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Lauren Helen Graham 12-04-2014 06:24 AM

Hartland [OT] ~ 26 ~ Holidays are coming!
So guys, it was time for a new thread and here you go :) Enjoy chatting on.

I'm back from my vacation and it feels good to finally post via laptop again and not that small screen of my phone :lol:

Drunk On You 12-05-2014 07:20 AM

:lol: I don't even attempt to try to post from my phone. It's a pain.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-05-2014 12:17 PM

You know, it wouldn't be a pain if the ForumRunner app would work but it doesn't on my iphone since the IOS 8 update. :pout: So I had to use a normal browser on my phone to post and THAT really was a pain in the a**!

Pickle-weasel! 12-05-2014 11:01 PM

TFTNT Kris. I didn't even notice we had reached 300.

I'll browse on my phone but not big on posting from it.

How are you recovering from being back from vacation? I want to hear about your trip.

Sorry I've been MIA the last couple of days, work has been busy.

Oh but I thought I'd let you know that I'm kind of seeing someone. We've been on 3 dates so far, I think it's going in the right direction, so I'm hoping things work out. I like him.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-06-2014 01:00 PM

:lol: No problem at all.

Same here... About the phone. Posting is really a pain.

I'm recovering okay... Since I have a really bad cold it's not too nice and my doc said I'll have to stay at home the whole next week :( Afterwards it's only one and a half weeks of work for me again until I have one and a half week off again :look:

I'll tell you about my trip tomorrow but tbh, there is not much to tell besides of shopping, food and being at the beach/pool :lol:

No worries, Ria :hug:

Aww, that's great news! What's his name, Ria and how old is he? Oh, I'm so curious, I know :D

Pickle-weasel! 12-08-2014 11:44 AM

Oh no, you got a cold after your trip as well. :( Same thing happened to me.

Well that sounds like a really relaxing vacation. I could have used a pool/beach day on my trip.

His name is Patrick and he's 27, same age as me. And random, but he knows and has watched Legend of the Seeker.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-08-2014 12:20 PM

It sadly wasn't after the trip but happened there already. Sascha caught the cold and I caught it from him. :(

It was super relaxing :D Really... We took some pictures which I'll bring over the next couple of days (since I have to stay at home)

Aww, that sounds cool. And how did you get to know him? I keep crossing fingers for you, especially because he saw LotS. :) Does he read as well?

Pickle-weasel! 12-08-2014 11:50 PM

Oh no that really sucks.

I can't wait to see your pictures. Sounds like you had a good trip.

I meet him on a dating website. Yes, he loves reading. He's a nerd, like me. :lol: We're hanging out on Friday. It's nice because we work the same shift hours.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-09-2014 01:07 PM

Yes, it really sucks... But it's okay, I'm sure I'll be fine soon again.

I'm kind of in panic because I haven't even one Christmas gift yet! :eek:

But Patrick isn't working at the same company as you are, right? Just the same shift in the job he has? Friday you'll see each other again? Great! Any plans for Friday or just hanging out somewhere?

Pickle-weasel! 12-11-2014 12:01 AM

Oh no! You better get started. I have a few left, I'm waiting for some items to come in the mail otherwise to buy I have my mom (know what I'm getting her just have to buy it), my secret santa in my cousins exchange, a gender neutral gift for our gift exchange at my uncle's, and one friend who I'm getting cupcakes for so I won't be getting that until right before I give them to her.

No, we don't work at the same place, just happened to work the same hours, which is nice. Yep, we don't have any plans, we're just going to hang out after work.

I'm excited. It will be a good week. On Saturday I'm doing brunch with Brent and then on Sunday my family is going to this Christmas light festival that goes on every year. It's the first year we'll go to it, but it looks really cool. I'll take pics and show you.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-11-2014 12:58 PM

Oh Ria, that sounds good! :) And cupcakes! Nooooo!!! I wanted to eat one when I'm in the USA and I forgot about it! :bawl:

And where will you hang out? At your or his place or somewhere neutral?

Oh yes, please! I would love pictures! This festival sounds awesome :) I wish there was something here like that but during the Christmas time of the year we've a lot great things going on here as well :)

Pickle-weasel! 12-11-2014 11:06 PM

Oh no! I forgot about that, I would of told you better you went.

We're hanging out at his place. :nod:

Yes I've heard about the German Christmas markets, I think that would be a lot of fun. But I'm excited for the lights, it sounds really cool from what I've seen.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-12-2014 06:17 AM

:bawl: How could I forget about it... Damn it! And I forgot to try the root beer as well :( That's something to add my list for the next time (hopefully 2016). ;)

Does he have his own apartment or does he still live with his parents as well?

Yeah, the German Christmas markets are really great :D I love them. But yes, the lights at your festival for sure are amazing!

Pickle-weasel! 12-13-2014 06:43 PM

I forgot about root beer as well, well then I hope you can go back again. Not another trip planned for next year?

No, he has an apartment that he shares with a roommate.

I'll let you know how they are, I'm really excited to see them.

It's been a good weekend so far between my date, having brunch with Brent, and then having dinner today with my gang.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-14-2014 12:29 PM

Not next year but definitely in 2016 ;) So it's at least something to look forward to. Next year it will be Europe. Okay, I thought about going to NYC for a week or so to stalk the The Blacklist cast while filming :lmao:

Ah, okay :) That's pretty cool! How was it?

And the Christmas lights? :D I can't wait for the pictures.

Wow, you've been really busy. I've been at a birthday today and it was pretty cool. We had lunch and a lot of fun. Besides, yesterday my aunt visited me and in the morning I had an appointment in the beauty salon and at the hairdresser.

Pickle-weasel! 12-14-2014 10:23 PM

2016 is when one of my very good friends want to go to Disney World for her 30th b-day, so I might be heading to Florida as well.

It was fun. We're going to hang out on Wednesday after work because he's going away for 3 days this weekend.

I have a lot of photos, just have to upload them to my computer.

Sounds like you had a pretty busy weekend as well.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-15-2014 11:33 AM

So you mean I'll have to plan my trip for a different time of the year :eyebrows:

Where is he going? Aww, so great you enjoy the time you're around him and that's definitely a good sign :)

I've got the problem that my laptop doesn't connect with my iphone anymore. :pout: I need to get this fixed.

Yeah, the weekend was busier than expected. But I enjoyed it. Today I had my first day back at work and now my colleague is sick. So I won't see her the next three weeks again.

Pickle-weasel! 12-16-2014 11:08 PM

Yeah, well my friend's birthday is at the end of October so...

I actually don't know yet, I was planning on asking him tomorrow when we hang out. :lol: Yeah, I like hanging out with him and so hopefully we're headed in a good direction. I know that I look forward to hanging out with him, and from the texts I get I think he does as well.

Oh that sucks about the iphone, do you know why?

I'm sure going back to work wasn't that much fun.

I can't believe there is only one weekend left before Christmas.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-17-2014 01:11 PM

Oh, that sounds good... Since mine is at the beginning of November and I would love to not be at home for it. :lol:

Ah, okay, so you don't know yet as well. Three days should be possible to survive :)

I asked an IT specialist at work and he thinks I'll need to get a new one because something is wrong with the slot on my phone. And since I bought it this year I'm sure I'll get a new one for free easily. :nod:

I love my work and I love to be back. Especially since I'll have almost 2 weeks off again starting on December 24th. ;)

It's crazy, isn't it? And here it's still really warm outside which is super funny. Snow and some cold would be so much more fitting for Christmas.

Pickle-weasel! 12-19-2014 09:54 PM

Yeah, one day I will go to Disney on my birthday. I actually would have loved to go in 2015 for my birthday because it's my golden birthday, but alas that won't work with going to Florida this year and California next year.

So he's going skiing with his brother, his brother's girlfriend and dad. His brother won't be around for Christmas so they're celebrating early. We're going to go on a date after the holidays, he has two weeks off from work so should some extra time to get together.

Oh no, well I hope you can get a new one then.

More time off? Wow, I'm jealous. :lol:

We got some snow earlier this week so it's definitely looking and feeling like winter here. It was raining though last week and it was weird.

And that means it's almost 2015, what happened to this year? I can't believe it.

Lauren Helen Graham 12-21-2014 03:11 AM

So it's California for you next year? :D That's pretty cool! Disney there I assume?

But what does your golden birthday mean? :look:

A date :D That sounds awesome. I can't wait to hear where and when you go!

About my iphone... I needed an appointment there because I have to take my laptop with me. So another try at the Apple Store on December 29th. ;)

Yeah, more time off... But that's it then for a while :lol: Promise.

Aww, some snow? For Christmas I really would love some snow as well. But it must be gone on the 27th again. Sadly, there'll be no snow this year. :pout:

Oh yes, the year flew by... :thud: It's unbelievable. I have the feeling the older you get the faster the time passes.

CityGal 12-21-2014 11:10 PM

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone. :party:

Lauren Helen Graham 12-22-2014 12:06 PM

Aww, thank you so much! :hug:

A very merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :flowers:

Pickle-weasel! 12-22-2014 11:31 PM

Yes, we're taking Torrie to Disneyland for the first time and then we're also going to do LA and we're stopping in Las Vegas as well. It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait.

Golden birthday is when you turn the age of the number you were born on, so my golden birthday is when I turn 28. My sister had hers when she was 3, but I keep saying I've been waiting 28 years for this! :lol: Which I really have, I remember when I was younger thinking that it was so far away, only 3 other days are able to be later golden birthdays then me.

We're going on our date on Friday the 26th, we're going to dinner and the observation deck of the Foshay tower which is downtown, we're planning on going during the sunset, but we'll see how that is because we haven't seen the sun in days. :lol: I'm really excited though.

Yeah the snow is pretty much all gone now, it's rainy and dreary and it sucks! It doesn't look like Christmas at all. :pout:

But I agree with you on the time going by faster as you're older, when you're young summer seems so long. It's weird how that works.

And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well to you!

Lauren Helen Graham 12-23-2014 11:50 AM

Wow, that'll be some hell of a trip :D I'm sure it'll be amazing and I can't wait to hear about it. :D

Mine was when I was 3 as well :lol: I've never heard about it before though. Pretty cool that it's something special for you.

Sounds like a great dinner plan. You have to tell me afterwards how it went :D I can't wait to hear about it.

So no Christmas atmosphere for you either? :pout: That sucks but at least we're in it together...

I guess it's the time for me to wish you a merry Christmas, Ria :hug: Have a great time with your family, enjoy the food and the gifts. Don't forget to take a picture of what you got :D It's always so exciting to see. :)

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