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Old 12-29-2011, 09:10 PM
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Minky |Franky ♥ Mini| #67: Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?

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001. Dakota Blue Richards
002. Jamie Brittain
003. PurplePopCorn
004. Audrey Hepburn
005. Grace Violet
006. W. Shakespeare
007. Geoff Fitzgerald
008. Jeff Fitzgerald
009. Sean Teale
010. Dan Lovett
011. Geoff Bussetil
012. Aloysius Creevey
013. Olivia Malone
014. Emily Fitch
015. Freya Mavor
016. Jessica Sula
017. Adele
018. Rich Cain
019. Alex Arnold

Freya: "I think I’ve found the girl I wanna be with."
Dakota: "The one!"
Freya: "I think we’ve found each other, finally."

- Bliss Interview (January 2011)

Freya: "She [Mini] needs someone who she can trust and who actually does love her for who she is..."
Dakota: "... and Franky is the kind of person who will love unconditionally."

- Bliss Interview (January 2011)

Mini: "You look amazing."

- 508 (Everyone)

Liv: "Your girl crush is so blatant."

- 508 (Everyone)

Mini: "I'm her best friend."

- 508 (Everyone)

Franky: "I'm not trying to ruin your life, Mini."

- 508 (Everyone)


Minky Fanmix ;; Parachute [Come and Dance] | Download | [front] [back]

Franky: "Come and dance."

- 503 (Mini)

gif of the moment

{ 001 } { 002 } { 003 } { 004 } { 005 } { 006 } { 007 } { 008 } { 009 } { 010 }
{ 011 } { 012 } { 013 } { 014 } { 015 } { 016 } { 017 } { 018 } { 019 } { 020 }
{ 021 } { 022 } { 023 } { 024 } { 025 } { 026 } { 027 } { 028 } { 029 } { 030 }
{ 031 } { 032 } { 033 } { 034 } { 035 } { 036 } { 037 } {038} { 039 } { 040 }
{ 041} { 042 } { 043 } { 044 } { 045 } { 046 } { 047 } { 048 } { 049 } { 050 }
{ 051 } { 052 } { 053 } { 054 } { 055 } { 056 } { 057 } { 058 } { 059 } { 060 }
{ 061 } { 062 } { 063 } { 064 } { 065 } { 066 } { 067 }

let's get out of this town
baby, we're on fire
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:13 PM
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TFTNW! I thought the title would be more morbid and melodramatic but I guess the worst still awaits us

Btw: Carol, our and Steph's favorite poster appeared again and posted a very nice and thoughtful message. I am impressed.
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:14 PM
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Despite of everything, a new topic!

= Ru =
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:15 PM
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for lulz
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:18 PM
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what should've happened tbh

some of the comments on skinsfans are really nice hehe, even from people who don't ship Minky.
Skins: Naomily, Lily Loveless , Minky

"I'm.. into people."
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:20 PM
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TFTNW! I thought the title would be more morbid and melodramatic but I guess the worst still awaits us

Btw: Carol, our and Steph's favorite poster appeared again and posted a very nice and thoughtful message. I am impressed.
Saving that for later when Malo is endgame.

Ah! No way! Let me find that post.
let's get out of this town
baby, we're on fire
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:20 PM
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I can't with that gif

can't lie
it's a sweet life

→ angie | ©
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:23 PM
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Screaming at the perfection of this post...
Anyway, I'm open minded to Franky's storyline...

S6 Minky Rant: I Need A Boat for All My Creys of Rage
WARNING: This rant could possibly contain major S6 spoilers. I haven’t intentionally read any, so I can’t say if any of the rumors I’ve seen are true or not. I’m simply reacting to what I’ve heard and Rich Cain/Dakota’s ****ing Debbie Downer responses recently to Minky****s on Twitter.

The Skins writers are absolute sell-outs. They include LGBT characters for the sake of being “progressive,” have them serve as beacons of queerness whose storylines are passable but borderline tropes (Maxxie and Anwar’s anti-gay religious storyline, Naomi’s constant gay panic, etc.). Then in the second series, they give them nothing to do.

S2 Maxxie? Helped Tony that one episode, had a stalker for one episode, then got paired up with that random nobody-cares-about that was introduced in an obscure webisode that nobody saw. Remember James? Yeah, neither do I.

S4 Naomily? Cheating vortex. Enough said.

I (stupidly) had such high hopes for Minky in S6. Mini and Franky are both complex, well-developed characters that aren’t/weren’t defined solely by their sexuality (or if their queerness was mentioned, it wasn’t in the annoying after-school special type of way). Now it seems like they’re going to be ruined, primarily through the complete retconning of Franky’s character. Franky has five sex scenes this season. FIVE. This from the girl whose defining characteristic last series was being absolutely terrified of sex. All of a sudden, Dakota is all “LOL FRANKY LOVES HER BODY NOW BECAUSE SHE’S IN LOVE.” Honey, that’s not character development, that’s character assassination. It makes no sense for Franky to go from being horribly uncomfortable with any physical intimacy to a nymphomaniac overnight. Her androgyny, which I found to be the boldest, most intriguing and most confident aspect of her character, is also being painted over as an immature phase that is also in the process of being “cured by love.” Only true rehabilitated femininity can reap the rewards of masculinity and “adult” sexuality. Most importantly, if Franky is going to be sitting on dick the whole season (Matty, Luke, maybe Nick idek), what the hell is the point of making a character PANSEXUAL if they aren’t even going to be shown attracted to the same sex? I understand that pansexuality can also refer to generic gender blindness, but even so, why would Franky shun such a close friendship with Mini that has the potential to be 1000 times more fulfilling than Matty or some random to become a ~sex kitten ride her way into vapid straight girl land?

We all know that Minky isn’t going to have sex in S6. Although I was disappointed, I was okay with that, provided the potential “romantic friendship” storyline was well-executed. It’s fitting for both of their characters to be asexual. Given how often asexuality is delegitimized and belittled in the LGBT community and society at large (especially with all the difficulty people have separating romantic attraction from sexual desire), I was excited that Skins might be getting asexy. Now, not only am I worried that Minky isn’t happening in any capacity, but I’m afraid that even if they do have a romantic relationship on some level that Skins will do a terrible job representing asexuals/people involved in romantic friendships because (POSSIBLE MAJOR S6 SPOILERS AHEAD):

A. I’ve heard a rumor that S6 will be backwards chronologically (starts with Ep 10, ends with Ep 1). If Mini and Franky share Ep 9, if they decide to take their friendship to the next level in any way, that means the writers will have the whole season to get bored with them and destroy them for angst like they always do with couples…only backwards? Ugh. My brain hurts.

B. Assuming Franky is sleeping with several men throughout part or most of the series, it will cheapen her eventual implied connection with Mini. If Mini or Franky makes a move on the other while one or both of them is sleeping with someone else, it has the potential to have that grimy vintage Brittana vibe of “bored heteroflexible girl occasionally gets sick of men and makes out with her BFF lulz” at which point I will smash my computer screen and regret nothing.

C. Again, it’s just so hard for people to wrap their heads around romance that doesn’t have the goal of eventually leading to sex. If Mini and Franky do have a romantic relationship, I hope it’s to the exclusion of other relationships as well. The best way to go about it would be to have Minky in an exclusive, monogamous romantic relationship that simply doesn’t include sex. It’s difficult enough to get people to accept that as legitimate, and to try to do anything more complicated than that runs the risk of reinforcing the “****ty/desperate bisexual” trope.

D. The spoilers I’ve heard for Mini in S6 sound absolutely bat**** insane and I’m horrified for what they’re going to do with her character, almost as much as I am for Franky. Between implied sexual assault and possible pregnancy, she sounds like she’s going to have plenty of her own issues to deal with. As much as I would like to see her save Franky from her own self-destructive behavior, I don’t want Mini reduced to some sad backup puppy, waiting in the wings for Franky to come to her senses. I also don’t want Franky’s new attitude to cause Mini more stress and problems if she’s going to be dealing with all of this. And Malo. I can’t have Malo happen, okay? Biggest. Trope. Ever. Not to mention pairing the girl who was pressured into sex with the boy who’s desperate for sex is an awful idea for both of them. Although isn’t Alo supposed to be a rock star this season or something? At the rate the writers are going with retconning, I’m sure Mini will designate herself the de-virginizer and go around deflowering people, even if they’re awkward ginger farmhands.

I just want Mini and Franky to be flawless together and each have a healthy relationship for once. Is that too much to ask? Isn’t that where S5 was supposed to lead? At this point, I’m not even sure that S6 characters are the same ones I fell in love with and I’m having doubts if S6 Mini and Franky will even be compatible. Here’s hoping 609 is pure gold, because I’m honestly not sure if Minky can be salvaged or not.


*Also, if they aren’t getting together, why send Freya and Dakota on the lesbian magazine PR tour? That’s just shameless pandering and false advertising.
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:23 PM
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more lolz. why can't this be real life
Skins: Naomily, Lily Loveless , Minky

"I'm.. into people."
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:25 PM
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oh wow i dont know what i am feeling rn..

now, i am totally giving up on minky..i had little bit of hope but that interview confirms that minky is not happening and to know that freya would have loved for it to happen makes me ****ing MAD!!

Rich Cain
RichCain Rich Cain
@PeterIsTheMan Oh dear! Is love just ****ing? Who knows!
no rich, love isnt just ****ing but freya very sadly said that minky wont be explored in s6 and that everyone went crazy when they heard that and now its our turn to go crazy with it! you dont do **** like this..when minky was gonna be only about friendship, why make them do an interview with diva, AE, etc?

**** U SKINS! thats all! i have nothing to look forward to while watching s6 now.
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:27 PM
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@Carol: Sent you PM. And regarding Malo: I still have a tiny little hope that they won't happen. I cannot see any hint of Malo being endgame. That angsty scene could be more about the gang versus the rich people, or related to Liv's presence. Maybe he's all "smh" at Mini's being "bitch" again by throwing/attending a fancy party. There are endless possibilities.

@Paz: Where have you found this precious post? ITA with every word that was written in this perfection.
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:31 PM
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Screaming at the perfection of this post...
omg who wrote that flawless post. bravo.
Skins: Naomily, Lily Loveless , Minky

"I'm.. into people."
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:32 PM
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oh wow i dont know what i am feeling rn..

And regarding Malo: I still have a tiny little hope that they won't happen.
You're my idol.
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:38 PM
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Screaming at the perfection of this post...
Anyway, I'm open minded to Franky's storyline...
Amazing post althought it mentions a few false rumours but still makes great points. I loved it.

let's get out of this town
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Old 12-29-2011, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Fires17 (View Post)
omg who wrote that flawless post. bravo.
I wish this person has the ask box activated. UGH. Too much tags in this post. lol I really want Dakota to read this sht, i know 100% that she creeps on tumblr all day errday.

@Paz: Where have you found this precious post? ITA with every word that was written in this perfection.

Bless this person, i need to know who it is.
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