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Old 02-28-2016, 04:16 AM
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Thanks guys! Glad you liked the vid.

That's so cool, Stephen! I'd love to learn sign language!

I'm having a nice weekend. Don't have anything planned for today except a little studying and cooking. And a nap!
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Old 02-28-2016, 06:21 AM
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It is difficult on a presentation level. For example: don't put your hands in front of your face, but don't look down at your hands. Also, if you are left-handed then certain letters/words look different, and you shouldn't switch hands. But once you get past that, the alphabet is really easy to wrap your head around and then the rest starts to follow in a really logical way.
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Old 02-28-2016, 07:24 AM
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wanted to learn sign language for some years now but I havent found a place yet who teaches it
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Old 02-28-2016, 08:05 PM
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There's a post grad course here for sign language, I've thought about taking it, but always change my mind for some reason. Maybe one day
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Old 02-29-2016, 03:39 AM
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I am doing the course on a Saturday morning at the school I work at Monday-Friday. This course is a very basic beginner's course, but I would love to follow it through to each of the higher levels.
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Old 02-29-2016, 09:45 AM
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just wanted to say thank you for the comments in the temp mod thread I had a great time here. if you ever need help again with the count or anything else, let me know
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Old 02-29-2016, 01:58 PM
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Thank you so much Suz! It was so great having you here!
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Old 02-29-2016, 09:46 PM
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Today was going well. The kids weren't well behaved or anything, and it's not like I could get much doing, but I wasn't expecting to, so I was just happy to get through the day without losing my voice. Then there was a useless meeting to introduce the teachers to each other...we've been working together for almost a month, but okay. Then we were SUPPOSED to spend an hour planning lessons, but of course instead of doing that, people kept TALKING endlessly in the teacher's room, the only place I could be because it's the only place there's internet So, after accomplishing literally NOTHING, I went out, expecting to get in the car and run to class (I'm still studying at night), but my father wasn't there because my mom didn't see my text and neither she nor him would pick up my calls, so I had to stand in front of the closed school for half an hour That'd have been okay too, except the street was fool of teens riding their bikes, yelling and just making a mess, and it's a dangerous neighborhood (drugs and all), so my colleague asked if I'd like her to stay with me until my father arrived. I said it wasn't necessary, but she said it wasn't a problem, so I agreed. So, the vice principal was going away, and saw us and decided to stay and wait with us, too. I didn't ask her to be there, but okay. And everything was fine, until she decided she HAD to open her stupid mouth. I was impatient that my father was taking so long to get there - not because I was mad at him, but because my group and I are working on a project at school and I had to be there to help. So she started saying how I should get an electrical bike, because then I didn't even need a license. I'm so stupid, because I could've just said "ohhhh really?? That's an awesome idea", but instead I insisted on saying the truth, which is I DO have a license, just don't drive because I don't have a car, it's my father's car and he uses it, and because he's...well, kind of an annoying person (like, if I drove the car and did ANYTHING wrong, he'd still be whining about it in 2035). And when I said he was like that, she looked at me with a mocking look at her face and said "Jussara. How old are you?" and I, again stupid, replied, and she laughed with that stupid "a 30 year old living with your parents and depending on your father to drive you around, lol, grow up" look on her face, and I said, yeah yeah, I know you're judging me because you think at this age I should have my own car and not depend on him and she was like oh, no, I'm not judging, lol, I said yeah, you are and I get it, I just really can't afford a car (WTH, I don't have to justify myself to this *******, why did I do that!), so, and she kept looking around laughing like I was ridiculous, and saying to the other teacher "we have to be careful with what we say" and I just said "Yes. We do." and unfriendly as I could sound, and then she went on saying "I just mean, you're 30, you have autonomy each their own" and I again, as unfriendly as possible said "Yeah, each person should know about their OWN problems, exactly.". Then my father arrived and she was like oh that's him? go you're gonna miss your ride

I arrived at school crying. I know it's stupid, but guys, I have a serious issue with driving ever since I lived in the ****ing US where I spent a year being belittled, treated as a freak or a problem, or both, fired, called names, ALL because I couldn't drive well, and no matter what I did, how well done it was, how qualified I was, it was always overshadowed by the fact that I couldn't drive. I literally HATE the mere idea of driving because of that. Because, after I came back to Brazil, I realized that drivers here aren't that much different. They also think they're gods because they can move a vehicle and that anyone who can't is simply stupid and a burden to whoever ever "HAS" to drive them somewhere. Driving just makes everyone think they're better. And nobody can understand, accept, or least of all RESPECT the fact that a person, like myself, doesn't want to drive, doesn't desperately needs to have a car, LIKES to walk, never had to have a car (I live downtown), and just HAS A ****ING DIFFERENT LIFESTYLE.

And most of all, they can't be ****ing sensitive enough to think before they speak and touch a topic that is painful for someone. I'm traumatized by driving. I can't get that ****ing crazy American woman out of my head YELLING and CURSING at me like I was the stupidest most useless person in the world just because I didn't fully stop at a stop sign. I can't get the night I had to sleep at a complete stranger's house because another crazy woman fired me and left me in the street. I can't get over how badly treated I was for the whole year, by like 99% of the people I met. Unfortunately, I'm not a very confident person, so a year of being belittled really took its toll on me and I STILL haven't been able to shake that off when it comes to driving. I'll tell myself it's alright, but it's not alright, the truth is every time someone even starts talking about cars I quickly get away if I can, and if I can't I either stay quiet praying the whole time that nobody asks me anything about this, or I quickly change the subject.

I hate feeling so awful because of so many *******s that don't even remember my existence, and I hate that a person I barely even know was able to bring this all back to my head now. I hate being so ****ing weak.
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Old 03-01-2016, 04:26 AM
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Ju, I never knew any of that. You know, I just got off the phone with a family member who had almost the exact same experience with a co-worker and was left feeling quite similarly. While the situation was different, in both cases I marvel at how people can display such insensitivity and just the wrong attitude. Plus, as a vice principal, it was completely inappropriate of her to talk to her staff in that manner.
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Old 03-01-2016, 11:32 AM
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Oh, Ju I am so sorry you went throught that

You know, I have the licence and don´t drive. In fact, I am afraid of driving because when I was taking driving practices we were hit by another car. My neck is still suffering time to time and it was 6 years ago. I was driving and was not my fault but I didn´t feel secure. I took the licence and drove my father car 2 times.

I don´t get why people judge a person for not driving. When I told to someone that I still not driving because I got a little traumatized and I don´t feel secure, they understand. They always tell me that I should start again (because it gives you freedom to go wherever you want and you need it to work), to go to a place where there are not cars and start driving a little and taking confince. I am still thinking about it and I don´t know when I will do it. Gladly I can move to many places in public transport.

About your coworkers...... I would have not say a thing. When somebody say something that it is not their business, the best way is to ignore it. They change the topic or shut up.
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Last edited by hathaross; 03-01-2016 at 12:36 PM
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Old 03-01-2016, 12:32 PM
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That suck so much, Ju! I'm so sorry you had to go through that and all those things in the U.S. People can be such ****ing idiots!! Those two were totally out of line!

I have a licence too and I don't drive in Helsinki, mostly because I can't afford a car and wouldn't need it, since the public transport is so good here. But one reason is also that I would be really afraid to drive here. I drove here once when I had just gotten my licence and it was horrible. I went to driving school in Oulu, which is like less than half the size of Helsinki. It was so different driving here and I just totally panicked. I had my sister and my mom and my uncle in the car and I just started crying in the middle of an intersection, because I just didn't know what to do and everyone was shouting directions at the same time. So, it would take a lot for me to have the courage to drive here again!
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Old 03-01-2016, 08:44 PM
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Thanks, guys I never tell people that, because it's too personal and because every time I share that part of my life I feel like I'm reliving it, and I just feel ****ty afterwards, so I got used to saying "I don't drive because I don't have a car" and people USUALLY understand that, like, oh okay, yeah, cars are expensive. Understanding money seems to be easier for most people than understanding other people's feelings

But today was a good day.

Then night came, and everything was great, until my stupid Statistics teacher (who is usually so great) decided to include a sexist joke in his lesson. He was showing a kind of chart, the chart was showing the number of students that achieved certain grades, and there was only one that got an F. All students were represented by stick figures - you couldn't tell gender. Then he said "of course for this F, we'd have to draw (he drew a girl), because men are smarter, obviously" , and then added "that wasn't necessary, was it?" Of course, I approached him at the end of the class, and said I didn't like that, and he was like "but didn't you understand it was a joke? I even said so and erased the picture".

Of course I didn't understand. I'm a woman, how could I

Obviously, he apologized and said he wouldn't do that again, he didn't mean it, etc.

Seriously, though, WHY do people, specially TEACHERS, choose to be such *******s???
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Old 03-02-2016, 04:00 AM
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Hey guys, how are you doing?
I have to go to the dentist today. And I hate dentists! And it's snowing and cold. WhatsApp cracked up too...

Okay... Wait a minute. He did what?! It's completely understandable that you're upset, Ju. Such a "joke" has in my eyes nothing to do with humour. It's good that you told him that. Later in my job I have to teach too and I think such a "joke" is something you should never do as a teacher. That's not appropriate
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Old 03-02-2016, 05:49 AM
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Ugh, I just hate that, when people do that kind of things and are like "but it was just a joke". : Even if it's meant to be funny, it still offends, SO NO NEED TO MAKE THOSE KIND OF STUPID JOKES! Ugh! It's good that you told him that you didn't appreciate it.

Hi Andi!

Today I had the job interview I told you guys about. It went well, the person who interviewed me was really friendly and nice and I didn't feel nervous at all during the interview (although beforehand I was a wreck ). She said that I have a good chance of getting the internship. But of course it's not sure yet. They only take one intern and I don't know how many they've interviewed. But I'm going to find out if I got it tomorrow or Friday. Fingers crossed!
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Old 03-02-2016, 03:39 PM
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Fingers crossed for you, Mirjami

Hey, Andy

I have a new cousin !!! She almost born on 29th But no, 1st of March better to celebrate it
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