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banjojd 12-16-2004 03:45 AM

Thanks for all the pictures and descriptions. Sounds like y'all had a great time. Can't wait to hear more about it.

curlyhead 12-16-2004 11:21 AM

Thank you for all of the pictures. That's really nice of you to share them with us,-Genevieve-.

iamofthesky 12-16-2004 11:53 AM

Excellent, gals! Just awesome. Loved the pic of EH. Hee!

Oh, and regarding the "secret location": they were filming on location somewhere away from the WB lot (ie. an actual reception hall), or was it still on the lot? If it was still on the lot, why was it a "secret location"? *lol* Thanks. :)

bybrandy 12-16-2004 11:55 AM

I don't know the answer to that question but my assumption based on the fact that they drove by after the Late Late show taping is that it was somewhere off the lot.

~Kitty 12-16-2004 12:07 PM

It was at a location off the set. We drove there after the tour and again after the Late Late Show taping.

iamofthesky 12-16-2004 01:46 PM

Gracias for the answer! :)

Conny 12-16-2004 05:34 PM

Thanks so much for posting the pics, Gen! :)

A. B. Normal 12-16-2004 10:32 PM

Ooh.mah.gawd. And no, you can ask them, we don't have accents! I do not need to enter an airport again for a very very long time. We were either in an airport or in a plane for 22 hours straight today! Barely functioning here so the anecdotes will have to come tomorrow. Jet laaaaag. Dudes, we saw Keanu Reeves in LAX when we were waiting by the security check in! Snapped 2 pics, but he's pretty blurry, he looked good though. And Jermaine Dupre (Janet Jackson's fella I believe) and one of the Backstreet Boys (Howie) was on our flight home. Hollyweird. :spineyes:

I just wanted to say that if any of you guys ever get to go on the WB tour or just visit LA, befriend Gen, Cathy, Sarah and Tess because they are the best, sweetest, most helpful, generous girls I've ever met. And Alicia and I really cannot thank Gen and Sarah enough for breaking close to 80 traffic laws on Tuesday to get us where we all needed to be. :lol:

Also, this stolen menu talk? I have no idea what you girls are referring to! I would never (a) condone such behavior or (b) participate in such a henious act. I mean, security would have been all over us! Right?! I will mention this, I was all kinds of disappointed when we were waiting in the gift shop to see that there was a ton of Friends and West Wing memorabilia and zero things for GG. Then a little birdie told me that Amy Sherman Palladino didn't allow GG items to be sold because it was "selling out?" Let's just say that decision may come back to bite her in the ass...or the pocket book. S'all I'm sayin.

It was a crazy, wonderful day; memorable to say the least. And Kay we mentioned calling you every single time something cool happened, and I'm still not sure how that phone call never got made! I can't wait to describe the moment we saw Lauren. It was 200 kinds of funny and surreal awesomeness mixed into a total of 15 seconds. I can't wait to talk about that security guard too. Poor guy didn't know what hit him! :lol:

Oh, I'll leave this as the great teaser. :smirk: Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You (There's a sign in Luke's with that phrase on it.)

fan1bsb97 12-16-2004 10:35 PM


Originally posted by A. B. Normal
and one of the Backstreet Boys was on our flight home. Hollyweird. :spineyes:

Alexis you're back!

Ok...look at my username. In my opinion, you are the luckiest person ever. If I was on that flight, I think I would have passed out or something along those lines! Which one was it?!

jennarose 12-16-2004 10:54 PM


Originally posted by A. B. Normal
Then a little birdie told me that Amy Sherman Palladino didn't allow GG items to be sold because it was "selling out?"
The editor at HarperEntertainment told me that's why there were only 4 books. Apparently ASP approved those then changed her mind. No, they weren't great literature, but they weren't any different from the books for other WB shows.

There are a lot of people who would love some GG merchandise. I guess we're lucky she's allowing DVDs, if she has any part in that decision.

Anyway, I'm glad you had a good time. I tried to read about it in Gen's LJ last night but the links were all messed up so I'll have to try again later.

* Kay * 12-16-2004 10:54 PM


Originally posted by A. B. Normal
Dudes, we saw Keanu Reeves in LAX when we were waiting by the security check in!
Gasp! Dude, KC, LG, and KR in the span of two days? I am SO jealous! There's an LG connection with Keanu, too! Cool!


And Kay we mentioned calling you every single time something cool happened, and I'm still not sure how that phone call never got made! I can't wait to describe the moment we saw Lauren. It was 200 kinds of funny and surreal awesomeness mixed into a total of 15 seconds. I can't wait to talk about that security guard too. Poor guy didn't know what hit him! :lol:
Heh, it's cool, all is forgiven.:) I still can't believe you guys saw LG. It's too bad you didn't get to talk to her but, seeing her is definitely enough. Lol, I can't believe you asked the security guard if he was from Texas or not. You're crazy.:lol: I'll bet those fifteen seconds flew by and I know you were definitely rooted to the spot you were standing in! Great timing!

-Genevieve- 12-16-2004 11:00 PM

I wish someone had told me that my journal entry was all funky last night. I didn't know until this morning. It had looked fine when I posted. But it's all fixed now.

Glad you guys got home ok, Lex. Can't believe you saw all those other people. You're a good luck charm when it comes to seeing celebrities.

Hee, hope I didn't scare you guys with my driving. It got a little crazy there sometimes. And you do to have an accent. Just a little one. It's cute.

Nadine 12-16-2004 11:03 PM

lol it's weird - your LJ looked fine for me last night but then I noticed about 10 hours later it was looking a tad weird :)

Lex, you saw Keanu as well? Damn, jealous even more now :)

~Kitty 12-17-2004 12:57 AM

Yes, Gen, I must thank you for breaking about 80 traffic laws in MY car. :lol: But Sarah really didn't leave us much choice!

Lex, you and Alicia have a small accent. Not too bad, it's cute.

-Genevieve- 12-17-2004 01:00 AM

Hey man, you could've driven :P :P

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