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Nessylink 04-18-2011 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by BoneLady (Post 55217775)
Yes, yes, and a few more times yes.
It's my worst fear for it to turn into another Bones.
I love this show, but this season... it couldn't have been worse. Sure they needed more time to grow closer and be ready to admit their feelings, but what they did with this season... just no.

Sadly, I agree. This may actually end up being the first season of Bones that I am NOT buying on DVD (unless some miracle happens in the last few eps), and I actually considered myself pretty open-minded when we started the season. I actually would have preferred status quo over what we got.

I don't want Castle to turn into that. I LOVE this season. It's been so much fun! I don't necessarily have to have CB get together right now, but I admit that thanks to Bones I'm more skittish when the show's creator says "there's more story to tell" and "there will be more obstacles".... :pout:

Titch22 04-19-2011 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nessylink (Post 55220546)
Sadly, I agree. This may actually end up being the first season of Bones that I am NOT buying on DVD (unless some miracle happens in the last few eps), and I actually considered myself pretty open-minded when we started the season. I actually would have preferred status quo over what we got.

I don't want Castle to turn into that. I LOVE this season. It's been so much fun! I don't necessarily have to have CB get together right now, but I admit that thanks to Bones I'm more skittish when the show's creator says "there's more story to tell" and "there will be more obstacles".... :pout:

What I find amusing thought is that AM actually commented in a recent article about the 'Bones' situation. Telling the creators that they need to hook them up now or not at all. And I think it's right. He seems to understand that you can'ty keep the fans hanging on forever.

This season was vital to C&B. Last season she said she cared about him but she wasn't willing to admit that to anyone else (Sucker punch). But this season has built them up to be close to best friends ands very important. I wouldn't have wanted them to hook up just yet. Late next season would be much much better in my eyes.

Besides the way that AM talks and when he said he doesn't belive in a 'Moonlighting curse'. Seems to give off the impression that it's not him throwing in as many road blocks as there is. It's the studio. Which would make more sense to me. They are after all the people who told them to tone down the flirting between C&B.

Just my two pence worth.

Imzadi 04-19-2011 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by WhatTheHeartWants (Post 55210466)
*squeeeee* exactly! :sigh: i'd love love love to see all that! :sigh: so much potential :sigh:

lol then maybe i should write a script and send it to them :D


Originally Posted by caliles213 (Post 55214244)
Honestly, with characters like Castle and Beckett, I think their romance would be EXTREMELY entertaining. I am ALL ABOUT getting them together.
That being said, I don't mind them waiting until next season, putting in a couple more obstacles. Just so long as the obstacles don't completely ruin their dynamic. I wasn't really even anticipating them getting together at the end of the season. I mean, I did anticipate some movement, but...this is the end of season 3. I get why they want to keep them apart a little longer. All I care about is that there are no more SO storylines. They are single. Just as long as we have that, I could go for half a season or more of them just flirting and being happy and kind of knowing that they're going to get together, but not quite getting there. I'm hoping that the obstacle doesn't put us back at square one again. If they decide to move on or lose trust in eachother or betray each other, I might be kind of frustrated. But I'm sure no matter what Marlowe does I'll love it. And I'll love the show. And I'll love Caskett. :D haha

you bet. i mean with his sense of humor and her bantering answers, it would be awesome. I can see them having a scene about toilet seats even and it would be amazingly entertaining. I get it too why they want to keep them apart for a bit longer, still, they shouldnt make it too long because eventho we love them together.. there is just a certain point where you are like "if they dont get together now.. i dont care anymore" at least thats what I feel right now wiht Bones. they draged it on for so damn long that by now i start not caring anymore. I am far from this point wiht Castle and beckett right now because I love them and I cling to the tv whenever they have scenes but if they would drag this out for 3 more seasons.. then yeah.

Claudia - yeah bones season was really not good. I mean there were a few good episodes here and there and well hannah is gone so yay but .. we wanted to much more and then this.

WhatTheHeartWants 04-19-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Titch22 (Post 55226585)
What I find amusing thought is that AM actually commented in a recent article about the 'Bones' situation. Telling the creators that they need to hook them up now or not at all. And I think it's right. He seems to understand that you can'ty keep the fans hanging on forever.

This season was vital to C&B. Last season she said she cared about him but she wasn't willing to admit that to anyone else (Sucker punch). But this season has built them up to be close to best friends ands very important. I wouldn't have wanted them to hook up just yet. Late next season would be much much better in my eyes.

Besides the way that AM talks and when he said he doesn't belive in a 'Moonlighting curse'. Seems to give off the impression that it's not him throwing in as many road blocks as there is. It's the studio. Which would make more sense to me. They are after all the people who told them to tone down the flirting between C&B.

Just my two pence worth.

excuse my ignorance but who is it then who gets to decide these things in the end? :look:

I really liked the pace the romance was evolving. it wouldn't seem too soon for me if they hooked up now. would seem natural in fact. i know it's not a reality show but after everything that has happened between them, the glances they share all the time, the trust that is there now, who wouldn't have hooked up by now? you could say that Beckett still needs to crack if she hadn't already admitted to herself that she wants Castle in the end of season 2. like spikespeigel said, the build up this season really indicated that something would happen in the finale. not to mention last week's ending :thud: if that's not love then i don't know. and to take that back now would be a pity. but i'm not judging yet. maybe they'll surprise me.


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55228493)
lol then maybe i should write a script and send it to them :D

you definitely should :D if only they would let crazy shippers write the episodes :lol:

SaraHoo! 04-19-2011 10:57 AM

I'm a Bones fan myself and being a fan following the show since S1 .. I think they should have put them together one year ago. Or 2 don't know.

But again, I hate the Bones/Castle comparison. In every way.
Bones and Castle have 1 thing in common: The hot strong chemistry and the writers and creators just have to play it right.

It would be stupid to compare Hart Hanson's work with Andrew Marlowe's. Andrew HAS that notion that dragging for too long won't be good for the show. I gotta say that I WANT CASKETT TOGETHER NOW! But .. They are starting to realize that they are in love. And it's its beginning. It's the start of that realization .. for each of themselves. The thing in Bones is that both Booth and Brennan already know what they feel for each other and what the other feels. In Castle, you still can see insecurity from both Castle and Beckett in showing their feelings.

Since Beckett is a lock and Castle is a mystery, saying or showing something deeper could damage both. They are waaay better than before because they grew, yes but they still are in that line where they don't feel sure whether to cross it or not. The little moments are precious to their relationship growth and it almost seems like the next step is to put them together.

Have we ever seen them go through any drama when it comes to the other? Like.. I don't know eg.: Castle is shot and Beckett - since she's all tough and so - could show us something but more importantly to Castle. Make him notice how much she cares or something.

THEY still need some kind of realization like that IMO. I'm completely confident that Andrew WILL put them together in Season 4. ;) Believe and trust. If he doesn't, then he'll be making the worst mistake.

As a devoted fan, I don't feel that putting them together right now is right. It's a bit soon. Again, just my opinion

SwanQueenLove 04-19-2011 11:17 AM

I understand that the writers don't like to put a couple together too quickly but when they take too long it get boring and frustrating for the fans. So I hope that with Castle they can find the right timing so that it's not too easy but still keeps us hooked and wanting more.

Imzadi 04-19-2011 11:25 AM

lol maybe i should tell them that i am a crazy shipper when i send them my script :lol:

I dont exactly compare booth and Bones to castle and beckett. I just compare the two storylines. We had it in bones that they threw in someone that was with Booth after they realized what they felt for each other, and they threw someone in in Castle after both of them realized that its not about the books anymore. I just compare that it seems to be dragged out for a bit although i dont think that like in bones it will take that long. at least i hope not lol

hmm i wouldnt think its too soon right now.. but I can be patient for .. lets say another season.. but longer than that.. no :D then like ashley said it gets frustrating

WhatTheHeartWants 04-19-2011 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by SaraHoo! (Post 55231406)
Since Beckett is a lock and Castle is a mystery, saying or showing something deeper could damage both. They are waaay better than before because they grew, yes but they still are in that line where they don't feel sure whether to cross it or not.

good point :nod: that insecurity is still there indeed. Beckett needs to dump Josh. i hope for that at least. then things can really start rollin' :eyebrows:


Have we ever seen them go through any drama when it comes to the other? Like.. I don't know eg.: Castle is shot and Beckett - since she's all tough and so - could show us something but more importantly to Castle. Make him notice how much she cares or something.
i'd love to see something like that. i already loved her concern in 3XK. but something more intense would be epic.

SaraHoo! 04-19-2011 01:48 PM

Exactly :nod: In 3XK, you could see a sample of what they can work with :D

I'm very confident on what might come next to be honest. :nod:

hmm i wouldnt think its too soon right now.. but I can be patient for .. lets say another season.. but longer than that.. no then like ashley said it gets frustrating
Yes :lol: The right timing, for me it's S4. If they don't do it during S4, the dragging will begin and uh oh :lol: But he knows his stuff. :nod: For him to say that about HH decision on Booth and Brennan it's because he's WELL AWARE and he has it all sorted out on his head. That's why I won't even bother worrying :bunny:

And why did I see the promo? :thud: It's unbearable! :thud:

~Lisa~ 04-19-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by SaraHoo! (Post 55231406)
I'm a Bones fan myself and being a fan following the show since S1 .. I think they should have put them together one year ago. Or 2 don't know.

But again, I hate the Bones/Castle comparison. In every way.
Bones and Castle have 1 thing in common: The hot strong chemistry and the writers and creators just have to play it right.

It would be stupid to compare Hart Hanson's work with Andrew Marlowe's. Andrew HAS that notion that dragging for too long won't be good for the show. I gotta say that I WANT CASKETT TOGETHER NOW! But .. They are starting to realize that they are in love. And it's its beginning. It's the start of that realization .. for each of themselves. The thing in Bones is that both Booth and Brennan already know what they feel for each other and what the other feels. In Castle, you still can see insecurity from both Castle and Beckett in showing their feelings.

Since Beckett is a lock and Castle is a mystery, saying or showing something deeper could damage both. They are waaay better than before because they grew, yes but they still are in that line where they don't feel sure whether to cross it or not. The little moments are precious to their relationship growth and it almost seems like the next step is to put them together.

Have we ever seen them go through any drama when it comes to the other? Like.. I don't know eg.: Castle is shot and Beckett - since she's all tough and so - could show us something but more importantly to Castle. Make him notice how much she cares or something.

THEY still need some kind of realization like that IMO. I'm completely confident that Andrew WILL put them together in Season 4. ;) Believe and trust. If he doesn't, then he'll be making the worst mistake.

As a devoted fan, I don't feel that putting them together right now is right. It's a bit soon. Again, just my opinion

hey everyone :wave: I haven't been here for a few days. been so busy :lol:

OMG I hate the Bones/Castle comparisons too. they are too different to compare

and yes the promo Beckett : "I want to kiss you"


Titch22 04-19-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by ~Lisa~ (Post 55237376)
hey everyone :wave: I haven't been here for a few days. been so busy :lol:

OMG I hate the Bones/Castle comparisons too. they are too different to compare

and yes the promo Beckett : "I want to kiss you"


Yeah they are, it's just the most odvious modern example I suppose :shrug: the people who argue the other side of the argument use House/Cuddy. So it's not just B&B being used to make a point.

BoneLady 04-19-2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55228493)
Claudia - yeah bones season was really not good. I mean there were a few good episodes here and there and well hannah is gone so yay but .. we wanted to much more and then this.

It is/was a good season, if you just ignore a few things. :lol:

But seriously, it's a good thing they at least know how pissed fans are with the current season of Bones. Gives you hope that they're gonna so better with Castle.

Imzadi 04-20-2011 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by SaraHoo! (Post 55234824)

Yes :lol: The right timing, for me it's S4. If they don't do it during S4, the dragging will begin and uh oh :lol: But he knows his stuff. :nod: For him to say that about HH decision on Booth and Brennan it's because he's WELL AWARE and he has it all sorted out on his head. That's why I won't even bother worrying :bunny:

And why did I see the promo? :thud: It's unbearable! :thud:

okay. well then i will stop worrying too :D but well I wont give up hope that he at least gives us SOMETHING in the finale :D

claudia - lol ignoring a few things? well first would be me screaming at the tv to just get together already lol

Titch22 04-20-2011 09:05 AM

Castle - the way i look at it now, if it wasn’t for Nikki Heat, this guy would’ve just gone on killing because he wouldn’t have met anyone smart enough to catch him. I’m speaking, of course, about Special Agent Shaw.


You smell like cherries

Soleya 04-20-2011 01:11 PM

:lol: Adorkable, they're so cute!

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