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Old 03-21-2004, 10:32 PM
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Forgotten Worlds: Demon in My view

1.Myth by Delerium
2. Underworld
3. witchblade
4. Flight of the vampire

Flight of the Vampire by Josette Scott

He emerged from the shadows,
with eyes made of light.
To show me a secret,
this strange, dark night.

I watched as he fell
into Death's embrace.
Spiraling downward
Falling from grace.

Before me he drifted,
A Spectre in time.
with unequaled poise,
and poetic rhyme.

A voice so alluring,
charm born of ages.
Chapters of life...
Where Death penned the pages.

Of darkened pursuits
forbidden pleasures...
unending hunger,
sorrows beyond measure...
"The evening is spent,
and soon I'll be gone,
The price of eternity...
I must flee the dawn."

He inclined his head,
with an endearing smile.
offered a hand
to walk for awhile.

If you must go
leave just one clue?
Spare me the memory...
that I may think of you.

He smiled again,
that barbed display.
Try though I might,
I could not look away,

Feral eyes
glimpsed the pale sky
a caress to my cheek he whispered goodbye...

When the world was still new to humans, and everything was simple, traditions were the law and humans lived in fear, in fear of eachother and in fear of vampires who they had taken the land from.

At first the vampires were prejudice, the humans so much like them in appearance, but so far from them in every other aspect, they retreated, they used magic to go into the mists, into another realm where the humans would not be of bother to them, but eventually the vampires grew tired of simply avoiding them, so they returned back out into the newly mortaled world.

There was a problem though, humans had discovered how to use magic, something the vampires thought was only for them, the remaining ancients, the witches could love just as long as the vampires with their new knowledge.

A war began, between witch and vampire, it is still going on, though the numbers have dwindled severely on both sides and the humans have multiplied beyond both of them.

Their time is passing, both breeds are on the brink of extinction, but who will outlast the other one? Witch or Vampire? Will it even matter in the end?

There are two genes of vampires, Alexea has both genes because he is older, having both genes gives the vampires abilities of being both feeding vampires, and phychic vampires, feeding being the bloodsuckers, phychic being phychic and feeding off of others thoughts, emotions, anything that goes on in their head, the only two vampires that have both genes are Alexea and Gerard, Alexea is the only one who can pass both genes...where as if Gerard bites the infected gets one or the other, not both gifts.

The witches carry blades that are capable of killing a vampire, it will kill them if stabbed in the heart, but if stabbed anywhere else it will only be a stab wound, it may kill them eventually, but it will not be right away, stabbing them in the heart leads to turning to dust.

The setting is in London where Alexea has restored an old castle where his coven can stay.

The witches stay in a church that has been abandoned

The witches can be anywhere, walking among the humans, vampires are limited to walk at night.
Delerium - Enchanted Lyrics

Prowling in the night hiding 'neath my fright manipulate my sigh - thief
Whenever you steal My punishment's real
You gave me sorrow
Invading my own value Parading my shy security While gripping my
innocence - thief
Whenever you steal My punishment's real
You gave me sorrow

1. Boy/GIRL...Witch/Vampire
2. One of my charecters, then make your own charecter
3. Post every day
4. Four line minimum when posting, more if possible, but at least four lines
5. Move your charecters around.

The Vampire Coven

Alexea The Ancient Alexea is one of the last remaining ancient vampires, arguably one of the most powerful and feared vampires ever, he has brought together a coven of four of the most powerful vampires to live together, he is still recruiting, he feels that this is the time for vampires to come together in alliance, if they outlive the witches the chances of their race surviving is much more likely, they could spread the disease and once again and replenish the world.TB OPEN

Gerard The Apprentice Gerard was not born vampire, Alexea granted him that, he has always loved being one, he feels invincible and powerful, in a lot of ways he is, but there has been trust broken, after a fight with his on-again, off-again lover Elisabeth, Gerard murdered a family of witches, which was not what caused the rift, but he spared one, a young one and bit her and brought her back to the coven...this has the house divided at a very bad time.CatchTheMoon

Lyle The Black Sheep Lyle is a reluctant vampire, he doesn't like being one, he doesn't like feeding, but he doesn't feel right among humans either, he finds them more moronic and senseless, Lyle is the black sheep of vampires because he was married to a witch, and widowed by one, that crushed him, but vampires were not respobsible for her death, she died giving birth to their son Matteo, he silently resents Matteo for her death, but there is nothing he can do about it, he feels sorry for the young orphaned witch that Gerard brought home, but is not joining in on the fights that she has caused, he doesn't join in on anything, he simply is a vampire, but because he was married to a witch he knows how to avoid them, with this knowledge he is helping Alexea.CatchTheMoon

Maralyn The Witch Maralyn is young, and terrified of what changes are going through her body, her parents are dead, she knows that, shes accepted it, but that doesn't stop the pain, she feels alone in the big palace in which almost everyone despises her, she would kill herself if she could find her blade but Gerard took it from her...She has somewhat of a friendship with Lyle and Matteo, she hates Gerard, but she isn't scarred of him, Alexea and Elisabeth however petrify her.TB Leah

Elisabeth The Beautiful one who has no Compassion Elisabeth is cold and manipulative, she isn't a feeding vampire, but a phychic one, one that feeds off of ones thoughts, emotions, she loves instilling fear in her victims and feeding off of it, she has been serious with Gerard for years, but where her heart truly lies is with Alexea, they've been seeing eachother in secret, he's just using her, he knows that, but when Gerard brings "the stray home" her emotions change toward Gerard completely, she was so used to being the only female in the house and having the attension of both Alexea and Gerard, now that Gerard's interest has shifted, she isn't too happy about it, she's jealous.TB Tasha

Matteo The Reluctant Next Generation Matteo is Lyle's son, he is cool and reserved, he is alloud to stay because he is Lyle's son but he is probably the weakest among them, which is ok, he is the youngest, he doesn't feel with them though, he is dating Natalie from the witch coven, secretly, he knows no one would approve, he doesn't know he is part witch, he barely knows his father, or anyone for that matter.CatchTheMoon

Gabriel The Brother Gabriel is Lyle's brother, half brother, Gabriel was born a vampire, or half of a vampire, his father was living with Lyle's mother Rosalyn, during a fight Gabriels father Simon, Simon lost control and ended up biting and draining Rosalyn, he bit Lyle too when Lyle tried to intervene, however the only person who could stop him from killing his half brother was Gabriel, he stopped him, he couldn't kill him, he's still trying...TB Leah

Simon The Accused Simon won't deny that he killed his wife but he won't admit to why he did it. What Gabriel and Lyle didn't see was Rosalyn attacking him first. She had found out what he was and tried to kill him, he hadn't meant to kill her just wanted to make it so she'd stop so he could explain. He went to far and when Lyle tried to pull him away he lashed out and bit his stepson in defense. Gabriel was the one who stopped him and now he's at war with his son you could say. He hates it but he would rather them hate him then Rosalyn who only sought to protect her family.TB Southern Sunset

Bella - The sweetheart Bella was not born a vampire. When she was young, she fell in love with a man who was a vampire, which she didn't know. By the time he told her, she was so in love with him, she'd do anything for him. He bit her to give her the eternal life he had. The two planned to marry, until the night he was killed. In the hundred or so years since then, she has tried to get over it, and done very well, so she thinks. She is passionate and sweet at first, but defiant, stubborn, and hot-tempered when she is crossed.Hopeless Romantic


The Strange. Nobody has managed to figure out Accolon. He was found beaten one day on the steps of the vampire coven. He was rescued by one of the vampires and nursed back to health. Nothing is known of his past, he gives away very little. It is unknown if even he remembers anything about himself.TB SilverCrystal

]Nikolas [IMG] [/IMG] has often been described as cruel, cold and distant. He never used to be this way. His whole life was changed when his father was sired. Nikolas spent his younger years living in Russia with his father and his very religious mother. She raised him to be part of the Russian Orthodox church. Because of her religious nature and her puritan views, Nikolas' mother soon left her husband when she realised that he had changed. Nikolas was forced to grow up without the loving support of his mother and he slowly began to change into the man that he is today. Nikolas' life was further rocked when he became a vampire himself. Knowing what it had been like living with his father, Nikolas left his loving wife and their son. He couldn't bring himself to turn them both into what he had become. Wishing them both to have a normal and happy life. Something that he never was able to have. Nikolas has a deep resent for Alexea. He blames him for ruining his life and forcing his mother to leave. He would like nothing more than to see Alexea pay with his life. There is one person that Nikolas can trust and that is Bella. He regards her as his very best friend and she is probably his only friend since he has distanced himself from the others in the covern.

Her delicate features might make one think her weak, her intellagence surpasses that, not to mention for her small frame she can easily bring a man to his knees, not only with her strength, but with her looks, she can have a man around her finger in a matter of minutes, she too has a coven of her own now, but years ago her and Alexea were close, it might have been the only serious relationship he ever had, she however couldn't commit, she's going to visit him to ask for a favor.

The witch coven

Natalie The Determined Natalie is driven, she is intellagent, she knows she can kill off the last of the vampires, she believes it like it is some kind of scripture, however this belief is shifted, she is terrified of Alexea, he haunted her as a child and killed her parents, he still haunts her, she wants vengeance, but for the first time ever, she is in love, she is in love with a vampire, her coven doesn't know, they can't...they'd kill him, she doesn't even trust herself when she is with him.TB SouthernSunset

Michael MIchael is Natalie's protective older brother, though he can't see the difference in them like Natalie can, he sees a vampire as a vampire, he wants to kill them, he feels he can't be happy until they're destroyed, then he can marry Delilah and live happily ever after, until then, he'll hunt them.TB Leah

James The Lover James is Maralyn's boyfriend, well fiance, he was going to ask her father for his permission to marry her but now that he's dead he has no choice but to take care of her, he knows she is still alive, or at least believes she is, no one else believes him though, he wants to rescue her, he doesn't know how, but he will save her, he doesn't know shes been turned into a vampire, he couldn't deal with that.Hopeless Romantic

Delilah The Damsel Delilah is Natalie's best friend and Michael's girlfriend, Delilah is beautiful, but isn't as strong as the others, that bothers her, and they wont let her learn how to be strong, they're very protective of her because when she was younger she almost got infected by a vampire, shes still paying for a mistake, it occasionally makes her want to scream. Foreva 99

Domenica The inquisitor Domenica is not a particularly powerful witch, those her curiousity about the art strengthens her ability. She is vehemently anti-vampire, swearing to kill one unassisted before she turns eighteen. She is close friends with Natalie but has taken to following her around secretively, for she feels as if Natalie is drawn to the vampires. It was on one of these journeys that Domenica caught her first glimpse of Gabriel. Her novice in the area of witchcraft and her attraction to him blinded her to the fact that he is a vampire, and she has naively convinced herself that he is, in fact, a lost, forgotten witch. Domenica is now putting herself deep in harm's way, just to get a glimpse of him. Lovesick, Domenica is losing her grip on reality. Her troubling dreams in which she stabs the man she loves but has never spoken to, piercing his heart and killing him, help the situation in no way.PB Catch THe MOon


The Curious. Adrianne is Michael's best friend. She's known both him and Natalie since they were young. For many years witchcraft was the most important thing in her life but over the years she's starting to get more curious about things. Often she finds herself wondering what it would be like to be part of the vampire coven. She knows more than she likes to show.

[ 03-25-2004: Message edited Delirious Angel ]
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:42 PM
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I sighed heavily, I didn't know what she wanted me to do, I was between a rock and a hard place with everything, and she was one top of me, breathing down my neck, "Then let me go" I told her roughly, "You're not invited to come with me" I said folding my arms over my chest "I'm doing this for your own good, I'm not losing you too, stop being stubbern, go read a book and sip coffee, I wll be home in a few hours" I walked away from her again, I was angry, I couldn't help but be angry, she was being difficult
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 03-21-2004, 11:06 PM
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"I don't need an invitation to come with you." I yelled out after him. "If we happen to be going in the same direction then I guess luck would have to be on my side. And, if you are so interested in having a coffee and reading a book then you go back inside and do that while I go with Natalie and James and check the whole situation out. Let's see how much you like sitting and waiting for me to come home. Let's see if it drives you crazy wondering if the person that you love has been killed while you have been having a coffee."
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Old 03-21-2004, 11:09 PM
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I'm reposting and editing Morgan's post, so that she hadn't left yet.

I slid behind the wheel of my car and let out a shuddering breath. I had known things would be tense between us but I didn't know it was going to be that bad. I didn't know he was going to hate me that much, of course I didn't know about Magnus before like I do now. When I hadn't heard for Magnus I just assumed that he had met up with a witch he couldn't defeat, it never entered my head that Alexea would have been the one to kill him. I should have been the one here to deal with Alexea, I was the one who had went to Magnus for comfort and he had just been a friend. I leaned against the car and called the number where my friends were staying. "Hey, things didn't go so well, so I'm coming home. Tell everybody to pack up we're leaving as soon as we can." I paused letting the other person talk. "No, I don't know where we're going I guess we'll stop wherever we're at when the sun comes up." I talked with them a little more before hanging up and going to get in my car. I stopped when I sensed someone near. "Hello?"

She's open.

[ 03-21-2004: Message edited SouthernSunset ]
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-23-2004, 02:59 PM
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I think I broke the thread.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-23-2004, 02:59 PM
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I think I broke the thread.
Jonny Lang

Just remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people.
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Old 03-23-2004, 04:42 PM
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I dont know
I was kind of waiting on the other to post I dnt like skipping ahead, now everyone seems caputzs...or the thread is broke, I wont be happy if this thing dies to lack of comitment...but whatever...recasts can happen, even though I love this cast
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 03-23-2004, 04:49 PM
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I am still here and committed [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Celebrating 10,000 Posts at the Elementary board!

It's Elementary my dear Watson
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Old 03-23-2004, 05:08 PM
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I'm still here [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 03-24-2004, 08:15 PM
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ooc: I'm here, too. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


I stood still, shaking my head slightly with his promise to me, his vow. It was empty in my ears. I could see his thoughts, but I couldn't see the deepest of his emotions. I would never know for sure if he was lying, though I was well inclined to believe that he was.
I flinched in recollection at the sound of Gabriel's name. I hadn't thought of him once since Simon had come here. Surely he'd want to know that the old man had returned, too? I turned slowly to face Simon.
"He's...around," I said softly.


Come now, I spoke soothingly in her mind, smiling where I lay resting in my room. I'm bored. I want someone to talk to. That little witch-turned-bloodsucker isn't the best conversationalist. And besides, you said you were married to me.
I loved to tease her like that. She meant nothing of the kind when she'd said it, I knew, but I wasn't going to let her forget a statement like that any time soon.
"Why does a monkey need a secret identity?" - Cosmo
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Old 03-24-2004, 09:50 PM
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Maralyn and ELisabeth
I stood in the doorway, he seemed lost in thought, lost in everything, his eyes were closed, maybe he was in some kind of dream, some kind of trance, perhaps with Elisabeth? I saw a small smile play on his lips, briefly, deffinetly Elisabeth, he didn't even hear me come in the room...I folded my arms over my chest and leaned against the door, then the air shifted and Elisabeth walked in.

I was going to keep playing games, it was what I was good at, but I thought carefully for a moment, he was at the end of my rope, I sighed heavily and put my book down You do not want to have a conversation with hee and you know it I said finally standing up and walking down the hall, you are incapable of being married I walked into his room and I noticed that she was in there, she was just standing there like a deer in headlights, she couldn't sense what we were saying but still seemed out of it "What are you doing in here?" I asked her not trying to be kind at all, "Nothing" She walked out slamming the door behind her, I looked at Gerard, "Does that bother you?"
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 03-24-2004, 09:52 PM
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[ 03-25-2004: Message edited Delirious Angel ]
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 03-25-2004, 04:17 PM
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OOC: I'm still here. Just waiting for a scene change so I can post my characters. They're both pretty much out of the picture at the moment.
If tears could build a staircase and memories a lane,
I would walk all the way to Heaven,and bring you back again.
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Old 03-25-2004, 05:28 PM
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One of them could come and talk with Delilah since she is on her own as well.
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It's Elementary my dear Watson
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Old 03-25-2004, 05:47 PM
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Maybe we need to go to a new night.
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