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Old 03-04-2008, 10:56 PM
Master Fan

Lipsis's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2007
Posts: 10,306
Eric♥Jessica{AS}#281: B/C This Forum is Generated By JEric Power!!!

Credit: Daisyduck (Eileen)

Credit: Eileen (Daisyduck)

Tune In To Hear Jessica On Channel 963 From 4pm-7pm Central Time Monday Through Friday! Go Jess!

Credit: Daisyduck (Eileen)

Click Here to view our 50th Celebration Thread!
Click Here to View our 100th Celebration Thread!
Click Here to View our 200th Celebration Thread!

Jessica joined in on our chatting on threads 89, 118, 144, 145, 146, 175 176, 239 & 240
Eric joined in our chatting on threads 110, 111, 144, 145 & 146
Thanks again for stopping by and answering so many of our questions
Jessica and Eric - it was really appreciated!

This thread is a dedication to the real life pairing of Jessica Hughbanks and Eric Stein. We have watched these two grow together throughout this season of Big Brother 8! They have turned from acquaintances to friends, to best friends, to partners in the game, to a couple in the real world. We hope to see their bond continue to grow further than it has since leaving the house. They have made their way into our hearts and we want to thank them for giving us a fantastic summer.

---Thank You---

We would like to thank Marie first, for her constant presence for many of our threads, keeping us updated and discussing the game along with us.

We would also like to thank our inspiration for 200 threads, Eric & Jessica! You have brought people together, helped people find love here and you have also made us fall for you guys. Thanks for coming by and answering our questions when you did. Hope you visit for future threads. After all, this is all for you guys!
written by Mark (woobieknowsbest)

---200th thread videos---

Credit: Woobieknowsbest (Mark)

Credit: Amanda (AA2)

Marie Hughbanks
Joel Hughbanks
Karen Stein
Mitch Stein
Josh Stein
Alex Stein
Dustin Erikstrup
Sarah Hrejsa
Julie Chen
Allison Grodner
Earl the Iguana
Joe Barber
Shree and Baby

1. Touldengal (Shira)
2. _Jmarit_
3. rose parade
4. -diana-
5. blondiebubbles
6. melizabeth032 (Meg)
7. infinite memory
8. danielle002 (Danielle)
9. AmericanDirrty
10. cutiepie33
11. xstarsgoblue25x
12. ~*8Kay8*~
13. Brunette-beats-all-sucka
14. Claire&CharlieFan4eva(Beth)
15. Holls
16. onetreehil1216
17. SexyBrucas (Angel)
18. Dorkodancer147 (Alex)
19. OTH_Leyton_4eva
20. starsprite (Jen)
21. x-love-adam-brody-x (Michelle)
22. Toxic Kisses (Paige)
23. brucasislove77
24. ++Audrina++ (Audrina)
25. -FoolInTheRain- (Michelle)
26. YellowRose
27. *Karina*
28. Sick And Twisted (Tiff)
29. DiagonalZipper (Amy)
30. BeautifulMistakex
31. DreamingAway (Hannah)
32. breakdown<3
33. howmuchforhappy (mal)
34. christinedechagny (Linda)
35. *~Jessabelle~*
36. cwerner
37. iLuVsPiKeNmiLo224 (Miranda)
38. brathanfan27
39. Carie M.
40. cdnshannon
41. kev07 (Kevin)
42. BridgeChick (Eva)
43. loganX2 (Amanda1)
44. ajh61393(Amanda)
45. brighteyes1 (Corinne)
46. woobieknowsbest (Mark)
47. ErisRules
48. hawaiian_beachbum (Sarah)
49. minnyace01
50. stephheartsbb
51. MikeAmyBHMAL
52. PhilLeotardosHead
53. JeanSMX
54. meta_four
55. TaraBell
56. hfj265 (Rick)
57. emilia1
58. oredukman (Rick)
59. katie805
60. witchiepoo29
61. Number1ArlenEscarpetafan
62. kspitler
63. MelissaG
64. anniejam
65. famosp
66. littlebunnyfufu
67. ericsfan (Martha)
68. Jessicaca
69. mms07 (Marilyn)
70. becky43078
71. ericfan1
72. MrsSonia
73. ad121ana
74. bbefan
75. Lifeisgood (Kari)
76. TonyClaus
77. nymike87
78. Daisyduck (Eileen)
79. deeeej
80. Jadey
82. Msslaydbug (Lori)
83. redlexis
84. fallenangel007 (Amanda2)
85. BBisAwesome
86. JosephBlowinsky
87. xBeautifulDisasterx23
88. JDP (Josh)
89. shauner_tinker
90. Allie0327
91. Nancyp
92. Bananaloaf
93. just1jewel
94. Lipsis
95. scootie668
96. eric4bb9 (Jim from Morgantown WV)
97. James_is_my_baby23
98. Kristel16
99. Niteowl
100. Southsidejew (Cathy)
101. xEJx
102. kermite
103. Jessica Fletcher
104. Woobie Bandit
105. Woobie Outlaw
106. Woobie Doobie Do
107. Woobie Gangsta
108. Woobie Scrappy Dooooo
109. AngelaLuvsJeric
110. Anickjl16
111. Greedy14U
112. Norcat
113. Fort180
114. JERIC923 (Christen)
115. ILoveBB8 (Emily)
116. vetonjameka (Paula)
117. BanditOne (Rob)
118. psilla1999 (priscilla)
119. jbeth28 (Jamie)
120. bpchicky (Sylvie)
121. Cathe64
122. simplyinfatuated
123. Pooh_Bear
124. sassysassy
125. LindyLu
126. Texasian
128.newme11 (Carol)
129.skatingfan2006 (Katie)
130.husker51 (Ken)

I love Eric and Jess because they remind me of innocence. Going from the shy awkwardness of that first date to completely falling for that person, and needing that person next to you through all that you do. They've taught me that no matter where you come from whether it be a big city or a small country town, you can still find that bond, and have an incredible connection with that person. I've seen them grow closer and closer over the summer and it was magical. They weren’t just playing the game for themselves anymore, they were there and playing for each other. The feelings they developed for one another were raw and real. They had they're highs and lows but ultimately they came out of this experience not only stronger as individuals but stronger ONE! – Audrina

“This House, These People, This Game”
I love Eric and Jess so much because they are the first real relationship on Big Brother to this day. They went through the stages you go through when getting into a relationship. They went from being friends... to each day growing closer and closer... to flirting friends…and then eventually they couldn't wait any longer, and finally admitted to feelings for each other. I never in my life have been so invested in a TV reality couple, but with these two you can't help it, they are the cutest couple ever! I get excited seeing them together..and sad when I don't see them together. My only hope now is that they can make it on the outside, and I wish them all the luck and faith in the world. – Michelle

Beer pong
Baby teacup
Black & white dress
All-night chats
The Bottle
"I'm Gay For You"
Hot Tubs
Hey There Delilah
New York
Big Bedroom
Little Bedroom
Body Paint
Some of Carrie Underwood's Songs
Status: In a Relationship
Martini Glasses
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Times Square New Years Eve 2007
Sexy Stein Day
Hottie Hughbanks Day
Channel 963
Eric's Birthday Party

The thing that draws me the closest to Eric and Jessica is the realness and the natural vibes that I get from them. I rarely ship real life couples but these two just drew me in right from the start. Their flirty friendship and fun times in the house kept me entertained and I have them to thank for a great Big Brother season. I wasn’t even about them winning the game that kept me tuned it, it was wondering what will happen after the game is over. I truly hope that these two will continue to bond and grow together. – Alex

Why I love Jessica & Eric:
J is for their joyous celebration after Jess' 1st HOH win
E is for Eric's move to Kansas
S is for streaking and the numerous times Eric did it
S is for the strong tie of loyalty they had to each other
I is for the intimate bond they shared
C is for chatting through the night and way past sunrise
A is for America's Player - no one could have done it better
E is for the endless rounds of beer pong
R is for ring pops and Jessica's future proposal
I is for the immeasurable amount of fun they brought to the BB house
C is for the charming, sweet, lovable, intelligent, competitive, strong, respectful, funny, real, and genuine duo of Jessica Hughbanks & Eric Stein

From the very first episode Eric was my favorite. I just thought he was hilarious, he had a lot of personality and I knew I was going to love him. I wasn't to sure about Jessica in the first episode, but I got the feeds right away and as the 1st week went on I realized she was awesome and they were just giving her horrible edits. Every episode I'd wait for them to have some segment on Jess and Eric, never came till I think week 4. I thought why aren't they showing the funniest people in the house! I loved them from the beginning because they were always honest with each other, their opinions really mattered to each other and that is so important. The game can be very stressful, but they made the best of it and really enjoyed their time in the house. Yeah you're playing a game, but it's also good to have some fun too. Whenever they were together they never failed to make me smile. They always gave off great vibes and just had a real genuine friendship above anything else. And that's something that is very, very rare in Big Brother. – Tiff

I, along with many others, had the chance to witness them grow close from mere strangers to America's sweethearts within two months. We saw them slowly develop this amazing connection that is worth more than all the money in the world. It was a pleasure to watch them go from strategic buddies to hanging out for pleasure and flirt all day, which in turn, ultimately led to them developing strong feelings for one another that have exceeded all friendship boundaries. Their first kiss was unexpected, but a pleasant surprise. Their flirtatious nature and infectious happy go-lucky attitudes have kept me tuned in to watch the feeds to the wee hours of the morning. I never had and I probably never will have the opportunity to see two other people develop such a strong bond such as theirs that has transcended into the real world. Every day they have invited us into their lives and it was always a pleasure. When their time on the show came to an end, it was no longer worth watching. I am forever grateful to them and their family for keeping us updated on their relationship. I wish them all the best and an amazing journey together. I believe that this show has given them much worth more than money and that's each other. Best of luck to Eric and Jessica!! – Shira

For me Eric and Jessica ruled my whole entire summer. It was all I thought about and all I could pay attention to. I am so grateful to have seen two people grow closer together like they have. All the ups and all the downs they are still growing and learning about each other as they grow. I wish them all the luck in the world and I hope they continue to do so. --Beth. <3

Jessica's MySpace
Eric's MySpace
Jessica's Facebook

Why I love Jessica and Eric. See this summer I had a cancer scare, which at any age is scary but at 30 is just nuts. My family lives in Ga, me in CA, so they werent here to help me deal. It was a really difficult time for me, and I had no one. So while waiting and worrying I would watch the feeds, and I know that this sounds weird but watching Jess and Eric having fun and playing around really helped me through that time. They made me laugh when all I wanted to do was scream and cry. In the end the test came back negative and everything was fine, but it was the longest couple of weeks of my life. As lame as it may sound I dont know what I would have done if I didnt have the feeds and those two. It feels funny to owe so much to two people whom you have never met, but I owe them a lot, and thats why they will alway have a special place in my heart. ---Amanda

because they still have as much fun together as we did on the show!


b/c We love Eric's wrestling blog and Jessica's traffic/hollywood reports!

b/c 3 hrs a day listening to Jess on the radio just wasn't enough!

As someone whose been an avid Big Brother fan since Season 3, and has nearly every season on DVD, I am one of the bigger BB fans you will find. Every summer, I spend countless hours watching the feeds, reading the live feed updates, reading commentaries, etc. However, I have never been so completely absorbed with a season of Big Brother as I was this season, and it was not because of the game itself. In past seasons, I always had my favorites and those that I wanted to win. However, I have never really been personally invested in any past BB HG's, and generally once the seasons ended, that's where it stopped for me. This season though, that changed drastically as a result of Eric & Jessica. They came into the house as complete strangers to play a game for $500,000, but they left with so much more. As the season unfolded, I began to dislike most of the HG's for various reasons, but Eric & Jessica kept me hooked on the feeds. Watching them interact together was incredible and entertaining, and I've never been so addicted to the live feeds as I was this season. They were so incredibly fun, mature, smart, and charismatic that they became my two favorite HG's of all time just days after I purchased the feeds. There was an incredible chemistry between Jessica and Eric, and as time went on in the house, they became closer and closer, and could not help but fall for each other. No matter what obstacles came their way, they worked their way through them and it only made them stronger. Since Big Brother ended, they have officially become a couple, and the amazing bond between them has continued to grow stronger. I have never been so invested in a relationship that did not even remotely involve me, and I have never cared so much about two strangers. However, these two are not your typical reality couple, there is something special about them, and I wish them the absolute best of luck in their future. They made it a summer to remember for their fans, and there has never been any couple like them before, and there will never be one again. They are truly one of a kind. ---Kev

---Love Moments---

Credit: Daisyduck (Eileen)

this past summer of big brother i found a couple so amazing and genuine i never thought i would care about a so called showmance but then i realized it was more then that,they had true feelings for each other. this year has been very tough for me i had a horrible break up with the man i was with for 7 years and i had a serious medical condition that required brain surgery so needless to say this yr was not that great lol. eric and jessica made me forget for awhile and have fun. who knows how i would have felt without them to make me laugh. thankfully the surgery worked and the realtionship that i thought was compeltely broken things are starting yto work out with us. i also never thoiught i would find an amazing family here who have been here for me when i am down, mad or simpily to have fun and be silly!! so happy 200th thread!!! thanks eric and jess for bringing us all together !! --becky

(thanks TaraBell!)
Before the Chat -- Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3
Part 4 -- Part 5 -- Part 6 -- Part 7

This was the year I wasn’t going to watch the feeds. THIS was the year or so I thought. Then, I started to feel that magic that was Jeric. I watched videos, read updates and watched the show, and slowly, I fell into dream that they had created with their laughter and fun. I remember watching BB After Dark for the first time and getting upset that they were not focusing on Jess and Eric, and I knew I had to give in and turn on the feeds. The first time I turned on the feeds was after Jess won HOH for the first time. After that happened, my summer became a blur. Every day I ran to see them grow closer to one another and just have the best time. There is something so relatable and real about Jeric that has never been true for any other BB couple for me. Thank you so much to the two of you and your families for making this season of BB the best ever. It was a fun ride, and I’m glad that I found FF to enjoy it with people who felt what I had been feeling all summer long. --Jessica

Click above to see a list of quotes without videos

Eric: Come back and dance.
Jessica: Well, what do you know?
Eric: I don’t know any.
Jessica: Well, I don’t either.

Jessica: You stepped on my toe like five times.
Eric: I take it back, and I will fight you.

Eric: Now that we have you in the unitard, let's do something fun.
Amber: He loves you Jess.
Dustin: Look, he even ruined his belt for you.
Amber: You guys are gonna fall in love by the end of this show.
Eric: I'm undead to you?
Jessica: You're undead to me Eric.
Eric: You like me.
Jessica: I like you.

Jessica: I'll get you a towel!
Dick: I just got these cleaned! Go away, go away!
Eric: I'm shivering.
Jessica: For HIM!

Jessica: I can't believe you actually did it!
Eric: What?
Jessica: You jumped in the pool!
Eric: You see? a man of my word.
Jessica: You are, and I'm in a unitard, therefore I am a woman of my word.
Eric: Mmhmm.

Jameka: Jess, you should blow him a kiss for that!
Eric: Ok, that killed 3 minutes now what?
Jessica: Drunk! Put your arms around your back.
Eric: What does that do?
Jessica: You're drunk! You got a DUI.
Eric: Oh, you're arresting me?
Jessica: I am.
Eric: I will not stand for this.

Eric: Is the bathtub available?
Jessica: I don’t feel as comfortable in Dustin's as I did in Dick's.
Eric: I'd ask him. But not if what's his face is in there.
Jessica: Who?
Eric: Zach.
Jessica: Why?
Eric: I don’t want him to watch us bathe.
Jessica: Let's go stare at him and see if it makes him uncomfortable.

Jessica: You're stupid
Eric: Takes one to know one.

Eric: I'm your hero.
Jessica: You are my hero!

Eric: That scared the ***** out of me
Dustin: Love secrets is what scared the ***** out of me.
Eric: Are you gonna tell us love secrets?

Jameka: You can't answer a question with a question.
Eric: Unless you're Kail.
Jessica: I thought it was funny.

Dick: He’s trying to get some action.
Eric: Yeah, you’re right because I always try to make moves on people out in public forums with people watching.
Dick: I'm not saying that you’re gonna have sex with her on the couch.
[Eric gives Jessica a look]
Eric [embarrassed]: God I hate these people.

Dick: You having a couch date?
Eric: No.
Jessica: Yes.
Dick: It's like you two are at the movies and he’s making his move.

Eric: They miss things, like when Jessica and I had sex and they forgot to film it.
Eric: The time has passed, does this mean I’m dead to you again?
Jessica: If you behave then no.

Eric: Is there any chance that our toes can get along, work towards other goals, strike out against other houseguests?
Jessica: I’m not doing that Eric, I told you that. [About switching sides.]
Jessica: I'm 100% siding with this side.
Jessica: All you can see is your nipple rings.
Eric: Which you love.
Jessica: They’re okay.
Eric: Do you like them? Do they intrigue you?

Jessica: You're going to move to Kansas?
Eric: Yup, just for you though.

Eric: The truth is you couldn't fall asleep without me beside you.
Eric:I know you joked before that I crawled into your bed so I could get answers, but the reason that I came up was because I was upset. I wasn't gonna be able to fall asleep, and I knew that you would help me wind down and relax.
Eric: I need a way to compress and the way that I chose to do it was laying there with you and talking to you.
Eric: I take your advice more than anyone else.
Eric: I value your opinion more than anyone else.
Eric: Amber and Jameka do make me feel better, but you'd be my first choice, and I come looking for you when I'm upset.
Eric: As much as I love Jameka, I can't crawl into bed with her and whisper in her ear.
Jessica: That's true
Eric: I could try it, but....

Eric: It really kills me that you're looking at me this way, it really does.
Jessica: Week 1 still, crawl up in the fetal position and wait for little Jewish boy to save me.
Jessica: Eric, I know you better than you know yourself.
Eric: When you were lying on the floor you were laying there because of me?
Jessica: I’ll be honest with you… Yes.

Jessica: I need to make a decision and go with it, and I'm making this decision.
Eric: You said that already.
Jessica: I know and I'm gonna go with it.

Eric: I think that my somewhat confused at home situation black stripper of a kind of somewhat maybe was once was or could still be girlfriend might beat the **** out of you.
Jessica: I said it one time, was it odd she caught it.
Eric: No, the issue might be the fact that I'm here with you.
Jessica: Oh, I'm not scared… unless she really is black.
Eric: No, will you fight for my honor?
Jessica: Yeah, I'll fight her Kansas style.
Eric: Kidding or serious?
Jessica: Serious…. wait, how big is she?

Eric: It will really affect me how you're feeling towards me.
Eric: You’re not one for like… you're not one for having moments.
Jessica: What do you mean?
Eric: I'm saying like.. I’m putting myself out there, and you just makes jokes about it.

Eric: You came and nuzzled up to me, I didn’t nuzzle up to you.
Jessica: That’s true, you’re right.

Eric: So, when I crawl into bed with you can I stay or am I gonna get a weird look?
Jessica: You can stay.

Eric: So, what do you think yourself as? My sister, Your husband, My boss?
Jessica: My friend

Eric: She'll tell you that I adore you. I speak the world of you all the time.
Jessica: I just slept with a gay man for three weeks. I think knowing a Jewish man will be okay.
Eric: But loving one is different.

Eric: She's just trying to come to grips with the fact that she's in love with a Jewish person.
Eric: We are getting closer, we do have a good connection.
Jameka: Hey guys, is there room over there?
Jessica: No!

Eric: You'd better brush your teeth after that.
Jess: Why? Are you planning on making out with me?
Eric: I'm considering it.

Eric: How cool would it be when we get married we could have $550,000?
Eric: There's no one I would rather see there at the end.
Eric: It's only been you, it's always been you, and it's been you for a long time.
Eric: If I win the last HOH I will take you with me, I promise you.
Eric:I want to thank you for everything that you're doing for me, even though you bust my balls you're totally obnoxious, and you deliberately make me squirm enough to be nice to you. But even all those thing considered, with you being a butthead, I still think I made an okay choice.
Eric: Will you still have me as your partner?
Jessica: I'll still have you.
Jessica: We’re getting married, I’m so excited.
Jessica: Are you gonna live in Kansas?
Eric: For a little while.

Eric: Should we live in Cleveland or Cincinnati?
Jessica: I don’t want to live in Ohio.

Jessica: We can just get a little mini Schnauzer and a Dalmatian.
Eric: Okay.
Jessica: Then we’ll live happily ever after.

Jessica: Jameka, I do have something I need to tell you though. It's about me and Eric’s future. We’re going to name our first dog after you.
Eric: I probably will go home tomorrow. Every single conversation I had with you, whether it was teasing you as we got closer, about family and game stuff... everything I've said to you has been true and I meant it from bottom of my heart. To me, every moment we shared together was me being me. Me being the way I was the minute I walked in, the way I will be when I see you again. It crushes me... not losing the game, but having my character destroyed in the process. Most of the people I don't care, but I care what you think. I know that out of your concerns I've never repeated anything you've said, insulted you for any reason, or did anything that wasn't exactly how it felt. Everything I did came from that place... you'll believe it when you go watch the show for sure. I know this has been a hard week and you've been told lots of things. Some are true, most have a gray area to them. To you personally and specifically outside of the game, whether or not by some miracle I stay, that game aside...every convo we had was real. You know you can believe that or not ... I hope it was real on your end.
Eric: You said you weren’t gonna visit anyone and I almost had a heart attack.
Eric: The only reason why I’m not speaking to you when I’m talking to you is because I’m getting choked up.
Eric: You can say no, I’ll cry, but you can say no, but do you still want me to be here?
Jessica: I do.

Jessica: I don’t have a better relationship with anyone in the house than you. And I don’t even know if our relationship was true or not, and that’s where I'm struggling.
Eric: Mine and yours?
Jessica: Yes.
Eric: It is.

Eric: I came here on day 1 thinking I was going to meet 13 strangers who were standing in my way of winning this game, and that notion didn't last long once I had the chance to meet you guys. Um, I had some rough times this week, and you all collectively got me through it. Um, I hope that I get to stay and continue to build these bonds and work on bonds that need repair, it means a lot to me.
Eric: You have no idea how badly she wanted this. I'm so, so happy for her!
Zach: You lifting Jessica up after she won HOH was a Hallmark moment.
Eric: I'm soo, soo happy for you.
Jessica: I'm happy you're still here.

Jessica: Everyone is going to hound you because you're closest to me.
Eric: Going into it is what is going to be an awesome week on all levels.
Eric: I've been gushing like a schoolgirl to Jessica about how happy I am.
Eric: I think another bath is going down, if not two or three or four.
Jessica: I'm so glad you’re here, Eric.
Jessica: I'm glad you're eating.
Eric: I know. You're so sweet.

Amber: I'm so glad we kept Eric this week.
Jessica: I know me too. It just felt right.
Eric: Shes trying to learn Hebrew to impress my mom.
Jameka: That’s a start.

Amber: When Julie said 'Eric' .. I almost died. I thought she was going to say he had been evicted
Jessica: Oh yeah, me too.. My heart dropped.. my heart dropped

Eric: Hey, I have an idea.
Jessica: Okay.
Eric: You ready? What if- I don't really care what we do. We could fill up the bathtub, we could throw everyone out, we could go somewhere, we could play a game, whatever. What if we just hang out, have one of our silly whatever the ****s. Talk about whatever we want to talk about. Game, not game, whatever and just put this **** aside at some point later tonight for an hour or two and hang out and just veg out and enjoy ourselves.
Jessica: Sounds good.

Jessica: Don't! Don't do it! Don't you leave me here with him!
Eric: I'm sure I'm Daniele's top choice if she were to win.
Jessica: Then don't let her win! (she yelled it in a cute tone)
Eric: Going after me is going after you and we all know that.
Jessica: Whatever! I need you here.
Zach: He's fighting for his woman!
Zach: Jessica and Eric's love is true!
Eric: Question our love!
Jessica: Question OUR love?! I think not.

Zach: Look at them. I’m looking under the table and I see knees trembling.
Eric: I'll send your ass packing.
Jess: No, you won't.

Eric: thats the moment you first noticed me
Jessica: Eric, what's your middle name?
Eric: Scott. What's yours?
Jessica: Lynne.
Eric: That’s my ex-girlfriend's name.
Jessica: Really? This will never work

Eric: Jessica! You're gonna be the best wife ever!
Jessica: Yeah, right!
Eric: Waffles, Mac & Cheese and the dishes AND you'll set the table!
Jessica: I'm unstoppable! Umm...but we're having like maids, right?

Eric: Farewell, good night, congratulations. You rock my world!
Eric: I would never try and dismiss her when she needs me.
Eric: She's my girl.
Eric: I would stay up 5 days straight to help her clear her mind and counsel her on things.
Eric: I, one million percent, believe in her.
Jess: I lost my mind because I couldn’t talk to you.
Jess: I had a mental breakdown, I had the worst DR ever.
Jess: I lost my mind, seriously, today.
Jess: That span of 2 hours was a thousand times worse than last week put together.
Eric: It was killing me.
Eric: If I'm gonna give the 500,000 dollars to someone I want it to be you.
Jessica: Obviously I wanna be there with you in the end.
Eric: If I had the choice I would have been up here all night and I would have swept you away.
Jessica: Oh god, you’re gonna be skinnier than me! I’m gonna be picking you up when you win.
Dustin: Jess is all frazzled about spending some alone time with Eric.
Eric: You've already seen it.
Jessica: I'm addicted like cocaine.

Eric: I'm liking the team work tonight.
Jessica: Me too.
Eric: It feels right.
Eric: You're looking good tonight.
Jess: Me or my game?
Eric: Both.
Jessica: I love me some Eric Stein.
Jessica: Well, we’ve already made it 45.
Eric: I know but it's beginning to boil over. Things are getting heated.
Jessica: Things are getting heated.
Eric: You could cut the tension with a knife. You just feel an energy there.
Jessica: You’re funny.
Eric: Notice you’re not denying it.

Jessica: It is you, Eric. You're my number 1.
Jessica: Are you jealous?
Eric: On a strategic level? No. On a personal level? Yes.
Eric: Oh Jessica, no whining...happy marriages do not involve whining.
Eric: We should start kissing.
Jessica: Sorry, I just wanted to get close.
Eric: So, many things going through my little brain.
Jessica: Yours! What about mine?
Jessica: Back off my man, bitch!
Jessica: We're in this in the long haul! I don't want you going out and getting no younger boobs!
Eric: Are we still gonna be having sex when we're 80 or will we quit by then?
Jess: No, we are.
Eric: No, thats fine, keep in mind I'll be 85.
Jess: You're gonna tickle me.
Eric: No, I'm not.
Jess: Yes, you are!
Eric: When I come back be ready for me.
Jess: Shut up! I'm ready!
Jess: I can't even go to sleep now, my mind's going everywhere.
Eric: Why?
Jess: 'Cause I know you better now.
Eric: So, your feelings for me are deepening?
Jess: Deepening by the second.
Eric: You're the only one who ever gets to share a bed with me.
Jessica: You smelled good earlier, too.
Eric: We actually are in love with each other.
Eric (to Dani): I don't know what you guys think of Jess, but she is a kick ass player and a kick ass person and I believe she is far superior to the other people. And I don't know what you guys think about including her in this or whatever, but I really think she has been embarrassingly and grossly underestimated by everyone. And I was just thrilled this week that she had a chance to just, you know, do her thing and basically F all of you and I just, you know, want her 100% on board.
Jess: There is a connection between me and Eric that is like none other. It's out of this world.
Eric: They watch the feeds. They know you love me.
Eric: I'm not making any bones about it at this point. We all know this, I'm not hiding this fact. Anything I'm doing, she's coming with me.
Eric: I don't know what you guys think of Jess, but she is a kick ass player and a kick ass person.
Jessica: I know that I can never trust anyone 100 % in this game but Eric is the closest thing I have to a true friend and I trust him 99.9999999%!
Jessica: When Daniele and Dick approached me last week about nominating Eric for the replacement nominee, I lost my mind!
Jessica: This is a perfect relationship, we can share clothes!
Jessica: I have a great time with Eric everyday and who knows maybe when we get out of the house there might be something but I'm really trying to stay focused on the game right now.
Jessica: There is a connection between us that is like no other!
Jessica: They tried to do an exciting win hug/dance and it didn’t even compare!
Eric: Ours was clearly the best, and each passing one will be just as good.

Zach: This is a crush in the making
Eric: So, when you propose to me will you give me sunflowers?
Jess: A bouquet of them!

Jessica: I can't wait for you to be gone.
Eric: I know, you'll be in Mexico waiting for me.
Jameka: She was like, "I need to talk to Eric like he helps me with stuff. He makes things clear to me, he helps me make sense of things." That was like bam to me. that's more like my partner. Straight up alliance, friendship, feelings, everything.
Eric: After the shower, followed by the haircut the other day, you just were looking at me a whole new way. I could see it in your eyes.
Jess: Whatever!
Eric: You say whatever, but-
Jess: You know me too well, Eric.
Eric: It was all good times until then. That's when it became real.
Jess: That's when it became serious. That's when my feelings really got deep.

Eric: Just stay on your side of the bed.
Jess: Shut up!

Eric: True or False? You woke me up because you missed me?
Jess: True
Jameka: Awww.

Eric: True or False: You love me?
Jess: True.

Jess: I didn't want you sitting by the other blond.
Eric (talking about her proposing to him): Will you be smiling or shaking with nerves?
Jess: Smiling. It'll be the best moment in my life.

Jessica: Will you change me, so I don't have to?
Eric: Okay. Absolutely!

Eric: So, would you say that although it started as an innocent joke, our engagement is getting more and more real by the minute?
Jess: Yeah. I'd definitely say that.

Eric: Imagine 3 months from now, you're walking down the street and your cell phone rings, you look down and it says "Jameka Cell."
Jess: What will yours say when I call? It won't say "Jessica Cell", it'll be "Girlfriend Cell" or "Fiancee Cell"
Eric: Are you gonna be calling me that much? We'll be together all the time, living together...
Jess: Every second of every day, I'm gonna be in contact with you.
Eric: I'm checking out your butt.
Jess: I know.

Eric: This? That you wore the other night?
Jess: Yeah, that one.
Eric: The shirt you wore? OK.

Eric: The armpits smell like your deodorant.
Jessica: It does?
Eric: I like it!

Eric: Every single step in this house, I'm looking out for you, defend you, dismiss stupid things that I hear about you and so on and so forth and I would hope that you would choose to do the same thing with me. I believe we are at that point.
Eric: I very much extremely need you as a close ally in this game and I very much extremely want you as a close ally in this game and I think we're doing a kick ass job together, and I think that we really can make it to the end.
Eric: I've let my guard down as it relates to you.
Eric: For me, what the hell would I do without you in this house? I would be a million times worse off on every level if you weren’t here. Way worse off in the game, way worse off personally, way less fun, way less comfortable.
Eric: Whether you’ve asked me to or not, you know, I will fight to the absolute bitter end to protect you, to help position you for the end of the game...As we all know, 3 million times a week, whether it be a person or whatever, when I'm asked about you, 3 million times a week I will tell anyone that will listen what a kick person, or player or HOH reign or whatever it was
Eric: You are the person for me, you're the only person whose comments I take seriously... because it means something to me what you think.
Eric: This is going to be a long 80 years.
Jess: At least we're having our first fight on TV.

Eric: I desperately want you to ridge from your mind this concern that i would play you or do something to hurt you, or whatever the case may be, cause i think the world of you.
Eric: So when you propose to me, you think you're going to cry, or just me?
Jessica: just you
Eric: are you then going to call me a Nancy boy?
Jessica: yeah
Eric: and then right after you put the ring on, are you going to say 'I'm so done with you today?'
Jessica: No

Eric: Outside of here we probably would be actually married by now.
Eric: Did you ever think you'd come to the house and find yourself a 5'7" Jewish boy from New York that would just touch you the way that I have?
Jess: No, I didn't. Did you ever think you would come into the house and find a 5'3" Kansan?

Eric: I just looked up for like a second and saw this thing pointed right at us and I thought, how f'ing awkward.
Jessica: You better get used to it. We're gonna have our whole life filmed.

Eric: Eh, maybe we shouldn't do another reality show. eh... let's do it.
Jess: Yeah, let's do it.

Eric: Eventually we're not going to be able to resist each other!
Jessica: (giggling)
Eric: we're going to just say, screw the cameras, screw the people we hate and screw whether or not we can or cannot trust each other... We just can't resist it anymore!
Jessica: (giggling) If you keep cutting your hair like that...
Eric: I know, or showering in your room!

Jess: So I know the REAL Eric Stein
Eric: And you love him.
Jess: And I love him! And he's going to be my husband of 80 years!

Eric: you can barely contain yourself anymore!
Jessica: How can you tellll?

Eric: Every time you have your arms up I just want to tickle you, but I don't.
Jess: Every time you open your mouth I just want to punch you, but I don't.

Eric: It smells a little bit.
Jess: Shut up!
Eric: It may have been your breath.
Jess: It may have been your face!

Jess: I dare you to jump in the pool.
Eric: It's too cold.
Jess: You did it for me before...for my love.
Eric: Yup and you loved it.

Eric: Like, “Eric, you’ve had quite a busy week wouldn’t you say? Between your dress wearing, jumping jacks, and torrid love affair with Jessica.”
Jessica: Torrid? What does torrid mean?
Eric: I don’t exactly know. But it sounds like hot and heavy and action packed and intense. How does that sound? Works for me.
Jessica: Okay.
Eric: Works for you.
Jessica: I'll take that.

Eric: And once again I just looked at your butt...
Jess: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, so it's not just me looking at yours
Eric: no, your's looks fantastic I may say,
Jessica Thaaanks
Eric: and i'm not just saying that

Eric: Come here.
Jess: What are we doing?
Eric: Hugging.

Eric: I think America is rooting for us.
Jess: Thanks America!

Jess: Sit real close to me... scoot in closer!
Eric: I think we’re making people nervous because of our closeness.
Jessica: I wish I won that trip so I could leave.
Eric: You wouldn’t have gone with me though.
Jessica: You’re right, that’s why I purposely lost.

Eric: When love is in the air, you’ve got to make compromises.
[Jess complained about the paint on her bed.]
Eric: We can do laundry. Or you can stay in mine tonight.

[about seeing Eric's you know.]
Jess: As if we haven't all seen it.
Eric: Doesn't mean you get it for free again. You're gonna have to work for it.
Zach: It's all right. Jess will get it for free later.

Jessica: That's why I love you, because you bring me water.
Jess: Always my hero.
Eric: I know.
Eric: I'll be back in a minute.
Jess: Suuuuuure.
Eric: I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Zach.
Jess: I knew that!

Eric: Are you trying to kick me out?
Jess: No.
Eric: You are.
Jess: No, I'm not.
Eric: Oh, you're trying to tell me to come closer?
Jess: Yes.

Jess: Eric, I want you to paint on your body "JESSICA" during the next HOH and when you win, rip your shirt off and run around. Will you do that for me?
Jess: Eric's my man. He's gonna whoop you!
Eric: Don't actually hit her, please.
Eric: What are you all dressed up for?
Jess: This boy that I like...
Eric: Last time was a kiss on the head. This time, a kiss on the cheek. Just think of what might happen if you win HOH again!
Jessica: I just wanted to know if you were still thinking along the same lines.
Eric: You just missed me.
Zach: In a month Jess will be going back to Wichita, I will be going back to Burbank and Eric will go back to New York.
Eric: Wichita.

Eric: You look beautiful, the dress does not... look beautiful.
Eric (about Jess): This is my future fiancé.
Eric: I like you more when you're my partner. It doesn't feel right when you're on the other side of the table.
Jess: I know.
Eric: You look very pretty in your Booyah shirt.
Jess: Thank you Eric!
Eric: Does the hat still look good?
Jess: Yeah, IT DOES!
Eric: The more time that we've spent together, the more I've been thinking about you.
Jess: I think about you every once in a while too.

Eric: Did I expect to come here and have feelings for someone? No, I didn't. But I do.
Jess: I feel like I have gotten like really, really close with you and um, like… wow, this is hard to have this conversation. I do have feelings for you too and obviously you know that.
Eric: Part of me, you know, sits here and is like what the hell, like what the f- are you? What's wrong with you? Like I think I'm an insane person! And then there's a part of me that you know, is here with you and can't help it.
Eric: At first if it's just joking around or flirting, it's not the same as actually like, genuinely caring for someone.
Eric: I'll admit, you're hot!
Jessica: I was naked today.

Jess: I need my Eric time!
Jess: I liked our chat tonight.
Eric: You did?
Jess: Yeah.
Eric: Tell me more.

Jess: I freaking flirt with you every day.
Eric: I was gonna say, it’s not like we’re hiding the mystery of the year here.

Eric: I know, but there is something nice about not dancing around the issue.
Jess: It’s fun to flirt with you.
Eric: It’s so much fun to flirt with you. Way too much fun.


Eric: you have no idea, but i am really attracted to you
Jess: It's about time!
Jess: You are a good kisser.
Eric : I really wanted to.... obviously!
Jess: Really?
Eric: There have been moments we have been really close together and it has crossed my mind.

Jess: Your wife is gonna be a news reporter and you don't watch the news?
Eric: I'll watch your broadcast.
Eric: What are you thinking?
Jess: That I liked kissing you.
Eric: I liked kissing you, too.

Jess: Usually if Eric's laughing, I'm laughing.
Jess: When we go to the mall, are you going to hold my hand like we’re a couple?
Eric: Would you like me to?
Jess: Well DUH!...what about when we go to the zoo?
Eric: Do you like hand-holding?
Jess: Yup!
Eric: Sure.
Jess: Can we wear matching jogging suits?
Eric: NO!

Eric: Can I have a fish tank?
Jess: Do you want to clean it?
Eric: Yes, I do.
Jess: You can have a fish tank.

Eric: If you're sick, I will take good care of you.
Jess: This could have been a bad day.
Eric: Could have been? Why not now?
Jess: 'Cause you talked to me.

Jess: He's got my back, I got his, we're gonna make out and make up!
Jess: I love Eric!
Eric: Jessica, I love you.

I've always loved Big Brother, but the one aspect of the show I could never get into was the "showmance" aspect. This past season two people changed that, and also changed my cynical beliefs of how fake and manufactured all these "showmances" are(although most of them probably still are lol). Obviously those two people were Jessica Hughbanks and Eric Stein. And here I sit, almost three months after they were evicted from the house, waiting for updates on what they are doing and hoping desperately that they get the chance to show their stuff on another show. I don't think I'll be able to stop being interested in them for quite a while either! It seems a bit crazy, but I don't feel bad about it. Go Team Jeric! --anonymous

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Last edited by Lipsis; 03-05-2008 at 08:22 AM
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Old 03-04-2008, 10:59 PM
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Wooo Hoooo !!!! You did it.....

Thanks for the new thread Debbie... I am so proud of you.
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:00 PM
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Send me a pm and tell me how you did it....
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:00 PM
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ok, so debbie beat to it- only by a minute though. WHATEVER!
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:01 PM
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there are 2 threads.
When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before-Mae West
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by hawaiian_beachbum (View Post)
ok, so debbie beat to it- only by a minute though. WHATEVER!

Crap! What do we do now?
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:10 PM
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its ok guys. i deleted the other thread, no sweat.
visit the Couples Board!
icon credit: dancy_dreamer
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:11 PM
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thanks so much Jess!

Thanks Deb for the new thread. you did it!
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Sark and Draco Lover (View Post)
its ok guys. i deleted the other thread, no sweat.

Thanks Jess.

I'm sorry Sarah! We got our signals crossed. On my first thread too!
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:14 PM
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Thanks for the thread Deb. So glad you beat Sarah to the punch. Death to Bears! Godless killing machines
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:16 PM
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Thanks for doing it.
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:17 PM
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Thanks Shira for the instructions. I need a drink now though! lol

Woobie, you be nice to Sarah and her bears! I wuv them!
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:18 PM
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Pat me on the back. I made my own avi today. It is my daughter with a dinosaur mask on her head. I am so proud of it. Now how do I post a pic of all the snow I got today?
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by woobieknowsbest (View Post)
Thanks for the thread Deb. So glad you beat Sarah to the punch. Death to Bears! Godless killing machines
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Old 03-04-2008, 11:20 PM
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Congrats on the avi Jamie. It is cute.
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