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Old 12-01-2004, 07:06 AM
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Can't wait to see em

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Old 12-01-2004, 07:53 AM
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I don't think it's a good idea to contact anyone to affiliate with until the site is at least up and running.
Ditto. It's kind of unprofessional.

Anyway, the skin is ALMOST done. Most of the stuff is all lined up. There's just a few errors in the code that I need to fix. And one large one. It's hard because this is the first skin I've tried coding from scratch. The first one I did was just modifying one of the pre-made skins. (Also, did we have Firefly as a category? I forget. If not, should we? )
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Old 12-01-2004, 11:02 AM
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Okay! The skin is done. You can see here (Cas, I uploaded at your host, cause my server was being a bitch). I'm just looking into fixing the catergories table on the front page, that's a pixel out. And also, I can't find the "feature this story" button, which I KNOW exists.

Edit: It's ALL done. I think - you know, this is a momentous occasion right here - I think that it's ready. Nikki... How're those buttons going?

Edit 2: Where ARE you guys? Anyway, I coded the purple version of the new skin. It's up at the moment if you guys want to go and see. I'm gonna start the blue one now. Also, I found an add-on/hack at the eFiction forums that lets us change the email message that a member gets when they register. I haven't tried it out yet though, will do that when the last skin is done.

Edit 3: Okay, the blue skin is up now. If you guys want any other colours done, let me know. Otherwise, I think we're ready.

Last edited by **Shannon**; 12-02-2004 at 05:50 AM
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Old 12-02-2004, 06:04 AM
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Sorry Shannon, I've been completely submerged in studying for finals all day and night

Pretty blue though. Yet I still prefer the pink for some reason And no worries about using my server, I gave you access for a reason

Did I maybe find a glitch with the skin though? I was clicking under the categories and the tv cat doesn't go to the subcategories, just right to the archive index. I'm guessing that's just because you coded the skin and not the actual script for what's up right now?

Glad you found the addon for customizing the message sent out upon registration though, I was hoping that would be something we could do.

So lets see, we have the warnings, the disclaimer, the skins. All we have to do is the welcome email, am I right? Wait, did we come up with an actual welcome message for the front as well?

In any case, I'm gonna see if I can get ahold of Jaime again tonight. I haven't had much of a chance all day to see what's going on with the server crapola.

As always Shannon, you're the best

ETA: I was thinking about this last night, can we add an extra link on the header to include Extras? I thought maybe once off the ground we could do a femslashy fanart/video/link of the month/week/day whatever. Just a thought

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Old 12-02-2004, 06:11 AM
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There aren't actually any of the subcategories in the version on your server, 'cause when I was switching, it occured to me that all of the categories were in the MySQL database... And while I can just grab the files form the FTP program, I can't grab a database and switch to that. So when we transfer to the new domain, I'll have to stick all the shows/characters/warnings/ratings etc into there. It's okay though, shouldn't take more than half an hour.

We didn't come up with a welcome message, actually. We do have a disclaimer though, yeah... somewhere, lol.

We can have the pink skin as the default one if you like and if Nikki agrees, and just let the users choose whichever they want.

ETA: I was thinking about this last night, can we add an extra link on the header to include Extras? I thought maybe once off the ground we could do a femslashy fanart/video/link of the month/week/day whatever. Just a thought
That's a good idea... We could make the "help" link that though, lol. Because at the moment, my PHP knowledge isn't enough to make a new page. I mean, I can make PHP pages and stuff, but I don't know how to integrate them into the eFiction script.

In any case, I'm gonna see if I can get ahold of Jaime again tonight. I haven't had much of a chance all day to see what's going on with the server crapola.
Maybe you should get a firm hold of a particular part of Jaime, THEN he might listen.

Good luck with your finals, though.

Edit: Okay, I changed the welcome message. When a new user signs up, the email will look like this:


Last edited by **Shannon**; 12-02-2004 at 06:37 AM
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Old 12-02-2004, 07:10 AM
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Looking very good girl The welcome email is exactly what I would have wanted. Nikki?

As for changing the help section over to an extras, that's perfectly fine with me. I can't imagine what we could really put in the help section to begin with

As for a welcome message itself, maybe a little history lesson on just how the site came to be? Why we started it and whatnot? Does that sound like a reasonable thing? As opposed to just a simple, 'Hey thanks for visiting, don't be a stranger.'. Or should we keep a seperate About Us section in the extra's category?

Grr, my brain is completely fried at this point, I doubt I'm making any sense.

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Old 12-02-2004, 09:44 AM
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I think keeping it on the front page is good. I thinking adding an 'About Us' section might take the focus off the fiction itself. I mean, the 'Extra' section is good because it'll be femslashy related... But, I dunno I like the idea of the 'history of us' thing being on the front page, for some reason. Nikki, what do you think?

It's okay, my brain is mush, too.
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Old 12-03-2004, 02:19 AM
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Guys, I'm wondering if we should change our minds on the 'real people fic' thing, and allow it to be archived. Because, for one thing, a lot of people like and write it, and we're aiming for a large archive here, and the other main thing I was thinking is... What exactly is going to go in the "Misc" section? I was trying to think of other categories that would possibly fit in there, but all I could think of were Celebs/Music Artists, and they're real people.

I mean, feel free to tell me to bugger off, heh. But yeah, I've been wondering about that for a while now, and only just remembered to bring it up.
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Old 12-03-2004, 06:14 AM
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See, the thing holding me back about the real people fic is that it makes us liable. Just on the off chance that someone that has an association to a real person portrayed in a fic on our site sees it, gets all pissy about it, and then we're in a boatload of trouble. Not just real people fic, but we're going to have to be careful when it comes to Book fic as well.

Take this for example:

Copyright controversy

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Old 12-03-2004, 06:21 AM
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We need to put a disclaimer up on the site I think to make sure we can't be held responsible if somehow works from these particular authors end up getting past us:

Anne Rice
Anne McCaffrey
Raymond Feist
Robin McKinley
Laurell K. Hamilton
Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb
Irene Radford
P.N. Elrod
Terry Goodkind

As for the Misc category, I figured the afformentioned Books, Comics, Anime, Games, Crossovers, etc.......

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Old 12-03-2004, 06:23 AM
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Doesn't she sound a cheery sort?

Okay, then, if we're excluding RPF and Books, then... What, exactly is going in the Misc section? That's really all I'm confused about.
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Old 12-03-2004, 06:29 AM
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Aaand, never mind. Just saw the double post.

Okay, so they're all authors, right? (I've never heard of any of them past the first two, lol.) Are they the same ones FFN had to rebuke from their site? 'Cause I know they went through a major hassle with it, too.

If you ask me, disclaimers SHOULD make everything fine. That's what their purpose is. It says you don't own it, you don't think you do, you're not making any money... etc.

As for the Misc category, I figured the afformentioned Books, Comics, Anime, Games, Crossovers, etc.......
Okay. Sounds good. Just found it odd that I'd never heard of any celebs kicking up a fuss about fic before, lol.
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Old 12-03-2004, 06:50 AM
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Yep, that's where I got the list from actually. I remember it was a pretty big mess at the time

I'm willing to compromise though, if Nikki is. We can NOT actively ban RP fic, but we won't create a seperate category for it either. Leaving it up to the community of authors. We just need to make sure our disclaimer is airtight.

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Old 12-03-2004, 06:53 AM
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I just Googled for articles on RPF (and got distracted by articles on Mary Sue's, heh) and it just looks like it's pretty much taboo. I mean though, for me, I'm a big part of the Kelly fandom. And you kind of can't help but write RPF in there, and I know for a fact that Kel laughs at it. I know not everyone is like that, but yes.

I don't know though. I came across lots of legal things when I was seeing if there were any known celebs who banned fic about them (none that I could find), so maybe it WOULD be better to just pretend it doesn't exist or something. I really don't know. I'm just code-girl.
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Old 12-03-2004, 07:50 AM
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See my thinking is like this, why risk getting sued for no reason really?

Why don't we just let Nikki have the deciding vote

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