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jackiehydelover 03-19-2007 01:25 AM

:hug: Thanks Michelle. Normally I'm around a lot more but I've been so busy with school it's just crazy! I can't wait to post my drunk film fest film we did this past weekend. We won Best Picture :yay:

Okay... Back to Jackie and Hyde :lol:

luvcali76 03-19-2007 01:29 AM

Ooh, holy crap. Best Picture? That's really cool. :clap: Congratulations. I told you you were a great editor!! :lol:

Jackie and Hyde. Oh, yeah, Christmas. I'm trying to imagine what the heckfire they were talking about while they were dancing. They were so close. Or were they just kissing? Alright, I'll admit it, I'm lame and have paused and slo-moed that scene to see if they were kissing or not and I've determined that they were not. So they must have been talking and then it makes you wonder what were they talking about. I'm trying to write a flashback for that part but for the life of me, what they could possibly be saying eludes me. :shrug:

jackiehydelover 03-19-2007 01:35 AM

Doesn't Hyde have a little smirk on his face? I'm thinking/hoping that they were talking about how they were gonna have hot steamy sex when they got home. Yeah... What I wouldn't give to be a fly on that wall... :look: Is that too much info? Because flies really aren't that bad!

luvcali76 03-19-2007 01:40 AM

There is no such thing as too much info when it comes to Jackie and Hyde's sexlife. I'm like a little kid on my belly, cheeks in palms, wide-eyed and smiling, whenever someone wants to discuss JH whoopee. A fly, a spider, a tablelamp, whatever would give me a front row seat to that show, I say.

jackiehydelover 03-19-2007 01:47 AM

There is a great fan fiction about what happened after the Christmas Eve dance. It was written by Annie and it's called The Show Must Go On. Here is the link to her livejournal where all her stories are. Annie's That '70s Show Fanfiction

You may have to be her friend to read it. She has the most AMAZING Zen fan fictions on there. You may already know all this but there you go anyway :)

Okay... Time for bed! I have class at 7am :puke:

I'm Not Dead 03-19-2007 03:21 AM

From Zenmasters #190:


Jen:Stephen gives good reviews. He made my day last week when I posted a new story. He's awesome. I'm sure he'll be all smiley when he reads this in the morning, lol.
:blush: I'm getting too predictable.

So, I go away for 8 hours. 190 has 4 extra pages, there is a 2 page 191 thread and you think we were fast posters? Shame on you. :nono: If you have any shame left, that is. Most of it was probably used up when you called you-know-who asking you-know-what. :D It's good to have you back, Michelle.

This was the pic I posted in 190 and I am glad to see I am not the only one who is bugged by whether Dila were kissing or just checking each others' breath sounds.

Christmas is one of my very favourite That 70s Show episodes and not just for the obvious reasons. That storyline with Red as Santa and Kitty as his elf was just one of the damn funniest scenes in television history. :lol: But Jackie and Hyde did steal the show and FINALLY got an episode which was centred around them. I always love how Hyde sticks by Jackie when they are talking to the bitch of a cheerleader in the auditorium and he puts his arm around her possessively, giving the cheerleader the dirtiest look of her life. :cool:

And Chrissy, 9 REVIEWS!! I told you the guilt trip works. :D

JF1994 03-19-2007 03:43 AM

Wow a new thread already! And Christmas I think is my favorite in the 6th season besides 601. 601 is the best because of the adorable Grease fantasy. We should make that our new ep. discussion because it fits with the threads name. :)

retro physical 03-19-2007 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by irishghost (Post 14566231)
And Chrissy, 9 REVIEWS!! I told you the guilt trip works. :D

I know! And I didn't even edit my A/N to say "Review Bitches" haha.

OK so about what you were talking about earlier Chris, about how the episode discussion was your thing. I put the last one up only becuase we went throough 15 pages without disscussing an episode at all, so thats why I put it up. But you can do it from now on! :)

I'm Not Dead 03-19-2007 05:27 AM

Someone could write such a great real-life fic on where Mila and Danny are just having lunch or something and one of them has their laptop with them and they stumble across this Best of Zen fanfic comeptition. That could drum up some publicity for this event. :D

I know, I know. Go away, Stephen.

tanith75 03-19-2007 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by heatherlea94 (Post 14565513)
I'm really glad that the eppys in syndication stil lhave the TNT song in it. It just wouldn't be the same otherwise. I love the way Hyde looks around, with that disgusted, badass smirk on his face.

Even Eric looks pretty....manly.

HAHA omg, that's exactly what I said. Even Eric looks sexy in that scene. Sorry to all you Topher lovers out there :blush:

And yeah, without the song it really would not be the same. Each of the guys has the best look on their faces. But I have to admit, I prefer Hyde's total badass pissed-off scowl.

Who wouldn't want to bring him to a dance. Get to show him off a little bit. Now that would be fun. ;) Go Jackie!

TrueLoveBeliever346 03-19-2007 08:35 AM

Yay new thread! Anytime they have a fantasy scene of Hyde acting very un-Hyde like is good with me. And Mila looks stunning that black outfit.

Wow this chapter of my fanfic is totally kicking my butt. Damn you, writers block! You know what always happens is I get my best ideas right when I'm about to fall asleep, but I never feel the need to get up and write them down. So I wake up in the morning and I forget it. Crap.

Umm..I don't know what else to say bout the Xmas episode. Mila has pretty hair. Hee. :)

tanith75 03-19-2007 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by TrueLoveBeliever346 (Post 14569796)

Wow this chapter of my fanfic is totally kicking my butt. Damn you, writers block! You know what always happens is I get my best ideas right when I'm about to fall asleep, but I never feel the need to get up and write them down. So I wake up in the morning and I forget it. Crap.

I'm the same way. Ideas flood my brain as I'm trying to sleep and I would wake up and the idea would be gone so now I keep a notebook in my nightstand. Sounds crazy but it's better than losing an idea.

Okay, now everyone realizes just how much of a lunatic I am. Oh well :P

And about "Christmas" I love how Jackie and Hyde enjoy poor Fez's torment at the hands of the football team. Those two were so wonderfully wicked together.

I'm Not Dead 03-19-2007 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by TrueLoveBeliever346 (Post 14569796)
Wow this chapter of my fanfic is totally kicking my butt. Damn you, writers block! You know what always happens is I get my best ideas right when I'm about to fall asleep, but I never feel the need to get up and write them down. So I wake up in the morning and I forget it. Crap.

LOL, that happens to me all the time. The idea for my current story came when I woke up one morning and for some reason began thinking what it would be like to wake up years later and have no recollection of how you got there. But it wasn't until I began writing that I remembered I had watched The Family Man the previous night. :sigh:

When I have writers' block, I just have little fights with my head and tell it to work with me or else I am getting high and wasting my mind away. Thank God my mind hasn't called my bluff yet. :lol:


Okay, now everyone realizes just how much of a lunatic I am
See above.

sooki28 03-19-2007 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by tanith75 (Post 14570098)
I'm the same way. Ideas flood my brain as I'm trying to sleep and I would wake up and the idea would be gone so now I keep a notebook in my nightstand. Sounds crazy but it's better than losing an idea.

I do that too. I always come up with the best ideas when I'm falling alseep for some reason. Thus, I jot down my ideas down in a notebook.

Of course, the next morning I have to decipher my shorthand. :embarrassment:

So, after watching christmas again, I have decided that as of right now, (it'll change I'm sure) my favorite line is this:

"Me and the football have a little disagreement. They think it's fun to stuff me into a locker, and I disagree."

Oh Fez.

tanith75 03-19-2007 09:20 AM

It's nice to know we're all equally insane.

Maybe we'll all get locked away together. As long as they have T7S S5 I don't think any of us would mind.

Oh and it would be nice if there was alcohol there as well.

Maybe if I was locked away I could actually get some writing done. Anyone else want to voluntarily commit themselves wo they can get their updates finished?

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