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Old 12-06-2012, 04:16 PM
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It's hard for me to be that understanding of her when she keeps acting this way. Zoe is not 12 years old she needs to quit acting like it George didn't treat Tansy like she was trailer trash yet you have Zoe basically calling her that to Wade it's not cute to be so snobby. I do understand that it has been alot of change for her, but she has had a while to adjust her self absorbed attitude isn't flying with me anymore. Wade is trying he is putting his feelings out there which is what most wanted well he is doing just that and it still isn't enough for her.
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Old 12-06-2012, 04:44 PM
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I came across way harsher above than I'm feeling about Zoe. That is what happens when you are only trying to touch on a few things quickly.

As I said I'm not mad at Zoe. I've got 2 conflicting things going on in my brain in regards to Zoe. First I completely understand her freak out. I get that there is a lot of change going on for her. She is a control freak and it is just too much for her and too fast. I get that and it is a perfectly normal reaction to have. I also don't think her remarks about Tansy were about her and Wade. I actually don't think she sees Wade as beneath her. Although I do think she believes that about other people. So in essence it can still be applied to Wade as well. If any of that makes sense? In other words she knows Wade so to her he is just Wade. I don't think she thinks beyond that when it comes to him. But subconsciously there is a lot going on. I don't like that attitude, but that is something that takes time to get over. I think with Zoe it was a whole lot of nervousness going on and open foot insert mouth disease.

I think my main issue is that she was all about herself in this episode. And again I get that because a lot is going on with the changes and she is clinging to anything she can to stop things from spiraling out of control. At some point though her self absorption is irritating. And that is where I'm at now. I get her and completely understand her, but still I'm frustrated and irritated. It isn't even in regards to Wade although he is getting the brunt of it now. She has shown this with Lavon and Rose and even George. She is so wrapped up in herself and how things are affecting her that she forgets her actions are affecting those around her. And as a result they end up getting hurt. In the past Wade or Lavon has snapped her out of it when she gets too bad. Lavon is too busy with Ruby. And Wade is too involved himself to really be of much help. And he is dealing with his own hurt. When it comes to the relationship with Wade, yeah I get that she thought it was only sexual etc and Wade is also to blame for that. Ok so we are moving past that. Wade indicated that he wanted more. At the end of the day she was irritated with him for wanting to change their relationship because she was comfortable and happy and completely blind to the fact that he wasn't happy. She seems to think that she is the only one who matters in the relationship with him. She pushes for more and he delivers whether it is being monogamous or doing something romantic for her so she feels appreciated. He wants to go public and she doesn't so he goes along with her wishes. He has let her set the pace for everything so far. He asks one thing of her and she can't deliver. I don't blame her for the date, but I wish she would have acknowledged his feelings a bit more in why he wanted this or made more of an effort. She thinks that as long as she is giving him sex that he should be satisfied and that is it. At some point you have to think that she forgets that he is a person who is also part of the relationship.

But again I'm not mad at her because I don't think she is doing any of it intentionally. And she did make some strides by trying to make sure she wrangled with Magnolia and Brick to make the date work. And she also seemed to be a bit more aware of how her reactions to things affects Wade. So yes there are baby steps for her, but it seems like everyone else is moving a little faster than she is and sometimes it gets frustrating when you realize that she isn't quite there yet.
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Tracie76 (View Post)
I came across way harsher above than I'm feeling about Zoe. That is what happens when you are only trying to touch on a few things quickly.
No worries! It happens to all of us when we're in a hurry. I get misunderstood a lot- brain thinks faster than the fingers can properly type and I know what I'm trying to say so sometimes I shorthand and it comes out all wrong. But, I think you've defended her well actually.

I totally agree- she was trying to convince Wade she wasn't jealous about George- and kinda tipsy- it was total brain-mouth disconnect and as you said, it just made it worse.(wonder if her foot went well with crackers and wine?)

I do think she still harbors feelings that a lot of the residents of BB are 'beneath' her, but she's working on it. The more she gets to know them, the less she feels that way- but it will probably always pop up from time to time- even Lemon acts that way toward some of the townspeople...

And I'm also alternately understanding of Zoe and irritated by her carelessness toward others- like you said, not just Wade. Her crazy is part of her charm though...

I think she realizes now that she's hurt Wade (and that he in fact has human feelings) and now she needs time to decide where to go from here. I think the next episode should be interesting...

On a totally different note- what do you suppose Wade was working on? Zoe's house seems done... is the bar idea coming back?
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Old 12-07-2012, 12:33 AM
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I think my main issue is that she was all about herself in this episode. And again I get that because a lot is going on with the changes and she is clinging to anything she can to stop things from spiraling out of control. At some point though her self absorption is irritating.
Tracie, that was very well put.

While I am not the biggest fan of Zoe right now, I know (partially) why she behaves the way she does. However, that still makes me have not entirely positive thoughts towards her.
I am just so confused with her half of the time, and I find it hard to understand some of her actions and reactions, that’s all. And that’s why I don’t feel too connected to her. A lot of people have that feeling towards Lemon, and it was okay too, you just get some characters more than others. I am still looking forward to seeing Zoe evolve over time

Rae, good question, I had almost forgotten about the bar! It would be nice if that idea came back
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Old 12-07-2012, 02:18 AM
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But again I'm not mad at her because I don't think she is doing any of it intentionally. And she did make some strides by trying to make sure she wrangled with Magnolia and Brick to make the date work. And she also seemed to be a bit more aware of how her reactions to things affects Wade. So yes there are baby steps for her, but it seems like everyone else is moving a little faster than she is and sometimes it gets frustrating when you realize that she isn't quite there yet.
So true, Tracie

Rae, good question, I had almost forgotten about the bar! It would be nice if that idea came back
Ah yes, the bar! And wouldn't it be nice if George and Lavon would help him get it?

But, with Wade having his own bar, where would that leave the Rammer Jammer?
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Old 12-07-2012, 05:00 AM
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Originally Posted by raeofsun (View Post)
On a totally different note- what do you suppose Wade was working on? Zoe's house seems done... is the bar idea coming back?
I think it was just a pretext! Nothing more!
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Old 12-07-2012, 05:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Cosmic Love (View Post)
While I am not the biggest fan of Zoe right now, I know (partially) why she behaves the way she does. However, that still makes me have not entirely positive thoughts towards her.
I am just so confused with her half of the time, and I find it hard to understand some of her actions and reactions, that’s all. And that’s why I don’t feel too connected to her. A lot of people have that feeling towards Lemon, and it was okay too, you just get some characters more than others. I am still looking forward to seeing Zoe evolve over time
I totally get that. I didn't like Lemon at all for most of last season (this season I think she's great). I understood her (better as the season went on- as we learned about her mom, etc), but thought she was unreasonable and unlikeable. (And a bit OTT in the southern belle stereotype.) Though now that I think about it... probably part of the reason I didn't like Lemon last year was her complete refusal to change. Everyone else did last season- but she clung to her first opinion of Zoe and didn't develop much- and now Zoe is doing the same thing- refusing to grow.

Zoe has made me feel that way this season (that she's unreasonable/unlikeable at times), but I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, since I've always liked her- and with as far as they've brought Lemon... I have faith they'll bring Zoe back around too.
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Old 12-07-2012, 05:52 AM
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I agree that what Wade was working on wasn't anything. It was just a way for them to show that he was basically ignoring Zoe and freezing her out. So they gave him something to do.

I do think the bar idea will come back up soon. We had Tansy mention it in 206. And SP mentioned George being frustrated with Wade because he isn't living up to his potential in a recent interview. So I definitely think that they will remember that Wade actually had aspirations aside from being with Zoe. I think for the first part of the season they really wanted to work on building up the various relationships. This past episode it seems like they tossed everyone in a relationship blender, hit mix, and now we'll see what happens with these new relationships in the 2nd half of the season. Hopefully they also remember that the characters have careers. It was actually nice seeing George act like a lawyer again instead of exclusively being the dating man about town.

And the season 2 Zoe vs the season 1 Lemon is a very good comparison. At first Lemon was too much for me last season, but as soon as they started revealing some of her backstory I started to understand her better and she didn't irritate me. That is also my big complaint with Ruby. They bring her in and she is just mean. And only now when it looks like she is getting ready to leave do they start to soften her up and give her more depth. Last season Lemon definitely had major issues and the more she felt things slipping beyond her control the nastier she became. Although Zoe hasn't slipped to some of the depths of Lemon's antics. I do think Lemon was aware last season that she was being nasty. Zoe isn't being nasty. Zoe is just living in her own world. So I have actually been a lot more forgiving of Zoe than I was of Lemon last season. Zoe truly is unaware. There just comes a point that she has to become aware though because you can't keep coming up with the same excuses to make it ok. She has to show some growth at some point. I do believe that she has grown since getting to Bluebell. Definitely. They showed us that last season. This season she seems to be stuck in a rut. It could be her reacting to all of the changes last season and as she said right now she just wants everything to stop so she has time to adjust to all that is going on around her.
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Old 12-07-2012, 06:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Tracie76 (View Post)
This past episode it seems like they tossed everyone in a relationship blender, hit mix, and now we'll see what happens with these new relationships in the 2nd half of the season. Hopefully they also remember that the characters have careers. It was actually nice seeing George act like a lawyer again instead of exclusively being the dating man about town.
That's a good description And it was nice to see George back in his office- and throwing legal jargon around (even if it was mostly BS).

Last season Lemon definitely had major issues and the more she felt things slipping beyond her control the nastier she became. Although Zoe hasn't slipped to some of the depths of Lemon's antics. I do think Lemon was aware last season that she was being nasty. Zoe isn't being nasty. Zoe is just living in her own world. So I have actually been a lot more forgiving of Zoe than I was of Lemon last season. Zoe truly is unaware. There just comes a point that she has to become aware though because you can't keep coming up with the same excuses to make it ok. She has to show some growth at some point. I do believe that she has grown since getting to Bluebell. Definitely. They showed us that last season. This season she seems to be stuck in a rut. It could be her reacting to all of the changes last season and as she said right now she just wants everything to stop so she has time to adjust to all that is going on around her.
Exactly- Lemon was deliberately mean- Zoe is just so clueless, she's so wrapped up in herself (not that it's any better really) that she totally misses how she's affecting others. But I think she's starting to wake up- first toward Lavon and now (hopefully) toward Wade.

Let's hope she gets on board with the changes around her and grows too, and soon.
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Old 12-08-2012, 06:21 AM
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She had some funny comments
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by raeofsun (View Post)
And it was nice to see George back in his office- and throwing legal jargon around (even if it was mostly BS).
That was fun I agree with Tracie that it's great that we saw George do some "legal" talk and I would love to see more of him actually being a lawyer and the other characters working their jobs. Tansy could get a job at the hair salon or start her own beauty parlor in BB (with lots of gossiping ladies ). Zoe and brick should join forces in some medical emergency and I would love to see Lemon and AB catering during another crazy BB event
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Old 12-08-2012, 11:25 AM
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Originally Posted by LazySummer (View Post)
Zoe and brick should join forces in some medical emergency
Should be fun. I love when they butt heads.

Tansy in the beauty parlor would be great- lots of potential there.
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