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LilMouse 05-25-2020 09:09 AM

The Scottish Pub {Off-Topic} #66: Summer's going to be very strange
Old thread

LilMouse 05-25-2020 07:43 PM

Shoppers at Staten Island grocery store scream at woman for not wearing mask

This is what living in SI is like.


Sam Biederman, an NYC Department of Parks and Recreation official, wrote, "In Staten Island they call this 'asking her politely to leave.'"
I don't know if I should laugh at this.

S.A.S.H.A. 05-26-2020 12:58 AM

:lol: That's funny! Looks like masks are required at that store, so interesting that she managed to get in without one, unless if she took it off once inside. But good for those customers. If more people stood up against those violating rules set forth, then we'd have less problems.

Looks like your state got a Karen today. :lol: CENTRAL PARK 'KAREN'

The gentleman posted the video on his Facebook and his sister posted it on her Twitter:

She says she's sorry for what she did, but I bet only because it went viral. Fortunately, Mr. Cooper wasn't hurt; the dog, Henry, is safe and was returned to the rescue shelter; and her employer has put her on administrative leave.

LilMouse 05-26-2020 11:33 AM


That's funny! Looks like masks are required at that store, so interesting that she managed to get in without one, unless if she took it off once inside. But good for those customers. If more people stood up against those violating rules set forth, then we'd have less problems.
I think if I was at the store at that time and I saw her coming down the aisle maskless I would've either done an about face OR I would've remained silent and been like, oh well, I have my mask on so I'll be OK.

I wouldn't start cursing and screaming like those people. That was animal-like.

Jeez at that whole park situation. Disgusting what she said / threatened / did. She should get a big big big fine for lying like that to 911 and wasting resources. I didn't watch the video, only read the description but did he start filming her after she began putting the leash back on? Or was he filming her the whole time? I feel like if he started filming the thing after she began to comply that can cause escalation. Like, if she was attempting to leash the dog and walking away and he takes his camera out to film her, it's going to piss the other person in the situation off and could/will lead to something really terrible happening, like maybe actual physical violence.
But then again, if he took the camera out after she was leashing the dog, she could've just been like OK weirdo with the camera, I am walking away now instead of calling police over it.

The person in the cartoon looks like Kate Plus 8.

S.A.S.H.A. 05-26-2020 07:26 PM


I wouldn't start cursing and screaming like those people. That was animal-like.
Humans are animals, but yeah, I wouldn't have screamed. I would have just glared at her and move. They played that video here in local news today after airing the Central Perk story. I was like, Vic's hood! :lol:

I like this post regarding Central Perk Karen:


Amy Cooper is exactly why it isn’t enough for white women to “not be like a Karen” but to actively be anti-racist. You must work to dismantle systems. You must first do that by realizing you were taught racism and must work to unpack that before attempting to help Black people.


I didn't watch the video, only read the description but did he start filming her after she began putting the leash back on? Or was he filming her the whole time? I feel like if he started filming the thing after she began to comply that can cause escalation.
Watch the video. It's only a minute. He stops filming her immediately after she finally puts her dog on a leash and thanks her, which she did only after she kept choking the dog during the minute of filming as she threw her tantrum. Here's the text he wrote when he posted the video, and below you'll see his sister acknowledges he went on his way as soon as she leashed Henry:


Central Park this morning: This woman's dog is tearing through the plantings in the Ramble.

ME: Ma'am, dogs in the Ramble have to be on the leash at all times. The sign is right there.
HER: The dog runs are closed. He needs his exercise.
ME: All you have to do is take him to the other side of the drive, outside the Ramble, and you can let him run off leash all you want.
HER: It's too dangerous.
ME: Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it.
HER: What's that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won't come to you.
ME: We'll see about that...

I pull out the dog treats I carry for just for such intransigence. I didn't even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.


That's when I started video recording with my iPhone, and when her inner Karen fully emerged and took a dark turn...

She was put on leave yesterday, but as of today is fired. Let's see if she gets the dog back. Doubt the rescue will return him given the huge spectacle she caused, though.



I have my mask on so I'll be OK.
Don't be so sure of that. If you have a mask, but they don't and are infected, you have a 70% chance of getting it. That's why I'd move.


LilMouse 05-27-2020 06:34 PM


They played that video here in local news today after airing the Central Perk story. I was like, Vic's hood!
Oh no! We made it all the way to the west coast. Now people everywhere are going to think all of us are trash.

The woman should've leashed her dog and walked away. Now she got herself fired. It's like people have forgotten that the wisest solution is to not make a big deal about things.


Don't be so sure of that. If you have a mask, but they don't and are infected, you have a 70% chance of getting it. That's why I'd move.
That's a scary percentage.

BehrItAll 05-27-2020 07:30 PM

If she wanted to be a :censored: she could have easily just appeased the man and leashed her dog, then went out of his eyesight and unleashed the dog again.

She made a huge deal out of a simple request.

Lockdown is making people lose their damn minds.

S.A.S.H.A. 05-27-2020 11:28 PM

And let's not forget unleashed pets aren't allowed in that area. I wonder if a white person had told her, not requested her, to leash her dog, if she would have apologized and done it. Let's see if she moves back to Canada now that she's unemployed. :lol:

LilMouse 05-28-2020 08:41 AM


I wonder if a white person had told her, not requested her, to leash her dog, if she would have apologized and done it.

I don't think she would've. People like her raise a big stink no matter who is making the request. She wouldn't have called the cops, I don't think (because in her mind she wouldn't have had a reason to), but she's still enough of a dumbass to fight against it.


Let's see if she moves back to Canada now that she's unemployed.
Somehow I knew she wasn't a native NYer. But I would've never guessed Canada. I thought they were supposed to be nice.

:lol: farter. It's accurate.

S.A.S.H.A. 05-28-2020 08:07 PM

She seems like a nutjob.


Martin Priest, a former friend of Cooper who’s known her since 2003, claimed when he told her he voted for Obama, the first black president of the United States, she slammed his decision, saying she couldn’t “believe” it.

Priest claimed the asset manager developed romantic feelings for him and began “stalking” and “harassing” him when they went unrequited, leading him to report her to the police twice, once in New Jersey and once in New York City. The Post confirmed that reports were made in both jurisdictions.

“The longer I avoided her, the angrier she got,” Priest alleged.

Cooper eventually filed a lawsuit, which has since been dismissed, against Priest back in 2015 alleging he was an ex-boyfriend who bilked her out of $65,000 after an alleged torrid love affair with her and two other women.

Priest said the allegations were a “complete fabrication,” his relationship with Cooper was never more than platonic and the lawsuit was a retaliatory fantasy cooked up by her to get back at him for not returning her affections.

“It caused me to lose my job, it was a difficult situation and unjustly alienated me from friends and family,” Priest said.

Priest’s Garden City attorney Christopher Bechtle, who represented him when Cooper sued, called Cooper’s allegations “bizarre and wildly untrue.”

In February 2013, Priest called the Ridgewood Police Department to report Cooper for harassment but did not end up signing the complaint, according to records and Priest. No arrests or charges were filed, police said.

The NYPD confirmed there was another police report Priest filed against Cooper for harassment on June 8, 2014, after she allegedly came to his home, repeatedly rang the doorbell and asked to enter the location, and sent a series of text messages, the NYPD told The Post.

Priest characterized his former friendship with Cooper as a never-ending “cycle of drama.”

When Priest saw Cooper in the now-viral video showing her threatening to call the police on Christian Cooper (no relation), he said, he wasn’t surprised.

“I feel very badly for Mr. Cooper,” Priest said.
This happened in Minneapolis on Tuesday, a day after George Floyd was murdered by police in that same city:



teamtopfigure Normally we don’t speak out about encounters of racial profiling and age discrimination that we face day to day in our lives as young black entrepreneurs. Although today May 26th 2020 7:51pm we encountered a situation where a man entered the facility, a shared private gym that we utilize in our @wework @mozaic_east office located in uptown Minnesota. Granted we’ve been in this office space and have rented and grown our business for the past 1 year and half here. As we were working out this man approached and immediately asked us who we were and if “WE BELONG” in this building. Granted in order to enter the building you NEED a key card to enter EVERY part of the building which EACH of our team members individually have. We all pay rent here and this man demanded that we show him our key cards or he will call the cops on us. We are sick and tired of tolerating this type of behavior on a day to day basis and we feel that we had to bring light onto this situation.

Given the tension in that particular city, and across the nation for similar events, action was taken immediately. The white dude's business partner resigned, saying he wanted nothing to do with him, the building terminated his office's lease, and he is no longer CEO of the company he worked at. :lol:


“Should have handled it differently,” he said in an e-mail. “Not my job to have done anything.”

"My lease in the office was terminated for the sake of appeasing mob rule," Austin said in an email. "And yes, I'm no longer CEO of F2."

“I said, ‘I’m sorry you thought I was being racist, but I was not. If you were a bunch of women, I would have done the same thing.’ ”
He still doesn't see it as racist, and rather than saying white men, he said women, because of course we are clearly considered less worthy of any value by this misogynist. :rolleyes:

BehrItAll 05-29-2020 11:46 AM

The world has totally lost it. Can everyone I don't like just move to Mars and only the cool people I approve of can stay? Thanks...bye.

LilMouse 05-29-2020 02:43 PM

How did she get a job in the first place with all these things she did? Did it not show up in background checks because she wasn't officially charged?


Can everyone I don't like just move to Mars and only the cool people I approve of can stay? Thanks...bye.
I second this. Send all the creeps to Mars.

S.A.S.H.A. 05-30-2020 03:14 AM

Let's add this wedding photographer to that group of Martians.

The bride died in a car accident, and he refused to refund the $1800 to the groom. Instead he used the money to have this website for the next two years to mock him.

He's deleted his FB account since then, but he posted this last week:

He even had the nerve to threaten to sue the mother of the deceased bride:

He's being investigated now. But can you imagine how EVIL you must be to do this to a mourning groom and family? Bastard! He posted: “It’s not our fault she can’t drive. Take your outrage elsewhere.”

How has the protesting/rioting been in your area? I hear Al Sharpton is scheduled to hold a protest in Staten Island later today, since that's where Eric Garner was killed and he's been out speaking with Eric's mother this week.

LilMouse 05-30-2020 05:53 PM

The wedding photographer story got me very upset. I hate saying this, I hate thinking it, but I hope that he ends up losing his business, can't pay for his livelihood, and just ends up walking off a cliff. He's a terrible, terrible person with no heart.

I am sorry for the groom and Alexis and her family :( Poor woman. They better win the case if the a--h-le photographer really does bring charges against them. Get me on that jury. I will make the photographer wish he'd never been born.


“It’s not our fault she can’t drive. Take your outrage elsewhere.”
So...if he ever has a family member die in a car accident, this should be said to him. Lets see how much he likes it.

I heard on the news there's been rioting in the city and in Brooklyn. I think the protest that went on in SI actually remained peaceful.

BehrItAll 05-30-2020 05:58 PM

First of all, that photographer is pure evil. And that is just bad business. Have some compassion!

Second, a bad driver!? Things happen. She could have been killed by a drink driver. A texting driver. A faulty road. How dare he assume.

Just stop being an ass and have a heart.

S.A.S.H.A. 05-31-2020 12:52 AM

I hope karma gets that effing wedding photographer real good! Can't wait to see that!


I think the protest that went on in SI actually remained peaceful.
Los Angeles is a mess. :blank: Not surprised, though. A bunch of losers are taking advantage of the situation by starting fires and looting. Many have been arrested, but not enough. If only those that were filmed on camera get charged later when things cool down. The news got many in the act and even zoomed in on their license plates, so it'll be easy to identify many of them. People on FB were applauding the visuals and hoped that they get IDed and prosecuted.

LilMouse 05-31-2020 11:18 AM

I think the rioting is a real shame. And I also wonder, how many of these rioters actually give a damn about George and what he suffered, and what his family/friends are suffering? How many of them are just out there because they feel like wreaking havoc is a fun thing to do.

I feel like you can get your point across, your outrage, and the fact that you won't accept police brutality, without burning down businesses of people who weren't even present when the murder took place, without burning cars, a police precincts, and breaking windows of stores or putting graffiti on buildings, I saw on the news a bank in Union Square, which I have gone to, was vandalized and it's horrible that so many people out there are cheering the rioters on and lumping them in with legitimate protestors. No, no, no, there is a difference between protesting and rioting, I say.

Did you see the nurse who was trying to calm people down and get them to not be violent? She was a good woman.

S.A.S.H.A. 06-01-2020 02:15 AM

I agree with everything you said.


Did you see the nurse who was trying to calm people down and get them to not be violent? She was a good woman.
No. There were a few people shown on local news here trying to stop looters. The news continued to videotape it all and get their license plates, and many protesters couldn't stop the large gangs of looters jumping in and out of cars with stolen merchandise, so they just tore off the license plate from some cars to give to police. :D The sheriff said that this isn't 1992. That their phones are going to be their demise. They have plenty of pictures and video from the news and from all social media that the idiot looters are posting as they try to show off, and they can easily track who was where and when to use against them. He said many that evaded arrest today will be facing charges later. :)

LilMouse 06-01-2020 10:25 AM


There were a few people shown on local news here trying to stop looters.
They are brave people. I would be afraid of being attacked.


The sheriff said that this isn't 1992. That their phones are going to be their demise.
I hope they have their phones. I hope it's not like they hear the cops saying they can be tracked by their phones and end up keeping the phone at home.

:clap: that they will still face charges. Lock them all up!

BehrItAll 06-01-2020 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by LilMouse (Post 100836203)
I think the rioting is a real shame. And I also wonder, how many of these rioters actually give a damn about George and what he suffered, and what his family/friends are suffering? How many of them are just out there because they feel like wreaking havoc is a fun thing to do.

I feel like you can get your point across, your outrage, and the fact that you won't accept police brutality, without burning down businesses of people who weren't even present when the murder took place, without burning cars, a police precincts, and breaking windows of stores or putting graffiti on buildings, I saw on the news a bank in Union Square, which I have gone to, was vandalized and it's horrible that so many people out there are cheering the rioters on and lumping them in with legitimate protestors. No, no, no, there is a difference between protesting and rioting, I say.

Did you see the nurse who was trying to calm people down and get them to not be violent? She was a good woman.

:clap: Well said.

Ha, this isn’t 1992. It’s true. They will be found.

S.A.S.H.A. 06-02-2020 02:30 AM

Oh, they all have their phones. They all are on them taking pictures, videos, and texting away while the news camera films away. Losers.

Yeah, the sheriff said it took a long time to identify, find, and charge looters in 1992, but that they got tons. He said it'll be so much easier now. They have email addresses for people to send all pics and vids they have showing the criminals. :)

Watch this video clip:

This 6'6" tall NBA player chased down and beat the crap out of this white mothereffer that broke the window of his truck parked in his residential neighborhood. Hope he got a concussion or worse from that ass-beating he most definitely deserved.

And if you scroll down you'll see a short video clip in which the NBA player talks about the incident, telling people that they're probably going to see a video of him attacking someone, so he explained why he did it. Good for him! :punch:

LilMouse 06-02-2020 07:08 PM

:clap: J.R. Smith

You defend your property! Hope that guy went home crying with all his teeth missing and broken bones.

I saw that the producer Dick Wolfe fired a writer of one of the Law & Order shows because the writer said he was going to shoot any looter who tried to steal his stuff. Since when is defending your property a fireable offense?

S.A.S.H.A. 06-03-2020 01:35 AM

That's stupid! Had the writer said he was going to shoot protesters, then I'd get it. But shooting a looter trespassing on your own property is fair game.

Onto better news:

Pandemic or not, people still need their canine assistants. Pilots Are Volunteering To Help A Nonprofit Deliver Trained Service Dogs To People With Disabilities

LilMouse 06-03-2020 10:48 AM


That's stupid! Had the writer said he was going to shoot protesters, then I'd get it. But shooting a looter trespassing on your own property is fair game.
:nod: Exactly. I hate that we live in a world now where people are expected to sit back and eat popcorn as looters steal / ruin their property because people are so afraid of insulting snowflakes,

:love::love::love: the doggies. The last photo in the first set with the adult dog looking up at the baby dog makes me squee.

Glad the disabled are still getting their service dogs.

The last dog is needed to scare off the looters.

BehrItAll 06-03-2020 05:49 PM


Exactly. I hate that we live in a world now where people are expected to sit back and eat popcorn as looters steal / ruin their property because people are so afraid of insulting snowflakes,
Here, here!


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