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Old 06-12-2012, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by lisztomania (View Post)
yes, start one please! griffiths and skarsgard were hot. love them both. love them even more together.
When she sees the ok, she'll start . I would but she wanted to so in waiting patiently
Long lost Jenn
Groot! Put your seat belt on!
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Old 06-12-2012, 04:16 PM
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Watched the True Blood premiere, and can I just say, OMG! Eric and his "sister," Nora getting it on? HOT!!!! Alright, they're vamp siblings, not real ones, but does anyone else notice that HBO seems obsessed with incest lately? And Nora has an English accent, which doubles her hotness.

Steve Newlin's coming out as a "gay vampire American" was one of the episode's more humorous moments. I'm sorry to say this, Eric/Sookie fans, but I do believe that Alan Ball is just plain bored with Charlaine Harris' Eric/Sookie romance, as he seems to veer the series away from the Southern Vampire Mysteries to something more closely resembling the male version of The L Word.
Steve Newlin's confession to Jason was funny and somewhat endearing, as was Jason's admission that this was the best "I love you" he's ever gotten. But Newlin shows he has a vicious streak when Jason rejects him, and Jessica shows up in all her Red Riding Hood hotness, proclaiming herself the new Queen in Bill's absence. Technically, she'd be considered a regent, but whatever. After expelling the good reverend, Jason and Jessica pick up right where they left off.....having more sex. The future of my favorite couple is what I'm most excited about, although it was saddening to watch Jason and Hoyt's friendship continue to disintigrate. Bill giving Jessica his house was a courageous move on his part, and the college party scene at the house shows how Jason and Jessica keep things interesting. They try to keep their "friends with benefits" status going, but it's clear that they each become jealous when someone else catches their attention. But Jason shows a lot of growth by deciding to drive that girl home instead of having sex with her and dumping her, trying to be a better man than he once was. But he still does it in typical Jason fashion, commenting on her abs and the tightness of her shirt.

The Bill/Eric bromance is in full swing, with Bill asking Eric to run away after the car explodes, while Eric refuses to leave him. Who knew these two could be such a good team? Although Eric seems tobe taking Sookie's rejection a bit harder than Bill is. Bill must be used to it by now. Naked werewolf women are always a plus, but seeing Marcus' parents eat his flesh was just gross. I like Alcide's new role as Alpha, but Sam's storyling still isn't catching my interest like it did in seasons one and two. Neither is Terri and Arlene's storyline about Terry's mysterious past in Iraq. I'm gussing this will pick up later on.

How about Pam? Can I say enough words about how utterly cool she is? She was even willing to go to ground in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt from Wal Mart. As usual, Pam gets the best lines. But turning Tara into a vampire? I really didn't see that one coming. And I'm guessing she's gonna be a little pissed at Sookie. And I wonder what Sookie will eventually end up owing Pam for this? Not much on Russel Edgington, but I can't wait for his scenes later in the season. All in all a good start. And Neslon Ellis as Lafayette is outstanding as always. Stll my favorite actor on the show. I just hope he gets a much better storyline this season now that poor Jesus is gone.

Ohh, and "Ike Applebaum"?
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex

Last edited by PhoenixRising; 06-12-2012 at 04:44 PM
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Old 06-13-2012, 01:20 AM
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ive read this entire thread and yet to see anyone that picked up on this. it isnt erics sister by blod. godric is obviously thier maker. mora even says our father godric is gone.
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Old 06-13-2012, 03:35 AM
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Loving the show, there was a lot going on in this episode.

Personally, I liked the bit of background on Terry and the mystery of the burning houses. To find that is was not tied in to the witch (possibly), but there is something else happening with the remainder of his unit. Will Terry go off and try and find out what is going on?
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:06 AM
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I think this one episode was better than the whole 4th season, which I didn't like at all. I'm just glad season 4 is over sin ce I have dreaded it ever since the show started.

So as I said, great episode. I like Terry, but I really don't care about his storyline.

Still disliking Eric,. so nothing has changed there. Sure, he's hurt by Sookie rejecting him, but she could have died and he couldn't even get over his own hurting ego to try to help Sookie when they felt her in trouble. At the end of the day, the only "person" Eric cares about is himself. Bill, on the other hand, who had also been recected by Sookie, loves and will always genuinely love her and I loved him running out to save her.

A bit eww, but I think Eric and Nora has good chemistry. More than he and Sookie ever had, which is none. I really like Nora and I look forward to her storyline with Bill and Eric.

I'm very excited for Tara's storyline, but I hope they won't make her brain damaged. I'm sstill hoping for a Sam/Tara reunion, haha. I alo love Sookie being such a good friend to Lafayette. I do wonder who moved Jesus' body, though.

Oh, and I can't believe I forgot about Stewe Newlin! I can't wait to see more of him. His "I love youuu!" to Jason as he was thrown out of the house was hilarious.

Pam had all the best lines of the episode.
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Old 06-13-2012, 10:41 AM
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I loved the first episode of Season 5. Season 4 was ok but I didn't like it as much as the first 3 Seasons. With this first show of Season 5 it looks interesting.

I don't think Tara would make a good vampire but it will be interesting to see where it goes. It did surprise me that Pam was the one that brought her over. You would have thought it would have been Eric or Bill doing it for Sookie.

I could have done without the wolf parents eating their son the dead pack master. EWWWW that made me gag.

I wonder how the werepanthers are going to figure into this season. I mean will Jason have any werepanther babies from last season when he was abducted and raped? That story line kind of disappeared so i would like to know how that will be resurrected. I wonder if Jason's panther will come out in this season.

I do know it's gonna take a hell of a powerful force to knock Russell down again. I am curious will it be the Fae coming to help Sookie or if someone else is going to intervene that becomes more powerful. Can't wait to see how all that plays out.

Wow at Alcide asking Sookie to come live with him for protection against Russell. Can't wait to see what happens when he finds out she shot Debbie.. *cringes*
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Old 06-14-2012, 09:25 AM
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Hi everyone, I new to the True Blood Thread. I was wondering what your thoughts were on what Eric said when he and is "sister" when they know. Bill said something about they might here you in Louisiana and he said "what if he is right, do you think they can hear us?" Do you think that was a dug at Sookie? Anyway maybe I'm just over analyzing but I thought that was interesting
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