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Dolphini 02-23-2015 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80324118)
It's not adultery if the kennash marriage is annulled, if she marries Antoine and becomes his wife. It's actually another marriage so it's not adultery. I would actually love to see her succeed in marrying Antoine, and if she becomes his wife and ends up cheating on Antoine with Bash, I would love to hear your thoughts about her adultery at that moment since clearly she will be cheating on a narcisstic dangerous man and not on a loyal humble man so perhaps it makes it more okay for you if she cheats on Antoine and not on Bash.

I like Bash from S1, but I like Kenna too, and she's not her true self with him. At least not now. And to be frank Bash's loyalty is a bore and it makes him lack personality. Antoine is far more exciting, but that's just my opinion, please accept that. I understand that you ship Kennash, and that you want Bash to be happy *at the expense of Kenna* but I do not care for his happiness if it undermines the happiness of someone else.
Also, Bash's morals ? Ok, so killing people because they saw too much or heard too much is moral ? Lying to your wife without showing any remorse is moral ? framing people is moral ?

Antoine is not narcissistic. I don't know if you actually paid some attention to the show, but the Valois family killed his brother, and they got away with it, it is only logical to seek some kind of revenge. Yes he likes to throw parties and enjoy himself, but should everyone on the show be pining in misery ? Kenna likes parties as well, she wants a good life, she wants love and jewels and riches and power, why do you judge her for that ?
Also, I do not even understand why you call him a narcissistic person, give me arguments, please by all means perhaps you will change my thoughts on the subject.

Bash isn't doing his job for both him and Kenna. He's doing his job for him and for his brother, because those two matter more to him than his wife's happiness. Have you not realise that she's unhappy ? Do you want Kenna to be miserable just because you want her to be something that brings joy to one of the leads/fan favorites ? Because to be honest that's the only explanation. Kenna didn't just move on the moment they started having issues in their marriage. She tried, she's been here for him, many times, she has supported him and been a loyal wife, waited for him, took care of him when he came to her wounded. All he did was leave her alone even more, lie to her about his sister and he actually let her believe that it was because she was the king's cast of mistress that Claude didn't want to talk to her, do you just realise how insecure she must have felt ? She gets to be called the king's whore everyday because her husband lacks in station and when he finally had the chance to make people respect her, he chose to refuse the Duchy without even consulting her because apparently his loyalty to his brother matters a lot more.

Also, I'm not expecting them to play house together, this is a drama show :) I want drama. I expect some build up of the relationship, maybe some scheming, awkward moments with Bash, problems with the rule, the fact that he wants revenge against the Valois and Kenna's ties to that family, it's actually more interesting of an sl than having Kenna waiting for loyal Bash to come home and stop judging her for who she is. It's a more interesting sl than having Kenna live happily ever after with Bash. Antoine and Kenna can be the next Anne Boleyn and Henri Tudor, and though it was a tragic story it was a beautiful one.

to even compare Kenna /Antoine to Anne Bolyn and Tudor is so way off.
And you find Bash boring , others dont. I found their story one of the best in Reign.
Everyone has a right to their opinions and my opinion of Antoine is very very low. Bash did things on orders , his brothers or fathers. Does that make him a bad person ? I dont think so. Especially in a time of war. Yes he kept things from Kenna but so did she and basically everyone on Reign does the same.
I just hate the notion that instead of solvong problems in a marriage you just give up and run away from the problems. Thats a cowards way out.
We all saw the progress Kenna made after being si gullible to be used by the mad king. She became strong and loyal. Now she just falls into her old patterns of striving for relevance and power which i just find sad. And i dont want Bash to be happy at the expense of Kenna but have them work out their stuff together. Thats not far fetched and could easily be achieved but now Kennas actions might have made that impossible.
As to Antoine he is as self absorbed as it gets. Didnt you catch how he speaks about his sick wife ? No compassion .. nothing. Wanting to break up a marriag for his own "fun" is as low as it gets.

itsmemandy 02-23-2015 10:28 PM

You're entitled to your personal opinion and I respect it as I hope you'll respect mine. I shipped Kennash for a long time but now, I just had enough, and Antoine is much better than Bash in my opinion.
Bash takes his orders from his father and brother, king... That makes him a puppet and that's actually one of the reason I dislike him because he does everything Francis tells him to do, without questionning it, and that just proves how much he lacks of personality, which makes him boring in my opinion. ( Like I said before feel free to disagree)

Also, I asked you earlier: if Kenna ends up marrying Antoine, would you be as upset if she cheats on him with Bash ? Or is it just because you don't want her with Antoine ? And this whole "cheating is bad" is just an excuse to make it bad for her to go for Antoine ?

About Antoine being a narcissistic sociopath :

He seemed sad when he spoke about his wife to Conde, he seemed hurt that she didn't want him by her side in the end. You could clearly see it in his face that he didn't want to talk about it because he was hurt and besides, their marriage is falling apart.
He doesn't want to break up a marriage for his own fun. Bash is the man who killed his brother. If you were in front the murderer of your brother/close one what will you do ? How will you react ? Especially if he got away with it ? Wouldn't you want revenge ? It's a normal thing, it's not being narcissistic.

About Kantoine

I do not pretend to know that these two will be a canon thing, I don't even know if she will consider his offer, but what I do know is that they have potential and I would like for them to be together because they are alike, like it or not.

About Kenna becoming strong and loyal

Kenna is morally grey. She's ambitious, naive, selfcentered, perceptive, loyal, caring, a skilled manipulator, a seductress...
She is so many things. You can't just want her to fit in a box just to serve the purpose of one character. It doesn't make sense. They're not using Kenna at her full advantage, they're only using the good sides, to make us believe that she changed for love to be a better person. But isn't marriage made of compromises ? Why didn't Bash change ?


Thats not far fetched and could easily be achieved but now Kennas actions might have made that impossible.
Kenna's actions ? For now, she has done nothing and nothing has changed. It's been months now that Bash is disappearing, and he didn't change a thing even though he knows she's unhappy, so no it's not Kenna's actions that made it impossible it's Bash's.

I understand your take on marriage, but when you're the only one trying to be in a better place it gets tiring and eventually you just give up, and if you're unhappy with someone, especially when there's no kids yet, my advice is to get a divorce or an annullement, because that's how you'll stay sane, and that's how you can be happy. There's no point in being miserable and wasting your time on someone who doesn't make any effort, and Bash doesn't make any effort.
Also, it's not being a coward to take the way out. It actually takes courage to do so, she admitted to herself, that it's over, Bash and her are just too different, he doesn't make her happy, she wants more, so she's finding a way out. What's the problem with that ?
Besides, I mentionned before that Kenna didn't just bail of him at the first mention of marital discord. She really tried, but like any other person she has her limits.

Dolphini 02-23-2015 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80324575)
You're entitled to your personal opinion and I respect it as I hope you'll respect mine. I shipped Kennash for a long time but now, I just had enough, and Antoine is much better than Bash in my opinion.
Bash takes his orders from his father and brother, king... That makes him a puppet and that's actually one of the reason I dislike him because he does everything Francis tells him to do, without questionning it, and that just proves how much he lacks of personality, which makes him boring in my opinion. ( Like I said before feel free to disagree)

Also, I asked you earlier: if Kenna ends up marrying Antoine, would you be as upset if she cheats on him with Bash ? Or is it just because you don't want her with Antoine ? And this whole "cheating is bad" is just an excuse to make it bad for her to go for Antoine ?

About Antoine being a narcissistic sociopath :

He seemed sad when he spoke about his wife to Conde, he seemed hurt that she didn't want him by her side in the end. You could clearly see it in his face that he didn't want to talk about it because he was hurt and besides, their marriage is falling apart.
He doesn't want to break up a marriage for his own fun. Bash is the man who killed his brother. If you were in front the murderer of your brother/close one what will you do ? How will you react ? Especially if he got away with it ? Wouldn't you want revenge ? It's a normal thing, it's not being narcissistic.

About Kantoine

I do not pretend to know that these two will be a canon thing, I don't even know if she will consider his offer, but what I do know is that they have potential and I would like for them to be together because they are alike, like it or not.

About Kenna becoming strong and loyal

Kenna is morally grey. She's ambitious, naive, selfcentered, perceptive, loyal, caring, a skilled manipulator, a seductress...
She is so many things. You can't just want her to fit in a box just to serve the purpose of one character. It doesn't make sense. They're not using Kenna at her full advantage, they're only using the good sides, to make us believe that she changed for love to be a better person. But isn't marriage made of compromises ? Why didn't Bash change ?

Kenna's actions ? For now, she has done nothing and nothing has changed. It's been months now that Bash is disappearing, and he didn't change a thing even though he knows she's unhappy, so no it's not Kenna's actions that made it impossible it's Bash's.

I understand your take on marriage, but when you're the only one trying to be in a better place it gets tiring and eventually you just give up, and if you're unhappy with someone, especially when there's no kids yet, my advice is to get a divorce or an annullement, because that's how you'll stay sane, and that's how you can be happy. There's no point in being miserable and wasting your time on someone who doesn't make any effort, and Bash doesn't make any effort.
Also, it's not being a coward to take the way out. It actually takes courage to do so, she admitted to herself, that it's over, Bash and her are just too different, he doesn't make her happy, she wants more, so she's finding a way out. What's the problem with that ?
Besides, I mentionned before that Kenna didn't just bail of him at the first mention of marital discord. She really tried, but like any other person she has her limits.

I guess we will just have to agree to disdagree.
This hypothetical about Kenna cheating on Antoine with Bash is so far fetched. No it wouldnt be OK. You dont cheat if you love someone as Kenna claims she does love Bash. As for her not doing anything ? Really ? She knew that her hanging around Antoine was trouble and would hurt Bash yet she chose to do it anyway and throw his party and get dressed up , dance and laugh with the man Bash know wants to hurt him. Of course thats not OK.

I guess our fundamental difference is that you see Bashs behavious towards Kenna way worse than i do. I see problems but nothing that could easily be solved between people that love each other.

As for Bash , he disagrees with Francis MANY times on how about to do things. To paint him as a charaterless puppet is just insulting. I get it that you dont like him but thats just taking it too far.

itsmemandy 02-23-2015 11:04 PM


As for her not doing anything ? Really ? She knew that her hanging around Antoine was trouble and would hurt Bash yet she chose to do it anyway and throw his party and get dressed up , dance and laugh with the man Bash know wants to hurt him. Of course thats not OK.
She planned a party, and had some fun because her husband didn't show up for her again. She didn't know Antoine didn't send the letter, she thought Bash bailed on her like he usually do. And she likes parties and she wants to have fun. Would you rather have her at home waiting for her husband like a miserable housewife ? It's a pretty depressing life no matter how much you love the man. Bash doesn't care about Kenna being upset, or sad or angry. Didn't he hug Claude the other day ? the sister whom he slept with ? the woman who is endlessly pursuing him knowing that it would hurt Kenna if she knew ? Didn't he actually mentionned their past saying "That's why I was drawn to you when we were children." And you're here blaming Kenna for spending time with Antoine ? :confused: Anyway, I disagree with you on that.


I guess our fundamental difference is that you see Bashs behavious towards Kenna way worse than i do. I see problems but nothing that could easily be solved between people that love each other.
Tbh, I'm like so sure if ANY woman here had her husband lie to her repeatedly about his affairs, about a sexual relationship with his younger sister (which would be enough reason to call it a day) + If she was left alone for weeks without even knowing when her husband will return, without a call or anything because he was at work... I'm 100% sure the marriage will end on a divorce. Kenna is actually really patient with Bash, I'm not sure you realise how screwed up this is.


As for Bash , he disagrees with Francis MANY times on how about to do things. To paint him as a charaterless puppet is just insulting. I get it that you dont like him but thats just taking it too far.
Maybe last season, but definitely not this season. He sometimes voice his opinion, but if Francis disagrees, he nods and do the dirty work. So it might be insulting, but it's the truth. He's a robot, a servant meant to do Francis' dirty work. And it's really not taking it too far, because I know even Bash fans noticed it.

itsmemandy 02-27-2015 08:13 AM

Iquitefancyyou 03-01-2015 08:35 PM

Add me please :)

I love them together. I hope Antoine falls for Kenna.

itsmemandy 03-01-2015 08:46 PM

Welcome to the thread :wave: You have been added ! :hug:
I hope he falls for her as well, they would make such an awesome couple, they're so cute together :love:

One Thing Remains 03-01-2015 09:22 PM

Welcome Iquitefancyyou :wave:

So glad that you joined us :hug:

Iquitefancyyou 03-01-2015 09:30 PM

Thanks for the welcome :hug:


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80406813)
I hope he falls for her as well, they would make such an awesome couple, they're so cute together :love:

Ikr?! they are super cute together. This is the first ship with Kenna that I like so far. I know Antoine is not in love with her, but I believe he does feel an attraction to her. I've never liked Kenna/Henry or Kenna/Bash, but the moment I saw Antoine and Kenna together I fell in love with them.

itsmemandy 03-01-2015 09:39 PM

I actually shipped Kenna with everyone, and not too long ago, I shipped her with Bash, but he's been acting weird, and I realised that they're just too different and he just can't make her happy, I doubt he can make anyone happy because he's basically married to his job :rolleyes:, and her relationship with Bash changed her so much into a goody goody character, and I think that's a shame because Kenna is not supposed to be good, she's a layered character, and I just love that Antoine brings that side of her, I know that he's using her, but I have some hope that it will be a lot more meaningful in time. Besides, Antoine and Kenna are so similar in a freaky way, seriously even their smile are the same. I have a feeling the writers did that on purpose, they have so much in common that's why I believe they can develop into something more in time.
There's just something about them :sigh::love:
They're just so cute and the way he looks at her is :thud: I have no words :lol:

Iquitefancyyou 03-01-2015 10:27 PM

I totally agree. I don't ship Kennash and even I don't like the way Bash is treating Kenna this season and he's my favorite character. I also don't like how they changed Kenna's character to make her and Bash's relationship work. They just don't fit imo. Bash seem to be married to his work and Kenna is always home alone. They keep saying they love each other but I don't ever feel it. It's just words, Bash doesn't really show that he's in love with her. Kenna tries to make their marriage work, but Bash always seem to be upset with her and when they do make up they just have sex and never really talk about anything. With Antoine Kenna was her old self again she didn't have to pretend to be someone she's not. She was happy when she was planning that party and she looked lovely in that dress Antoine lend to her. They're super cute! I just love watching their scenes.

Plus, Antoine is hot! They have so much chemistry together. I'll continue to ship them even if Kenna does stay with Bash. I guess the only thing that would make me stop liking them would be if Antoine tried to kill Kenna to get back at Bash, but I don't think he will.

drunkalice 03-01-2015 11:11 PM

I think you all have a point here, and the way Bash acted is what makes our POVs so different. I do believe Kenna and Bash love each other. I have little doubt about that. But I also think they let their sexual chemistry sweep under the carpet all the differences they had. Bash acted like Kenna's hopes for a nice life were some sort of quirks to smile about, Kenna acted like she had to be ashamed of it. Let's not forget her total devotion and admiration for him. She saw him like a saint. She'd wonder around the palace telling how honest he is. She pretty much put him first, and that's where he failed to reciprocate. And that's where they were not equal. Let's imagine for a moment that Bash ended up with Mary: Would he not have consulted her and asked for her approval before he'd hang a tapestry on the wall? Would he not have begged for her permission before he'd take an orphan boy home, would he not have told her all of his secrets and showered her with titles if he had had any way to get them, or if he she had needs them? He certainly would never have left her alone most of the time, omitting to say where he was going and failing to be her plus one anywhere. So here's the thing, Bash has most things wrong with both Mary and Kenna. He was way too devoted to the former and way too little with the latter. I think Kenna must realize that somewhere in her heart. She let pieces of herself go in order to be with Bash. It was all too easy for Antoine to sneak into that marriage because the girl was unsatisfied on many levels.
She didn't cheat on her husband. She never encouraged Antoine. I understand that no renaissance housewife (which Kenna is, for her standards) would have planned a party with another man, but this is Reign and he is a married king, so I think in her head all was fine, and it was. She had no idea he wouldn't have sent Bash that message. She was constantly looking at the door to see him come in, as she had done everytime Antoine had been around so far. Ultimately she forgot about him and had fun. Is it wrong? I think this has more to do with our view on relationships than it does with Kenna or Bash, but we should keep in mind that she never planned to be at that party without her husband.
Kenna might be obsessed with a nice life, but Bash seems to be disturbingly obsessed with NOT having it. He left a duchy to his mother and didn't even think to ask his wife first. What's so dreadful about a duchy for a son and brother of kings? What's so wrong about consulting one's wife? Kenna would ask Bash before she'd buy a lapdog. She would share every detail of her life with Bash. In turn she got secrets, secrets, secrets. Oh, that included an incest.

On a different show, this would all be dealt with after Antoine. Actually, Antoine would make a third party, someone who would stay for multiple Episodes and provide a confrontation between KB. In a typical trope he would also fall for Kenna for real. But this is Reign and he'll probably be gone before doing any good.

Pirouline 03-01-2015 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80407592)
I actually shipped Kenna with everyone, and not too long ago, I shipped her with Bash, but he's been acting weird, and I realised that they're just too different and he just can't make her happy, I doubt he can make anyone happy because he's basically married to his job :rolleyes:, and her relationship with Bash changed her so much into a goody goody character, and I think that's a shame because Kenna is not supposed to be good, she's a layered character, and I just love that Antoine brings that side of her, I know that he's using her, but I have some hope that it will be a lot more meaningful in time. Besides, Antoine and Kenna are so similar in a freaky way, seriously even their smile are the same. I have a feeling the writers did that on purpose, they have so much in common that's why I believe they can develop into something more in time.
There's just something about them :sigh::love:
They're just so cute and the way he looks at her is :thud: I have no words :lol:

I doubt writers have planned up to the smiles!
They can hardly be consistent with so much stuff!
It is certainly just a coincidence!!!!!!

Pirouline 03-01-2015 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by drunkalice (Post 80408555)
I think you all have a point here, and the way Bash acted is what makes our POVs so different. I do believe Kenna and Bash love each other. I have little doubt about that. But I also think they let their sexual chemistry sweep under the carpet all the differences they had. Bash acted like Kenna's hopes for a nice life were some sort of quirks to smile about, Kenna acted like she had to be ashamed of it. Let's not forget her total devotion and admiration for him. She saw him like a saint. She'd wonder around the palace telling how honest he is. She pretty much put him first, and that's where he failed to reciprocate. And that's where they were not equal. Let's imagine for a moment that Bash ended up with Mary: Would he not have consulted her and asked for her approval before he'd hang a tapestry on the wall? Would he not have begged for her permission before he'd take an orphan boy home, would he not have told her all of his secrets and showered her with titles if he had had any way to get them, or if he she had needs them? He certainly would never have left her alone most of the time, omitting to say where he was going and failing to be her plus one anywhere. So here's the thing, Bash has most things wrong with both Mary and Kenna. He was way too devoted to the former and way too little with the latter. I think Kenna must realize that somewhere in her heart. She let pieces of herself go in order to be with Bash. It was all too easy for Antoine to sneak into that marriage because the girl was unsatisfied on many levels.
She didn't cheat on her husband. She never encouraged Antoine. I understand that no renaissance housewife (which Kenna is, for her standards) would have planned a party with another man, but this is Reign and he is a married king, so I think in her head all was fine, and it was. She had no idea he wouldn't have sent Bash that message. She was constantly looking at the door to see him come in, as she had done everytime Antoine had been around so far. Ultimately she forgot about him and had fun. Is it wrong? I think this has more to do with our view on relationships than it does with Kenna or Bash, but we should keep in mind that she never planned to be at that party without her husband.
Kenna might be obsessed with a nice life, but Bash seems to be disturbingly obsessed with NOT having it. He left a duchy to his mother and didn't even think to ask his wife first. What's so dreadful about a duchy for a son and brother of kings? What's so wrong about consulting one's wife? Kenna would ask Bash before she'd buy a lapdog. She would share every detail of her life with Bash. In turn she got secrets, secrets, secrets. Oh, that included an incest.

On a different show, this would all be dealt with after Antoine. Actually, Antoine would make a third party, someone who would stay for multiple Episodes and provide a confrontation between KB. In a typical trope he would also fall for Kenna for real. But this is Reign and he'll probably be gone before doing any good.

I think like you Alice....
I mean... Even Francis told Bash : you could put Mary first ( and he was)...
But poor Kenna, she is never first!
Antoine has an easy task : Kenna is always alone and is bored... Any woman would be flattered to just get a little attention and to feel appreciated...
This does not mean Kenna does not love Bash... This means that Bash has not realized that Kenna cannot be taken as granted and that he has work to do in his marriage too...
Let's hope all that story with Antoine will shake him enough that he will finally see and understand something...

drunkalice 03-02-2015 01:30 AM


This does not mean Kenna does not love Bash... This means that Bash has not realized that Kenna cannot be taken as granted and that he has work to do in his marriage too...
True. And part of why we are intrigued by Kantoine is the fact that Kennash had that kind of potential. We saw too little of the flirty part, and practically no courting. Since we were told that Bash was bad news with women, it was a total waste. And now Antoine is playing the bad news.

That said, I don't think Kantoine go anywhere near Henry/Anne. Which is only good for Kenna, though.

Pirouline 03-02-2015 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by drunkalice (Post 80409503)
True. And part of why we are intrigued by Kantoine is the fact that Kennash had that kind of potential. We saw too little of the flirty part, and practically no courting. Since we were told that Bash was bad news with women, it was a total waste. And now Antoine is playing the bad news.

That said, I don't think Kantoine go anywhere near Henry/Anne. Which is only good for Kenna, though.

What means "to be bad news with women"?
It is an expression?

drunkalice 03-02-2015 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pirouline (Post 80410448)
What means "to be bad news with women"?
It is an expression?

Yes, to be bad news means more or less that one has a bad effect on things or people! They did say that Bash had a womanizing reputation.

itsmemandy 03-02-2015 09:02 AM

Iquitefancyyou Same, I will continue to ship them even if she chooses Bash because they're just :thud: something else omg. They're have so much chemistry and you can clearly see how much he makes her happy, she doesn't have to pretend with him, she can be who she is, and Ben Aldridge is so hot, I kind of prefer him to Torrance :lol:

Pirouline I think they have so much in common not only their smile, and they actually explicitly mentionned it in the show, so I doubt it's a coincidence. Like both of them have a little bit of a reputation. Before getting to know them, people underestimate them, they think they're selfcentered, and reckless spenders when they're not. They both like extravagant things, and they actually like parties and dressing good, and they're ambitious, and also they both have someone in their inner circle who gives them a look whenever they say something stupid, they're both ok to watch people have sex, they're protective of the people they care about but do not particularly care for others...
I can litteraly go on for ages because seriously they're the same person.
Besides, look at this two picture, it's the same freaking smile :

Alice ITA with all that you said, Bash doesn't treat her in a good way, he takes her for granted and doesn't put her first, but the worst thing is that he judges her for being who she truly is, and it came to a point where she felt so ashamed of who she was that she pretended to be someone else, and I feel like it's wrong. I saw potential in Kennash, I loved them so much and I still think Torrance and Caitlin have an amazing chemistry, but that's all it is. Their story isn't what I thought it would be, it was rushed, and now that I think of it with a clear mind, from the moment they started sleeping together, Kenna changed into someone else. I do believe that they still love each other a lot, but sometimes you're just too different, and eventually you grow apart, and no matter how much she tries, Kenna can't be the only one who holds it together.
We didn't see them flirt or anything, and even now, Bash doesn't seem jealous, he seems angry, annoyed, almost abusive, and I hated every part of it. Not to mention the fact that everytime he interrupts Kentoine, Kenna's smile go away.
I mean clearly Antoine knows what makes her happy and is willing to make her happy, Bash thinks that what makes her happy is petty and stupid.
So I guess I want Kentoine to happen, because they have the potential to be a great SL, the actors have a lot of chemistry, and frankly it's the best choice for her, if she ever wants to find happiness.
I doubt KB is going to change, Bash is never going to stop his battles for his brother, he's never going to sit back home and enjoy his day with his wife, like that's not going to happen. I know a show needs drama, but if that's the only drama they can provide for Kennash, I'm not here to watch that. I much prefer a drama show where Kenna is a queen, where she screws up her rule and has to fix everything with Antoine's help or even on her own. I mean seriously anything would be better than Kenna being home alone waiting for a husband who doesn't care.

Pirouline 03-02-2015 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80412744)
Iquitefancyyou Same, I will continue to ship them even if she chooses Bash because they're just :thud: something else omg. They're have so much chemistry and you can clearly see how much he makes her happy, she doesn't have to pretend with him, she can be who she is, and Ben Aldridge is so hot, I kind of prefer him to Torrance :lol:

Pirouline I think they have so much in common not only their smile, and they actually explicitly mentionned it in the show, so I doubt it's a coincidence. Like both of them have a little bit of a reputation. Before getting to know them, people underestimate them, they think they're selfcentered, and reckless spenders when they're not. They both like extravagant things, and they actually like parties and dressing good, and they're ambitious, and also they both have someone in their inner circle who gives them a look whenever they say something stupid, they're both ok to watch people have sex, they're protective of the people they care about but do not particularly care for others...
I can litteraly go on for ages because seriously they're the same person.
Besides, look at this two picture, it's the same freaking smile : ]

Alice ITA with all that you said, Bash doesn't treat her in a good way, he takes her for granted and doesn't put her first, but the worst thing is that he judges her for being who she truly is, and it came to a point where she felt so ashamed of who she was that she pretended to be someone else, and I feel like it's wrong. I saw potential in Kennash, I loved them so much and I still think Torrance and Caitlin have an amazing chemistry, but that's all it is. Their story isn't what I thought it would be, it was rushed, and now that I think of it with a clear mind, from the moment they started sleeping together, Kenna changed into someone else. I do believe that they still love each other a lot, but sometimes you're just too different, and eventually you grow apart, and no matter how much she tries, Kenna can't be the only one who holds it together.
We didn't see them flirt or anything, and even now, Bash doesn't seem jealous, he seems angry, annoyed, almost abusive, and I hated every part of it. Not to mention the fact that everytime he interrupts Kentoine, Kenna's smile go away.
I mean clearly Antoine knows what makes her happy and is willing to make her happy, Bash thinks that what makes her happy is petty and stupid.
So I guess I want Kentoine to happen, because they have the potential to be a great SL, the actors have a lot of chemistry, and frankly it's the best choice for her, if she ever wants to find happiness.
I doubt KB is going to change, Bash is never going to stop his battles for his brother, he's never going to sit back home and enjoy his day with his wife, like that's not going to happen. I know a show needs drama, but if that's the only drama they can provide for Kennash, I'm not here to watch that. I much prefer a drama show where Kenna is a queen, where she screws up her rule and has to fix everything with Antoine's help or even on her own. I mean seriously anything would be better than Kenna being home alone waiting for a husband who doesn't care.

Agree with you : Ben is hothothot!!!!!
Not wanting to disappoint you but I doubt Kenna will end being a queen...
If she ever ends being something different than what she is now, it will be a divorced young woman having not big hopes of finding someone...

itsmemandy 03-02-2015 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pirouline (Post 80414947)
Agree with you : Ben is hothothot!!!!!
Not wanting to disappoint you but I doubt Kenna will end being a queen...
If she ever ends being something different than what she is now, it will be a divorced young woman having not big hopes of finding someone...

Yes but I have hope that she will :lol:
Ben is so hot, seriously I think I have a serious crush :thud: :lol: :sigh: :love:

ScarletCourt 03-03-2015 07:10 PM

Not sure where else to put this.

drunkalice 03-04-2015 05:40 AM

Should be interesting! I doubt he'll be too busy unless the pilot is immediately picked up but I wasn't expecting much Antoine in s3 anyway!

I think with KB it should be a question of balance. Deep down Kenna isn't all about parties, the first thing she wanted after she got married was her knight, a loving husband. And she did have that. So I think the problem now is that Bash became kind of everyone else's knight and forgot to be a husband too, which made the lack of parties and pretties harder to forget. I don't know how long Antoine is staying, but I wish she could have the chance to experiment the dolce vita long enough to realize what and who she really wants. I hope she won't sleep with him though. As idiotic as Bash is being, at least he kept faithful.

itsmemandy 03-04-2015 11:35 AM

Seems awesome, I hope it gets picked up I love Ben :love: :thud:
Either way, I guess everyone here wants Kenna to be happy and have a more important and interesting sl. So who cares who gives that to her ? Whether it's Antoine, Bash or herself. At this point, I'm even ok with her being on her own.

ScarletCourt 03-11-2015 08:03 PM

Kenna and Antoine Scenes:

Dolphini 03-13-2015 12:16 AM

Bash did everything right in this episode. Is he a perfect husband ? No .. even he admitted to that he is away too much but he truly loves Kenna.
But he is one of the few "good" guys. To me he is not boring and why does Kenna need a SL that has to be all drama. Working on a relationship but stickinhg with it is interesting as well. It doesnt always have to be cheating , lies.
Kenna was so easily swayed away from the marriage and thats what has me worried a lot about their future.
People here all want Kenna to be happy. But what about Bash ? If anyone he deserves happiness as well. Someone who loves him for what he is,

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