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Old 11-05-2008, 01:45 PM
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Defectives {C♥B} #594: Because "Love means somebody else has the power to kill you."

She was his best friend's girl, his (second) toughest critic, his friend. He was her confidante, her scheming partner and the only one she could really count on. They knew each other in a way no one else ever could, yet they continued with their lives never realising what was right in front of them. That is, until one unexpected moment opened their eyes and changed their lives forever. He tried to fight his feelings all he could. She tried to convince herself she didn't care. But try as they might, it's clear to us that these two were never meant for anyone else.

the lists;

{ please PM Undeniable to be added on the shipper list }

the couple;

the supporters;

"Blair and Chuck, you know, that was um, we couldn't wait to kind of bring them together and they're two of our most sort of deliciously evil characters. So the idea of them being in a relationship together, we thought would be a lot of fun. And both actors are fantastic so, it caught on really quick and people were really, really rooting for them which is good, which is fun." - Josh Schwartz

"It's perfect. They're perfect for each other. He understands her like nobody else does." - Leighton Meester

"So you said you loved her. Never heard you said that before. About anyone." - Nathaniel Archibald

"Two thumbs up, I mean look at her." - Ed Westwick

"He is hot, he is british and covers it with that cute little american accent." - Leighton Meester

their journey;

{ the beginning; friendship; banter; uncomplicated; }

the pretty;

in our words;

"Can't we just be nice to each other for five seconds without fighting?" She crossed her arms grumpily over her chest. "I mean, that's how normal couples are supposed to work, isn't it?"
"No, Blair." He tugged one of her hands out from its defensive position and held it tightly, pausing to grin seductively at her before continuing, "You act like a bitch, and I get turned on. That's how we are 'supposed' to work."
She couldn't help but smile as she looked down at her food, feeling silly for having even tried to change anything in the first place. They were kind of perfect as they were, as messed up as that was.

~ Dysfunction Never Looked So Good by dreamgurl ~

I see Chuck and Blair in a relationship by the end of the year. Chuck will have said he loves Blair (though in my mind, Blair will have said it first), and they will actually be trying to work through Chuck’s first real relationship together. In fact, it’ll even be Blair’s first real relationship, because it’s the first time she’s ever seen her significant other for what he really is. They'll probably have little spats every once in awhile, since they are both so temperamental, but they will never last too long because they are too drawn to each other.
~ sendtherain ~

their journey;

{ the moment it changed; lust; butterflies; secrets; }

the pretty;

in our words;

"You are a conceited, self-righteous, manipulative bastard, and I curse the day I fell in love with your lying ass!" She cried, now on the verge of tears.
He stared at her, stunned.

~ The Butterfly Effect by Isabelle ~

By the end of the year, I hope Chuck and Blair will have worked through their internal issues to the point where they can finally be upfront about their feelings for each other. Since they know each other better than anyone, Chuck needs to find it in himself to open up to Blair about his fears and emotions regarding the situation with his parents. Chuck letting Blair in this way would finally propel their relationship forward, which is what I want for them. As much as the love/hate thing suits them, they also deserve to be happy. The love declarations will come once they stop playing games and realize how much they need each other.
~ 4brathan&brucas ~

the actors;

the pretty;

in our words;

"I'm..." He took a deep breath, "I'm not sure I've hit the ground yet. I only know that I'm falling." Dark eyes waited for her reaction and she was speechless at the desperation in their depths, "Let that be enough."
There was a warmth spreading from her heart as she raised her hands to cup his cheeks. The stubble, rough on her palms, reminded her that this was real, that he was waiting for her response because he'd finally told her that he felt. She wasn't the only one.
Enough? Right now it felt like those were the most perfect words he could have spoken; they were the truth. He cared, he wanted her, he wasn't giving up...
She pulled his face down to attack his lips with her own.

~ The Shape of My Heart by TheMusicLives ~

By the end of the year I think we'll have seen Chuck and Blair fight for their love, not against it. For the two of them to stop hurting each other and try to make there love work in a real relationship. Its something I'm really looking forward too.
~ MPGirl ~

their journey;

{ love's labor lost; heartbreak; jealousy; avoidance; }

the pretty;

in our words;

"It was a lapse in judgment, thinking we would ever be something." Blair said as she readjusted her sunglasses. "Well, I'm over it now, so it doesn't matter anyway." Her brown eyes, which were hidden under her Gucci sunglasses, closed. Blair and Serena were lying out at the pool, like they had most of their days in the Hamptons. Blair hated sand. "It just like gets everywhere. I mean, ew!" So they spent the summer lounging about here instead.
Serena whipped her blond hair around as she turned to face Blair. "Then why have we been talking about him for the past hour?"
"It has not been that long." Serena produced a phone to show to her disbelieving friend. Blair's face fell then twisted into annoyance. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm over it and him and it's so over!" Blair than slammed her eyes shut, anything to get out of the real world and retreat to the movie in her head.
Serena giggled into her shoulder at her friend's obvious self-denial.

~ Pouring Love by MPGirl ~

I want them to apologize to each other, to be completely honest with each other. I want Blair to understand that she was asking for too much when she asked if Chuck loved her, because she never really gave him a chance. Then I want Chuck to put his pride away and apologize for what he has done. And if Josh listens to me, at the end of the season Blair will be the one who says "I love you" first, because her Chuck needs some love. So, that's how I see them in the end of the season, I see them as ONE.

their journey;

{ finding their way back; second chances; forgiving; trying; }

in our words;

"We're famous," she told him as she leaned in to kiss him. He was sitting on the edge of his bed.
"We've always been famous," he told her. He pulled her closer, his hands slipping under her shirt to caress her back.
"Well now we're famous together," she mumbled, against his mouth.
He didn't seem to care what she was talking about as he pulled her down on top of him. And when he kissed her she forgot anyway.
Later, when she was in the shower he picked up her discarded phone and smirked at what she had been reading.
Spotted: B and C attached at the lips… again. This would have been surprising if it didn't make so much sense. Still, it pains me to have not seen this one coming. The bets of how long this will last have already started to come in, but I have to disagree with most of you on this one – my money's on the long haul.

~ Chaos by Maz ~

By the end of the year I hope that Chuck and Blair can truly trust and love each other like they both deserve. I want to see them confiding in each other and being there for one another.
~ matchesgurl07 ~

the moments;

in our words;

It's three weeks later and two in the morning when she shows up, a fallen angel returning to stake her claim on his soul.
She sighs into his mouth, all lipstick and ivory skin and vanilla scented hair, and she's come back to him again because she's Blair Waldorf and he's Chuck Bass and that is what they do.
"So does this mean I'm right?"
She smirks against his lips. "Don't push your luck, Bass."
"Wouldn't dream of it."

~ Shades of Lust and Splendor by ibreak4csi ~

I'd like Chuck to distance himself from Blair somewhat, but still obviously in love with her, so Blair will have to do the pursuing for once. And hopefully things will be back on-track between the two in 207 and/or 210.
~ DiagonalZipper ~
Fortune teller said I'd be free
And that's the day you came to me
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:46 PM
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their journey;

{ back to the start; denial; jealousy; scheming; }

in our words;

"You sure?" he asked quietly, his eyes on hers, steady and unwavering.
And Blair had nodded and whispered yes with an amount of conviction she hadn't known she possessed and he moved over her, into her, with his lips on hers and it was something kind of out of a movie -- all slow motion and dramatic music. Somewhere down the line she'll mark it as a turning point of sorts, the beginning of a different sort of stage in her life.
Blair distinctly remembers it as the only time she'd ever felt anything close to resembling whole.

~ Beaten Paths by abvj ~

More than anything, i want to see chuck and blair be there for each other when one of them are at their deepest lows. they fight, scheme, and argue so often that it sometimes becomes hard to see their genuine love for each other, but if chuck were to help carry blair through her bouts with bulimia, or if blair were to comfort chuck by letting him know that he's not alone in feeling isolated from his parent, we could more clearly see that what they have between them isn't just passion or excitement. it reaches levels of love and devotion deeper than even the most epic of romances.
~ jemx2 ~

the icons;

laura; issa; iris; laley-forever;

in our words;

"Tell it to me. The poem," she pleads.
I give in because one, I love her and two, I'm horny.
"Roses are red." I kiss her ear and she smiles. "Violets are blue." I kiss her jaw. "I love Blair Waldorf," I kiss the very edge of her mouth. "And she loves me too." I kiss the back of her hand.
Her mouth is opened as she stares at me, and I know I've got her.
"Oh – you're good!" She says, smiling.
"I do try," I smirk, and she swats me playfully.

~ Boys Don't Lie by Isabelle ~

At the end of the season I see Blair and Chuck as a real couple. They'll still have their problems and probably will never stop their arguing but they will hopefully realize that they can't run from their feelings any longer and have a chance of being in a relationship with each other. Not in secret but for the whole world to see.
~ Laura ~

the fanart;

mpgirl; mpgirl; laley-forever;

future titles;

CB have to come up for air sometime, so we can get photos!
Because "their obvious obsession and desire towards each other is just plain ridiculous." {The Frisky}
Because "he’s obviously still in love with Blair." {North by Northwestern}
Because "the entire time, it's hinted that Blair still has feelings for Chuck" {North by Northwestern}
Because "she was extremely jealous, pretty much." {North by Northwestern}
Because "We already know that his chemistry with Leighton Meester is through the roof."{BuddyTv}
Because she will never be just another girl to Chuck.
Because "For you, anytime."

our soundtrack;

back cover | download the songs

And I try, but I'm not convincing
Your lips, they pout and twist and
I die trying just to keep myself from kissing you
You take in everything with a certainty I envy
It's somehow all I need; just keep me guessing, please

perfect moment;

Call 01-800 BLAIR & CHUCK NOW

their future;

The first season of Gossip Girl gave us the amazing beginning to a love story which will hopefully span the entire show. These two unique characters came together in a way that was both unexpected, complicated and beautiful and though they've been through a lot in just one season, their story is only just beginning. Season two began with a lot of denial, scheming and fighting their feelings, but through it all, it's clear to us that these two will always be a big part of each others lives.

Fortune teller said I'd be free
And that's the day you came to me
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Last edited by MPGirl; 11-05-2008 at 11:22 PM
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:48 PM
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Thanks Mia!

I loved Jacob's review. The title is SO CB.
"Ele, I waited for you for a year.
Trust me, I'd never ruin something so beautiful."
Edoardo Eleonora
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:48 PM
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ISA!! What's wrong?

Anyone else I missed?

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Old 11-05-2008, 01:51 PM
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Thanks for the new thread!
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:52 PM
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i love you. ♡
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:52 PM
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Title is amazing!!!!

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Old 11-05-2008, 01:52 PM
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Thanks MIA!!

ISA!! What's wrong?
I missed you.
let us not forget who o w n s the t h r o n e
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:53 PM
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TFTNT!! we're so close to 600!!

You make me Feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream,
Let's runaway And don't ever look back
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:53 PM
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Vanessa! Love your sig

Aww Miss you too

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Old 11-05-2008, 01:54 PM
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Welcome everyone
Fortune teller said I'd be free
And that's the day you came to me
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:54 PM
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I'll take you in pieces
We can take it all apart
I've suffered shipwrecks right from the start
I've been underwater, breathing out and in
I think I'm losing where you end and I begin icon:iris
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:57 PM
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I have to take a shower, but I'll be back.

i love you. ♡
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:57 PM
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Where have you been laura!
I'll take you in pieces
We can take it all apart
I've suffered shipwrecks right from the start
I've been underwater, breathing out and in
I think I'm losing where you end and I begin icon:iris
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:59 PM
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Love your sig
That much?
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blair waldorf , chuck bass , gossip girl

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