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Old 09-22-2012, 10:02 AM
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Overall I preferred season 5, but I think season 6 was a decent season too. The first half (isn't that always the way with SV ) was especially strong with the intro of Oliver Queen and finally giving Lois more of a purpose on the show when she starts getting into journalism. Action was such a great episode! And I loved the intro of the Justice League and the Level 33,1 pay off

The second half I had problems with because of how Lex was written like a woman on a bad soap opera trying to use a pregnancy to trick someone into staying with him! I think it would have been much cooler if he was doing some twisted experiements with a meteor baby and attempting to justify it it to himself, that would be much more in keeping with what we are told will someday be a ruthless man who puts his business and his experiments before love (and would fit better with Lex's nightmares of a deformed baby in Promises). Instead the whole thing is just him faking Lana into believing she is pregnant Not only did it make Lex Luther look pathetic and desperate, it also really made you wonder about Lana when she completely brought the scan in Promise of a fairly well-formed baby, even though she was still as skinny as anything and wearing a corset in the same episode

I also didn't care for the abrupt re-introduction of the Clana, and then Lana and Clark kissing behind Lex's back even before they knew about the fake pregnancy. Planning to run away with someone who he believed was carrying another mans child was Clark's lowest moment for me, Lana's was blowing off Lex's last-minute nerves about should we elope instead and encouraging him to go the the aisle when she knew at that point that she was leaving him for Clark was her low point for me, and Lex's was when he was begging Lionel for help in the church and acting like a desperate fool. So Promise was not a good episode for me character-wise all round I also felt like Lionel's character was way too confusing this year. I wanted to cheer when the badass Lionel seemed to briefly be making a return in Promise, but then it was revealed to all be about protecting Clark and I just found it annoying that we had to accept him as the good guy when he so clearly wasn't with the way he treated his son

Actually I think they could have saved some of that storyline for me if they had handled things slightly differently. Like in Freak when Lana finds out about Lex's experiments, maybe if the show had played up more her feeling scared and trapped by Lex then the audience would better understand why she would want to run away from their wedding without a word to him, but the way it actually played seemed to be more about Lana just deciding that she loved Clark more and would rather be with him once she knew his secret and felt like there was now nothing standing in their way. And that was disappointing for me, at least they could have had Lana find out about the fake baby before the wedding to better explain some of her decisions

Jimmy's intro should have been handled better than it was too IMO. I kept waiting for him and Clark to become close and, other than maybe Subterrenean, it never happened which was a missed opportunity. His character missed so many episodes he felt like he was barely there most of the time! And Jimmy and Chloe I could have brought more maybe if it wasn't for skipping from the scene in Zod where they talk about getting coffee right to Wither and them making out in a car and then Clark walking in on them next day. It felt way too rushed, maybe more people would have become invested if the build-up had lasted...well anytime at all basically I felt the same way about Jason and Lana in season 4 where this new character was just suddenly introduced to us as Lana's boyfriend, those aren't the couples I ever care about if we don't get the UST and the build-up

Oh and I didn't like the intro of Chloe's meteor power, it felt too out of the blue to say that she been infected all along. And then they pulled it out to use a few times in season 7 before sweeping it all under the rug and saying she was cured now, so what was the point of it?

This is becoming kind of negative now I did enjoy the first half with the GA, I guess there's just less to rant about there than there is with the Clexana soap opera that year Nemesis I loved though, one of my favourite Clex episodes of the series as so much of season 6 was just about Clana or Lexana for their rivalry, whereas Nemesis brought the focus back to them as well and their lost friendship. And Lana being a total badass was a bonus too as she tortures Lionel and tries to find out more about the faked pregnancy, I wish they had kept that darker Lana around more in season 7 instead of trapping her on the Kent farm so early on

Last edited by FrellingTralk; 09-22-2012 at 10:09 AM
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Old 09-22-2012, 07:08 PM
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Naomi, I agree with a lot of what you have to say here...but I think Action was in S7 right? Do you mean Justice? "Or Arrow? B/c those are 2 of my favourite episodes in S6 .

S6 did start out really strong and I thought Oliver's arc on the show was excellent and I also liked seeing Lois getting into journalism. I think the show struggled at times with writing Lois and her arcs though b/c of her episode count. They featured her pretty heavily in the first half of the season and then they probably realized, "Oh, we can't actually use Lois that much in the second half of the season", so she kind of disappears for 2 or 3 episodes at a time, and then she comes back and we hear about what she was doing in the magical place that is OSV.

The baby thing was horrible and it was definitely like something on some soap opera. Like what Lex? I just don't understand his motivations. And yeah I didn't even think of a the corset, most pregant women can't wear those. I also thought the fake baby thing and Lana going to Clark on her wedding day and Clark saying they could run off together was horrible b/c it just made both of them look so bad IMO. Lana was cheating on Lex with Clark, Clark was helping her with that and what were they planning on doing with the baby? Sure we all know now that there was no baby but they didn't know that at the time.

I liked Chimmy but I agree they could have been developed much better than us seeing them for the first time in Zod and then seeing them makeout in Chloe's car in Wither. I also think the show really missed a great opportunity with Clark and Jimmy and I would have liked to see them share more scenes together. Their first major interaction that I remember...aside from Jimmy telling Clark that his name is James or something like that, was Jimmy telling Clark he'd chop him down like a cherry tree if he hurt Chloe.
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Old 09-23-2012, 12:44 AM
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Not Action, I mean Arrow with the GA intro

And yeah I think they relied to much on the audience rooting for Clana because we had knowledge of Lex's conversations with the Doctor, but as Clark and Lana didn't then it just didn't look right IMO for Lana not to even talk to Lex to his face about calling off the wedding. But then I also didn't understand why Lex was suddenly so convinced thatLana wasn't coming and begging for Lionel's help with that, again that wasn't knowledge that he should have had IMO.

And yeah I think they could have included Jimmy in Sneeze and at least given us some build-up to them falling for each other after all the emphasis on it previously being one-night stand that didn't mean that much
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Old 09-25-2012, 03:53 PM
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^I think that was a problem with SV in general though...they often relied on OSV too much to fill in the gaps with the story and saw that as a way to not show (IMO) important things on screen b/c they just told us it happened offscreen.

I completely agree with you about Clana and Lexana btw...I kind of think that Lex did know that his relationship with Lana was troubled though given how long it took her to say yes to his proposal and also that thing she said in Hydro about how if Clark had asked her she would have said yes without hesitating...although somehow I kind of doubt that b/c Lana had serious reservations about being in a relationship with Clark without knowing his secret.
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Old 01-10-2015, 12:01 AM
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My main problem with Season 6 was the writers. To make Clark look so pathetic. This was to me, easily the worst season for Clark. No way you'd think he become a hero this season.
The Clark/Lana/Lex triangle just was a disaster, and rolling for the eyes. It really brought the show down for me, so the triangle didn't work.

I felt at this time, it was time for Clark to finally move on cause he looked pretty bad during it...
Lex and Lana... I just couldn't.

It hurt also to see Lex and Clark relationship go down this much... I know it was needed but it still hurt.

'Justice' episode was the highlight and thank goodness for the intro for Oliver Queen: Green Arrow! which just worked. Loved those Clois foreshadowing moments, much needed in the disastrous triangle.
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Old 08-23-2015, 11:26 PM
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My least favorite season yet. Just too many bad episodes. Boring episodes! And a few storylines had me so confused and/or infuriated.

Why did they write Clark like this? So passive, reactive? I love Clark. I want to continue loving Clark for the remainder of the series but I hate this mopey, love centric Clark. He's a hero and he's saved so many people so many times, why won't the show let him continue on that path rather than this sad version who just can't seem to get over his first love. I mean, I really felt for him because it's obvious how much he loves Lana and in the second half of the season, I even began feeling a little sympathetic towards Lana again but this relationship, the way it plays out, does not make for good viewing and doesn't particularly reflect well on the characters either. So much of this season was about this triangle with them and Lex that it totally sapped my enjoyment. I also hated what this storyline did to Lex. I get they need to get him closer to his eventual villain status but a fake baby? And murdering the doctor for those impulsive reasons? The 33.1 storyline for him made sense, but this weird need to keep Lana in his life at all costs, didn't. I also wanted to laugh and tear my hair out in frustration at Lana's indecisiveness. She loves Lex but she loves Clark too. She wants to investigate Lex but now she doesn't.

I am so over Lionel. I really don't get him at all. Maybe I'm dumb. Really, because I don't understand how he's written more than half the time. Where is he coming from, I can never tell. And the other character's reactions to him seem to be telling me how to react to him like ridiculous thanksgiving scene in Rage. But it's not working.

I didn't like Oliver. I was so happy when he left. I hated that he got to basically tell Clark that he sits on his ass all day doing nothing when that's not true. That silly little relationship with Lois was also given too much importance, it didn't call for that big, dramatic breakup in Justice. Justice was a nice attempt at getting all the characters back and it was a good episode for Lex but I hated how Clark was relegated to a nothing status.

Has Martha left for good? What a sad little send off.

I liked Jimmy a little better than Oliver but I did not like him and Chloe together. The overly cutesy thing isn't working for me. I don't think these two have any chemistry. I wonder if he's been written out too?

Chloe is meteor infected... Right, so by that standard everyone in Smallville should be! And her power is to resurrect dead people?! How lame! And there was practically no follow up to her kiss with Clark, even though there were these tiny little moments throughout the season where judging by the way Allison Mack played her expressions, it seemed she still had some sort of residual feelings for Clark. I still love their friendship though. One of the best things about the show.

I thought Lois was written better than she has been since Devoted. I like Lois with a sense of purpose and I particularly enjoyed her in Arrow, Combat, Prototype and Phantom. The kiss with Clark in Hydro was nice, it was a fun little set up but I didn't really care for the way it was done in Crimson. I just really hated that episode. Every single character in that episode was written badly and I wanted to smack them all. I did appreciate though how this season kept consistently writing Clark and Lois scenes together in such a way that atleast it's believable not only that they're friends but that they also care for each other. If ever there is going to be any kind of romantic set up for these two on this show, then a friendship is a surprisingly different way to approach it.

I loved Nemesis! What an episode. So good that it seemed almost different from the rest of the season. This, and Labyrinth. My two favorite episodes of the season. Nemesis was amazing. All those Clark and Lex scenes were written so well! And Lana! Wow! I enjoyed Lana in the second half of the season. After finding out about Lex, I loved how she started playing Lex. Her hurt and anger being channeled like this made perfect sense. Kristin Kreuk, I have to say, really was the stand out actress in this season.

I'm starting season 7 very nervously, lol.
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Old 08-24-2015, 09:43 AM
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Nemesis and Labyrinth were my two favourite episodes from season 6 too, as well as Justice
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Old 08-25-2015, 01:31 AM
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They're good episodes, aren't they FrellingTralk Almost like a much needed oasis in an otherwise sea of dull or infuriating, lol.

The Clark/Lana/Lex triangle just was a disaster
Big time.

Actually I think they could have saved some of that storyline for me if they had handled things slightly differently. Like in Freak when Lana finds out about Lex's experiments, maybe if the show had played up more her feeling scared and trapped by Lex then the audience would better understand why she would want to run away from their wedding without a word to him, but the way it actually played seemed to be more about Lana just deciding that she loved Clark more and would rather be with him once she knew his secret and felt like there was now nothing standing in their way. And that was disappointing for me, at least they could have had Lana find out about the fake baby before the wedding to better explain some of her decisions
Agreed. The triangle really did no favors to any of the characters involved.

I am liking season 7 so much better, thankfully.
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Old 09-03-2015, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by farrah (View Post)
Why did they write Clark like this? So passive, reactive? I love Clark. I want to continue loving Clark for the remainder of the series but I hate this mopey, love centric Clark. He's a hero and he's saved so many people so many times, why won't the show let him continue on that path rather than this sad version who just can't seem to get over his first love. I mean, I really felt for him because it's obvious how much he loves Lana and in the second half of the season, I even began feeling a little sympathetic towards Lana again but this relationship, the way it plays out, does not make for good viewing and doesn't particularly reflect well on the characters either. So much of this season was about this triangle with them and Lex that it totally sapped my enjoyment. I also hated what this storyline did to Lex. I get they need to get him closer to his eventual villain status but a fake baby? And murdering the doctor for those impulsive reasons? The 33.1 storyline for him made sense, but this weird need to keep Lana in his life at all costs, didn't. I also wanted to laugh and tear my hair out in frustration at Lana's indecisiveness. She loves Lex but she loves Clark too. She wants to investigate Lex but now she doesn't.

Has Martha left for good? What a sad little send off.

Chloe is meteor infected... Right, so by that standard everyone in Smallville should be! And her power is to resurrect dead people?! How lame! And there was practically no follow up to her kiss with Clark, even though there were these tiny little moments throughout the season where judging by the way Allison Mack played her expressions, it seemed she still had some sort of residual feelings for Clark. I still love their friendship though. One of the best things about the show.
I'm starting season 7 very nervously, lol.

100% agree with you on that. I love Clark, I truly do but Season 6 easily goes down as his worst written season. It was just pathetic to watch. I understand him loving Lana, but loving her to the point where he can't be a hero was just pathetic and sadly it stayed that way as long as Clark was pinning for Lana.
The triangle was just a mess.

I was upset with the writers getting Martha off the show.

I agree that Chloe/Clark friendship is one of the highlights of the series. Especially Season 4 and forward.

Originally Posted by farrah (View Post)
Agreed. The triangle really did no favors to any of the characters involved.
Definitely agree with that.
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Old 08-20-2016, 05:58 AM
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So general season threads aren't forgotten about not sure if they are listed or not in the board guide
Had to make decision that needed to focus on my financial/mental conditions.
No idea if will return but once and while may come check PM's
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Old 08-21-2016, 01:21 AM
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The ones we have are listed in the board guide I'll start the other ones in a few minutes.
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Old 08-22-2016, 03:15 PM
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Afterwards saw the listing
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Old 09-11-2016, 05:22 PM
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Going to be so much fun watching this season again to rant... *sarcasm* lol
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Old 09-11-2016, 06:34 PM
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Had to make decision that needed to focus on my financial/mental conditions.
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Old 09-11-2016, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by beyond insane (View Post)
Yeah, when it comes to Season 6 and 7, I can rant "over the course of days"
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