenes too. Basically, anytime they interact whatsoever. As such, some are immediately reminiscent of their scenes while others are not. There is some overlap with other couple's songs. We make no claim that a track is necessarily pertinent to the Dylan/Kelly story exclusively. // Add. Credits: the black/white illustration of our couple is made by Anton Hare, a famous illustrator. // Graphs: specific episodes/incidents counted will be disclosed to mods. Please note that comparisons between different sets of data can only be done accurately if all categories are defined the same way. S6-S8: these seasons have not been thoroughly reviewed in the making of this thread. We might have missed something. Eh, but we doubt it.

Coming Soon:

1. All past threads are currently being reread. The best posts will be saved and used for a future anniversary, with the correct permissions. Small/interesting facts, things we wish, things we wonder about, and our looming debate questions are also under collection [status: 0 more (out of 100) threads; need to organize]. Your conversations have not been in vain, lol. 2. S9/S10 instrumentals. 3. Continuation of the novel transcribing. 4. Downloadable cap/pic sets and a makeover for the LoveVault PB.

Okay, roll call!
Cause we never forget a fan and you're always welcome to return.

"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 03:58 PM
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That was seriously fast. I think I'm the only handicapped thread-starter here now.
✗ Mel
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Old 06-27-2009, 03:59 PM
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Okay, post away.

EDIT: I have a really fast connection now. And I don't pay for it. Thanks, neighbor with no password on your wireless signal!!
"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 04:36 PM
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I wish I was lucky enough to have neighbors with no passwords on their signals.
Chill out, dickwad.
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Old 06-27-2009, 05:10 PM
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Alrighty, well the S10 shot came in and here are some mostly large HQ scans (eh, but a little less HQ).

EDIT: How ... annoying. I was having this problem yesterday, but PB did, tonight, let me post some regular IMG code pics. Apparently, I can't do thumbnail code tonight. An issue with being allowed to copy/paste. Right now, I can't, and, no, I don't know why.

Jac, can you see if you can post them for me? If my PB works for you, then I know it's a browser issue (ran some software updates the other day, ugh). Go to BH Actors > Group Shots > S10 Cast. And only thumbnails! They're way too big.
✗ Mel
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Old 06-27-2009, 05:15 PM
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They're gorgeous, Mel!
"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 05:28 PM
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ing browser. Well, it's better than the site or my acct.

I wish it was this version, her hand down:

Or was that part of Steffi's manip too? Lol.
✗ Mel
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Old 06-27-2009, 05:33 PM
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I'm not sure. Might be.

EDIT: Yeah, I think she cut her arm off and moved it down so she could piece things together.
"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 05:51 PM
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So the answer to your question on the old thread is he was robbing a carriage and she was in it.
Chill out, dickwad.
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Old 06-27-2009, 05:57 PM
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Ah, good.

How many times do we see Dylan and Kelly in a pool together?
"My heart is broken"

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Old 06-27-2009, 06:25 PM
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Old 06-27-2009, 06:31 PM
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Excluding the last two seasons, twice.
Chill out, dickwad.
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