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mezz 06-28-2004 12:28 AM

Wow how brave am I. I've wandered off the KB board just to find out what Danie was talking about. What a great bunch you sound. Of course I already 'know' ML and Poddy and Sarz and Danie :wave: and a hello to all the rest. :wave: I'll try and drop around more often.

Danie Your cigs probably taste bad because you're stuffed up. No smell means you can't taste. And I can't imagine the combination of snot and tabacco is a good combo anyway :lol:

As for killing bugs....our house is infested with crickets. Of course we could get the bug man in and have the house done but 1. We'd have to organise it and 2. my sis doesn't like chemicals so she'd have to move out for a couple of months. (or she wouldn't move out and I'd have to put up with her wearing gloves and a face mask) We usually chase them with a shoe but once when they were really bad we attacked them with mortein. (yes they were so bad sis used mortein). Trouble was that crickets aren't really effected by spray unless you spray them so much they are white and so coated with stuff they die of suffocation and so heavy they can't walk :lol:

My fav pie is steak and mushroom mmmm mmmmm. But the pastry has to be just right. Steak and cheese is pretty nice too. Whenever the rels come out from Holland we feed them a pie. They find it such a novelty.

My mum was a Brit and she made bubble and squeak. yum. expecially using overcooked brussel sprouts mixed with potato. One of the most disappointing food moments was when in England we got the 'famous' chips. Oily and soggy and slightly undercooked. eeuurggh. *shudder* I said to my mum how disappointed I was and how Aussie chips were so much better. She said 'British chips are famous but nobody has ever said they were any good' :lol:

MyrnaLynne 06-28-2004 05:43 AM

:lol: British cuisine is more 'infamous' than famous, I think! Fish and chips probably is their most famous dish (maybe the fish is good?) Although I don't know about serving it wrapped in old newspapers.

Steak and mushroom pie sounds yum! (Stayed out of the pork pie convo, as a non-pork eater.)

Crickets are kind of cute and they chirp or sing or whatever. But I suppose they are in the house eating SOMETHING and probably should get out. Didn't they used to keep pet crickets in little bamboo cages as lucky pets somewhere in Asia? I don't like spraying chemicals around my house either.

My mom was the biggest cigarette addict on the planet and she gave them up once when she was really sick. Grab the opportunity and kick 'em (be a good example for Mr B! LOL!) That's the one thing I don't love about the man. sigh.

podmom 06-28-2004 08:45 AM

Mezz....stopped by!!! Good girl Dannie you snotty smoked up burned up lovey you!! :lol: OK now you get to be JIT#3 Mezz and yes do stop back in to the home.....we have jello salad and metamusil for you :D.....of course Depends can be dug up in a pinch!

Dannie Lets try a smoking'll be will give your lungs a break can't smoke another ciggie till you bumb one off Jason........doesn't that sound fun me and Maggie will come with and bum too then ML will take us all to rehab..but I smell a slight rat in the plan cause she'll favor JB during rehab and we'll all probably be given a free carton and sent packing .ok rethinking..........

podmom 06-28-2004 09:40 AM

Hey.I just went to poke in at the OTOs and couldn't find the Roswell thread..........LTL what's up with that? it me? ML Do you know..........I feel perplexed............maybe my meds got mixed up...........nurse?!

DanieTreg 06-28-2004 05:13 PM

So far I've had no cigarettes... but I've only been up about half an hour. It's a start right? ;) I'm going to see how long it takes until I bite someone's head off... it's only me and the dog at the moment, so he'd probably bite me back.

Smoke Totals
Yesterday: 5 (got a little excited watching The Apprentice)
Sunday: 2
Saturday: 3 (I think?)
Friday: 9

I'm going to make an effort of trying to cut back on the smokes. Since I'm feeling better (well, more than yesterday), I'm going to have to hang out with non-smokers and not try to smoke while on the computer or on the phone.

Mezzie! You came over! YAY! Good girl! :)

:wave: To Maggie/Sarah, Poddy and ML... thanks for the laughs... (and I didn't cough once!)

MyrnaLynne 06-28-2004 07:04 PM

Way to go Danie!

I am bummed - we went back to Home Depot for something and found out they are having a $5 rebate on Behr brand paints - which started TWO DAYS after we bought ours! :< Well, it was only one bucket of paint and we'll probably be buying more but... annoying to miss a sale like that. They had these huge model Behr paint buckets (trash barrel sized) with enormous wooden paint stirrers in them to advertise the sale. So cute! I wanted one for my house! :lol:

Maggie aka Sarah 06-28-2004 09:12 PM

Mezz: Welcome to the JOFs! :)

Now I have a picture of you and your sister running around your house thwacking crickets with your shoes. :D

They are noisy little creatures at times though. The ones in Montreal will hang out in back yards and gardens and chirp away so loud that it sounds like a constant hum.

Maybe you can buy some gecko lizards and let them loose in your place so that they can eat up your cricket population. :D

As for bubble and squeak... my mother used to make it from left over cabbage and potatoes. :D

Ah the culinary delights of British food. :D

Though I do like Yorkshire pudding and trifle... but not together. :spineyes:

Podmom: Please note that I am now seguing back to my childhood fear of green jellied salad... which seemed to be served at almost every gathering of more then 4 people when I was growing up in Winnipeg. :D

As for us bumming ciggies off of JB and ML taking us all to rehab together... sounds like a plan... but then again... knowing ML... she would probably favour JB for some reason. :D

And maybe you can't find the Roswell board because they have been moving stuff around and divided the tv shows into "current" and "cancelled" for some reason. Hopefully you have found your way to the OTOs by now. :)

Danie: You are doing very well with smoking less cigarettes! :)

I read some where that cutting out the habitual ciggies... like the one with a coffee, or when you are on the phone, etc... is a good way to cut down.

ML: The secret of eating fish and chips is that you dump so much tarter sauce on the fish that you can't even taste what kind of fish it actually is. :D

And now I want one of those huge model buckets of Behr paint for my place. :D


DanieTreg 06-29-2004 12:01 AM

5 cigarettes and it's 5pm!!! GO ME!

ML, Behr paint? Seriously? Or am I the brunt of an in-joke? :lol: Can I paint my whole house with it? (Has naught thoughts, must be the lack of cigarettes)... OK, I'll be good.

Maggie/Sarah, YORKSHIRE PUDDING?! I love that stuff, all floury goodness... pity the oven is still in it's box in the garage... Mum makes individual servings and covers them in gravy. I miss having roasts in winter without the oven... it's so not fair. To get the damn thing in, we have to make big holes in the ceiling and that's way too hard. :)

podmom 06-29-2004 05:17 AM

Dannie ........You live without an oven? Is it *shrimp on the barbie* all the time? I guess with the whole no wheat thing you can't eat baked goods anyway........ok off that and onto the patch for the smoking(just serious for a sec) my brother had great success with that and he started smoking in preschool...........just paying for them would be a horror nowa days..I remember when they were 50 cents and they had ciggerette machines everywhere..ahh the good 'ol days when cancer was cheep ;)

Maggie Sorry to scare you with visions of jello salad :lol:..I know I always hated it....wouldn't even try I'm scarfing it down at all the church eating things like a pro.........I'm so old :sigh: :lol: Thanks for the tip about the OTOs I'll check that out..maybe I'll hear about Tum there.I miss her :(

ML The Behr paint are obsessed :lol:

:hug: all JOFersand JITs

mezz 06-29-2004 05:26 AM

Look I made it back. I'm so brave. :D

This is just my second post here so I'm allowed to look dumb.... What's a JIT and is it good that I'm #3?

My mum used to make jelly with fruit in it. My BOB it was awful stuff. And then she bought one of those Tupperware jelly moulds and made a whipped strawberry moose type thing with fruit in it. *shudders*

MyrnaLynne 06-29-2004 06:57 AM

mezz I am with you on hating those Jello molds - Especially when my Mom would say "Do you want some MOLD?" Doesn't that sound appetizing? NOT! LOL! (Plain red jello with a lot of whipped cream on top is edible, though, on occasion.)

Danie Nope, Behr brand paint is for real - no relation to the Jason Behr family, as far as I know (or they'd be rich) but it's the same name, and has a cute little bear logo and how can any Jason Behr fan not look at it and grin a huge grin, having Jason's name (and a cute wee bear logo) on a can of paint in their house! :D It makes me ridiculously happy walking through the store and seeing all those cans of Behr! (Hmm, we've always wanted to clone and distribute the man - every girl should have one - and every boy of a certain persuasion too, let's be fair - but I don't think we want to send him around packed in cans!!)

Just checked out the Behr paint company - founded after WW2 by a fellow named Otho Behr Jr, who started out selling linseed oil from the back of his his station wagon (in California) and ended up with a huge paint manufacturing company. :)

I bet Jason's glad his first name wasn't Otho! :lol: But I suppose then he wouldn't get mixed up with any other Jasons!

I saw a slim handsome older man with a bunch of unruly silver hair (and a big college-aged son) on the subway yesterday, and thought that guy looked like Jason might look some day when he's 60 or 70 - and he looked pretty good!

Oh, Poddy you're right - I am obsessed.

Fun word thing my friend sent me I thought would give you a chuckle:

the Washington Post publishes a yearly contest in
which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for
various words. The following were some of this year's winning

1. Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you
have gained.

3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat

4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you
absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.

7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle (n.), an olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle that picks you up after
you are runover by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a
proctologist immediately before he examines you.

13. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with
Yiddish expressions.

14. Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die, your soul
goes up on the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist

sarzy 06-29-2004 10:00 PM

Mezzi! :wave: Welcome to the dark side. Or the light side, depending on how you view the KBs. :)

Danie, all this talk of smoking, and I have given up!!! :eek: Or at least I've given up for this week. I hanging out so bad I'm about to smoke a bread stick. I reckon I should go on the patches. And the gum. And hypnosis.

To be completely random, because I am 12, I loved this:

11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

Thanx ML! :thumbs_up:

'Sup Poddy, Maggie, Wen, LTF! :wave:

DanieTreg 06-29-2004 10:14 PM

5 cigarettes as of now... 5 more than Sarz... AND WHY did you leave me? Are you quitting for some boy? (I can't talk, I'm cutting down for The Bloke) Or have you conceeded that smoking is no good?

No oven for now Pod, we are having a lot of stir fry instead! I can cook anything in a wok. :)

Mezzie, you're so cool... you can be JIT #3!!!!

ML, I'm amazed. I'd never come across the name Behr before JB.

Testical. :lol:

mezz 06-29-2004 11:18 PM

But damn I still don't know what a JIT is. I'm having anxiety attacks that it's just another way of saying 'silly git'. Is it just idiotic talking? :( *mezz places paper bag over face in an attempt to stop hyperventilating*

MyrnaLynne 06-30-2004 07:26 AM

JIT = Jason's older fan In Training (as not exactly older yet, like young Sarzy, but we're glad to have you here). No offense meant at all!

There are some other Behrs about - very very annoying Dani Behr, chick with a British accent who was the host of 'Boy Meets Boy' gay dating reality show - also I'm pretty sure thankfully no relation to our JB. There's also an Ira something Behr who is a director, I think (also no relation).

But there is only one True Behr! :D

Lynxbehr 06-30-2004 04:56 PM

:wave: JOFs! I know I haven't been here in ages! Sowwy!

DanieTreg 06-30-2004 05:07 PM

Dani Behr is the number one reason why I can't marry Jason... we'd have the same name and yes folks, she is a dick.

Mezzie, come be a JIT with me! :)

MyrnaLynne 06-30-2004 07:05 PM

If a woman can be a dick, Dani Behr definitely is one! Well you could always keep your maiden name when you married Jason, like I did when I married Mr ML. Of course I'm sorry now and wish the family all had one name, as I am sort of the 'odd man out.' Then again, if I married Jason, I'd change my name to Behr like a shot! LOL! Not that it would be a very big change. :D Or we could be like Tom Cruise-Penelope Cruz (only without the breakup)

You guys in Oz are lucky getting the OC now - there is absolutely nothing to watch in the US right now. Bored now... :(

DanieTreg 07-01-2004 02:28 AM

:lol: I've told The Bloke already that I'm not taking his name as I've been a Treg my whole life and I'm used to it. My full surname is 10 letters long, so there is no way I'm going to hyphenate it and add another 7 letters! But the kids will be with his surname, so that makes his Dad proud! ;) On the weekend, I nearly died when the car company (Swoo went in for her first service) rang and said "Hello Mrs. (insert The Bloke's last name), we were wondering if you're still coming?" And I replied "Ahh, it's Ms. Treg thanks and yeah, we are on our way". I'm such a cow!

I didn't know of Dani Behr until I was reading some weird UK mag... so I'm only an 'e', a marriage and surgery from being her! :lol:

The Bloke 07-01-2004 03:46 AM


Originally posted by DanieTreg
On the weekend, I nearly died when the car company (Swoo went in for her first service) rang and said "Hello Mrs. (insert The Bloke's last name), we were wondering if you're still coming?" And I replied "Ahh, it's Ms. Treg thanks and yeah, we are on our way". I'm such a cow!

Poor dealership person. They never saw it coming did they?! :D

sarzy 07-01-2004 04:16 AM

Danmeister, fear not, I've fallen off the healthy lung bandwagon and am back in head spin city. It's good to be back in the land of the smoking, I missed it. Like i would EVER give up ANYTHING for a man. last time i tried, my ex boyfriend asked me to give up smoking, while i was on my period no less, and I snapped, "Well when you give up breathing, I'll give up smoking. It's my civic right and you're ruining it!" We broke up 4 days later.

Why I ask you? Whhhhhhyyyyyyy!?!?!?

Mezzi, be a JIT with me and Danie! It's gnarly, you get a free sticker and badge to wear proudly at all important social functions. :thumbs_up:

The bloke--You're fast becoming the scourge of this board, posting like a mad banshee in a matter of seconds--You'll fit right in. But. I dont wanna hear any of your Stargate shenanigans while you're here alright? Richard Dean Anderson, I ask you......:rolleyes:

MyrnaLynne 07-01-2004 07:35 AM

Speaking of free stickers, a magazine I got came with a bumper sticker with "I (heart symbol)" blank - fill in the blank, make your own sticker! Just haven't gotten to writing "Jason Behr" on there yet and decide where to put it. The bumper of the car is out, Mr ML would have a fit. Hmm. I thought it was a lovely gift, though! :)

podmom 07-01-2004 08:42 AM

Girls..........there's a man in the home!!.....Well wonders never sease........Bloke pull up a chair and have some jello salad.....God love ya :hug:

SO SO frustrating..I SOd till the cows came home last night and then never could post...too busy.......all else can go down the toilet 'sept I told little Mezzy ...JIT is NOT Git......and JIT is JOF in training.......

now I'm off this sec to Penn State for Em back Fri night.........yea ML last minute switch to PS......way cheaper so I'm good! :)

maybe I'll hit a cyber cafe like the cool college kids and check in!

love you like rocks.......:wave:

MyrnaLynne 07-01-2004 09:16 AM

The presence of the Bloke will take some getting used to. Usually the husbands/sig others are discussed in passing, but never know about it! My shy family would curl up and die of embarrassment if they knew they were discussed, and worse, photos of them had been posted here occasionally! :blush: Anyway, welcome to The Bloke!

Poddy PSU is all good. The brilliant but academically lazy Mr ML Jr went to the bargain U. Mass (he didn't care, they made him a good deal) and then we could send his more studious sister to the fancy school! It's all good! :lol: Kidding aside, PSU is a great school, and closer is always better than farther away, I think. Well, kids should either go to school where they can get home easily, or be so far away that home visits are out of the question, except on major holidays! No in between! Mr ML Jr's school was a couple of hours away and public transportation back and forth was sketchy and it was a real pain. MLette is 20-30 min away and she can always zip back and forth. When I went to college, my parents were in another state, and I came home as little as possible! :)

No, JITs are definitely not GITs! :D :hug:

Jason with that samurai sword was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. He's SO ADORABLE!

LTL 07-01-2004 10:19 AM

I also tried to get here last night, but FF was being a pain again, so I'll have to do a lunch-time flyby and hope the 3-day weekend gives me a chance to catch up.

Welcome to The Bloke!

Dani, ML: I also kept my own name. At first it was going to be LTL-P, but it soon became apparent that I would be hyphenated and he would stay Mr. P, so I stuck with my own name.

I've never regretted it, and my kids have the least problems with it of anyone I know (unlike my mother, who still introduces me as Mrs. P -- Grrr.)

When people say to me, "Mrs. P?" I say "Yes" (you've got the right person), "I'm LTL" (this is my correct name). Thank goodness few people ask why anymore, but if they do, I tell them I'm a raging, bra-burning feminist. Well, the feminist part is true, and I rage occasionally, but I need that bra (close your eyes, Bloke).

Hey, Poddy! We haven't sat and chatted for too long.

Sarz: I quit at least 3 times before I quit.



Edit: Forgot to wish our Ros-buds to the north a Happy Canada Day!

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