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eternalfate 10-22-2015 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Cmtaylor531 (Post 83735634)
I said earlier that I got the feeling Laurel was doing it more for her dad then her. Which doesn't seem to turn out well from the promos. ;)

I shipped Laurel/Oliver in season one. Then in season two when he got back with Sara it sort of ruined them for me. I already thought Laurel had ton forgive a lot to get back with him. After season two it became to much for me. Laurel would have to be crazy to want him. She deserves better than Oliver ever treated her IMO. I actually started shipping O/F in season two never expecting it to happen. Then it did and in was so happy in 3x01. Granted that didn't last long. :lol: I started to become annoyed with them quickly from the writing. However the 3x20 goodbye scene is what brought me back. It was my favorite moment for them all f season 3. That was good angst. They have been written well for me so far this season so I shan't complain... Yet. ;)

Well I ain't going to judge by the promo, I gotta wait to see the actual episode but judging from the promo, Quentin doesn't believe it's really Sara... I'm sure there will be in emotional moment when he realize it's really her.:eek:

With Laurel/Oliver they were written so badly from the start that I couldn't ship them and was upset with how the writers were writing their supposedly MAIN pairing at the time. I shipped Oliver/Felicity right from their first scene... and I don't know why, I just loved the chemistry and the interaction, it was perfect!
I always felt Laurel deserved better and one of the issues I had with Oliver is the writing, with his mouth he says he loves Laurel most but with his actions it seemed like he cared for Sara a lot more.:shrug: So I was confused.
His relationship with Felicity is refreshing because with his actions and words, he loves her most. I guess the writers learned from their past writing romance mistakes... although I wasn't a big fan of Olicity during Season 3. lol

Primal Slayer 10-22-2015 02:41 PM

So the c writers totally throw out all the delevopment they gave to the Laurel/Nyssa friendship and now we are suppose to believe that Laurel is fine with Nyssa being locked up and treated as a criminal? How do they plan on redeeming Laurel? If they don't have her break Nyssa out and apologize I'm going to go all lima heights on MG/WM.

Cmtaylor531 10-22-2015 02:52 PM

I hope they repair Nyssa/Laurel as well. Their friendship was one of the better parts of last season.

Maybe once Sara gets fixed it will go a long way to helping fix all them. Who knows.

Primal Slayer 10-22-2015 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cmtaylor531 (Post 83738898)
I hope they repair Nyssa/Laurel as well. Their friendship was one of the better parts of last season.

Maybe once Sara gets fixed it will go a long way to helping fix all them. Who knows.

It'll be awkward to think that they go even 3 episodes without bringing it up. I feel like they storyline will be treated as an afterthought.


Originally Posted by pollock (Post 83735659)
I think the writers were just using Felicity as their voice in acknowledging that one of the big errors of last season was the fact that the let the OTA dynamic go to the way side when they experimented around with adding Roy Laurel and Thea into the mix. It was a wink and a nod to the audience that they know the OTA is a big part of the shows dynamic and what made them so successful in the first place.

This season is very much a back to basics season in a new and different way and so highlighting the OTA is just one part of that :shrug: especially since Marc said at the end of season 3 that season 4 focal point was going to be there relationships with each other.

I would've been ok with it if it was brought up like once but i feel like they hit us over the head with it. And with the type of divide this show has, this did not help it.

scififan2009 10-23-2015 04:30 AM

Did Nyssa call Thea her sister in law? I thought they got the Nanda Parbat marriage annulled?

Primal Slayer 10-23-2015 05:14 AM

Nope never did. But not like anyone knows they're married.

scififan2009 10-23-2015 05:29 AM

Hopefully no one mentions it when Oliver is running for mayor. Last thing he needs is a scandal. Especially since he killed his father in law. :lol:

Cmtaylor531 10-23-2015 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Primal Slayer (Post 83744878)
Nope never did. But not like anyone knows they're married.

Still confused as to how legal that marriage is? I doubt they turned legal paperwork anywhere. I did notice Nyssa call Thea, "sister in law." Now saying they are married in the eyes of the league... I get that.

pollock 10-23-2015 12:45 PM

Marc said on tumblr that he put the line in there as a joke so I don't think we are suppose to read into it any more then Nyssa making a cheeky dig :shrug:

Not to mention that I doubt Nanda Parbat is even a legally recognised CITY and therefore any marriage would be legally recognised. Like I said when all the Nyssa/Oliver marriage stuff come out they basically had Game of Thrones role playing evening not a legal or even recognised marriage :shrug:

Primal Slayer 10-23-2015 02:15 PM

He also said they were still technically married. Maybe not legally by todays standards but by ancient standards they would be. But i highly doubt anything would even come up to make it a big deal.

Cmtaylor531 10-23-2015 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Primal Slayer (Post 83749629)
He also said they were still technically married. Maybe not legally by todays standards but by ancient standards they would be. But i highly doubt anything would even come up to make it a big deal.

That's what I figured. I imagine there is probaly no divorce in the league. However, I also imagine that consummation should still play a part there as well. So who knows. I doubt it's recognized legally in the US. So unless Nyssa or even Malcom makes it an issue I doubt it matters.

scififan2009 10-23-2015 07:41 PM

Nyssa didn't even want to marry Al Sa-him. She did it all under duress.

Charlone 10-26-2015 09:59 PM

I know I'm the last one making a post in this thread, I had problems to watch the episode! But I finally did

I hope someone reads this, but I'd like to say to most of the fans who posted in this thread that I'm very glad that you get to understand yourselves and have respect to each other, no matter who you like or who you don't like. However, I've noticed there keeps being some Laurel bashing, so I will make a warning in the next episode thread if someone try to continue insulting Laurel again, and if that does not solve the problem, well, I will have to take other options.
Just wanted to said that I'm very happy with most of you getting along and having respectful conversations :).

I feel really bad for Sara. Nyssa was right. But yet Malcolm keeps taking wrong decisions... I don't mind whether it's right or not, I can't blame anyone. It was a hard decision and they were taking a big risk, but for sure they'll find a way to control Sara. This Lazarus Pit stuff is actually interesting and will lead too much on Thea and Sara's own storylines through this season.

And I'm too happy Diggle and Oliver are being confident again! They're awesome together.

Also, I love Curtis, I need to see him all this season :lol:

I think I've read someone said something about Felicity's phone, that it is Ray... well it's probably that Ray is trying to make contact with her, I can't wait to know more about this!

Alexa 08-27-2016 11:53 PM

I can't say I blame Laurel 1 bit for doing what she did. :shrug: I love my sister more than anything and would have done the same thing... :look: And seeing Sara again was pretty cool.

I do like the Nyssa/Laurel interaction. :nod:

The Felicity/Oliver moments were adorable. :thud: I loved when he said "I have you" :love:


In general I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the first two but I did really like it.

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