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Old 07-14-2007, 11:04 PM
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Rory♥Tristan #237: 'Cause Tristan clones and the RT Mafia are the way to go!

Wow, we all finally got here. 200 threads! I remember when I was a newbie here and I got so inspired to love Rory/Tristan even more thanks to the amazing people I found on this thread. It feels like ages ago, but it wasn't. I know some people on here has been following this thread and this couple since the very first thread, unfortunately some of these people don't visit this thread anymore. Though, just know that it's never too late to love Trory or start loving them again!

Maybe Duncan and Bowman aren't the best people to be hanging out with.
They are not as smart as you Tristan, they don't have what you have going for you...

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
Of course they would get married...

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
I think they will be good friends at the beginning...and maybe they will take their chance...

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
Happy married couple, successful in their jobs with about 3 children..

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
I love them, because he has a badguy touch...and she is the girl next door...
~ July

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
I'd like to see them as really good friends... That's really something I'd enjoy.. Rory having a friendship with a guy that will actually last

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
Just a friendship, that's all I want.. just good conversations, showing support that kind of thing

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
Uhm... Let me think, I think they'll be friends, nothing more, but supportive of each other and wanting the other to be happy

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
The love/hate relationship they had, sometimes I love the love/hate relationship some people have on a show and that's why I liked them... They had nice playful (in a non-dirty way) banter and had good conversations

~ Karen

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show? I would like to see them become friends first, with a little flirtyness and the flirtyness turns into lust and lust turns into Love I feel that this would impact the show in a positive way, because the chemistry between them would sizzle on screen!

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress? Again, I say that they would be friends first, I probably imagine he'll greet her by saying Mary and then they'll relationship will grow.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now? Married with two kids and a volvo? Lmao!

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
Well, they were the first Rory couple I liked as I hated Dean, I remember watching The break up part 2 and shouting at Rory for running away and that she liked Tristan not Dean lmao!

~ Kaylee

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?Taking things slow, becoming really good friends first, confiding in each other, comfortable with each other. They should have the chemistry they had in season 1, but ofcourse with more mature and deep conversations. They would get together eventually, after a build up.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now? Well, i think Tristan will be more mature, a little more serious, but still sarcastic. Rory, pretty much how she has always been, serious at times, funny and sarcastic at times. Not as annoyed at Tristan as she used to be!

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
They had great chemistry. The good girl/bad boy thing just works, and you can get so much from it. Their constant banter was so cute, and when they became friends, he was a little more open with her.

~ Nida

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
Tristan coming back is not something I think that'll happen, but it'll be great. Tristan and Rory do have great chemistry and an addicting banter I just love. It would be great if they would become friends..or doesn't really matter, as long as he brings us a visit.

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them? Tristan and Rory had great chemistry, banter, debates, they pulled each other. They didn't really get each other until Madeline's party, that's where they really 'saw' each other.

~ Nina

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress? I see them meeting at Yale or somewhere and they keep bumping into eachother (non-dirty) and they kind of ignore eachother.. but then find themselves in an awkward situation.. then realise they love eachother. (This is the reason I don't write fics lmao)

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
I think they would be still together

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
The way that they were always so different.. but kind of attracted eachother.

~ Amanda

It was a nice kiss.
Not at all crying material.
Wanna try it again?

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
I think that if Tristan came back to the show, it would be like for a Chilton-type reunion. That's the only reason I see a purpose for him coming back at the moment. I could see Rory trying to still be appalled by him, but in realization, she admires the fact that he's reformed and there's actually more to him that meets the eye. We can only hope for a full-hide-in-the-closet-make-out-session from them.

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
I would like to see them being study partners or something like that and a friendship blooming from it.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now? I think that Rory will be Christine Amanpour and Tristian will be this General in the Military. I'm really not sure what Tristian would actually be doing, but it will be great.

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
What attracted me to them was their instant and undeniable attraction. You can not hide that, no matter how hard she fought against it.

~ Jill-Renay

Take care of yourself... Mary.

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?

I'd like to see him come back in a similar way Jess did and slowly get to know her again and maybe win her off who ever she is dating/seeing at the time. Maybe they could be dating by the end of the series.

~ Laura

"Well, come on, you know that when we kiss on stage, it's gonna be pretty obvious that it's not the first time. I'm a good actor, but I can't hide that kind of passion."

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
If he came back right now I could definitely see him stirring up trouble with Logan and Rory which would be very interesting. I think that if he had never met Logan and his friends Logan wouldn’t like him and visa versa. I don’t think he would support Rory/Logan and I think he would feel frustrated and hurt that she would go for someone who is a lot like he was in high school but she never gave him a chance.

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
Well obviously I would like them to get together and have a happy relationship but I wouldn’t want them to get there quickly. Rory is with Logan and I would need her to sort through whatever feelings are there with him before she moved on to Tristan who is of course her one and only. Hee. So the progression would be slow and I think it needs to be that way.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
Hmm well in mind they will have steady jobs and lots of babies with their friends around them married with babies. Logan/Louise; Finn/Paris; Colin/Steph and Madeline/Robert. Ok fic is obviously influencing my brain lol. Either way I want them happy and with each other. I really think they are meant to be and that Jess or Logan could never compare.

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
Well I loved that fact that Tristan wanted her so bad and she kept throwing it back at him. I liked the chase. I love Tristan’s character, so troubled and unloved. I never felt sorry for Rory at all but I always felt sorry for Tristan. And I liked that Rory just didn’t understand it, she didn’t understand that he wanted her. I loved that towards the end she was content with their relationship and she could laugh about the nickname that he gave her. They were just perfect.

~ Mel

Uh huh. Well, okay, I'll confess something to you. I don't have a date.
Well, I hear Squeaky Fromme's up for parole soon. You should keep a good thought,
I actually thought maybe you'd like to go with me,
You did no,
I did too!
You did not, because you are not stupid.
Why, thank you.

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show? What I would love to see at first, is a Tristan/Rory friendship. Then gradually a relationship. I want Rory to be the one to make the first move. She should be the one to realize that Tristan is a great guy and hes the one shes suppose to be with. I don't think there would be a big impact on the show. Hopefully Logan can see that Tristan is an amazing guy for Rory and leave them be.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now? I could see them living a great life and having beautiful children. I think Amy's (abc79de) WHW series best explains their relationship for the furture.

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them? I have to admit that at first I never liked Trory. I was, and still am, an avid Lit fan and when I started reading fics I noticed there were tons of Trory fics. I read one and I was in awe.The way the writers portray them is remarkable.Each writer puts his or hers on touch into making them perfect. When I rewatched the first season, I noticed the chemistry between them. It is amazing.They have so much sexual tension. They balance each other out. They have this amzing ablity to read the other person like no one ever did. They both have individual faults and when they are together - they are perfect. In my opinon, they are soulmates 'til death do them part.

~ Ali

I could loan you my notes, if that would help?
Really? That would be great.
Yeah, how great?
I don't know. Mr. Remmy said that getting someone's notes would be..
I could even help you study, if you want?

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
If Tristan were to come back, I think he and Rory would have alot to talk about. He would definitely ask her what's happened since the last time they saw each other. He'd be impressed that she's at Yale, impressed but not surprised. I think it would really shake things up if he did come back. It would bring back the whole triangle thing from season 2/3 with her, Jess and Dean, except now it would be with Logan.

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
I think at first, I'd want them to be friends. And then eventually progress into one liking the other, them just trying to deal with their feelings for each other. I also see alot of bantering and a bit of arguing between them.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
I have no clue what type of job I'd see Tristan in, but I know that Rory would definitely be a journalist. I think they would be a more mature version of themselves. Especially Tristan, but he would still have that school boy charm going for him. Rory wouldn't be so uptight, but she'd still be very Rory. I don't know, I can't explain it. But, that's how I picture them.

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
I love Tristan/Rory because their banter was so cute and entertaining. He liked her, but she didn't realize it, so he pursued her. I also liked how he seemed different around her. Oddly enough, I wasn't a Tristan/Rory fan when I first started watching Gilmore Girls. I liked Dean/Rory, but when they broke up in season 1, I always believed that Rory still should've dated Tristan during that time.lols. What attracted me to them was just their attitude towards each other. He was a little softer around her, and she was a little bit biting towards him, at first, which was fun. I always thought their goodbye was a little sad, but left something open for the future.

~ Leah

You know what Mary, [stopping her] see I can’t figure out why we’re not friends. I think it’s because I make you nervous.
I think it’s because you can’t learn my name.
Do you have a boyfriend?
None of your business.
Is that a ‘no’?
Is there no one else at this school you can bother?
See, I think you like me, you just don’t know how to say it.

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
I think he could come back as new student at Yale, that way Rory could meet him and become friends with him again.

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
Camilla and I have had long discussions about that. We both agreed that Rory and Tristan would probably become friends. In my opinion Logan would get jealous then because he would definitely see the attraction between the two of them. Rory's and Tristan's friendship would get more intimate, there could definitely start something between them then.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
Married, maybe?

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
Alexis's and Chad's chemistry was a big reason I began loving them. Tristan acted very differently and more kinder around Rory than he acted around other people. You could see that he really cared for her. He tried to hide it his attraction to her, just like Rory tried to hide hers but everyone could still see that they liked each other, even Dean did.

~ Lena

So where’s your boyfriend tonight?
He’s...not my boyfriend anymore.
Why not?
He didn’t want to be.
So’s Summer.

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?
If Tristan were to come back, I can see them as being friends first and maybe possibly progressing to more than friends, to have a relationship and be together and the impact on the show, I would say, if they acutually hooked up that it would be like Rory falling for someone her grandparents acutually like and living their dream.

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress? If Tristan came back, I would love to see them have a relationship, because there's never really got started, I would like for them to date, get married, have children. In the beginning, I think Rory would be kind of distant at first, but Tristan would be persistant, until she talked to him, they would slowly become friends and it would move to dating, marriage and children.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
Hopefully they would be married and have children, but I can see Rory as being a journalist for the NY Times and Tristan as being a reporter, they would have 4 kids, twins Lori and Luke, a girl and another boy, so it's even. They would live in a moderate size house, with a backyard and a white picket fence, in a nice neighborhood and they would have a dog. They would be the picture perfect family, sure they would fight, but in the end, love would survive and there love would be a kind of love that just attracts people, just by looking at them you can see how much they loved each other.

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
I love Tristan and Rory, because they just have this love/hate relationship, I'm strangely attracted to that, which is why I'm also a huge Karen/Dan fan too, but there is just something about Trory, you can't help but love, they have chemistry. I would have to say my main reason for being attracted to them was because they had chemistry and I couldn't stand Dean/Rory, but quickly it became more than that, I could see their connection and only recently, a couple of months ago, have they come back into my mind, thanks to Cami, and rewatching season 1 and their kiss scene, they quickly became a favorite of mine again.

~ Gracie

Well, I imagine you're overwhelmed with the relief in knowing that soon I will be gone.
I'm so sorry.
Well, I'm a big boy. I can handle it.
There's nothing you can…

If Tristan were to come back what do you see happening with the two of them and how would it impact the show?I could definitely see a friendship being formed. I would think that would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. They have to connect first and start with getting to know each other again, but in the end... yes they would be the perfect match.

If Tristan came back what would you like to happen between Rory and him? How would you picture them handling the situation and how would things progress?
Since I’m pretty sure Rory will end up with either Logan or Jess in the end, I’d say they would be friends first and accidentally fall for each other. Their connection has always been strong, and I know that Rory understands Tristan in a way nobody else managed to.

What do you think Tristan and Rory would be like ten years from now?
They will be happily married with a girl and a younger boy. Such a cute family, don’t you think?

Why do you love Tristan/Rory? What attracted you to them?
I admit, I have only been a Trory fan for around 2 years, which makes me a newbie I guess? I wasn’t a fan of Gilmore Girls until I found my way to Cathy’s amazing site Angelic. Not only did the clips inspire me, but her musicvideos really got my attention. The chemistry between Rory/Tristan is undeniable. Nobody can say otherwise, because that would be lying. I also believe that opposites attract and they would fit so much better than most couples, and Tristan would be the best guy for Rory. I don’t think he’d hurt her, he’d love her for her flaws and for being herself.

~ Camilla

R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
Avi by: Unknown

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Old 07-14-2007, 11:05 PM
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Jennifer Aniston
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I gotta tell you something.
I'm madly in love with you.
Good luck with that.
I can't eat, I can't sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night calling out your name - Rory Rory!

Well, I was just trying to think of something that would make this kiss as special as that one.
I thought she could cry.
Paris: She's dead. You're dead, lie down.
Yeah, but that's the beauty of it. No one would expect her to cry.
Dean: I would.

No, I cried because I was confused. Because I hadn’t cried. I didn’t cry because of the kiss. It was a nice kiss.
Very nice. Not at all crying material.
Wanna try it again?

I'd kiss you goodbye... but your boyfriend's watching.
Take care of yourself... Mary!

You're very odd, you know that?
Thank you.
Your welcome.


SONGCARD (Far Away by Nickelback) :

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait

Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

I love you
I've loved you all along
And I love you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of Hell to hold your hand

I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything, but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

I love you
I've loved you all along
And I love you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
I love you
I've loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me, never let me go


[1034 x 768 [1034 x 768]

Angelic - Musicvideos by Cathy
Undeniable Production - Musicvideos by Camilla

Lena for helping out with posting the second post and for making a banner and a manip!
Shana for manips, they are all so amazing.
Mel for helping out with just about everything, you rock babe!
Kathi, you're our Trory goddess. Thank you for manips and icons.

R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
Avi by: Unknown

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Old 07-14-2007, 11:06 PM
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Jennifer Aniston
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The Tristan and Rory Soundtrack Vol. 1

About the Soundtrack: This volumn of songs was put together by members who visited this thread. Everyone sent their choices for songs to me, which I then put up a poll where everyone voted. And this was the result of that. There are the top 16 songs as well as bonus tracks, that were in the poll, but you couldn't vote for them. That being said, I hope all Tristan/Rory fans will enjoy this mix, these are some of our top songs that remind us of Tristan and Rory and their relationship, rather it was their past relationship or what we want to happen with them in the future. Thanks to everyone who helped pick songs to vote on and who voted in our polls. Enjoy the music, I know I do.

Note: This album art was designed by Mel. (Huge thanks to Mel, for the work she put into the art and it looks amazing.)

Track Listing
1. LeAnn Rimes- The Right Kind Of Wrong
2. Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want
3. Goo Goo Dolls- Iris
4. Salvia- Always
5. Hoobastank- The Reason
6. Haley James Scott- Halo
7. Teddy Geiger- For You I Will (Confidence)
8. Jessica Simpson- Irresistable
9. Jessica Simpson- Did You Ever Love Somebody
10. The Cardigans- Erase And Rewind
11. The Fray-Look After You
12. Rob Thomas- Lonely No More
13. Fefe Dobson- Everything
14. Mandy Moore- I Wanna Be With You
15. Gavin DeGraw- We Belong Together
16. Augustana- Boston

Bonus Tracks
17. The Magic Numbers- I See You, You See Me
18. Hellogoodbye- If You Wanna I Might
19. Kelly Clarkson- You Found Me
20. Tyler Hilton- Glad

----> Download Full Soundtrack, Zipped, 20 Tracks, Plus Soundtrack Arts <----
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
Avi by: Unknown

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Old 07-14-2007, 11:06 PM
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The Rory/Tristan Show
Anyway, so it's writing time, you will get a prompt for me, involving around stuff to do with the Tristan/Rory show, you could get everything from love, marriage, kids, wedding, shower, chance meeting, etc...., it will range from their meeting again to getting married to having children, maybe beyond that, but anyway, enough to make a Rory/Tristan show if enough people participate. You must pm me (Subject: The Rory/Tristan Show) if you want to participate so you can get a prompt. Your fanfiction can be as long or short as you want it (ranging from one-shot to multi-chapter). Once your fanfiction is complete, please upload it to or a site, where it can be linked too, it makes it easy then sending me the whole story, pm me the link to your story (again with the subject The Rory/Tristan show). Or if you don't want to do fanfiction, you can make opening credits and a music video (you can make seperate videos for both, or just include the opening credits of the show for the video), same rule apply, you will get a prompt and you have to make a music video for Rory/Tristan based around it or a song that has the word in it, because I know marriage will be kind of hard. When you are done, please upload it to a more permanent host (something better than yousendit, where links expire) or youtube, I just need something that can be permanet and will last until the 250th thread and pm me the link to the video. Your fics and videos can have other characters/couples in it, but the main emphasis has to be on Rory/Tristan, like with the opening credits, if you wanted to include other characters from GG or even characters/actress/actors from other shows, you're more than welcome, there just has to be Rory/Tristan in it.

You have until the 248th thread to get your fics or videos into me ( Gracie).

The Rory/Tristan Fanfiction Challenge
So this challenge came up when we found out Rory was taking a road trip to North Carolina and how the whole time, we were thinking about Tristan and how it would have been a perfect time for them to meet again. So here's the challenge, write a one or two-shot fanfiction (for those who don't get it, it's a one or two chapter fanfiction, it makes it easier to do those then multi-chapter, at least for me) based around how you would have wanted Rory/Tristan to meet in "Gilmore Girls Only", it could be anything you want of how you would have wanted a meeting to go, what would Rory say, what about Tristan, would they get along, fight, etc..., it's up to you to decide where they meet and what happens between them. Again all fanfictions when complete please upload to or a site, where it can be linked, it just makes it easier for me. Please pm me when your fiction is complete with a link to your story with the subject Trory Fanfiction Challenge. You have until the 248th thread to get all fics into me (Gracie)

The Rory/Tristan 250th Soundtrack
So this will be a huge soundtrack, well the first part will be our first ever soundtrack, the next 5 cds, will be up to the fans. PM me with the subject RT Soundtrack.

Now on to the song choices, to make it easier, please if you participate at all in this thread, send me the following that remind you of RT, there's a prompt, to fit with the different CDS
1. Trory's relationship during Chilton (just a song that fits that)
2. Trory's current relationship (yes I know they don't have a relationship right now, but if they did have one, what song would fit them)
3. Trory Angst (an angsty type of song that fits them)
4. Trory Fluff (a fluffy/cute song that fits them)
5. Trory Future (a future song that fits what you want with them in the future, rather it's dating, marriage, having kids, friends, etc...)

Oh and if anyone can make soundtrack art, let me know, just so I can give you information. And you have until the 238th thread to get all songs into me (Gracie)

The Top Ten Tristan/Rory Fanfictions
So one rule, the fic must be completed or updated regularly (at least once or twice a month) and this is because no one likes a story where it is a really good fanfiction, but then it just stops suddenly with no updates and no ending, it just leaves you in suspense. So anyway, pm me the links to your favorite Rory/Tristan fanfics (can be up to 10) with the subject Top Ten Fics and then voting will be put up when we hit 240. You have until the 238th thread to get your top 10 fics into me (Gracie)

Music Videos
Please pm me your Trory music videos for the 250th thread with the subject 250th Trory Mvids. It can be a new video you make just for the thread or an old video that you just love so much you want it to be included in the 250 thread. You have until the 248th thread to get all music videos into me (Gracie)

Wet Trory Challenge
Okay so I just came up with this after a very awesome dream I had. So the premise is Tristan Wet, Rory Wet, do what you want. You can make a fan art, manip, write a fic or make a video, but that's your prompt. If you're doing a video, you only need to do one scene with them wet, be it from rain, sprinkles, whatever you want. This is basically a do what you want with the prompt, anything basically goes. Everything for this challenge must be in to me (Gracie) by the 248th thread. PM me the things you did for this challenge with the subject Wet Trory Challenge. You are more than welcome to make more than one thing, like if you wanted to do a fan art and a video or a fanfic and a fan art. I don't mind.

Tristan Returns Promo
For all you vidders out there, your challenge is simple, create a promo in which Tristan returns. Key promo, anything under 2 minues is good, I'll even accept 3 minutes, but that's it. It's just a promo for Tristan returning to Gilmore Girls, what do you see happening with his return, how would Rory react, whatever you want. All promo videos must be in to me (Gracie) by the 248th thread. PM me your promos with the subject Tristan Returns Promo.

Gilmore Girls Ending Challenge
So based on the fact that Gilmore Girls is now over and done with. This is your chance to make a video, do an art or write a fan fiction based on how you would have liked GG to end with Trory, what would happen, etc.. Everything for this challenge must be in to me (Gracie) by the 248th thread. PM me the things you did for this challenge with the subject GG Ending Challenge. You can do one or more things for this challenge. I don't mind, if you get inspired, go ahead.

More information will be posted by me (Gracie) later on.

Please pm me (Gracie) your song choices for the Rory/Tristan Soundtrack and your top ten Rory/Tristan Fan Fiction as soon as you can, I need these by the 238th thread so I can get voting up, if I don't get enough songs from everyone then I'll chose songs, there will still be voting for the soundtrack though, I'll do 5 different polls, but please participate, it will make the 250th thread that much more interesting.
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:14 PM
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new thread! and i didnt mess it up!
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:18 PM
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10,000 posts me and where else would it be but in here.

Go Leah for not messing up the thread

RT Mafia

Tristan: I want you to join the RT Mafia.

Motto: "In our family we protect RT and our own with our lives, if one of us hurts, we all hurt, because we may not all be blood related, but we are a family and families stick together and we never hurt innocents."

Now taking applications for positions. Requirements: Must love RT and Tristan and defend them at all costs.

Gracie and Cami- Head Leaders and Bosses (GodMothers)- Gracie (Becky/Sin City), Cami (Nancy/Sin City)
Leah- Assistant Leader (Underboss) and Hit Woman (Soldier)- Miho (Sin City)
Kara- Body Guard- Wendy (Sin City)
Mickey- Soldier- undecided
Meg- Caporegime (Capo/Captain)- Gail (Sin City)

Positions Available
Consigliere- Advisor to the family. They are used as a mediator of disputes. They often keep the Family looking as legitimate as possible. They wield great power in the Family. They are also often the liaison between the Boss and important 'bought' figures, such as politicians or Judges.

Soldier- Soldiers are members of the family, they listen to the Capo and they are hit people, also known as "the crew".

Associate- An Associate is not a member of the mob/mafia, and an Associate's role is more similar to that of an errand boy/girl. They are usually a go-between or sometimes deal in drugs to keep the heat off the actual members.

Family Messenger- Carries messages within the "family"

As for characters, we are using them, our theme is characters from Sin City so please try to chose someone from that movie to represent you.
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
Avi by: Unknown

Last edited by Gracie; 07-19-2007 at 09:09 AM
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:33 PM
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ohh...congratz on 10 thousand posts, gracie!
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:50 PM
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thanks darling

hmm maybe our title will bring in more RTers, Tristan clones and an RT mafia what the heck did we misss

And now going to bed, be back tomorrow.
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
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Old 07-14-2007, 11:55 PM
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gnitez gracie!
"I felt like the Chanel Superwoman." -Keira Knightley
icon by visionsbeyond.
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Old 07-15-2007, 12:52 AM
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Love the title. I lurked in the thread yesterday to fully get the picture.

I'm back (in case that wasn't already obvious ) for a while. I'll leave again on Saturday when my mom comes home to pick my sister and me up.
I think I'll call you Alec, as in Smart Alec.
I can live with that.

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Old 07-15-2007, 08:52 AM
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Cami's back we missed you.

Well you had to lurk to get the full picture on the RT mafia and Tristan clones.
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
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Old 07-15-2007, 10:51 AM
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I think I missed the one about the clones. Explain
I think I'll call you Alec, as in Smart Alec.
I can live with that.

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Old 07-15-2007, 11:38 AM
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Oh clones. it started in the W/E thread about how we were cloning Orli and then I said in the RT thread that we cloned Tristan. That lead to an interesting conversation between Leah and I, trust me it was interesting it started on page 5 of the past thread, and ended on page 7, that lead to RT mafia.

I forgot, you can have Tristan with or without clothes, he comes in a box with a bow.
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
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Old 07-15-2007, 01:00 PM
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hey guys...

congrats Gracie on 10,000 posts...i still have a ways to go before i reach that...geez...

ok...i've becided, i'll be Wendy...
-Kara- RT Mafia: Bodyguard
avi: Eliz
I'll light a path far from here
I'll make your fear melt away
And the world we know disappear.
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Old 07-15-2007, 01:22 PM
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Added Kara, Wendy's a good choice.

Awww you're almost there, I didn't think I would ever reach 10,000 posts either, but I finally did it.
R.I.P. Matthew Perry (1969-2023)
“We were more than just cast mates. We are a family.”
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