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Old 07-27-2011, 10:19 PM
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Beauty & The Beast {Tyler Lockwood♥Caroline Forbes} #142- Love is friendship set on fire ♥

You and I c a u g h t in a fading light; on the l o n g e s t n i g h t...

"so h e r e we are set into motion..."
Can you know someone your whole life but not really know them? At least not until something changes you both f o r e v e r. Tyler Lockwood and Caroline Forbes grew up together. As members of the founding families of Mystic Falls, Virginia, they were on top of the social scene. They frequented the same parties, school activities, and sporting events. They were both popular, fashionable, and had parents that held positions of power in the town. Still, nobody saw them as anything more than what were on the surface. Nobody could see past the cocky jerk that was always getting into fights any more than people could see past the shallow flirt who was always trying too hard at everything. Nobody cared enough to look closer and answer the very questions that plagued the teenagers to their very core. Why was this boy was so angry? Why was this girl never the one? Little did they know that the answers would shape their very beings and the very nature of their relationship.

While Tyler and Caroline were part of the popular crowd, they did not like each other very much. They barely spent any real time together until Caroline starting dating Tyler's best friend, Matt Donovan. In fact, it seemed like Tyler took an unusual interest in their relationship; constantly making sarcastic remarks and jokes about them and often dispensing unnecessary advice. It was not until Founders Day, the festival celebrating the town's creation that things took a dramatic turn in their relationship. On that day, Caroline attempted to repair the relationship between Matt and Tyler because the two were fighting due to an incident with Matt's mom. Unfortunately, she did not have much luck with that pair, but she did manage to run interference between Tyler and his father, Mayor Lockwood. Afterwards, Mayor Lockwood ordered Tyler, Caroline, and Matt to leave The Mystic Grill and go home, obviously trying to hide the escalating drama between the townspeople and a group of vengeful vampires. While driving, Tyler heard the loud, high-pitched noise of The Gilbert Device which caused him to lose control and crash the car. When Tyler is knocked unconscious at the scene, Caroline refused treatment until he awakened. Later, she collapsed due to internal injuries and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. At the hospital, Sheriff Forbes informed a waiting Tyler that his father had died.

The events of Founders Day caused a chain reaction that ended in the death of Tyler's father and the hospitalization of Caroline. While in the hospital, Caroline was given blood by Damon to speed along her recovery. This became the perfect opportunity for vampire antagonist Katherine Pierce to make a move against the Salvatore brothers. Katherine decided to kill Caroline knowing the girl would come back to life as a vampire. Meanwhile, Tyler's uncle, Mason Lockwood, arrived in town to help the family through this tough time and held the key to a huge family secret: the Lockwood family was cursed with the werewolf gene. While Caroline dealt with her new vampire status, Tyler began investigating the importance of the mysterious moonstone, a precious gem Mason desperately wanted. When Caroline was attacked in the woods by werewolf Mason, Tyler saved her and finally uncovered his family legacy, a legacy he did not want to accept. Still, it was not something he could avoid and at the Masquerade Ball, he accidentally killed someone triggering the curse he so desperately wanted to elude. Fortunately, Caroline was there to witness the whole thing and the two quickly became friends and confidantes as they both began to navigate the supernatural world together as newbies, overlooking the fact that vampires and werewolves were supposed to be mortal enemies. While Caroline helped Tyler prepare for his first transformation, they began to develop an indescribable connection, one that is further strengthened when the two experience their first full moon together. Even though a werewolf bite can kill a vampire, Caroline refused to leave Tyler's side until the very end and immediately came back to comfort him in the aftermath. When Tyler learned about how she risked her life for him, he was overcome with a rush of feelings and kissed her. She passionately reciprocated before pulling away, confused about her feelings for Tyler and ex-boyfriend Matt.

They never really get a chance to discuss the kiss because that same night, Tyler was blindsided about the secrets Caroline had been keeping from him: Stefan and Damon Salvatore are vampires and they killed Mason, who had been missing. This revelation pushed the baby wolf and the baby vampire into the bitter, eternal war between vampires and werewolves, involving The Sun and Moon Curse which both sides have been desperate to break for years. In retaliation for Mason's murder, werewolves Jules and Brady kidnapped Caroline and tortured her. Stefan, Damon, and Tyler arrived on the scene to intervene, but a confused and terrified Tyler hesitated to rescue Caroline. Later, Tyler tried to apologize and plead his case, but Caroline was too angry and upset, declaring that their friendship was over. Without Caroline, Tyler had no choice but to try to befriend the others of his kind and hope for the best. He quickly learned that they would do anything to break the Curse, including murder Elena Gilbert simply because she was the doppelganger. After another battle between vampires and werewolves, Tyler decided he had enough and decided to leave town, but not before confessing his feelings for Caroline to Matt. He told Matt to take care of Caroline because she is an incredible person who deserved to be happy. His last stop was Caroline's porch, a place where they shared so many memories, but he could not bear to knock. So he left town without another word hoping to find the clarity he so desperately needed.

In Tyler's absence, Caroline reunited with Matt and divulged all her secrets to him about herself, Tyler, her friends, and the town. Predictably, Matt freaked out and then later turned spy for the Sheriff unbeknownst to Caroline who thought she had compelled him. This could be big trouble for all parties involved as original vampire Klaus arrives to finally perform the sacrifice ritual and break the Sun and Moon curse once and for all. Will this be enough to bring Tyler home? If not, what will? Will Tyler and Caroline make-up? So many questions to be answered, but there is always hope the two can rise above their differences and reignite the spark between them.

They are an incredible team together. They see past the exterior they present to the world and accept each other for who they really are. He always knew she had a big heart and now he thinks she's incredible and wants her to be happy even without him. She always felt bad for him and did not want him to be alone. Now she cares about him so much she put herself in mortal danger to ensure his emotional and physical well-being. She soothes his anger and he soothes her heart. They help the other find that beauty inside the beast. It is only a matter of time before they forgive and reconnect. After all, this is the story of how a beautiful boy and a beautiful girl became beasts and how even though they're supposed to be mortal enemies, their hearts connected transforming them into beautiful beasts for all time. They will be forever star-crossed like a modern-day Romeo and Juliet.

"Look you know what I think of Caroline Forbes.
She's an insecure, neurotic, bitchy little twit.
But the girl's got heart. She means well.
You just gotta take the good with the bad sometimes.

"Yeah I don't understand that. The guy's a tool."
"Gee duh! Tyler getting blamed for Sarah's death
just opens up questions he can't answer.
Do you really think it's a good idea for him to tell
his mom he's a werewolf? And that werewolf road
leads straight to vampire boulevard.

"She's been there for me more than
anyone has been there my entire life
and I kinda fell for her. I don't know how
anyone wouldn't because she's pretty incredible.

"It's like you don't want anyone to care
about you and I'm sorry I cared. I care.
So forgive me if I overstepped my
boundaries by actually giving a...

251. MysticRiver
252. julyhsm
253. jules166
254. winchesterboyz
255. CarolineForbes
256. emerald_city
257. emma9612
258. Jax527
259. diannaagronlove
260. ♥ Laura ♥
261. Fields of Gold
262. Flora.
263. foreverafter12
264. Daisies18
265. Serene_Ray
266. Jakls
267. Nerenafan
268. madbunny911
269. theduchess
270. AllForBeLieving
271. Jlynnx33
272. dancer150
273. ●EternalBitch
274. Roxy87
275. cutie_pie04
276. loganandroryforever
277. Slexie
278. AbsyntheMinded
279. Meluffy
280. mackayfire
281. Cath.Babe
282. Queen of Babble
283. Titch22
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285. psychee
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287. groffles love
288. xKarlaCruz
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290. haliincollege
291. Mercedes491
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295. Darya James
296. sunflower 654
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298. backstreetboysfan
299. Queen C
300. Karma Police
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74. Because everytime they talk there is passion in their eyes.
75. Because Tyler will be back in MF just for Caroline
76. Because we all know that sweet smile of Caroline when she talks with Tyler
77. Because he fell in love with her and decided to leave town for her own good
78. Because everybody wants some vamp&wolf action
79. Because everytime there is a new T/C scene Tumblr&co. explodes
80. Because their babies would be so cute.
81. Because Tyler's first word after the transformation was 'Caroline?'
82. Because they need to test out the chains in the Lockwood Cellar together
83. Because their story is so beautiful that they only can be our favorite ship
84. Because he had to see her one last time before he left town.
85. Because they make an amazing team together!
86. Because they soothe the beast inside of each other.
87. Because even Jules knows that Caroline is Tyler's little blonde vampire.
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Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:20 PM
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"Oh who cares? Most people think he's guilty already. The diary talks about some big secret he's hiding from everyone. People will get the idea."
"You're keeping it in a safe place?"
"No, Tyler. I'm keeping it out on the coffee table. How stupid do you think I am?"
"Stupid enough to send Elena notes tipping her off."
There was a crackle, as of a newspaper. "Look at this, this is unbelievable. And it's got to stop, now. What if she figures out who's doing it?"
"What's she going to do about it, call the police?"
"I still want you to lay off. Just wait until Founders' Day, then you'll get to watch the Ice Princess melt."
"And to say ciao to Stefan. Tyler....nobody's really going to hurt him, are they?
"Who cares?" Tyler mocked her earlier tone. "You leave that to me and my friends, Caroline. You just do your part, okay?"
Caroline's voice dropped to a throaty murmur, "Convince me." After a pause Tyler chuckled.
There was movement, rustling sounds, a sigh.

~ The Vampire Diaries Book #2, "The Struggle"

Caroline Forbes and Tyler Smallwood were more alike than they probably would have liked to admit. They were both were selfish, stubborn, and spoiled teenagers. They probably wouldn't have interacted so much if it weren't for a common goal. They had a brief relationship spawned from convenience at the time, but that relationship had more consequences than they would have thought. It wasn't until later that Caroline found out she was pregnant, to which she blamed it on Matt, accusing him of 'rape', since Tyler was MIA (he had disappeared after the climatic showdown with Klaus). She decided that she had to have some kind of 'father' to explain this situation to her parents.

Caroline's pregnancy wasn't just an ordinary one. Unbeknownst to her she was carrying a litter because was Tyler Smallwood was not entirely human. He was a werewolf. However, it wasn't until the trial for 'rape' that Caroline turned into a werewolf herself. Whether or not Tyler returns to be a father to his pups is the million dollar question. Will he ultimately return to claim his family or will she have to go it she adjusts to her new werewolf status and to the fact that she will soon be giving birth to puppies.

“I knew that this year was going to be about Caroline and Tyler – that we were going to have the werewolf storyline. We set it up last year. We said we’re going to do it, so we had to deliver on it.” ~Kevin Williamson
“Tyler and Caroline have a long road ahead of them, for sure. Caroline is someone who gives pretty powerfully with her heart and her trust, and she feels like her friendship was betrayed, but on the other hand, Tyler feels exactly the same way. Here's a guy who isn't used to caring about people and who isn't used to people caring about him. So in a way, his betrayal hurts just as deep.” ~Julie Plec
“I think Tyler kisses Caroline because they’re close, and they’ve gone through this event, and they can both understand each other because they have this supernatural element to them. I think he wants to be with her, and he cares for her. She stayed there with him for as long as she could, and he knows that. I’d like to think he wants to have a relationship.” ~Michael Trevino
“What I like about the Caroline/Tyler relationship is that it’s the first time that we’ve seen Caroline have a friendship with a member of the opposite sex that didn’t stem from sexual attraction. So yeah, there could definitely be something later on, but that’s what’s so beautiful about their friendship. Yeah, there could be technical problems between a werewolf and a vampire getting together, but there are more important things that are going to be asked, just about their friendship: Do you have my back if I have your back?” ~Candice Accola
“She was the shallow blonde cheerleader and he was the bullying jock. Two seemingly superficial background characters that only had in common the social circles they ran in. In season one, it seemed like these two didn’t care much for each other. But in season two, these two ended up having a lot more in common than they thought when they both embarked on their own supernatural transformations. Scared and confused, these two found solace in each other and were comforted to know that they weren’t alone. As viewers began to see the commonalities between them, so did they and out of this blossomed a beautiful friendship, and if recent episodes are anything to go by, that’ll turn into something more.” ~Portrait Magazine, Top 10 Young TV Ships of 2011
“I love the potential for an unexpected bond between werewolf Tyler and vampire Caroline, two overpowering personalities that have actually been made vulnerable by becoming supernatural.”
“The idea of a vampire and werewolf is awesome – although kinky foreplay might kill Caroline, which could be an issue.” ~Daemon’s TV
“Caroline and Tyler — the least likely of romantic pairings, yet the frisson of electric chemistry is palpable. They are lost and lonely teenagers grappling with mystical abilities, curses, and death on a regular basis. If there was ever a time to bond over how weird life has gotten and finding someone who really understands exactly what that means, this is it. It remains to be seen if this pairing does turn romantic, but for now, just even the hint of it sends shivers down our spines. A vampire and a werewolf - definitely foreshadowing lots of tales of forbidden love.” ~TVWatchtower
“The chemistry between Tyler and Caroline burns. Whether they ever hook up or not, I just can't wait to see them spend more time on screen together. Candice Accola and Michael Trevino were some seriously hidden gems.” ~Zap2it
“Tyler and Caroline's bond gets deeper when she wants to help him deal with his first werewolf transition. They share meaningful glances while discussing Caroline's relationship problems. Way to play the understanding friend, Ty. Classic, and effective, courting move. It's touching when Caroline explains why she's making an effort to be there for Tyler in his very scary time of need. Matt interrupts, missing Caroline; but watch out, Human Lonely Boy — the Caroline and Tyler monster love storm is a-brewin', and you can't stop it.” ~BuzzSugar
“After waiting alone in the woods for hours, Caroline heads back into the cellar and calls Tyler’s name. He’s human again, so she immediately runs in and they collapse on the floor crying in each other’s arms. It’s really intense and sets up the stage for a deep bond, platonic and possibly more, between these two.” ~HollywoodCrush
“Tyler approaches Caroline at school—clearly seeing her in a different light. She is adorably proud of him for making it through the transformation. There’s lots of eye gazing and smiling. Heck, I’m even smiling.” ~TheTwoCents
“Tyler interrupts Caroline’s speech at this point, however, by kissing her. And she kisses him back, and it is HOT.” ~HeroineTV
I care, Caroline replied. Sadly, it was probably the first time Tyler has heard that in his life. It's no wonder that he kissed her after that. Caroline seemed pretty into to it, but then pulled away.” ~LA Times
“Caroline probably does love BOTH of them, but each one belongs to a different phase of her life. Matt's human, Tyler's a monster. It's almost like whoever she chooses, she's also choosing that aspect of herself to win out. I think that's a pretty sophisticated metaphor, and yeah Tyler is definitely the winner of the two.”
“I am totes on Team Tyler/Caroline. I would pay real money if they lasted like a billion years and had awesome adopted kids who knew not to go in the basement when Daddy’s a wolf and understand about Mommy’s dietary eccentricities.” ~Iphignia939
"We're busy laying a trail of Caroline-kiss flavored kibble, to tempt Ty back to Mystic Falls." ~TWOP

Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:20 PM
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"My love affair with Forwood started in s1. I've always like they were both a bit of an outsiders in their groups, both had parental issues and i thought they could help each other out. S2 has only made my love for them stronger they get each other, there is no judgement and they accept each other for who the truely are flaws and everything. Their chemistry is off the chart and they have masterd eyeflirting to a perfect 10 (good skill to have *wink*). They shared the most perfect first kiss and eventhough they´ve only had that one perfect kiss that kiss is worth a billion ordinary kisses. What i like about their relationship is that it is a journey - they are not the same people they were before the curse struk them and they are figuring out who they are now and who they wanna be. In the near future, I see some heartbreaking angst now that they are locked in some silly vamp/were feud (damn you Jules and Damon). I do believe that you can´t have a rainbow without a little rain and that this relationship will only become stronger in the future because they are infact incredible together."
~andsoitis (Elsa)
"Tyler and Caroline just complete each other. They both bring out the best in one another and that is what makes this ship so amazing. In my opinion being in love with someone is supposed to make you a better and stronger person. Like there is nothing you can’t do as long as that one person is by your side. Forwood has proven that time and time again. They’re the perfect match. For Caroline, being with Tyler has forced her to look at things from a whole new perspective. She’s not just some superficial blond cheerleader. She’s capable of caring deeply for someone other than herself. And for Tyler, being with Caroline has also given him a new perspective and broken his bad boy bully façade. He’s not afraid to show her his weaknesses and fears because he trusts her. He’s never felt this secure with someone before. Tyler and Caroline went through drastic changes in season two which forced them to see each other in a whole new light. They became best friends in a short period of time. They developed an intense emotional connection that shocked them both. Caroline was all Tyler had and he knew that no matter what painful physical changes he’d go through everything would be fine as long as she was there with him. They went to hell and back together. It was EPIC! Everything seemed almost perfect but perfect can’t last forever. Trust was broken and loyalties were tested. But the LOVE was never lost. Tyler and Caroline have a long road ahead of them. They will prove to us again that there is no obstacle they can’t overcome. They may even have to start their relationship from scratch. It doesn’t matter as long as they finally get it right. I know they are made for each other and pretty soon they will too."
~BlackHalo (TJ)
"Tyler Lockwood and Caroline Forbes. They were the last couple on everyone's minds. Yet from that small look he gave her as they both lay on the road in the Season One Finale, their story was set into motion. Now nearly a season on, they have forged a bond that can never be broken. They'll have obstacles, they'll have issues, but they'll overcome it. Because he let his walls and façades come down when he was with her. Because she's accepted and cherished for the person she truly is when she's with him. A werewolf and a vampire are going to show everyone that there is no such thing as predestined hate or fated enemies. Only relationships that are built up through friendship, trust and perseverance. "
~**confessa (Patricia)
"I started shipping Tyler and Caroline back in episode 7 of the first season. The way he looked at her and their flirty little cheers, I just knew that they had potential. This season I've done more than ship them, I've fallen completely and madly in love with how amazing I think they could be and what they could mean to each other. When Caroline, who could be killed by a werewolf bite, helped Tyler through his transformation, that was epic. The show has yet to explore their romantic tension, which is a shame, but hopefully in time we will be treated to what I think will be the best couple in the show. As shippers we've come a long way. I remember when there were just a handful of us posting on the thread, and fanarts, fanfiction, and fan videos were scarce. We kept the shipping going dreaming of what could be, because we knew that they would be great if given the chance. From being excited that we would get even a mention, or that they would be in the same scene, to a kiss, and a love confession, look how far we've come! 100 threads and I couldn't be more proud of us or happy to be a TC shipper. Here's to 100 more!"
~CrashandBurn9 (Jess)
"It may sound cheesy, but Tyler and Caroline truly are a beautifully tragic pairing. They have an unbreakable bond and care deeply for each other, though being warring species means that being together may seem impossible. The young Werewolf and Vampire have a long way to go before they can be together, but their connection is too strong for their relationship not to continue for as long as they live, and I have hope that one day, after the struggle, they will get the happy ending that they deserve. "
~DiamondDreaming (Nic)
"Tyler and Caroline. Such an amazing ship. There are so many reasons why I’m convinced these two would be an incredible couple that I don’t know where to begin. Well, let’s start with the chemistry. It’s incredible. They truly come alive in each other’s presence. Caroline’s smile is always bigger, happier; whereas Tyler’s entire face lits up like a Christmas tree. It’s especially nice to see him like this, because we all know what a hard life he’s bound to lead. Then there’s the not so tiny detail of them bringing out the very best from each other. She’s her strong, bubbly, optimistic self when she’s around him; he shows us just how big his heart is and lets her in in a way he never has with anyone else. There’s more than a physical attraction there, there’s genuine caring from both sides. Passion and friendship come together in such a way that we just know how strong their connection would be."
~dreamywriter19 (Caro)
"I've been a fan of The Vampire Diaries since it started. At the start I didn't really see a connection until season 2, where they became friends and Caroline was there for Tyler throughout his journey in becoming a werewolf. I felt they had a special connection as the actors and the characters have great chemistry and they understand each other. He is a werewolf and she a Vampire making them both fierce and an interesting couple."
~jules! (Jules)
"These two instantly clicked for me when I first realized something was up, they have that connection you don't see most days, and when he first thought she was like him I knew something would happen between them. They are what they are and still they needed each other. I was so invested, and when we were given a kiss, that kiss was worth the wait because it didn't seem rushed they both connected in that moment. Despite what is happening what he has said about her in the past has changed he has a heart and only the vampire can keep the beast within himself. She has been there for all of the transition and has stayed close to him, even when he was being a jerk she never left him, she was a true friend. Forwood has captured my heart and I will never turn my back on them. Because the two connect in a different way, their friendship is what grabs my attention makes me forget the she is a vampire and he is a werewolf and I love to forget sometimes."
"Here are my reasons for being a Forwood fan: They have an all consuming connection between them. They have eye sex down to an art form. I hope for them to find love with each other and their souls can heal together. The day they make love would be a moment to treasure."
"Even though they're different beings and there's alot of danger, I think there is something distinctly undeniable that deeply connects Tyler and Caroline together. Almost like a soulmate. They've both had these "personality makeovers" that have made them these three dimensional characters. They've been growing and I think they can only further grow with each other. They are finding that new normal together because of their relationship. They can be their true "new" selves with each other. Their human lives were important and so were those relationships, but that is in the past now. They are different people and there's definitely no going back.
Plus, I think it would be hot and passionate to see them together as a real couple. There would be lots of fire, but I think there would be a real gentleness too.

~light me up (Susan)
"Forwood is completely epic due to the fact the moment Tyler triggered the curse, Caroline was there for him understanding what he was going through. Even though he didn’t. When Tyler had no one else to go to, Caroline was there for him. Even though Caroline was his best friend’s girl he couldn’t control his feelings for her any longer. Forwood is the modern Romeo and Juliet of the Vampire Diaries. Natural enemies but destined to be together. Forwood has the chemistry and the connection that many fictional characters lack. Tyler can look beyond the high maintenance and neurotic vampire exterior of Caroline, and knows there is this caring and beautiful girl that would do anything for her love ones. And Caroline can overlook Tyler’s hot-temper bad boy persona, and know there is something deeper than what meets the eye. And though Tyler could have killed her on the full moon, Caroline stayed by his side as long as she could because she did not want him to be alone. Tyler was able to let Caroline in to see his vulnerable side. A place the average person did not get a chance to see. Caroline caressed and consoled Tyler after his transformation. And even though Tyler and Caroline are going through issues and are not on good terms, Tyler still wants the best for Caroline. Even if that means pushing her back towards Matt because he knows that will make her happy. One of the main reasons Forwood is an epic couple, the last thing Tyler did before he left Mystic Falls he went to go see Caroline for the last time because he knew he wouldn’t be back anytime soon. He just needed to see her, and that says everything. Though Caroline lied to Tyler sheis still his Barbie Vamp. Although Caroline may be angry and heartbroken by Tyler she will always have a soft spot for her Wolf Boy. And nevertheless Tyler may be gone…. He won’t be for long because we all know he will not be able to keep away from his girl. "
~Miss Rose (Kesah)
"Why do i love Tyler/Caroline? let me start by saying that i wasn't always a fan of them, it was 2x11 that got me to ship them. Tyler and Caroline have no secrets, he knows who she is, and she knows who he is, they may be forbidden to be together but you can't help who you fall for or feel something for. Tyler doesn't judge Caroline and she doesn't judge him back, their Tragic, forbidden, sweet, romantic and angsty, which is what a ship should be, and more."
~NBAlways (Sara)
"I have to admit that I did not notice the potential of Tyler & Caroline since their first moments in season 1. It took me a time to notice how appropriate they are for each other, specifically when Tyler got the curse of transforming into a werewolf and Caroline started to help him. I started to see another side of Caroline when he was getting close with Tyler, and I could not believe that she was so awesome. I started to notice another side from Tyler (a beautiful one), since he got the curse and started to hang out with Caroline. I realized that they bring so much of each other, one could say that they complement one another perfectly. The con of being a vampire and a werewolf, who are supposed to hate each other, did not inflict in their relationship from the start, why should it?, they can make their own choices and form their destiny. I know they will be able to overcome the difficulties because it’s impossible to waste such epicness."
~rrr222 (Roxy)
"To me, Tyler and Caroline are the perfect fit – they are both trying to find their way with their newly found supernatural powers and can help each other with that in a way no one else can. Things may not happen immediately with them but I believe it will happen. We know that Tyler feels something for her which gives me a lot of hope for the future. They have too much potential and chemistry to waste."
~shattered jewels (Lise)
"If you think about to last season and compare it to the progress these characters have had, you would start to wonder if they were even the same people. They were much different people back in Season One compared to whom they are now, but in this case it's definitely a good thing. Not only have they changed as individuals and for the better, but their relationship with each other has changed over the course of the season. Once upon a time they might not have even interacted, but after they got drawn together over Tyler's transformation this is what changed them. I doubt they even realized it at the time, but they definitely crossed a line from friendship into something potential. Last season, I loved the potential they might have, but this season that potential turned into the real thing. The closer they grew to one another the more they realize how much they do have in common now. They are no longer the normal human teenagers they once thought they were, but now they are something else. They are something new and supernatural and its only their bond with each other is able to get them through. For some.. it might seem like the end, but I have a feeling... it's only the beginning and the best things are yet to come."
~Stay To The Lights (Jen)
"Tyler and Caroline have brought a whole new aspect to TVD. Their fierceness and loyalties have brought a rift, but I am confident that these two will win out in the end. Tyler told Caroline that it's not fair to be with somebody and not let them know who you really are, well each accepts the other for who and what they are. They found something in the other and sparks flew, no matter how much they wanted to deny it. When they had nobody to turn to, the other was there for them. Their connection is pure and monstrous at the same time, but it makes amazing chemistry. I cannot wait to see how the lives of these two intertwines yet again. I truly believe that these two will be endgame. Forwood FTW!"
~tsforever (Lizy)

'100' icons

more? (credit to BlackHalo)

tumblr arts of the moment

click on each art to reblog on tumblr (credit to respective makers)

animation of the moment

No love, no glory.
Because sometimes you can't make it on your own.
There is love in their bodies and it holds them together.
Love is a game that two can play and both win.
Their love makes everything lovely.
Their hearts are set on each other.
He is meant for her and she is meant for him.
They love each other just the way they are.
She was the light during his deepest, darkest hour.
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BlackHalo: animations, icons, soundtrack art
ladybug70981: love and praise
♥Laura♥: candice/michael quote art, tc pop art,
scrabble art, star trek manip,
werewolf/vampire manip
light me up: general thread organization,
the story, the novels, updated character bios
MandyCandy218: main banner, character banner,
moments banner, section banners
Stay to the Lights: the novels

Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:21 PM
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That scene will be the winner.

ROUND 37 (Final Round)

Voted Off Round 14
Bad Moon Rising, #203

Voted Off Round 20
Masquerade, #207

Voted off Round 23
Masquerade, #207

Voted Off Round 13
Rose, #208

Voted Off Round 19
Rose, #208

Voted off Round 26
Rose, #208

Voted Off Round 30 (Top 10 Finalist- #9)
Rose, #208

Voted Off Round 16
The Sacrifice, #210

Voted off Round 27
The Sacrifice, #210

Voted Off Round 17
The Sacrifice, #210

Voted Off Round 18
The Sacrifice, #210

Voted off Round 32 (Top 10 Finalist- #7)
The Sacrifice, #210

Voted off Round 12
The Sacrifice, #210

Voted Off Round 10
By The Light of the Moon, #211

Voted Off Round 9
By The Light of the Moon, #211

Voted off Round 24
By The Light of the Moon, #211

Voted off Round 25
By The Light of the Moon, #211

Voted off Round 22
By The Light of The Moon, #211

Voted off Round 31 (Top 10 Finalist- #8)
By The Light of the Moon, #211

Voted off Round 35 (Top 10 Finalist- #4)
By The Light of the Moon, #211


By The Light of the Moon, #211

Voted off Round 33 (Top Ten Finalist- #6)
The Descent, #212


The Descent, #212

Voted off Round 11
Daddy Issues, #213

Voted Off Round 2
Daddy Issues, #213

Voted Off Round 1
Daddy Issues, #213

Voted off round 6
Daddy Issues, #213

Voted Off Round 5
Crying Wolf, #214

Voted off Round 29 (Top 10 Finalist- #10)
Crying Wolf, #214

Voted out Round 28
The Last Day, #220

Voted Off Round 21
The Last Day, #220

Voted Off Round 34 (Top 10 Finalist- #5)
The Last Day, #220

Voted Off Round 7
The Last Day, #220

Voted Off Round 8
The Last Day, #220

Voted Off Round 3
The Last Day, #220

Voted Off Round 4
The Sun Also Rises, #221

Voted Off Round 15
The Sun Also Rises, #221

Voted Off Round 36 (Top 10 Finalist- #3)
The Sun Also Rises, #221

Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:21 PM
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Final Round Voting:

#21-4 (Susan,Jackie,Alyssa,Jennifer)
#23-3 (Bella,Kate,Roxy)


I guess Nelly voted for #21 last round. Meaning it's all over!

#23 is the winner!!!

Thanks to everyone who participated!!
Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:23 PM
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Susan the survivor ended! 23 was the winner!

TFTNT btw!

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Old 07-27-2011, 10:26 PM
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I didn't look at the last few pages until after I did that. LOL.

I will have to get something special made with our Top 10 S2 scenes in it.
Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:29 PM
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Ooh great idea Sus!
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:29 PM
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I'm pondering the possibilities now. hehe.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:32 PM
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:38 PM
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I have to bring over the wishlist too so we can keep talking about it.
Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:43 PM
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Good idea! I'm gonna go to bed now though!

It's almost 3 am here! Bye!!
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:45 PM
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Have a good one!
Always. Forever.
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:59 PM
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Good Night Roxy!
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Old 07-27-2011, 11:01 PM
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TFTNT <3 love the title

congrats on the winner

I found love where it
wasn't supposed to be
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