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Lauren Helen Graham 01-06-2015 01:21 PM

I as well am a big lover of city lights at night! :D

Wow, that sounds like you have been super busy! :thud: See, and for me it's during the work days that I'm super busy. :lol: Still, I'm happy you enjoyed your time off and that your year started so great for you. I'm sure it will continue that way!

I really hope you find the time, Ria. To watch the video. I just love the two of them and I know you love relationships! But since you are not watching the show I should mention I don't ship Red/Liz romantically but as a kind of father/daughter relationship since we don't know what they history, their relationship is and so doesn't she but he. :look:

Oh yes, overwhelming for sure. :lol: And really loud! But I swear, I would love that!

Pickle-weasel! 01-09-2015 10:20 AM

Yes, they're great. I think I'm going to see these Ice Castles
at night time. Think they'd be really cool all lite up.

So on Monday Patrick texted me to let me know that he told the other girls that he was seeing that he was only into me now, that we're exclusive now. Then we hung out Wednesday after work and last night after we were talking he asked me if it was ok if he called me his girlfriend. So I guess he's my boyfriend now. :lol: I'm super happy about it.

He's coming with me on Saturday for when we go out to celebrate Torrie's birthday, so he's going to meet a bunch of my friends. I'm kind of nervous, he's only meet Torrie so far.

My family is SO loud. We have the tendency to just talk over one another, so instead of waiting until it's quieter, we'll just talker louder and louder, it gets insane. :lol: We at the kid's table can always hear the adult's table talking from across the kitchen.

I watched the video Kris, it was really good. It made me intrigued with the show actually. And I loved the song choice and the coloring.

Lauren Helen Graham 01-09-2015 11:43 AM

Aww, I'm jealous of you seeing those ice castles, Ria. You'll have to take pictures! :D

And OMFG!!!! I'm so super excited and happy for you, Ria! :hug: That's the best news I got from you in a long time! Patrick seems to be amazing and it makes me happy that you are. :hug: I wish the two of you all the best!

He's really brave for coming with you to meet so many people of your life. :D I love that. I'm sure it'll be great.

:lol: I think I'd love your family. They seem so alive :) And it seems to be a lot of fun!

:yay: You saw the video. The show is really amazing, I swear! You at least should give it a try. It's available on Netflix. :D I thought you might be interested :P

And I'm off to answer your PM now ;)

Pickle-weasel! 01-10-2015 05:09 PM

Yes I'll take lots of pictures I'm sure, or at least I'll try too. Just going to wait for it to warm up a bit before going there.

Thanks Kris. I'm really happy. I don't know what is going to happen, but I'm just enjoying it as it comes. I was really in shock when he asked me. And I've never had a boyfriend before so it's all very new to me.

I hope he likes them, and isn't overwhelmed meeting so many of them at once. I mean I met his friends at the NYE party but there weren't nearly as many as might be there tonight.

They are really fun, at least when they aren't fighting. But I love getting together, we also have a good time playing games and hanging out. We're all pretty close. :nod:

My dad watches the show. :nod: I just don't have enough time to add a new show, I watch enough as it is.

Lauren Helen Graham 01-11-2015 05:57 AM

Pretty cool! I can't wait to see them :) Is it really cold at yours lately?

It might be new to you but it'll be a wonderful time! Btw, I saw Patrick on FB and he looks super nice and really good :) Great taste in men. :nod:

How many people have you been at Torrie's birthday, Ria? And how did you get along with his friends on NYE?

Your dad definitely knows what's good! The next episode is about to air after the Superbowl! :D It's only three more weeks! An almost three months hiatus is killing me!

Pickle-weasel! 01-13-2015 10:11 PM

Yeah it's been really cold, like last week some of the highs were in the negatives and then this week it's in the teens.

Aww thanks Kris. I still have a hard time believing it.

I believe there were about 12 of us, as opposed to the 4 friends he had at NYE. :nod: I got along with them fine, and I think he had a good time with my friends. He actually even added Amanda as a friend on facebook so I take it that he must have liked her. :lol:

Lauren Helen Graham 01-14-2015 11:04 AM

Wow, that really is cold... Winter is missing here again so we'll see how the rest of the normally cold season might evolve.

You can believe it! :hug: And it's well deserved, to somebody in your life you are in love with. :) And that is with you, too.

Aww, that's awesome! So there you go. :D It makes me happy to hear that!

Btw, did he meet your parents already and the other way around?

Pickle-weasel! 01-19-2015 02:47 PM

We got excited this week to get into the 20s. :lol: We're all like oh it's warm.

No Kris, he hasn't met my parents yet, they haven't been home lately when he's picked me up so they've been missing him, my mom is sad cause she wants to meet him. And I haven't met his either. That idea makes me nervous. :lol:

Lauren Helen Graham 01-20-2015 12:45 PM

:lol: I can imagine that! But hey, seems as if winter slowly, really slowly is setting in here as well. We at least have temperatures beyond freezing point at night now :lol:

I can see you making it nervous! :lol: When I first met Saschas mom she asked me to stay over for something similar to pancakes (just a lot thinner). And I keep putting sugar on them and roll them with my hands and eat them with my hands as well... But they were all eating them with a knife and fork and I had no clue how to handle that and I was so nervous... I was happy when I had managed to eat one of those things and not eaten another because of that :lmao: But I was so hungry! Now we laugh about this day really often because it really was funny.

Pickle-weasel! 01-27-2015 11:26 PM

Oh Kris that story. :lol: Poor you. He met my parents, briefly in like a "Hi" way but I have still have yet meet his, we'll see what happens.

This past week has been crazy. And this past weekend I stayed over at Patrick's Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I was barely home! I haven't had a free weekend in over a month! But it's been good and lots of fun.

And next weekend we're going to start hardcore planning our California Trip, which I'm super excited about. I can't wait for it.

How have you been? What have you been up to?

Lauren Helen Graham 01-28-2015 11:28 AM

At least he's had his first meeting with your parents already :D So the worst is over for him. But yeah, it's still your turn :P

Aww, it's cool to hear that you have been that busy and still enjoyed it. :yay: That's how it's supposed to be.

Right, the California trip! When exactly are you guys going?

Did I mention we booked our summer vacation already. We'll go to Portugal and stay near Lisbon :D I really can't wait.

I'm fine lately. We've had four volleyball games the other weekend and we won three of them already. We're second in the league and we're still able to beat the first team. I really hope we'll be able to do that.
Besides, my grandma is in the hospital. It looks like it's nothing too bad but we'll see since the docs aren't sure either.

And then it has been tons of work :thud: It's crazy right now and it doesn't look as if that'll change anytime soon.

Pickle-weasel! 02-01-2015 10:55 AM

So this is the last day for the board, it's been a really fun time posting here for the past 4 years? I'm going to miss this place a lot and all the posters, new and old, that have posted. I'm glad I got the opportunity to mod this board, and be with it until the end.

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