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BehrItAll 10-06-2004 02:08 AM

I actually never thought about a theory like that before but now that you bring it up it makes total sense why he would offer to do those things. Maybe he deveoped a subconsious crush on her that second Thanksgiving when she lost all that weight. Or maybe it developed when they started living across the hall from each other and got to spend lots of time together (but we never got to see flashbacks from those days).

groovyk1 10-06-2004 03:36 PM

Yay New thread!!!! I love the title.

Interesting theory guys!

destroyer of worlds 10-07-2004 02:56 PM

Aww I loved TOA The Beach too... the most hilarious scenes for me in that episode was Chandler trying to convince Monica that he was boyfriend material. :lol: Hee, Joey couldn't pee on Monica after she got bitten by the jellyfish, and I loved that Chandler stepped up and peed on her. "That's right! And I'd pee on any one of you." :rotfl:

I love the theory that Chandler had a crush on Monica before they got together too! I've never actually thought of that either, but it would actually make sense. And during one of the flashback episodes Chandler and Monica were hugging while she was in a towel and I remember thinking, "Wow, these two have chemistry!" and I thought they were going to get together then but alas it didn't happen. :(

*Rach* 10-09-2004 11:11 AM

TOW The Jellyfish is one of my all time favorite episodes.

I love the theory about Chandler having a crush on Monica before they got together. It makes sense too.

Cotton Candy 10-09-2004 11:12 PM

One thing that I really loved about Monica and Chandler was that they never got old or tiring. The very last season was one of their strongest and their relationship was real, funny and heartfelt right up until the very last scene.

BehrItAll 10-10-2004 02:39 AM

I totally agree with you, Nostalgic Journey
Monica and Chandler never got old and they gave the show some great storylines and kept the show going when the Ross and Rachel on/off again story was getting old.

Cotton Candy 10-10-2004 02:31 PM

Aw, I'm glad that you agree :) Although I wasn't comparing Monica and Chandler's relationship to Rachel and Ross', as I felt that their storyline was always kept fresh and exciting as well. I was simply pointing out the difference between Monica and Chandler and some other fictional couples.

BehrItAll 10-10-2004 09:39 PM

Oh yea, I know what you mean. Sometimes I try to think of how different the show would have been if they never put them together and then I realize I couldn't even begin to imagine it that way.
I love that they got along great and understood each other so well and any fight they had they got over and past it in one episode.

Cotton Candy 10-11-2004 12:52 AM

Ditto to everything you said :)

fan1bsb97 10-11-2004 10:43 PM

I don't know. I always assumed, from the very beginning, that it would be Ross/Rachel, Phoebe/Joey, Chandler/Monica.

They're so cute together, and I esp. love how she had a crush on him when they first met.

Cotton Candy 10-12-2004 12:58 PM

Page 2! :party:


Originally posted by fan1bsb97
They're so cute together, and I esp. love how she had a crush on him when they first met.
I love that too :)

BehrItAll 10-14-2004 01:25 AM

That was so cute. And poor Monica got soda stuck in her nose.
I like the year after when she walks away and he's checking her out and Jack catches him and is like "Dude."

Cotton Candy 10-14-2004 01:02 PM

Hehe, that was funny. Poor Chandler and his toe :(

*Rach* 10-14-2004 07:53 PM


Originally posted by Nostalgic Journey
Hehe, that was funny. Poor Chandler and his toe :(
Hehe. But the one thing that always bugged me about that was that he didn't move his foot! He could've but he didn't.

Cotton Candy 10-15-2004 12:51 AM

Well, not everyone can react quickly in those type of situations.

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