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MyrnaLynne 06-24-2004 05:37 PM

My friend Orion sprays spiders with hairspray! :lol: He hates them.

Read an interesting interview with Natalie Portman (in 'Interview'). She was talking about the acting life, and how unstructured it is. A person really has to be very self directed and set up their own schedule, because they don't have that 9 to 5/weekend framework most of the rest of us have. Which makes it kind of understandable how some actors can get themselves into trouble, partying too much or whatever, when they have time on their hands and are at loose ends. And since actors generally travel to far flung places for work - when they have time off, they like to spend their vacations at home, enjoying their homes (that they rarely see), unlike the rest of us who want to take a trip! LOL!

I thought that was interesting. Jason seems like he is very self-disciplined and must set up a schedule for himself, to keep his life in order. Then again, when you own dogs, they provide a 'schedule' for you right there. (Feed the dog, walk the dog, walk the dog, feed the dog, walk the dog some more! :lol: )


*Vicki* 06-24-2004 07:34 PM


Originally posted by MyrnaLynne
My friend Orion sprays spiders with hairspray! :lol: He hates them.

We used to do that when I doing hair! :lol: It works! They die a nice slow painful death! That is what they get for scaring me! :D

Is that Orion that used to post here all the time? How is he?

DanieTreg 06-24-2004 08:40 PM

Wen, even though Vegemite is an Australian idea, it is owned by Kraft and therefore now American! :lol:

Pork pies are yum, but NEVER heat them... they turn to glue. As for Emu Oil, yeah, it's good for the skin, but I'm not sticking any of that stuff near me! :)

We do have 7-11 here too... over-priced everything, but when you can't be bothered going to the supermarket...

WenLuvsJB 06-25-2004 01:06 AM


Originally posted by Vicki...
Thanks! I was trying to find that info to post about Myth Busters but couldn't remember their conclusion. I love that show!

I like the show too! It was Jamie that was the one that got bitten for the experiment. Ouch! And all in the name of Science...Poor Jamie. :(
Have you noticed that Jamie and Adam have DONE IT ALL in their lifetimes. Seems there isn't anything that they have not worked at or on. I wonder how much is BS, and how much is true? :lol: They do get so excited about Busting Myths tho'; altho' Adam seems to get a little too excited about blowing up things! :lol: And have you noticed that Adam likes to take his clothes off like every chance he gets?! :eek: I've never seen Jamie strip, and thank goodness for that! :lol:


Originally posted by Danie Treg...
Wen, even though Vegemite is an Australian idea, it is owned by Kraft and therefore now American! :lol:

:lol: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Sorry, I didn't know. :lol:


Quote by Danie...
Pork pies are yum, but NEVER heat them... they turn to glue.
You must have a different type of Pork Pie than the ones in N.E. because I wouldn't want to eat them cold.:eek: No, in N.E., they definitely need to be warmed to eat, and they are so delicious.


Quote by Danie...
As for Emu Oil, yeah, it's good for the skin, but I'm not sticking any of that stuff near me! :)

I can't say that I blame you. I really wouldn't want it on me either. :lol:

ML , I too use hair spray, but to bring down flying bugs. Just easier that way. :lol:

And yes, Jason seems very centered and responsible. All the more to love him. :in_love:

Good Night All... :yawn:
Wen :sleep:

MyrnaLynne 06-25-2004 05:45 AM

Orion is alive and well and doing battle with spiders! :gladiator:

JB is very centered and responsible. Then again, being a Capricorn, that's kind of their nature. I also think being a responsible person is very important to him, not to bring up the bad dad topic too much, but the only time he spoke about him in an interview, 'irresponsible' was the word he used/his criticism of him. sigh. :(

He also seems very in charge when he was on the set too - just sort of a natural leader when anything is going on that he's involved in.

Not that Jason isn't also filled with the playful and funny little boy side too! He is full of fun and very funny! :)

LTL 06-25-2004 09:13 AM

I'm being bad and just flying by instead of stopping for a spell, but I just had to comment on this:


From Wen:
I grew up in New England, and they had the Best Pork Pies! It's seasoned ground pork in a little 4 to 5 inch pie with a delicious golden flakey top crust. I just loved them! And we'd eat them with ketchup on top. Yum!!! I really miss them as I'm on the West Coast now.

I LOVE pork pies, especially with ketchup, and I haven't had one in years. When we moved away from New England when I was a kid, my father brought my grandmother's pork pie recipe with him, and every now and then, we'd have a treat. Then he lost the recipe! :bawl: I can't remember the name of the company now, but whenever family members go back to Providence, they stock up on pork pies. :drool:

I will be back!

Leaving with visions of Vicki torturing spiders with hairspray.


MyrnaLynne 06-25-2004 09:38 AM

I think pork pies might also be a French Canadian dish - will have to check on that with FL, eh? ;)

*Vicki* 06-25-2004 11:02 AM


Originally posted by LTL

Leaving with visions of Vicki torturing spiders with hairspray.


You should see what I do to roaches....

While I was pregnant I couldn't use bug spray so instead I thought let me try something else. :D I sprayed them with the spray you use to make the bathroom smell better. They slowly die! :D I really sound :evil: Don't I? :lol: Those things are invading my PRIVATE space! They deserve a slow death!

WenLuvsJB 06-25-2004 04:44 PM


Originally posted by LTL
I LOVE pork pies, especially with ketchup, and I haven't had one in years. When we moved away from New England when I was a kid, my father brought my grandmother's pork pie recipe with him, and every now and then, we'd have a treat. Then he lost the recipe! :bawl: I can't remember the name of the company now, but whenever family members go back to Providence, they stock up on pork pies. :drool:

LTL OMB! Your dad had the recipe and he LOST it?! :eek: That recipe is worth more than Gold!!! Oh how I miss those delectable Pork Pies! :bawl:
And our family use to go to Providence all the time, as we lived in Fall River at the time, (right near the MA/RI border). Hubby use to work in Providence, near Federal Hill. The Brat (hubby) use to eat lunch out for free all the time because he was a "Good Italian Boy". HA... Little did they know! :nono:

Anyway, we use to get our Pork Pies at "Hartley's Pork Pies" in F.R. Gosh, I remember the long lines of peeps, and we'd wait ever so patiently to buy our pies.

And speaking of food from back home,,, Did you ever have a Chow Mein Sandwich? Oh, I absolutely LOVED those too! CA doesn't have the same noodles as the ones in N.E., so I order them from MA. and make the Chow Mein at home. (At least I can still have my favorite Chow Mein.) But Oh how I wish I had the recipe for those Pork Pies!

I don't really know the origin of those Pork Pies, but I know the Hartley's were of English descent.
Maggie Do they have Pork Pies where you live in Canada?

Ok, now I'm HUNGRY! :lol:

Vicki Hmmm, it seems that you get a little too excited about sending insects to the Great Beyond. :eek: :goof:

Does anyone know when our Podmom gets back? I miss her, but I hope she's having a wonderful time at the beach.:)

Ok, got to go...

Hugs to All You Wonderful JOF's, :hug:

sarzy 06-25-2004 06:22 PM

Ahhhh Vegemite, God Bless America. ;) I'm just having some Vegie on my crumpet right now, because it's 12pm and that's crumpet time in my book. :P

Pork pies are soooo yummy, my local bakery/pie shop makes really good ones...:drool:

I love this thread right now, it's all about food! :clap:

Maggie aka Sarah 06-25-2004 10:02 PM

It's all about food
Wen: Yep... they have pork pies where I live in Québec. Called tourtière. Although some people make them with beef and some people make them with a mixture of beef, pork and veal.

And when I was growing up in Winnipeg, my mother used to make tourtière for Christmas Eve dinner. She made them out of beef.

Also you can buy British type meat pies at bakeries that have a different sort of crust. Smoother and less flakey then tourtière crust usually is. Eat both kinds of meat pie with lots and lots of ketchup... or chutney. :)

My mother also used to make a steak and kidney stew with dumplings in a pressure cooker that was really good. Used to be one of my favourite meals when I was a kid. I also used love liver. Yep... I was a strange kid. :D

sarzy: I have never actually eaten vegemite... but noticed the other day that they sell it at the grocery store near my place. Must be some Aussies in the neighbourhood. :)

Same store also sells scones that are really really good.

Now I am hungry. :D

LongTimeFan 06-25-2004 10:59 PM

:wave: Hi JOF's

I wanted to get in here to let you know....

I talked with Lisa/behrfanny tonight. The news isn't great- her dad is really not doing well at all. He needs a valve replacement but he's been too weak for the operation and getting weaker. They've transfered him all over the state to the best hospitals and they all agree, they can either just keep him comfortable until he goes or they can risk the surgery, which is about a 50-50 chance he'll survive. :( Since there's no chance of survival with waiting for him to just die, they've opted for the surgery. He's fully aware of the situation and definitely wants the surgery. At this time, he's been placed in a coma and put on machines to aid his breathing and helping his heart work. They will do the surgery early in the week. I know you'll all join me in sending out all your positive vibes and prayers for her dad.

She also wanted to thank anyone who sent emails. As of yesterday my emails were bouncing back so her email box is full. She's going to try to get online at the library Saturday to clear it out and reply to the ones she has time for. She still has no internet at her folks' house because someone has to be there for the cable company to install it and she and her mom spend all their time at the hospital.

She's totally moved out of her place and at her parents' house now. She's even found a renter so today she got a rent check with deposit. That should help a little since she's no longer working.

Bailey starts basketball camp Monday. :) Not sure about Casey.

I guess that's all for now - please send her dad your :silver_hand: thoughts and prayers.

Hope you're all doing well - have a good weekend... :wave:

podmom 06-25-2004 11:40 PM

Hey girls........:)......staggering on at 2:30 in the morning after Emilys' graduation party........ I'm still winding down fron getting this gala done in record time(home from the beach Thurs evening >party at 5 Fri) includes picture shrines(foam board slathered with varied and assundry pix with themes like.......Forever Young(little girl growing to big girl pix) Dance fever........friends.....and of course 2004(graduation and senior type pix) food ,clean house etc etc.

so now I'm too pooped to remember what I was going to respond too :P.....must get some sleep.....will be back tomorrow ........goodness......I just remembered one Wens wonderful illusion to the hummingbird.......and they're fast too!!!.......but did you know they're aggressive.....I have had a feeder up for 6 yrs and I have hummers here 24/7 and those male buggers are really nasty to the other's so fun tho to watch them dive bomb each other :lol:...I love my other bird I have continually is gold finch......ok I'm really am off :wave:

MyrnaLynne 06-26-2004 08:26 AM

Sending up a prayer for Behrfanny's dad! :( What a tough situation! BF sounds like she is being a wonderful daughter too, doing everything she can and being there totally for them. sigh.

Poddy I am definitely coming to visit!! I LOVE hummingbirds and have only seen them 2 or 3 times in my life, I think - once in Maine when I was a kid (they like the red flowers, salvia), once in Palm Springs when I was there for my brother's wedding, and once at Paramount Studios! And goldfinches are definitely a second favorite, they are sooo pretty.

These picture shrines are a new thing! We went to a bat mitzvah last weekend and they had one up of the girl and it kind of freaked me out because the only place I'd ever seen those type photo boards before was at wakes/funerals! So of course I thought "Well, she isn't DEAD or anything, why did they do that?" LOL! But of course it's a really nice thing. You are a Wonder Mom - your girls are lucky to have you! (We're lucky to have you here too!) Glad the gala graduation was such a success. Now GET SOME REST! And congratulations to the grad gal!

Ugh, speaking of rest, I gave blood yesterday and have felt absolutely horrible ever since, so obviously I didn't really have it to spare and it was a bad idea for me. But in general - give blood, people! Summer is a time when the blood banks are low, and it is 'the gift of life' and all that (end of giving blood commercial!). And since they don't take people who have piercings, tattooes, and a whole laundry list of stuff - there are probably fewer and fewer people who are qualified to give anymore!

podmom 06-26-2004 01:43 PM

Thanks LTF for sharing with us about Berhfanny :(.......
I will keep her Dad,she and the whole family in my prayers ....such a hard stressfull time.....
You're in our hearts

Hi ML .....I know the shrine thing is a new is a fun one though.....nice to have all those pix displayed together.I'm leaving mine up all summer.....nobody ever goes in the living room but the cat anyway :cat: That is funny and so *you* that you were creeped out cause they do that at funerals..of course being the oblivious space cadet that I am that never crossed my mind but now that you said it I'm like.of course why didn't I think that!

Wen Thanks for missing me Hun :hug:......The lap top didn't work that I had taken to the beach.and I'm going again soon I've got to figure out the problem!! :P

I've gotta run......have a nice rest of the weekend all.............:wave: to our Aussie younguns :)

Maggie aka Sarah 06-26-2004 07:59 PM

Podmom: It sounds like your Em's graduation went off in fine style! :)

It is fun to watch humming birds dive bomb each other. We used to have humming birds hang out in our back yard when I was a kid because they loved all the rose bushes, honey suckle, lilacs, etc, that wre there. And I often see them in the park near my place. I always liked their bright jewel like colours and the way they seem to hover in one spot for a while... and then will zoom away in a blink of an eye. :)

And I am echoing ML's excellent advice that you should get some rest sweetie.

LTF: Thank you for telling us about Behrfanny's father. I am sending my thoughts and prayers her father's way.


ML: [[[HUGS]]] Hope that you are feeling better now.

:wave: to all the JOFs and JOFs In Training! :)


WenLuvsJB 06-27-2004 03:44 AM

Hi JOF's! :wave:

Thanks Liz for keeping us up-dated on BFanny's Dad. I too will keep them in my prayers. Such a hard thing to go thru'. My heart goes out to BFanny and her Dad and family.

Podmom, It's so nice to have you back! And I'm so glad to hear that Em's Grad Party went well. Rest up while you can. And I have hummers in my back yard too... they like my Bottle Brush trees, and of course the feeders. I also have finches (in many colors) that come visit in the early morns. I like to sit out on my patio while drinking my coffee and see them all fluttering about. Ah so peaceful, well until my neighbor gets into his shower at 7am and he always opens his bathroom window, and grosses me out when he starts blowing his nose while in the shower. UGH! I can tell he doesn't use a tissue! EWWWW! GROSS! I wish he'd keep his bathroom window closed!
Anyway, glad to have you back. :hug:

Maggie , if you happen to have your Mom's recipe for Pork Pies, I'd LOVE to have it, if you don't mind. You could just PM me it, if you have it and don't mind sharing. :glow: I'd be most appreciative. :hug:

ML, I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I hope you're feeling better soon. :hug: That's really good of you for donating blood. :clap: Yes, the blood supplies get very low in the Summer time, so everyone who is healthy enough needs to do their part and donate and save a life. (This has been a public service announcement courtesy of your Hugging Wen) :lol:

And sending :hug:&:kiss: to LTF, Danie, Sarzy, Vicki, LTL, Tum, Mc-in-love, and anyone I missed. :kiss:

Hugs to All You Wonderful JOF's, :hug:

podmom 06-27-2004 06:45 AM

Hi Maggie and Wen :hug:......Fun with hummers I see.....we have to get ML to one of our houses.........Oooooo Wen your yucky shouldn't have to put up with that.......that's husband noise with no perks :P :lol:..noise the cops!! :D

Girls has anyone here had theirs or their kids tonsils out? My Em keeps getting sick(white spots on tonsils.not strep........fever...swollen neck glands...antibiotics make it get better....then at the slightest thing ie late night...chill whatever it comes back) pediatrician is thinking it's her tonsils.going to an ENT July 9.I hope it is the tonsils and they take them out so she can be healthy for college........I am a terrible worrier about kid health stuff.....I get big bad illogical scarries.......I'm actually more scared it's something weird instead of tonsils.....which of course makes the most sence from her symptoms.........anyone else out there like this? ...........Jeesh if it's not one thing it's another(or 5) is the truest saying :sigh:


MyrnaLynne 06-27-2004 08:07 AM

I went through a time one summer when I was at camp, something in the lake water I think gave me the white spots on my tonsils over and over again, and they did throat cultures over and over again, and it wasn't anything. Anyway, I still have mine (tonsils, that is), didn't get them out, so I'm no help on that score. Mykids never had throat trouble (it was the ear infections with them), and still both have their tonsils. Mr ML had his out as a kid though.

See what the ENT doc thinks about them. Any surgery is ick, but if they think it will improve her health, and at least tonsils are right there and easy to get at. But medical science has figured out that they do serve some purpose (d'oh, as if G-d would've put them in there just to annoy people).

Anyway, :hug: because she's going through more medical stuff again. I guess sometimes the tonsils can 'go over to the enemy' and need to come out.

Oh, thanks everybody, I'm fully recovered from being 'a pint low' and am busy working on house projects today! Mr ML's painting the front hall - yay!

Wen I am having bird envy!

podmom 06-27-2004 08:31 PM

Thanks ML on your perspective......yea I need to just wait for the call by the specialist but I am very much a nervous worrier :(......I mask it well (or probably not)but I am calm on the outside very hyper on the inside(well when it comes to my kids) .....Go you!!! For giving blood........I'm a bit anemic what with my women stuff plus the lousy veins they torture me with...SO I abdicate to your greater ability!! :)

:wave: JOFers

DanieTreg 06-27-2004 09:14 PM

Hey JOFs, it's JIT #2 here! Sorry I've been AWOL with a dreaded cold.

Wen, we MUST have different pork pies to you... our ones come from the UK and are not heated as they have a huge gelatine content... anyone for hot glue? Anyone?

So sorry to hear about Behrfanny's Dad... that sucks.

I've had ONE cigarette today... could this be the beginning of the end of my love for it? I seriously doubt it, but I'm a good girl for now.

G'day to all JOFs and my partner in crime, JIT #1

Maggie aka Sarah 06-27-2004 09:26 PM

Wen: No problem with sharing recipes sweetie. I sent you via PM the 3 different meat pie recipes that my mother used. :)

That's great that you have finches visit your yard. :)

As for your noisy neighbour..... eeeeewwww....

Podmom: I never had my tonsils out. Had tonsilitis several times when I was in elementary school... but our family doctor refused to take them out. Probably because my older brother had his tonsil taken out the year before and still experienced problems with throat infections. Was figured out years later that my brother's problem was an infected gland that was lower down in his throat. After he had that whatever operated on things were much better.

I remember being very sick with tonsilitis when I was a kid. Had a very bad bout with a very high temperture over Christmas one year. Was totally pathetic. Laid on the couch with my Christmas presents on the coffee table beside me and had chicken soup while everyone else had turkey dinner in the dining room. Yep... I was totally pathetic and whined a lot. But got over the tonsilitis and it didn't come back again after that.

Checking out exactly what your daughter has is a good idea in my opinion. And [[[[HUGS]]]] because you are worried sweetie. :hug:

ML: Good to hear that you are feeling better. :)

:wave: to all the JOFs and JOFs In Training! :)


DanieTreg 06-27-2004 09:32 PM

I am an idiot.

Cigarette number TWO tasted just like number one. WHY!? AGH, going mad and questioning myself now... oh now I have another temperature... shoot me please. :(

Maggie aka Sarah 06-27-2004 09:40 PM

Danie: [[[HUGS]]] because you have a cold sweetie. :hug:

It does sound like we have different pork pies in north america then you do in Oz. One of the recipes that I sent Wen even includes 1/2 cup of bread crumbs in order to soak up the fat and hopefully decrease the hot glue content. :D

And I am very proud of you for only having one cigarette today. Won't say how many I have had... but it's way more then one. Yep... I am a bad person. :(

But then again... given that I seem to have given up on my generation's mantra of "sex, drugs and rock & roll" and am only partaking in rock & roll and drooling over JB pics for the sex whatever.... maybe I am not doing so bad. :spineyes: :D


Maggie aka Sarah 06-27-2004 09:44 PM

Danie, Danie, Danie.... even with cigarette no. two... you are still doing way way better then me on the smoking front sweetie. :hug:

I would suggest looking at Jason pics in order to distract you from the ciggies... but then again... I often want a cigarette after looking a pics of The Behr. :spineyes:


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