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Old 02-07-2009, 10:49 PM
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Quite possibly one of the hardest episodes for me to watch, and one that I found plenty of holes (in the writting) and character moments that made you want to change the channel.

Watching BSG is beyond frustrating in S4.5 for me as a long time fan of the show I sure hope before it's all set and done RDM redeems himself.

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Old 02-08-2009, 05:57 AM
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It was hard to watch Alex, but that is one of the things I love about it, it does shy away from things like that, it's real...

Originally Posted by Lazy (View Post)

- AJ and Richard deserve a lot of kudos for this episode. They were amazing, especially AJ. At least they got the chance to go out with a bang.

- Kelly: I liked him in the miniseries and I was glad that he was back. He had an important role in this episode which was nice.
regarding AJ and Richard and it was cool to see Kelly again, I loved that we had a couple of surprises with guest characters coming into play

Originally Posted by dukesmom (View Post)
I think the damage to the wall was stress fractures resulting from the way Tyrol stopped the FTL drive. They were, what... 5 seconds or less from the actual jump when he forced the shutdown? I'm kind of surprised there wasn't more obvious damage - sparks and fires and such.
Hmm possibly

Also one of the things that am thinking about (well one of many) is now what of the government now , they are only two people left, is there going to be a new one, or well the government as a whole, cease...
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Old 02-08-2009, 07:32 AM
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Wtf. Sorry. Rant warning.

I'm not just mad because of the fact that Sam was shot (Obviously, he's one of my favorite characters on the show), but just the way that it all happened. Just feels like a slap in the face to me. Like, they needed someone from "their side" to be injured or hurt, so I just feel like they picked a person, and Sam drew the shortest straw.

And now all of a sudden Kara is there for him, and crying? Wasn't she just sucking face with Lee last episode? I really want to know what the tears are for. Is she sad, guilty, or just overwhelmed in general?

I think ever since 4.5 started, the fans have almost been forced to pick a side. You're either with the humans, or the cylons. I've kind of swayed to the side of the cylons, but that's just because of my attachment to those characters. But whatever happens, nothing can make you forget the reason why they are all actually there. The reason behind the attack of humans; the cylons. So, naturally, I can't help but agree with Gaeta on everything he's doing. It was Zarek though that pushed things further then they needed to go.

But regardless, I really don't think that they should have been killed. Maybe that's my own personal belief against the death penalty, but c'mon. That's what the brig is for.

Also...does anyone know exactly what was said between Gaeta and Baltar during the end? My DVR was wonky and muted over half of that scene.
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:01 AM
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Okay, so no-one interpreted that speech Gaeta had with Baltar and the look Baltar was giving Gaeta seconds before being shot were because he is the last Cylon? What about this line?: Gaeta: "It stopped..." As in the pain in his foot stopped 2 seconds before he died. I feel a Kara-styled reappearance for Gaeta in coming episodes.
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:07 AM
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I honestly didn't think anything of it, aside from wondering if it were Baltar having the dream sequence or Gaeta.
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:08 AM
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Well, another question I had about that scene was...did it really happen? Maybe it just happened in their minds, but would that make Baltar a cylon too? I think Alex had a theory about that, but I can't remember. I just don't know! That scene really threw me off, and it didn't help that the audio was cut off thanks to my DVR.
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:23 AM
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I elaborated on another thread: Or, his leg stopped working just before his death for the same way that Kara was either after she 'died' in her viper. She was either 'cloned' or mind transplanted into a Cylon-like body by the lost Cylons of ancient Earth for an unknown (but vague destroying us all) purpose. Perhaps those same lost Cylons from Ancient Earth that did this to Kara were doing the same thing to Gaeta. His mind could have been copied and is now inside of a new Gaeta shell somewhere. He might not be a Cylon or here's a crazy thought - all the 'Humans' are in fact Hybrids from the last few thousand years of in-breeding from the Ancient Earth Cylons. A reason why his stump and phantom leg stopped hurting could have been because his mind was already almost uploaded into the new body. Similar to how on the tv show 'Dead Like Me', when a Reaper takes the soul from a person just before their death, they feel no pain even if it is a gruesome death.

Just a thought from a few things I noticed from the last 4 episodes. That one where they were on Earth, the episode where Dualla killed herself. I think that those 'jacks' kids game she picked up were either a kids game from 200ish years ago and the reality of that child and this planet were destroyed by Cylons all those years ago were also too much for her and she killed herself. Or the crazy idea. She also remembered that she was on this planet as a child and that 'jacks' game she picked out of the sand were hers. Making her and everyone a Cylon/hybrid, it was too much for her and she killed herself.
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:38 AM
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I really don't know about the theory about Gaeta being downloaded to anything body, but I do think they are all hybrids though
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:01 AM
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All of this could be made "better" if my theory that they are all some sort of "hybrid" cylons comes true Then I know that Felix, Dee, Zerek, anyone else isn't really dead and they live on through someone else.

Some casual observations:

Are Kara and Lee the only 2 people on BSG who can shoot straight?

Like K said, this duality with Starbuck's character is extremely annoying and 2 faced. One minute she loves Lee and treats Sam like a nobody, and then Sam is shot and all of a sudden he's the "love of her life again"? Can we please just get her to be one way or another? Pick Lee or Sam and stick with it?

Romo killing the marine guard with a pen...I had to my eyes during that scene. Why was he guarded by 1 guard only? OK, so maybe they don't have the man power. Why did the guard get so close to him to get stabbed with a pen? Since when did Romo Lampkin become an "Expert" as hand to hand combat with in Jason Bourne?

All the "good guys" live and the "bad guys" get shot? I thought BSG wasn't a typical sci-fi show, but that time, they proved to be one. If they really wanted to make this "revolution" true, some of the "good guys" would have died. Heck, Tigh and Bill Adama would have been executed in the CIC.

I'm still annoyed by Laura's character. So she goes into this depression like state, but doesn't want the government to have a leader? She comes and goes like she chooses? No questions asked?

At least with the Quarrum dead, the show can stop pretending that the colonials have a "democracy" at work. It's always been a dictatorship (Adama) and now recently more of a autocracy, as in a partnership between Laura and Bill. Their word is law, whatever they say happens. If BSG would have just "made it that way" I'd buy it, and heck I'd probably support this storyline. However the fact that they've masquarading around as a democracy when in reality Bill and Laura's word is law is becoming tiresome.

I'm glad that Felix didn't come out written as some "one dimentional" villain in this storyline. He had legit reason to do what he did and he wasn't a butcher. His revolution failed b/c deep down he loved and admired Bill Adama like a father figure (as do most of the BSG junior officers) and he couldn't bring himself down to have him executed on the spot with Tigh. Then he failed to assign a marine strike team to hunt down and kill Lee and Kara. If he had done both of those thigns, he would have succeeded. However Felix was a dreamer and an idealist, which is why he didn't go about it that way.

To me the saving grace of this episode was the subplot with Tyrol...very cool to see the "inside of Galactica", crawling in the vents, etc and disabling the FTL drive...but then the big crack in the hull in the engine room...Holy Frak, the ship is a character itself, just like Serenity or the Millennium Falcon in SW. I now have a bad feeling before the show is over it's going to tear apart (just like the crew was torn apart, you can make the metaphor).

The other was the scenes with Baltar and the new Six model...Baltar having a conscience moment and doing something about it, and the scene with Felix in Felix's quarters before his execution ( or murder as I like to think of it). Felix was one of my favorite background characters and I will remember him for who he really was, not for this failed revolution plot.

I feel really badly for Richard Hatch, they totally bungled his character and made him into a "butcher" more or less, at least in my eyes. He knew what it was going to take to pull this off, but he didn't have the support of the crew like Felix did, so he couldn't do it entirely his way.

It's going to be hard to explain how Galactica can function with so many people killed (off screen as well), esp. in key positions, like Colonial Marines, officers and politicians.

That's what got to me when I saw Kara just shooting marines (in the episode before this one) without even a warning shot. Yeah go ahead Kara, kill some Marines, maybe now they'll take you seriously. Whatever. Just remember, there has to be someone left alive when this is over one way or another to run the ship and fight the cylons (you know, the REAL enemy).

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Old 02-08-2009, 11:39 AM
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Whoa big post

I agree with you and Kara They seriously need to make Kara pick because it was really bad that all of a sudden its all about Sam even if she ignored him for a bit and even kissed Lee
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:47 AM
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Yeah, I have a lot to get off my chest.

Bottom line is, I still BSG, but I wasn't happy with it the last few weeks and that is my opinion on the matter.

They do need to deal with Kara, but what also gets to me is the 'free pass' she gets on most forums that are BSG related (she has it very easy here on this board).

If that was another "less liked" character, they would probably be getting slammed with comments about it.

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Old 02-08-2009, 11:50 AM
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They have quite a lot to deal with her character, first and formost is what is she
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:52 AM
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.................and how she acts. She lives like there is NO tomorrow and like she can't make up her mind who she wants to be with.

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Old 02-08-2009, 12:10 PM
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I agree about how she's acting like that

She does need to make up her mind, she can't torture them both like this. Its been happening for seasons now and its worse on the fans I ship her with both and its just like, come on and have her with one because I'll be happy either way
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Old 02-08-2009, 12:40 PM
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I think with Kara, she is just so damn confused at the moment, she doesn't know whether she is coming or going.

Originally Posted by John Crichton (View Post)
What about this line?: Gaeta: "It stopped..." As in the pain in his foot stopped 2 seconds before he died. I feel a Kara-styled reappearance for Gaeta in coming episodes.
Hmm good theory, but I can't see it happening..

I'm very intrigued about the Government thing now...
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Last edited by crazy_diamond; 02-08-2009 at 12:47 PM
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