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Old 02-13-2011, 02:08 PM
Master Fan

serendipity or fate's Avatar
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Serendipity [N ღ S] 599.24: "You know your ship is legit when the show’s creator dubs them as the Golden Couple." - PM

s e r e n d i p i t y
the art of making beautiful discoveries or a fortunate accident

Welcome to the 599.24th
Appreciation Thread

"Now we get to see this fairy tale for real — Serena and Nate, the golden couple, finally together."
Stephanie Savage

"With enough time, we all find what we're looking for. Even if it was there all along."
Gossip Girl

310. loverr41
311. Leyton-Dair
312. GossipGleek
313. mr.smalls
314. airali_glo
315. -ALEgator-
316. Greysaholic
317. XxSereNatexX
318. xxPolish-Beautyxx
319. Falling.For.You
320. Anna0000
321. x0x0gossipgirl
322. *Liz
322. kellie101
323. Burstofconfetti
324. emerald_city
325. KazMack
326. Ellyce
327. NSing
328. whicher4
329. caligrl07
330. yashila
331. Jane2007
332. Wingsofabutterfly
333. Sandra614
334. rosysummy
335. Guilty pleasureee
336. SaphSeraphine
337. indigoskies
339. yuripitty
340. GoldenSun
341. JackieKelsoforever
342. PrincessSerenity
343. LittleDevotional
344. iheartTV
345. HaleyJamesFan
346. HopeNeverEnds
347. ixluvxchilly
348. naid07
349. headstrongshiho
350. Shaded Grey
351. like a VIRGIN
352. secrets.
353. delenalove
354. Polish Princess
355. Bella Donna 1802
356. Blazing Star

Their love story requires many roads to travel and many obstacles to finish. But if it's anything...
their love is raw and powerful. Having known each other inside and out, they've grown to love
each other's strengths and flaws. Nate even kept defending her... it's as if it comes naturally... to
protect her. They don't have to try or study each other. It's just so natural and is. It's passion... not
lust. They don't think... they feel! Even Dan's subconscious is hinting out to him that what Nate and
Serena have is so inate. Unstudied. Making love not for the sake of having sex.. but because they
share a deep underlying passion for each other.

Although they can be rough and steamy, they can also be so delicate and intimate with each
other. They have the best of both worlds. And it's breathtaking.

Both make each other want to be a better person. And, by being apart, they become the empty shells of
their former selves. It's a given fact that they complete each other.

Right now, Nate and Serena are working out their issues separately. Nate with his aristocratic family
and Serena with her own identity.

So that when they do finally get together, it wouldn't much of an issue. They wouldn't have to apologize
for who they are and for choosing to be with each other. Like, somehow, they're working to fix all the
things that goes between them or hinder them from happening. Like, somehow, they're preparing
themselves to become, someday, better people for each other.

In his darkness, she is the light. When everything's wrong, he is her right.

[read their full story]

"Nate and Serena are meant to be together. It seems like because they love each other"
Blake Lively
"Not only Serena is someone he wants to be with,
always something that could led him to be free."

Chace Crawford

_ _ _
Top Five Fanfics_ _
1. Living In Your Afterglow - singsongsung_ _-
2. When Blue Meets Blue - bama02614 ___-_ _
3. Imaginary Friends - DaeDreemer __ ____-_
4. Just Love Me When You Can - singsongsung
5. Summertime - singsongsung ____-_______
[more fics] _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _

_____________ _Top Five Videos
1. 23- don't give away the end - leyton88
2. Love Song Requiem - vickliebold
3. Consequence - KillerPandaJr
4. Anywhere But Here - bumcrackmosh
5. Find A Way - xGreysAnatomyFan93x
_________ _[more vids]

101. Because after their "first time," she left with his shirt.
102. Because she never looked as beautiful as she did in his shirt.
103. Because he respects her.
104. Because he knows how she is in the summer. *raises eyebrows*
105. Because he loves her unconditionally, no matter how many people she kills.
106. Because Nate was WOWED by their kiss - and that was only the fake kiss.
107. Because their cuddles and playful punches are adorable!
108. Because they match clothes and it's just too cute.
109. Because their fake relationship works so much better than their real ones with other people.

"What made Serena leave town?
Sure it had to do with a lot of things,
but the main reason would have to be her romance with Blair’s boy toy, Nate.
You may ask how these underage kids got into a bar,
found themselves alone at the bar or end up kissing face against said bar,

but when it’s hot, you don’t ask questions."
Tv’s Guide's Steamiest Love scene
Serena: “Look at you, you’re a mess.”
Nate: “So are you.”

"Nate is clearly in love with her and always has been and there was this one time where they sort of were able to act on that passion."
Josh Schwartz

"It's definitely a big story for us and their coupling is a long time coming. In the pilot, the reveal that Serena and Nate had gotten together, it sort of formed the premise of the show. You know, there's a lot of history there, a lot of series mythology and it feels like finally putting these two together has been earned."

Stephanie Savage

"I’ve waited a really long time for this"
"Me too"

Someday I'll Find My Way Back To You
Youtube . Fanpop . Petition . FanFiction
Serendipity @ Blake Lively's Board
Serendipity @ Chace Crawford's Board
Serendipity @ The Couples Board
Nate & : Your One And Only Source

Top Moments:


S: You loved me?
: Of course I did. Serena, you're the most beautiful, amazing, alive person I've ever known.


N: I want to be that person you can bring anything to. The good and the bad.
S: Me too._______________________--___________


S: I wish that somehow we could relive that night.
Because this time I'd know that you loved me. And you'd know that I love you.


N: Ever since last week. Ever since 3 years ago when you left..._____
Please don't get in the car. Just stay here with me. Give me a chance.


S: What about you?
N: What about me? I don't smell like an ashtray.
S: No, but you look like an ass-tray!

And then there’s that one friend who you hope, s o m e d a y becomes something more
Barry & Iris
Chelsea Brucas_Is_Love
serendipity or fate is offline  
Old 02-13-2011, 02:09 PM
Master Fan

serendipity or fate's Avatar
Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 16,869

"Nate never got over Serena"
"You are the one thing Nate
always wanted and could never have"

Blair Waldorf
"Tell her how you feel. Give her a chance to
be with the guy who does deserve her"
Chuck Bass
"Oh what. Come on, Serena loves you. I think she's always had a little crush on you."
Lily Humphrey

Maybe they were doing art as toddlers and Nate was missing one color in his crayon box... yellow. Serena happened to sit near him and so he tried borrowing from her. He forgot what it was called because he couldn't read yet and so the first words he ever spoke to her was:

N: HEY, what color is your hair?
S: Yellow.
N: Do you have yellow?
S: Yes.
N: Can I borrow?
S: Ok.
N: Thank you. I'll draw you with your yellow hair.
S: Blue.
N: What?
S: The color of your eyes are blue. I'll draw you with your blue eyes. They're very pretty.
N: You have very pretty hair.
S: Thank you.

Oh, come on, Nate. When have you ever been happy?
"Now I'm with Serena, and
I'm so happy"

Quote of the Moment:

"If you ever need me, I'm here... Always.
Serena (to Nate) 4x04

[more episode quotes]

"Blake and Chace have amazing on-screen chemistry. Their scenes are some of the most fun and sexy we have ever shot."
Stephanie Savage
"Serena ended up, one night, getting together with her best friend's boyfriend,
who she's always been secretly in love with..."
Blake Lively
"Ironically enough, Nate is in love with Blair's best friend, Serena."
"Serena represents something else, she possesses something he wishes to obtain.
Not only to be with her, but to have the freedom she has in life."
Chace Crawford

Video of the Moment:

"Hey. Um, if you wanna reflect alone together, I'll be around."

"What are you up to now?"


How do I even begin to describe Nate and Serena?
Whenever they enter a room, the room lights, people smile just to see how
they’re just right for each other.

They fit.
They’ve known each other for years, and what’s more natural than you end up dating your best friend?
They love each other’s mistakes, each other’s failures, flaws and scars, because that’s what makes them beautiful, that they’re perfect, and yet not quite completely perfect.
He’s so happy to have her in his life, and she’s not showing herself to be any other way.
You can breath, see, and almost taste the love they have for each other;
it’s great to see that they have the opportunity to out their love,
because they’ve
waited for so long.
She’s his sleeping beauty and he’s her prince charming.

•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

Why I love them?
Completely and insanely?
Because they live themselves, breathe themselves.
hearts beat in unison ; play with the universe
and the universe laughs with them because it can’t do differently.
Their love is one of those that makes your legs shake, gives butterflies in the stomach, bursts the heart in the chest and makes to strike it like a driven crazy drum.
It’s a
deep and crazy love, and it sweeps up all, one of those which scares the other people, it makes them speak and turn pale;
Because together they’re two disasters, two storms, two atomic bombs, two forces of the nature;

because they are equal and different,
friends and lovers,
light and darkness,
prince and princess,
right and wrong,
reason and feeling,

they're everything and it's exact opposite.
They’re simply meant to be, they’re
airali_glo ________________________________-__
•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

Serena and Nate are like the sunshine. So beautifully natural and radiant.
Serena never has to hide who she really is because Nate accepts every part of her, the good and the bad.
No matter what happens,
or how much time has passed they'll always find their way back to each other.
There's only one girl who can make Natie the
And only one boy could ever look into Serena's blue eyes and understand all of her sunlight, her spirit.
Nate and Serena belong together, and one day they'll find a way to make each other stay.
sapphire red

•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

For me, they are the meaning of true love.
They really are soulmates but everything is so complicated... so complicated that they never gave themselves a chance.
Trying not to hurt Blair made them hurt each other and when they finally let their feelings take the better of them, Serena ran away.
The fact that even after one (1) year
those feelings are still there, it's WOW!
They can't stay apart. I think that at the end of the day it's still Serena and Nate no matter what.
They are unstoppable.
They are like the rain - it touches all.


•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

I was an avid reader of the books and from the very first I loved Nate and Serena.
I loved how much he loved her and the
comfort level they found in each other that they didn't find in anyone else.
Fast forward to the show and Chace and Blake just had it. They personified everything I wanted to see of NS, especially in the pilot.
I felt their passion,
their longing,
their sadness

- they had it in spades.
They sucked me in from the start and
I'm still hanging on hoping for more.

_________________________ ______________________-_______ Whitney

Mr. Bean supports Team Serendipity-

It's not often you can look at a couple and truly, I mean truly, say they are meant to be together.
But that's what I see when I look at Serena and Nate.
The thing with Serena is that
she needs to be with someone who knows her and lets her really be herself .
She tends to adapt when she's with someone, to whatever their idea of her is.
Nate has known her so long and knows her so well, that she doesn't have to pretend to be anything other than what and who she is,
and she doesn't have to apologize for it.
And Nate needs someone who understands how he feels about his upbringing and his family,
and if anyone gets it,
it's Serena.
They've known each other forever.
They're always there for one another, no matter what.
And whether or not they've wanted to admit it, there's always been love hidden beneath the surface of their friendship.

It's a real, honest kind of love that's been there from the start.
They're meant to be, plain and simple.
thingstodo ____________-__________

•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

For me, they are
"the special two",
the Prince and the Princess of the UES .
It seems like they have a sort of "golden aura" that appears only when they're together.
Serena lights up and Nate can't help but stare at her like
she is the most precious thing in the world.

•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

Nate and Serena has a relationship that is quite compelling to watch.
It's not something that is two-dimensional or just merely black and white.
It's a
burst of colors that would leave one just spell-bounded.
One doesn't necessarily complete the other because they are already whole as a character in themselves but when they are together
- it's something that is so
undeniably obvious
- they just SHINE.
Their connection needs no words.
They share
comfortable silences because of their deep friendship
and yet they also share tension-filled silences because of their
raw and subtly powerful love for each other.
SergeantPepper ______________________________________________________________________________________

•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

I have been inspired by many couples, both in real life and in the fictional world.
One of these many couples is Nate and Serena.
It's not often that one is able to
fall in love with a bestfriend, someone who knows you intimately, and make it work.
This, however, is the beauty of Nate and Serena's relationship.
They know everything about eachother;

the Good and bad;
Likes and dislikes;
Failures and triumphs;
Hopes and dreams.

Even with knowing all of this about one another, they love eachother in spite of, and because of it.
This is what is so rare and
They could easily use that information to hurt, destroy, judge, or tear eachother down. Instead, they use it to love one another.
They are truly eachother's Past, Present, and Future.

•••••••••• ~ ♥ ~ ••••••••••

"Serena, just don't say anything and let me explain.
I've been trying to do the right thing but its killing me.
Look...I know we both care about Blair but maybe the best thing is for me to just tell her the truth.

I'm not over you.

And I thought I could fight it but I can't. If you don't stop me I'm going to kiss you."


It was his moment but he missed it, because he was fifteen and
stupid, and didn’t know how to handle the fact that this was his
moment and her name wasn’t Blair.

It was his moment but he missed it, but at least it wasn’t for lack
of trying. Because Nate tried to tell her. He really, truly did.

Except Nate was fifteen, stupid, and drunk, and his “I love you” got
jumbled up somehow on the way to his mouth and tripped out instead
as “I think I’m going to throw up.”

“Me too,” she said, shaking her head with half a laugh and running
her hand through her matted drape of hair.

It wasn’t until years later, as they sat, face-to-face at that old brunch
place on 77th and Lexington, and she smiled at him from beneath
that ethereal hair, bringing a bite of heavily syruped pancake to her
delicate mouth—it wasn’t until then that he realized Serena would
have said the same thing either way.

But it wasn’t her moment. It was Nate’s moment. And he missed it.




[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]"So, if Nate and Serena are spending the Summer together in the Hamptons, then he’ll no doubt be willing to give it up, again and again, to the princess of the UES."
[SIZE="5"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"] Chace Crawford_________-_____________
And then there’s that one friend who you hope, s o m e d a y becomes something more
Barry & Iris
Chelsea Brucas_Is_Love
serendipity or fate is offline  
Old 02-13-2011, 02:10 PM
Master Fan

serendipity or fate's Avatar
Joined: Nov 2006
Posts: 16,869

Book Moments:

The Borgy Bible

On the first day, Borgy created The Upper East Side and Brooklyn. And he said it was good.

On the second day, he created Blair, Chuck, Dan, Vanessa, Jenny, Rufus, and Lily. And he decided that was good.

On the third day, he created Nate by throwing in stuff from Chuck, Dan, and Rufus. And he said that was good.

On the fourth day, he created Serena from one of Nate's manbangs so Nate had a...playmate. And he said it was good.

On the fifth day, Serena found the Buffet of Knowledge that Chuck had led her to. There, the serpent Georgina tempted her
with a cheese sandwich made of truffles. Upon eating it, she realized what this place was! And she made Nate eat it too!
They made passionate love! And the fans said that was good.

On the sixth day, Borgy found out and banished Georgina the serpent to boot camp. He also decided to separate NS for a season and half of TV.
The fans wept. NS wept. The guy taking out the garbage wept (no one knows his problem except maybe he's an NS fan too).
For a long time, NS didn't see each other...or so Borgy thought!

Book 2, Line 1, Borgy 5:50: Once Serena and Nate were banished from the land of bunniesthey were in a dark place, .
A quiet place. An...EVIL PLACE! They were punished by staying away from each other. Not even their friends could save them.

Line 2, Borgy 5:51 : The serpent Georgina forced Serena to make a human sacrifice right after the Shepard wedding.
Borgy saw this and banished Serena to boarding school and Georgina to wherever. Nate was sad.

Line 3, Borgy 5:52: The serpent Georgina tempted Serena with the poisonous coffee. Borgy was not pleased.

Line 4, Borgy 5:53: Serena confessed to Blair of her deed. Borgy was pleased.

Line 5, Borgy 5:54: The NJBC came together to plot against the serpent Georgina and take her down.
Borgy was ecstatic.

Line 6, Borgy 5:55 : Blair and Chuck went off in search of serpent Georgina. With friends like this, Serena would be saved!

Line 7, Borgy 5:56: Nate and Serena did not get together in the end.
Borgy was extremely unhappy and forbid them from seeing each other after episode 2.01.

And thus began...THE BORGY RAPTURE!


"This couple is also very fun to watch, they come alive in a whole other way."
"She's with the guy destiny picked out for her"


Nate Archibald never cries. Happy or sad, his tear ducts are sealed

Blair knew this.

When Nate and Blair got married at sunset on his yacht in the French
Riviera, he didn’t cry. She could barely recite her vows. Her happily ever
after had finally happened, and she was thrilled. The tears that ran
down her face smeared her perfect makeup, and for once she didn’t care.
Nate repeated his vows, a careful smile on his face. His eyes darted
behind her for a moment. She turned around and saw her still-best-friend
Serena crying her pretty little eyes out. Her makeup wasn’t smudged.

She fixed her make up.

When Nate got the news that his dad had died from a relapse overdose,
he didn’t cry. He walked into his study, slammed the door shut, and
talked on the phone for two hours straight. He wouldn’t talk to Blair. He
refused her food, her words of wisdom, her company. He didn’t tell her
who he was on the phone with. He wouldn’t even open the door for her.
So Blair called her still-best-friend, looking for help about the situation.
The line was busy.

For two hours straight.

When Blair finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl after thirteen
exhausting hours of labor, he didn’t cry. When they had first announced
that it was a girl, his face lit up and he even teared up a bit. Blair was
too tired to even move, but the look on his face told her everything
that she needed to know. When the child was brought over to her, she
snapped out of her exhausted haze. The baby girl wasn’t the spitting
image of her mother, as she expected it to be. The newborn had bright
blue eyes and golden blonde hair, like her father. Her still-best-friend
Serena came tumbling in and she laughed and giggled at the beautiful
baby. It hurt Blair to see so many similarities. Nate suggested they
name her Serena, after she had left.

They named her Audrey.

When Nate and Blair walked into her no-longer-best-friend’s funeral,
he cried. He cried so hard that his whole body shook. He wasn’t
ashamed of the tears, in fact he didn’t even try to wipe them away.
He let them fall freely. And when he went up to the pulpit to talk
about her, he couldn’t get his words out. His voice choked on the
word Serena, and he walked back down from the pulpit when he was
finished with as much dignity as he could muster.

Nate Archibald did cry.

"Best first date ever"
"Best birthday ever"

Photo of the Moment:



- Download -

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5


Real-meaning kissStudying togetherSerena wearing Nate's shirts/sweaters Checking each other outMorning-after cuddles in bedSerena declaring her feelings in heartfelt confessions like Nate hasProtective!NatieFeeding each otherHandholding • Building forts • Watching movies together • Having a "facebook official" relationship • Eating Pop-Tarts • New Year's Eve kissesDouble-dates with CB • More badminton dates • Spending time with Eric • Summertime + beaches • More bar momentsOfficial dinner dates • Saying "always" • Serena sitting on Nate's lap • Getting a pet (puppy or bunny) and "parenting" • Spending the holidays with one another • Eating cupcakes Nate being there for Serena when she's dealing with everything with her father • Singing stupid songs together • Getting drunk together Dancing around for no reason • Waking each other up just to say Happy Birthday right at midnight • Sitting in the grass in Central Park • Making promises • Remembering the little things about each other because they grew up together • Believing in each other • A rain kiss • Serena cheering Nate on while he plays sportsTalking about their future • Shopping together and Serena making Nate try on silly hats • Pick-her-up-and-twirl-her-around hugs • Nate eating brunch with the van der Bass Humphrey family • Dancing together at formal events • Dressing-room!sex • Nail polish "shenanigans" • Nate putting Serena's shoes back on for her Going to UES events together Food fight Natie spoiling his girl • Getting iced coffee together • Racing, and Nate letting Serena win • Footsies under the table wherever they are • Singing karaoke together (drunk or sober) • Serena taking care of Nate (in any context)Nate's hands in Serena's hair • Snowball fights • Serena calling him "Natie" • Nate calling her "babe" or anything else cute • Lily's approval • Travelling together • Valentine's Day cuteness Nate being unable to resist Serena in general • Reminiscing about their childhood • Serena cheating at board games and Nate letting herAdorable giggling Comforting each other about everything/anythingNate being unable to resist Serena pouting at himSmexy time Welcoming each other home at airports with way-too-public kisses • Clubbing • I Love YousGetting high together Touchy-feely-ness • Eating lots of ice cream; sharing ice cream cones • TwirlingCheek, forehead, and hand kisses Falling asleep and waking up together • Taking pictures together in a photobooth and being cute • Flashforwards to NS's babies Referring to each other as boyfriend/ girlfriend • Getting obsessed over the same TV show Trying (and failing) to cook for one another Nate wearing his Serena!jacket • Fountain!sex • Great, meaningful songs playing over their scenes • Showering together • Sweet hello/goodbye kisses • Picnicking on the bedroom floor • A "real relationship", the kind that can last forever Pillow fights • Pizza dates • Random conversations about things like Disney movies • Going to the zoo together, because Nate knows how much she loves the polar bears • NS picking a song that's "theirs" Matching outfits Nate helping her put on her jacketTickle fightsNate buying her jewelery that she'll wear all the time • Lazy days in bed • Piggybacks • Hot & heavy makeout sessions Nuzzling noses Giving each other surprisesNate being happy at how "frisky" Serena "get[s] in the summer" • Watching Finding Nemo • Living together PDA like WHOA • Flashbacks to baby!NS • Telling each other that bar!sex meant somethingLeg!sexEye!sex • Sailing off into the sunset • Silly fightsEndgame

"There they go again, making history!"
Gossip Girl

Because I'm falling more in love with every single word I withhold.
Because what I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know.
Coz we were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashback starts.
Because when I kiss your soul, your body'll be free.
Because I didn't see it. I couldn't believe it. But I FEEL it.
Because I wanted freedom. Bound and restricted. I tried to give you up but I'm addicted.
I thought of you and where you'd gone. The world spins madly on.
I'm so confused will you show to me you'll be there for me & care enough to bear me?.
And who’s to say that we’re not good enough, that this is not our love?
She pulled you in, bit your lip & made you hers, quiet in the grasp of dusk & summer.
Everyone keeps trying but they won’t tear us apart. They don’t know that u got me from the start.
Because he wanted the whole city to hear how much he loved her.
"She loved him. No matter what happened, she would always love him."
The first rule of Fight Club is... hold on to ur whiskers & pray for nekked NS smexy time.
"I am vamphayr. And Serena is mahn!" - Nate
If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God as my witness, I'll find more carrots to eat!
All I want is to keep you safe from the cold, to give you all that your heart needs the most
Because I will find a way to you if it kills me.
Because who I am, from the start, take me home to my heart.
Believe me when I say nothing's gonna change destiny, nothing's gonna change you and me.
Because I will not stand and wait for life to come, I will live what I am dreaming of
NS are gonna try defying gravity, and you can't bring them down.
Because you won't steal our SuNShiNe no more!
Because it was always more than a drunken hookup.
Hate myself for loving you so much, oh i hate myself for falling back in love
How can the only thing that’s killing me make me feel so alive?
Let it go, live your life and leave it, then one day you’ll wake up and she’ll be home
I tell you that I wanna go, but I wanna stay
If I had the chance to start again then you would be the one I'd come and find
Now let's sing this song again, cause its been messed up for years, and make it ours again
Let's fall in love again, cause that’s where this song began, born out of true romance
If all you wanted was me, then I’d give you nothing less, so come back when you can
Don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve lost the only love worth fighting for
Is there a chance you may change your mind?
She came along and she spoke so sweetly, changed everything and took my heart completely
It may be over but it won’t stop there, I am here for you if you’d only care.
Goodbye my lover. Goodbye my friend. You have been the one. You have been the one for me.
Why does it always have to come down to you leaving?
If the choice was ours alone, why’d we both choose letting go? Does it end like this?
Because I am still enchanted by the light you brought to me
Love, lift me out of these blues, won't you tell me something true? I believe in you.
When you go, I'll let you be but you're killing everything in me
Because in a little while this hurt will hurt no more, I'll be home, love
Because it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Nothing’s gonna change my love for you, I wanna spend my life with you
She lives in a daydream, I don’t belong. She is the sunlight, the sun is gone
So far away from where you are I'm standing underneath the stars and I wish you were here
The only way to really know is to really let it go, maybe you're gonna come back to me
Because they say it's never worth the pain, but sometimes it is.
I know that this hurts you, it hurts me too.
I will always carry you in my heart, you'll always be my shooting star
Autumn days will fade away but memories will always stay the same
What's that? Borgy pwns all and NS wins all.
Shhh, don't tell Borgy we're crazed NS shippers just like him.
[more previous titles]

Perfect Moment:

Ani made by Makry


"With enough time, eventually we all see what was right in front of us,
and realize no matter how long it took, it was worth the wait"

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Old 02-13-2011, 02:30 PM
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You were too slow to link

You have the PM titles don't you? Add them since Emsie didn't I'll get the survivor.
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"Bloody brilliant, beautiful, best buds."
AuraroBethieCaroDebs ♥ AB∞RB: E&K+M&Ms+Evapup | Icon | Katie
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Old 02-13-2011, 02:33 PM
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I hate doing workkk. Work is the DS of real life, it's horrible and just when you think it's finally over, there's more.
but every wrong turn that you make
will also be my mistake
'cause we're connected through our hearts
a r t h u rm o r g a n a

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Old 02-13-2011, 02:35 PM
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Dorkie is here!

Here, have the survivor! And actually vote this time Chelsface

Current tally:
#1 - 1
#10 - 1



"I've been trying to do the right thing, but it's killing me. And I thought I could fight it, but I can't. And if you don't stop me, I'm going to kiss you."
- Nate: 1x06 ("The Handmaiden's Tale")


Eliminated Round 1
"You are too, you know... A good guy."
- Serena: 1x14 ("The Blair Bitch Project")


"If you ever want to reflect alone, together, I'll be around."
- Serena: 1x18 ("Much 'I Do' About Nothing")


Eliminated Round 8
"You can count on me always."
- Nate: 3x10 ("The Last Days of Disco Stick")


Eliminated Round 9
"You know we haven't been out together, drinking alone since..." | "Since the Sheppard Wedding..." | "Yeah, the night that everything changed.."
- Serena and Nate: 3x10 ("Last Days of Disco Stick")


"You know it took me a long time to get over what happened between us that night... Two years ago, at the Masquerade ball, I tried to tell you I loved you..." | "You... you loved me?" | "Of course I did. Serena, you're the most beautiful, amazing, alive person I've ever known."
- Nate and Serena: 3x10 ("The Last Days of Disco Stick")


"Don't go... Don't go with Tripp. Ever since last week... Ever since three years ago when you left... Please don't get in the car. Just stay here with me. Just give me a chance."
- Nate: 3x11 ("The Treasure of Serena Madre")


"I just got scared that if we went too fast things weren't going to work out. And I really, really don't want that to happen. Because I've waited... I've waited a really long time for this."
- Nate: 3x13 ("The Hurt Locket")


"I want to be that person you can bring anything to. The good and the bad."
- Nate: 3x14 ("The Lady Vanished")


"Nate, I'm really sorry I left the morning after we... I never meant to hurt you... I wish that somehow, we could relive that night... Because this time, I'd know that you loved me and you'd know that I love you."
- Serena: 3x15 ("The Sixteen Year Old Virgin")


Eliminated Round 7
"You are a great guy, Nate Archibald... Can I kiss you before I kill you?"
- Serena: 3x17 ("Inglorious Bassterds")


Eliminated Round 5
"Nate, before I tell you what I need to tell you, I need you to know that I do trust you. And if I'm guilty of anything, it's taking you for granted; for assuming you'd always be around... And I promise, I won't do that again."
- Serena: 3x19 ("Dr. Estrangedloved")


Eliminated Round 3
"Nate, I love you. I just wanna make things work again... I just wanna go back to being us. I know that it'll be hard, but I do wanna try."
-Serena: 3x22 ("Last Tango, Then Paris")


Eliminated Round 2
"I think I need to be alone for a while... Nate, I love you. I really do. And if we're ever going to have a real chance, this is the only way..."
- Serena: 3x22 ("Last Tango, Then Paris")


Eliminated Round 6
"If you ever need me, I'm here. Always."
- Serena: 4x04 ("Touch of Eva")


Eliminated Round 4
"When, um, we had that fight at fashion's night out, you were right. It was Juliet that made me turn on you when you got back from Paris... You know, I can't help but wonder what would've happened if it weren't for her... Maybe things could be different... The two of us, we've been through so much together... I just... God, I really miss you. Just give me a second chance.. I won't let you down."
- Nate: 4x08 "(Juliet Doesn't Live Here Anymore")
Words from the one and only Andii on 5 years of Paul Wesley on FF
"Bloody brilliant, beautiful, best buds."
AuraroBethieCaroDebs ♥ AB∞RB: E&K+M&Ms+Evapup | Icon | Katie
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Old 02-13-2011, 02:57 PM
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Who the hell voted for #10!? Why would anyone want to get rid of the only good thing Serena's ever said!?

I vote for #1.

Originally Posted by brokenshards (View Post)

I hate doing workkk. Work is the DS of real life, it's horrible and just when you think it's finally over, there's more.

This is the greatest post I've ever read.
And this is why you are my wifey.
And then there’s that one friend who you hope, s o m e d a y becomes something more
Barry & Iris
Chelsea Brucas_Is_Love
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:06 PM
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I voted for #10. I dunno, I'm in a "I hate Serena" mood

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
but every wrong turn that you make
will also be my mistake
'cause we're connected through our hearts
a r t h u rm o r g a n a

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Old 02-13-2011, 03:09 PM
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I can't keep you two under control

Originally Posted by Brucas_Is_Love (View Post)
Who the hell voted for #10!? Why would anyone want to get rid of the only good thing Serena's ever said!?

I vote for #1.
IT WAS YOUR WIFEY I voted for #1

Current tally:
#1 - 2
#10 - 1



"I've been trying to do the right thing, but it's killing me. And I thought I could fight it, but I can't. And if you don't stop me, I'm going to kiss you."
- Nate: 1x06 ("The Handmaiden's Tale")


Eliminated Round 1
"You are too, you know... A good guy."
- Serena: 1x14 ("The Blair Bitch Project")


"If you ever want to reflect alone, together, I'll be around."
- Serena: 1x18 ("Much 'I Do' About Nothing")


Eliminated Round 8
"You can count on me always."
- Nate: 3x10 ("The Last Days of Disco Stick")


Eliminated Round 9
"You know we haven't been out together, drinking alone since..." | "Since the Sheppard Wedding..." | "Yeah, the night that everything changed.."
- Serena and Nate: 3x10 ("Last Days of Disco Stick")


"You know it took me a long time to get over what happened between us that night... Two years ago, at the Masquerade ball, I tried to tell you I loved you..." | "You... you loved me?" | "Of course I did. Serena, you're the most beautiful, amazing, alive person I've ever known."
- Nate and Serena: 3x10 ("The Last Days of Disco Stick")


"Don't go... Don't go with Tripp. Ever since last week... Ever since three years ago when you left... Please don't get in the car. Just stay here with me. Just give me a chance."
- Nate: 3x11 ("The Treasure of Serena Madre")


"I just got scared that if we went too fast things weren't going to work out. And I really, really don't want that to happen. Because I've waited... I've waited a really long time for this."
- Nate: 3x13 ("The Hurt Locket")


"I want to be that person you can bring anything to. The good and the bad."
- Nate: 3x14 ("The Lady Vanished")


"Nate, I'm really sorry I left the morning after we... I never meant to hurt you... I wish that somehow, we could relive that night... Because this time, I'd know that you loved me and you'd know that I love you."
- Serena: 3x15 ("The Sixteen Year Old Virgin")


Eliminated Round 7
"You are a great guy, Nate Archibald... Can I kiss you before I kill you?"
- Serena: 3x17 ("Inglorious Bassterds")


Eliminated Round 5
"Nate, before I tell you what I need to tell you, I need you to know that I do trust you. And if I'm guilty of anything, it's taking you for granted; for assuming you'd always be around... And I promise, I won't do that again."
- Serena: 3x19 ("Dr. Estrangedloved")


Eliminated Round 3
"Nate, I love you. I just wanna make things work again... I just wanna go back to being us. I know that it'll be hard, but I do wanna try."
-Serena: 3x22 ("Last Tango, Then Paris")


Eliminated Round 2
"I think I need to be alone for a while... Nate, I love you. I really do. And if we're ever going to have a real chance, this is the only way..."
- Serena: 3x22 ("Last Tango, Then Paris")


Eliminated Round 6
"If you ever need me, I'm here. Always."
- Serena: 4x04 ("Touch of Eva")


Eliminated Round 4
"When, um, we had that fight at fashion's night out, you were right. It was Juliet that made me turn on you when you got back from Paris... You know, I can't help but wonder what would've happened if it weren't for her... Maybe things could be different... The two of us, we've been through so much together... I just... God, I really miss you. Just give me a second chance.. I won't let you down."
- Nate: 4x08 "(Juliet Doesn't Live Here Anymore")
Words from the one and only Andii on 5 years of Paul Wesley on FF
"Bloody brilliant, beautiful, best buds."
AuraroBethieCaroDebs ♥ AB∞RB: E&K+M&Ms+Evapup | Icon | Katie
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:13 PM
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you should all read this New & Improved Mehraj - In 4x08, Dan said to Serena “When we were...
everytime you smile
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:16 PM
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Crayola, did you see the latest post on the Couples Championship? Mehraj used to post here right? Or am I imagining things?

Words from the one and only Andii on 5 years of Paul Wesley on FF
"Bloody brilliant, beautiful, best buds."
AuraroBethieCaroDebs ♥ AB∞RB: E&K+M&Ms+Evapup | Icon | Katie
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by brokenshards (View Post)
I voted for #10. I dunno, I'm in a "I hate Serena" mood

I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

I am in one of those moods permanently, so I forgive you.

Originally Posted by Falling.For.You (View Post)
I can't keep you two under control
Who asked you to!?

Originally Posted by makry (View Post)

I just read it Makry. And it's SOOO true. There are soooooooo many instances like that this season, though. It honestly makes me want to cry because I just don't understand it at all! The writing makes no sense.
And then there’s that one friend who you hope, s o m e d a y becomes something more
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:21 PM
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The thread asked me to It does not want to get in trouble

Words from the one and only Andii on 5 years of Paul Wesley on FF
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AuraroBethieCaroDebs ♥ AB∞RB: E&K+M&Ms+Evapup | Icon | Katie
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:21 PM
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what post? Katie, and don't remind me about that I guess I should have posted the link on my tumblr given I have 3000 followers, I realized a lot of people signed up just to vote for a certain couple, but again WE ARE THE CHEATERS right
everytime you smile
I smile | Nate&Serena
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Old 02-13-2011, 03:24 PM
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Serena's ankle does not look very comfortable there.

Originally Posted by makry (View Post)
what post? Katie, and don't remind me about that I guess I should have posted the link on my tumblr given I have 3000 followers, I realized a lot of people signed up just to vote for a certain couple, but again WE ARE THE CHEATERS right
IKR!? It's okay, we win every. single. other. poll. that's not here on fanforum. I can let them have this one.
And then there’s that one friend who you hope, s o m e d a y becomes something more
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