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lovebird 11-04-2012 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by KeepThisaSecret (Post 66218870)
Emma didn’t take Hook with her :pout: not happy with that decision.

I'm pretty sure that Hook steal the compass of Emma if she does not keep him. He would betray her and take the compass for Cora...

Thank God Emma does not let be fooled by Hook's pretty face


Originally Posted by oicaxf (Post 66219435)
I didn't like Emma/Hook.

Neal/Emma.....maybe yes.

I ship Emma/Neal already!

oicaxf 11-04-2012 07:38 PM

And the little SNOWING scene (Snow talking about Charming and her nightmares)

Elise21 11-04-2012 07:41 PM

I didn't like Hook and Emma at all. just no :rolleyes::confused:

but Emma and Neal, there you got me :) First real ship after Snowing that I adore.:):):):):):):) For sure Neal is Henry father but Bae ???
I read on some forum that in the box Agust could keep picture of dagger so maybe after all Neal is Bae but writers wants more secrets.

lovebird 11-04-2012 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by oicaxf (Post 66219511)
And the little SNOWING scene (Snow talking about Charming and her nightmares)

Yeah cute...and after we saw Charming doing the same for Henry !

WonderlandGabby 11-04-2012 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by KeepThisaSecret (Post 66218472)
Go a head which one of you lovelies will be accompanying me. Don’t be afraid to fight it out. :lmao: He would love that.

Aurora wanted to sacrifice herself for the group. I have so many feelings right now. I’m loving her more with every episode.

Hook totally wanted a girl fight :lmao: I love him so much!
And I just love Aurora!

WHAT WAS IN THE BOX :lmao: I need to know!

Okay so I LOVED this episode!

- Loved every second of Hook, He's just so perfect and flirty and snarky and sassy and I just love him! I don't think he's going to be to happy about Emma leaving him there.

-I loved how Aurora was willing to step up and go up there. Didn't love Snows low blow about Aurora not having any loved one :nono: Was a bit uncalled for. But I did love their bonding moment later and how mom like Snow started acting towards her :love: Sounds like a creepy ass dream too :eek: So Henry and Aurora saw each other in the dream? Or they just had the same dream? Either way I wonder what it means...and did Snow have the same dream? Because the look on her and Charmings face was odd.

-It was interesting to see how August was involved in her life, but not cool about stealing the money. But he just left her again :mad: :nono: But what the hell did he show Neal??? At least he sent the postcard....

-Speaking of Neal, holy crap do I love him! I love him and Emma they were so cute together! And the last two weeks or so I had the idea that maybe he wasn't the bad guy Emma said he was and it was true! But they made it so that she thought he was so she wasn't lying to Snow! I liked the little twist! I feel so bad for them though :( I hope he shows up in SB for her! And he doesn't even know about Henry! I wouldn't rule him out on being Bea just yet though, there was a few little hints that left me curious.
After Graham I didn't think I could ever find another Emma ship and I did.

Poor Jack too :lmao:

But I loved this episode so much!

Magic Mirror 11-04-2012 08:23 PM

Poor gotta cry a little bit for her. Feeling so alone and betrayed after having such high hopes. And her heart-breaking childhood.

I'm growing to despise August. He was tasked to protect her but he left her all alone all those years and then broke up Neal and Emma and made her believe she was betrayed. :mad:

Neal is obviously an FTL character, and there's still a strong potential he might be Bae--maybe the writers are saving that reveal later on in the season or for the season finale?

Lutesse 11-04-2012 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Elise21 (Post 66219563)
I read on some forum that in the box Agust could keep picture of dagger so maybe after all Neal is Bae but writers wants more secrets.

omg, This! I've been wracking my brain trying to think what must be in August's box that would make Neal listen to him and believe .. a drawing of the Dark One dagger (which we know August possessed) would definitely convince Neal - IF HE IS BAE!

Further, if Neal IS Bae, then August could've got that drawing from only one person - the Blue Fairy. Only she, Bae and Rumpels himself knew of that dagger.

As for the money Neal left for Emma, I don't believe for a minute that August kept it. He probably left it in the car's glove box and sent her the key. I've often wondered how a poor homeless girl got the bankroll to start out in the bailbonds business, and that cash would explain it. :look:

Once I knew August was no longer wooden, I've felt pretty sure that the postcard was sent by him. I'm happy I finally got something right! :lol:

fire for a heart 11-04-2012 08:34 PM

if that neal is bae it will definately be interesting,i was wondering what august showed too

august was the one sent neal teh postcard,finally we have some answers

im curious about the dream too

GrhmLz 11-04-2012 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by eireanne (Post 66219375)
I'm beginning to think that this red room is foreshadowing the Queen of Hearts....

Yup, my thoughts exactly, and I think the Queen of Hearts is Cora. I think these dreams are foreshadowing the arrival of Cora and whatever the heck she has in store for everyone once she gets to SB. I'm guessing that eventually once Snow and Emma find there way back to SB, Aurora and Mulan might be making that trip back with them in order to stop Cora, because my gut is telling me she is making it back to SB before any of them.


So, very good episode that cleared up alot of questions regarding Emma's background.

I'm kind of liking the idea of Neal and Emma together but I wouldn't say I hardcore ship them nor do I necessarily think they are good for each other now, in the present time. It was more like I was relieved to find out that while this guy did questionable things with breaking the law, he was at least a criminal with a heart who seemed to love Emma. :lol: He wanted to do right by her but then August stepping into the picture totally has me thrown for a loop. Geez, no wonder Emma's last impression was that Henry's father was not a good guy, she was left believing he left her to take the fall for the watch heist while he got to make off with the stolen goods. Not the case at all.

August ... I read some other posts about him possibly stealing the money for himself, and I got to admit, I wondered where the money went but it didn't occur to me that August took it. I was kind of thinking that maybe it was left waiting for her inside of the car for when she got out, why mail it to a prison cell where she won't be able to hold onto it herself?! Hm. Personally, even with that money, I think Emma would have given Henry up for adoption because her reasons for doing so were not really about financial support. I just think she didn't think she could be a mother, she felt abandoned herself, that Henry wouldn't have had his best shot with her.

If Henry's father is not actually Bae, I got to admit, I am pretty confused on what August could have told him (showed him in the box) that was so believable regarding Emma and her destiny. Enough to make him up and leave her like that?! Sorry, if he's just some average human guy from our world, I'm kind of having a hard time swallowing that. And I still don't get how or why August thought he was helping Emma out by having her sent away to jail. That doesn't make much sense to me either. Suddenly, his motivations are very questionable, but at the same time, Emma did end up in SB, like he ultimately was predicting should happen. And he also kept his word to Neal and had the postcard sent to him once the curse was broken.

Alot going on in FTL this episode - I'm glad that at least Aurora got some more focus in the storyline tonight with her bonding scenes with Snow when they got to talk about the sleeping curses and the bad dreams they have and were experiencing. VERY eerie that Aurora and Henry confessed to experiencing the same exact dream and it was almost weird, like I expected Snow to admit that she saw the same thing. The same with Charming when it came to Henry explaining it to him.

Mulan and Emma - I liked that Mulan was willing to back Emma up and do what she asked if it came down to it, it shows how loyal and dependable she is within their group and their mission to stop Cora. I know Snow wasn't happy about it but I understood why Emma wanted things to go down that way if it was needed. Snow was going to react like a mother would to the news, that's just to be expected from anyone who is one.

Hook, lol. I don't hate him, I find him a bit amusing, but there's just something about the way he's coming across - I can't fully get into him. It's kind of like, I don't mind seeing him here and there but as a regular?! Hm, no, I can live without him like that. I tolerated the scenes with Emma but I do think these interactions are coming across a bit forced, whereas with the other storyline villains, such as Gold or Regina, there's just this natural bang in their scenes together. I'm just not getting that with Hook for some reason. Sorry, no offense to those who do like him but I'd rather regular status development go to other characters, like Mulan or Aurora. Even Belle, who already is a regular, is kind of taking a back seat with no real further development yet this season. So far for her, everything has been about Mr. Gold. What about her past before him?! Just an example I'm throwing out there.

With the exception of the ending, with Henry's dream, really no SB tonight. But looks like next week we get some more Ruby/Red. Should be interesting, it looks like her 'wolf side' may now be returning since the curse is broken and magic has come to SB. She's trading one curse back for her old one.

PrincessB 11-04-2012 08:56 PM

Well, trying to gather my jumbled thoughts. Lots of emotions during this episode!

First what I didn't like

-Snow being so OOC when she didn't even try to fight Emma off going up the stalk, I totally get that she's adult and everything, but just the fact she didn't even try seemed so not Snow like what she has been shown before and after this scene.

-August. Dayummm, no longer like this guy. At all. What happened to Emma was just plain cruel and bad. There definitely were other ways to get around and at least explain something to 18 year old girl, not tear her apart. And he even stole the money, really August, really??? Neal included. Glad he cared for her but seems not enough to fight for her and not put her in danger and corrupting her.

-Emma leaving Hook. I really understand where she's coming from doing that, but it seems like she never gets a chance into romance, I actually started to like Hook/Emma and then this happens.

-CGI. when Emma and Hook got to the castle, it was horrible, didn't look real at all.

Now parts I loved

- the scenes I loved the most when Snow fought Mulan not to cut the stalk and when she got all her mama bear tone on Emma with we go together, you heard me?? That was beautiful. And the hug.

-Charming lighting up a candle to Henry like he used to do with Snow. That was precious!

-Hook/Emma I really like how she didn't brush him off completely and did care for him to make out alive even if she left him.

-Giant! I didn't expect him to be sweet :lol:

I really enjoyed that we finally got to see more about Emma and how she became what she's now even if it was heartbreaking and really didn't make much sense why August chose to go round breaking her like that to prepare for the "destiny"

Not really feeling Neal/Emma, but at least he wasn't what Emma thought and he did love her.

I wonder if the dream Henry and Aurora had and Emma fixating on dream catcher will pan out into something later!
And what was it that made Neal believer. He has to be someone from FTL he believed so quick I guess.

Jamie Choate 11-04-2012 09:25 PM

The episode lived up to my expectations and then some. Just wow. :love:

August can take a hike. Seriously. That's not how you protect someone. You don't come and go in someone's life and mess with them like that. I can forgive the boy for leaving her behind but not what he's done since.

I'm a sucker for Neal. I wish he would have fought harder to stay with Emma but obviously whatever August showed him made him step back. I don't think he could be Bae because no way would he ditch Emma like that when Rumple did the same to him. I'm thinking the theory that he's the white rabbit is likely.

Poor Emma. You really get an understanding for the way she is. She's had the rug jerked out from under more than once. We see why she hardened herself against life so it will be a joy to watch her open back up. On all levels.

I can't help it. I like Hook. And I like whatever is going on between him and Emma. I don't think it will last but there is something there.

.:DoDs:. 11-04-2012 09:41 PM

I loved Neal/Emma... and didn't like Hook/Emma
Aurora and Henry's dream was interesting, I'm very curious...
And I still think Neal could be Bae... I dunno, there's definitely something weird in this whole thing...

Jennax87 11-04-2012 09:44 PM

August is a class a jerk. Seriously he left her all alone until he was starting to turn to wood and the one time she had something good in her life he ruined that too. While I felt sorry for Neal I felt like he gave up too quickly. He should've fought for her. Why the hell can't she break the curse with him? There's no reason for her to go at it alone. The reason it took her so long to break that damn curse and believe in the first place was because she became so cynical and closed off.

I didn't think Snow was OOC at all with letting Emma go. She knows her kid has been trying to prove herself all this time and by agreeing she was letting Emma know that she trusted her enough. That's one of the 2 things Emma need most in her life, trust and love. And it's also a way to show that Snow didn't hold Emma's screwups against her.

I loved Emma/Hook. They have chemistry out the wazoo. Finally Aurora is given something interesting to do than be a useless waste of space with the dreams thing with Henry. I'm guessing the dream thing is because all 3, Snow, Aurora, and Henry had all been given a sleeping curse/poison.

_vega_ 11-04-2012 09:46 PM


Sigh :pout:.

I agree Neal wasn't a good influence on Emma but why did he have to leave and let her believe he had duped her all along? I think August's plan was just too brutal for poor Emma. Now, not only is Geppetto responsible for Emma growing up without her momma but August is responsible for Emma needing to give her son up for adoption and losing the man she was in love with, who might not have been the best man out there but for all we know he probably was the first person she found who actually loved her.

I have to give the writers credit, since I did think Neal would end up using Emma and leaving her in jail. I liked their scenes but I kept expecting him to dissapoint her, although at the end I ended up liking them when I saw he didn't plan on hurting her and that he did love her.

I felt that Hook and Emma had chemistry in their scenes but I can't ship them, I don't want Emma with a bad guy and I don't trust Hook at all. I thought her plan was brilliant, she was being practical by leaving Hook with the giant for a little while after her.

Loved Snow and Emma's scene, those two are the heart of the show and the main reason I watch.

Also loved Snow comforting Aurora and I thought Aurora was so sweet this episode. I felt bad that she has no loved ones anymore :bawl:. Mulan is alone too, I hope the writers will develop this friendship more.

I found Aurora and Henry's dream interesting, very interesting. It seems like the were seeing each other through their dreams :eek:.


Didn't love Snows low blow about Aurora not having any loved one
I don't think Snow meant to say that Aurora had no loved ones, she was asking why Aurora would get up there and risk her life since getting the compass was about getting Emma and Snow back in Storybrook with their loved ones, Aurora had nothing to gain from that. It was Aurora who said she had no loved ones and that was her reason to go up there, so that Snow and Emma wouldn't risk the chance of not getting back to their own.

HB_787 11-04-2012 11:00 PM

-I knew there was a reason I dint like August and this episode just told me.
He and his father ruined Emma's Life. First his father for his own selfish reasons dint let Snow go with Emma through the portal and then we have August who just left Emma and separated her from one good thing in her life! So much for being "guardian angel".

-Before this episode, I thought I wouldn't like this new guy but I do now. I do like him and Emma. They really loved each other and I felt bad that Emma thought she was betrayed by Neal ( thanks to August). I just he gets back to SB and finds Emma again :D Oh he doesn't even know about Henry :(

-I think Neal can be Bae, as people said here he might have seen the Dark One Dagger, that's why he believed August so quickly.

- I just love Hook. He's flirty and his witty banter with Emma was pretty good.No,I dont ship them because I don't him to die (Graham-Emma shipper here LOL).I do think If he had gotten the chance to run away with that compass, he would have left Emma and Co. Dont really mind Emma leaving him behind!

-Aurora and Henry's dreams were creepy. What i understood was that in Aurora's dream she saw a "guy" ( which could be henry) and Henry saw a girl, which is why he said " i saw HER staring at me". So the dreams are connected

Overall a pretty good episode, at the end I was just left wanting for more. Cant wait for next episode. Its red riding hood :D

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