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drunkalice 02-16-2015 05:40 AM

I think it has to do with the "roles" here, Mary does have a habit of making people fall for her plus she's the main character. Just like Serena.

itsmemandy 02-16-2015 06:05 AM

Serena was the main character ?
I thought it was Chuck and Blair

drunkalice 02-16-2015 06:09 AM

Good answer :lol: Let's say she was in theory

itsmemandy 02-16-2015 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by drunkalice (Post 80215428)
Good answer :lol: Let's say she was in theory

On a more serious note, I don't see the need in putting the Serena/Mary/Elena characters in a pedestal, with every guy loving them and every girl wanting to be them.
It makes no sense to me and it makes me dislike them if that makes any sense, because that's just not real at all. They can't be that loveable, it's impossible to me.

itsmemandy 02-17-2015 07:26 PM

Cuties :love: I loved that setting he did for her it was so cute

One Thing Remains 02-18-2015 01:36 AM

thanks for posting that gif set Mandy :)

At first I thought it was Bash trying to make things up to her but then I realized it was Antoine that sent her the strawberries

itsmemandy 02-18-2015 10:54 AM

Your welcome :hug:
Bash is unfortunately not that considerate of his wife lately so I doubt he will even think of bringing her dinner let alone strawberries and snow

ScarletCourt 02-18-2015 11:06 PM

KA proposal scene for Mandy!

itsmemandy 02-18-2015 11:16 PM

Thank you OMG I love you Scarlet :love: you're so awesome :love:

RedRidingLola 02-19-2015 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by keroppi (Post 80243039)
thanks for posting that gif set Mandy :)

At first I thought it was Bash trying to make things up to her but then I realized it was Antoine that sent her the strawberries

I at first thought it was Bash as well only to find out it was Antoine. I like Antoine and Kenna's scenes though. They have nice chemistry.

itsmemandy 02-19-2015 09:04 PM

Bash doesn't even consider her anymore -.-
Antoine and Kenna have so much chemistry, I want them together so bad, I really hope she will agree to his proposal

He's awesome :

One Thing Remains 02-20-2015 01:41 AM

I am curious to see how far the writers are going to take this storyline.

drunkalice 02-20-2015 01:53 AM

I loved that "please" :lol:
IDK I'd just really dig him falling for her. If he ends up heartbroken too, because she obviously still loves Bash, it'll just prove how useless and damaging a vendetta ultimately is. Even Louis said that, and he's not the smartest guy in the room.

itsmemandy 02-20-2015 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by drunkalice (Post 80269558)
I loved that "please" :lol:
IDK I'd just really dig him falling for her. If he ends up heartbroken too, because she obviously still loves Bash, it'll just prove how useless and damaging a vendetta ultimately is. Even Louis said that, and he's not the smartest guy in the room.

I'd really like for him to fall for her. The only issue in this whole dynamic, is that he was using her, right now, I'm not even sure about anything. I love these kind of character that have like a double personalities, even though it gets confusing sometimes :lol:
Anyway I want him to fall for her so badly

One Thing Remains 02-21-2015 01:17 AM

It's hard for me to root for a couple when I know that Antoine is only pursuing Kenna to get back at Bash for killing his brother.

That's not to say his feelings won't change in the future at some point, but so far they haven't.

itsmemandy 02-21-2015 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by keroppi (Post 80283253)
It's hard for me to root for a couple when I know that Antoine is only pursuing Kenna to get back at Bash for killing his brother.

That's not to say his feelings won't change in the future at some point, but so far they haven't.

Yep that's why I hope it will change, because I believe Kenna deserves to be loved not used

RedRidingLola 02-21-2015 06:36 PM

I loved the way he said "please" to her. It was really cute. I would like to see him actually fall in love with her. Maybe it's just me, but Antoine's revenge against Bash by using Kenna seems awfully petty and silly. But then again, what else could do for revenge against Bash? He doesn't have any other leverage.

itsmemandy 02-22-2015 08:20 AM

Well he can have him killed in some accident or something. Bash goes off a lot on some stupid battles since he's the king's deputy.
But yes, I would love for Antoine to fall in love with her. And I hope his intent is to really make her a queen.

RedRidingLola 02-22-2015 03:44 PM

Bash really doesn't have much of an interesting story line. Yeah I guess he could have killed Bash but he probably wants to keep him alive so he can feel the pain of someone being taken away from him.

itsmemandy 02-22-2015 04:35 PM

I doubt he will kill him as well, Bash is a lead, so they can't kill him off.
I agree Bash doesn't have an interesting sl, and he's actually boring me :lol:, and yes Antoine wants to make him suffer, and taking Kenna permanently for him will make him suffer !

Btw, updated the OP with this :

Dolphini 02-22-2015 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80284422)
Yep that's why I hope it will change, because I believe Kenna deserves to be loved not used

actually Bash does love her he is just bad at showing it sometimes. Bash never uses Kenna unlike Antoine is doing now.

One Thing Remains 02-23-2015 12:08 AM

thanks for updating the OP Mandy with new art :)

itsmemandy 02-23-2015 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dolphini (Post 80311793)
actually Bash does love her he is just bad at showing it sometimes. Bash never uses Kenna unlike Antoine is doing now.

I wasn't even talking about Bash here. I was talking about Antoine and the fact that out of all the ladies + Mary, Kenna is the only who was was used by men. Henry used her and made her believe he loved so he can get into her pants, Bash was forced to marry her so he was kind of forced to love her if he wanted to ever be happy and even with that, he's still judgy about the stupidest things and he doesn't treat her right not to mention Antoine who's primarly using her to get revenge on Bash even though he actually fancies her.
Besides, I won't judge her for wanting more, that's what women wanted at the time (a sense of security, a good life, some kind of power) Anne Boleyn was ambitious, she was a social climber who wanted to be queen and most people liked her on the tudors and thought she was a figure of feminism, I don't see how it can be different for Kenna, Why is it so wrong for someone to be ambitious ? and tbh this hypocritical BS about giving up what's make her Kenna "for love" is really annoying, Bash didn't give up ANYTHING for her. I used to like Kennash, but they're boring as f#*k right now. Not to mention the fact that Bash "the loyal wonderful person that he is" :rolleyes: doen't treat her like an equal, he never consults her about anything, he lies to her and doesn't feel remorse about it, he's always in a hurry, he leaves her days, and yes that's an issue, in fact, it's the cause of most divorces right now, I would never want to live a life with a man who's never here, who's married to his job and doesn't care about me the slightest, how can you be with a guy like that ? It's impossible. Tbh, I don't understand why people think he's the poor guy in this situation, if Kenna chooses Antoine, personnaly I'll be cheering because finally Bash will understand how stupid he was all along, and finally Kenna will go back to being the Kenna I actually love.
Not to mention the fact that this can be awesome, Antoine is such an amazing character and he reminds me of Chuck Bass, he's making bad choice but he loves his family, that is why he's doing all this, because the Valois hurted his family and got away with it. I just wish he doesn't hurt Kenna in the process and hopefully fall for her in the long run, I believe they can be a power couple, and I would love for Kenna to be queen.
Also I don't understand the people who judge Antoine and think he will cheat on Kenna. Didn't you notice that he is the exact same person as her ? Like to throw parties, like extravagant stuff, power, not to mention the fact that Kenna is young and beautiful, why would he look elsewhere ? And we didn't actually see him look elsewhere except for Kenna have we ? and it's probably because he's wife is dying and he's miserable in his marriage like Kenna btw. Also, I wanted to add he's no more dangerous than anyone on the show, Catherine, Mary, Henry, Francis, Narcisse, even precious Bash did the same stuff sometimes even worse so...

Keroppi your welcome I hope you like :)

Dolphini 02-23-2015 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by itsmemandy (Post 80321558)
I wasn't even talking about Bash here. I was talking about Antoine and the fact that out of all the ladies + Mary, Kenna is the only who was was used by men. Henry used her and made her believe he loved so he can get into her pants, Bash was forced to marry her so he was kind of forced to love her if he wanted to ever be happy and even with that, he's still judgy about the stupidest things and he doesn't treat her right not to mention Antoine who's primarly using her to get revenge on Bash even though he actually fancies her.
Besides, I won't judge her for wanting more, that's what women wanted at the time (a sense of security, a good life, some kind of power) Anne Boleyn was ambitious, she was a social climber who wanted to be queen and most people liked her on the tudors and thought she was a figure of feminism, I don't see how it can be different for Kenna, Why is it so wrong for someone to be ambitious ? and tbh this hypocritical BS about giving up what's make her Kenna "for love" is really annoying, Bash didn't give up ANYTHING for her. I used to like Kennash, but they're boring as f#*k right now. Not to mention the fact that Bash "the loyal wonderful person that he is" :rolleyes: doen't treat her like an equal, he never consults her about anything, he lies to her and doesn't feel remorse about it, he's always in a hurry, he leaves her days, and yes that's an issue, in fact, it's the cause of most divorces right now, I would never want to live a life with a man who's never here, who's married to his job and doesn't care about me the slightest, how can you be with a guy like that ? It's impossible. Tbh, I don't understand why people think he's the poor guy in this situation, if Kenna chooses Antoine, personnaly I'll be cheering because finally Bash will understand how stupid he was all along, and finally Kenna will go back to being the Kenna I actually love.
Not to mention the fact that this can be awesome, Antoine is such an amazing character and he reminds me of Chuck Bass, he's making bad choice but he loves his family, that is why he's doing all this, because the Valois hurted his family and got away with it. I just wish he doesn't hurt Kenna in the process and hopefully fall for her in the long run, I believe they can be a power couple, and I would love for Kenna to be queen.
Also I don't understand the people who judge Antoine and think he will cheat on Kenna. Didn't you notice that he is the exact same person as her ? Like to throw parties, like extravagant stuff, power, not to mention the fact that Kenna is young and beautiful, why would he look elsewhere ? And we didn't actually see him look elsewhere except for Kenna have we ? and it's probably because he's wife is dying and he's miserable in his marriage like Kenna btw. Also, I wanted to add he's no more dangerous than anyone on the show, Catherine, Mary, Henry, Francis, Narcisse, even precious Bash did the same stuff sometimes even worse so...

Keroppi your welcome I hope you like :)

Maybe you have seen a different show but you make it out that Bash abuses Kenna and thats just a grand exaggeration.
And by the way Bash has to work to make a living and for the both of them. He is trying to get a better life for them but he has his birthright limits. He actually has to work hard.
You seem to glorify adultery that if something better comes along yeah sure take it. Thats not how marriage and comminttment work. You go through the good and the bad as a couple and dont sway at the first chance for a better position. Thats just weak character that is bound to get abused as was and maybe now again is Kennas destination.
Cheating is for the weak and at least in my mind Bashs actions in no way warrant her behaviour so yes he is the poor guy who may get left because he is not powerful enough.
Again he has made mistakes in not communicating enough but the same can be said about Kenna. She doesnt tell him everything either.
Bash has morals and values and wants the greater good. You m ock that which i find kind of sad. You may not like him but at least one can respect that his motivation doesnt come from a bad place unlike narcissictic people like Antoine.
Anyone who has seen him doing this while his wife is still alive and the way he talks about her is just disgusting to me.
If you think he will ride into the sunset and play happy couple with Kenna i cant see that happening at all.

itsmemandy 02-23-2015 09:48 PM

It's not adultery if the kennash marriage is annulled, if she marries Antoine and becomes his wife. It's actually another marriage so it's not adultery. I would actually love to see her succeed in marrying Antoine, and if she becomes his wife and ends up cheating on Antoine with Bash, I would love to hear your thoughts about her adultery at that moment since clearly she will be cheating on a narcisstic dangerous man and not on a loyal humble man so perhaps it makes it more okay for you if she cheats on Antoine and not on Bash.

I like Bash from S1, but I like Kenna too, and she's not her true self with him. At least not now. And to be frank Bash's loyalty is a bore and it makes him lack personality. Antoine is far more exciting, but that's just my opinion, please accept that. I understand that you ship Kennash, and that you want Bash to be happy *at the expense of Kenna* but I do not care for his happiness if it undermines the happiness of someone else.
Also, Bash's morals ? Ok, so killing people because they saw too much or heard too much is moral ? Lying to your wife without showing any remorse is moral ? framing people is moral ?

Antoine is not narcissistic. I don't know if you actually paid some attention to the show, but the Valois family killed his brother, and they got away with it, it is only logical to seek some kind of revenge. Yes he likes to throw parties and enjoy himself, but should everyone on the show be pining in misery ? Kenna likes parties as well, she wants a good life, she wants love and jewels and riches and power, why do you judge her for that ?
Also, I do not even understand why you call him a narcissistic person, give me arguments, please by all means perhaps you will change my thoughts on the subject.

Bash isn't doing his job for both him and Kenna. He's doing his job for him and for his brother, because those two matter more to him than his wife's happiness. Have you not realise that she's unhappy ? Do you want Kenna to be miserable just because you want her to be something that brings joy to one of the leads/fan favorites ? Because to be honest that's the only explanation. Kenna didn't just move on the moment they started having issues in their marriage. She tried, she's been here for him, many times, she has supported him and been a loyal wife, waited for him, took care of him when he came to her wounded. All he did was leave her alone even more, lie to her about his sister and he actually let her believe that it was because she was the king's cast of mistress that Claude didn't want to talk to her, do you just realise how insecure she must have felt ? She gets to be called the king's whore everyday because her husband lacks in station and when he finally had the chance to make people respect her, he chose to refuse the Duchy without even consulting her because apparently his loyalty to his brother matters a lot more.

Also, I'm not expecting them to play house together, this is a drama show :) I want drama. I expect some build up of the relationship, maybe some scheming, awkward moments with Bash, problems with the rule, the fact that he wants revenge against the Valois and Kenna's ties to that family, it's actually more interesting of an sl than having Kenna waiting for loyal Bash to come home and stop judging her for who she is. It's a more interesting sl than having Kenna live happily ever after with Bash. Antoine and Kenna can be the next Anne Boleyn and Henri Tudor, and though it was a tragic story it was a beautiful one.

ETA I understand your take on marriage, but when you're the only one trying to be in a better place it gets tiring and eventually you just give up, and if you're unhappy with someone, especially when there's no kids yet, my advice is to get a divorce or an annullement, because that's how you'll stay sane, and that's how you can be happy. There's no point in being miserable and wasting your time on someone who doesn't make any effort, and Bash doesn't make any effort.

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