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MademoisellePaulina 04-19-2011 10:51 AM

Twin Flames | Damon ღ Elena | #1192: 'You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.'
Welcome to the 1192nd
Damon & Elena Thread

Their Story (Season 1)

Damon and Elena's relationship will take many roads. It’s a huge journey. Kevin Williamson

When Damon Salvatore returned to Mystic Falls, it had nothing to do with Elena Gilbert. He had a diabolical master plan, he was still crippled by his love for Katherine. So when he watched her from across the graveyard, it was simply curiosity that brought him there. And when Elena sensed somebody there in the shadows, she brushed it off as nothing. Neither could know just how important they would become to one another.

Yet from their first meeting, it was inevitable. From the way they stared at one another, the way they talked and the way Damon crushed the back of her hand with the lightest of touches. It was clear that something would blossom between them.

Right from the start, they got each other. He made her laugh, she made him smile. He knew that cheer leading wasn't for her anymore. And she knew that there was more to Damon than his pretense. 'I'm sorry...about Katherine, you lost her too.' This was only the second time that they had ever really talked, yet the understanding between them was instant. It was natural, it was chemical, it was undeniable. Damon 'the monster' was an act. Elena knew this before even meeting that monster. 'I am not Katherine.' With that slap, Elena separated herself from Katherine completely. She got under his skin, so much so that we saw the first glimpse of Damon's humanity. As he watched her sleep, and touched her cheek tenderly. He was considering the two...Katherine and Elena. He was pondering how they could look identical, whilst being completely different. He was thinking of the empathy Elena had offered him, and the fire she had confronted him with. He was starting to see her as something more than just somebody to toy with..

'Doesn't it always come down to the love of a woman.' For a moment it seemed that Damon's charm had worked its magic on her at last. As Elena held his gaze for a moment too long, she seemed to be teetering on the brink of accepting him. But that quickly changed when Elena began to realize how Damon had been treating Caroline. She realized that Damon was dangerous...that he was no good. So she stormed over to him, pushed him and warned him off her friend. Passionate, fiery and loyal. Traits that Damon would admire. He watched her as she brushed past him, already not liking the idea of her hating him.

Then Elena found out that Damon was a vampire. She found out that he had been feeding on Caroline, and that he had been behind all the deaths. When he appeared at her house, she was rightfully terrified of him. Yet there was still that special chemistry between them as he backed her up against the staircase. Despite her fear, Elena did not back down. She matched him, as she always matches him.

With Vicki's death, Damon took that first step towards redemption. Elena blamed him, as she had right to do. She challenged him as she always done. She hit him and she called him out. 'It matters and you know it.' Elena was as brave and as fiery as ever. Damon tried to ignore the truth in her words. The chemistry was sparking between them, stronger than ever.

And Elena got through to him. Her words affected him. He stepped up and took responsibility. He offered to do something selfless, for the first time in over a century. 'I can do it. If this is what you want.' He did it for Elena, on her terms. The shock on her face proved how monumental this moment was. This 17 year old girl was already chipping away at the ice around Damon's heart.

But Damon hadn't suddenly switched. Elena watched as he killed Lexi, putting himself and his brother above anything else. She watched as pain and heartbreak caused him to lash out and attack Bonnie.

It was when Damon saved her life that a bond really began to form. He was gentle and sweet to her, a side of Damon that she had not yet met. He took her away from her life, and she appreciated it. They had fun, she was allowed to let go. She asked Damon questions and he gave her honest answers. She got to know him. So when it looked like he would die, she couldn't let it happen. Despite everything that he had done, she saved his life. And as he drove her home, it was clear that a friendship was blossoming.

And it was a comfortable friendship. Damon was happy to do his part in protecting Elena from Noah, and she was happy to have him there. Yet Elena was still wary. So much so that she agreed to deceive Damon. When Damon appeared for 'family night' he seemed genuinely happy to be a part of something, of a group. And he decided to put his trust in Elena completely. We saw him doubt Stefan, and accept Elena's reassurance. But we saw Elena doubt herself too. She didn't want to lie to him, especially not when he was being so genuine and honest with her.

Inevitably, Damon discovered her deception. The genuine pain on his face seemed to shock Elena and it was clear that guilt pressed down upon her. She couldn't meet his gaze, she hated what she had done. Damon, impulsive as ever, grabbed her and threatened to turn her as leverage. Yet as he let her go, he was tender – betraying once again how he could never really hurt her. Not even when she had betrayed him.

And Elena understood, as she always does. She knew that Damon wasn't angry, he was hurt. She went to see him, and she put her trust in him completely. In taking off her necklace and offering him the chance to compel her, Elena offered the ultimate apology. She was asking him for his trust too. And Damon understood. He placed her necklace back on her neck and two themes of their relationship were sealed forever. Trust, and wanting it all to be real.

Their connection was stronger than ever. So when Damon was lost in misery inside the tomb, Elena did not hesitate to run in there after him. And Damon listened to her, and only her. Then she hugged him. For the first time in a very long time, somebody offered Damon honest comfort. 'I'm sorry.' And Elena meant it. Damon did not wrap his arms around her – it was still all very strange to him. But once again, Elena was breaking through to his heart.

Damon quickly turned to alcohol to help him deal with his pain. Elena, naturally, was concerned for him despite the mystery of her birth mother weighing on her mind. When she helped him button his shirt, the heat between them was overwhelming. And Damon's sweetness, rendered Elena speechless and flustered for a moment. They were reacting to one another in ways that simply cannot be explained.

Yet of course, things did not run entirely smoothly. Whilst taunting Alaric over the fact that he killed his wife, Damon did not know the damage he was doing to his relationship with Elena. She quickly told him. And the shock, pain and regret was clear on Damon's face. Hurting Elena was the last thing he wanted to do, and it was clear that with every moment his feelings for her were strengthening. Consciously or not, this was when Damon decided to really try for her.

When Stefan was taken by the tomb vampires, Elena had to work with Damon. He proved himself to her. He reassured her in the rain, he was honest with her in Alaric's classroom – then gentle. He was intent upon protecting her. So much so, that Alaric noticed too. Then during Stefan's struggle with human blood – Damon was there for her whenever she needed him. They sparred verbally in her bedroom, they conspired before he gave her a rose. A simple but meaningful symbol.

Then he stepped in for Stefan at the Miss Mystic Fall's dance and the world seemed to stop. They didn't simply dance...they were absorbed by one another. For those few seconds, Elena forgot everything else. Slowly, she started to smile and Damon smiled with her. Then when they broke apart...Elena almost looked afraid. Afraid of what the dance had made them feel, afraid of what that could mean.

They had little time to think of that though. They worked together, as a team, to help Stefan. Damon went with her plan, and he stayed with her. Sitting down outside Stefan's cell was a small gesture, but a powerful one. Damon would be there for her.

And he was throughout Stefan's detox. Their comfort around one another was evident. Damon couldn't quite hide how happy it made him to have her around and Elena continued to dig at him. His flippant remarks were not enough for Elena, who can always read him. She learned the truth about how he turned, and still she called him out on pretending not to care.

With Isobel's return, we discovered Damon's protective side. Elena was the only thing on his mind. 'Going after Elena? Bad move.' Again trust was essential to them. Damon trusted Elena enough to hand over a weapon that could potentially kill him, and the way his hand lingered on hers was telling. Then Isobel stunned Elena in telling her that Damon was in love with her. Even Damon looked shocked, as though he couldn't quite fathom what was happening either. They shared a look over Stefan's back – both confused as to what this meant for them.

Damon's reaction was to try and hide from the truth. But as soon as he shared a moment alone with Elena, he couldn't. He complimented her, and she smiled warmly. Their friendly banter had a simmering undertone, one that Elena knew she had to push aside. She warned Damon against playing with their friendship. And he was instantly serious. He wanted her friendship first and foremost.

As the tomb vamps attacked Mystic Falls we saw Damon seek out Elena to make sure she was safe. We then saw Elena run towards the fire to save Damon. Neither could lose the other. Because of Elena, Damon allowed his emotions to run free. So when he bumped into who he thought was her on the porch, he poured them out. 'Somewhere along the way, you decided I was worth saving, and I wanted to thank you for that.' His whole struggle to find his humanity, everything that he had done – it was all for Elena. Then he kissed her, with more passion and with more heart that anything seen before.

Except it wasn't Elena. She didn't hear that speech. We ended the season with both Damon and Elena oblivious to Katherine's deception. But what was clear was that Damon had fallen for Elena completely. And whilst Elena continues to insist her feelings for him are entirely friendly, she has accepted that he is a huge part of her life and that she never wants to lose him. Never.

ღ ღ ღ

"Some things could matter again."

601. SilverehRose
602. TheMusicLives
603. Ellashy
604. diannaagronlove
605. maipigen
606. patrice1970
607. eli_bear
608. omgitsjulia<3
609. nasha233
610. Within
611. Sheldon27
612. headstrongshiho
613. FireFighter
614. sashey
615. Butterflies18
616. Frust-sheep
617. LoveStaroline
618. tvchick1191
619. dixieland_dreamer
620. Slexie
621. Yamii
622. NianxDelena
623. xXEmmaXx
624. Chicarlinha
625. Roxy87
626. pokadotshoes
627. Moon_mars123
628. likearocket
629. ElenaDamonForev
630. Jaypaw
631. Sehj_Delena
632. hkhan90
633. xxJennyxx
634. messofadreamer
635. Sternbetrachter
636. sirine
637. ღ Jen-OTH ღ
638. Brit3252
639. AbsyntheMinded
640. nadal1
641. UNsweetT
642. julyhsm
643. Tearsofanangel
644. Aubreykarew
645. ~DiDi~
646. xKarlaCruz
647. sayitandimyours
648. alysummers
649. skate-delena
650. delenadairforever
651. LeytonISlove
652. EddieDoo
653. silent_hell
654. delenabetterthanyou
655. Swift2Potter
656. kelly really
Honorary Shippers
1. Ian Somerhalder
2. Nina Dobrev
3. Julie Plec
4. Kevin Williamson
5. Eric Northman
6. Chuck and Blair
7. Angelus
8. Spike
9. Dean Winchester
10. Lucifer
11. Sue Sylvester
12. Barney Stinson
13. Dracula
14. Lestat
15. The Alphabet
16. Low Rise Jeans
17. Google
18. BuzzSugar
19. Alaric Saltzman
20. Elena's Teddy Bear
21. Jeremy Gilbert
22. Pickles
23. Buttons
24. Isobel
25. Danielle Monaro from Z100
26. LA Times
27. RabidDoll
28. Windows
29. Cows
30. Umbrellas
31. The Weather
32. Boone
33. Zap2It
34. Candice Accola
35. Kristin Dos Santos (E!Online)
36. Katherine Pierce
37. Kitchen
38. Porches
39. Drunken!Nat
40. Andy Swift
41. The Madagascar Penguins
42. Captain Jack Sparrow
43. Doors
44. Elena's Vervaine Necklace
45. Elena's Bedroom
46. Stairs
47. Jorge Garcia
48. Pikachu
49. Sleeperstar
50. The Fray
51. Rose
52. Elijah
53. Pillows
54. Matt Lanter
55. Steven R. McQueen
56. Spongebob
"You and I, we having something...
An understanding.

The thing is, he wormed his way into her heart all last season.
When no one understood him or attempted to be his friend,
she did because she wanted to see the good in him.
Nina Dobrev
I love Damon and Elena because they aren't your typical couple.
They didn't look at each other and know right away that they meant to be together.
Damon and Elena are about the slow burn.
Their relationship is so special because they have grown so much in such a short time.
They went from almost hating each other (or at least, Elena hating Damon) to mutually respecting in each other and enjoying each others company.
Elena now views Damon as a friend, and Damon is in love with her.
The build up between the two over the course of the season was amazing to watch and makes their relationship that much more meaningful.
Nina and Ian have amazing chemistry that translates so well onscreen and their passion and intensity makes you want to root for them.
~ Alexa
The only truly redeeming quality, I think, Damon has is that he
will do anything to protect her
Ian Somerhalder

I couldn't have agreed more with CW when they released a promo poster with Damon and Elena in it.
Its caption is "Drawn together, and not pulling away." It speaks so much of Damon and Elena.
Damon met Elena for the wrong reasons- because she was Katherine's doppelganger.
But, that did a 360-degree turn and changed completely.
They are drawn together for a lot of reasons now. What was only because of a resemblance blossomed into something that is so much more than what we all have imagined and thought of..
Without saying it, Damon and Elena need each other.
Elena herself said that they "...have a connection."
Damon brings out something fun, fresh and almost-too carefree in Elena, something we haven't seen of her with Stefan.
Meanwhile, Elena plays the complete opposite of her doppelganger and Damon's first love, Katherine.
She's kind, brave, and understanding.
She gave Damon a chance to redeem himself and find the "good spot" in him, despite saying he has "... no redeeming qualities."
That was how their relationship was built and cemented.
Despite the belief that Elena and Stefan are soulmates, I really believe that a part of her, if not the most part, goes out to Damon. They are always going to need each other at some point.
Even if all the odds are stacked against them, they are not pulling away, and will not ever pull away,like the poster said.
Whether they like it or not, gravity pulls them towards each other, as cliche as it sounds.
Their lives are always bound to intertwine and connect.
You can't just wipe off what they have in an instant. Damon and Elena have substance, especially when together.
Like what the title of the thread, they are twin flames.
I strongly believe that they will always be.
As a last note, I've said time and again that I've never shipped this hard, as far as my watching of TV shows go.
But really, shipping Damon and Elena is so worth it, even if they are not a couple ... yet.
~ Camille (broodyandcheery)

"I'm trusting you.
Don't make me regret it.

Chemistry. Passion. Fire. Kindness. Trust. Compassion. Loyalty.
Those are some of the things that usually make a pairing work.
Damon/Elena has all those things and more, without being a couple, without even really being friends -
because honestly, there's too much unresolved sexual tension and actual feelings for them to ever form a functioning friendship -
and that's what basically intrigued me from the very start.
I'll have to admit that I was all for Stefan/Elena in the pilot, but then Elena met the sexy older brother and this gorgeous ship had me with a lip-stare and a smirk.
No words necessary.
Over the next episodes, we've seen them form a tentative...whatever you want to call it.
But that's what's so amazing about them. The fact that you have no idea where they stand, one moment they hate each other, and the next would leave us drooling from their intense lip-stares and swallows, and yet, it's all so believable.
The build-up.
While we beg for them to get it over with and just get it on already, we know that a build-up is necessary.
It's the little moments that we truly appreciate, whenever he compliments her, or whenever she seems to see some of the existent good in him.
Not to mention all the lip-stares, slaps, personal space invasions, and swallows that make us endlessly squee from all the fangirling adoration.
Back to why DE is awesome, as if that didn't tell you enough.
Elena is the only one Damon ever lets inside.
She's the one that brings out the small dose of humanity that he still retains.
She has this power over him that no one else will ever have - whether he likes it or not.
We've seen how Damon can't quite hide behind his well-built mask when he's around Elena.
Without being compelled, Elena almost withdrew to Damon's advances, and that's saying something, especially since she's supposed to be devoted only to Stefan.
They can't deny that something is building between them.
Something powerful that will be unforgettable.
Their story is one for the ages, and we're having fun watching it happen before our eyes.
No matter what Elena says, don't be fooled. Damon does have one redeeming quality:
~ Gaby (qaby |♥|)

That's the number 1 question. Everyone wants to know what's gonna
happen between Damon and Elena
Kevin Williamson
There isn't anything I don't love about them.
They're perfect for each other. He brings out her fun side, and she brings out his humanity. Can it get better than that?
They have so much potential. I really hope the writers explore it.
~ Elvira (TheSweetestSmile)
That's the fun of it. It's waiting and waiting and dissecting
every little time he does something nice thing for her,
and how it makes her feel - that anticipation, that build-up.
Julie Plec

"Elena is not at all looking at his lips.
No siree, Bob.
" ~ TWOP
"You can feel that there's something between
her and Damon.
" ~ TVSquad
"Aww, Damon totally hearts Elena!
And she knows it as much as we do
." ~ HitFix

"Chemistry screams from Damon and Elena
and I predict a pairing pretty damn soon...
~ TVOvermind
"There's something between these two.
She's lying to herself by denying it.
~ TVFanatic
"How about that so-thick-you-could-cut-it-with-a-knife
sexual tension between Damon and Elena?
"Suddenly, I was 16-years-old, squealing inside as Damon
picked up the necklace, shook his head, and wrapped
his arms around her neck to put it back on her.
" ~ EW
"Elena may not realize it yet, but all the fans do.
She belongs with Damon
"There was some serious sexual tension between
Elena and Damon during their impromptu
dancing at the pageant.
" ~ Poptimal
"Damon fell for Elena based on their developing history
over the course of The Vampire Diaries'
Season 1
" ~ TVGuide

"Damon and Elena prove touching is overrated."
~ LA Times
"Damon will protect her body and soul."
~ TV WatchTower

"Can you say sexual tension? In the rain no less!"
~ BuzzSugar
"Elena and Damon. They’re bloody perfect together!"
~ Hollywood Life

"The pair have an innate understanding of one another –
one that doesn’t require words.
" ~ TVRA

"Damon's pretty sure that there's something brewing
between him and Elena, and despite what Elena says,
we're pretty sure he's right.
" ~ CWSource

"I am simply going to show you my favorite scene.
One that might only be exciting if you're a DaLena 'shipper -
thankfully (I am).
" ~ NYPost
"There’s something about Damon and Elena that
gives the viewer the impression that they can
read each others’ minds a bit.
" ~ Zap2it
"Opening his heart like that was an unexpected
miracle. That is the gift that Elena
gave him.
" ~ RabidDoll

I ship DE because it’s impossible not to see the chemistry between them; even in the subtlest of glances you can tell that they “have something”.
The agonizing build up is addictive and the “forbidden love” relationship they have just makes the wait and their relationship so much more enticing.
They bring out the best and worst in each other; they push and pull each other and from the start, the passion between the two is glaringly obvious.
Even though he may cover it up with bitterness, Damon truly cares for her, and it was at that turning point in their relationship (in the books) that converted me to DE.
~ Cathryn (Cathryn93)

If you look back at season one, when Elena was around Damon,
she smiled. She had fun. Despite the fact that sometimes she’d rather
knee him in the crotch or run away, or stake his ass.
Ian Somerhalder

"You're better than this!"

I didn't really ship Damon and Elena at first, but once I noticed something between them I knew it would be impossible to stop.
Everything about them is interesting, and their interactions are on fire.
They OWN everything from eye sex to dancing, and Ian and Nina's chemistry is out of this world.
It's so great to watch how much Damon care about Elena, and how she is starting to fall for him as well.
It is safe to say that they are one of THE best things about The Vampire Diaries.
Not only do Damon and Elena have an amazing future ahead of them, but an AMAZING and massive fan base to back them up.
~ Noelle

One of the things I really like about LJ Smith's books is that it took
a very long time for Elena and Damon to reach any kind of détente,
any kind of true connection, with each other. I want to make sure
that we take our own sweet time with that, as well, because you
have to believe it
Julie Plec
I don’t think I’ve ever liked a couple as much as I like Damon and Elena.
The thing that really drew me in was their chemistry. From their first scene, they had indescribable chemistry.
They don’t even have to touch or use words, just the way they look at each other sends sparks flying.
There’s so much electricity, passion, tension, and words spoken with just one look between these two.
I started shipping them in 1x03 when they were discussing Katherine in the kitchen.
When Elena told Damon she was sorry that he lost Katherine, he realized that she was not Katherine, that she was different and that she had a heart.
They shared a look that said so many things.
I was sold.
I loved watching their relationship develop throughout the season.
At first, Damon was the bad boy that seemed to have no humanity, he trusted nobody but himself.
Elena was the one to bring out the human side of him.
They built a trust and a friendship, they got to know each other.
I love that they have build up.
It makes their relationship so real and beautiful.
Whether or not Damon and Elena end up together, they’ll always have a connection that can’t be broken.
~ standingintherain
You know, when Damon's in the presence of Elena, that is when
you definitely see a change in him. There is something so
profoundly attractive to Damon about this girl.
Ian Somerhalder

Damon and Elena are the most amazing couple in the history of TV shows.
Because searching for love takes time, patience, courage to take the risk but the reward is worth doing it. Because they represent a dream come true. The dream of real love and passion.
Because "My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."
Because "In my wildest dreams, you always play the hero. In my darkest hour of night, you rescue me, you save my life."
Because "I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."
Because "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
Because "It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."
Because "Love is friendship set on fire."
~ Nia (niadk)

"Come on, Damon. That’s a lie. You care."

Hate is the beginning of most love stories. It was no surprise that we
ended the episode with Elena saying “I hate him.”
Kevin Williamson

There is so many reasons why I love Damon and Elena.
I think that Damon is the only one who really gets who she is, he understands her like nobody else.
She's the only one who could make him forget about Katherine, cause we can clearly see that he is really falling for her.
For me those two ARE the show, the chemistry is truly here, and it's so great, it makes all of their scenes epic.
And this is just the start of something amazing, she bring out his humanity, and for me Damon and Elena are meant to be, they belong together, one can't go without the other!
The show wouldn't exist without them.
They bring out the best of each other, she makes him want to be a better person.
~ Carla (FrenchGirl90210)

ღ ღ ღ

MademoisellePaulina 04-19-2011 10:52 AM

Visit their boards:

Nina Dobrev
Ian Somerhalder

"What makes you excited?"

"He makes light of every moment."

"Nina Dobrev is strikingly beautiful
and extraordinary talented."

Two people on separate journeys with the same destination.
No matter where their lives take them, or how much they resist, they keep being drawn to one another.
Their lives are endlessly entangled and full of parallels.
THAT is the intrigue of Damon and Elena for me.
The two are fascinating and strong as individuals, but when they come together everything just kicks up 1000 more notches.
I can’t think of any other pairing that can cover as much range in emotion and depth as these two.
Anything is possible for them.
They bring out each other’s best and worst in their eternal game of push and pull.
It’s a powerful thing between them that is as frightening as it is beautiful.
I’ve always been a fan of pairings who have a profound understanding where words are not needed.
Trust, honesty and understanding, these are the things these two thrive off of together and long for in all their relationships.
They’re real and on equal footing with each other no matter what.
From the start, Damon and Elena have been able to see right through each other.
There’s more to them than just the bad boy and good girl exterior, and they know that.
Because of it, they are able to be completely comfortable, in tune, and honest with each other but it also means they can also deliver the strongest heart wrenching blows to hurt each other as well.
There’s an edge of danger there, but if they’re open to it, it can be the most fulfilling thing ever.
Their journey is still only in its early stages, but I love every minute of it as it plays out.
Without a doubt, they’re on their way to becoming one of the most epic pairings of all time.
steph ~ (intoxicated dreamer)
Elena conjures up some very intense feelings for Damon
Ian Somerhalder
Damon and Elena are the heart and soul of VD.
What other couple could cause us to laugh until we fall out of chairs, bawl our eyes out, break our hearts and make us squee so many times in one episode?
It's barely been two seasons but we have already been through a roller coaster of emotions with these two.
They mean so much to each other, and to us, already, and we haven't even gotten a kiss yet!
Damon is inspired to be a better person for Elena, and Elena lets down her guard and becomes her true, fun self around Damon.
The necklace scene, the dance, Ted-DE, "I'll protect her," Damon's ILY, Eye DEx in every single episode- what is NOT to love about a couple that makes the wait so sweet?
DE never stop surprising us and we'll never stop loving that about them.
Elle ~ (Lelly)
"We should be able to talk about this, Damon.
We're close enough now.
Well, we made it.
These two lovely people that Stefan loves made the 1000th thread and FF posters can not be any more happier.
What i love about these two that makes me want to watch more is they are so loving and have such a great chemistry whether it be a romantic speech on saying how they love each other or a funny joke side they both have this spark that flies when they are on screen together.
The camera just loves to focus on them.
I especially love the lead up to their romance and found their friendship at first a rewarding thing for both of them as they both have something that the other one doesn't have.
Together they fit it a sign to know that it there and it's real.
E/D are my fav people to watch i can't wait for more scenes of their friendship and love.
Well done guys
Petra ~ (sethamgal)
Damon brings out her fun side. She can be herself with him
Nina Dobrev
What I love about Damon and Elena is their amazing chemistry.
It doesn’t matter if they are fighting, drinking, discussing serious stuff or just standing next to each other.
Every time they share a scene you can practically feel the fireworks flying around the room whenever they share a single glance.
They share this wordless connection, the infamous "understanding" for each other.
They get each other in a way, nobody else can or ever will - even though they may seem very different.
Elena managed to see Damon’s walls and masks that were built up to protect his broken heart.
He felt like he could trust her, when he trusted nobody else, and so he opened up to her, bared his soul and while doing so, helped her rediscover her own.
She was able to be herself again, to laugh and have fun for a change instead of having to deal with all the heavy stuff she’s been confronted with.
It seems to be natural, being around each other.
There’s no awkward silence, no need to lie to each other.
What they have is pure and real and I think its safe to say that they saved each other in more than just a literal way.
Even though their journey is only at the beginning, I know that they will go trough it together, no matter what happens between them.
Damon stepped back for her happiness, because he didn’t feel worthy of her, made her forget the probably most romantic and beautiful declaration of love, so she could be happy with his brother.
Their story is so epic and beautiful and I go trough every emotion possible while watching.
They make me laugh, they make me angry, they break my heart and put it back together again.
Someone once said that the greatest act of love is sacrifice, and I believe that
Jules ~ (unusual)

I’ve started shipping DE even before the first episode.
I decided, Ian’s character must get the girl!
But the truth is, I couldn’t be sure.
I didn’t know about their story or Ian and Nina’s chemistry.
Maybe that’s why I love them so much, and maybe that’s why they became one of my favorite ships ever, because they haven’t disappointed me.
There has been everything: chemistry, passion, and the most amazing build-up I’ve ever seen.
I couldn’t know that.
I couldn’t know, that after 30 episodes, we’d get so many scenes.
That we’d get scenes like that.
That we’d see different Damon, but not for the whole world.
Only for this one girl who is he in love with.
And when Damon falls in love, he falls for real.
For the next hundreds of years.
I was lucky with them.
They make me happy, they became part of my life, which probably shouldn’t happen to a normal person.
But I’m not normal and I’m glad.
I can share it with so many amazing people here.
I could go on, and write about other reasons why I love DE, but for them, words are not enough.
DE are something bigger and stronger, and the actions and feelings are the most important here, not words.
~ Mary (myys_PL)

I ship Damon and Elena because from day one they captivated me.
They were on fire, and all they did was introduce themselves.
I also ship them because Elena was the first character to truly treat Damon as a real person not just Stefan's bad boy older brother.
She saw him for who he really was, a lonely, hurt little boy.
Damon conversely fell for Elena BECAUSE her willingness to see past his faults.
They each yearn to be who they were before their lives changed, and when they are together they gain a piece of their former selves.
Elena and Damon bring out the best in each other.
They truly are TWIN FLAMES.
Marizza ~ (padfootsprincess02)

He’ll start to love and understand her as a human being, which is
ironic because Damon could typically give a s–t about anything
involving humanity. It’s some good stuff.
Julie Plec

"You have every right to hate me. I understand.
But you hated me before and we became friends...

It’s going to be interesting to see how he tries to remedy the
situation because once he lost Elena, I think he finally realized
how valuable she is to him. How much he loves her.
Nina Dobrev

When I first read about “Twin Flames”, I had no idea what it really meant.
What could this concept possibly have to do with the two?
But, as I observed Damon and Elena’s interactions throughout the episodes, I began to understand.
It’s the way they move fluidly together; it’s the way that they look at each other – soul-penetrating glances that speak volumes about the depth of their understanding of one another.
They share unspoken thoughts, words, and feelings through their eyes.
This fiery connection blows any normal relationship out of the water because there is nothing conventional about the way these two connect.
Elena is Damon’s sole link to humanity.
She gives him hope and understanding.
When they’re together, he strives to be a better person because she makes him want to sacrifice his selfish ways to keep her safe at all costs.
And Elena would never let anything happen to Damon because he’s wormed his way into her heart…because what they have is real, and when it’s real, neither of them can walk away.
Andrea ~ (safetywords)

There aren't enough words to explain the amazingness of this couple.
Heck, what they are now, what they've become and how they'll continue to develop can't even be explained with words.
You have to feel it.
This couple wouldn't be as half as amazing if it weren't for the actors that portray these characters.
Ian and Nina do such a great job and they have this smoldering chemistry that you can basically feel on your screen.
Whenever their eyes meet, there's fire.
What I love the most about Delena is that they aren't even one bit rushed.
Their build up is literally flawless and it makes you extremely intrigued to look forward to what's next in store for them.
They started off hating each other and there was banter that over the time grew in something bigger, something meaningful.
One cannot deny that there's ~something~ going on between them, these two have an understanding like no other.
Elena easily brings out the humanity of Damon, she helped him become a better person and watching the journey of these characters growing both individually and together is inexplicable.
It's the most beautiful thing on the show.
The build up so far has been perfect, yet their journey hasn't fully started yet.
Now you can only imagine how fanatic the rest of it will be.
~ Nat (iLoveChair)

When Damon first came back to Mystic Falls, he had no home, no friends and pretty much no feelings.
By meeting Elena Gilbert, he found himself a home, some friends, and emotions because this girl brought out the best of Damon by challenging him emotionally, and vice-versa.
Damon brings the real Elena out of her shell where she doesn’t wear a mask of a perfect girlfriend, sister or friend.
She has fire and fierceness
She is feisty and Damon is always pushing her limits, like he exactly knows what she is capable of.
Damon and Elena are so different yet so alike.
They both are strong, loyal and stubborn fighters.
They both understand each other like no one else can and Elena was right when she said they had something.
I don’t think right now, either of them is capable of discerning what that “something” is, but they both know it is a strong connection.
Cause whatever happens; she’ll always come back to him like he is always going to come back to her.
This is why, Damon and Elena are veritable Twin Flames.
~ Marie (x0x0gossipgirl)
I don't just want to throw them together tomorrow. I'd be sad. I want
to see the kiss, I want to see the sweaty palms, I want to see it all go down.
Kevin Williamson

I remember the first time I watched The Vampire Diaries. I downloaded the first episode, and it didn’t really hold my attention.
So I gave up on it and didn’t give it a second thought until right after the season 1 finale.
I was hearing some really great things about it and I couldn’t believe it was the same show.
Since it was the summer and all my other shows had ended, I decided to give TVD one more shot, and I haven’t looked back since;
This can be greatly attributed to Ian and Nina and the wonderful characters they have brought to life.
Whether they are acquaintances, enemies, or have a tentative understanding;
Whether they are friends, hate or love each other, or whatever the case may be, I wouldn’t change one thing about the journey they have created for themselves.
It’s just amazing to think about how far they’ve come from those very first episodes.
Damon was at the end of unrequited love with another and probably wouldn’t have hesitated to put Elena in harm’s way if it advanced his own agenda.
To Elena, Damon was Stefan’s brother, and was someone to be feared and tolerated at best.
Now Elena is the girl that Damon loves, whose body and heart he’ll protect at all costs, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness in the process.
And their story together has just truly begun.
Now that is EPIC.
~ Ashley (~Trick~)
"Going after Elena? Bad move.
You leave her alone or I'll rip you to bits.
Damon and Elena have so many amazing qualities that it's hard to pinpoint only several, but their unmatchable chemistry probably stands out most.
Every time they have a scene together, your attention is solely focused on them.
These two have the most amazing scenes together with their emotions so high that it almost makes you feel what they feel.
They bring out the best in each other, which is just lovely to witness.
Damon brings out the fun, less serious, but also focused and passionate side of Elena while Elena brings out the humanity in Damon.
She is his humanity.
She was the only person who was able to bring him out of his century and a half long obsession and she's the only person he shows his vulnerability to.
Every moment between these two is beautiful and the scenes to come are undoubtedly going to be amazing.
Though they have hit rock bottom in the past, they will most likely come out stronger than ever in the end.
Hopefully in the arms of each other.
You know it's true love when you would give up even your own happiness if the other could be happy, and that's exactly what Damon did.
These two are meant to be.
They're twin flames, and they will conquer all.
~ Lizy (tsforever)

Something about her reminds Damon of something that was
very important in his life, and that's why you see a bit of difference
with him when he's around her.
Ian Somerhalder
Damon and Elena…
God, I love everything about them!
I love their chemistry- so strong, so pure, so real.
I love how Elena is the only one able to bring out Damon’s humanity.
I love how he would do everything just to keep her safe (even sacrifice his love for her).
I love how they understand each other in a way that no one else does.
I love… everything!
For the past months they have become an inseparable part of my life and I can honestly say that I can’t live without them.
Damon and Elena forever in my ♥!
~ Elena (TwoWorldsCollide4)

"But you can trust me."

A girl always likes to be kept on her toes so an unpredictable
bad boy is always sexy
Nina Dobrev
I love Damon/Elena because she makes him feel things that no one else has ever done.
She brings out the best in him, his humanity.
And He makes her laugh and knows how to make her listen, they understand each other in a way no one else can possibly can.
What started out as revenge for him led to love, to caring....
to everything he thought he could never have again.
~ Sara (NBalways)
Simply put, Damon and Elena are perfect for each other.
They bring out the best in each other: Damon shows his humanity when he's with Elena and Elena has fun and enjoys life more when she's with Damon.
They take each others advice, protect each other, agree and disagree with each other,
save each other, go along with each others plans, check each other out, have fun and have fights,
tackle difficult situations, call on each other when needed, look gorgeous when they dance together and most of all,
their feelings for each other grow more and more with each passing day.
I can't wait to see the moment where Damon and Elena finally both realize how much they love each, it will take time but they are worth the wait. Damon and Elena are definitely my favorite pairing of the last year and their story is truly just beginning to take flight!
~ Kem (naturellebella)
I absolutely adore the relationship we've seen so far of Damon/Elena.
The cat and mouse game has been done before but Nina and Ian give it this new fresh twist with their amazing chemistry.
I'm so excited to see what's to come between these two, because I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be amazing.
I feel like in the long run this couple is going to come down as one of the most epic couples of all time.
They are definitely worthy of the title.
TEAM Damon/Elena FTWWW!
~ Nadia (Queen Bee)
"There’s something going on between us,
and you know it.
Meanwhile, you have this evil brother who, you know, claims
he has no humanity left. But then there's Elena who keeps
pointing to it.
Kevin Williamson
It's impossible to convey exactly what Damon&Elena are in simple words.
You have to watch them to really feel it, you have to take each moment and put them all together to really feel the effects of them.
They are above and beyond anything before.
I have had OTP's, but nothing compares to the craziness that Damon&Elena bring out of me.
It started with the most obvious thing: Chemistry.
It's undeniable.
Ian and Nina just have this pure, natural chemistry that makes their scenes come alive.
Their eyes meet and you can practically see the sparks.
They obliterate the others personal space and you feel the heat burning through your screen.
And the slightest touch between them makes my heart race.
They are that damn powerful.
Add to that, the story between them and the way their characters compliment each other, and you have perfection.
They truly are Twin Flames.
They are fiery, passionate and they act from their hearts.
They make mistakes but they are ultimately motivated by love.
Elena hated him.
Damon saw her as a pawn in his game.
But she affected him.
She became his humanity over the course of a slow build.
She pushed him and he responded by trying to be better.
But only for her.
Always for her.

We have watched them grow at a steady, natural pace.
And we will continue to do so.
Whatever happens between these two in the future.
They are my ultimate OTP and nothing will ever tear me away from them!
~ Nat (foxyfreds)

Song list
1 OneRepublic: Say (All I Need) (1x01)
1 Moby: Temptation (1x03)
3 Sofi Bonde: Fallout (1x04)
4 Sanders Bohlke: The Weight of Us (1x07)
5 Florence + The Machine: Cosmic Love (1x11)
6 Editors: An End Has a Start (1x11)
7 The Dandelions: On a Mission (1x11)
8 Julian Casablancas: Out of the Blue (1x11)
9 Paramore: Brick By Boring Brick (1x18)
10 Coldplay: Clocks (1x19)
11 Within Temptation: All I Need (1x19)
12 OneRepublic: MarchinOn (1x20)
13 Lifehouse: It Is What It Is (1x22)
14 Stateless: Bloodstream (1x22)
15 The Script: Breakeven (2x01)
16 OneRepublic & Sara Bareilles: Come Home (2x01)
17 Lifehouse: In Your Skin (2x03)
18 A Fine Frenzy: Ashes and Wine (2x03)
19. Kris Allen: I Need To Know (2x05)
20. Athlete: Wires (2x06)
21. Sleeperstar: I Was Wrong (2x08)
22. No Way Out: Rie Sinclair and Mike Suby (2x10)
23. Hurts: Stay (2x13)
24. Ryan Star: Losing Your Memory (2x13)
25. Trent Dabbs: Last Kiss (2x18)
{click for bigger versions)

+ Please PM ♥ Laura ♥ to DOWNLOAD SOUNDTRACK +

ღ ღ ღ

MademoisellePaulina 04-19-2011 10:53 AM
Welcome to Milkland

Sing with us the national anthem:

Damon and Elena PWN you all
Whether you are short or tall
So sing with us the DE song


DEx on the sofa, DEx on the stairs
They’re so hot, they sizzle your face
Every time and every place

And a pigeon flew down from the heavens and said:
Then made the Ten Commandments for DE shippers across the land:
1. Thou shall worship Damon/Elena at all times.
Even when eating - you eat that rice like Damon/Elena touched it with their beauty.
2. Thou shall be free to be naked on the thread.
If time calls for it don't resist, let yourself be free.
3. Thou shall have at least fifty seven shrines in your house
At least twenty nine should be of Damon/Elena. The rest should be of Ian Somerhalder's ass.
4. Thou shall stalk Ian Somerhalder and take naked pictures of him.
5. Thou should be prepared to go to jail for stalking.
6. Thou shall drink milk at all times.
7. Every Friday thou shall ride on a cow and shout "DAMON AND ELENA FOREVAHHHH BIIIIITCHES" to passers by.
8. Thou shall take a shot every time Damon/Elena are Damon/Elena-ish.

Yes bitches we be drunk all the time.
9. Thou shall move out and live in Milkland in a house made out of a cheese wheel.
10. Thou shall worship the pigeon for he is our savior.

We could talk for hours if we had to enumerate all the reasons why Damon & Elena are the most amazing pairing ever.
So I will just say that I love them so much because they have the best chemistry I have ever seen on screen in my life.
I also love that they didn't come easy, that Elena have known him first for his bad sides and decided to forgive him and now she's discovering the good part of him too.
I love that they don't have to lie to each other, they can show themself to the other as they really are.
And I know this is the basis of any good relationship. They have the best build-up and it is very important in a couple, especially with them.
They don't rush anything.
They're real.
~ Pauline
They have an undeniable chemistry and a undeniable je ne sais quoi.
There’s something there that neither of them can really put their
finger on.
Nina Dobrev

There are so many reasons why I love Damon and Elena that it's impossible to list them all.
Firstly, there's the amazing and undeniable chemistry Ian and Nina have that makes their scenes so natural and full of sexual tension.
Then there's the fact that they're only truly themselves when they're around each other.
She brings out his humanity and kindness and makes him want to be someone better simply by believing in him, something no one else had ever done before.
And in turn, he helps her let loose and brings out that fun, fiery and passionate side of her like no one else does.
They reveal the best in each other and understand one another without even needing words.
They have the chemistry, the connection, the build up, and that's why Damon and Elena are the real OTP of the series.~ Rita

"I know, I get it, I understand."
Damon and Elena have such a rare and intense chemistry, everything about them is so brand new.
I enjoy their relationship mainly because both bring out sides of each other that aren't shown often.
Around Damon, Elena is carefree and isn't constantly worrying.
She has this glow on her every time Damon is around.
Elena brings out Damon's humanity and she's the only one who can really see through him for who he truly is.
Their subtle glances and caring gestures make up for the words they don't speak.
When it comes to Damon and Elena, you're always in for a surprise.
Every scene is a treat and it only leaves you wanting more.
I know for sure that this is one journey I'm truly enjoying and it's only the beginning.
~ Amber
He reached a place, because of his feelings for Elena, thinking that,
for the very first time in his life that he has a home. And he’s setting
up roots. And he found himself protecting what he held dear at the
end of last season.
Kevin Williamson
When I read the books, I always was a DE shipper inside.
But I didn't think that I would be such a big shipper until the show started.
No one can deny the spark that they both have, because even if they aren't in a relationship, they still have something.
Elena understands Damon; she can see that there's more to him that meets the eye.
And Damon, in return, gets Elena more than she can imagine.
My favorite character is Damon and to see how much humanity comes out of him because of Elena, it warms my heart.
They understand each other and the development of their relationship is what makes it even stronger every time.
I believe that more exciting things will come with these two soon enough because there's so much chemistry, sexual tension and understanding...
which will grow into something more.
~ Moni8
But Elena, she’s so disarming. She’s so hauntingly beautiful and
sweet that I think it sort of levels Damon.
Ian Somerhalder

Damon and Elena are everybody's guilty pleasure.
I think what its so enticing about these two its that they are the true definition of 'Forbidden'.
Elena seems to be Damon's forbidden fruit and he can't help but get it at any costs, he isn't afraid to push people's way to get what he wants,
and this passion he has its what will bring him to fall in love without ever realizing it.
Its not the typical sweet, cheesy love, its raw, cruel and fierce its what makes them this passionate.
Elena is drawn to Damon, but she's afraid of this feeling, this connection between the two, that's why she doesn't get any closer,
she knows with Damon everything is dangerous, so she takes the easy highway, cause she's afraid of the feelings that come out once with Damon,
this fierce passion she gets while with him is a different feeling, and she doesn't know whether to fear it or embrace it.
Damon, on the other hand isn't a suicidal lover, he won't die if he doesn't get Elena finally by his side,
he would just keep fighting for her, harder and harder, this is way Damon and Elena will never be easy, its the kind of love that kills, and yeah...
I'll quote Spike 'they'll fight and they'll shag, and they'll hate each other till it makes them both quiver, cause love isn't brains, its blood'.
~ Claudia
Damon and Elena are known as Twin Flames, which means:
"Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the other half of our soul."
We all have only one twin, the other half that completes you in every way possible.
I found these words to be very powerful and true when it comes to Damon and Elena.
These two balance each other out, bringing out feelings within themselves that they have chose to keep locked away.
Apart, Elena can be serious and have the ability to take too much upon herself.
Damon on the other hand can be fun, yet dark, and evil, suppressing his human half.
Together, they balance each other out, Elena making Damon more human and Damon making Elena let go and just be herself.
Damon and Elena are two halves of a whole and that has been proven many times over the course of the show as well as the books, and for that,
it is why my attraction is so strong, a pull and a force that can only get stronger. ~ Ashley (toxicgurl169)
We’ll see him have an evolution of feelings for her.
Julie Plec

"It matters, and you know it."
Damon has that bad-boy quality, and every girl likes a bad boy, at
the end of the day
Nina Dobrev
Why do I love Damon and Elena?
There are many reasons why I love them.
The probably most important reason would be the chemistry between these two.
This undeniable chemistry that is real and intense.
Nina and Ian also have a special chemistry and they transfer it to Damon and Elena on the show, which lead to incredible moments between them.
Another reason why I love them is that Damon behaves differently towards Elena.
Damon shows her his humanity.
He doesn't show this to other people.
I just love those meaningful looks between them, Elena's lip staring and the faith they have in each other.
Even if Damon kills more people, Elena will see the true Damon.
She will soon see that she loves him.
Their feelings for each other will grow slowly and at some point they will explode.
They belong together.
~ Natalie (bluestar_Nater)
Damon and Elena are a very intoxicating couple: they can leave you breathless just by one look.
That type of fiery passion stems from the roots of Ian/Nina's chemistry.
Not only is it passionate and intense but it's such a natural chemistry that it makes their relationship so believable.
When the show started we saw Damon as this bad-ass guy who didn't really care for anything but himself but over time
we have come to see that deep down inside he still has some humanity left.
Elena is the reason for this: it started off as Damon just remembering his feelings for Katherine; so we knew he was capable of love.
But over time he started to see her for who she was completely: Just Elena.
And that was enough for him.
He looked past her appearance saw something inside of her which made him want to protect and fight and care for the people who mean something to him.
And through this change in Damon, Elena found a friend and a savior.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing build-up because they're not rushing into anything:
they're taking their time, savoring every moment, every touch, every look.
It's only the beginning but I believe their story will be one of the greats.
~ Laura

Elena specifically keeps finding her way into his heart and that
Really messes with his mojo
Julie Plec

Damon and Elena are pure fire.
That's what makes me think about them.
They have this connection and this sexual tension that sooner or later will explode! I really enjoy their build-up.
It's slow but in a really good way.
Little by little Elena learned to know and understand Damon and she ended-up caring about him.
On the other side, Damon learned to trust Elena and love her.
After more than a century he decided to trust her.
She's the only one that ever try to understand him and that show him love.
I think they complete each other and can be themself together.
There's something so strong and undeniable between them.
You can feel it every time they're around each other.
Ian and Nina are doing an amazing job with them and they've so much chemistry.
It's like WOW!
They are always able to touch me in every their scene.
~ Silvia (Peyton89)
I think she’d be crazy – Damon is so dangerous, does all the wrong
things, acts from a selfish place. But, and I know this is going to
sound contradictory, but the only time you ever see Damon acting
remotely human is around Elena.
Ian Somerhalder
"Somewhere along the way,
you decided I was worth saving.

I’m always entertained by the possibility. Elena and Damon have
fun together. It’s fun to watch them together because they do
have a rapport in the way they play.
Nina Dobrev

I believe it is impossible to not love DE if one loves the characters of Damon and Elena both as they bring out what is best in each other and make the other one grow.
All great love stories, of the kind that are the most memorable, are of couples who need to work at it to finally end up together.
They face many obstacles, from third parties intervening to their own making -their fears, stubbornness, self-worth issues-…
But after all the struggle, both inner and outer, they finally grow, both as characters and a couple to reach a
point where it is time to open themselves to one another completely and claim the other as their true eternal mate.
And that is the moment everyone has been waiting for.
That is the moment the whole story has been building for.
Every obstacle in their way was there to bring them a step closer to one another, to add more meaning to their story, to make it even more memorable, more striking.
And DE is made of that kind of greatness.
Theirs is the story that already managed to strike something special in a lot of people.
Theirs is the relationship that gets lots of build-up and intrigues and moves everyone one way or another and has them talking.
They are THE couple of the show that everyone responds to.
DE is the couple who has a story that needs and deserves to be told and TVD is telling that story.
~ Schumiac
Damon and Elena have amazing potential.
Their chemistry is absolutely undeniable.
Immediately when they met they had an understanding of each other and their friendship has grown.
Elena is the only person to bring out Damon's humanity, which you can see by how much he cares for her and fiercely protects her.
Elena is drawn to Damon and she is realizing how much she needs him in her life.
Their connection has grown strong and will only get stronger over time. They have had a fantastic buildup and their story can only get better as their feelings develop further.
~ Amanda (Empty_Handed)

Think about it, it’s romantic comedy 101 – they have to hate each
other first, and that will eventually turn itself inside out. But
whether or not it’s this season or next season, we’ll have to wait
and see.
Kevin Williamson
I guess I have to say that I ship DE mostly cause of the build up they are having.
I can't say when I start to ship them, it was something that it just happened.
They have such an awesome chemistry.
They are definitely one of the kind.
It's mind blowing to see them interact, to see them getting closer and learning that they can fall back on each other when they need.
To see them realizing that they care about each other and that they can even possibly fall in love with each other is a journey that you really don't want to miss.
~ Renata (miss_salvatore)
Elena brings out the good in Damon and in many ways Damon brings
out the good in Elena. I think sometimes the people who do that to you,
you often have the most complicated relationships with.
Ian Somerhalder

Damon&Elena are EPIC.
I love them because they understand each other on a level that no one else does.
Elena brings out Damon's humanity but it hasn't been an easy road.
It's a complicated love that blossomed from a rare friendship.
They both protect and save each other and are each others equals.
I love that their banter in the books is the same on-screen, funny, playful, and adorably cute!
Not only do they have the best conversations but in scenes where there are no words, it's just as powerful because their eyes speak for them.
Elena is both Damon's weakness and strength.
They both depend on each other more than they let on.
He shows her how to have fun while she remains the only person in his life who can genuinely make him smile.
His pain is her pain and her pain is his pain.
DE do not like it when the other is hurt and are there to support and help each other back up all the time, without question.
They just get each other.
They are one.
I love DE so much but even more because of Nian - they have INTENSE chemistry!
~ Melissa (Brucas <3)
- Elena to share blood with Damon in an intimate way.
- Elena to be jealous of Katherine/Damon in season 2.
- Damon to defend Elena to Katherine.
- Elena to develop feelings for Damon in season 2.
- DE piggy back ride.
- DE hug where Damon reciprocates.
- DE wall sex.
- Katherine confronting Damon about his feelings for Elena.
- Katherine provoking Elena to admit her feelings for Damon.
- Elena defending Damon.
- Blood exchange.
- Kitchen DEX.
- Forehead kiss.
- Definitely a shut-up-kiss needs to happen.
- Damon jealous, Elena noticing this.
- Damon biting Elena.
- Damon taking care of Elena.
- DE playing truth or dare.
- A real Kiss between Damon and Elena. Preferably Elena initiating it without any ulterior motives
- Elena and Damon admitting they have feelings for one another, either to someone else, or ideally, to each other.
- Damon killing Katherine to save Elena.
- Elena realizing her feelings for Damon.
- Damon and Elena saving each other in the show and afterward staying by each other's bedside,
worrying and showing how much they truly care about one another.
- Elena to admit Damon was right about what they have.
-Elena to discover the truth about Damon's confession in 2x08
-DE kiss in the season 2 finale to mirror the ones in 1x22 and 2x01
-Almost kiss
-Foreheads touching

Future title suggestions:
Remember the day, ‘Cause this is what dreams should always be
I just want to stay, I just want to keep this dream in me, you’re losing your memory now
Wake up, it’s time, little girl, wake up. All the best of what we’ve done is yet to come
Wake up, it’s time, little girl, wake up. Just remember who I am in the morning
Know I try to tell you that I need you. Here I am without you. I feel so lost but what can I do?
I saw what it was, that I had done to you, I was wrong, I was wrong
Running, down corridors, through automatic doors, got to get to you, got to see this through
I see hope is here, in a plastic box. I’ve seen Christmas lights, reflect in your eyes
Looking at you now, you would never know, I see it in your eyes, I see it in your eyes, you’ll be alright
Will you take my hand? Feels so far away, want to see your face. Are you even there?
I’ve lost the only love worth fighting for, and I’ll drown in my tears, don’t they see?
Is there a chance, a fragment of light at the end of the tunnel, a reason to fight?
You’re the only one believing in all of your lies
They’re in the wrong place trying to make it right, But I’m tired of justifying, so I say you’ll come home, come home
I get lost in the beauty, of everything I see. The world ain’t as half as bad as they paint it to be
Wake up look me in the eyes again; I need to feel your hand upon my face
I was only looking for a shortcut home, but it’s complicated, so complicated
Here it comes, ready or not, we both found out it’s not how we thought that it would be, how it would be
Those times when love’s what you hate, somehow, we keep marching on
But with what we have, I promise you that, we’re marching on, we’re marching on
For those doubts that swirl all around us ... we know we’re not what we’ve seen
We put one foot in front of the other, we move like we ain’t got no other
I’m dying to catch my breath, oh, why don’t I ever learn?
Can you still see the heart of me?
Don’t tear me down for all I need, make my heart a better place, give me something I can believe
I tried many times but nothing was real, make it fade away, don’t break me down
Gonna come back and take you home, I could not stop that you now know
You are home, home where I wanted to go, and nothing else compares, and nothing else compares
Her prince finally came to save her, and the rest you can figure out
We’ll make sure to build your home brick by boring brick or the wolf’s gonna blow it down
But if it’s true, you can see it with your eyes, oh even in the dark, and that’s where I want to be, yeah
How could you be so perfect for me? Why can’t you ignore the things I did before?
A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes, and now it’s left me blind
No dawn, no day, I’m always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map and knew that somehow I could find my way back
I can’t afford to, I have to avoid you, but you come to me at night
It’s not my fault that I want to have it all with you, again you, ‘cause we’re the same
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good, So I can see my baby when I leave this world.
I lifted her head, she looked at me and said "Hold me darling just a little while."
I held her close, I kissed her, our last kiss, I found the love that I knew I would miss
But now she's gone, even though I hold her tight, I lost my love, my life that night.
I want you ... I need you ... I love you.
"Shadow Souls is the book I have enjoyed writing the most." -LJ Smith
On Shadow Souls: "I just followed my heart and wrote." -LJ Smith
In her own words, LJ Smith "can't deny the strong chemistry between Damon and Elena."
Just b/c he doesn't like what she has to say doesn't mean Damon's actions aren't loaded with feelings for Elena - Julie Plec
'The facial expressions happening right now are a little intense.' Zap2it
'I really adore the way that Damon makes Elena smile here.' Zap2it
'We've been needing some good moments between these two.' Zap2it
'This one feels genuine and fun, and so very high school.' Zap2it
'Elena showing up in Damon's bedroom is my second fave scene.' Zap2it
'She feels comfortable in his realm.' Zap2it
'She's becoming more aware of his feelings.' Zap2it
'When he walks out of the room, she doesn't stop thinking about him.' Zap2it
'When he says it to Elena, it has a tragically romantic edge.' BuzzSugar
'these words - and those eyes - show his attraction to Elena is more palpable than ever.' Tvfanatic
'If it doesn’t happen for DE, he’d just take his ring off.I don’t think it'd be worth it anymore.'I
'I think it’s going to be a slow roast' - Ian
'Then please, come in' ... 'You're way Elena.'
'Look, I shouldn't have hit you'
Elena: 'Right and, we won' Damon: 'Yes, we did'
'No one can deny Damon has moves. Certainly not Elena.' EW
'Elena seems seriously conflicted over her feelings for Damon.' Hollywood Life
'She decided to use this as an opportunity to engage him in some HIGH QUALITY flirtation' TVRA
'My mind*immediately fills up with KINKY S&M images of these two.' TVRA
'She shows her appreciation,*by ogling Damon’s manparts, and staring at his eyes and lips, as if she would very much like to swallow them all*whole.' TVRA
'A line which has already spawned 500,000 fanfics as I type.' TWOP
'When she leaves his room (with a parting glance at his great big bed).' TWOP
'We were charmed by how intent Damon is on saving Elena's life.' CWsource
'We love it when he looks at her in that sarcastic yet smoldering way. Sigh.' CWSource
Nobody knows it, but you've got a secret smile & you use it only for me.
'These two and their eye-sex.' TWOP
'You are the hope that keeps me trusting.'
'You are the light to my soul.'
'You are my purpose, you're everything.'
'Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?'
'You are the light that's leading me to the place where I find peace again.'
'You are the strength that keeps me walking.'
'You are the hope that keeps me trusting.'
'You steal my heart and you take my breath away.'

"I wanted it to be real."

Stripped - Luvinbigbrother
Momentum - LightningFair
Ride - SkateGirl88
What If - Catouroyx
X&Y - Flashingfly
Pride - Sparralex
Everything - Felicim
Down - Kirwani90
Gravity - October456
You Look So Fine - Dusted92
Undisclosed Desires - LizziehMarie
Run - Redblad
If Your Heart Wears Thin - Jojoharvelle
Sink or Swim - Lady586

"I love you, Elena...
and it's because I love you, that... I can't be selfish with you,
and why you can't know this...

ღ ღ ღ

This isn't the OFFICIAL announcement or anything, but I remember how lazy some of you all were last year about getting these in well past the deadline so I'm putting this here for you to see and think about if you need to :)

We will, in the next couple months, start collecting testimonials for our next OP. I know some of you are thinking, "MONTHS? Meh, lots of time." Fair enough, some of you are able to pump out a testimonial instantly. I just want it known though for those of you who leave things until the last possible moment to at least keep it in mind :lmao: I recall with clarity that some people last year after months of knowing about it still didn't get theirs in on time and were a bit bummed by it.

We want everyone happy and feeling good around here guys. If you think you're not going to be able to write one fast, start thinking now :)

ILY :kiss:

Plenty of time but don't forget about it bbs :hug:

art: laura, andra, rosy, steph, sara, amanda, jules
also thanks to: lala, nina, nat, rita, nia, melissa, marie

rrr222 04-19-2011 10:56 AM

TFTNT!!!! :kiss: :hug: :yay: :woot:

foxyfreds 04-19-2011 10:56 AM



8 more threads :thud:

44 more shippers!!!!! :thud: LURKERS?

CallistaHogan 04-19-2011 11:00 AM


I love this title.


We can totally get there by Thursday!

foxyfreds 04-19-2011 11:01 AM


I'm looking forward to live watching this week, but I'm still bitter that I couldn't last week :lol:

MademoisellePaulina 04-19-2011 11:01 AM

There were like at least 4 people who joined the shipper list yesterday, right? We must be as crazy and fast anytime so we can draw lurkers in. :eyebrows:

CallistaHogan 04-19-2011 11:02 AM




But this week should hopefully be good. I am a little worried, though. I HAVE LOW EXPECTATIONS.

foxyfreds 04-19-2011 11:05 AM

I have lowish expectations for this week tbh :nod: :lol:


MademoisellePaulina 04-19-2011 11:05 AM

LOW EXPECTATIONS. Yeah, let's kid ourselves together... :lmao:

rrr222 04-19-2011 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by MademoisellePaulina (Post 55231505)
We must be as crazy and fast anytime so we can draw lurkers in. :eyebrows:

LOL :rotfl:

CallistaHogan 04-19-2011 11:07 AM

Thursday's episode is going to be terrible. I have such low expectations.


MademoisellePaulina 04-19-2011 11:07 AM

Supper. BRB, girls. :kiss: :gone:

CallistaHogan 04-19-2011 11:08 AM

Aw, Paulina. :bawl:

delenalover 04-19-2011 11:09 AM

I hope i don't miss the 2000th thread, it's a shame that can't be the finale one but i think we will be past that!

foxyfreds 04-19-2011 11:09 AM

Thursday nights ep is going to be the worst ever. Elena is going to run off with Elijah and never return. Damon is going to realise that he is actually head over heels in love with Andie. He won't even invite Elena to the wedding. :blank:

ALEXA82 04-19-2011 11:11 AM

^what are you smoking Nat :goof:

rrr222 04-19-2011 11:11 AM

Bye Pau!!! :wave: :kiss:

WHAT Foxy!!!??

foxyfreds 04-19-2011 11:12 AM


Hi btw Alexa :make_out:

CallistaHogan 04-19-2011 11:12 AM






rrr222 04-19-2011 11:14 AM

You're on sth weird definitely Foxy!! :lol:

ALEXA82 04-19-2011 11:16 AM

Ah OK Nat, low expectations I understand. Actually I´m not gonna live-watch I think :blank: Hi too :make_out: I saw you in the spoiler thread btw, ITA with what you said.

Callista, Roxy, Paulina, Georgina :make_out:

CallistaHogan 04-19-2011 11:17 AM

Alexa :hug:

delenalover 04-19-2011 11:17 AM

Ellooo Alexa :)

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