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Old 07-13-2007, 03:16 AM
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Sidekicks[R/Hr]"Ron will survive cause theres that thing with him and Hermione"~RG

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Sidekickerliciousness!!!

Previous Thread:
Sidekicks[R/Hr]"She just loves him , she just does."~Emma Watson

Credit to: Oº°‘¨Laura¨‘°ºO

Official Sidekick Quote:
"But she was in no way a damsel in distress;if you wanted to put a label on her position in the drama that was Harry Potter, she was a sidekick, thank you very much. So by definition, she should not end up with Harry. But sidekicks could end up with other sidekicks."
--Hermione Granger and the Order of the Phoenix by Ann Margaret

The Sidekicks Thread, in proud association with

Honorary Sidekicks

1. J.K. Rowling
2. Emma Watson
3. Chris Columbus
4. Daniel Radcliffe
5. Rupert Grint
6. Bonnie Wright
7.David Yates
8.Evanna Lynch


The List

Newest Sidekicks:
421. xxCrashIntoMexx
422. SweetP (Mandy)
423. Whitney86
424. *Stacey*
425. Lorelai Evans Danes (Aline)
426. mokis
427. provocative
428. lucky charms (Trisha)
429. sassenach888
430. Handel
431. LooBitteTundiLoo
432. .: DoDs:.
433. billy(L)
434. canuck_gizziefan
435. xxcozmicstar
436. Cute Poison
437. Sethummeraholic
438. Rowling Rocks
439. neji duyen
440. nishatk2000
441. Insanitic
442. CTUgal21
443. fashionfanatic08
444. permanently-forever
445. LittleLoLo (Brittny)
446. RachelRoberts
447. Littlemizz
448. rose parade
449. Kaylee123
450. hjj48jc42
451. Teen Vogue
452. blondiexo
453. gilmore-girl123
454. Joy&&Soph
455. daritah
456. niniebou
457. Liz01
458. shiftmyshape
459. Adachelholic
460. oth4eva
461. naturellebella
462. onetreehill1216
463. Katiesocks
464. idkyet25
465. chughes

The Sidekick Pledge of Allegiance:
I pledge my obsession to the sidekicks: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
And to the Sidekickerliciousness which we all love,
One couple, made by JK Rowling,
With sugar quills and sexual tension for all.

Credit to: chughes

A few links to our devoted Sidekick family:

Ron and Hermione Source
Canon Love//OBHWF
Love Unchained
Dare You To Move//Honestly Ronald LJ
Rupert and
A Whole New Light I I Sweet Comfort /Forever Your Girl
Isn't It Obvious
I Hate You, I Love You I ron/hermione
& I'd rather be in love with you...
Ron & Hermione Shrine
Ron & Hermione Fotolog

Credit to: Oº°‘¨Laura¨‘°ºO

J.K. Rowling:

"Harry and Hermione are very platonic friends. But I won't answer for anyone else, nudge, nudge, wink, wink." (National Press Club Luncheon, October 1999)

Does Hermione love Ron or Harry?
"I can't believe some of you haven't worked this one out yet, but I'm not going to answer because that would spoil the arguments, which I enjoy"—(JK Rowling's Official Site) (Given the nature of her past responses and book evidence, this is a pretty obvious answer.)

Q: Is it just me, or was something going on between Ron and Hermione during the last half of Goblet of Fire?
"Yes, something's 'going on,' but Ron doesn't realize it yet. Typical boy." – (Response to a fan question at

Q: Does Hermione like Ron as more than a friend?
"The answer to that is in Goblet of Fire!" – (Response to a fan's question during a BBC chat)

JKR: (…)and he, yes, he does have certain adolescent, umm, rites of passage happen to him.
KC: And he's snogging with Hermione?
JKR: Hermione and Harry? Do you think so?
KC: No, I'm kidding.
JKR: Ron and Hermione *smiles and nods*, I would say, have... there's more... tension there.

“...I will say, that yes, I personally feel - well it's going to be clear once people have read book six. I mean, that’s it. It’s done, isn’t it? We know. Yes, we do now know that it's Ron and Hermione. I do feel that I have dropped heavy - [All crack up]- hints. ANVIL-sized, actually, hints, prior to this point. I certainly think even if subtle clues hadn't been picked up by the end of “Azkaban,” that by the time we hit Krum in Goblet...” – (TLC/Mugglenet HBP interview)

Q: What would Hermione see if she looked into the Mirror of Erised?
JKR:.... so at the moment I think Hermione would be most likely to see the three of them alive, unscathed and Voldemort finished...But I think Hermione would also see herself closely entwined with another person...I think you can probably guess.

Chris Columbus (SS/CoS Director)

"It is foreshadowing, yeah. I just love the idea that the two of them, that there's an impending crush. And it's such a real thing for kids at that age. For instance, I asked Emma to hug Dan, and she said, 'No way,' and that was the day she was the most nervous being on the set. She was like, 'I am not going to hug him, no I'm not.' And I said, 'You've been petrified, this is one of your best friends, if not your best friend, you have to hug him,' I said, 'but you won't hug Ron, because that's where the tension is." – (On being asked at TLC if the handshake between Hr/R was foreshadow of romance)

David Yates (OotP/HBP director)

"And it’s much less Dan’s story in the next movie. Dan’s got a great role in it. He gets a chance to stretch his comic muscles because he’s got some very funny scenes. And Rupert is big in the next one… and Lavender Brown and that whole relationship. And Rupert and Emma’s relationship is foregrounded. It’s some really fun stuff."

"Their relationship is Delightful, Funny and Tender, and True."

Emma Watson:

When asked about what they'd like to happen with their character ...
"I'd quite like to see Hermione and Ron together. (the interviewer says something here, to which Emma replies…)Aw, c’mon, it's gonna happen! It's there!" (ETalkDaily) – PoA DVD Launch Interview

"I don't really know what JKR has in mind, but I think that it would be logical (or it would make sence) that Ron and Hermione end up together. They're really different although a lot of things can bring them closer and I think they would be a beautiful couple." (French Magazine “ONE” Interview)

"I'm going to make Rupert really uncomfortable now. For goodness sake! Hermione and Ron just need to get it together! This has been SO long now! They're so wrong, but they're so right. It just needs to happen and they just need to get on with it. Yeah, if that doesn't happen I am going to be really frustrated. Oh God! It's still ongoing. So, hopefully they will end up together. (laughs)"

Q: Who do you think Hermione should end up with: Ron, Harry, or Draco?
EW: "Ron, all the way. It’s just so obvious that there’s something going on there, that they’re wrong for each other but they’re so right. I just think they’re really cute."

Q: The seventh [Harry Potter] book is nearing. What would you like to happen for Hermione?
EW: "For her to be happy—and probably with Ron."

"He likes her, she likes him. They're really different, but they're perfect . . . [frustration about it - hee!] It's just going to happen, you know?"

Q: How would you like to see Hermione end up?
EW: "I have to say that I read the new one, and for God's sake, Hermione and Ron, just get it over and done with! get together, please, it's killing me! By the end of it, I was so frustrated"

Emma: "I really hope that Hermione and Ron get it together in the end, 'cause..."
Interviewer: Oh, okay (smiling)
Emma: "..I think that they would make a good...couple" (nods her head, smiling)

Regis: should it end? Let me tell you how it happens. You and Harry get married.
EW: Really?!
Regis: And raise little Potters! [Laughter]
EW: No, she has to marry Ron, and have those beautiful redhead babies, that's a much better storyline!

Q: What would your characters' personal ads to each other be?
EW: Hermione's quite serious. I think she takes everything a little bit too seriously sometimes. That's why I think that if Hermione and Ron do end up together, I think they'll be really good because they're really different and they're really mismatched but they kind of balance each other out and kind of complement each other like that. So I guess Hermione's ad would say: someone to make her laugh. I don't know, just like a good kind of caring guy I guess.

Coralie: I overheard you saying that you predict that Ron and Hermione will end up together, but if it was not the case, what would be your second choice for her?
EW: Ummm…Probably single. She’s got to be with Ron. It has to be Ron, that’s all I can say!

TRL July 9, 2007
...I was just wondering what you think the fate of Hermione's love life is going to be?
EW: Fate of Hermione's live life... oh it's got to end with Ron. It does, it just does.
She just loves him, she just does. They're chalk and cheese and they're completely wrong for each other but that's what makes them perfect.

OotP Press Conference - Associated Press
EW: I want to see her putting her intellect and her naturally caring nature, um, to some very worthy cause. And I want to see her in another country protesting the rights of house elves, or um, you know, continuing with SPEW, or to generally making the world a better place and hopefully, you know, um, being married to Ron and have lots of beautiful babies. That's the plan anyway [Laughs].

Unscripted interview:
Dan: Do you think Hermione and Ron will ultimately get together, both of you, I think that we can address that to both of you.
Emma: Yeah.We're pretty convinced.No, I definitely think -- I definitely think it's going to happen. I'm hoping it's going to be...

The last book, which I believe is coming out very, very soon. We're thinking, perhaps just maybe Ron and Hermione might get it on.
Emma: Oh, I'm convinced of that, too. I'm completely with you.

Daniel Radcliffe:

CNN (Thanks EV!) - Q: If you were writing the sixth and seventh books, what would you want to happen?
"I definitely think Alfonso (Cuaron, the director) correctly interpreted that Ron and Hermione have a thing going on."

Q: It seems like everyone wants Hermione and Ron to get together.
DR: "I would love that, just to see Rupe and Emma kiss! I think that would be great! I do think I have to re-read the books, because I don't know how much of that relationship comes through in the books and how much is invented. Those two, their behavior towards each other is always, 'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.. but I love you!' I personally would be very amused to see them develop a relationship.."

ROSS (talking about the end of the books): I thought that Hermione got married to Harry.(sarcastic)
DAN: "Have you not been watching the films?! She's, like - her and Ron! "(Some people in the audience cheer) "Thank you!"

DR I'm actually just thinking of the personal ad that you would write to Rupert. Not Rupert, Ron. That's not a story. I don't know what Harry's would be at all. Cursed male seeks, I don't know, uncursed female I suppose. Yeah. Bookish 16-year-old seeks quirky redhead. There we go, that's the advert [for Hermione].

Rupert Grint:

When asked about the blossoming romance between Ron and Hermione ...
"It started in the second film, then in the third film it became a little more and now in Goblet of Fire there's loads of it!" (GMTV) - PoA DVD Launch Interview.

Q: Ron starts to realize a lot of stuff in this film too, I mean, Hermione, hmm. She's really a girl.
"Hehe. True, yep. There's always sort of been that sort of thing between them two that's been sort of suggested in the other movies, like people say there's something going on between them, and Ron was very jealous of Krum, he got to dance at the ball with Hermione."

"I think there's always sort of been suggested through all the films that there could be something between them, and ... (he gets so quiet here, so cute!) I don't know, it'd be quite fun, I think."

Interviewer: Nothing's come out of the seventh one. Do you have any idea of where you want Ron to go or..
"...alot of people are saying, uh, Ron and Hermione are going to get together *smiles while he says this* We'll just have to wait and see"

OotP (July 2007) LA Premiere
SpellCast: Do you think he’ll [Ron] live?
Rupert: Yeah, I think he’ll survive because there’s that thing with him and Hermione. So, I think he’s going to have to live so that can go on.

TRL July 9, 2007
...I was just wondering what you think the fate of Hermione's love life is going to be?
RG: It was always sort of suggested in the other films, and this one as well. You know Ron feels a bit protective of her

Unscripted interview
Dan: Do you think Hermione and Ron will ultimately get together, both of you, I think that we can address that to both of you.
Rupert: Well, yeah.I think so... In each film there's been like, a subtle... hint of it, but I dunno, I think, we have to wait for the seventh book. I think that will tell...


R/Hr will on what page of Deathly Hallows? ~ place your bets now!
winner gets bragging rights

Laura ~ pg 87 (UK)
Littlemizz ~ pg 93 (UK)
~*Dancer in the Dark*~ ~ pg 111 (UK)
gilmore-girl123 ~ pg.112
Butterflygirl ~ pg 124 (UK)
EphramIsHot ~ pg 156 (UK)
Insanitic ~ pg 173 (UK)
DaParTyGirl ~ pg 200 (UK)
chughes ~ pg 282 (UK)
Adachelholic ~ pg 306 (UK)
ninoubou ~ pg 313 (UK)
Fidelian ~ pg 333 (UK)
Amy ~ pg 397 (UK)
Nats ~ pg 450 (UK)
Little Willow ~ pg 513 (UK)
Soleya ~ pg 600 (UK)

Sandrinha ~ pg 50 (US)
Corrsfanre ~ pg 55 (US)
*antarian angel* ~ pg 80 (US)
Jsebold87 ~ pg 92 (US)
ordinaryday ~ pg 100 (US)
LooBitteTundiLoo ~ pg 121(US)
jadorexme ~ pg 126 (US)
hermione jane7 ~ pg 157 (US)
Gosling Fan ~ pg 196 (US)
~Last Dance~ ~ pg 216 (US)
crisTM ~ pg 217 (US)
blondiexo ~ pg 221 (US)
Sheebs ~ pg 232 (US)
Teen Vogue ~ pg 247 (US)
Dreamsingr ~ pg 313 (US)
XJill ~ pg 326 (US)
fashionfanatic08 ~ 409 (US)
*Stacey* ~ pg 421 (US)

Sidekicks Soundtrack
If you know a song that reminds you or a song of which you think totally fits R/Hr? Just pm these songs then to DaParTyGirL or Oº°‘¨Laura¨‘°ºO and we will add these to the list. Hope you guys enjoy!

Please remember: NO BASHING OF THE OTHER SHIPS, people are allowed to think differently and I know we're all better than that

Post away everybody!!!
we're all under the same sky...

Last edited by DaParTyGirL; 07-16-2007 at 03:18 AM
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:17 AM
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I hope the title is okay , we can use the Regis thing for the next one
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:19 AM
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yay new thread! Go Sabrina!
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Old 07-13-2007, 03:23 AM
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Btw if someone could PM me the new updated quotes from Rupert, Emma, DY etc. I could update the first page.
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:00 AM
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We are moving so fast with all these threads
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:05 AM
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do we have any idea of how many threads weve had?
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Insanitic (View Post)
do we have any idea of how many threads weve had?
I really have no idea but I'm on the list #255 and we almost have 500 members can you imagine how many sidekick threads we already had it must have been tons!
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:13 AM
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“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:48 AM
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I'm going off now, be back tonight with my review
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Old 07-13-2007, 04:54 AM
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Thanks for the new thread .

Can I place a bet too for when Ron and Hermione will finally get it on? I predict page 306 in the UK edition.
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:15 AM
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Yay, new thread!!
There used to be a list of every old thread title over at, but I just checked, and can't find it.
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:24 AM
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Hey Littlemizz in your avie, were rupert and emma really wearing those sunglasses or did someone add them. either way your avie is awesome. they just look so cool.

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Old 07-13-2007, 05:33 AM
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Originally Posted by bigkisses13 (View Post)
Hey Littlemizz in your avie, were rupert and emma really wearing those sunglasses or did someone add them. either way your avie is awesome. they just look so cool.
No added nothing to this pic...Dan was in it also, but he was not acting "cool"like rupert and emma so I had to cut him off
I posted the pics in the thread before this one!
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:41 AM
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love the title!

Can I place a bet on the RHr page? I will predict page 282 UK edition
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Old 07-13-2007, 05:58 AM
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I saw the film last night and I loved it...and if possible, I love R/HR even more than I did! SO many moments between bickering, just lovely moments...and a lot of 'looks'. Ahhh! I need to see it again!
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