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Old 02-25-2012, 09:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Jensen_girl22 (View Post)

And that scene where Mr. Gold tells Emma to give the walkie talkie to Henry? In my mind, Mr. Gold gave Henry a present .

Ditto x"D IDEM!

Originally Posted by Jensen_girl22 (View Post)
I watched the epsode with my mom and even her thinks Mr. Gold is Henry´s father
Of course i doubt that the favor that Mr. Gold wants from Emma it will be this but........i would love that the favor he wants start a family with Emma

Your mom has a keen eye And I would love for that favour to be so *_*

Gaah, I really wish I could write a fanfic right now instead of being typing 24/7 on a thesis -_- Seriously.... send me prompts in my inbox... I feel like making drabbles tonight (if the presence of my nephew will allow it) I won't guarantee quality or quantity.. I just need to fill my Gemmaless time
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Old 02-25-2012, 10:45 AM
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Emma: Actually, I'm a fan of Regina, but I'm also a fan of Emma's, so I hate it when I see some of Regina's fanbase hate on Emma. I love Regina/EQ and there are times I do find her sympathetic, but I'm not going to whitewash her like some her fanbrats do and present the woman as an angel and demonize other characters and I do think she needs to get her comeuppance.

Eliza: Same here; I try to avoid character/ship wars. I only get involved if someone attacks me for my preference or makes a really asinine statement towards/about a ship.
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Old 02-25-2012, 11:29 AM
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RumpelGold: Maybe you should write that fic of yours where Emma is sick and Gold takes care of her I would love to read it!

And I know what you mean, people are always asking me to do something else when I'm trying to write

Originally Posted by Seda_Cuervo (View Post)

Eliza: Same here; I try to avoid character/ship wars. I only get involved if someone attacks me for my preference or makes a really asinine statement towards/about a ship.
Yeah, I avoid them mostly because I think it's stupid and I get hurt when people say bad things about the characters/ships I love

And I also can't keep my mouth shut when that happens so it's better if I do not know it exists
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Old 02-25-2012, 01:06 PM
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Eliza: See, I'm different. I don't get hurt when people insult the ships and characters I like/love. I think it's because I've been in a whole bunch of insane fandoms where you get even insulted over not shipping "canon" couples, so I've become, I guess you can, numb at or grown used to people insulting pairings and characters I like. If I happen to get emotional reaction at people insulting a pairing or character I like, it would be anger or irritation because they said something COMPLETELY off the wall.

Last edited by Seda_Cuervo; 02-25-2012 at 10:25 PM
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Old 02-25-2012, 03:32 PM
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Ok, since I obviously missed a lot (wowzers ), I'll just start with my Gemma-centric theories first. Yay, everyone's happy! lol


And not exactly related, but someone suggested an interesting theory...

EmmaGold: DOUBLE-U TEE EFF...?? aka WTF?? xD That house!! What happened to his request in the Pilot?? He wanted COMFORT, and Regina promised him an ESTATE. An estate does NOT have a neighbor that dagburn close by!! I was expecting him to be on a lonely piece of land that went on for MILES and exuded the privacy he loves! Somehow I missed that he had a neighbor that close, 'cause otherwise I would've been all ???? a lot sooner. And I hate the's just weird-looking. Not NEARLY as opulent as I would've expected. I do love the balconies, though... I could totally live there, if the colors were changed. xP

LOVELOVELOVE that gif! And it's driving me crazy, but I KNOW those lyrics... "Just overwhelm me." Do you know what song it's from??

Eliza: No, don't break it up into two parts! It may be rare to find long fanfiction chapters in OUAT, but I believe that's because there isn't much to express... Normally I've got TONS of ideas for stories, so this fandom's a lot harder to write for since there's a lot we don't yet know. Definitely post it in its entirety!

Thanks! xP Most people actually need references (it's a proven fact artwork looks better when you're looking at a reference), buuuut I still envy people who can draw masterpieces from memory. Needing a reference is pretty inhibiting.

Jensen_girl22: That idea for the favor is SOOO sweet! I saw someone posted (on the kink meme) a prompt where his favor is to have a baby with her, so that's on the same wavelength. I doubt either will happen since the OUAT writers have been MEANIES lately, but hey, a girl can dream.

Seda: I honestly don't get why everyone's such a huge EQ fan... (EDIT: Just read you're one, so I hope you don't mind I said this XD) I find her entirely unlikable, but that's just me. Every time I START to pity her, she does something that makes me go, "Yeeeah, so not buying that anymore, sorry." But I'll agree that most of the people who DO love her are hardcore Lana fans. She seems like an awesome person IRL, but that's not enough to make me like the character. With that said, I wouldn't make a confession just to bash her...

And I've also become numb to it... I used to be sucked in HARDCORE, 'cause people get sooooooo nasty if you don't ship canon. Just WHY?? I've found canon is usually the most BORING, because the writers will destroy them at some point and time/make them uninteresting. That's why I'm on the fence about Gemma being legit... On one hand, that might actually cause a shipping explosion like it did with Rumbelle (cuz ppl were all "Yaaay, Rumpie has a gurlfriendz!"), but on the other hand, it might ruin their dynamic. I feel it'd be hard to destroy their chemistry, but you never know.

RumpelGold: Argh, I hope you finish your thesis soon! I hate writing anything over 5 pages, so I feel you pain... The longest paper I wrote was about 12 pages, and since I'm pretty sure a thesis is close to 200, I x_X I wish I could give you a prompt, but I'm prompt-less at the moment... lol I'm pretty sure they have prompt groups on LJ.
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Old 02-25-2012, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Kendra Luehr (View Post)
I was expecting him to be on a lonely piece of land that went on for MILES and exuded the privacy he loves!
I noticed that in our rp where you drove up his lane for hours on end x'D

You've got a few good points there. He was promised comfort and an estate and it seems the queen didn't really stick to her end of the deal O_o That said, castles I know have the same kind of colour as Gold's house, sometimes just plain barbie pink. I suppose it's fashionable I know my favourite schloss is pink. I always wondered why because I thought it to be an ugly colour for it, but apart from that I absolutely adore that castle 8') I'm drifting away from the topic... =')

Henry and Rumple (because I'm browsing the fanfics in an attempt to keep awake. I see some really interesting ones of Emma and Gold. Anyone any idea where The Goblin and the Small Town Sheriff is going x'D?
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Old 02-25-2012, 03:54 PM
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silent moments ;; { Gold/Rumpelstiltskin x Emma } ~ REQUEST & B-DAY GIFT - YouTube

RumpelGold: LMAO! XD I forgot I had her drive for miles, and checking her watch... xDDD Oooh, ficcie! *prances off to read* As for the other fic, I'm not sure, but I like it!
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Old 02-25-2012, 10:21 PM
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Kendra: Nope, I don't mind what you say about Regina. I feel the same way; I do feel sorry for her but then she does something I cannot condone, so then I lose sympathy for her. Also, despite me liking Regina, I really want her to get her comeuppance for making so many people miserable and I'm not fond of my fellow fanbase (the "Evil Regals") because of their tendency to passionately defend her and whitewash her meanwhile throw other characters under a bus for any and every mistake. And tbh, I think the reason Regina's so popular because she's played by a good-looking actress. Sad to say, if the actress playing Granny was the one to play Regina, there goes 90% of Regina's fanbase.

Yeah, I don't get that either. I don't understand that whole "You Must Worship and Ship the Holy Canon!" mentality, and sadly, I encountered that mentality in the both the Harry Potter, Danny Phantom and Avatar: The Last Airbender fandoms. So the author writes in a ship and makes it official. And? Doesn't mean I have to force myself to like it and me shipping alternate pairings is not going to hurt the writer personally (and, IMO, if a writer gets that hung up on people not shipping his/her "precious canon" pairings, then they're in the wrong business). It's like these people never heard of "personal preference." I'm also the same way; I rarely ship canon because I find most canon pairings not only boring, but also shallow and poorly-written, meanwhile fanon pairings, or rather, pairings that the writer(s) didn't intend to have better chemistry, be deeper and have better writing. So, yeah, I see what you're saying about being worried somewhat if Gemma would lose its spark if it became canon. Let's just cross our fingers and hope for the best for Gemma.

OOOOOooooo, a new vid by FataFaby?! Checking it out now!

Last edited by Seda_Cuervo; 02-25-2012 at 10:27 PM
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Old 02-25-2012, 10:54 PM
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Seda: LOL!!! But isn't that (sadly) the case with most fan-related things?? I've found that if two people are super hot, they're gonna be shipped hardcore (regardless of their chemistry/the sense behind it). That's why so many M/M pairings are popular, because it's the "Zomg, they're both so HAWT!" mindset. lol With that said, I can't really perceive what's the driving force behind Rumbelle... I guess cuteness? Because I don't really consider Emilie to be worshiped (appearance-wise) like Megan Ohry. People went nuts over her when the show first aired. lol

And I know this is weird, but am I the only one to notice that both Lana and Robert have the SAME kind of lip scar in the SAME place? That might be what spawned the
theory about them in the first place, eh? ;D lol jk

And yes! Tis gorgeous.
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Old 02-25-2012, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Kendra Luehr (View Post)
Seda: LOL!!! But isn't that (sadly) the case with most fan-related things?? I've found that if two people are super hot, they're gonna be shipped hardcore (regardless of their chemistry/the sense behind it). That's why so many M/M pairings are popular, because it's the "Zomg, they're both so HAWT!" mindset. lol With that said, I can't really perceive what's the driving force behind Rumbelle... I guess cuteness? Because I don't really consider Emilie to be worshiped (appearance-wise) like Megan Ohry. People went nuts over her when the show first aired. lol

And I know this is weird, but am I the only one to notice that both Lana and Robert have the SAME kind of lip scar in the SAME place? That might be what spawned the
theory about them in the first place, eh? ;D lol jk

And yes! Tis gorgeous.
Actually...I'm AM a slasher (or rather a fan of some M/M pairings in some fandoms). Hope this doesn't bother you. However my reasons to ship M/M pairings tend to go beyond "OMG, they're so hot" (hotness of the people involved is a bonus, though), but yes, a lot of fan-related stuff that gets a lot of support tends to be based on the "hotness factor." I have no idea about what's the driving force behind the love for Rumbelle, but I think you might be onto something about maybe the..."cuteness" of the pairing earning it a lot of love. Because, based on my experience, pairings that are "cutesy" tend to be loved by the majority of a fandom.

Wait...WHAT? People thought that
?! Wow. Wow. WOW.

Yep, the video was gorgeous! Another excellent vid from FataFaby!
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Old 02-25-2012, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Seda_Cuervo (View Post)
Actually...I'm AM a slasher (or rather a fan of some M/M pairings in some fandoms). Hope this doesn't bother you. However my reasons to ship M/M pairings tend to go beyond "OMG, they're so hot" (hotness of the people involved is a bonus, though), but yes, a lot of fan-related stuff that gets a lot of support tends to be based on the "hotness factor." I have no idea about what's the driving force behind the love for Rumbelle, but I think you might be onto something about maybe the..."cuteness" of the pairing earning it a lot of love. Because, based on my experience, pairings that are "cutesy" tend to be loved by the majority of a fandom.

Wait...WHAT? People thought that
?! Wow. Wow. WOW.

Yep, the video was gorgeous! Another excellent vid from FataFaby!
No, of course not! I support some femmeslash (i.e. Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy from the Batman fandom), so it's not like I'm all anti-same sex couples. I just get really irritated when pairings are SOLELY based on looks. And honestly? About 95% of the slashers I met in Batverse shipped for the "hot factor."

I thought Rumbelle was "cute" before I saw the episode. When I saw how shoddily it was slapped together, it instantly lost its appeal and I was left going LoL

And...yes. That's a theory going on right now. XD LOL

I'm hoping that after the curse is broken, there will be some hardcore Rumpel x Princess!Emma flirting going on. I know it's crass, but I could see him taking her in the underbrush after an exceptionally brutal argument. XDD I want to Photoshop Rumpel x Princess!Emma kissing, 'cause I'm getting sick of my current avatar. lol And now that I have a shot of Rumpel kissing *quickly edits out Belle's face xD*, it works! Yay!
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Old 02-25-2012, 11:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Kendra Luehr (View Post)
No, of course not! I support some femmeslash (i.e. Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy from the Batman fandom), so it's not like I'm all anti-same sex couples. I just get really irritated when pairings are SOLELY based on looks. And honestly? About 95% of the slashers I met in Batverse shipped for the "hot factor."

I thought Rumbelle was "cute" before I saw the episode. When I saw how shoddily it was slapped together, it instantly lost its appeal and I was left going LoL

And...yes. That's a theory going on right now. XD LOL

I'm hoping that after the curse is broken, there will be some hardcore Rumpel x Princess!Emma flirting going on. I know it's crass, but I could see him taking her in the underbrush after an exceptionally brutal argument. XDD I want to Photoshop Rumpel x Princess!Emma kissing, 'cause I'm getting sick of my current avatar. lol And now that I have a shot of Rumpel kissing *quickly edits out Belle's face xD*, it works! Yay!
Ah, okay, and I see what you mean and I agree wholeheartedly. But my experience was different; most of the slashers I've met in my fandoms shipped the slash couples they like because of the chemistry, the relationship between the characters, and in addition to hotness of the characters involved. Still, I'm sorry about your experience with the Batverse slash fandom. ;(

I'm sorry OUAT ruined Rumbelle for you, Kendra. Well, if there's any consolation, there's Gemma.

Your wish for Rumpel x Princess!Emma flirting isn't crass at all, I like it and it's certainly better than my plot bunny of Rumpel teaching Princess!Emma magic (since Emma might have to fight Regina and how she's going to do that) and teach her the lay and politics of FTL. Hell, I actually kind of wanted a Queen Emma and King Rumpel ruling and politically and physically pwning the hell out of their enemies. The reason I'm bringing up the political intrigue stuff because I think I heard a rumor going around that one of the OUAT writers also writes for Game of Thrones.
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Old 02-26-2012, 12:48 AM
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Might I say something really stupid?

Till about a year ago I had no idea about canon pairings and non canon pairings. I was only aware of the term 'canon' with the things they wanted to teach you at school and such. I occasionally saw it mentioned on Fanfic sites but never gave it a thought. It held no importance to me. Then recently I had someone explain it to me. The term only seemed to matter in the Alice fandom and OUAT fandom, so far. Probably it mattered in more, but these are the two fandoms I've been snooping around and people actually get worked up over it. I'm not saying many people, just some to extreme extends

I suggest we forget the whole term and have that weight off of our shoulders. From now on no pairings are 'canon' and all pairings are plausible figments of our imagination Somehow canon seems to be a reason for supposing a pairing is more important, so if the term doesn't exist the argument is invalid

Back to Gemma... That vid *__* And in my mind's eye I see Rumple like Mr Gold after the curse, a normal man. At least that is what he tries to achieve in my opinion. He has this curse all working for him because it would allow him to get rid of the curse of the Dark One or find a way to get rid of it. The only way I can imagine him as his golden self afterwards would be if he failed, and then he'd be ever so interesting around Emma. I'd love to see our 'princess' ( I bet she would say she can't rule and that her argument of how she can't even take care of herself would return in this, with the others telling her that as a sheriff she already was ruling in some kind of way ) would deal with the golden trickster. The only way I can see that happen isn't as just friends... it would end in more King/Prince Rumple... I think they would make a rule he can't be King because of all he has done. Then Emma would be next in line to rule and Prince Henry would come after her. Gave it a little too much thought... guess so xD
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Old 02-26-2012, 02:44 AM
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Seda: OMG. PLEASE TELL ME THAT RUMOR IS TRUE. I looove Game of Thrones! If we had at least ONE of the writers of that show on OUAT, it could get so much better... *squeaks* I mean, I love most of what they've done, but some of it needs better timing/execution. x-X

I just clasped my hands at the thought of them ruling together, LOL! For whatever reason, I envision Princess!Emma looking like Rapunzel in Tangled. I could see her rocking that cute pink dress and long hair (although not THAT long ). I'd really like to draw them as royals now, simply because nobody else has. ...That, and it'd be adorable.

RumpelGold: LOL Great thought on that. XD It's not stupid at all! I honestly don't even remember my first encounter with the term "canon," but it makes me feel stupid since some people assume it's spelled the same as the weapon "cannon"... So when I come across someone who spells it like the weapon, my inner English major twitches since I'm afraid they'll think I can't spell. XD

I LIKE THIS THOUGHT. What if his favor ends up carrying over into FTL, and he wants to be her King? :') Daww. Emma will kick him in the nads... xD I could seriously ship their FTL counterparts harder than I already ship their Storybrooke selves, because the possibilities are endless (and hilarious).
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Old 02-26-2012, 04:59 AM
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Game of thrones O_O I'm reading Clash of Kings right now.. (well, not right now, Now I am typing x'D )

Kendra: I'll reply in rp later on =) I like what you said about Emma's reaction. It's somewhat what I'd expect to happen in such a situation x'D Poor Gold/Rumple.. lol
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