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Old 02-22-2011, 04:57 PM
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Abandon ship! - Ships you used to like, but don't anymore

Are there any ships that you used to like, but as the show continued, or on rewatching, you started to really dislike them?

I definitely went through this with JD/Elliot from Scrubs. In the early seasons, I shipped them pretty hard. They had a really sweet rapport and genuinely cared about each other, and they were fun to watch together. But they were dragged out for so long it got ridiculous. The real turning point for me was the end of S3, when, after a year of JD pining over Elliot, they finally get together, only for JD to "realise", for no reason whatsoever, that he's not actually in love with her. It was just such an obvious and nonsensical ploy to drag their "will they or won't they" crap out for longer, and it just killed all my love for the couple. It didn't help that in the later seasons, both characters became unlikable, OTT caricatures of themselves. A similar thing happened with Ross/Rachel and their never-ending torrent of hook-ups and break-ups. I love a bit of "will they or won't they" as much as the next guy, but it gets to a point where a pair break each others hearts so often that you begin to wonder if they're actually supposed to be together.

Another couple that I lost all my love for was Buffy/Spike. I really liked them in S5 and early S6. They had great chemistry and moments like the end of Fool for Love, when he goes to kill her but ends up comforting her, were amazing. When watching the start of S6, I was just waiting for them to get together. I was all ready to be a full-on Spuffy shipper. I actually squeed at the end of Once More With Feeling. But then "Smashed" came along, with that horrible, horrible scene at the end. I know some people found it hot, but I just found it sickening. I usually like a bit of hatesex too (I'm a Wesley/Lilah fan FFS) but that was just horrible. Buffy looked like she was hating every moment of it, and continued to throughout the season. As the season went on Buffy became more and more a hollow shell of herself and Spike became more and more creepy and stalkerish, cultimating in "Seeing Red" and the AR. By that point, the even the AR couldn't make me hate them more, they were already making me sick with every scene.

To a much lesser extent, Troy/Annie from Community were another pair I stopped shipping. The very first scene of Community I ever saw was the Troy/Annie scene at the end of Mixology Certification, and I thought they were adorable. I started watching from the start and really liked them in the first few episodes. But after not long, I started to get really bored with them. They were a bit cliched and better chemistry was emerging between other pairings. So I jumped ship to Jeff/Annie and Troy/Britta.
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Old 02-22-2011, 05:08 PM
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I got into Harry Potter when I was about six, so obviously I was feeling the Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny love for a long time. It was obviously going to end that way throughout the whole series, and I never really thought about anything else even being a possibility. However, as the years went on, I started to realize that Ginny and Harry's relationship was really weird, and they had no real story. She wasn't much more than a crazy fangirl who one summer become beautiful, so Harry fell in love with her. I decided that Harry/Hermione worked much better together, so I guess I abandoned the Hermione/Ron ship, too, even though I don't really have a problem with them.
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Old 02-22-2011, 05:28 PM
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I liked then when I first began watching the show, I was sad when Angel left and felt Riley was just not living up to Angel. I kind of hoped they'd get back together. I ended up drifting away to Spuffy though. Now when I look at Buffy/Angel, I see a pairing that was sweet for a while but in my opinion isn't a lasting love. They are a story of first love to me, although Angel wasn't a teenager their relationship feels teenage. I still enjoy them in seasons 1-3 but past that it just feels forced that they'd still be all "ooooooh twu luv" with eachother when they barely see eachother after he departs for LA. I don't believe first love means forever love and that's a cliché I am very tired of.

I prefer Buffy/Spike because there's a huge journey between the two. They're enemies, they're reluctant allies, they're odd company, somewhat friend-ish, unhealthy lovers, then something else. They have ups and downs, it's not pretty all the time and they do share some very bad times but it's all part of the story. I like a little darkness in my fiction I guess, their affair in S6 was unhealthy and Seeing Red was horrific but they had their good too. They saw eachother through some of the toughest times they've had.

Buffy and Angel went their separate ways, just how many relationships end. Buffy's grown up and isn't the same young girl she was when with Angel, Angel has changed as well since being with Buffy, so why they're presented as soulmates after all this time is beyond me.
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:18 PM
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Believe it or not, the first 7 episodes of Lost *I* shipped Jack/Kate! But then episode 8, Confidence Man, aired and Sawyer/Kate shared one of the hottest kisses ever seen on network TV (and I'm convinced that's why they weren't endgame, they were too hot for network TV ) and I knew I was a goner after that. But even though it was Jate that eventually ended up as endgame, I wouldn't trade Skate for anything because IMO *they* got the journey!!

I've also kind of abandoned Chuck/Blair for Dan/Blair. Don't get me wrong, S1-2 are pure CB gold. And the funny thing is if you asked me back then about a Dan/Blair possibility, I would've answered "No ****ing way!" But at this point CB have been wrecked so far beyond repair, and Chuck has become impossible to root for, that I feel like it would be a huge disservice to Blair's character for her to actually go back to him. And then mix that with all the amazing groundwork that's been laid for DB... actual development, which is usually a kind of foreign concept to GG writers... that I can't help falling for Dair.

Ted/Robin is also another one. I already knew Robin wasn't the mother, so therefore I knew TR weren't gonna make it, but I still really liked the journey they had. So much so that I had actually expected NOT to like Barney/Robin by the time I got to that point in the series (since I was late getting into the show). But as it turns out, I completely fell in love with BR , much more than I ever felt with TR.
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:20 PM
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Edward/Bella-as well as the the whole Twilight Saga. Okay, i read these books for the first time when they had only been out for two or so years, and it was before it became big and all that. Of course, i loved the series so much and i loved Edward and Bella.

But now, not only with the crappy movies out, as well as all the negative reviews and the fact that i am older and-i like to think-wiser, i became so hateful of the pair, as well as the whole series when i realized just how crappy the writing was and how stupid the story was. It was so poorly written, as well as Edward and Bella that i really have no idea how i loved them in the first place.

Edward is really just creepy, Bella is a simpering idiot, and the fact that she actually jumps off a cliff just to hear his voice is...insane and pathetic. And then the fact that Edward turns around and tried to kill himself because he believes her to be dead...also insane and pathetic.

I just can't believe before when i did love them how i never saw how creepy and stalkerish him creeping in through her window and watching her sleep was. I never saw how dependent Bella is on Edward, or even Jacob, or any guy really, instead of being strong and independent. Its okay to lean on someone, yes, and to need the person you love, but to completely depend on them and need them to the point where you act like a zombie for 4 or 5 months when they're just not right, and so not "meant to be." Way, way, way too dependent.

At least i already hated Bella and Jacob before i realized how stupid Twilight was. I've always hated Jacob. He is so annoying.

And now i have all four books on my bookshelf gathering dust and i have no idea what to do with them.
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by blazing star (View Post)
I've also kind of abandoned Chuck/Blair for Dan/Blair. Don't get me wrong, S1-2 are pure CB gold. And the funny thing is if you asked me back then about a Dan/Blair possibility, I would've answered "No ****ing way!" But at this point CB have been wrecked so far beyond repair, and Chuck has become impossible to root for, that I feel like it would be a huge disservice to Blair's character for her to actually go back to him. And then mix that with all the amazing groundwork that's been laid for DB... actual development, which is usually a kind of foreign concept to GG writers... that I can't help falling for Dair.
This. My thoughts exactly.
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:35 PM
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OH DUDE CHUCK/BLAIR ALL THE WAY. I shut that sht down.
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:54 PM
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Chuck/Blair goodbye you trainwreck! *waves*
Harry/Hermione - Dan/Blair -Peeta/Katniss
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Old 02-22-2011, 06:58 PM
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I liked then when I first began watching the show, I was sad when Angel left and felt Riley was just not living up to Angel. I kind of hoped they'd get back together. I ended up drifting away to Spuffy though. Now when I look at Buffy/Angel, I see a pairing that was sweet for a while but in my opinion isn't a lasting love. They are a story of first love to me, although Angel wasn't a teenager their relationship feels teenage. I still enjoy them in seasons 1-3 but past that it just feels forced that they'd still be all "ooooooh twu luv" with eachother when they barely see eachother after he departs for LA. I don't believe first love means forever love and that's a cliché I am very tired of
I think you pretty much have said it all for me... I used to really like BA in first two seasons, but after that something just happened to them that made them extremely boring and I guess what bored me was the whole "We're in love but can't have sex" stuff, because it was really pathetic to watch since he is a 200 + years old vampire and can find a way to get rid of this curse if he really wants to. But instead of actually trying to do that he's leaving Buffy and since that day they barely interact with each other during the whole series. Angel is not there for Buffy's friends and sister when she is absent/dead. Angel is not there through her depression and emotional break downs and in fact he is never there when she needs him. And Buffy was never there when Angel needed her. And yet they still kept idolizing each other and their past relationship knowing completely nothing about each other. What totally killed my love even for the possibility of their reunion was a Chosen scene. OMG... Angel just came back from LA where two hours ago he had to slit his own son's throat by his own hands, erase his memory and say goodbye to him forever. It would be an eternal shock for any father... but instead we see Angel being all joky and jealus over Buffy and Spike. The whole "Is he your boyfriend!" thing coming from Angel's mouth knowing what had happened a little earlier was just unbearable to watch.

After season 5 I became a Spuffy fan and stayed loyal to it till the end. These two went through so much together and in fact, Spike was the only person who was always there for Buffy when no one was. I absolutely love how in S7 she said she isn't ready for him to not to be there. Because he was always there... and she needed him there. She didn't stop Angel when he was leaving, but she stopped Spike.

Bill/Sookie I actually really enjoyed them in book 1 and found them original and entertaining. However, in book 2 it became obvious that Bill has too many secrets from her and doesn't always put her first. Book 3 totally killed these two for me.

Cordelia/Angel I liked the idea of them even back in BTVS. After Angel left I kept watching BTVS, but didn't watch ATS at that time since it wasn't aired in Russia. I read somewhere that Cordy and Angel hook up in Angel series and looked forward to see it. But when I actually started watching ATS... they seemed, from the very start, like a brother and sister. Good friends, but that's it. No romantic chemistry, at least I did not see it. Plus, I really fell for Cordy/Doyle, which was probably my only Cordy ship since I never liked Cordy/Xander. Doyle's death pretty much killed my interest for these series. And when Angel/Cordy fell for each other it seemed incredibly forced and just didn't work. The writing of S3-4 in general was bad, IMO, and maybe that's the reason why CA didn't appeal to me the way they where written, but I just felt sad how their great friendship was ruined for their forced and awkward romance that imo was going to nowhere. And it wasn't a great respect to Angel/Doyle friendship since Doyle was in love with this girl and died for her. I admit there are CA moments that I absolutely adore (like "You're welcome") episode, but I like not a romantic part, but a friendship part.
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Old 02-22-2011, 07:49 PM
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Old 02-22-2011, 07:52 PM
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Lucas/Peyton - I still like them, but they used to be my ultimate OTP. I don't know really what happened, but I kind of just slowly started to stop shipping them ...they just meant less and less to me. I still always look back on them with extreme fondness, the first couple seasons at least.

Chuck/Blair S1/2 come to mind also.
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Old 02-22-2011, 08:10 PM
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I swear we had a thread like this, but it's not in the guide, so I guess this thread is fine!

Chuck/Blair - Used to love and adore them. Not anymore!

Originally Posted by clarkson_fan (View Post)
Edward/Bella-as well as the the whole Twilight Saga. Okay, i read these books for the first time when they had only been out for two or so years, and it was before it became big and all that. Of course, i loved the series so much and i loved Edward and Bella.

But now, not only with the crappy movies out, as well as all the negative reviews and the fact that i am older and-i like to think-wiser, i became so hateful of the pair, as well as the whole series when i realized just how crappy the writing was and how stupid the story was. It was so poorly written, as well as Edward and Bella that i really have no idea how i loved them in the first place.

Edward is really just creepy, Bella is a simpering idiot, and the fact that she actually jumps off a cliff just to hear his voice is...insane and pathetic. And then the fact that Edward turns around and tried to kill himself because he believes her to be dead...also insane and pathetic.

I just can't believe before when i did love them how i never saw how creepy and stalkerish him creeping in through her window and watching her sleep was. I never saw how dependent Bella is on Edward, or even Jacob, or any guy really, instead of being strong and independent. Its okay to lean on someone, yes, and to need the person you love, but to completely depend on them and need them to the point where you act like a zombie for 4 or 5 months when they're just not right, and so not "meant to be." Way, way, way too dependent.

At least i already hated Bella and Jacob before i realized how stupid Twilight was. I've always hated Jacob. He is so annoying.

And now i have all four books on my bookshelf gathering dust and i have no idea what to do with them.
I am in the exact same boat you as! I used to like them and the series. But then I started thinking about it and really thinking about it...and now I can't stand EB and Twilight.
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Old 02-22-2011, 08:12 PM
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Old 02-22-2011, 09:22 PM
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The first one that comes to mind is Jack/Kate. I started watching Lost in Season 2, and really like them together, but then after the midseason break i got season 1 as a gift and watched the entire thing and i realized how much i loved Sawyer and Kate and as Season 2 went on and the rest of the show happened, i really started disliking Jack and Kate together.

The second one that comes to mind is Edward/Bella. I liked them in the first book, but then it became so unhealthy and i started to really enjoy Jacob and really love him and Bella together. So much so, that I really started to dislike E/B, even while re-reading Twilight.

I thought Ted/Robin were really cute in the first few seasons and I was so disappointed knowing that she was not the mother. But, once Barney and Robin was introduced and I realized how right B/R were for each other, i really jumped ship on T/, even while watching old episodes over again and especially when they are randomly reintroduced years after they broke up.

Those are the first few i thought of, I'll have to think about some other ones.
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Old 02-22-2011, 10:42 PM
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I used to really love Xander/Cordy.

It was flipping the TV and seeing them bantering that got me to watch Buffy.
As time went by I just started really hating Xander. He cheated on her with Willow.
Plus probably would have dropped Cordy in a second if Buffy gave him a chance.
I realize now that he never deserved my Cordy.

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