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Old 02-14-2010, 09:57 AM
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18 Movie Nights (D/Jo) - 10 years later she's still his biggest fan!

18 Movie Nights for Dawson & Joey

by JenMixelle

This is the story of two soulmates, two best friends from childhood that had to strugle very hard to find their way in each other's lifes once romance entered their world. Ill crossed fate lovers, their destiny didn't seem to be the one they expected to. But there is always hope...

.: best scenes :.

Here is the first time we ever layed eyes on Dawson and Joey:

*Dawson's room at night. Joey and Dawson lay face down on his bed watching ET.*
Joey: *imitating E.T.* I'll be right here. I love this movie. This won the Oscar didn't it?
*Dawson turns off the movie and switches it to the local news, which his mom co-anchors for.*
Dawson: Ghandi. Spielberg was robbed. This was before he outgrew his Peter Pan syndrome.
Joey: But Ghandi? I mean why give an Oscar to a movie you can't even sit through?
Dawson: Thank you.
*Joey watches the TV as she gets up to put on her shoes.*
Joey: New do?
Dawson: Yeah. She likes big hair.
Joey: Must weigh a lot. How does she walk upright?
*Dawson laughs then notices Joey putting on her shoes.*
Dawson: Where are you going?
Joey: Home.
Dawson: Spend the night.
Joey: I can't.
Dawson: Come on you always spend the night.
Joey: Not tonight.
Dawson: Why not?
Joey: I just don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep over anymore, you know?
*Dawson sits up and puts the remote control on his desk.*
Dawson: No, I don't know. C'mon, You've been sleeping over since you were seven. It's Saturday night.
Joey: Things change Dawson. Evolve.
Dawson: What are you talking about?
Joey: Sleeping in the same bed was fine when we were kids, but we're fifteen now.
Dawson: Yeah.
Joey: We start high school Monday?
Dawson: Yeah.
Joey: And I have breasts!
Dawson: What?!
Joey: And you have genitalia!
Dawson: I've always had genitalia.
Joey: But there's more of it.
*Dawson is embarrassed.*
Dawson: How do you know?
Joey: Long fingers. I gotta go.
Dawson: Whoa Jo, don't hit and run. C'mon, explain yourself.
Joey: I just think our emerging hormones are destined to alter our relationship and I'm trying to limit the fallout.
*Dawson gets up off the bed with his arms crossed, smiling.*Dawson: Your emerging hormones aren't developing a thang for me, are they?
Joey: A thang? No, I'm not getting a thang for you Dawson. I've known you too long. I've seen you burp, barf, pick your nose, scratch your butt. I don't think I'm getting a thang for you.
Dawson: So what's the problem?
Joey: We're changing and we have to adjust or else the male/female thing will get in the way.
*Dawson sits back down on the bed.*
Dawson: What's with this When Harry met 80's crap. It doesn't apply to us, we transcend it.
Joey: And how do we do that?
Dawson: By going to sleep. I'm tired.
Joey: That's avoidance.
Dawson: No, it's proof. Proof that we can still remain friends, despite any mounting sexual theoretics.
Joey: I don't think it works that way Dawson.
Dawson: Come on, don't get female on me Joey. I don't want to have to start calling you Josephine.
Joey: Josephine this!
*She leaps onto the bed and attacks him with punches. They tickle and punch each other until Dawson has the upper hand.*
Joey: Okay, I give. I give.
Dawson: We're friends okay? No matter how much body hair we acquire? Deal?
Joey: Deal.
Dawson: All right. And we don't ever talk about this again, deal?
Joey: You got it.
Dawson: Okay, cool.
Joey: Cool.
*Dawson and Joey each climb under the covers.*
Dawson: Goodnight Joey.
Joey: Goodnight Dawson.
*Dawson stares up at the ceiling*
Dawson: Why'd you have to bring this up anyway?

.: icons of the moment :.

Brighter Than Sunshine

.: fanart of the moment :.

by *Nora*

by Cris

by Pure.Magic

Last edited by dcluv; 02-24-2010 at 03:18 PM
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:01 AM
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so many of our graphics in the OP aren't working anymore! We REALLY need a title graphic!!! Anyone have anything or want to make anything? It has to say "Dawson and Joey" on it.

Creating a new thread for Dawson and Joey on Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day 2010...what do you think Dawson has planned for this year?

Previous posts:

Originally Posted by Edoardo (View Post)

I'm reading this:
TELESTAR: Did Joey, your character, finally choose between Dawson and Pacey ?

Katie: I would have loved finishing with Pacey, Joey and him grew up together. I would have liked to finish it with Dawson too, even if both characters grew up apart in the last few years. See, it’s your turn to guess if I ended up with Dawson or Pacey. But I will say that when the series is over, Joey is very happy.

That is another good reason because I don't love Katie Holmes. If we exclude the season 3, I don't remember that P&J grew up together in the remaining seasons. I can't believe they grew up together in the season 1 or in the second or in the season 5 and, actually, not even in the seasons 4 and 6. In the fourth she slept with Pacey, sure, but she lay about that. So, if she really had with Pacey, at that time, an adult relationship: why to lie? In the season 6, instead, Joey said: "even when everything is perfect, being with you doesn't feel right, and I'm sorry. Look, everything tonight-- I mean, tonight was lovely and fun and... you've become this... I mean, this amazing man, but it doesn’t... I'm sorry. I don’t... I don't feel it. And I can't do this with you.

Oh yes, Katie was right.. they grew up together

Things like that makes me angry because, in that way, she rewrote history

Originally Posted by dcluv (View Post)
Katie was just as messed up as the writers! P/J did NOT grow up together. They didn't. Ok, they were together during junior/senior year of high school and people do change a bit then but as far as growing up, she grew up with Dawson. She matured when she was with Dawson. I feel like Pacey digressed in season 4. He didn't grow up. And then it was like they never dated from Coda to mid season 6. Neither of them were pining over eachother. They showed no romantic interest in one another whatsoever. Joey and Dawson were friends since they were little (i forget the exact age) and they were friends through their college years....that's growing up together.

Thanks for posting that full line from Love Bites I usually only remember the "being with you just doesn't feel right" part.....the rest of it makes it even better!! "I don't feel it". Well, duh. He's not your soulmate! Can you say REBOUND??! Eddie left, Joey only had Pacey. Eddie came back, Joey dumps Pacey. And of course S3....she was devistated when Dawson wouldn't take her back.
Originally Posted by Lucas William (View Post)
Edoardo: Man your like a encyclopedia of DC quotes lol ^^ I’m not sure where that came from someone said it was a special feature. I don’t Know but it’s on you tube you will have to watch but Katie says it in the video. YouTube - Dawson's Creek - Season One Time Capsule

All the quotes from Katie just sound like typical PJ fan talking points to sell them as the better couple.

^^ could not agree more PJ was plain and simply completely over by the time the final was on. Them ending together is just ridiculous.

Here’s pictures of one of my all time favorite moments: - Photo Gallery - 2.02 - "Crossroads"/dc202 433 - Photo Gallery - 2.02 - "Crossroads"/dc202 457 - Photo Gallery - 2.02 - "Crossroads"/dc202 462 - Photo Gallery - 2.02 - "Crossroads"/dc202 464 - Photo Gallery - 2.02 - "Crossroads"/dc202 471
The whole scene is awesome I loved the part where Joey says I’m your biggest fan to Dawson.

A line the writers kept consistent with 6 seasons later. Joey watched Dawsons show every week so she still was his biggest fan in the end too.

So I was thinking sense they were 15 then and 25 in the final the title could be this unless it’s been done before. [/B]

Last edited by dcluv; 02-14-2010 at 10:06 AM
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:55 PM
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Holy crap you used my idea for a title. I thought for sure that was way to easy to think of and had been already used before.

That's a really nice Valentine's Day banner Kimberly I like it and such a great D/Jo moment.

Valentine's Day 2010...what do you think Dawson has planned for this year?
It would most likely be something cheesy and Joey would call him out on it.

like maybe he would take Joey to Paris and have reservations at a fancy restaurant. And then he would say something like his line form "Reunited" when he was trying to say something like I wanted to take you to an establishment worthy of your beauty and she would remember and they would both laugh.

That's one of the things I liked a lot about Dawson and Joey what they had felt so real because of stuff like that.

Not to get of topic but like with PJ he would say some over the top cheese ball line that just felt so fake like it was all an act and Joey wouldn't say a thing and that was not who Joey was at all. Even in real life a girl would be like wow that was really lame.

Dawson and Joey always knew when the other was being fake and that's the way a close partnership should be.
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Old 02-14-2010, 07:53 PM
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Holy crap you used my idea for a title. I thought for sure that was way to easy to think of and had been already used before.
I was desperate and I liked it

Awwww.....a trip to Paris for Valentine's Day! Perfect!

Dawson and Joey always knew when the other was being fake and that's the way a close partnership should be.
I like how they were honest and called each other out on things. That totally made them more relatable and real
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:11 PM
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Kimberly that art is so pretty. Here's a copy of the art that isnt hotlinking above Cris' name.

"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:13 PM
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Thanks, Karen!!! *goes to edit it in*


god, that OP is so hard to decipher!
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Old 02-19-2010, 04:34 AM
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i love that art..i'm using it on my site
Cause James calls her "Kate"
Our J/K & D/J Forever Always their chemistry lives on.
Shipper of David & Jen | James & Katie | Finn & Millie
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Old 02-20-2010, 08:15 AM
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it's a really nice one
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Old 02-21-2010, 04:53 AM
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I asked for a custom made avi as soon as I saw it
"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:37 AM
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and did you get it? *can't remember*
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Old 02-21-2010, 09:57 AM
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I did. I wore it for a while.
"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".
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Old 02-23-2010, 03:49 AM
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This was Posted by Jerry D on an old D/Jo thread on the Dawson's Creek board. It's his thoughts and feelings of Dawson and Joey in season one. It's kinda long so I hight-lighted the parts I liked but the whole thing is good.

I’d like to I attempt to recall the magic of a special friendship that blossomed into romance, as we saw the story of Dawson and Joey unfold in Season One.

Right from the very start of the first episode of Dawson’s Creek, it was very obvious that the childhood friends Dawson Leery and Joey Potter shared a special bond with one another that transcended a normal friendship, and was really something way beyond any friendship depicted on a television show about teenagers. To me, it set the show apart from anything I had ever seen before, and I was immediately enthralled by this wonderful couple. We got to witness how Dawson and his family had become a second family to Joey, who had endured terrible tragedy in her young life, and who had been shunned by virtually everyone in the provincial town of Capeside Massachusetts, except Dawson, with whom she often shared a bed, but more importantly, she shared her life. Dawson had accepted her unconditionally, and together, they lived in a special world, safe in Dawson’s room, as they centered themselves around his passionate interest in film, and they argued in a good natured way about the merits of whatever film they were watching. In that magical season, at the start of every episode, Dawson and Joey shared a “Movie Night” in his room, and in their banter filled discussions in these wonderful opening scenes, Dawson always showed himself to be a dreamy eyed idealist, and Joey always showed herself to be a cynical realist. These differences in their views of life obviously stemmed from the differences in what they had seen in their lives, but even as they argued passionately and vehemently, the affection between them was very obvious, and their discussions were a true delight to watch, and their scenes together simply sparkled with witty and intelligent repartee that showed the special connection that they had. These two characters would analyze and discuss everything under the sun, and each character tempered the extremes of the other character’s point of view in a way that showed the deep attachment that they had to one another. I had never really heard of the term soulmates before watching this show, but if any two characters were soulmates, it was Dawson and Joey. They truly could look into each other’s souls and make sense of everything that was happening to them. I also felt that they balanced each other out in a truly wonderful way, and that they had a spark between them that was sweet, endearing, and simply loaded with magical potential.

As Season One progressed, we got to see that Joey loved her best friend Dawson, and we all witnessed the anguish she felt as, unable to express herself, and afraid of the consequences of her feelings, she was forced to witness Dawson pursue, and, for a brief time, win, the “object of his infatuation,” Jen Lindley, but when the chips were down, and he needed someone to confide in and really talk to, it was always Joey that he went to, like when he found out that his mother was having an affair in “Carnal Knowledge.” We got to see that anguish in the episode known as “The Breakfast Club,” as a tearful Joey couldn’t admit that she loved Dawson, in one of the most poignant scenes that I have ever had the pleasure of watching on a television show. As this wonderful season continued, we also got to see Dawson slowly realize just what he had in Joey, and that he loved her too, and in Pretty Woman, when Dawson focused his camera on the newly transformed Joey, the look on his face conveyed the amazement of a young man seeing his best friend in a whole new light, and it was a moment filled with romance, with wonder, and with magic. We then got to see Dawson tell Joey’s father that Joey was his best friend, but, as it dawned on his face as he spoke the words, he realized that she was more than that to him, she was, as he so eloquently put it, everything to him. And Joey truly was everything to Dawson, and when he finally took action and kissed her in the most wonderful season finale ever, we all cried tears of joy as this couple was finally united. I’ve watched my tape of that moment countless times, as Joey’s initial expression of shock changes to one of sheer joy, and this magical season faded out with their two silhouettes passionately embracing.

There were so many sweet moments between these two characters in that magical season, and so many scenes that made them hold a special place in my heart to this very day. I can recall so many incredibly beautiful Dawson and Joey scenes from Season One, like the scene from “Carnal Knowledge,” when Dawson told Joey that “In some alternate universe, we must have been married, like, 50 years,” and the sweet subtext between them was absolutely breathtaking, as Joey ended their conversation by saying, “No matter how the wedding turned out, I'm pretty sure I had a wonderful time up until the end.” I also recall in “Escape From New York,” Dawson, talking to a sleeping Joey, and tenderly brushing the hair out of her eyes, told her: “This is probably the wrong time to tell you this but umm well, maybe it's the perfect time. I realize how incredibly confusing things are between us. I can't even begin to explain our relationship. You probably can't either. But umm, I just want you to know that umm, if you ever need me, I'll always be here for you. All you ever have to do is ask,” and waking momentarily, Joey kissed Dawson in a tender and beautiful way that touched my heart so much, that I downloaded that scene onto my computer, and I’ve watched it over and over again. I also recalled the first kiss that Dawson and Joey ever shared, the “Truth Or Dare” kiss, in “The Breakfast Club,” and I’ve never seen so much passion expressed in a simple kiss between two friends that were so much more than friends.

To me, the Dawson and Joey of Season One forever captured my heart, and I will always treasure the joy I felt seeing these two wonderful characters light up the screen with their charm and magic. Therefore, no matter what has happened between these two characters, I will always love Dawson and Joey, and I’ll always hope, despite everything that’s happened, and despite how I might feel about Joey at different times, that we’ll once again see that special magic between these two wonderful characters, those two best friends that were so much more than best friends, that touched my heart as no two other television characters ever have.
This is one of the best descriptions of the way season 1 Dawson and Joey looked and felt I agree 100% with the entire post.

This is a D/Jo appreciation thread and I always end up complaining about the way things turned out in the end but it's because I do appreciate Dawson and Joey so much that the ending kinda killed the show for me and when I do think of them I always think of the way it was in season one when they were both like a little team together like as long as they had each other they were happy and didn't need anyone or anything else. But then I also always remember the worst and most hurtful line ever from the series final when Joey said that Dawson is tied to her childhood. I don't know why and I think I mentioned it before one time but that ripped my heart out. It just sounded like he's old baggage or something. People say that's life you don't always get what you want but that's also why it hurts to because I think people like us D/Jo fans like the thought that you could have a vary close friend like Dawson or Joey and one day end up together but if it can't even play out on TV that totally kills the fantasy and completely destroys a vary powerful and realistic show.

Alright I'm done whining for today.

Last edited by Lucas William; 02-23-2010 at 04:14 AM
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:03 PM
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Love that post

I love how all of us D/J fans over analyze just like D/J did

I's hard not to complain sometimes Luke.

And that line about him only be tied to her childhood... Just another reason why the finale doesn't make sense.
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:42 PM
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Ya know, Jen did an amazing DJ scrapbook art for one of the challenges that would look great in the OP.
"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".
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Old 02-23-2010, 02:59 PM
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Do you have it saved?? Jen won't be back until the end of the month Which challenge was it for? Maybe I can dig up the thread.
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