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Old 05-07-2005, 04:17 PM
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Aiakos (Lycan, Barry Watson) still open.
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 05-07-2005, 05:10 PM
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Ooooh, I was twining Ryan since both of you asked for him and I can't resist ya guys. Hope that's ok. Twining is the way to go when peeps want the same person lol

and yes Bren Bren for me plz. Profiles are coming. I'm working on them as we speak lol
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 05-07-2005, 05:31 PM
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Ahhhh okay lol I'm slow sometimes. But whoo hoo I still get Ryan. Would you mind him being with my vampire River (Natalie Portman) now? lol and Josie can be with Moonswirl's Michael character. lol

If TVGeek is still playing i'm going to have to take another girl lol so I can still get Hayden.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 05-07-2005, 07:52 PM
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In case Jules hasn't talked to you herself Brit I'm suppose to say that she's not going to be able to rp for awhile. She's got something serious going on right now so she won't be able too.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 05-07-2005, 08:28 PM
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All of my other profiles will come tommorow. Lookie, I got some of them in. I deserve a cookie lol...but yeah I'm all profiled out at the moment and the rest will come in later. I promise. We're starting this now

Name: Deacan
Age: 702
Race: Vampire
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Cocky, Perverted, Cruel, Fatal, Magnetic
Pb: James Marsters

Name: Ariana
Age: 352
Race: Lycan
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Bright, Classy, Cautious, Spunky, Curious, Daring
Pb: Kate Winslet

Name: Keil
Age: 277
Race: Lycan
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Observant, Protective, Serious, Mysterious, Driven
Pb: Benjamin Mckenzie

Name: Demona
Age: 890
Race: Vampire
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Suductive, Brutal, Careless, Sardonic, Alluring
Pb: Jennifer Esposito

Name: Alvara
Age: 221
Race: Vamplycan
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Aloof, Classy, Stubborn, Lonely, Torn
Pb: Katherine Heigl

Name: Lysander
Age: 140
Race: Vamplycan
Relationships: TBA
Personality: Odd, Unpredictable, Fighter, Simple, Unemotional
Pb: Ryan Reynolds

You can just place ur characters anywhere. I suck at starting the setting thing, don't I? LOL

My other characters will come open. If you want them go ahead and tag them.

I leaned my head against the wall in a dark ally. I had nothing else better to do. I was waiting for something, anything. I needed a excitement. There was nothing much to do and I was bored, tired of waiting. I put my feet on the wall as I pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I pulled one out and lit it up. I was bored, completely out of my mind. The only sorce of comfort was the nicotine that rushed through my system. It did the same effect that blood did to me, it made me feel tingly. I haven't had blood in a while it was making me crave it even more. More then I normally craved it. I groaned slightly and took another whiff of the smoke, picking up on the scent of something else. My head went up in the air. I lowered the cig in my hand and took a whiff. I reconized that smell. I reconized it anywhere. It was the smell of blood and sex that would only belong to one person and one person alone. Well two people really...two twin girls. Two hot, blonde twin girls that I've been fucking. They both knew it it was all good. I didn't get in trouble not that it would stop me if I did. I didn't give a rat's @$$ about it. I looked down at the cig before frowning. Wasting a perfectly good cig but oh well. I flicked it down before heading over in the direction, following the scent

The scent led me to a alley, I walked in leaning against the cold wall. I licked my lips as I looked over the figure of a blonde girl that was huddled in a corner, slurping noises filled the air. My stomach grumbled slightly. Watching her eat like this was really turning me on. Apart of me wanted to grab her up and rough her up against a wall but I pushed that thought aside as I walked over. "Share the wealth girl" I said grabbing the young victim up by the hair. I leaned their neck back and took a sip, nibbling the flesh slightly. I felt the blood run down my neck, ignoring it. After I got a taste, I let the body fall back down to the ground, wiping my mouth. "That was great" I said with a smile as I lowered my hand, rubbing it against my jeans slightly. "So where in the fuck is your double? I'm horny" I said with a grin as I looked at her. Everytime I ate something I needed it. I looked her up and down and smirked. " in...for some fun?" I said grinning like crazy
Tag Morgana

I walked down the streets keeping a eye up for anything that might approach. I was alert. I was always alert. I was just waiting for the time to morph, just incase I needed to fight. I was a good fighter when my wolf side came out. I smirked at the thought of how many times I managed to keep living due to my wolf side. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I made my way to my house. I had to get out. I couldn't stand being there forever. I locked eyes on the grown as I continued down the street. I stopped outside of the street before looking around. I bended down and quickly pulled the sewer off. I climbed in and put it back on. I climbed down the latter before jumping down once I got closer. I didn't really have a choice since the latter was now completely rusted and about to break. I ignored the water that I fell into. I got up and ignored the wet sticky pants sticking to me. I started making my way through the water before jumping onto the dry area. I walked down, ignoring the fact that the pants were now sticking to me. I walked down a few more feet before walking into my room that I shared with my best friend, Neola. She was asleep on my bed. She must have snuck in when I sneaked out. I had to walk. I always had my walk. I looked at her for a second smiling as I looked at her

I walked over to the dressure and opened it, trying my hardest not for it to make a noise. It did have a habit of making a noise and rattling. It was really annoying and I didn't want to wake up Neola. She needed her sleep. I pulled out a dry shirt. I put it down before pulling off the wet one as I tossed it on the ground. I shut the dressure again before quickly shaking the clean shirt out as I stared at it. I held it in my hand as I eyed the scars that I had on my chest from other fights that I've been in. I ran my finger along the scars as it brought me back to the times that I nearly lost my life...thankfully I never did. I would never let them take me. Never
Tag Neola

I walked carefully through the forest. I loved the feeling of twigs snap under my feet, it was the only sorce of sound. I liked the comforting sound of that. I was alone. I liked to be alone, just by myself,not with anyone. That's how I was, I never really was with anyone else. I didn't like people that much. I don't know, I didn't want to get attached. I remembered my human years, I was a social butterfly but not anymore. I was more reserved then most. I looked around before continuing to move. No one was around so there was no need to keep this look up. I used this was protection. It only took a second to morph back into my form. I ran a hand through my strawberry blonde hair as I continued to walk through the forest. I walked over to the stream that I was heading to, that was connected to the forest. I smiled as I looked around me at the stream. The sound filled the air and the smell of water filled the air. I headed over there, sitting down on a rock. I stuck my feet into the water, ignoring the coldness of the water. I watched as the water rushed by, cleaning the dirt off my feet. I really should have got my shoes but I didn't. Not that I minded this. I wiggled my toes in the water...nothing could ruin this moment. I was hoping that the little vampire that went by Skyros didn't come along and try to ruin it. I knew he would...I would just have to absorb it up without him as much as I could..not that I really minded him being here. Not really
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 05-07-2005, 08:31 PM
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Awww, I'm sorry to hear that about Jules Hope everything is good on her side
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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Old 05-08-2005, 04:16 AM
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Sirani (with Samley)

I walked through the forest. People often say I don't so much walk as I seem to be getting ready to get airborne. Maybe that's true, I guess I have sort of a flighty walk. But I like it this way. It's so much more interesting this way. Who wants to have a boring walk, I mean what's the point? They treat the practice like it's meaningless, insignificant. But if you can walk, then you can run, and if you can run you can chase... and I loved to chase. It made me feel so alive... which was odd since I wasn't even alive really. I giggled to myself there. I heard a noise then and my head snapped back. I had excellent hearing of course, so the noise could have been far away, but I knew that wasn't the case. Someone was nearby. I sniffed the air and I smiled - I knew who it was. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" I called in a sing-songy voice. I tiptoed about, reaching in the bushes and pulling out the tiny redhead boy. "You know, you really shouldn't hide like that. It could get you dead... er," I put him down on the ground next to me. For all anyone knew, we could have been related... well, I guess we were. After all, I had sired him. I remembered it like it was yesterday. His mother had told the slayers about Metho lurking about and they trapped him and they killed him. But he was mine! So I did the only logical thing - I took what she loved. I lured little Sammy out of his camp, played with him for a while. When I could smell his mother nearby, searching for him, I bit him, made him drink then. When she came upon us, it was too late. I'd licked my fangs, picked up the little body and walked off into the woods with a great laugh. When he'd risen again, I had called him Samley. I guess he was like my little guy now. That was six years ago, but of course he still looked the same.

"I lurk, it's what I do," Samley told me, sounding kind of annoyed that I had found him. I laughed.

"Go on now, go kill things..." I sent him off.

"I think I'll go visit the humans."

"You do love to tease your ol' mom, don't you?" I giggled. "Don't stay out too late! And Samley? Bring me back something?"

Sirani - open
Samley - waiting for the mother-character to be profiled etc


I awoke from my dream, still feeling the warmth and pleasure of it... my dreams were always pleasant that way. I rolled about, aware that I was in wolf form. I stayed so for a while before changing back to my human form. I sat up, feeling a chill at the disappearance of the fur to protect me, but I didn't mind it so much. I looked down to my leg, where a wound was still healing from a recent battle. I observed it curiously, tracing it. It was painful, but I didn't flinch. I'd long gotten over that kind of trivial pain. It really had to hurt to get me crying about it. The wound was insignificant to me. It would heal. I rose to my feet, stretching out the kinks before reaching for my clothes. Not that I didn't enjoy walking about naked, but that was always just an invitation for something I wasn't in the mood for at the moment... I was hungry.

I roamed along, on the lookout for anything worth eating. I found some leftovers from the last meal. It wasn't usually easily to keep some of those around here, but one needed to be conscious of the fact we'd be just as famined when we woke up. I often had to hide some of it to make sure we'd get to eat come morning, and I knew I wasn't the only one. I sat crosslegged on the ground and dug into my 'breakfast'.

Layla's open


ORLIN and MICHAEL will come later unless someone wants to tag them...
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.

Last edited by MoonSwirl; 05-08-2005 at 04:54 AM
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Old 05-08-2005, 05:35 AM
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Since today is Mother's Day my posts will be few.


I laid in my bed next to my lover Orlin. She looked so peacefully and curled up in a ball next to me. I sometimes wondered what a slayer would want with me. She may have been 10 years younger then me but she could definitely kick my ass if I didn't have my axe weapons with me then again she could probably kick my ass even if I did have them on me. Then again we weren't fighting each other we were in love and we did have a common enemy which were the vampires and lycans at least that's what my father told me growing up. I was very naive too when I was little to trust a vampire who I thought was my friend. Well my "friend" ended up making a meal out of my father and sister and too this day I blamed myself for their deaths. However I made amends for it by the number of vampires or lycans I destroyed or help destroy. I kissed the back of Orlin's next and threw the covers off of me. "Time to wake up sleepy one." I said smiled at her.


Callisto will come later on today.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 05-08-2005, 05:45 AM
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"Mm... Consider this for a moment. Would it be wise to wake me up?" I moaned as I was pulled out of a pretty comfortable sleep. I lied there for a moment before finally opening my eyes, blinking at the new light. I turned back to spy Goran. I smiled to him, knowing he knew just as I did that if it'd been anyone else waking me up, they'd be picking themselves up in chunks. "Fine, fine, I'm awake," I sighed. I hugged the covers. "Doesn't mean I'll get up, but I'm awake. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just lie here all day," I asked, holding my hand up with my index finger raised.
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-08-2005, 06:46 AM
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"Well, I would not spending a lovely day like this alone while you sleep all day." I chuckled some knowing that there hasn't been a lovely day...ever. "Well you are a slayer, not a sleeper. You know you have work to do." I picked her up out of bed and set her down on her feet. I forget for a strong woman she is so very light. "Besides, later on we could always come back down here and be alone together.." I gave her a passionate kiss. I then pulled on a wife beater on and pair of jeans and boots. I walked over to my axes that I had on the wall and took one down setting on the bed.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Fan of : Game of Thrones, DC Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Black Sails & Vikings.
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Old 05-08-2005, 06:57 AM
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"You always know just what to say to make a girl swoon, don't you?" I teased, starting to get dressed for the day. I didn't care much about having wonderful clothes and everything. As long as it covered, didn't get in the way, and got the job done, it was a perfectly decent outfit. As long as I had my knife in my boot I was happy. Now that I was actually up and dressed I was fine. It was the actual standing that wasn't fun. I sort of smiled to myself as I looked at Goran. I never would have guessed we'd end up together. Though we were a relatively small group, he still felt like a stranger to me not so long ago. Now that had changed, and I couldn't think of life without him at my side. "I'm going for a run. Coming?" I asked him.
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 05-08-2005, 05:53 PM
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I'm going to post tomorrow. If you want to tag my characters before then I'll reply tomorrow lol Please tag them so I know where to put them. Or if you want tell which of my characters you want and I'll tag the character you want.

I have Heathcliff, River, Decker, Paris, Maddock, Azura, Zaci, Rafael, Nala all open.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 05-08-2005, 06:22 PM
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OOC: Denise I want Heathcliff My posts will be coming soon.
It's just you & me, we got a thing they cant shake
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living

Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no.
Jason Morgan & Sam Mccall
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Old 05-08-2005, 06:41 PM
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OOC: Everyone of Maxi's is open
"If nothing else,
I am myself.
That's all I have to give."
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Old 05-08-2005, 09:17 PM
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"Okay, you ass" She mumbled under her breath, her blonde hair around her face, a look of utter annoyance on her face at the current postion she had landed herself in. Hot water, don't go looking for trouble, whoever said that was obviously not in her postion at the current moment. Her face curled into a look of anger, shaking her head being in the chains she currently resided in she looked up struggling yet again angry at herself more than anything for getting into trouble. But she wasn't the cause of why she was in this place and she knew it. She knew who wanted her here and she loathed him for it.

She let out a grumble of slight unplesantness at her current state, being chained to a bedpost without having much control over her arms wasn't exactly her idea of fun, and it's not like her legs being free would help her any. She let out an annoyed squeek hair going into her face as she continually struggled, her wrists turning red, from doing so. "Let me out of here" She flopped back down exhausted at the moment from the struggle she was giving herself. Blowing on her hair to move it from her face. "C'mon buddy, you gotta have a heart" She yelled at the door, feeling eyes on her, watching her and she tensed slihtly uncomfortable.

Tag Zane

Hawk is Open for anyone to tag, just lemme know if you want him

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