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SwanQueenLove 04-17-2011 10:13 AM

lol he should definitely go to doctors without borders and not come back :D

Welcome to the thread Tears of an Angel would you liked to be added to the fanlist? :)

Imzadi 04-17-2011 10:29 AM

i mean he can find someone else and be happy. i just want the best for him.. but not with beckett :D

SwanQueenLove 04-17-2011 11:50 AM

Yes I don't need anything bad to happen to him, he just can't have Kate. She needs to be with Castle. Like you said before he can have Gina if he wants lol. They can be boring together.

SaraHoo! 04-17-2011 12:50 PM

The art :thud: The looks are just <3

WhatTheHeartWants 04-17-2011 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55186505)
lol i know he lookes like motoercycle greasy boy :D

yes yes that's the description i was looking for! :lol:


lol it would be. you bet your butt it would. oh and we would air it on showtime ;) you know why
now i wouldn't mind a Josh cliffhanger if i'd get to see this in exchange :lmao:


Originally Posted by MaddisonLove (Post 55189840)
They can be boring together.

so true :lol:

spikespeigel26 04-17-2011 02:51 PM

I keep on reading that Marlowe doesn't think Castle and Beckett are ready to get together in interviews lately, and I think he's watching the wrong show.
credit: the day we died

I would be on his side if he slow-burned the relationship just like Chris Carter and company did on the X-Files with Mulder and Scully, but when you're giving us scenes like this in your third season, you're running a race to the couple finish line. It's clearly obvious that these two are in love with each other. They just don't have the courage to admit it to the other. Mulder and Scully never had a look like this in their third season. Maybe a cute scene every once in a while. But it was always about the story. Right now on Castle, it's all about Castle and Beckett, with the story coming in a distant second place. Forgive my ranting, because I truly do love the show, but don't lie to yourself, Mr. Marlowe. If you don't want Castle and Beckett together, you shouldn't be giving the viewers so many shippy scenes within the scope of one season. Season three, by and large, is a Caskett shipper's dream when compared to seasons one and two. Almost every episode this season has addressed Caskett. Compared to last season, I'd say Caskett didn't really take off until Tick, Tick, Tick and Boom. So, I look forward to the new "obstacle" you have in plan to hinder Castle and Beckett's progress. Just have it make sense within the context of this season, and I'll give you a pass. Because, if this season is what you consider Castle and Beckett not being ready to go to the next level in their relationship, I can't wait to see what's going to happen when you're ready to get these two crazy kids together.

BoneLady 04-17-2011 06:48 PM

Yeah, last I read he did say he thinks they're not ready yet.
I'll go with it for now, as long as he doesn't draw it out and it gets completely unrealistic, because he wants to keep them apart still.

And I sooo love this gif, whenever I see it I keep looking at it for at least a minute. :sigh:

WhatTheHeartWants 04-18-2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by spikespeigel26 (Post 55193196)
I would be on his side if he slow-burned the relationship just like Chris Carter and company did on the X-Files with Mulder and Scully, but when you're giving us scenes like this in your third season, you're running a race to the couple finish line. It's clearly obvious that these two are in love with each other. They just don't have the courage to admit it to the other. Mulder and Scully never had a look like this in their third season. Maybe a cute scene every once in a while. But it was always about the story. Right now on Castle, it's all about Castle and Beckett, with the story coming in a distant second place. Forgive my ranting, because I truly do love the show, but don't lie to yourself, Mr. Marlowe. If you don't want Castle and Beckett together, you shouldn't be giving the viewers so many shippy scenes within the scope of one season. Season three, by and large, is a Caskett shipper's dream when compared to seasons one and two. Almost every episode this season has addressed Caskett. Compared to last season, I'd say Caskett didn't really take off until Tick, Tick, Tick and Boom. So, I look forward to the new "obstacle" you have in plan to hinder Castle and Beckett's progress. Just have it make sense within the context of this season, and I'll give you a pass. Because, if this season is what you consider Castle and Beckett not being ready to go to the next level in their relationship, I can't wait to see what's going to happen when you're ready to get these two crazy kids together.

WORD. I absolutely totally 100 % agree. and i have to thank you for disillusioning me. for the reasons you mentioned i was sure that we’d see them get together in the finale.. or at least that there’d be a huge step in that direction. we know they will end up together and it’s not like i’m not willing to wait. the tricky part is just not to mess things up meanwhile considering how far they already pushed it. but if they find a believable, non-ridiculous and non-repetitive way to keep them apart (i’d actually be impressed if they did) without killing the tension, i won’t complain and just enjoy the chase a little longer.. just not too long, please.


Originally Posted by BoneLady (Post 55197098)
And I sooo love this gif, whenever I see it I keep looking at it for at least a minute. :sigh:

same here :love:

Imzadi 04-18-2011 08:35 AM

Ash - lol thats a good one. and yes they can be so boring together. i wouldnt mind that.

Con - I would write a lot of smut and porn and whatever else and I would make josh disappear and never come back :D

we had 3 seasons of a build up. we already KNOW what the characters are feeling for each other. We had him admit that he is jealous and we also know that neither of those two are or have been with the right people. I think they are ready to get together and the writer might disagree with me but I really dont want it to be like in bones where they drag it on for 6 seasons and more and the fans start to loose interest. I dont want that for them. Get them together, maybe throw some obstacles at them if you think it would be too boring but give the fans something to look forward too and on top of it something they keep holding on to

WhatTheHeartWants 04-18-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55206452)
Con - I would write a lot of smut and porn and whatever else and I would make josh disappear and never come back :D

you're hired :lol:

and yes they ARE ready to get together. Castle is about the fun. it's one of the most enjoyable shows ever for me. the drama/comedy balance is great and mostly you feel light-hearted after watching. so i hope they remember what the fans love about it and keep it that way. listen to Stana, writers! you don't always have to keep the main couple apart to keep it entertaining! i would love if they were brave enough to make a difference. let the fans enjoy their OTP instead of frustrating them. let them get together in an early season and prove that they still can be hot after three more seasons even. I know Stana and Nathan could pull that off. there could be so much banter and teasing while they're a couple as well. why does it always have to be only about "will they/won't they". why not just use the tension while it's at it's best :look:

Imzadi 04-18-2011 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by WhatTheHeartWants (Post 55208758)
you're hired :lol:

and yes they ARE ready to get together. Castle is about the fun. it's one of the most enjoyable shows ever for me. the drama/comedy balance is great and mostly you feel light-hearted after watching. so i hope they remember what the fans love about it and keep it that way. listen to Stana, writers! you don't always have to keep the main couple apart to keep it entertaining! i would love if they were brave enough to make a difference. let the fans enjoy their OTP instead of frustrating them. let them get together in an early season and prove that they still can be hot after three more seasons even. I know Stana and Nathan could pull that off. there could be so much banter and teasing while they're a couple as well. why does it always have to be only about "will they/won't they". why not just use the tension while it's at it's best :look:

yay. I have a job i actually want to do :lol:

I know. its one of those shows where I dont want to get a drink after watching it (like PP at the moment. its so depressing, seriously)
and I know. I am also one of those people that think that getting those two together woulndt mean that it gets boring, quite the contrary. I think it would give us a lot more action. I mean they still need to get to know each other more and i would love to actually see them together managing situations like getting up together and her stumbling over all of his things in the bathroom, or fighting over eating healthy food or whatever. it might sound boring to some people but I would actually enjoy seeing a happy couple

WhatTheHeartWants 04-18-2011 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55209352)
I am also one of those people that think that getting those two together woulndt mean that it gets boring, quite the contrary. I think it would give us a lot more action. I mean they still need to get to know each other more and i would love to actually see them together managing situations like getting up together and her stumbling over all of his things in the bathroom, or fighting over eating healthy food or whatever. it might sound boring to some people but I would actually enjoy seeing a happy couple

*squeeeee* exactly! :sigh: i'd love love love to see all that! :sigh: so much potential :sigh:

caliles213 04-18-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55209352)
I know. its one of those shows where I dont want to get a drink after watching it (like PP at the moment. its so depressing, seriously)
and I know. I am also one of those people that think that getting those two together woulndt mean that it gets boring, quite the contrary. I think it would give us a lot more action. I mean they still need to get to know each other more and i would love to actually see them together managing situations like getting up together and her stumbling over all of his things in the bathroom, or fighting over eating healthy food or whatever. it might sound boring to some people but I would actually enjoy seeing a happy couple

Honestly, with characters like Castle and Beckett, I think their romance would be EXTREMELY entertaining. I am ALL ABOUT getting them together.
That being said, I don't mind them waiting until next season, putting in a couple more obstacles. Just so long as the obstacles don't completely ruin their dynamic. I wasn't really even anticipating them getting together at the end of the season. I mean, I did anticipate some movement, but...this is the end of season 3. I get why they want to keep them apart a little longer. All I care about is that there are no more SO storylines. They are single. Just as long as we have that, I could go for half a season or more of them just flirting and being happy and kind of knowing that they're going to get together, but not quite getting there. I'm hoping that the obstacle doesn't put us back at square one again. If they decide to move on or lose trust in eachother or betray each other, I might be kind of frustrated. But I'm sure no matter what Marlowe does I'll love it. And I'll love the show. And I'll love Caskett. :D haha

BoneLady 04-18-2011 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Addison Breathtakingly Beautiful (Post 55206452)
we had 3 seasons of a build up. we already KNOW what the characters are feeling for each other. We had him admit that he is jealous and we also know that neither of those two are or have been with the right people. I think they are ready to get together and the writer might disagree with me but I really dont want it to be like in bones where they drag it on for 6 seasons and more and the fans start to loose interest. I dont want that for them. Get them together, maybe throw some obstacles at them if you think it would be too boring but give the fans something to look forward too and on top of it something they keep holding on to

Yes, yes, and a few more times yes.
It's my worst fear for it to turn into another Bones.
I love this show, but this season... it couldn't have been worse. Sure they needed more time to grow closer and be ready to admit their feelings, but what they did with this season... just no.

spikespeigel26 04-18-2011 08:02 PM

For those of you comparing Castle to Bones, I give you the following. No spoilers, so it should be okay to post here.

Castle Boss to Bones Execs: Booth and Brennan Need to Hook Up NOW - TVLine - TVLine

Anyone else see the humor here? Focus on your own show, Mr. Marlowe. Please don't use Bones as your timeline for getting Castle and Beckett together!

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