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ScarletCourt 04-30-2012 08:12 AM

Just thought of something that could be very amusing to watch in S3 wrt dining. Tom growing up in Dublin likely would have been taught to clean his plate. If he did that at Downton at every course and every meal, likely he would be either stuffed by the fifth course or gaining weight like nobody's business. I guess Sybil will have to tell him to not feel bad about not eating everything that's in front of him. Can you imagine that conversation?

DiamondDreaming 04-30-2012 09:02 AM

Thats why I'd be a terrible guest at Downton. I would totally try to eat everything & I'm a really slow eater. I wouldn't get invited back :lol:

ScarletCourt 04-30-2012 09:08 AM

Same here. It takes every ounce of willpower not to eat everything on my plate. Also with the wines that they serve, I'd be doing a Moseley by the third course. :lol: I don't process alcohol well or if you look at it the other way, I process it much too well. :P

DiamondDreaming 04-30-2012 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (Post 62894619)
I'd be doing a Moseley by the third course. :lol:

OK, I think "Doing a Moseley" is my new favourite phrase :lol:! :D

confessor_meggy 04-30-2012 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (Post 62894619)
with the wines that they serve, I'd be doing a Moseley by the third course.

:lol: I'd love to see a dinner at downton where everybody gets Mosely :high_five:

HarshBench 04-30-2012 10:45 AM

I imagine that Tom, like Mosely, would be flabbergasted by how much alcohol is consumed. He'd be all "and they say the Irish drink a lot"!

baileycat 04-30-2012 11:02 AM

Anyone else looking toward the first moment when someone in the Crawley family (most likely Robert) slips and calls him Branson instead of Tom?

Will Tom accept a footman's assistance to dress him or will that convention go out the window straight away?

Also looking forward to how the sisters treat him now that the dust has settled.

ScarletCourt 04-30-2012 12:14 PM

I think Tom will be lucky if Robert calls him Branson. Tom would be a name of affection in Robert's book and I doubt that there's any affection for Tom in Robert's heart.

I think Tom would do a Matthew when it comes to assistance with clothing. "You want to what with my whom?!??" :lol:

bijou156 04-30-2012 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (Post 62898395)
I think Tom will be lucky if Robert calls him Branson. Tom would be a name of affection in Robert's book and I doubt that there's any affection for Tom in Robert's heart.

I think Tom would do a Matthew when it comes to assistance with clothing. "You want to what with my whom?!??" :lol:

I agree with you about Tom reacting to be ''assised'' in his dressing lol
You got a good point about addressing Branson as Tom, btw this reminded me that Robert always referred to Richard as Carlisle. :goof: in a tone as if acid is being poured down his throat :cool:

ScarletCourt 04-30-2012 02:02 PM

Though at one point, Robert does mention that Carlisle keeps insisting that Robert call him Richard. Though I don't think Robert ever got to that point. I can't imagine that Robert would call him Tom in the near future.

bijou156 04-30-2012 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by ScarletCourt (Post 62901103)
Though at one point, Robert does mention that Carlisle keeps insisting that Robert call him Richard. Though I don't think Robert ever got to that point. I can't imagine that Robert would call him Tom in the near future.

True :( I think Robert's pride would be endangered if he did (note: I like Robert but his favoristism and selective shouting anoys me somewhat :mad:) I said this because Robert may still begrudge Tom for some time, I sometimes think that one of the things he may struggle to forgive is that in his view Tom 'betrayed' his trust by 'seducing his daughter behind' his back. Though Tom defended Sybil and said that didn't happened that way, I think the Crawley stubburness will come to feature in s3 :(
I think like protective and loving father, Robert can't still accept or respect his daughter's life choice and he may feel insulted that Sybil never consulted him about it before hand so he may be cold towards her too. I sincerely hope not but that was the impression I got from CS :( he may also feel disrespected that Sybil has thrown away the life that he has known all his life and one that he may have hoped for her too. :(

baileycat 04-30-2012 02:53 PM

Well lets hope the arrival of baby Branson will soften his prideful stubbornness. At least to the point of not acting like a insolent child with his daughter and new son in-law. Unfortunately I do see Robert going out of his way to favor Mary & Matthew and even Edith right in front of Sybil and Tom just out of simple spite.

Something needs to happen between Robert and Tom that will bridge them closer to respectful understanding of each other and their love for Sybil's well being. I have a feeling the baby will be that bridge.

DiamondDreaming 04-30-2012 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by baileycat (Post 62902280)
Well lets hope the arrival of baby Branson will soften his prideful stubbornness. At least to the point of not acting like a insolent child with his daughter and new son in-law. Unfortunately I do see Robert going out of his way to favor Mary & Matthew and even Edith right in front of Sybil and Tom just out of simple spite.

Something needs to happen between Robert and Tom that will bridge them closer to respectful understanding of each other and their love for Sybil's well being. I have a feeling the baby will be that bridge.

I really hope that Robert does stop being so stubborn. He obviously feels that his daughter has thrown her life away by marrying Tom and its going to take a lot for him to think otherwise (let alone admit it) but hopefully once he sees them as a family unit and realises that Sybil really does have her own mind and this is what makes her happy he will be more forgiving. :)

I can totally see him favouring the other couples over them though at first :pout:.

confessor_meggy 04-30-2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by baileycat (Post 62896972)
Anyone else looking toward the first moment when someone in the Crawley family (most likely Robert) slips and calls him Branson instead of Tom?

Will Tom accept a footman's assistance to dress him or will that convention go out the window straight away?

Also looking forward to how the sisters treat him now that the dust has settled.

1- I'd love to see Thomas dressing Branson and making fun of him (which he totally would)

2- Yeah, I don't think Robert will call him Tom at all, but as long as he doesn't call him "chaufer" as he did in the CS, I'm ok with it

HarshBench 04-30-2012 03:41 PM

I suspect that Robert will not call Tom by any name to his face, just "you" or something. Behind his back he will call him Branson or "that husband of hers" or "the chauffeur". LOL. To be honest I think it's going to be funny, if only because I don't care much if Robert makes an ass of himself.

I could see a scene where the two of them start shouting at each other until Cora tells them to shut their pie holes and think of Sybil's feelings.

I am dying to see Tom tell anyone who tries to dress him to get lost. I mean, i think he would be more freaked oUt by it than Matthew was. And Thomas pushing his buttons just has to happen......or vice-versa.

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