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LG Stargirl 01-04-2015 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by darkxtwisty (Post 79612001)
Michelle, I'm aware that you think Meredith can do no wrong and anyone who insinuates she is flawed is wrong.

I am SO, SO resentful of you saying this Nicole. And I have seen you wrongly and solely blame Meredith for everything this season and even use the word "vicious" to describe her. Too mad to post more at the moment, but you're way out of line.

darkxtwisty 01-04-2015 03:56 PM

I'm just saying you're being narrow minded. Meredith was vicious in that last scene. There's no better word to describe her behavior. Derek also acted like a pig.

I love them, but I accept they're both flawed and don't always behave like perfect people. Heck, it's why I love them. They're fictional characters, not real people, and the writer in me loves flawed characters. I love angst, I love imperfection. These aren't real people, but they represent reality in so many ways, which is why I apprecitate Shonda for writing them like this. She leaves so much open ended though that's left for the viewers to interpret on their own. That's the beauty of being a ingestor of fiction.

I have no shame in calling her vicious.

runawaaay 01-04-2015 05:34 PM

Guys, it's clear that there is a difference of opinions with this. Please keep in mind to agree to disagree. And do not characterize someone for not seeing things your way.

And ps: vicious means something evil for me. And Mer is not evil. She has fault too in this scenario but she is not evil

darkxtwisty 01-04-2015 06:03 PM

I'm not saying Mer is a vicious person. I'm saying she was ACTING vicious. There's a difference. If I were writing the script, I have used that word to describe her demeanor in that scene.

Random: You should all watch this, it's about how different situations mean different things to different people.

runawaaay 01-04-2015 08:01 PM

She was harsher than usual but i still wouldnt say she did something vicious

LG Stargirl 01-04-2015 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by darkxtwisty (Post 79612264)
I'm just saying you're being narrow minded.

Nicole, I am going to make something clear - it is completely unacceptable for you to call me "narrow-minded". You have absolutely no place to judge my mind or call my views "narrow" because you disagree with me. I come to this board because I have been a fan of Greys and the character of Meredith and Ellen for a really long time, and I certainly do not deserve for you to generalize my views - I will not put up with it. As a member of this website's communciations team, it is important that you respect people who come here and, yes, become passionate over these fictional characters that we have come to love.

For the record, I have an extremely broad view of Meredith Grey's character traits and am well aware of her flaws. I could describe them in a very detailed and clinical way that would probably somewhat mirror Dr. Wyatt's notes since educational psychiatry was my minor in college. Since I've watched the series from the start, I have a very long history with this character (almost a decade now) and I have had my ups and downs with her decisions and choices throughout the years. I love her with all her perfect imperfections. Now, I happen to really connect with what she has been going through these past two seasons (for various personal experiences I've had that make me relate to her) and I certainly have been on her side recently and have no problem defending her. This does not make my views simplistic and it doesn't mean I think she's perfect. I'm really rooting for her and completely understand what headspace Shonda is trying to create for her to be in - it's one I've been in myself. As far as the last M/D scene before the hiatus, there are an entire bevy of emotions both Meredith & Derek are experiencing and I could certainly provide about 50 adjectives I personally would choose as direction for Mer before "vicious" ... certainly the montage showed it was an extremely complex series of events in both Meredith's and Derek's history leading up to that point.

Anyhow, the bottom line is, I have a very full life with loving family & friends and a successful profession ... I don't deserve to come here for fun and be judged as "narrow-minded" by you.

darkxtwisty 01-04-2015 09:23 PM

What I don't understand is why someone with a "full life" as they claim gets so defensive every time someone points out Meredith Grey's flaws. It's not just you, though. There are a number of Twitter people who do the same -- many of whom I've blocked for their absurd comments. I get that the fandom is predominately female and therefore feels the urge to 'protect' Meredith. It's easier to see Meredith's POV, because we're all females. I saw it first during my first watch of the series, and I saw it long before I saw Derek's with their conflict last season. It wasn't until summer that I started seeing Derek's point of view, and when I saw it I saw it loud and clear.

I've actually resigned from the Communications Team recently, for personal reasons, but I don't need a 'lecture' on how I should and should not act online. I'm an adult, and I'm entitled to state my view.

No, I shouldn't have called you out like that, that was out of line. However, I've read your comments about your view on Meredith for a while now, and while I've agreed with you on some, others are outlandish in my mind and I struggle to understand how anyone could think that Meredith is the victim that you portray her as in your arguments. Sure, awful things have happened to her. Poor, poor Meredith. Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with her too because I've been through many of the same things she has. It's one of the things that draws me to her as a character. I'm always drawn to characters who grew up without fathers, for the obvious reasons.

I get that we all see the world with different eyes, and technically no one is wrong, even if I perceive an argument as outlandish or absurd. The Grey's fandom is a passionate fandom, though.

I try to keep an open mind and see all sides of the story, though since I started coming here, I've become more narrow minded, and that disheartens me. I used to be a very open minded person, and that person still exists inside me. When I first came here, I was open to everything. I even respected other ships. Coming here has turned me into the bitter person I was in high school. It's funny that I spent a lot of time on forums then, too...

It was my New Years resolution to spend less time in the fandom, and I was doing pretty good until last night and today...this is just a reminder of why I need to stick to my resolution.


LG Stargirl 01-04-2015 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by darkxtwisty (Post 79616437)
What I don't understand is why someone with a "full life" as they claim gets so defensive every time someone points out Meredith Grey's flaws.

I hope you read this one day soon and understand how disrespectful it is. People are allowed to have different views than you, and yours are not more valid simply because they're yours. Not to mention, using full life in quotes as if you doubt my honesty about that is simply unkind.

To call my opinions "outlandish" and "absurd" is, once again, crossing a line of decency that I will not accept. Quite frankly, I'm honestly embarrassed for you at this point. Attacking someone personally because you can't understand why they think the way they do about a fictional character is not worth it. You're compromising how you treat actual human beings.

QueenMeredith 01-05-2015 08:56 AM

It's a board, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and have their own POVs of the situation, we can't agree on everything, but we need to respect each other's opinions. Calling each other names is out of line.

Both Meredith and Derek acted not perfectly in my opinion, they have mixed feelings, resentment, anger, and not understanding each other, and there would be NO storyline if they acted perfect, and found a solution so easily... they've been build up since last season and they have an angsty storyline and the writers wanted to shake them up, which I love, their storyline is one of my favourite ever! It's giving them meaty material and back in the media again. I just hope they continue to give it the focus, and the quality it deserves.

Bec =) 01-05-2015 03:06 PM

So, a change of subject is in order. I mean, I could post this in the Info Board, but I thought I'd shift the focus somewhere else in this thread. :)

My parents came over to take down the Christmas stuff and brought up the cable issue once again, first time in two months. Two months! That's nearly the whole half-season of Grey's. :look: Turns out it works, but now I am so far behind on Grey's. :cry:

From what I've been reading, something big happened between Meredith and Derek in the half-season finale. I would like it if someone could summarize or send clips of the first half of the season related to MerDer? :)

runawaaay 01-05-2015 07:38 PM

QueenMeredith 01-06-2015 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bec =) (Post 79624960)

From what I've been reading, something big happened between Meredith and Derek in the half-season finale. I would like it if someone could summarize or send clips of the first half of the season related to MerDer? :)

Do you really want to be spoiled? :P You should watch the episodes online or search season 11 scenes MerDer on You tube. Episode 4/6/8 are too good for MD even if angsty as well.

Let's talk about that in the spoiler thread J. ;)

runawaaay 01-08-2015 07:39 PM

Episode 6 is not so angsty for them

QueenMeredith 01-10-2015 12:04 PM

It wasnt and we needed that episode!

runawaaay 01-10-2015 12:09 PM

I miss them sharing their day to each other. Most of all

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