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Old 01-20-2015, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
I'm glad that I wasn't alone in being bothered by this story. All the things you said Luv were really my issues but I was too lazy (my bad) to summarize them so I just posted my notes instead.

I agree, continual misspellings or grammatical mistakes are huge turnoffs. Especially when they are repeated, which clearly means they weren't typos (totally forgivable, no one is perfect) but just a general lack of understanding by the author. I do try very hard to make exceptions for people who are writing in a second language. Like Love (the other one, in my head) who writes constantly and she does it not speaking English as a native language. That's pretty awesome and she tells stories. She constructs stories. I like that in an author.

Question: How about how a story is formatted? If it's not formatted well does that ever turn any of you away? Because to be honest, it does me sometimes. It just gets too hard on my eyes to read. Huge paragraphs without breaks. Dialogue that isn't broken apart. Only ellipses instead of periods. When someone uses exclamation marks instead of periods, for every single sentence (and therefore when they are really, really excited they use like 10 !s).
Irish… I did not think you would ACTUALLY chase me with murderous intent after just one chap…but I didn’t want to take a chance!!!!!!! (Look at me…using all these ellipses and unnecessary exclamation points… Ha! Ha! Ha!)

Al…so sorry to hear you are having another rough week.  Sending good vibes your way. Hope they stick.

Ice… We understand why we have to read the unfinished ones. We appreciate the choices you are making week after week. Especially when there’s smut….but maybe that’s just me? Hahaha
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
I'm glad that I wasn't alone in being bothered by this story. All the things you said Luv were really my issues but I was too lazy (my bad) to summarize them so I just posted my notes instead.

I agree, continual misspellings or grammatical mistakes are huge turnoffs. Especially when they are repeated, which clearly means they weren't typos (totally forgivable, no one is perfect) but just a general lack of understanding by the author. I do try very hard to make exceptions for people who are writing in a second language. Like Love (the other one, in my head) who writes constantly and she does it not speaking English as a native language. That's pretty awesome and she tells stories. She constructs stories. I like that in an author.

Question: How about how a story is formatted? If it's not formatted well does that ever turn any of you away? Because to be honest, it does me sometimes. It just gets too hard on my eyes to read. Huge paragraphs without breaks. Dialogue that isn't broken apart. Only ellipses instead of periods. When someone uses exclamation marks instead of periods, for every single sentence (and therefore when they are really, really excited they use like 10 !s).
Oh, big huge paragraph just stops me right away...I won't even try. But again, I consider that a part of knowing at least the basics of writing. I mean, I will make an exception for someone who might have little errors here and there, but a big old

I get jumpy when I'm writing and a paragraph starts getting too big...
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by LemonSupreme (View Post)
Irish… I did not think you would ACTUALLY chase me with murderous intent after just one chap…but I didn’t want to take a chance!!!!!!! (Look at me…using all these ellipses and unnecessary exclamation points… Ha! Ha! Ha!)

Al…so sorry to hear you are having another rough week.  Sending good vibes your way. Hope they stick.

Ice… We understand why we have to read the unfinished ones. We appreciate the choices you are making week after week. Especially when there’s smut….but maybe that’s just me? Hahaha
Yes, unfinished stories are just fine with me because there are some really good ones out there, and we can always hope that someday they will be finished. Oh and what Lemon said smut is good
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:51 PM
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Formatting issues will throw me off a fic Irish, especially big old paragraphs of constant text without any breaks. I don't even bother to read fics like that, because they hurt my brain, trying to decipher them. Another thing I have a problem with is not using quotation marks...hugely annoying, but that could just be the journalist in me. Proper quotes are the bread-and-butter of our job.

That's not to say my writing is perfect, it's definitely not. I find errors here and there with my stuff. I can always get better and hope that I improve with every fic I post.

I think Loveforthestory does an amazing job as a non-native English speaker. It did take a bit of getting used to her writing, but she really tries and puts a lot of effort into developing the plot of her story.

I don't mind unfinished stories. I mean, obviously I wish they were finished and the angst of wanting to know what happens can be pesky, but I know RL gets in the way of fic-writing and there's always the potential they'll come back at some point and complete their work. Of course there's always the super-amazing unfinished fic you're just dying to read the rest of...(OMG...the HP fic I've been waiting about 5 years to read and the author has the entire thing written just has never bothered to post the rest of it)...

Thank you Lemon, it's just more of the same I'm afraid. Did you have a chance to talk to Becomemyobsession? So sorry about it all...

I'm glad to hear the finale of 'Sins' is coming. You've got me completely curious on how you're going to solve the Connor issue. Perhaps you'll stick a capsule in him and because he's so screwed up, it'll de-age him to when he was a toddler, and thus not of the broken-brain-craziness.

And what are these THREE new fics you're working on?! You must share!

Did I see that re-watch will now take place on the Charloe website? If so, I can hopefully take part! Where do we post our thoughts/chat/whatever? Sorry I couldn't do this weekend, I had to be out of town for work.
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Old 01-20-2015, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by LemonSupreme (View Post)
Irish… I did not think you would ACTUALLY chase me with murderous intent after just one chap…but I didn’t want to take a chance!!!!!!! (Look at me…using all these ellipses and unnecessary exclamation points… Ha! Ha! Ha!)

Al…so sorry to hear you are having another rough week.  Sending good vibes your way. Hope they stick.

Ice… We understand why we have to read the unfinished ones. We appreciate the choices you are making week after week. Especially when there’s smut….but maybe that’s just me? Hahaha
Lol, good. As long as that was clear. (FYI, I don't generally mind ellipses or exclamation points, but if you've ever noticed there are writers who only use either of them in place of simple periods. And I really don't mean to sound like a snob and I do make exceptions and overlook tons of things just because I know no one is infallible--myself included--and there can be a good story inside all that bad stuff. But the truth is bad spelling, grammar and structure bugs me because it brings my inner editor to the fore. I need a digital red pen. Maybe when I'm done P & W I'll hang up writing and just sign up to be a beta. )

Luv, I truly hope things take an decided upswing in your immediate future. I hope your sister is doing better, btw.

Ice & Luv: Thank you for the validation. Vindication! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one for which formatting is an issue. Yes, Luv, that's another one: The lack of quotation marks. I understand quotations marks are different globally (USA uses ", whereas most everywhere else uses the ', so that's not an issue) but in no way shape or form does a dash (-) make a quote. I would also reiterate that I know that I know I'm not perfect and I make mistakes but I'm always game to learn something new. BTW, I also had to adjust to Love's style of writing, Luv.

As a rule, I don't exclude unfinished stories from my reading. But I always start them with a kind of built-in disappointment because inevitably I'll have questions with no answers. But if a story is good I'll read it regardless and than just obsess over any and all possible outcomes.

Last edited by wildirish; 01-20-2015 at 09:00 PM
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
Lol, good. As long as that was clear. (FYI, I don't generally mind ellipses or exclamation points, but if you've ever noticed there are writers who only use either of them in place of simple periods. And I really don't mean to sound like a snob and I do make exceptions and overlook tons of things just because I know no one is infallible--myself included--and there can be a good story inside all that bad stuff. But the truth is bad spelling, grammar and structure bugs me because it brings my inner editor to the fore. I need a digital red pen. Maybe when I'm done P & W I'll hang up writing and just sign up to be a beta. )

Luv, I truly hope things take an decided upswing in your immediate future. I hope your sister is doing better, btw.

Ice & Luv: Thank you for the validation. Vindication! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one for which formatting is an issue. Yes, Luv, that's another one: The lack of quotation marks. I understand quotations marks are different globally (USA uses ", whereas most everywhere else uses the ', so that's not an issue) but in no way shape or form does a dash (-) make a quote. I would also reiterate that I know that I know I'm not perfect and I make mistakes but I'm always game to learn something new.

As a rule, I don't exclude unfinished stories from my reading. But I always start them with a kind of built-in disappointment because inevitably I'll have questions with no answers. But if a story is good I'll read it regardless and than just obsess over any and all possible outcomes.
I agree… Love does a great job. I can’t even fathom writing in a different language. Yikes.  She’s also a fantastic human, and I have a soft spot for those…especially when they ship charloe as much as we all do.

Sins finale is written….dvp is working through it, making notes etc as we speak. It is a…. different ending than some might expect, but I hope it’s well received. We shall see.

Yes, three. A time travel one…. (yeah I know…band wagon and all that…but mine is way different so it’s okay), and a redo of the last of S2 starting with the beginning of **** Happens… heavy on bromance and charloe. Third is an AU that is by request…. All should start showing up in February is my guess.

**Oh, and speaking of time travel...can't wait for updates from my two faves in that genre....Ice's and MissDee's**

Good Ship is hosting the rewatch on twitter… we are doing trivia and there is a chunk of the trivia that is for people who don’t join us. Currently there is no place on the site to do the commenting…though it’s something I’d like to explore in some way. Not sure yet.

Irish... Don't you dare quite writing. grr HAHA I am not a fan of weird formatting either, for the record.
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
Lol, good. As long as that was clear. (FYI, I don't generally mind ellipses or exclamation points, but if you've ever noticed there are writers who only use either of them in place of simple periods. And I really don't mean to sound like a snob and I do make exceptions and overlook tons of things just because I know no one is infallible--myself included--and there can be a good story inside all that bad stuff. But the truth is bad spelling, grammar and structure bugs me because it brings my inner editor to the fore. I need a digital red pen. Maybe when I'm done P & W I'll hang up writing and just sign up to be a beta. )

Luv, I truly hope things take an decided upswing in your immediate future. I hope your sister is doing better, btw.

Ice: Thank you for the validation. Vindication! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one for which formatting is an issue.

As a rule, I don't exclude unfinished stories from my reading. But I always start them with a kind of built-in disappointment because inevitably I'll have questions with no answers. But if a story is good I'll read it regardless and than just obsess over any and all possible outcomes.

I'm sorry Irish, but I don't think that I can allow you to give up writing that just doesn't work for me

BTW I do agree really bad formatting and grammar does make it hard to read a story, but I have a knack for correcting bad grammar as I read. The formatting is worse for me; however, I usually push my way through just in case it's a diamond in the rough.
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by LemonSupreme (View Post)
I agree… Love does a great job. I can’t even fathom writing in a different language. Yikes.  She’s also a fantastic human, and I have a soft spot for those…especially when they ship charloe as much as we all do.

Sins finale is written….dvp is working through it, making notes etc as we speak. It is a…. different ending than some might expect, but I hope it’s well received. We shall see.

Yes, three. A time travel one…. (yeah I know…band wagon and all that…but mine is way different so it’s okay), and a redo of the last of S2 starting with the beginning of **** Happens… heavy on bromance and charloe. Third is an AU that is by request…. All should start showing up in February is my guess.

**Oh, and speaking of time travel...can't wait for updates from my two faves in that genre....Ice's and MissDee's**

Good Ship is hosting the rewatch on twitter… we are doing trivia and there is a chunk of the trivia that is for people who don’t join us. Currently there is no place on the site to do the commenting…though it’s something I’d like to explore in some way. Not sure yet.

Irish... Don't you dare quite writing. grr HAHA I am not a fan of weird formatting either, for the record.
Ice promises that she is working on both Dream and Devo and regrets that this annoying head cold has pushed back her updates of both...but I really am working on it

And yes, irish, don't you date quit writing!

We can keep chatting, but I'm getting together next week's reading list.

OK, four coming up this week. Mostly one-shots, only one has two chapters.

The Hot Spring by witchanteia. Published 12/14/13. Two Chapters...a little smut.

Fractures Left Alone To Heal by lovesrogue36. Published 12/26/14. One chapter one-shot. Smut.

Intermission by lovesrogue36.
Published 1/6/14. Sequel to chapter one-shot. Smut.

The Lady & The Tiger by Corycides. Published 12/27/14. One chapter one-shot. Some smut.

OK, hope everyone enjoys!

Last edited by IceonFire7; 01-20-2015 at 09:29 PM
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
Ice promises that she is working on both Dream and Devo and regrets that this annoying head cold has pushed back her updates of both...but I really am working on it

And yes, irish, don't you date quit writing!
Well thanks Lemon, Michelle and Ice for the encouragement. I don't think I will give it up; I have a couple ideas floating in my head. I may take a break though because I do need to return my focus to my original works soon. But I still be around to read and I'll always be available for feedback and whatnot if anyone ever needs it. (FYI, speaking of breaks, whynot told me she's thinking of taking a break from writing. I told her "No." I'm not sure she listened.)

Ice: As excuses go, feeling unwell is a pretty good one. I mean, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said otherwise. But seriously, feel better: first for yourself and second, for me, so that I can get my overdue updates.

Lemon: "Sins" finale has me curious. I would not be opposed to you having Connor turned into a grasshopper by the Nano (let's not rule that possibility out) and then is "tragically" squashed by an oncoming wagon. He was just all kinds of evil in this story. Also, really excited about the new stories you've got down the pike.
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
Well thanks Lemon, Michelle and Ice for the encouragement. I don't think I will give it up; I have a couple ideas floating in my head. I may take a break though because I do need to return my focus to my original works soon. But I still be around to read and I'll always be available for feedback and whatnot if anyone ever needs it. (FYI, speaking of breaks, whynot told me she's thinking of taking a break from writing. I told her "No." I'm not sure she listened.)

Ice: As excuses go, feeling unwell is a pretty good one. I mean, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said otherwise. But seriously, feel better: first for yourself and second, for me, so that I can get my overdue updates.

Lemon: "Sins" finale has me curious. I would not be opposed to you having Connor turned into a grasshopper by the Nano (let's not rule that possibility out) and then is "tragically" squashed by an oncoming wagon. He was just all kinds of evil in this story. Also, really excited about the new stories you've got down the pike.
Good to hear, but lets hope Whynot doesn't take a break or at least not a very long one.

Lemon can't wait to read the finale of "Sins" you have me chomping at the bit.
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
Well thanks Lemon, Michelle and Ice for the encouragement. I don't think I will give it up; I have a couple ideas floating in my head. I may take a break though because I do need to return my focus to my original works soon. But I still be around to read and I'll always be available for feedback and whatnot if anyone ever needs it. (FYI, speaking of breaks, whynot told me she's thinking of taking a break from writing. I told her "No." I'm not sure she listened.)

Ice: As excuses go, feeling unwell is a pretty good one. I mean, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said otherwise. But seriously, feel better: first for yourself and second, for me, so that I can get my overdue updates.

Lemon: "Sins" finale has me curious. I would not be opposed to you having Connor turned into a grasshopper by the Nano (let's not rule that possibility out) and then is "tragically" squashed by an oncoming wagon. He was just all kinds of evil in this story. Also, really excited about the new stories you've got down the pike.
Whynot cannot stop writing! What the heck!

Next week's stories are posted below, guys, on my last post.
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Old 01-20-2015, 09:32 PM
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ETA: I think I drove everyone off, haha!

Thank you for the wishes on my sister Irish. She'll be getting out of the hospital in the next few days, barring any more issues! *fingers crossed*

Irish, please don't give up writing, as you are so completely talented! I can't wait to see what other Charloe fic-ideas you've got.

ICA with you regarding unfinished fics. I can't help myself and if I love a couple enough, I won't be able to restrain myself from reading them, but I'm always starting an incomplete fic a bit wary.

Originally Posted by LemonSupreme (View Post)
I agree… Love does a great job. I can’t even fathom writing in a different language. Yikes.  She’s also a fantastic human, and I have a soft spot for those…especially when they ship charloe as much as we all do.

Sins finale is written….dvp is working through it, making notes etc as we speak. It is a…. different ending than some might expect, but I hope it’s well received. We shall see.

Yes, three. A time travel one…. (yeah I know…band wagon and all that…but mine is way different so it’s okay), and a redo of the last of S2 starting with the beginning of **** Happens… heavy on bromance and charloe. Third is an AU that is by request…. All should start showing up in February is my guess.

**Oh, and speaking of time travel...can't wait for updates from my two faves in that genre....Ice's and MissDee's**

Good Ship is hosting the rewatch on twitter… we are doing trivia and there is a chunk of the trivia that is for people who don’t join us. Currently there is no place on the site to do the commenting…though it’s something I’d like to explore in some way. Not sure yet.

Irish... Don't you dare quite writing. grr HAHA I am not a fan of weird formatting either, for the record.
Lemon, you're such a fantastic writer, you can bandwagon whatever you want in the Charloe fanfic world and it'll be beyond amazing!

I think I've mentioned it before, but would you be up for hosting another Revolution Redux Challenge like AvaRosier did last year? It was a ton of fun and a lot of great fics were written during that time.

Really want to see more of both those Time-Travel fics you mentioned Lemon. In 'Absence', I find myself wanting MissDee to write Ending A & Ending B, where Charlie ends up with her Monroe and then also with the General. I'm so torn...everyone knows of my love for both versions of Bass.

I can't imagine writing original fiction in another language. I worked for a bilingual newspaper for awhile and had to translate all my articles into Spanish and that was hard enough. But those were just translations and not original fiction. It's also very brave of Love to post her work knowing it won't be perfect and that she might receive negative comments, so complete props to her for that. I sometimes sit on stories for months on end because I'm OCD when it comes to editing, so I really admire her for posting her work!

So I still can't join in on the re-watches...bummer. I shall be with you ladies in spirit! Ogle Bass for me...

BTW Michelle, I still haven't come up with a nickname for you. It's been a bit pesky, but I'll figure one out, I promise.

Icicle, great news that you'll be updating both fics -- can't wait to see updates as I love both of these stories! Thanks for getting the stories for next week.

Originally Posted by wildirish (View Post)
Well thanks Lemon, Michelle and Ice for the encouragement. I don't think I will give it up; I have a couple ideas floating in my head. I may take a break though because I do need to return my focus to my original works soon. But I still be around to read and I'll always be available for feedback and whatnot if anyone ever needs it. (FYI, speaking of breaks, whynot told me she's thinking of taking a break from writing. I told her "No." I'm not sure she listened.)

Ice: As excuses go, feeling unwell is a pretty good one. I mean, I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said otherwise. But seriously, feel better: first for yourself and second, for me, so that I can get my overdue updates.

Lemon: "Sins" finale has me curious. I would not be opposed to you having Connor turned into a grasshopper by the Nano (let's not rule that possibility out) and then is "tragically" squashed by an oncoming wagon. He was just all kinds of evil in this story. Also, really excited about the new stories you've got down the pike.
I understand needing to take a break. I've had to do that a few times recently. Just don't leave the fandom completely. Whynot is taking a break? No...both of you can't take breaks! Tis tragical...but do what you need for yourself, I'll just miss stories from you gals, as you're both so talented!

I'm voting for a capsule turning him into a toddler, but I like your karmic idea of a squashable grasshopper. Although Lemon said he wouldn't be killed...

Last edited by ILuvMyThesaurus; 01-20-2015 at 09:59 PM
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by ILuvMyThesaurus (View Post)
ETA: I think I drove everyone off, haha!

Thank you for the wishes on my sister Irish. She'll be getting out of the hospital in the next few days, barring any more issues! *fingers crossed*

Irish, please don't give up writing, as you are so completely talented! I can't wait to see what other Charloe fic-ideas you've got.

ICA with you regarding unfinished fics. I can't help myself and if I love a couple enough, I won't be able to restrain myself from reading them, but I'm always starting an incomplete fic a bit wary.

Lemon, you're such a fantastic writer, you can bandwagon whatever you want in the Charloe fanfic world and it'll be beyond amazing!

I think I've mentioned it before, but would you be up for hosting another Revolution Redux Challenge like AvaRosier did last year? It was a ton of fun and a lot of great fics were written during that time.

Really want to see more of both those Time-Travel fics you mentioned Lemon. In 'Absence', I find myself wanting MissDee to write Ending A & Ending B, where Charlie ends up with her Monroe and then also with the General. I'm so torn...everyone knows of my love for both versions of Bass.

I can't imagine writing original fiction in another language. I worked for a bilingual newspaper for awhile and had to translate all my articles into Spanish and that was hard enough. But those were just translations and not original fiction. It's also very brave of Love to post her work knowing it won't be perfect and that she might receive negative comments, so complete props to her for that. I sometimes sit on stories for months on end because I'm OCD when it comes to editing, so I really admire her for posting her work!

So I still can't join in on the re-watches...bummer. I shall be with you ladies in spirit! Ogle Bass for me...

BTW Michelle, I still haven't come up with a nickname for you. It's been a bit pesky, but I'll figure one out, I promise.

Icicle, great news that you'll be updating both fics -- can't wait to see updates as I love both of these stories! Thanks for getting the stories for next week.

I understand needing to take a break. I've had to do that a few times recently. Just don't leave the fandom completely. Whynot is taking a break? No...both of you can't take breaks! Tis tragical...but do what you need for yourself, I'll just miss stories from you gals, as you're both so talented!

I'm voting for a capsule turning him into a toddler, but I like your karmic idea of a squashable grasshopper. Although Lemon said he wouldn't be killed...
No, we're still here!

I guess we sort of didn't do the discussion much...ok, anyone want to weigh in on that?
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by IceonFire7 (View Post)
No, we're still here!

I guess we sort of didn't do the discussion much...ok, anyone want to weigh in on that?
I'm still here sorry wasn't sure if anyone else was still here.

I have no doubt Thessie that you will come up with something.

What was the discussion for tonight I think I missed it.
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Old 01-20-2015, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by ILuvMyThesaurus (View Post)
ETA: I think I drove everyone off, haha!

Thank you for the wishes on my sister Irish. She'll be getting out of the hospital in the next few days, barring any more issues! *fingers crossed*

Irish, please don't give up writing, as you are so completely talented! I can't wait to see what other Charloe fic-ideas you've got.

I understand needing to take a break. I've had to do that a few times recently. Just don't leave the fandom completely. Whynot is taking a break? No...both of you can't take breaks! Tis tragical...but do what you need for yourself, I'll just miss stories from you gals, as you're both so talented!

I'm voting for a capsule turning him into a toddler, but I like your karmic idea of a squashable grasshopper. Although Lemon said he wouldn't be killed...
You didn't drive me off. I got completely distracted watching Stephen Amell play "Name That Thing" on Kimmel. FYI: I killed the game better than the contestants and host. Hehe. I'm actually trying to write up a piece on my fascination with the brand.

Thanks for understanding--plus the super kind words. Those always give me a boost to keep working on the story. I won't leave Charloe for good; I'll still read the stories, do book club, the rewatch, and help out any and all writers who want my help. But I tend to have a singular focus when I'm working on a story simply because I have to completely submerge my mind in that world. So it's been nearly a year since I've worked on my own original works; and since that requires literally from-the-ground-up world building I have to totally absorb myself in that world so I don't screw them up. I wish I could be more like Lemon and write endless stories at the same time, but I can't. Not to say that I don't get news ideas and I don't have them "fermenting" in the back of mind while focusing on a particular one.

whynot is pulling back because she doesn't feel she has any new ways of writing Charloe without changing them from the characters they are. I've encouraged her to think about AUs. I'm not sure if she will. She made it sound like she may come back but she was going to take a break.

As for Connor, I know she said she wouldn't kill him...though "Sins" seems like a perfectly constructed excuse to kill him. I'm okay with his death as I am with Rachel's. I'm okay with a two-for.
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