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Old 07-09-2022, 12:40 AM
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popular TV characters you dislike and think are over-rated

Hi everyone, sometimes there are certain characters that you really dislike but somehow many others seem to like these characters and you just don't understand why these characters are so popular, because you don't feel the same way about them.
So I'm curious to know which TV characters users here dislike and think are over-rated, it can also include characters from streaming shows too.
I tried to find a similar thread like this in the forum but I couldn't find any so I decided to make one.
And please remember to only list characters from TV/streaming shows, no movie characters please.

Here are some of the popular TV characters that I dislike (in no particular order):
Lexa (The 100) - Lexa is 1 of the most popular characters from 'The 100' and I honestly don't see the appeal of her at all. She's 1 of the most over-rated characters ever, she was so manipulative & untrustworthy, she betrayed Clarke & Skaikru at Mt Weather and made a deal with the enemy, which caused Clarke to devise a new plan right on the spot. Lexa's betrayal and Cage's own selfishness forced Clarke into a corner, she had no choice back to massacre the people of Mt Weather in order to save her people. Lexa is partially to blame for the massacre & Clarke being labeled "Wanheda", but many fans always blame only Clarke for the massacre, yes Clarke pulled the trigger, but the massacre was the result of a combination of several characters' actions, especially Lexa's for betraying Clarke in the first place Lexa also made Clarke weak. Lexa was also a lesbian, so I'm sure her being queer had attracted alot of fans & support in the LGBT community. But other than that I really don't understand why she's so popular, there's nothing special or outstanding about her character at all, she was horrible, and was partially responsible for turning Clarke into the character she became. I liked Clarke better before she met Lexa, I think Lexa ruined her.
Raven (The 100) - she is 1 of the biggest hypocrites on the show, she always tried to act "innocent" and was always so judgemental of other people's actions and behaviors, when in fact she has done horrible things too and had no problems massacring hundreds of grounders in S1, then forcing Clarke to make the list when she didn't want to and just stood by and watched everyone blame Clarke for HER own idea, Raven hid like a coward when everyone vilified Clarke for the list. She also risked the lives of hundreds of her people just to save a total stranger she only knew for ONE day at the end of S5. Even with all the horrible things Raven has done on the show, she almost never takes real responsibility for her own actions and rarely admits her own mistakes, while she was always sitting on her high horse judging others. Like Lexa, Raven is also a very popular character with fans of the show and I don't understand why, sure she's smart I'll give her that, but she's such a judgemental hypocrite and that's what I dislike about her
Gabriela Dawson (Chicago Fire) - she was very selfish, arrogant self-entitled, self-righteous and acted like a diva, she was constantly breaking rules and ignored protocols, always acted like the rules don't apply to her and often dragging other characters into her mess & getting others into trouble without even apologising. She thought everything had to be done HER way even though she had absolutely no authority in the firehouse at all. And she was a terrible girlfriend & wife to Casey, she always only cared about herself and her own feelings & what she wanted to do, she never considered or even cared about Casey's feelings and she always excluded Casey in important matters even though they were married. Dawson was very arrogant and very disrespectful to alot of people, even to her own boyfriend/husband Casey. She was so insufferable, I'm so glad she left the show at the end of S6 and she & Casey eventually divorced, Casey deserved so much better. Some people like her because they believe she's a "strong" and "independent" woman, but I disagree. She's definitely independent, but certainly not "strong", she was very self-entitled and self-righteous, that's not being "strong". But unlike Lexa and Raven, Dawson seems to be a more polarizing character with fans, people either love her or they hate her, and she has many fans but also many haters too.
Eve (Lucifer) - she was so annoying and was a horrible influence on Lucifer, she only wanted to accept the evil side of Lucifer, the side that Lucifer always detested about himself, she could never accept an evolving Lucifer who wanted to change and mature and be better. Like Lucifer told Eve, he hates the kind of person he was when he was with her. I'm so glad Lucifer dumped her. But again she's very popular with fans and I just don't see her appeal at all.
Morgana (Merlin) - as the main villain for most of the show, Morgana was very selfish and horrible and hurt so many innocent people, I never understood why she was so popular with fans. I suspect Morgana's popularity with fans had more to do with the actress who played her rather than the character itself.
Vala (Stargate SG-1) - Vala is a very popular character within the Stargate fandom, but I have always found her to be very irritating and childish with the way she constantly tried to throw herself at men at every chance she got and most of the time these men have no interest in her and just found her annoying. She was very immature and quite ditzy always using her body and sexuality to get what she wanted, it was so embarrassing watching her constantly humiliate & degrade herself like that I don't find her character interesting or likable at all, and she was certainly a horrible influence and role model for young girls and women. I suspect most of her fans are male though which would be understandable considering her personality on the show.

Of course there are still many other TV characters I dislike, but these are some of the more popular characters I dislike the most. And with alot of the other characters I dislike, I don't really think they're over-rated, they're either not very popular and many people dislike them too, or many just don't care about them.

Also these are just my own personal opinions, so please don't be offended if you like some of the characters I listed.

Last edited by LindaL100; 02-25-2023 at 03:39 AM
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Old 07-09-2022, 01:46 AM
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Just a reminder that this topic may open a can of worms so be objective and respectful in your discussions. We're bound to see our favorite characters on this thread so we're not going to like everything posted here.

Moderators: please monitor this thread regularly. If there are issues, please escalate to management. Thanks.

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Old 07-09-2022, 02:05 AM
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yes please also be respectful to others, everyone has different opinions, please don't attack others if they disagree.
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Old 07-09-2022, 09:24 PM
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Glad to see another thread like this from you lol. I only really have two:

Spike (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) I've said it many times, but after S2 his character is literally pointless. In S4 they put a chip in his head and just have him around and in the way. Then it's really annoying and disgusting in S5 when he starts becoming weirdly OBSESSED with Buffy (after trying to murder her for years) and he starts stalking her, breaking in her home to steal her panties, pretends mannequin heads are her, then makes a robot of Buffy to start having sex with *vomits* Then in S6 he's on cloud 9 he can hit Buffy then tries to RAPE her. Then in S7 Buffy basically ignores everything he did, especially his sexual assault on her and is obsessed with keeping him around. Also ignoring he was still killing for The First for a while. Glad he was killed off in the series finale, good riddance. I never did and still don't get why Spike (and especially Spike/Buffy) is apparently so popular. I thought Spike was interesting to watch in S2 but after that he outlives his usefulness and is extremely irritating to me. Then it's made worse when he's obsessed with Buffy and won't take no for an answer like Pepe Le Pew harassing that cat in Looney Tunes.

Cole (Charmed) Mostly the same as Spike. Found the character pathetic after he tried to come on as a demon so serious about killing the Charmed ones, then as soon as he sleeps with Pheobe a few episodes in he's in "love" with her overnight. However, even after that he still tried to kill Phoebe and her sisters on and off. So much for love, then they have Phoebe acting like he's more important than her sisters cause she's basically obsessed with the idea of being in love. S4 they all get amnesia about Cole still being a demon and trying to kill them many times before, that they blow off Paige's legitimate concerns about him. Extremely ridiculous, was glad when Phoebe got over him in S5 and he was finally vanquished. Another toxic and abusive relationship they tried so hard to paint as love just like with Spike/Buffy. Cole was very abusive and manipulative, and he also ruined Phoebe for me in S3 and 4.

I also feel the same about Fitz from Scandal, but towards the end I remember most people being sick of him and I don't think he's as overrated as Spike and Cole are. He was basically another immature, abusive baby towards Olivia (and many other characters) and he would never take no for an answer either just like Spike and Cole. So those are the main characters that come to mind.
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Old 07-25-2022, 05:17 PM
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Homelander (The Boys) - what can I say? He is an unhinged psychopath who doesn't care about anyone else but himself, he is very cocky, manipulative, self-obsessed and sees himself as a god and treats everyone around him like just chess pieces to move around and manipulate in his own sick game of fame. He is a megalomaniac who has complete disregard for other people, he craves fame and power but he does nothing to earn all the fame and powers he gets and treats everyone like trash. There is a reason why he is the main villain in 'The Boys', yet he is such a popular character with fans, but in a show that's about "superheroes" that are actually bad people, Homelander is the worst of the worst. Or maybe people just love to hate him? I'm not sure, he is overall just a terrible character but still very popular with fans.
A-Train (The Boys) - A-Train is 1 of my least fav characters on the show along with Homelander, like Homelander A-Train is arrogant and very self-absorbed and self-obsessed. He killed the only person whom he ever loved in S1, and only starts to care about people in S3 when his brother & people of the black community were hurt, yet he did not care at all about all the innocent white people he killed and hurt and the carnage he caused in the past. He does not care about human lives unless it's the black people that get hurt, that's very racist. Even though in S3 A-Train did apologise to Hughie for killing his girlfriend Robin in S1, but it was only after someone else had to point out A-Train's racism & hypocrisy to his face for him to finally see he was wrong.
Annie/Starlight (The Boys) - Ok unlike Homelander and A-train, I don't really hate Annie/Starlight per se, but I don't like her either. Despite the fact that the writers of the show love to portray Starlight as 1 of the few supes on the show who is "good" and wants to do the right thing and protect innocent people, but the truth is she herself has also killed innocent people before, she killed several Vought guards in S1 and killed an innocent man just to steal his car in S2. But the writers and most people seem to have either forgotten or overlook the fact that Annie has also killed innocent people just so they could continue depicting Starlight as the "good" supe who wants to do the right thing. Starlight is also very judgemental of other supes and is constantly criticizing other supes for killing innocent people and doing horrible things, ignoring the fact that she herself is also a murderer. Her hypocrisy is the main reason why I dislike Starlight, in spite of the fact that she's 1 of the most popular characters on the show.
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Old 01-22-2023, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Butterfly85 (View Post)
Cole (Charmed) Mostly the same as Spike. Found the character pathetic after he tried to come on as a demon so serious about killing the Charmed ones, then as soon as he sleeps with Pheobe a few episodes in he's in "love" with her overnight. However, even after that he still tried to kill Phoebe and her sisters on and off. So much for love, then they have Phoebe acting like he's more important than her sisters cause she's basically obsessed with the idea of being in love. S4 they all get amnesia about Cole still being a demon and trying to kill them many times before, that they blow off Paige's legitimate concerns about him. Extremely ridiculous, was glad when Phoebe got over him in S5 and he was finally vanquished. Another toxic and abusive relationship they tried so hard to paint as love just like with Spike/Buffy. Cole was very abusive and manipulative, and he also ruined Phoebe for me in S3 and 4.
I completely agree with you about Cole, he was so manipulative and abusive and was a horrible influence on Phoebe, and their relationship was so toxic and unhealthy and not to mention he tried to kill the sisters so many times. I honestly don't understand why he was so popular, he was 1 of the worst characters on the show, I'm glad Phoebe broke up with him and he died, Phoebe deserved someone so much better and I'm glad she finally got the happy ending she deserved with Coop.
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Old 01-22-2023, 11:05 PM
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I've noticed over the years that abusive characters and pairings seem to be "popular" and I'll never get it. Watching an abusive relationship be painted as love is nauseating and too many shows do it *vomits* I loved in S5 when Pheobe was finally over Cole and said it right to his face when she thought they finally vanquished him. She said she is FREE and truer words were never spoken. She was basically under his thumb and was letting him control her. He also showed she wanted him enslaved to him cause once she told him she doesn't love him anymore and is free, he went even crazier and wanted to drag her down with him. Just another thing showing how toxic this mirage of "love" was.
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Old 01-24-2023, 09:32 PM
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Mine is Abby on ER. I just don’t get the hype about her and why she’s so loved. She always came off as selfish to me and didn’t seem to take any responsibility for her wrongdoings. I never understood why Carter and Luka were so desperate to be with her, as I believed she was a poor romantic partner and never wanted to sacrifice or do her part in a relationship. She takes more than she gives. And I especially was baffled that she had a baby! She’s too emotionally immature to be a mother, IMO, and I don’t think she ever truly seemed to love her baby and bond with him. She seemed bored and annoyed half the time.

If the world wasn’t about Abby at any point, she didn’t care. She never even showed gratitude to people who tried to help her, and I feel like she’d be on and off the wagon for the rest of her life, as she didn’t seem to take recovery seriously either.

My even more unpopular opinion is that her second go-round with Luka was a toxic relationship and they only seemed to be together because of her accidental pregnancy. He basically had to drag her into getting married. I just doubt they stayed together much past leaving the show. Like they were probably split up somewhere between 5-10 years of marriage IMO.
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Old 01-25-2023, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Butterfly85 (View Post)
I've noticed over the years that abusive characters and pairings seem to be "popular" and I'll never get it. Watching an abusive relationship be painted as love is nauseating and too many shows do it *vomits* I loved in S5 when Pheobe was finally over Cole and said it right to his face when she thought they finally vanquished him. She said she is FREE and truer words were never spoken. She was basically under his thumb and was letting him control her. He also showed she wanted him enslaved to him cause once she told him she doesn't love him anymore and is free, he went even crazier and wanted to drag her down with him. Just another thing showing how toxic this mirage of "love" was.
I understand what you mean, alot of people tend to feel more attracted towards the "bad boy" types of characters because they tend to be considered more adventurous or wild, even I am guilty of liking "bad boy" types sometimes. But there is a difference between a character who is rebellious and wild, and characters who are just downright abusive and toxic and horrible, and Cole is the latter, there was nothing good about his character at all.
To be honest, was never convinced that what Phoebe and Cole had was really "true love", it was more like an obsession, a very toxic and intense obsession or infatuation for each other that masqueraded as "love". If Cole truly loved Phoebe, then he would not have been so manipulative or abusive towards her or tried to kill her and her sisters, or forced her to choose between him or her sisters. No, Cole didn't truly "love" her, he was obsessed with her, there is a distinct difference. As for Phoebe, she was manipulated & emotionally abused by Cole during the entirety of their relationship, that she had deluded herself into thinking that she really loved Cole, and maybe deep down she did to some extent. But it doesn't change how unhealthy their relationship was and how horrible Cole was for Phoebe.
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Old 01-25-2023, 11:37 AM
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I completely agree! I get the bad boy thing (I think Oz on Buffy The Vampire Slayer was the bad boy type with a good heart) but bad boys usually aren't psychotic or murderers lol. I always felt the same about the Cole/Pheobe relationship, it was more an obsession than love. Phoebe was young, naive, and never been in love before so like I said, she was in love with the idea of finally being in love. Cole admitted Pheobe was the weak spot of The Charmed Ones to infiltrate and get in, and he was basically right since Pheobe kept making excuses for him when he always reverted back to the demon he always was. I just think back to how Cole treated Paige in S4 when she was suspicious of him (and everyone else literally acted like he didn't try to kill them multiple times the season before) the way he was messing with her and trying to drive a wedge between her and her sisters was so disgusting, abusive, and horrible. I'm just glad Phoebe finally woke up and wanted him out of her life in S5. Cole/Phoebe was always a sick relationship.
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Old 01-30-2023, 04:30 AM
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How about Ross Gellar on Friends? I could not stand him. The episode where he literally went crazy over the sandwich... I think the show officially lost the script with him there. Ugh.

I agree about Gabby on Chicago Fire for all the reasons mentioned. Ditto Spike as well. I cannot forget nor forgive the sexual assault of Buffy.
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Old 01-30-2023, 09:02 AM
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Serena (Gossip Girl) -> I don´t know but it was also because the actress didn´t play her well.
I also blame the writers for their lame writing.

every lady from Sex and the City -> I never liked that show sorry!
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Old 01-31-2023, 06:59 PM
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Jack O'Neill (Stargate SG-1) - O'Neill is probably the most popular character in the show, so I know I'm in the minority with this opinion but I really did not like RDA's version of O'Neill on the show...sure he provided most of the comedic relief and I think that's probably the main reason fans love him so much, and there were times when I found him quite amusing. BUT there were also times when his sarcasm rubbed me the wrong way and I find his attitude towards some races rather rude, disrespectful, insensitive and I find that so annoying sometimes. O'Neill is knowledgeable about the military because of his many years serving in the military, but he is clueless about virtually every else, like Vala he is not capable of intellectual thinking, apart from his military knowledge, he doesn't understand a lot of things and gets confused very easily, his mind is incapable of processing difficult and complex information, and Sam, Daniel and Teal'c constantly have to explain things to him in order for him to understand. Even though he has showcased some good leadership skills due to his experience in the military, but intellectually he has the mind of a child who doesn't understand complex thought and constantly has to depend on his teammates to explain things to him and to solve problems, he can't solve problems himself because he's clueless most of the time, it's usually Sam or Daniel and sometimes Teal'c who does all the intellectual thinking and problem solving. O'Neill is not "smart", he is just experienced in certain areas such as the military, but in many ways he has the intellect of a juvenile, and he acts like a juvenile most of the time too despite the fact that he is a grown adult man who is older than most of the other people working at the SGC. He can also be disrespectful and rude and mindless of other people sometimes and carelessly says things before he thinks. I don't necessarily hate RDA's O'Neill, but I don't like him either, I personally find him barely tolerable most of the time, his character is just meh to me. I think he was slightly more tolerable when he got promoted to General and he commanded the SGC in S8, maybe it's because he was no longer going on missions with the team by that time so he had less interactions with the aliens and other races. I can tolerate O'Neill in smaller doses, but seeing him in every single ep was a bit too much for me, which is 1 of the main reasons why I also enjoyed seasons 9 & 10 so much cuz O'Neill left the show after S8, so I didn't have to watch him appear on the show anymore. So yes I definitely find him to be a very overrated character.
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Old 02-25-2023, 03:28 AM
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Eddie (Blue Bloods) - I find Eddie very annoying sometimes mainly because she's always so nosy and self-righteous, always sticking her nose into other people's business where it doesn't belong, always thinking she's "right" when she isn't. I understand she just wants to help people, but sometimes people don't want your help and it's better to just leave them alone and mind your own business, she crosses the line sometimes and it's too much. Sometimes she needs to mind her own business and not constantly be such a busybody always meddling in other people's business. Eddie also always expects Jamie to tell her everything, even though they are married, but there are some things that Jamie is not allowed to tell her especially when it comes to their jobs & professional lives and she needs to respect that. Just because you're married it doesn't necessarily mean you need to tell your spouse everything. Her meddling has, more often than not, gotten her into trouble too and she even undermines her superiors at times, you'd think that she would learn her lesson by now, but no, she continues to stick her nose into everyone's business like the annoying self-righteous busybody that she is. Eddie is 1 of the most popular characters on 'Blue Bloods', but she's 1 of my least fav characters on the show, so I know I'm in the minority who dislike her.
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Old 03-08-2023, 03:26 AM
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Billie (Sex/life) - I only watched season 1 and I'm reluctant to watch season 2 mainly because I really dislike the main character Billie, she is so selfish and manipulative, she cheated on her husband Cooper and destroyed her family all just to satisfy her own selfish urges. Not only did she cheat on her husband, she also strung her lover Brad along and toyed with his feelings, she manipulated both men and hurt them both. Billie really thought she could have both her husband and lover, she wanted her cake and eat it too, and she was so shameless in what she was doing, she cared more about herself and her own selfish wants than her own family. I really don't understand what both men saw in her. According to the website TV Time, Billie is voted as the most popular character on the show which is so surprising to me considering how horrible of a character she is, how could so many people love such a selfish, self-entitled, manipulative and indecisive character is beyond me. Since Billie is the main character the audience are suppose to like her and support and empathize or sympathize her, but I have no empathy or sympathy for her at all, she was just so selfish and manipulative and self-entitled, everything that goes wrong in her life she did this to herself and only has herself to blame. As for the guys in her life, I prefer Cooper over Brad, but Cooper is just too soft and forgiving, if I was in Cooper's shoes, I would never forgive my spouse for cheating on me & betraying me, let alone take him back! They both deserve better than Billie.

Last edited by LindaL100; 03-08-2023 at 03:35 AM
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