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madness 06-01-2021 02:50 PM

Heist Time | [The Crows] #1: “No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for 'good luck.”


The Dregs are a gang of thieves that operate in Ketterdam. It was run by Per Haskell
until Kaz Brekker, one of his lieutenants, staged a coup. Members bear the gang's crow-and-cup
tattoo on their forearm. Inej is the only known exception due to never wanting to be marked again.


My Kind of Crazy
fire for a heart


“Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to
teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell
out of your ghost.” Brekker’s lips quirked. “I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost
to kick your ghost’s ass.” “My ghost won’t associate with your ghost,”
Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.

- Six of Crows

“A gambler, a convict, a wayward son, a lost Grisha, a Suli girl who had
become a killer, a boy from the Barrel who had become something worse.”

- Six of Crows

“Until this moment, Wylan hadn't quite understood how much they meant
to him. His father would have sneered at these thugs and thieves, a
disgraced soldier, a gambler who couldn't keep out of the red. But they
were his first friends, his only friends, and Wylan knew that even if he'd
had his pick of a thousand companions, these would have been the people he chose.”

- Crooked Kingdom

“He'd known even then, though: He'd start as a grunt,
but the Dregs would become his army.”

- Six of Crows

My Kind Of Crazy 06-01-2021 07:40 PM

fire for a heart 06-01-2021 10:40 PM

so awesome :D

madness 06-01-2021 11:09 PM

That's wonderful, but I kind of wish it was one where they're all physically included? :innocent: So it'll probably have to be a book aesthetic one since we haven't seen Wylan yet.

meraki 06-02-2021 12:25 AM

I saw a set with the actually actors + fan casting of Wylan recently. I will try to find it today. :nod:

madness 06-02-2021 12:39 AM

Thanks! :love:

meraki 06-02-2021 03:57 AM

Still haven't found it. :pout: Will look more when I get home. :nod:

My Kind Of Crazy 06-02-2021 08:51 AM

I will keep looking too. but I havent seen any with all 6 included though.

madness 06-02-2021 09:42 AM

There used to be tons but now with all the S&B gifsets it's tough to find. :lol:

pink velvet 06-02-2021 10:21 AM

They are my favorite part of the show :love: I don't know them through the books...yet ;)

madness 06-02-2021 10:25 AM

I have a feeling you're going to love them. :innocent: The banter alone...

Have a quote without context:


“Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?"
"Knife to the throat?" asked Inej.
"Gun to the back?" said Jesper.
"Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina.
"You're all horrible," said Matthias.”

My Kind Of Crazy 06-02-2021 10:27 AM

thats great

meraki 06-02-2021 10:40 AM

That scene. :lol:

I haven't found the set, but I found this one:

pink velvet 06-02-2021 11:01 AM

That looks great :love:


Originally Posted by polaris (Post 104109077)
I have a feeling you're going to love them. :innocent: The banter alone...

Incredible :lol: :love:

My Kind Of Crazy 06-02-2021 11:20 AM

love that

meraki 06-02-2021 12:20 PM

It is a great edit. :nod: :sigh:

I really want to know who they will cast as Wylan asap! :lol: :blush:

madness 06-02-2021 12:51 PM

I've made a semi-OP :look:

I need Wylan asap!

meraki 06-02-2021 12:54 PM

The OP is stunning. :sigh: Add me please? :flowers:

madness 06-02-2021 12:54 PM

Of course. :hug:

meraki 06-02-2021 12:56 PM

Thank you. :hug:

My Kind Of Crazy 06-02-2021 01:14 PM

add me too

madness 06-02-2021 01:27 PM

Done! :)

My Kind Of Crazy 06-02-2021 01:42 PM

great job with the OP
thx for adding me

pink velvet 06-02-2021 01:57 PM

Oh wow that op though :love:

Please add me? :flowers:

madness 06-02-2021 02:00 PM

Of course! :group_hug:

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