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Old 12-29-2009, 11:44 AM
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Anna♥Stephen Appreciation #16 "He’s lovely. He’s very funny." - Anna

Welcome to the 16th Anna{♥}Stephen Appreciation Thread

Made by Faith In You

Made by Pasadora


  1. Mushkah
  2. Firestar007
  3. Fading Letters
  4. Guinevere
  5. sanna_o75
  6. is_love
  7. dark_red
  8. DiagonalZipper
  9. DanceWithLife
  10. ~Phoenix~
  11. lizzy13132003
  12. JoeViolet1926
  13. Enigma
  14. gizzie_fan
  15. Ghost.Of.You
  16. Ms X
  17. Kiane
  18. CJG18
  19. SaRaBonesPortugal
  20. -Glena-
  21. lisagslack14
  22. stormy eyes
  23. the echo fades
  24. Pasadora
  25. Elenwyn
  26. Layla
  27. bluewhiteheart
  28. tvchick1191
  29. Adie010
  30. ~TaintedUnicorn~
  31. ThereIsOnlyOne
  32. snatches of sunshine
  33. ThelLou
  34. Tears of an Angel
  35. *PassionateJ*
  36. esdawet
  37. Nymph Marty
  38. Excalibur
  39. iamraine89
  40. AngelicMouseGirl
  41. MTVVJ08
  42. Manhattan
  43. polyethyleny
  44. bellagrey13
  45. lil_princess
  46. -Lena-
  47. -maybe someday love-

Made by Faith In You

Because The Show Brought Them Together
Becase they are living together now
Because they are very very happy together
Because they are always silly with each other
Because Stephen came to Latvia all the way from London to visit her
Because he worships the ground she walks on
Because they are in it for the long haul
"It's just exciting, and that was there from day one" - Stephen
"There's no one I'd rather work with. I really mean it"- Stephen
"Steve and I had a certain instant connection" - Anna
Because a couple that boxes together, stays together
"We’re very, very happy. She’s the best." - Stephen
""He teases me all day long, and pretty much has since Day 1!" - Anna
"There's no one I'd rather work with. I really mean it. I love working with her" - Stephen
"Steve and I had a certain instant connection" - Anna
"It's the real deal. They really fell in love” - Alan Ball
"The perfectly teamed Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer -
Because they have Chelsea Handler's blessing
"She's bright, and smart, and funny, and she doesn't suffer fools. She's hardcore, man, and I love that"
SM: "They made us the rubber ones because the other ones were so sharp and..." AP: "Yes, they are"
"Anna's so great with Stephen's kids and seems to love them so much" - Kristin Bauer
"Anna and Stephen laugh a lot" - Kristin Bauer
Becacause they laugh alot together
Because they live together, they work together everyday, and they seem to be inseparable
Because they even do their hair together
"It really is a beautiful partnership to witness, and I don't say that lightly." - Michelle Forbes

Made by Pasadora

Paquin says that the chemistry between them was instant. "We clicked", she says of the first time they read together.
"Bill is a true gentleman. He's polite, respectful, charismatic and very bright. Steve is all those things too"

"It's the real deal. They really fell in love” - Alan Ball

The pair—who play romantically linked 173-year-old vampire Bill Compton and telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse on
the HBO series—have confirmed they are dating. “We are together,” Moyer told TV Guide Magazine exclusively on the True Blood set—right
after finishing an intense scene where Bill and Sookie have a major lover’s quarrel.

Moyer and Paquin’s real-life romance first sparked at the True Blood audition, but the couple decided to wait to go public.
“The reason it was dodged last year was very intentional on both our parts,”] says Moyer. “It was very important to me that
the cast and crew we were working with didn’t feel it was fickle, and didn’t feel it could possibly potentially encroach on their lives,
you know, just like, ‘Oh the two stars are having a thing.’ We didn’t want to take anything away from the show. The show is the star,
not the two people having a relationship.”

So where is this romance going?
Well, it seems Moyer, 39, and Paquin, 26, are living together—at least on this side of the pond. Moyer, who is British,
divides his time between Los Angeles and London where he has two young children from a previous relationship.
“It’s just exciting and that was there from day one,” Moyer says. “We always take the piss out of each other
and are silly with each other and it is great. We’re very, very happy. She’s the best.”
- TVGuide

"I have a very, very ridiculously perfect setup because usually the thing about acting and relationships is someone
is on the other side of the planet. So it’s an incredible luxury to get to spend your work time and your personal time
with the person you want to be with all the time.”
- Anna Paquin

Does your relationship with Anna [Paquin] make it more or less difficult to do emotionally awkward scenes between
Sookie and Bill, like when she and Sam got together last season and Bill walked in on them?

"Anna and I met on this show. We met doing the job. And so the crew has seen us grow together.
They have seen our relationship grow by watching us on set. Now you know, we kept it from them to begin with.
You know, it was very…we wanted to keep it private. We didn't want people to think we were ****ing with their lives
with something fickle. But honestly, there's no one I'd rather work with. I really mean it. I love working with her,
and that's how it all started, by falling in love on camera…So, last year, Sam had his stuff coming up with Anna and at
that point nobody knew we were a couple. So Sam's a close friend, and I had to go to Sam and say, 'Look. I need to tell you
something. I need you to know. I don't want you to find out later and feel like a heel.' So I told him, that was the first time
I told him about me and Anna. And he couldn't believe it! It's about trust, you know. And that trust is a very important part
of a relationship."
- Watch With Kristin(E!)

"Steve and I had a certain instant connection. It doesn't hurt when the relationship on screen
that you're trying to create is one of attraction and fascination."
- Anna Paquin

Are there parallels or similarities between the relationship your character has with Sookie and your relationship with Anna?
"As much as I may look it without the makeup on, I am not 150 years older than her, but there is an age difference.
There is a Sookie-ness to her, but Anna is much more streetwise and savvy. She's bright, and smart, and funny, and she doesn't suffer fools.
She's hardcore, man, and I love that. I'm much more outspoken than Bill. My problem is shutting me up [laughs] Whereas Anna is very reserved.
But it works for us. If I clam up, she will get it out of me."

May we ask where you went on your first date?
"That's one we haven't been asked before. HBO put us up in West Hollywood. We were the only two out-of-towners;
she's from New York, and I'm from London. There's a great sushi restaurant on Sunset, a little hole in the wall,
but I always eat there. So that's where we went on our first date. Well, actually, the very first date, although it wasn't a date,
was breakfast at La Conversation, on the corner of Doheny and Santa Monica. We had omelets. That was when we were first getting to know each other."

And it grew from there?
"The truth is that after the pilot, I got back to London, and she got back to New York, and it pullled my legs from underneath me.
I couldn't believe how much I missed her. And from then on, we were in each other's pockets, and have been ever since. Two years."

- Venice Magazine

These days they are often snapped by tabloids doing entirely low-key couple things such as shopping at Whole Foods
and swinging on the monkey rings in Santa Monica. They appear very together, very much in love. Anna is also a firm fixture
in the lives of Steve’s two children, Billy, nine, and Lilac, seven.

With a stable relationship, her first proper home in Venice, Los Angeles, and high hopes for a third series of True Blood,
it all seems as though, for the first time, Anna is settling down. ‘I don’t want to disappear. I’m done with that.
I don’t want to be a transient figure in my own life any more. I’m enjoying the prospect of doing up the house.
I’ve never decorated anywhere I’ve lived before.’

You can’t help but feel, though, that she must have missed out somewhere by growing up so quickly.
‘Yes of course I did,’ she admits. ‘I was always quite shy and learned quickly how to behave like an adult in an adult world.
But I have a Hello Kitty bike now, thank you. I might not have had it when I was eight but, hell, I appreciate it so much more now.’

So is it any surprise that Anna, 18 years and 23 movies after her debut, wants to kick off her shoes and stay by the beach
with Stephen, and have downtime filled with yoga and photography?

As to whether she and Stephen are thinking of having a child of their own, she can’t say.
‘I don’t know how they’d resolve me and my short shorts on the show with a baby bump! So there are a few “not untils” on that one.
At some point, when that convenient time, which never exists for actresses, comes – somewhere between now and menopause – I will. I have time.’

- MailOnline
Anna♥Stephen Appreciation #4: Because it was there from day 1
True Blood - Anna♥Stephen Appreciation #11: Because when the right time comes, they want to start a family - Fan Forum

Last edited by sanna_o75; 01-20-2010 at 08:36 AM
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:46 AM
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:52 AM
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:57 AM
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Thanks for the thread!
"And I know that you won't be
alone for very long, but without you
I'll be alone forever.
I love you. - Don."
the d r a p e r s
♥ B E T T Y & D O N
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Old 12-29-2009, 01:09 PM
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Now I want January 17 to get here
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Old 12-29-2009, 01:20 PM
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Haha. Yees.. That'd be great!
"And I know that you won't be
alone for very long, but without you
I'll be alone forever.
I love you. - Don."
the d r a p e r s
♥ B E T T Y & D O N
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Old 12-29-2009, 01:49 PM
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Yes, me too.
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Old 12-29-2009, 01:53 PM
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I hope both Stephen and Anna are there this time. But the GGs are sort of kinda important so I think they will be there
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:03 PM
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I'm pretty sure they will be.
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:17 PM
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I don't really care if they win or not, I just want pics
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:28 PM
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MTE Sanna. MTE.
"And I know that you won't be
alone for very long, but without you
I'll be alone forever.
I love you. - Don."
the d r a p e r s
♥ B E T T Y & D O N
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:33 PM
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Yes, lovely RC pics.
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:34 PM
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And hopefully Anna wins so Stephen can comment that he found out where the batteries go.
"And I know that you won't be
alone for very long, but without you
I'll be alone forever.
I love you. - Don."
the d r a p e r s
♥ B E T T Y & D O N
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:39 PM
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Well, I do hope he'd make a different joke now.
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:41 PM
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Haha. True.
"And I know that you won't be
alone for very long, but without you
I'll be alone forever.
I love you. - Don."
the d r a p e r s
♥ B E T T Y & D O N
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