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Old 03-06-2005, 11:01 PM
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The End Of The World: AU ROSWELL


1. Post Regularly
2. I do not care what the Roswell charecters were like on the show, I'm rewriting them in a sense
3. Long post
4. Boy/Girl

The End of The World, everyone remembers this episode, future Max, Michael cheating, or playing the hero, anyway, love or hate this episode the point of this being, and I dont really have a real plot other than Earth is now a battlefield for our lovable aliens and Kivar and the revolutionist, the question is who are the real villians?

Before you read the charecters know that usually in my rp's Kivar is not pure evil, in fact in my rps Anatar was somewhat of a dictatorship and only the rich benefitted from Zan's rule and Kivar was a revolutionist, just keep that in mind before you read all of these charecters, there are no true bad guys

NOTE: Vilaundra and Rath are people from the former empire, Villie and Ava are dupes

Max: Max isn't quite the paranoid person he used to be, he's a lot calmer, and because he is calmer his powers have progressed farther than anyone could have imagined, he owes a great deal of this to Liz, she's grounded him a lot, however there are still things Max feels he needs to clear up, he dreams about a son, a son he has never known, he doesn't want to have anymore kids until he has answers and he knows Tess is still alive, because he can feel her pressence, there is no temptation there, he would never do anything to hurt Liz, he just feels he is not ready for another child until he takes care of the one he has.

Liz: Liz is older now, more vibrant, sexy, a woman, she is happy, despite all the turmoil, Max worries constantly but she balances that worry with a 'let them come' attitude, it is like she is fearless, perhaps because her and Max have a loving relationship still, Max has put on hold starting a family because of the presence of Kivar and the others, something that has caused fighting in Max and Liz's relationship for the first time in years, Liz wants a family, she's tired of running, tired of hiding, she's starting to want a normal life again, it's not that she doesn't love Max, it's that she doesn't like having to constantly look over her shoulder, she wants to live while she's alive.

Ava: Ava has turned herself around, she grieved for Zan for a long time, but she cleaned herself up and for the first time feels like she has a family, a real family, something she's never had before, her and Elizabeth run their own bar, it's small but it pays the bills, or at least helps contribute, Ava and Kyle have been dating for a while, and she's falling fast, but she's a little weary, last time she was in love it was one sided and she was only used for sex, she doesn't think she could deal with that again, but she thinks Kyle is a good guy, she's just a little weary of the human thing.

Maria: Maria and Michael aren't married, nor have they ever been married, they are however, best friends, and maybe just maybe one day they will get back together, because eventually Maria wants a family and all that stuff, but right now she's enjoying being young and availible, she's had a number of boyfriends come and go through the years, however Michael hasn't really had anyone until now, until Mercedes, this scares the hell out of Maria because she wants to marry Michael...someday, and she always knew Michael was waiting for her, but now that there's another girl Maria is getting a little jealous and possessive, she wants Michael for herself. She loves him.

Michael: Michael is growing tired of waiting for Maria to grow up, because that's really what it is, he wants a family, a wife, he's more worried about Kivar's pressence then Max is but he will deal with them when they come, he too has grown stronger, much less impulsive now then he was in his youth, he meets Mercedes at the nightclub that Liz and Max own and is instantly drawn to her, he doesn't even know why, and he knows it would be dangerous to bring another human into their clan, especially with Maria's newly developed jealousy, but he's hooked, he's not in love, he's intriuged, he doesn't know why yet.

Isabel: Isabel got what everyone else wanted, she got a normal life, Isabel went to school when they finally stopped running and met and fell in love with a lawyer, she finished school and got a job in fashion advertising, a job she loves, however, she stil stays in touch with the other family, the double life is starting to bother her a little bit, her new husband knows nothing about her, he doesn't even know she has a brother, to him the gang is just her friends, she really likes it that way though, it makes it easier for her to pretend that she can live a normal life


The Revolutionist

Kivar Kivar is a simple man, he wants peace, he's willing to do almost anything to have peace, he is no where like the evil man he has been painted out to be, Kivar came from a peasant family in Anatar with little to no money, his father was a soldier in Anatar's army but was killed when Kivar was a teenager, his mother was put out on the streets, KIvar however was taken in by the millitary, being stronger than expected for a boy his age, he was also quick to learn powers, a skill believed only to be gifted to royal, people taught to use their mind propperly, with great power comes great responsibility, a psalm that has always been true to Kivar, he fell in love with the princess who wanted to escape from the castle walls, Kivar retreated and gathered a group of strong peasants and made allies with people within the royal family, Kivar didn't want war, but rather a settlement giving peasants what they deserve, but when Kivar was attempted to be assinated something snapped inside of him, and the war began.

Vilaundra (Mercedes) The betrayer of her entire family, she feels no remorse, she feels the way Anatar was run was horrible, and she fell in love, Kivar was a unlike any man she had ever met, and though her and Rath were childhood friends and she loved her mother more than anything, she gave up everything to be with Kivar, however, when the takeover began the family was shattered, the war is still going on and there seems to be blood on the streets, however her brother died, assinated, she feels if she can change Max's false opinions about Kivar and tell him how Anatar really was maybe things could finally be fixed, however she doesn't know how to gain their trust....She thinks maybe she can gain trust by working through Michael.


Rath Rath is one of Vilaundra's friends, they used to hate eachother when they were bethrothed but they both found love
from other people, Rath was one of the most loyal to Anatar, he was commander and chief of Anatar's millitary forces, it wasn't until his wife was persecuted for being a traitor that Rath was outcast, it was Vilaundra that was leaking information to Kivar, but because Rath's wife was a servant she was automatically pinned, Rath couldn't save her, she was stoned to death, Rath is bitter now, even though that happend a long time ago, he thinks the fighting needs to stop but doesn't want to see Zan or Max rule Anatar, even though Max knows nothing about the history.

Tess Tess is at an alltime low right now, her son hates her, she doesn't even want to think about what Max, Michael and Isabel think of her, she has done things she regrets, Kivar never asked her to betray Max and everyone, she has no family, Kivar has lost most of his respect for her, being alone has put her into a light depression, her and Villie aren't close, not that they ever were, they never really had anything in common to begin with, but she really has changed her ways, or at least tried to, no one can believe that though, she's spinning into a depression and a taste for alcohol, not a good habit for any human, much more an alien.

Zan Zan is one of the most angst ridden young men you would ever meet, with a father that threw him away and a mother who only rescently came back into his life, he grew up playing foster home hop scotch, in and out, constantly, never settled, he had powers, emotions he couldn't explain, then finally he was put in a mental hospital for severe depression and scitsophrenia, he feels a litle more secure now that he is among people like his but that doesn't mean that he has forgiven Tess, or even Max for abandoning him, he is most close to Kivar, he thinks of him as more of a father figure. However he's an emotional trickster, Liz and Ava look like good targets to him.


Serena Serena is Rath's baby sister, well actually only a few years younger, she has been with the revoolutionist as long as Vilaundra, they are best friends, she's rescently gotten involved with the bad boy Nicholas, a fact that her older brother is less than thrilled about, Serena is sweet natured and doesn't have a single person she does not like, other than Zan, not the son of Max and Tess, but the former king, who she used to idolize until he allowed things to happen that shouldn't, Zan and Rath were best friends, then Zan sentanced Rath's wife to death for treason, something Serena saw as cruel, that wasn' t what drove her to the revolutionist though, she was just a natural feminist in a culture that forbid her from being one. She's working as a waitress at the nightclub Liz and Max own

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Last edited by Windancer1987; 03-08-2005 at 08:15 PM
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Old 03-06-2005, 11:05 PM
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liz and rath

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Old 03-07-2005, 12:05 AM
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my goodness it has been forever since I did a Roswell rp, and this one looks great

Can I snag Isabel and Zan?

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Old 03-07-2005, 05:13 AM
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Michael and Vilandra. This looks great
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 03-07-2005, 07:30 AM
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I really like that this is filling up before the profiles are even done...but anyway, feel assured that this is on my list of things to do today, right along with clean my room and bathroom and Anatomy homework
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Old 03-08-2005, 11:32 AM
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hope more people start joinin up
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